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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivitetsanalys och förbättringsstrategier på underhållssystem för tillverkande industrier / Efficiency analysis and improvement strategies for maintenance systems in manufacturing industries

Chabi, Marian, Durovic, Milena January 2024 (has links)
Den moderna tillverkningsindustrin är i ständig förändring för att möta kraven från samhället och marknaden. Industri 4.0 har introducerat en ökad digitalisering och automatisering, vilket kräver smidiga och effektiva system för inrapportering för att hantera den ökande komplexiteten. Integreringen av Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) och Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) möjliggör insamling och visualisering av realtidsdata för att optimera produktionsprocesserna. Trots detta möter industrier hinder vid implementering av ERP-system, vilket minskar potentialen för optimal användning. Dessa utmaningar inkluderar brist på noggrann analys och planering, otillräcklig användarutbildning samt systemutvecklares tendens att prioritera teknik- eller produktanpassning framför användaranpassning. Denna studie fokuserar på att identifiera problem vid implementering av ERP-system samt utforska strategier för att optimera systemets användning. Forskningsfrågan som denna studie bevarar är: Vilka faktorer är väsentliga vid implementering av ERP-system inom tillverkande industrier för att uppå en mer optimal användning och uppföljning? Studien genomförs på Scanias nya gjuteri och företagets störningsuppföljningssystem, EBBA. Med hjälp av empiriska data, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer på gjuteriet, samt stödjande litteraturstudier har ett resultat framställts. En framgångsrik implementering av ERP-system kräver användarvänliga system, kontinuerlig utbildning, kommunikation, ständigt förbättringsarbete, engagerat ledarskap samt resurstillgänglighet. För ledande tillverkningsföretag som Scania AB, Volvo AB, Saab AB och Volvo Cars AB utgör ett effektivt inrapporteringssystem en central del för att förbättra produktionskapaciteten och stärka konkurrenskraften. Genom att möjliggöra optimal användning och störningsidentifiering kan företagen effektivisera tillverkningsprocesserna och förbättra kvaliteten på sina produkter. Detta bidrar även till den hållbara utvecklingen och de globala målen, till exempel SDG 8 “Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt”, SDG 9 “Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur" och SDG 12 “Hållbar konsumtion och produktion”. / The modern manufacturing industry is constantly changing to meet the demands of society and the market. Industry 4.0 has introduced increased digitization and automation, which requires smooth and efficient reporting systems to manage the growing complexity. The integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) enables the collection and visualization of real-time data to optimize production processes. However, industries face obstacles in the implementation of ERP systems, which reduces the potential for optimal use. These challenges include a lack of thorough analysis and planning, insufficient user training, and a tendency among system developers to prioritize technological or product adaptation over user-centric design. This study focuses on identifying problems in ERP system implementation and exploring strategies to optimize system usage. The research question addressed in this study is: What factors are essential in the implementation of ERP systems in manufacturing industries to achieve a more optimal usage and follow-up? The study is conducted at Scania's new foundry and the company's disruption monitoring system, EBBA. Using empirical data from semi-structured interviews and observations at the foundry, along with supportive literature studies, a conclusion has been drawn. Successful ERP system implementation requires user-friendly systems, continuous training, communication, continuous improvement efforts, committed leadership, and resource availability. For leading manufacturing companies such as Scania AB, Volvo AB, Saab AB, and Volvo Cars AB, an efficient reporting system is essential to improve production capacity and enhance competitiveness. By enabling optimal usage and disruption identification, companies can streamline manufacturing processes and improve the quality of their products. This also contributes to sustainable development and global goals, such as SDG 8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth", SDG 9 "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure" and SDG 12 "Responsible Consumption and Production".

