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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Pence-ive narration of a gendered vice-presidency

Deckard, Trent 07 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis analyzes the gender narrative surrounding the vice-presidency and the 2016 election. It reviews the traditional feminine gender roles assigned to the vice-presidency and as evidenced in Governor Mike Pence’s participation in a 60 Minutes interview, nomination speech at the 2016 national convention, and vice-presidential debate. Furthers the work of Bostdorff, who argued that the vice presidency has a traditional feminine role where vice-presidential figures and potential aspirants use strategies of celebration, confrontation, vindication, and submission to fulfill a gendered role in service to a highly masculine presidency. Suggests that the realities of the 2016 election allowed for these strategies, although in a different form given the nature of the campaign and a Trump candidacy.

Devious, dashing, disturbing : fallen men in Victorian novels, 1860-1900

King, Stephanie, 1976- January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Mentoring in the Careers of Women Deans and Vice Presidents in Four-Year Public and Private Institutions of Higher Education.

Bowyer-Johnson, Patricia L. 01 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
A qualitative study examined the role of mentoring in the career paths of women deans and vice presidents in four-year public and private institutions of higher education. This study explored the impact of mentoring in assisting women to achieve their career objectives; the impact of a mentor's gender; the impact of having a mentor versus not having a mentor; and a description of mentoring by each participant. Participants were selected systematically via professional contacts of the researcher and the Higher Education Directory (2000). 15 women deans and vice presidents in four-year public and private institutions of higher education consented to participate in the study. An interview guide was used to create a consistent method of questioning yet questions were open-ended to allow for flexibility during the interview process. Ten of fifteen women participant's indicated they had received mentoring during their careers. Five women interviewed did not receive mentoring during their careers. Their career paths and levels of achievement were similar to the women who had female mentors.

Understanding Gender Diversity in Nigerian Public University Leadership: A Focus on Vice Chancellors Position

Gloria, Kurga January 2022 (has links)
A university community encompasses persons of diverse backgrounds such as ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and languages. There are 209 universities in Nigeria, making it the country with the highest number of universities in Africa. 105 of these universities are public universities. Public universities are owned, managed, and funded by the Government (Federal or State). Nigeria is a patriarchy state where women are under represented in all career sectors, be it health economy, political, traditional, faith or academics. Fewer women have emerged as Vice-Chancellors since 1948 when the first University was established in Nigeria. As at August 2022, there are only 8 female Vice chancellors in Nigerian public universities which presents a case to investigate. This research aims to study the possible underpinning for the under-representation of women as Vice Chancellors in Nigeria public universities. Due to the interest of this research, the paper takes a social constructivism approach to understand how these realities are constructed by academics. A qualitative research method was employed. Nine (9) professors including men and women were interviewed from the academic field: four women and five men. Three (3)former Vice Chancellors (women), one former VC (man) and five academic professors. The writer used a thematic technique to analyze findings from the interview. The interview findings show that; the academic world is male dominated, there is a general society stereotype, poor lobbying strength from the female professors in a not transparent system, and low career choices by females to become academics.

Wharton's Library: For Born Readers Only

Primisch, Christine 09 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Maternite et sexualite dans les oeuvres choisies d’Emile Zola / Maternity and sexuality in selected works of Emile Zola

Rangasamy, Radha 10 1900 (has links)
Sexualité et maternité occupent un espace prépondérant dans l’oeuvre de Zola. Cet écrivain honni ou adulé du 19ème siècle semble avoir été très influencé par son entourage et son époque. Il était entouré de trois femmes qui l’ont beaucoup influencé à différentes étapes de sa vie : sa mère, sa femme et sa maîtresse. Mais on ne peut réduire cette influence à son milieu familial ! En effet, plusieurs littéraires ont forgé ses idées sur la maternité et la sexualité : Balzac, Michelet, Stendhal… A la lecture de ses écrits, nous constatons qu’il voit en la maternité un acte sacré. En revanche, l’avis de l’auteur naturaliste sur la sexualité est plus ambigu. En effet, il donne l’air de la dédaigner, d’avoir en horreur ceux qui ne jurent que par le vice. Mais paradoxalement, Zola fait de la sexualité un de ses thèmes de prédilection. Si bien qu’il se verra affublé de l’étiquette de pornographe. Zola a-t-il finalement horreur de la sexualité, comme il le prétend ? Ou est-il au contraire un obsédé sexuel ? / Maternity and sexuality are among the main themes of the work of Emile Zola. Despised as well as admired, this author of the nineteenth century seems to have been much influenced by his life experiences and his epoch. It seems that the fact that he has been living mainly among women Ŕ his mother, maternal grand-mother, wife and mistress Ŕ has greatly influenced his perceptions about maternity and sexuality. However, we should not obliterate that the fact that his readings of some authors have also contributed to his ideas about these two themes, mainly Balzac, Michelet and Stendhal. Zola has got a fixed idea about maternity : it’s a sacred act whose purity should be preserved. He firmly believes that a mother should make all sorts of sacrifices for her child, including her sexual life. It becomes however more difficult for us to determine how Zola perceives sexuality. He surely pretends to dislike any sexual activity but on the other hand, he writes profusely about sexuality in his work. Quite ambiguous… / Classics and World Languages / M. A. (French)

