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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Central Asian Security: With a Focus on Kazakhstan

Bragg, Marcus 01 May 2014 (has links)
This work focuses on the influence of terror, extremism, trafficking and corruption on the regional security of Central Asia, with a particular emphasis on Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is regarded as the most stable and financially developed state in Central Asia, yet domestic and regional stability are threatened by the rise in extremism, narcotics trafficking, institutional corruption and acts of terrorism. The challenges of trafficking and extremism within the region originated from outside of Central Asia. Foreign organizations and ideologies are significant actors in progression of regional instability. Government response to these challenges can perpetuate or stymie the aforementioned threats to regional security. Repressive regimes inadvertently contribute to the propaganda of the non-state foes. A prominent solution is the international program referred to as border management. This program aims to support border security while also promoting economic growth and ensuring the protection of human rights. Improved borders promotes regional security, economic growth can potentially undermine the growth of corruption and human rights protection can undermine a large part of extremist propaganda.

Ultrasonic testing of components produced with additive manufacturing : Towards improved detection and classification of defects / Ultraljudsprovning av komponenter tillverkade med additiva metoder : Mot förbättrad detektering och klassificering av defekter

Sahl, Mikael January 2024 (has links)
The focus in this work is on the use of ultrasonic testing as a method for inspecting components manufactured through additive manufacturing (AM) processes. The research is rooted in the need for effective non-destructive testingtechniques that can adapt to the unique challenges posed by AM-produced materials, including complex defect geometries and surface conditions. Ultrasonic testing is a versatile form of non-destructive testing, offering theability to detect internal flaws, such as voids, cracks, and inclusions, with highprecision and in real-time. Unlike many competing methods, ultrasonic testing works on most types of materials. Ultrasonic testing has been applied forinspection purposes for a long time. Now with emerging manufacturing methods, there is a need for evaluation techniques to keep up with this development.New data processing algorithms open up possibilities of extracting more information from the acquired signal. The thesis provides a review of UT’s capabilities in detecting and classifyingdefects within AM components, with a particular emphasis on the subtletiesintroduced by the layer-by-layer construction method inherent to AM technologies. The work advances development and validation of simulation modelsaimed at predicting the ultrasonic response from manufactured defects. Thesemodels are crucial for understanding the interaction between ultrasound wavesand material anomalies, offering insights into the potential for enhanced defectdetection strategies. The research also explores the practical case of integrating UT into the quality assurance processes by relying on mathematical simulation rather than experimental data. The findings suggest avenues for the refinement of creation of inspection procedure, including the the use of meta-models to cheaply acquire worst-case scenario defects, to better accommodate the specificities of AM materials. / Den här avhandlingen handlar om ultraljudsprovning av additivt tillverkade metalkomponenter. Ultraljud är en av flera metoder som används för att detektera defekter i komponenter utan att förstöra komponenten i processen. Samlingsnamnet för dessa metoder är oförstörande provning. Oförstörande provning är en viktig pusselbit i samhällets säkerhet då det möjliggör identifiering och utvärdering av potentiella defekter i material, vilket förebygger olyckor och strukturella fel. Vidare är det en viktig del inom hållbar utveckling genom att maximera nyttjandet av komponenter då dessa inte behöver ersättas med ett överdrivet försiktigt underhållsintervall. Ultraljudsprovning fungerar genomatt ultraljud introduceras in i en komponent, varefter en givare registrerar ekon som uppstår när ljudvågorna interagerar med eventuella defekter. Detta möjliggör både lokalisering och storleksbedömning av defekter, t.ex. sprickor, bindfel eller porer. Resultaten av den här avhandlingen syftar till att ge förutsättningar för att förbättra tolkningen av dessa signaler, dels genom att experimentellt validera simuleringsmodeller, samt tillämpning av dessa modeller för att utveckla en metamodell för att prediktera amplitudsvaret från en mängd defekter inom en viss parameterrymd. Med verktyg som detta kan billigare inspektionsprocedurer möjliggöras genom att man till större del kan förlita sig på simulering av signaler snarare än att skaffa stort underlag med experimentell data. / <p>Paper A, B and C are not included in the eletronic version. Paper C is under submission.</p>

