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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de serviços na atenção básica a satisfação do usuário na saúde da família / Health service use in primary health care 0 user satisfaction in family health

Vanessa Garcia de Paula 19 December 2011 (has links)
A Saúde da Família, estratégia adotada pelo Ministério da Saúde para reestruturação da atenção à saúde, vem sendo implementada em todo país desde 1994, buscando a mudança do modelo assistencial vigente, porém tem sido identificada a necessidade premente de ações voltadas ao monitoramento e avaliação dessa estratégia. Um dos métodos de avaliação cabíveis nessa situação é a avaliação da satisfação do usuário que é o beneficiado direto da ação de saúde. Assim, este estudo de caráter exploratório-descritivo de abordagem quantitativa tem como objetivo identificar e analisar a utilização de serviços de saúde do Distrito de Saúde Oeste no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP, especificamente: Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) e o Setor de Pronto-Atendimento da Unidade Básica e Distrital de Saúde (UBDS) de referência distrital, com vistas à duplicação e ao uso simultâneo dos serviços de atenção básica na Estratégia Saúde da Família, como expressão da insatisfação dos usuários. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas etapas, sendo a primeira de caráter mais extensivo tendo como fonte secundária as Fichas de Atendimento Médico (FAM) do Setor de Pronto-Atendimento da UDS para o mês de julho de 2010. A partir da análise dessas fichas segundo a distribuição territorial de residência dos usuários atendidos e a identificação de sua Unidade Básica de Saúde de referência, os dados da segunda etapa foram coletados. A segunda etapa constou da consulta, nas USF de referência, dos prontuários dos usuários que foram atendidos no Setor de Pronto Atendimento (PA) durante o mês de julho de 2010, identificando se o usuário havia recebido e o tipo do atendimento recebido (se médico ou de enfermagem) em sua USF de referência, o dia e horários deste, visando identificar a duplicação (utilização de mais de uma segunda vez do mesmo serviço para o mesmo problema de saúde) e o uso simultâneo da USF e da UBDS. A partir destes procedimentos se procedeu a análise do padrão de utilização dos serviços de saúde caracterizando a insatisfação do usuário quanto à atenção prestada. Para a análise dos dados coletados utilizou-se o programa SPSS, com o cálculo da frequência simples das variáveis selecionadas. Em um panorama geral observou-se um total de 13.226 atendimentos no mês de julho de 2010 no Setor de PA da UBDS de referência, sendo que 2.197 corresponderam aos atendimentos gerados por usuários oriundos das USF selecionadas para o estudo, sendo 75% desse total referentes a atendimentos médicos e apenas 25% de enfermagem. Dos 2.197 atendimentos demandados por 1.476 usuários, 51,7% foram realizados por mulheres, a faixa etária que apresentou maior percentual entre os usuários foi a de 20 a 30 anos, representando 17,8% do total de usuários, seguida por 15,2% de usuários com idade acima de 60 anos. Em relação ao horário de busca de atendimento em sua grande maioria 59,1% ocorreram no período de funcionamento das USF. Quando isolamos as USF observamos que a USF1 foi o serviço que demandou maior número de atendimentos (25,6%) ao setor de PA da UBDS de referência. Quanto ao uso simultâneo eles representaram 2,5% do total de atendimentos, realizados por 3,5% dos usuários, já para duplicação esse percentual sobre para 6,5% do total de atendimentos, realizados por 3,0% dos usuários. Estudos como este trazem outra perspectiva para avaliar a satisfação do usuário, traduzida na forma de como este pode utilizar o serviço sem precisar verbalizar a sua insatisfação ou satisfação com os serviços de saúde. / Family Health, the strategy the Brazilian Ministry of Health adopted to restructure health care, has been put in practice all over the country since 1994, aiming to change the current care model. The urgent need has been identified, however, to take action with a view to monitoring and assessing this strategy. One of the assessment methods proper in this situation is the assessment of user satisfaction, as users directly benefit from health actions. Thus, this exploratory and descriptive study with a quantitative approach aims to identify and analyze health service use in the Western Health District of Ribeirão Preto-SP, specifically: Family Health Units (USF) and the Emergency Sector of the Basic District Health Unit (UBDS), the referral unit in the district, with a view to the duplication and simultaneous use of primary care services in the Family Health Strategy, as an expression of users\" dissatisfaction. Data were collected in two phases. The first was longer and used Medical Care Forms (FAM) from the UDS Emergency Sector for July 2010 as a secondary source. Based on the analysis of these forms according to the territorial distribution of the attended users\" residence and the identification of their Primary Care Unit for referral, data were collected for the second phase. The second phase involved the consultation, at the referral USF, of the user files attended at the Emergency Sector in July 2010, identifying whether the user had received care and what type (medical or nursing) at his/her referral USF, the day and times, with a view to identifying duplication (use of the same service for the same health problem for more than two times) and the simultaneous use of USF and UBDS. Based on these procedures, the health service usage pattern was analyzed for data analysis, calculating simple frequencies for the selected variables. In a general picture, in total, 13,226 cases were attended in July 2010 at the Emergency Sector of the referral UBDS, 2,197 of which were users from the USF selected for the study, 75% of which referred to medical care and only 25% nursing care. Out of 1,476 users attended in 2,197 sessions, 51.7% involved women. The most frequent age range among the users was between 20 and 30 years, representing 17.8% of all years, followed by 15.2% of users older than 60 years. Regarding attendance time, the large majority, 59.1% occurred during USF opening hours. When isolating the USF, USF1 was the service that demanded the largest number of attendances (25.6%) from the Emergency Sector of the referral UBDS. As for simultaneous use, this represented 2.5% of all sessions, involving 3.5% of users, against 6.5% of all sessions for duplication, involving 3.0% of users. This kind of studies present another perspective for user satisfaction assessment, translated in the way users can use the service without the need to express their dissatisfaction or satisfaction with health services.