New networking paradigms for future wireless networks

Shams Shafigh, A. (Alireza) 29 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract With the current technological advancements, stage is being set for new ultra-responsive and robust 5G-enabled applications (e.g., virtual reality, Tactile Internet,…) to deliver critical real-time traffic. The emergence of such critical applications requires new networking models that can handle more connected devices with super high reliability and low latency communications. In the view of these research challenges, this thesis aims to propose new techno-economic models and networking paradigms needed in the redesign of wireless network architectures and protocols to support the connectivity requirements by which operators and users effectively benefit from new opportunities introduced by 5G-enabled applications. In this thesis, new paradigms in wireless network access are presented and analyzed. First, dynamic network architecture (DNA) is introduced, where certain classes of wireless terminals can be turned temporarily into an access point (AP) anytime while connected to the Internet. In this concept, a framework is proposed to optimize different aspects of this architecture. Furthermore, to dynamically reconfigure an optimum topology and adjust it to the traffic variations, a new specific encoding of genetic algorithm (GA) is presented. Then, a distributed user-centric spectrum sharing is developed based on DNA networks to enable user-provided access points pervasively share the unused resources. Next, a flexible cloud-based radio access network (FRAN) is proposed to offload traffic to DNA networks in order to provide low latency communications. In the sequel of the thesis, as a new paradigm, a context-aware resource allocation scheme based on adaptive spatial beamforming and reinforcement learning is proposed. In addition, semi-cognitive radio network (SCRN) as a new spectrum sharing model is developed to improve the utility of primary and secondary owners. / Tiivistelmä Nykyaikaisilla teknologisilla edistysaskeleilla mahdollistetaan uusien 5G-pohjaisien erittäin lyhyen vasteajan ja suuren luotettavuuden sovelluksien ilmestyminen kriittisen reaaliaikaisen informaation välittämiseen (esim. taktiiliset ja virtuaalitodellisuus-sovellukset). Näiden kaltaiset sovellukset vaativat uudenlaisia verkottumismalleja, jotka kykenevät käsittelemään enemmän laitteita suurella toimintavarmuudella ja matalalla latenssilla. Tämä väitöskirja ehdottaa näiden haasteiden valossa uusia teknis-taloudellisia malleja ja verkottumisparadigmoja, joita tarvitaan verkkoarkkitehtuurien ja -protokollien uudelleensuunnittelussa tulevaisuuden sovelluksien tarpeet huomioiden, joiden kautta operaattorit ja käyttäjät voivat hyödyntää tulevien 5G-sovelluksien tuomat mahdollisuudet. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään ja analysoidaan uusia paradigmoja langattomaan verkkoliityntään. Ensimmäisenä esitellään dynaaminen verkkoarkkitehtuuri (dynamic network architecture, DNA), missä tietyt langattomat terminaalit voidaan väliaikaisesti muuttaa liityntäpisteiksi milloin vain internetyhteyden ollessa käytettävissä. Tämän konseptin puitteissa ehdotetaan viitekehys sen eri osa-alueiden optimoimiseksi. Tämän lisäksi esitetään uusi spesifinen geneettisen algoritmin (GA) koodaus optimaalisen topologian dynaamiseen konfigurointiin ja sen säätämiseen tietoliikenteen määrän mukaan. Tämän jälkeen esitellään kehitetty hajautettu käyttäjäkeskeinen spektrinjako, joka perustuu DNA-verkkoihin ja joka mahdollistaa käyttämättömien resurssien kokonaisvaltaisen jakamisen käyttäjien kautta. Seuraavaksi työssä ehdotetaan joustavaa pilvipalvelu-pohjaista liityntäverkkoa (flexible cloud-based radio access network, FRAN) käyttäjädatan purkamiseksi DNA-verkoille matalalatenssisen tietoliikenteen tarjoamiseksi. Edellä mainittujen menetelmien seurauksena ehdotetaan uutta paradigmaa: Kontekstiriippuvaista resurssien allokointia perustuen adaptiiviseen spatiaaliseen keilanmuodostukseen ja vahvistusoppimiseen. Näiden lisäksi kehitetään uusi spektrinjakomalli puolikognitiivisille radioverkoille (semi-cognitive radio network, SCRN) ensisijaisien ja toissijaisien käyttäjien utiliteetin parantamiseksi.