Fritidshemslärares uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om fritidshemslärares profession, status och undervisning / The mission of leisure center teachers : A qualitative study of leisure center teachers' profession, status and teaching

Hansson, Chris, Larsson, Hannes January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med detta forskningsinriktade arbete var att belysa hur fritidshemslärare beskriver sin profession, sitt uppdrag och deras status inom skolväsendet. Detta arbete tar sin utgångspunkt ur en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer där åtta respondenter från två olika skolor deltagit. Forskningens framtagna text utifrån intervjuerna har kategoriserats med hjälp av tematisk analysmodell, för att hitta mönster i respondenternas svar där samtliga framtagna kategorier färgkodats. Kategorierna som framkommit har sedan analyserats mot analysbegreppen social jämförelse och in- och ut-grupper, då tidigare forskning visat på klyftor mellan fritidshemslärare och klasslärare, där en upplevd statusskillnad framhävs som bidragande orsak i kombination med bristande förståelse för varandras uppdrag. Studiens resultat synliggör flera brister, både vad gäller förståelsen för uppdraget, förutsättningar för att arbeta kvalitativt i kombination med en haltande samverkan som styrs av den statusskillnad som vi fått fram i vårt resultat. Resultaten indikerar även på en vision och vädjan om en bredare samverkan över gränserna mellan fritidshemslärare och klasslärare för att höja kvaliteten och arbeta främjande för en förståelse för varandras uppdrag, med en jämlik status mellan professionerna som utgångspunkt. Våra resultat indikerar att de statusskillnader som idag råder, härstammar från en profession som omfattar en otydlighet i uppdraget, där statusen blir signifikant och avgörande, vilket härleder frågan till det organisatoriska ledarskapet inom skolväsendet. I denna studie benämner vid lärare i fritidshem som fritidshemslärare.

Interactions between water-bodies and atmosphere at regional to global scales / A network analysis and climate modeling approach

Ekhtiari, Nikoo 10 October 2019 (has links)
Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, mithilfe zweier Herangehensweisen, das Verständnis der Zusammenhänge verschiedener physikalischer Prozesse des Klimasystems zu verbessern. Im ersten Teil verwende ich Klimanetzwerke zu die gemeinsame Abhängigkeit von Meeresoberflächentemperaturen (SSTs) und Niederschlägen in Hinsicht auf globale charakteristiken und räumlichen Muster untersuchen. In diesem Kontext ist die El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) das wichtigste Phänomen, welches großskalig SSTs und Niederschläge beeinflusst. Durch meine Analyse decke ich kurz und weitreichende Verbindungen auf und zeige deren Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen ENSO-Phase (El Nino, La Nina, neutrale Phase). Darüber hinaus werden durch die Kombination einer diskreten Wavelet-Transformation mit dem Konzept der gekoppelten Klimanetzwerkanalyse die skalenspezifischen Verbindungen aufgelöst, die bei der ursprünglichen Auflösung der Daten oft übersehen werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit verwende ich Simulationen des COnsortium for Small scale MOdeling (COSMO) Climate Limited-area Modell (CCLM) und untersuche die Auswirkungen des Sobradinho-Stausees. In dieser Arbeit benutzen ich das Flake Modell, um das vertikale Temperaturprofil des Sees zu bestimmen. Durch die Einbettung des Flake Modells in das CCLM konnte ich den Sobradinho-Stausee untersuchen. Dabei simuliere ich zwei verschiedene Szenarien. Die Simulationsergebnisse verifiziere ich mithilfe meteorologischer Daten von Oberflächen- und Satellitenmessungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der See sowohl die bodennahe Temperatur als auch Wind- und Luftfeuchtigkeitsmuster der Umgebung beeinflusst. Zudem wird die Luftfeuchtigkeit durch den See erhöht und bewirkt Seewinde. Die Effekte des Sees auf die Luftfeuchtigkeit und temperaturen beschränken sich nicht nur auf die Nähe des Sees, sondern auch auf relativ weit entfernte Gebiete. / This dissertation aims at improving our understanding of the mechanisms of interactions between physical processes within the climate system via two different approaches. In the first part, I have utilized climate networks to understand the mutual interdependence between sea surface temperatures (SST) and precipitation (PCP) in terms of global characteristics and spatial patterns. In this context, the globally most relevant phenomenon is the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which strongly affects large-scale SST variability as well as PCP patterns all around the globe. My analysis uncovers both local and remote statistical connections and demonstrates their dependence on the current ENSO phase (El Niño, La Niña or neutral phase). Furthermore by combining time-scale decomposition by means of a discrete wavelet transform with the concept of coupled climate network analysis unravel the scale-specific connections that are often overlooked at the original resolution of the data. In the second part of this thesis, I have focused on simulations with the COnsortium for Small scale MOdeling (COSMO) Climate Limited-area Model (CCLM) and investigate the effects of Lake Sobradinho, a large reservoir in Northeastern Brazil, on the local near-surface atmospheric and boundary layer conditions. In this thesis, the FLake model (Freshwater Lake model) is applied for obtaining the lake’s vertical temperature profile. I have simulated two alternative scenarios. The performance of the simulation is compared with data from surface meteorological stations as well as satellite data. The obtained results demonstrate that the lake affects the near-surface air temperature of the surrounding area as well as its humidity and wind patterns. Moreover, the humidity is significantly increased as a result of the lake’s presence and causes a lake breeze. The observed effects on humidity and air temperature also extend over areas relatively far away from the lake.