Factores de Mobile Marketing con relación a la intención de uso de aplicaciones móviles de empresas bancarias en millennials de Lima Metropolitana / Mobile Marketing factors in relation to the intention to use mobile applications of banking companies in millennials in Metropolitan Lima

Aranda Pulache, Andrea Daniela, Solis Villanueva, Milagros Mariana 27 November 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, las entidades financieras están incentivando a sus clientes a optar por canales digitales. En este sentido, los aplicativos de banca móvil permiten a los usuarios realizar transacciones en cualquier lugar y momento desde un dispositivo móvil. La presente investigación, busca identificar los factores de mobile marketing que influyen en la intención de uso y que conllevan a la satisfacción de los usuarios de banca móvil en Lima Metropolitana. Por ende, los factores considerados en la investigación son: personalización, movilidad, compatibilidad y localización. Para ello, el presente trabajo ofrece un balance bibliográfico que se centra en describir cada factor propuesto. En este sentido, se propone una encuesta digital sobre la percepción de los usuarios de la banca móvil y la elaboración de un focus group. Asimismo, se muestran las principales evidencias sobre el contenido de las principales entidades bancarias en sus redes sociales, las cuales hacen referencia a los factores de estudio. / Currently, financial institutions are encouraging their clients to opt for digital channels. In this sense, mobile banking applications allow users to make transactions anywhere and anytime from a mobile device. This research seeks to identify the mobile marketing factors that influence the intention to use and that lead to the satisfaction of mobile banking users in Metropolitan Lima. Therefore, the factors considered in the research are: personalization, mobility, compatibility and location. For this, this work offers a bibliographic balance that focuses on describing each proposed factor. In this sense, a digital survey on the perception of users of mobile banking and the development of a focus group is proposed. Likewise, the main evidence on the content of the main banking entities in their social networks is shown, which refer to the study factors. / Trabajo de investigación

Användarens attityd i förhållande till onlineshopping tjänster : Vilka aspekter är viktiga för användaren hos en onlineshopping tjänst? / The users’ attitude towards online shopping services.