以使用者中心概念,發掘企業創新來源? - 以趨勢科技為例 / Discover the source of corporate innovation by adopting user centric design methodology? - A study of Trend Micro Technology

趙伯鈞, Chao, Po Chun Unknown Date (has links)
什麼是創新的來源,許多人會認為創新來自於更好的產品功能或是更高階的設計概念。然而,也有人會認為創新來自於使用者。 如果創新來自於使用者,那麼我們是否可以要求他們描述自己的需要,便可以知道如何創造新的產品或服務呢? 從上述例子我們可以推論,使用者不一定明白知道自己真正的需要,若沒有完善的輔佐機制,使用者無法成為產品/服務創新的來源。 本研究發現,深入瞭解使用者的情境脈絡,可以發現新的創新來源。為了分析使用者的情境脈絡如何影響到組織對於資訊安全的需求,本研究調查六個來自不同產業的個案,並檢驗不同使用者的情境脈絡,如何影響到該組織對與資安的看法與行為。 事實上,個案的田野調查真實地呈現了如何將使用者的”洞見”轉化成產品/服務創新的最佳來源。來自五個不同產業的個案不但展現了大相逕庭的資安痛點,同時也廣泛地觸及了五個在未來具有高度發展潛力的領域,資安相關人員所關心的資安議題。 本研究強調,當我們試著瞭解使用者在不同產業處理資安議題時,深入地探索與思考使用者所處的情境脈絡時,我們一定會發掘到許多產品/服務創新的機會,以及相對應的組織管理議題。 / What are the sources of innovation? Many people would consider better technical functions or superior industrial designs as innovations. Currently, more people would argue that innovative ideas come from users. Therefore, if we ask users to describe their needs, we will know how to innovate our products or services. But, users’ inputs might not always be right because they might not know what they really want. Our research suggests that ideas of innovation may better be inspired by user’s local practices. To analyze how local practices may influence an organisation’s security requirements, this paper presents five case studies and examines the contextual details affecting the expectations of different organizations. Indeed, this field study illustrates how customers’ insights could become a rich source of product/service innovation. It not only underscores the security pain points in each firm, but also exposes broader security issues in five different market segments. The findings indicate that when we come to appreciate how users make sense of computer security in their actual business situations, we are able to identify viable ideas for innovation in products, services and organization management.

Improving the Visibility and the Accessibility of Web Services. A User-Centric Approach.

Drivas, Ioannis C. January 2017 (has links)
The World Wide Web provides a well standing environment in any kind of organizations for exposing online products and services. However, no one ensures that web products or services which provided by organizations or enterprises, would receive the proper visibility and accessibility by the internet users. The process of Search Engine Optimization examines usability in design, architecture and content that an internet-based system has, for improving its visibility and accessibility in the web. Successful SEO process in an internet-based system, which is set under the paternity of an organization, ensures higher recognition, visibility and accessibility for the web services that the system provides to internet users. The aim of this study characterized with a trinity of axes. In the first axe, an internet-based system and the web services that provides is examined in order to understand its initial situation regarding its visibility and accessibility in the web. In the second axe, the study follows a user-centric approach on how and in what way the examined system could be improved based on its users’ needs and desires. After the encapsulation of needs and desires that the users expressed as regards the usability of the system in design, architecture and content, the third axe takes place. In the third axe, the extracted needs and desires of users are implemented in the under-examined system, in order to understand if its visibility and accessibility has improved in the World Wide Web.For the completion of this trinity of axes, the Soft Systems Methodology approach is adopted. SSM is an action-oriented process of inquiry which deals with a problematic situation from the Finding Out about the situation through the Taking Action to improve it. Following an interpretative research approach, ten semi-structured interviews take place in order to capture all the participants’ perceptions and different worldviews regarding of what are the changes that they need and desire from the examined system. Moreover, in this study, the conduction of three Workshops, constitute a cornerstone for implementing systemically desirable and culturally feasible changes where all participants can live with, in order to improve system’s visibility and accessibility in the internet world. The results indicate that the adoption of participants’ needs and desires, improved the levels of usability, visibility and accessibility of the under examined internet-based system. Overall, this study firstly contributes to expand the knowledge as regards the process of improving the visibility and accessibility of internet-based systems and their web services in the internet world, based on a user-centric approach. Secondly, this study works as a practical toolbox for any kind of organization which intends to improve the visibility and accessibility of its current or potential web services in the World Wide Web.