Über Erdbeben - Ein Versuch zur Erweiterung seismologischer Darstellungsweisen

Dombois, Florian 14 October 1998 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Verständnis und der Erkenntnis von Erdbeben. Es ist der Versuch, sich diesem Naturereignis anzunähern und es auf unterschiedliche Weisen zu begreifen: (i) Was eigentlich ist ein Erdbeben? Was macht es aus? Worin besteht seine Faszination? (ii) Wie wurden und werden Erdbeben in der europäischen Text- und Bildtradition dargestellt? (iii) Welches Verhältnis besteht zwischen der Form der Darstellung und dem Inhalt 'Erdbeben'? Wie verändert sich das Phänomen, wenn die Darstellungsform sich verändert? (iv) Und schließlich: welche Form scheint am geeignetsten, um Erdbeben darzustellen? Um diesen Fragen nachzugehen, untersucht die Arbeit 16 Beispiele auf das ihnen immanente Verhältnis von Form und Inhalt. Die Beispiele werden dabei so ausgewählt, daß sich ein möglichst breites formales Spektrum ergibt: Neben den heute üblichen Formen der Erdbebendarstellung, die am Beispiel der Reaktion auf das Erdbeben von Kobe behandelt werden (§ 13 Seismologischer Artikel, § 14 Pressemeldung, § 15 Erdbebensimulator im Natural History Museum, London), beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit Beispielen sowohl aus der griechischen Tradition (§ 1 Poseidon-Mythos, § 2 Aristoteles' 'Meteorologica'), als auch aus der römischen (§ 3 Senecas 'Naturales Quaestiones', § 4 'Aetna'), als auch aus der christlichen (§ 5 'Bibel', § 6 Thomas von Aquins Aristoteles-Kommentar, § 7 Apokalypse-Illustrationen aus dem Hochmittelalter); desweiteren wird eine Gruppe von Darstellungen untersucht, die nach dem Erdbeben von Lissabon 1755 entstanden sind (§ 8 Bänkellieder, § 9 Voltaire, § 10 Kupferstiche von Le Bas, § 11 Kant, § 12 John Michell). Am Ende der Sammlung wird der Science-Fiction Roman 'Richter 10' von Clarke und McQuay (§ 16) näher betrachtet. In einem abschließenden Resüme beklage ich, daß die Form naturwissenschaftlicher Darstellung unsinnlich und verfügend ist. Die Dissertation soll daher in einen Gegenentwurf münden, und so reflektiert das letzte Kapitel (§ 17) die Erfahrung der 16 vorangegangen. Ich schlage hier die Transponierung der Erdbewegung in das Akustische vor und führe dies exemplarisch für ein Beben aus Chile von 1994 durch. Eine Reihe weiterführender Überlegungen zeigt, daß über die formale Dimension hinaus die akustische Transformation auch inhaltlich vielversprechend ist: Weitab vom naturwissenschaftlichen mainstream nämlich bringt diese ganz neue Form die Möglichkeit mit sich, die Frage der Erdbebenprognose auf ungewohnte Weise zu stellen, und somit tut sich hier parallel zu einer neuen Darstellungsform auch ein neues Forschungsfeld auf. / The dissertation in hand is engaged in the understanding and cognition of earthquakes. Essentially it is the attempt to draw near the natural phenomenon and to broaden our conception of it: (i) What actually is an earthquake? What makes it up? Why might it be fascinating? (ii) How were and how are earthquakes depicted in the textual and pictoral tradition in Europe? (iii) How is the form of depiction related to the content 'earthquake'? How does the phenomenon change when the form of depiction is altered? (iv) And last not least: which form seems to be most suitable for the depiction of an earthquake? According to the above questions 16 'earthquake-depictions' are sampled to investigate the relation between form and content. The attempt is made to provide a collection of great diversity in form: Today's usual manner of earthquake depiction is represented by the reaction, the earthquake of Kobe has received (§ 13 seismological article, § 14 press releases, § 15 earthquake simulator in the Natural History Museum London); then there are chosen: two samples of the Old