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Les contrats de vente d'équidés de sport et de courses / Contracts for the sale of sport and racing horsesDuteil, Margaux 08 December 2016 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, les équidés font l’objet d’intérêts nombreux en tant que richesse patrimoniale. Ces attributs conférés par le droit de propriété permettent l’établissement de conventions de natures variées, comme la vente. L’intérêt est donc de révéler pourquoi l’établissement d’une vente (à l’essai, à l’amiable, aux enchères publiques ou privées, sur internet, judiciaires volontaires ou forcées, après saisie ou à réclamer) sur un équidé soulève tant de difficultés depuis quelques années. La vente de chevaux est soumise à l’interaction de plusieurs codes (Code civil, Code rural, Code de la consommation). Ces textes prévoient de nombreuses divergences avec un meuble inanimé. Parallèlement, la pratique a mis en place des techniques (comme la visite vétérinaire qui précède l’achat) permettant aux contractants de s’engager en connaissance de cause. Par ailleurs, l’application d’une garantie de deux ans (véritable frein à la vente de chevaux) prévue par le code de la consommation dans les ventes conclues entre un professionnel vendeur et un acquéreur amateur. Par conséquent, la multiplicité des qualifications juridiques, en général, et la soumission à des garanties inadaptées, en particulier, incitent le vendeur professionnel à s’évincer des conventions. Désormais, le meilleur gage de protection consisterait à rédiger très précisément le contrat / At present, horses are the subject of many interests as heritage wealth. These attributes conferred by the right of ownership allow the establishment of conventions of various natures, such as sale. The interest is therefore to reveal why the establishment of a sale (trial, amicable, public or private auctions, on the internet, voluntary or forced judicial, after seizure or to claim) on an equine raises so many difficulties in recent years. The sale of horses is subject to the interaction of several codes (civil code, rural code, consumer code). These texts foresee many divergences with an inanimate piece of furniture. At the same time, the practice has put in place techniques (such as the veterinary visit that precedes the purchase) enabling contractors to make an informed commitment. Moreover, the application of a two-year guarantee (a true brake on the sale of horses) provided for by the consumer code in sales between a sales professional and an amateur purchaser. Consequently, the multiplicity of legal qualifications, in general, and the submission to inadequate guarantees, in particular, incite the professional seller to vindicate conventions. From now on, the best guarantee of protection would be to write the contract very precisely
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L'imagerie morale italienne (v.1315 - v.1415) : figurer et personnifier les vertus selon les ordres mendiants et les communes toscanes. / The Italian Moral Imagery (c.1315-c..1415) : Represent and personify Virtues according to the Mendicant Orders and the Tuscan CommunesCosnet, Bertrand 24 September 2011 (has links)
L’imagerie morale connaît un essor considérable dans la péninsule italienne entre 1315 et 1415. Les ordres mendiants, notamment les franciscains, les dominicains et les augustins, sont les principaux promoteurs du renouveau de ce thème. Intégralement tournés vers l’étude et la propagation de la morale, ces trois ordres entrent en concurrence les uns avec les autres sur la question des vertus. Chez les laïcs, les villes mettent en œuvre une imagerie cohérente dressant le portrait de communes vertueuses destinée à légitimer les gouvernements et à dénoncer les régimes tyranniques. À partir d’un corpus iconographique riche (plus de 700 images), l’étude des vertus et des vices se propose de dégager la fonction et la signification des personnifications dans l’art italien à la veille de l’époque moderne. L’analyse des images met à jour les notions qui travaillent les figurations des vertus : les procédés artistiques consistant à figurer des valeurs morales ; la dimension édifiante et mnémonique des personnifications ; les échos et les écarts entre les personnifications et les exemplifications ; le phénomène de vulgarisation de la morale par l’image. / The moral imagery knows an exceptional development in the Italian Peninsula between 1315 and 1415. The mendicant orders, in particular the Franciscans, the Dominicans and the Augustinians, are the main instigators of the revival of this theme. Completely turned towards the study and the propagation of morality, these three orders are in competition on the matter of virtues. Among the laymen, cities initiate a coherent imagery drawing the portrait of virtuous communes intended to legitimate the governments and to denounciate the tyrannical systems. From a large iconographic corpus (more than 700 pictures), the study of virtues and vices intends to find the function and the meaning of personifications in the Italian art on the eve of Modern history. The analysis of pictures brings to light the notions that underlie the representation of virtues: the artistic processes consisting in representing moral values; the edifying and mnemonic dimension of personifications; the echos and gaps between personifications and exemplifications; the popularization phenomenon of ethics by the picture.