Retweet Profiling - Study Dissemination of Twitter Messages

Rangnani, Soniya January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Social media has become an important means of everyday communication. It is a mechanism for “sharing” and “resharing” of information. While social network platforms provide the means to users for resharing/reblogging (aka retweeting), it remains unclear what motivates users to share. Predicting the spread of content is quite important for several purposes such as viral marketing, popular news detection, personalized message recommendation and on-line advertisement. Social content systems store all the information produced in the interactions between users. However, to turn this data into information that allows us to extract patterns, it is important to consider the different phenomena involved in these interactions. In this work, two phenomena that influence the evolution of networks are studied for Twitter: diffusion of information and communication among users. Previous studies have shown that history of interaction among users and properties of the message are good attributes to understand the retweet behavior of users. Factors like content of message and time are less investigated. We propose a prediction model for retweet actions of users. It formulates a function which ranks the users according to how receptive they are to a particular message. The function generates a confidence score for the edges joining the initiator of the message and the followers. Two different pieces of information propagate through different users in the network. We divide the task of calculating confidence score into two parts. The first part is independent of the test tweet. It models transmission rate of the tie between the initiator and the follower. We call this as ‘Pairwise Influence Estimation’. The second part incorporates the tweet properties and user activeness as per time in the ranking function. The proposed model exploits all the dimensions of information dif-fusion process-influence, content and temporal properties. We have captured local aspects of diffusion. It has been observed that users do not read all the messages on their site. This results in shortcomings in the above models. Considering this, we first study the temporal behavior of users’ activities, which directly reflects their availability pertaining to the upcoming post. Also, as it is a continuous task of predicting retweet behavior, we design a user-centric, and temporally localized incremental classification model by considering the fact that users do not read all their tweets. We have tested the effectiveness of this model by using real data from Twitter. We demonstrate that the new proposed model is more accurate in describing the information propagation in microblog compared to the existing methods. Our model works well when we consider different classes of users depending on their activity patterns. In addition, we also investigate the parameters of the model for different classes of users. We report some interesting distinguishing patterns in retweeting behavior of users.

A User-Centric Tabular Multi-Column Sorting Interface For Intact Transposition Of Columnar Data

Miles, David B. L. 12 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Many usability features designed in software applications are not procedurally intuitive for software users. A good example of software usability involves tabular sorting in a spreadsheet. Single-column sorting, activated with a mouse click to a column header or toolbar button, often produces rearranged listings that reduce cognitive organization beyond the sorted column. Multi-column sorting, generated through menu-driven processes, provides derived organization, however, locating feature options through menu-based systems can be confusing. A means to overcome this confusion is prioritized selection of database arrays issued to columnar displays for the purpose of intact transposition of data. This is a unique process designed as a user-centric tabular multi-column sorting interface. Designed within this experimental software application is a "trickle down" logic perceived as a navigation rule. The design offers logic associated with decision choices as used to pursue a software solution. The solution in this instance is a compiled resultant of separate and distinct columnar data sorting. The design was initially implemented in a software application housing thousands of examination scores. Observations of the design concept's effectiveness in practice led to further investigation through this master's thesis. To validate the research design, research participants were introduced to an example of traditional database sort/selection with practice examples. These users were also provided sorting exercises to reinforce the discussed concepts--both experimental and traditional. Finally, a survey questionnaire allowed them to provide feedback about the different task methods for sorting as well as the experience of using these dissimilar methods. The hypothesis was not validated through the research survey. Consideration of observations of the design in a production environment for four years, however, provided impetus to suggest further research of the design concept.