Greek tradition (§ 1 myth of Poseidon, § 2 Aristoteles' 'Meteorologica'), further two from the Roman tradition (§ 3 Seneca's 'Naturales Quaestiones', § 4 'Aetna'), and two from the Christian tradition (§ 5 'Bible', § 6 Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle's 'Meteorologica'); furthermore there are some samples looked upon that show reaction on the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 (§ 8 shocking ballads, § 9 Voltaire, § 10 copper engravings of Le Bas, § 11 Immanuel Kant, § 12 John Michell). Last not least the science fiction novel 'Richter 10' by Clarke and McQuay (§ 16) is examined. Finally I complain that the manner of scientific depiction is 'un-sensual' and disposing. Therefore the dissertation is meant to flow into a counter-project. The last chapter scrutinizes the experience of the investigations before under a wider angle. In consequence I suggest to investigate an acoustical transponation of the earth's movements. An example of the new kind of sound that emerges from that is drawn from a 1994 earthquake in Chile. A range of further considerations show that not only the form of the acoustical transformation seems promising but also its content: far from the mainstream of seismological research the new acoustic form renders the question of earthquake prediction in a unusual but new and fairly easy way. All of this results in me hoping that the releasing of this new form of depiction triggers of a new field of scientific research at the same time.

LHCb Upstream Tracker box : Thermal studies and conceptual design

Mårtensson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will have a long shut down in the years of 2019 and 2020, referred to as LS2. During this stop the LHC injector complex will be upgraded to increase the luminosities, which will be the first step of the high luminosity LHC program (which will be realized during LS3 that takes place in 2024-2026). The LHCb experiment, whose main purpose is to study the CP-violation, will during this long stop be upgraded in order to withstand a higher radiation dose, and to be able to read out the detector at a rate of 40MHz,compared to 1MHz at present. This change will improve the trigger efficiency significantly. One of the LHCb sub-detectors the Trigger Tracker (TT), will be replaced by a new sub-detector called UT. This report presents the early stage design (preparation for mock-up building) of the box that will be isolating the new UT detector from the surroundings and to ensure optimal detector operation. Methods to fulfill requirements such as light and gas tightness, Faraday-cage behavior and condensation free temperatures, without breaking the fragile beryllium beam pipe, are established. / LHC (Large Hadron Collider) kommer under åren 2019-2020 att ha ett längre driftstopp. Under detta driftstopp så kommer LHC's injektionsanordningar att uppgraderas för att kunna sätta fler protoner i circulation i LHC, och därmed öka antalet partikelkollisioner per tidsenhet. Denna uppgradering kommer att vara första steget i "High Luminocity LHC"-programmet som kommer att realiseras år 2024-2026. LHCb-experimentet, vars främsta syfte är att studera CP-brott, kommer också att uppgraderas under stoppet 2019-2020. Framför allt så ska avläsningsfrekvensen ökas från dagens 1MHz till 40MHz, och experimentet ska förberedas för de högre strålningsdoser som kommer att bli aktuella efter stoppet 2024-2026. En av LHCb's deldetektorer, TT detektorn, kommer att bytas ut mot en ny deldetektor som kallas UT. Den här rapporten presenterar den förberedande designen av den låda som ska isolera UT från dess omgivning och försäkra optimala förhållanden för detektorn. Kraven på den isolerande lådan och tillvägagångssätt för att uppfylla dessa krav presenteras. / LHCb, LS2 and LS3 Upgrade