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L'oeuvre créatrice de la jurisprudence en matière de responsabilité civile et d'assurance des constructeursNgoungoure Mfenjou, Dorothée Penneau, Anne January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Droit privé : Lille 2 : 2007. / Titre provenant de la page de titre du document numérisé. Bibliogr. p. 243-271. Index.
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Pouvoir et société au miroir des vices : représentations des péchés, normes et identités dans la Bretagne médiévale (XIIe-début XVIe siècles) / Society and Power in the Mirror of Vices : Sins’ Representation, Norms and Identities in Medieval Brittany (12th- early 16th Centuries)Guitton, Laurent 29 November 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose de mettre en exergue la place du péché dans les discours déclinés dans le duché de Bretagne du XIIe au début du XVIe siècle. Elle se fonde aussi bien sur les sources écrites (productions pastorales,textes normatifs de l’Église et l’État breton, oeuvres littéraires et moralisantes de la cour ducale) que sur l’iconographie, à travers les sculptures de l’époque romane et de la fin du Moyen Âge.Le péché y apparaît comme une clef de compréhension du monde et de son évolution : présenté comme une causalité historique majeure depuis le début de l’humanité, son instrumentalisation permet de représenter lesvices de l’altérité, liée à l’ethnie ou à la religion, d’appréhender les identités collectives de tout ordre (professionnelles, de classe, d’ordre, de genre), en même temps qu’il rappelle la place de l’individu dans la société. L’association constante des dominés avec les péchés du corps, ainsi que la mise en place d’une véritable géopolitique des princes « pécheurs » ennemis de la Bretagne (cupides, paresseux, homosexuels…), ne sont que deux exemples d’une utilisation socio-Politique des vices.Instrument de culpabilisation issu de la morale chrétienne, le recours massif au péché dans les discours dominants en Bretagne est d’abord lié à la réforme « grégorienne » du XIIe siècle, avant que les lettrés de la courducale des Montfort ne s’approprient ces discours pour légitimer le pouvoir de leur prince. Dans tous les cas, le péché s’impose comme un vecteur essentiel dans l’effort de normalisation morale de la société et du pouvoir au Moyen Âge / This research aims to highlight the place of sin in discourses in the Duchy of Brittany from the 12th to the early 16th century. The study is based on both written and iconographical sources (pastoral care production, normative documents of the Church and the State Breton, literary and moralistic works of the ducal court, sculptures from Romanesque period and late Middle Ages).Sin appears to be a key to understanding the world and its evolution : it is a major historical causality since the beginning of mankind ; it serves the representation of the ethnic or religious otherness ; it is an useful device to apprehend collective identities of any kind (professional, class, order, or gender identities) ; finally, it establishes the place of the individual in society. The recurring association of dominated classes with the sins of the flesh and the appearence of a ‘political geography’ of princes ‘sinners’ enemies of Britain (greedy, lazy, homosexual...) are two examples of a such socio-Political use of vices.As an instrument of guilt trip from Christian morality, the massive use of sin in the dominant discourses in Britain come up from the "Gregorian" reform of the twelfth century. Later, the scholars of the ducal court of Montfort begin to use these discourses to legitimize the power of their prince. In both cases, sin becomes a powerful agent in theeffort to moral normalization of society and power in the Middle Ages
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L'influence des droits de la consommation et de la concurrence sur la théorie des vices du consentement / Influence of consumption and competition laws under the theory of the defect of consentJakouloff, Karim 05 December 2013 (has links)
La théorie des vices du consentement offre une protection générique des contractants contre tout risque d'altération du consentement. Constatant son insuffisance, les droits de la consommation et de la concurrence ont, pour leur part, choisi d'adopter un ensemble de règles spécifiques visant à protéger, d'une part, les consommateurs et d'autre part, les professionnels en situation de faiblesse, contre ces mêmes risques. Au sein du droit de la consommation, cela s'est fait sous l'impulsion du droit européen, la directive du 11 mai 2005 relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales ayant largement dicté le contenu des dispositions protectrices aujourd'hui applicables aux consommateurs. Ainsi, le Titre II du Livre Ier du Code de la consommation, consacré aux pratiques commerciales, comprend un