Designprinciper och användarupplevelse inom streamingtjänster / Design principles and user experience in streaming services

Todorovic, Dragana, Aktan, Petrus, Lundberg Puglia, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersöker betydelsen av god användarupplevelse inom streamingtjänster. För att utforska detta område ytterligare kommer syftet med studien att fokusera på hur designprinciper kan förbättra användarupplevelsen för streamingtjänster samt vilka av dessa designprinciper som bör beaktas för att förbättra användarupplevelsen bland streamingtjänster. För att samla in data genomfördes användbarhetstester på två olika streamingtjänster, där 8 olika personer fick utföra olika uppgifter på de utvalda streamingtjänsterna. Efter att testerna slutfördes ställdes några uppföljningsfrågor för att utforska vissa uppgifter ytterligare, beroende på resultatet. Alla tester spelades in med samtycke från personen som utförde testet. Resultatet av testerna noterades och analyserades senare. Data som insamlades ledde till slutsatsen att de designprinciper som utmärkte sig mest och hade störst inverkan på testpersonernas användarupplevelse var navigationsdesign, konsistens och feedback samt synlighet. Studien vänder sig till personer som arbetar inom områden såsom användargränssnittsdesign och interaktionsdesign men även till systemvetare, UX-designers, och till och med webbdesigners. Andra användare som är intresserade av användarupplevelse och användbarhet i gränssnitt, till exempel de som arbetar inom gränssnittsutveckling eller liknande områden. Denna studie initierades med att sammanställa olika teorier om varför Netflix har en sådan fördel gentemot andra streamingtjänster och varför många föredrar Netflix framför andra streamingtjänster. Vi har använt en kvalitativ metod för att samla in vår information där vi har analyserat teorin med den empiriska data vi har fått. / The study explores the importance of user experience within streaming services. To explore this area even further the purpose of the study will focus on how design principles can improve the user experience for streaming services and which of these design principles should be considered to improve the user experience among streaming services. To gather data, usability testing on two different streaming services was conducted on 8 different people where they did different tasks on the chosen streaming services. After the tests were done some follow up questions were made to explore some tasks even further, depending on the result. All the tests were recorded with the consent of the person who did the test. The result of the tests was later noted and analyzed. The data led to the conclusion that the design principles that stood out the most and had the biggest impact on the tester’s user experience was navigation design, consistency, and feedback as well as visibility. The study is aimed at people who work in the areas that are being studied by us for example, User interface designers, system scientists, UX designers and interaction designers. Also, other users that are interested in user experience and usability in interfaces, for example those who work in interface development or similar areas. This study began by compiling various theories as to why Netflix has such an advantage over other streaming services and why many people prefer Netflix over other streaming services. We have used a qualitative method for collecting our information where we have analyzed the theory with the empirical data we have received.

Hur autentiseringsregler kan bli användarvänliga : En systematisk litteraturstudie inom autentiseringsreglers användarvänlighet / How authentication policies can become user friendly

Malmström, Villy Malmström, Ringdahl, Tobias, Uhlmann, David January 2024 (has links)
The human factor often plays a significant role in cyberattacks targeted against organisations. Therefore, controlling user behaviour is critical to companies’ cybersecurity strengthening efforts. A method used by companies for this is information security policies (ISP). User compliance is required for policies to be able to regulate user behaviour, but research suggests that compliance is often low. This study aims to improve authentication rules in ISP development by executing a systematic literature review. It does this by providing recommendations on how to better capture the user perspective based on the reviewed literature and the collected policies from the public sector.  First a database search was conducted then backwards snowballing, which left us with 61 accepted articles that then underwent coding and ultimately a thematic analysis. This process identified eight key themes: authentication stress, password strength, password changing, password sharing, password reuse, password storage, user guidance and policy design. With these themes in hand, each area could be analysed and compared to corresponding area from the collected policies. This revealed discrepancies between the research and the organizational policies, enabling recommendations on how to improve policies from a user-based perspective to be put forward. The study is limited to authentication rules found in information security policies and excludes rules that might be found in different documents. Additionally, the systematic literature review is limited to digital databases.