Relation entre le sentiment d'empowerment et l'insertion professionnelle de nouveaux directeurs et directeurs adjoint d'établissement d'enseignement primaire et secondaire

Chevrier, Jocelyne 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à augmenter les connaissances sur le processus d’insertion professionnelle des nouveaux directeurs et directeurs adjoints du primaire et du secondaire au Québec lors de la première année en fonction. Pour mieux connaître cette étape de la vie professionnelle, quatre dimensions du processus d’insertion professionnelle ont été étudiées : la nature de la tâche, le contexte d’exercice, le soutien et l’accompagnement et les caractéristiques motivationnelles. Le sentiment d’empowerment des nouveaux gestionnaires a été étudié simultanément afin d’examiner leur motivation à exercer la nouvelle fonction. La question générale de la recherche était de savoir si la mesure du sentiment d’empowerment utilisé pour traiter de la motivation pouvait apporter de l’information sur la façon dont se vit le processus d’insertion professionnelle des nouveaux directeurs et directeurs adjoints d’établissement d’enseignement. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de dix nouveaux directeurs et directeurs adjoints d’établissement. Une conception de l’insertion professionnelle en tant que processus ayant été retenue, chaque participant a été rencontré à trois moments au cours de l’année scolaire, soit quelques semaines après l’entrée en fonction, au milieu de l’année et à la fin de celle-ci. Lors de chaque rencontre, les participants ont été interrogés à l’aide d’une grille d’entrevue semi-dirigée sur les quatre dimensions du processus d’insertion professionnelle mentionnées précédemment. Ils complétaient par la suite un questionnaire pour mesurer le sentiment d’empowerment. Ce questionnaire est une adaptation validée par Boudreault (1990) d’un outil développé par Tymon (1988). La recherche tend à confirmer l’utilité du sentiment d’empowerment comme source d’information sur le déroulement du processus d’insertion professionnelle. Ainsi, des relations semblent possibles entre le sentiment d’empowerment et certains aspects étudiés. Il s’agit de relations qu’il faudra cependant analyser avec de plus grands échantillons pour les valider. Tout d’abord, concernant la nature de la tâche, les constats indiquent que les directeurs adjoints affichant les meilleurs sentiments d’empowerment géraient moins de dossiers différents et que la plupart des dossiers dont ils étaient responsables faisaient appel à des habiletés développées antérieurement lors d’affectation intérimaire ou lors de leur participation à des comités à titre d’enseignants. De plus, ces participants avaient moins de gestion de personnel à effectuer, et particulièrement au regard du personnel de soutien. Ensuite, une tendance marquée a ensuite été constatée en ce qui concerne le soutien et l’accompagnement. Il est apparu que les participants (directeurs et directeurs adjoints) avec les meilleurs sentiments d’empowerment étaient ceux qui bénéficiaient du meilleur soutien et accompagnement de leur supérieur immédiat. Puis, en ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques motivationnelles, les participants exprimant les meilleurs sentiments d’empowerment se sentaient plus capables d’accomplir leur tâche et remettaient moins en question l’exercice de leur fonction. La recherche a indiqué d’autres relations possibles entre le sentiment d’empowerment et certains aspects des dimensions de l’insertion professionnelle, qui bien que moins marquées dans l’échantillon, mériteraient d’être approfondies dans des travaux futurs. Il s’agit de la relation entre le sentiment d’empowerment et le climat organisationnel de l’établissement, de la marge de manœuvre consentie dans l’exercice de la fonction et de la motivation des directeurs adjoints à postuler à un poste de directeur. Finalement, la recherche a mis en lumière la conviction des nouveaux directeurs de vivre une nouvelle phase d’insertion professionnelle et la différence entre les tâches des directeurs adjoints du primaire et ceux du secondaire. / This research contributes to the discussion regarding the induction process of new Québec elementary and high school principals and vice-principals during the year following their appointment. To understand better this stage in one’s career, we analyzed four of its main components: the nature of newly assigned professional responsibilities, working conditions and context, the degree of support provided by direct supervisors and the school board, and new vice-principals and principals’ motivational characteristics. Simultaneously, this research evaluated individuals’ feeling of empowerment, in order to measure their motivation to carry on their new positions. The main goal was to determine whether the degree of principals and vice-principals’ perceived empowerment could provide information about how they are experiencing their professional induction. Ten incoming Québec elementary and high school principals and vice-principals were met through a process of semi-structured interviews. Seeing the notion of “professional induction” as a process, rather than a discrete moment in one’s career, each participant was interviewed on three occasions over the course of the school year: a few weeks after the participant took office, halfway through the school year, and at the end of the school year. During each interview, participants answered questions relating to the four components of the professional induction process that were previously mentioned. They were then asked to fill in a written questionnaire designed to measure their own perceived level of empowerment. The questionnaire used was an adaptation by Boudreault (1990) of a tool initially developed by Tymon (1988). This research seems to confirm the usefulness of the feeling of empowerment as an indicator of how professional induction is unfolding. More precisely, the findings suggest that there exist correlations between the degree of perceived empowerment and certain aspects of the four components of the professional induction process under study. Further studies with larger samples will nevertheless be necessary in order to validate these findings. Firstly, vice-principals with the highest levels of perceived empowerment were those with less variety in files to manage and who were mainly responsible for files that required skills they had already developed during previously-held interim positions or during their participation in committees as teachers. These vice-principals also had fewer responsibilities relating to human resources management, and particularly few responsibilities regarding support staff. Secondly, results regarding the quality of support available to the participants showed a marked tendency. Indeed, participants (both principals and vice-principals) with the highest levels of perceived empowerment were those who reported having received satisfactory support from their direct supervisor. Thirdly, participants with the highest levels of perceived empowerment were those who felt more able to satisfy their professional responsibilities and who questioned less whether they ought to remain in their current positions. The findings also suggest links between individuals’ perceived empowerment and other aspects of their professional induction process that, while less clear from the present research, deserve further investigation. These other aspects include the school’s organizational climate, the level of discretion given to new vice-principals and principals, and whether vice-principals plan to apply for positions as principals. Finally, the research has highlighted new principals’ belief that they are experiencing a unique induction process in their career and the differences between the tasks of elementary and high school vice-principals.