Chapitre préliminaire consacré aux pratiques commerciales déloyales, suivi d'un Chapitre Ier, dont la Section 1 traite des pratiques commerciales trompeuses, puis d'un Chapitre II, dont la Section 5 traite des pratiques commerciales agressives. Le droit de la concurrence a, quant à lui, recouru spontanément à cette option. Son Livre IV comprend ainsi un Titre IV, dont le Chapitre II est relatif à la prohibition des pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Celles-ci, prohibées per se, n'ont a priori pas de lien apparent avec la théorie des vices du consentement. Pourtant, à y regarder de plus près, certaines d'entre elles s'attachent, de manière très indirecte, à rééquilibrer l'équilibre des forces en présence au stade de la négociation d'un contrat de distribution entre professionnels. Celles-ci vont en effet s'attacher à prohiber les comportements de certains professionnels qui, disposant d'un avantage économique certain, pourraient être tentés d'en jouer afin d'obtenir de leurs partenaires contractuels, économiquement dépendants, des avantages contractuels injustifiés. Ce faisant, c'est bien le consentement de ces derniers qui se trouve être préservé.En développant une telle législation, les droits spéciaux se sont écartés de leurs finalités réciproques. Ainsi, s'il est vrai que le droit de la consommation offre un ensemble de dispositions visant à prévenir la survenance de vices du consentement – approche inédite au sein de la théorie des vices du consentement de droit commun, qui ne s'attache qu'à réprimer les abus ayant effectivement altéré le consentement des contractants –, il propose également une abondance de dispositions curatives à la maniabilité souvent délicate. Leur compréhension ainsi que leur mise en œuvre nécessite donc une certaine habileté, au point de mettre en péril l'effectivité de la protection qu'elles visent à garantir. Quant au droit de la concurrence, le développement de dispositions visant à prohiber per se des comportements susceptibles de ne nuire qu'aux intérêts particuliers des professionnels en situation de faiblesse et non à l'ensemble du marché tend manifestement à détourner la matière de sa finalité première.Remédier à de telles constatations implique d'envisager la possibilité de délester les droits spéciaux d'une partie des dispositions légales visant à protéger le consentement des contractants y étant soumis, au profit de la théorie des vices du consentement. Une telle solution conduirait à recentrer les droits de la consommation et de la concurrence autour de leurs finalités respectives que sont, pour l'un, la protection des intérêts personnels des consommateurs et, pour l'autre, la protection du marché. Encore faudrait-il que les contractants, aujourd'hui protégés par ces dispositions spéciales, ne voient pas la qualité de leur protection diminuer. S'en assurer nécessitera de déterminer la nature des améliorations que devra subir la théorie des vices du consentement afin de pouvoir assimiler une part du contentieux de droit spécial. Ces améliorations, inspirées par l'étude des droits spéciaux, pourront ainsi bénéficier à l'ensemble des contractants soumis au droit commun. / The theory of the defect of consent offers a generic protection of the contracting party against all risk of consent modification. Having noticed its inadequacy, the laws of consumerism and competition have chosen to adopt a set of specific rules aiming to protect on one hand the consumer, and on the other hand the professional, both in a weak negotiating position, against these same risks. Within the consumerism law, this has been achieved under the European Rights impetus. The 11 May 2005 directive concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices has largely dictated the content of the protective measures nowadays applicable to customers. In the same way, the Second Title of the First Book of Consumer Code, dedicated to commercial practices, consists of a preliminary chapter establishing the unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices. It follows by the 1st chapter, where the 1st section deals with misleading commercial practices, whilst the 2nd chapter, 5th section deals with aggressive commercial practices. Hence the competition law has resorted spontaneously to this option. Fourth Book includes fourth Chapter, where the second Chapter relates to the ban of competitive restrictive practices. These ones, forbidden per se, apparently have no link to this theory of the defect of consent. However, if we look closer, some of them have indirectly the aim to balance present forces at the negotiation stage via a distribution contract between professionals. In fact some will be keen to ban certain professional's behavior that, having a certain economical advantage, could be tempted to play in such a way so as to acquire unjustified contractual advantages from contractual