使用者導向研究:從工作脈絡與客戶痛點中 設計雲端安全的創新 -以趨勢科技使用者洞見計畫為例 / Protecting the cloud: Use the work practice and pain points to find customer insight

劉宛婷, Liu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
電腦病毒的演化瞬息萬變,特別是近年來,駭客在有利可圖的動機驅使下,逐漸形成了專業分工的產銷供應鏈,讓病毒的演化速度和變種數量以指數型成長。攻擊事件數量不斷竄升,資訊安全市場理應增加不少機會,但多數防毒廠商經常對這樣的市場機會望洋興嘆,每年花費數億金額,動員研發團隊提出新產品、新版本、新服務,使用者卻始終興趣缺缺。供需兩方認知差異讓防毒軟體廠商面臨龐大開發費用的損失,也讓企業持續存在於不定時資安風險的恐懼之中。 資安軟體公司在產品研發前,做足使用者需求蒐集流程工作,依照使用者描述所進行開發的產品,為什麼卻不是客戶需要的?本研究以質性研究法觀察國內一家電腦防毒廠商的新產品開發過程,更以為期一年的行動研究方式參與該公司使用者洞見計畫(Customer insight program),結合跨部門團隊的智慧和力量,以雲端運算的資安機會為主題進行客戶觀察和新產品構思。 經過一年的行動研究蒐證,本研究指出使用者導向設計的迷思,並強調瞭解工作脈絡對於系統性產品創新的重要性。由於系統性產品複雜程度較高,使用處於分工較細的系統運作流程之下,往往不自覺工作特殊之處,也難以確切表達總體需求。本研究的分析方式則透過使用者工作脈絡,即以客戶的商業模式和雲端運用的特殊情境,其次定義使用者於脈絡中獨特的痛點,進而找到創新機會。 使用者雖然是創新的來源,但是本研究發現,使用者不一定能知道自己的需求,唯有瞭解他們的工作實務,瞭解使用者在特定工作情境的痛點,才能化痛點為創新的亮點。研究貢獻上,補強現行使用者研究的三大方向,分別是使用者假設的不同、產品面設計的不同與創新來源不同。實務貢獻上,本研究提供複雜度較高的系統產品廠商在使用者導向設計流程之建議,以及企業中各部門如何透過使用者創新設計思維發揮價值所在。 / The rate of rapid evolution in computer virus results in an increase of computer crime and business attack incidents. Opportunities in the information security market began to grow and expected to exceed $125 billion USD by 2015, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts. In this situation, anti-virus company tried everything they can to launch high-technology, fancy, and more powerful product every year. But they found customer is always lack of interest in their new products. This not only makes the loss on large investment in software development for anti-virus company, and also makes enterprise customers continuously at the risk of data stolen and computer virus attacks. By asking users what they want and trying really hard to listen to them before the development, however the product still hasn』t meet the customer needs? This research is based on qualitative method and action research project to investigate an anti-virus company』s product development process and customer insight programs. The one year project was cooperated with company internal cross-functional team and focused on 『Protecting the cloud』 topic. There are three cases was selected in the final. In order to know the user』s working context in the high-complexity information security product system. The analysis structure in three cases used four steps to find out. First of all, identify the enterprise user』s business model. Secondly, observe their local knowledge in cloud computing usage. Thirdly, clarify the organization's unique pain points. The last but not the least, find the potential security opportunities for innovation. While user becomes a significant source of innovation, the study shows that users don』t necessarily know their own needs. Only to understand customer』s work practices, pain points under specific working situations, and use design thinking to make the pain points to transform into fit customer needs. The research emphasized the importance of local context in innovation theory and reinforced the inadequacy part of the lead user theory. Key words: User-centric innovation, Product innovation, Service innovation, Cloud computing, Anti-virus software, Qualitative research, Action research

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