Řídící struktura vysokých škol / Management structure of universities

Obergruber, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Title of the Master's Thesis: The management structure of universities Abstract: Master's Thesis "The management structure of universities' mapping key organizational elements in universities in Czech Republic, both in terms of internal point of view and from outside view from different institutions that are linked to universities, control them or are otherwise tied to their existence. These organizational elements are also compared to the practice of business management and key moments are shown, where the practice of business organizations differs from universities. As part of familiarizing with the organizational structure the analysis of the number of managerial staff was performed both in absolute numbers and relative to the number of students at selected universities. Finally, interviews were conducted with senior managers of these universities to compare their experiences of college life. Key words: College, university, Accreditation Commission, management, rector, dean, vice-rector, vice- dean, financing, organizational structure, the Higher Education Act

Essai sur un critère de distinction des nullités en droit privé / Essay on a distinction criterion of nullities in private law

Sadi, Damien 12 September 2013 (has links)
L’étude d’un critère de distinction des nullités est-elle désuète ? Tant s’en faut. S’inscrivant dans lecontentieux de la théorie des nullités, le critère de distinction actuel est couramment dénoncé.À ce jour, il est enseigné qu’une théorie « moderne » aurait renversé une théorie « classique »distinguant les nullités relatives et absolues selon la gravité du vice de l’acte. Aussi le critère actuel de« l’intérêt protégé » propose-t-il de scinder les nullités selon l’intérêt que la loi décide de préserver.Ici, la nullité est relative lorsque seul un intérêt particulier est protégé par le législateur. Là, unenullité absolue est préférable quand l’intérêt général a guidé l’objectif législatif dans l’édiction de larègle.Séduisant, ce critère n’en demeure pas pour autant convaincant. L’excès condamnable de rigidité ducritère organique laisse place à un excès de souplesse du critère de l’intérêt protégé tout aussiblâmable. Comment distinguer l’intérêt général de l’intérêt privé ? Bien plus, y a-t-il un intérêt àprotéger quand le législateur exige une condition matérielle de formation de l’acte comme la cause oul’objet ? Par où l’on voit qu’à l’insécurité juridique du critère s’adjoint l’artifice des classifications qu’ilengendre. Insatisfaisant, le critère de l’intérêt protégé doit être réprouvé.L’approche historique, essentielle pour comprendre l’origine de la distinction, dévoile la chronologieerronée des théories esquissées. S’ensuit l’abandon d’un critère palliatif pour la substitution d’uncritère plus effectif, dont le fondement n’instaure pas une hiérarchie entre les conditions de formationou les intérêts protégés. Mises sur un pied d’égalité, les nullités seraient distinctes en raison des vicesqui les provoquent, pris dans leur nature, et non dans leur gravité. Fondé sur la nature du vice,personnelle – si le vice affecte le consentement –, matérielle ou illicite – si le vice altère le contrat –,ce nouveau critère de distinction des nullités autoriserait une classification ternaire, avec un régimespécifique à chaque vice. Il permettrait également la redécouverte d’une pluralité de natures desnullités, en tant que sanction ou remède. L’harmonie des catégories s’en trouverait ainsi instaurée, labipolarité décriée abandonnée et la nature véritable des nullités restaurée. / Is the search for a distinction criterion of nullities obsolete ? Far from it. Lying within the litigation ofdoctrine of nullities, the current distinction criterion is frequently denounced.To date, it is taught that a "modern" theory would have reversed a "classical" theory, distinguishingrelative nullities (voidable) from absolute ones (void) according to the gravity of the act’s defect.Therefore, the "protected interest" criterion