EDUARDO WRIGHT CARDOSO 04 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Recurso pictórico elaborado no século XVIII, a cor local amplia seu escopo original relativo ao campo pictórico e passa a compor e regular a produção textual de escritores, historiadores, literatos e viajantes. Seu emprego em suportes textuais desenvolve e acentua a dimensão visual da narrativa e, portanto, pode ser concebido como uma expressão moderna das antigas associações entre cor e palavra, narrativa e pintura. O objetivo desta tese é, pois, investigar o emprego da cor local em tipos discursivos diversos, notadamente nas obras de José de Alencar e Euclides da Cunha, salientando a dimensão visual implícita ao recurso narrativo. A fim de compreender o investimento narrativo na visualidade, é válido recuperar, a partir da Antiguidade, os modos de ver e fazer ver que comportam topoi como o ut pictura poesis e o ut pictura historia, construções como a sunopsis e a enargeia, além de expedientes como, entre outros, a autópsia e a écfrase. A cor local, eis a hipótese inicial desta tese, incorpora e expressa parte destes modos e recursos e, portanto, é capaz de reproduzir e reelaborar, na época moderna, o anseio visual por meio da narrativa. A pesquisa pelos modos de ver e fazer ver requer, como temáticas relacionadas que perpassam este estudo, a consideração do estatuto e da importância atribuída à visão e ao olhar como elementos cognitivos e comprobatórios, além das relações entre sujeito e objeto na constituição do conhecimento. As produções ficcional de Alencar e factual de Euclides permitem, então, demonstrar tanto a amplitude do recurso narrativo, empregado em tipos discursivos diversos, quanto as variações relacionadas ao seu uso, ou seja, como a delimitação de uma determinada paisagem altera o conteúdo da forma da cor local. / [en] Pictorial device designed in the eighteenth century, the local color has expanded its original scope for the pictorial field and begins to compose the production of historians, writers and travelers. Its use in textual media develops and enhances the visual dimension of the narrative and can be considered as a modern expression of the ancient associations between color and word, narrative and painting. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the use of local color in different discursive types, especially in the works of José de Alencar and Euclides da Cunha, stressing the implicit visual dimension to the narrative device. In order to understand the narrative investment in visuality it is worthed to recover from antiquity the ways of seeing and make see that includes topoi as the ut pictura poesis and ut pictura historia, resources like sunopsis and enargeia, and expedients as, among others, the autopsia and ekphrasis. The initial hypothesis of this thesis is that the local color expresses these modes and features and therefore is able to reproduce and redevelop, in modern times, the visual desire through narrative. The search for ways of seeing and make see requires, as related themes that pervade this study, the consideration of the status and the importance attributed to the vision as a cognitive element and proving, beyond the relations between subject and object in the constitution of knowledge. The fictional writings of Alencar and factual writings of Euclides allow then to demonstrate both the extent of the narrative device, employed in various discursive types, as the variations related to its use, that is how the delimitation of a particular landscape changes the contents of the form of the local color.