Ågren, Daniel, Bengtsson, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Vid användning av en onlineshopping tjänst finns det många aspekter av tjänsten som har en påverkan på användarens attityder i förhållande till tjänsten. Men vilka aspekter är det som har störst påverkan för användarens attityd? Handlar det om att följa designregler? Att det ska vara lätt att använda? Eller att slutprodukten är exakt det som användaren vill ha? I nuläget finns det flera olika teoretiska områden som hanterar hur en användares attityd påverkas. Alla dessa olika områden har många olika aspekter och många olika idéer om vad som är viktigt men vad anser egentligen användarna? I denna studie är målet att kartlägga vilka aspekter som av användarna uppfattas ha störst betydelse för deras attityd i förhållande till online shopping tjänster. Detta kommer att göras genom litteratursökning samt en kvantitativ undersökning. Empiriinsamlingen för undersökningen sker i form av en enkät som skickas ut till flertalet respondenter via olika kommunikationskanaler så som Facebook och Discord i förhoppningar om att kunna avspegla Sveriges befolkning så väl som möjligt. Undersökningens fokus ligger på onlineshopping hemsidor och applikationer då detta är en växande industri och med åren 2020 och 2021 och deras svårigheter med hela världens befolkning i karantän på grund av den rådande pandemin, så har online shopping ökat avsevärt under denna tid. Detta innebär att företag behöver bli mer konkurrenskraftiga för att bibehålla kunder. Något som har potentialen att bibehålla kunder är då att se till så att onlineshopping tjänsterna bidrar till en positiv attityd hos sina användare. I slutet på denna rapport kommer de aspekt som har funnits vara mest attitydpåverkande att tas upp och även exemplifieras i hur det är möjligt att applicera dem. / When using an online shopping service there are a lot of aspects that can affect the attitude of the user towards the service. A service might have a great design, look very appealing and follow all the design rules which makes the users attitude more positive towards the service, but the system might be hard to use and extremely complicated which makes the users attitude more negative. How can you find out what aspects affect the users’ attitude the most? Is it only the design and the interaction with the system? Does the end product also affect the perception of the system as a whole? Is it possible that the users’ attitude towards the system also can affect their attitude towards the end product? This study aims to see what different aspects affect the users’ attitude towards an online shopping service the most. Because of the year 2020 and 2021 and their hardships, the entire world has been in quarantine because of the global pandemic. This has increased the amount of online shopping and if companies want to stay competitive they have to adjust. And what better ways to adjust than to try and make the users attitude towards their online services more positive? The way this study collects empirical data is through a google forms survey that is sent out through multiple media channels such as Facebook and Discord with hopes to try to emulate the population of Sweden as closely as possible. At the end of this paper the aspects that have been shown to be most important for the users' attitudes towards online shopping services are shown and exemplified in what they mean and how to apply them to an online shopping service.

Användarinvolveringens betydelse föranvändartillfredsställelsen : Hur påverkar användarinvolvering under förvaltningsfasenanvändarnas tillfredsställelse med informationssystem inommassa- och pappersindustrin?

Eriksson, Lisa, Kjellsson, Petter January 2020 (has links)
In the pulp- and paper industry the human dimension indesign of information systems has been underestimated andoverlooked. Research indicates that there is a gap concerninguser involvement in the maintenance phase. Therefore, thepurpose of the study is to investigate how user involvementin the maintenance phase affects the user satisfaction, withinthe pulp and paper industry. The study has a deductiveapproach with a qualitative method. A relations model wasdesigned based on the theoretic framework, the modelshows five important factors in user involvement that affectsuser satisfaction; the users opportunity to be involved, the usersinfluence, communication between user and developer, the usersattitude towards the system and organization and managementculture. We interviewed 8 users of the system PaperLine, intwo different work groups and factories. The analysisshowed that the central factor was communication betweenuser and IT-staff, since this was relevant for all the areas of thestudy. The organization and management culture need toactively encourage involvement in the system developmentwork to give the user the opportunity to get involved, this willthen increase the users influence which in turn will lead to theusers positive attitude towards the system. The findingsresulted in a new model called K-OLMII, which shows theeffect user involvement has on user satisfaction in themaintenance phase, through identified factors for the successof user involvement. / Inom massa- och pappersindustrin har den mänskligadimensionen vid design av informationssystem underskattasoch förbisetts. Forskningen indikerar även att det finns ettglapp gällande användarinvolvering i förvaltningsfasen.Därför är studiens syfte att undersöka huranvändarinvolvering i förvaltningsfasen av ett system påverkar användartillfredsställelsen inom massa- ochpappersindustrin. Studien har en deduktiv ansats medkvalitativ metod. Baserat på det teoretiska ramverketutformades en sambandsmodell som visar fem viktigafaktorer inom användarinvolvering, som påverkaranvändartillfredsställelsen; användarens möjlighet attinvolveras, användarens inflytande, kommunikation mellananvändare och utvecklare, användarens inställning till systemetoch organisations- och ledningskultur. Vi har intervjuat 8användare av systemet PaperLine, inom två olikayrkeskategorier och fabriker. Analysen visade att dencentrala faktorn var kommunikation med IT-personal, då dettavar relevant inom samtliga områden av studien.Organisations- och ledningskulturen måste aktivt uppmuntrainvolvering i systemutvecklingsarbetet för att användarenska få en möjlighet att involveras, detta ökar i sin turanvändarens inflytande vilket leder till att användaren får enpositiv inställning till systemet. Fynden resulterade i en nymodell kallad K-OLMII, som visar användarinvolveringenseffekt på användartillfredsställelsen i förvaltningsfasen, viaidentifierade framgångsfaktorer för användarinvolvering.