proposes dividing up nullities according to the interestthe law decides to protect. Here, nullity is relative when a specific interest alone is protected by thelawmaker. There, an absolute nullity is preferred, when general interest guided the legislative purposewhile enacting the rule.Appealing, this criterion does not remain, however, convincing. The blameworthy excess of rigidity ofthe organic criterion makes room for an as much blameful excess of flexibility of the protected interestcriterion. How to distinguish general interest from specific interest ? Furthermore, is there an interestto be protected when the lawmaker demands a material condition for the formation of the act such asthe cause or the object? In any case, to the juridical insecurity of the criterion is affixed the device ofbred classifications. Unsatisfactory, the protected interest criterion must be reprobated.Historical approach, essential for understanding the origin of the distinction, expose the erroneouschronology of the sketched theories. Follows the abandonment of a palliative criterion for a moreeffective one, whose foundation does not establish a hierarchy between the conditions of formation orthe protected interests. Treated on an equal footing, nullities would be distinct because of the defectsthat father them, taken in nature, not in their severity. Based on the nature of the defect, personal – ifthe defect affects the consent –, concrete or illicit – if the defect impairs the contract –, this newdistinction criteria of nullities would allow a ternary classification, with a specific plan for each vice. Itwould also allow the rediscovery of a plurality natures of nullity, as a sanction or remedy. Harmony ofcategories would find itself instituted, disparaged polarity abandoned and true nature of nullitiesrestored.

Maternite et sexualite dans les oeuvres choisies d’Emile Zola / Maternity and sexuality in selected works of Emile Zola

Rangasamy, Radha 10 1900 (has links)
Sexualité et maternité occupent un espace prépondérant dans l’oeuvre de Zola. Cet écrivain honni ou adulé du 19ème siècle semble avoir été très influencé par son entourage et son époque. Il était entouré de trois femmes qui l’ont beaucoup influencé à différentes étapes de sa vie : sa mère, sa femme et sa maîtresse. Mais on ne peut réduire cette influence à son milieu familial ! En effet, plusieurs littéraires ont forgé ses idées sur la maternité et la sexualité : Balzac, Michelet, Stendhal… A la lecture de ses écrits, nous constatons qu’il voit en la maternité un acte sacré. En revanche, l’avis de l’auteur naturaliste sur la sexualité est plus ambigu. En effet, il donne l’air de la dédaigner, d’avoir en horreur ceux qui ne jurent que par le vice. Mais paradoxalement, Zola fait de la sexualité un de ses thèmes de prédilection. Si bien qu’il se verra affublé de l’étiquette de pornographe. Zola a-t-il finalement horreur de la sexualité, comme il le prétend ? Ou est-il au contraire un obsédé sexuel ? / Maternity and sexuality are among the main themes of the work of Emile Zola. Despised as well as admired, this author of the nineteenth century seems to have been much influenced by his life experiences and his epoch. It seems that the fact that he has been living mainly among women Ŕ his mother, maternal grand-mother, wife and mistress Ŕ has greatly influenced his perceptions about maternity and sexuality. However, we should not obliterate that the fact that his readings of some authors have also contributed to his ideas about these two themes, mainly Balzac, Michelet and Stendhal. Zola has got a fixed idea about maternity : it’s a sacred act whose purity should be preserved. He firmly believes that a mother should make all sorts of sacrifices for her child, including her sexual life. It becomes however more difficult for us to determine how Zola perceives sexuality. He surely pretends to dislike any sexual activity but on the other hand, he writes profusely about sexuality in his work. Quite ambiguous… / Classics and World Languages / M. A. (French)

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