Towards a measurement of the angle γ of the Unitarity Triangle with the LHCb detector at the LHC (CERN) : calibration of the calorimeters using an energy flow technique and first observation of the Bs0 -> D0K*0

Martens, Aurélien 09 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
A ce jour la détermination de l'angle γ du Triangle d'Unitarité de la matrice de Cabibbo-Kabayashi-Maskawa est statistiquement limitée par la rareté des transitions b→ u. La précision obtenue en combinant les résultats des expériences BABAR et BELLE est proche de 10°. L'expérience LHCb auprès du LHC présente un fort potentiel d'amélioration pour ce paramètre de violation de CP, notamment via la désintégration Bd0 -> D0K*0, un des canaux clés de cette mesure. Les désintégrations D0 -> Kπ, D0 -> Kππ0 et D0 -> Kπππ sont étudiées dans cette thèse. L'utilisation de désintégrations faisant intervenir des π0 nécessite un bon étalonnage en énergie des calorimètres électromagnétiques. Une méthode d'étalonnage intercellules du ECAL basée sur le flux d'énergie, permet d'obtenir une inter-calibration de l'ordre de 1,5 %, l'échelle d'énergie absolue étant obtenue par des méthodes indépendantes non étudiées ici. La détermination du rapport d'embranchement de la désintégration Bs0 -> D0K*0, première étape du programme aboutissant à la mesure de la violation de CP dans le canal Bd0 -> D0K*0, est réalisée relativement au rapport d'embranchement de Bd0 -> D0ρ0. Le résultat final obtenu avec 36 pb−1 de données collectées par LHCb en 2010 reste dominé par l'erreur statistique :BR(Bs0 -> D0K*0)/BR(Bd0 -> D0ρ0) = 1, 48 ± 0, 34 (stat) ± 0, 15 (syst) ± 0, 12 (fd/fs).

Ditt Nya Hageby : En governmentalitystudie i ett bostadsocialt projekt / Ditt Nya Hageby : A governmentality study in an urban community work project

Pettersson, Mats January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis discuss the matter of non-profit-making associations as a self regulatory technique out of a theoretical concept of power. The object for the study is the non-profit-making association Ditt Nya Hageby, which work in the neigborhood of Hageby, a suburb to Norrköping. In the study the association is placed in a contemporary postmodern social context and analyzed through semi- structured qualitative interviews, accordingly to hermeneutical method, with five active members of the association as informants. The association consists of members who lives in the neighborhood. Together with a hired organizer they realizes their own ideas in to projects which unquestionably improves the social and physical enviroment in Hageby. The author of this thesis, however argues their activities also can be looked at in a normative way concerning social order in a non-compelling sence. Thus the author means that the association, in this particular sense, could be understood theoretically by implying Michel Foucaults govermentality concept. In order to reach the final conclusion the informants experience concerning sense of community and identity in relation to Ditt Nya Hageby is analyzed. Further theoretical framework is provided by Ferdinand Tönnies concepts of gemeinschaft/gesellschaft and Jürgen Habermas civil publicity. The paper also accounts for what the authorbelieves to be the ideological/methodological basis for Ditt Nya Hageby’s activities by presenting and discussing the"from the inside out"-perspective which is recomended by John P. Kretzman&John.L McKnight regarding the reconstruction, in a wider sense, of exposed neigborhoods.</p>

Reclaim Aspergern! : Hur individer med Aspergers syndrom förhåller sig till sin diagnos och sin funktionsnedsättning i sin blogg.

Mattsson, Tove, Andersson, Anna Karin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att med kvalitativ metod försöka förstå hur individer medAspergers syndrom förhåller sig till sin diagnos och sin funktionsnedsättning i sinblogg. I en ambition att nå ett inifrånperspektiv kom bloggtexter att analyserasenligt en tolkande fenomenologisk ansats (IPA). Stor vikt har lagts vid att förhållasig till etiska riktlinjer för Internetforskning och att behålla bloggskribenternaskonfidentialitet. Det senare medförde till exempel att citat från bloggtexterna inteförekommer i arbetet. I bloggtexterna har dels tre mer genomgående temanutkristalliserats. Dessa är diagnosen Aspergers syndrom, kompenserandet förfunktionsnedsättningen och bloggandet i sig. Dels har tre mer komplexa ochövergripande teman identifierats som dessutom kan utgöra tre olika blickar tillvilka bloggskribenterna förhåller sig. Samhällets blick ger individen möjlighet attkomma ut som Asperger, kollektivets blick ger individen möjlighet att reclaimaAspergern och individens blick hanterar individens konst att vara normal.</p>

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