El uso del Bussiness Process Outsoursing (BPO) en el sector de telecomunicaciones en el Perú / The use of the Business Process Outsoursing (BPO) in the telecommunications sector in Peru

Chiuyari Osores, Antonieta 08 February 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación explora la calidad en los servicios de atención al cliente en el Perú contemporáneo. Para ello, examina cómo son procesados los reclamos telefónicos a través del de Bussiness Process Outsoursing (BPO) que en español se traduce como “Externalización de Procesos de Negocios”. Este proyecto de investigación advierte de sus disfunciones y propone soluciones. También revisa la literatura más reciente en este tema dentro y fuera del Perú. / This research project studies the standards in the customers services in modern day Peru. To do so, it explores how the call centers manage claims and interact with customers. In Peru, Business Process Outsourcing provides these services. This projects highlights some of its problems and proposes solutions. This research projects also reviews the current legal literature on this matter in and outside Peru. / Trabajo de investigación

Vytvoření a ověření nástroje pro sledování spokojenosti uživatelů s poskytovanými službami v domově pro seniory - případová studie / The creation of tools for monitoring and verification in user satisfaction with the services provided for the elderly - a case study

Antoňů, Nikol January 2019 (has links)
This Bachelor's thesis entitled The establishment and verification of tools for the tracking of user satisfaction with services provided in a retirement home is concerned with the quality of social services provided in a retirment home. The aim of the thesis is the establishment and control of a new tool for the monitoring of satisfaction of individuals living in a retirement home. In light of the aim of the thesis it will be necessary to work with the regulation n.15 Increasing the quality of social services. The thesis is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the practical parts. In the theoretical part, the services provided by the retirement home and the means by which they are evaluated are introduced. The scope of the requirements and needs of seniors living in a retirement home are also outlined. The latter part of the theoretical section is concerned with the regulations and standards of social services. Emphasis is placed on the regulation n.15 Increasing the quality of social services. The second part of the thesis is the Practical part, where the research methods of the study are detailed as well as implementation of changes in a chosen aspect of the organisation, namely with regards to the determination of user satisfaction of the service in question. It is concerned with the...

Factores del e-learning que influyen en la satisfacción y engagement del usuario

Hilario Romero, Victor Yasheen, Revilla Valdivia, Brenda Stephany 05 February 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el aprendizaje online representa un reto a la hora de encontrar nuevas dinámicas y formas de transmitir los conocimientos. La educación virtual se ha ido desarrollando como nuevo método de enseñanza, la cual hace uso de la tecnología para educar de forma remota a los alumnos, eliminando así las barreras de la distancia y tiempo. De esta manera, da la opción a los jóvenes y adultos a potenciar sus conocimientos, permitiéndoles crecer profesionalmente en el rubro en el que se desarrollen trabajando. De esta manera, la investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar los factores de los cursos online que generan en el usuario satisfacción y engagement respecto al curso. Esto se llevará a cabo mediante investigaciones relevantes, empleando métodos cuantitativos y se utilizará una muestra de 400 estudiantes que hayan llevado cursos online durante los últimos dos años. / Currently, online learning represents a challenge when it comes to finding new dynamics and ways of transmitting knowledge. Virtual education has been developing as a new teaching method, Which uses technology to educate students remotely, thus eliminating the barriers of distance and time. In this way, it gives young people and adults the chance to enhance their knowledge, allowing them to grow professionally in the field in which they are developing their work. In this way, the research aims to study the factors of online courses that generate satisfaction and commitment in the user regarding the course. This will be done through relevant research, employing quantitative methods and a sample of 400 students who have taken online courses in the past two years will be used. / Trabajo de investigación

Technology enabling knowledge workers knowledge-sharing : The case of Microsoft SharePoint

Muhaxhiri, Krenare January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study is of the interpretivist nature and it aims to examine how knowledge workers perceive their interaction with a knowledge management system when used for knowledge sharing purposes. The purpose is to offer answers to two research questions: How do knowledge workers perceive their interaction with knowledge management technology in relation to knowledge sharing? What are the benefits and challenges that knowledge workers experience in relation to knowledge managing and sharing when using a KMS system? The data was collected by applying qualitative research methods and by conducting five interviews with participants of an IT organization that has its head office in Sweden, but additional offices in other geographical locations. To be able to study the participants´ perception and the benefits of the use on both local and international levels, the interviewees were chosen from different sites in which their organization was operating. To provide the answers to these questions and to establish the foundation of this research, an extensive literature review on the problem area was carried out, and a theoretical framework has been employed to study the different aspects of this model in the context of knowledge management systems in relation to knowledge sharing among knowledge workers. As a result, additional derived attributes came from the findings and it is shown that users tend to relate knowledge quality with the completeness, frequency of update, and validity of the knowledge content that they are exposed to in the KMS. Similarly, they relate KMS quality to administrability and maintenance easiness, whereas organizational service providing quality in relation to knowledge sharing is more related to the aspects of organizational commitment and reliability. Moreover, the findings show that participants relate their intention to use the KMS to the attributes of convenience and practicality, and the levels of user satisfaction were in this case mainly related to the user´s perception of usefulness. Lastly, the perception of the benefits and reciprocal value-creating for both the organization and the individual was examined and the findings show that the users tend to relate these to the aspect of relevance, or in other words that the benefits are only perceived as useful by the user if they are identifiable, respectively the user being aware of the benefits and perceiving them as relevant.

Customer Attitudes Towards the Use of Intelligent Conversational Agents

Sohail, Maarif January 2022 (has links)
Intelligent conversational agents (ICAs) are artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled systems that can communicate with humans through text or voice using natural language. The first ICA, “Eliza,” appeared in 1966 to simulate human conversation using pattern matching. Commercial ICAs appeared on the AOL and MSN platforms in 2001 and aided in developing advanced AI and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Since then, ICAs have progressively appeared in consumer products and services. Their success depends on the user’s experience and attitude towards these services. This research examines customer attitudes towards ICAs through a theoretical framework of integrated Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Task Technology Fit Theory (TTF). By exploring user experience via an experiment that engages end-users with ICA’s different functions and tasks, this study examines user perception of ICA’s AI capabilities, such as Conversation Ability, Friendliness, Intelligence, Responsiveness, Task Performance, and Trust. This research investigates how customer satisfaction with ICA capabilities and perceived task technology fit influence their intention to use ICAs. A field survey of 380 Canadian end-users utilizing ICAs on the websites of five large Canadian telecom service providers enabled empirical testing of the model. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Correlations between the Net Promoter Score Subgroups and Video Streaming Quality / Korrelationer mellan undergrupperna hos Net Promoter Score och videostreamingkvalitet

Gustafsson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The video streaming business has grown substantially during the last decades. To optimize the user experience in video streaming, it is important to know how the user satisfaction relates to the technical qualities for the video streaming services, such as bufferings and startup times.  The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely used management tool used in surveys to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. The users are categorized into three user groups based on a survey question. This thesis investigates whether it is possible to find correlations between the three user groups based on NPS ratings and measured technical qualities from video streams. Initial data exploring through information visualization suggested that the data should be separated into live streams and video-on-demand. Statistical analysis showed that the NPS user groups have no correlations to how long the users are watching the streams, nor to how long the video takes to start. The results showed, that the users watching live streams seem to be more sensitive to lower qualities than those watching video- on-demand. However, this could also be due to the fact that the measured technical qualities during live streams are generally lower. The buffering and the seek time proved to have correlations to the measured user satisfaction, but several other factors such as the actual video content could also have big impacts on the user’s ratings. The users which had experienced more buffering and longer seek times were more likely to rate the service with a lower score, than the average user. / Mängden videor som streamas över Internet har ökat väsentligt under de senaste årtiondena. För att kunna optimera upplevelsen för de som streamar videor är det viktigt för företagen som erbjuder dessa tjänster att veta hur kundnöjdheten relaterar till de tekniska egenskaperna. Dessa kan inkludera faktorer såsom buffring och starttider. Net Promoter Score (NPS) är ett verktyg som används inom många olika branscher för att mäta kundnöjdhet och lojalitet. Användarna delas in i tre grupper beroende på hur de svarar på en enkätfråga. Detta examensarbete undersöker huruvida det är möjligt att hitta korrelationer mellan kundnöjdhet baserad på de tre användargrupperna från NPS-verktyget och uppmätta tekniska kvaliteter från en streamingtjänst. Efter att inledande informationsvisualiseringar påvisade skillnader mellan live-strömmar och video-on-demand har dessa grupper hanterats separat. Statistisk analys visade att de tre NPS-grupperna inte har några korrelationer med starttiden eller hur länge användarna tittar på videor. Resultatet visade även att användarna som tittar på live-strömmar verkar vara känsligare för lägre tekniska kvaliteter än de som tittar på video-on-demand. Detta kan dock även bero på att de uppmätta tekniska egenskaperna under live-strömmarna generellt är lite lägre. Buffringen och söktiden visade sig ha samband med den uppmätta kundnöjdheten, men flera andra faktorer, såsom det faktiska videoinnehållet, kan också ha en inverkan på användarnas betyg. Användarna som hade upplevt mer buffring och längre söktider var mer benägna att ge tjänsten ett lägre betyg än den genomsnittliga användaren.

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