partners, economically dependent. In doing so, the latter would need to have their consent protected.By developing such legislation, special laws have distanced themselves from their mutual purpose. Thus, if it is true that the consumerism law offers a set of rules aiming to prevent any defect of consent should it arise, it equally proposes a multitude of preventive rules but of a delicate maneuver – this being an original approach within the theory of defect of consent of common law, trying to repress the abuse effectively altering the contractual consent. Their comprehension as well as the putting it into practice would require a certain skill, to the point of risking the protection effectiveness that it aims to provide. As to the competition law, a set of rules aiming to forbid per se sensitive behavior, it would endanger only particular interests of professionals in a weak negotiating position, and not the whole market, manifestly tending to divert the matter from its initial result.To find a solution to these observations would imply to take into account the possibility of cutting off special rights of certain legal rules aiming to protect contractual consent they are under the obligation of, in favor of the theory of defect of consent. Such solution would lead to re-focusing on consumer and competition laws around their respective result, which are on one hand the protection of consumer's personal interests, and on the other hand market protection. It would then mean that the contracting party, sheltered by special rules, would not see their protection level diminish. To be re-assured there's the need to determine the nature of the improvements the theory of defect of consent would require, so as to include a part of the litigation of special law. The latter, inspired by a study of special law, could then benefit of the whole contractual under the common law.
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Allegory and Interpretation in Heinrich Aldegrever's Series Virtues and VicesMurphy, Jennifer Marie January 2017 (has links)
Heinrich Aldegrever (1502-1555) was a highly skilled and innovative printmaker working around the area of Westphalia during the sixteenth century. He used complex systems of allegory and adapted established visual codes, such as those of traditional heraldry, to engage his audience to unpack the meaning of his work and set himself apart from his contemporaries. However, due to Aldegrever’s stylistic similarities to both Albrecht Dürer and the so-called German ‘Little Masters’ working in Nuremberg, his prints are often given the short shrift by modern historians, who have considered his images unoriginal or derivative. Through a close study of Aldegrever's 1552 series of engravings depicting the Christian Virtues and Vices, this paper rectifies this scholarly oversight and attempts to restore Aldegrever's place among the great masters of the printed image in the generation immediately following Dürer. As this subject matter of Virtues and Vices was popular among printmakers and their targeted audiences, I compare Aldegrever’s series with similar works from his immediate predecessors and contemporaries to show that his Virtues and Vices are, in fact, more innovative than previously thought in their invocation of ancient texts and complex iconographic twists, and worthy of scholarly discussion on their own terms for values of effective marketability and artistic imitation. / Art History
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Epistemic rights and responsibilities in the age of the patriot actGallagher, Irina 01 January 2009 (has links)
It has been more than seven years since the events of the September 11 terrorist attacks have changed the way in which American citizens live on a daily basis. Some of us have become anxious while traveling, some more guarded in what we choose to discuss in public and with whom we associate, some more suspicious of other races and religions, some more suspicious of our own government. All American citizens-whether or not they were victims of racial profiling post September I I-have had to change the way in which they obtain information and understand their rights to privacy and knowledge. In my thesis, I explore how the enactment of the Patriot Act and the affiliated surveillance of American citizens (as well as foreign nationals) have not only violated our constitutional rights to free expression, but have also violated our intellectual and privacy rights. Specifically, I am concerned with the negative impact of the Patriot Act on the ability and willingness of American citizens to obtain information and to express their opinions about politically sensitive topics. This fear of being labeled a threat to national security or a potential terrorist has created a nation in which many citizens are increasingly complacent about violations of their intellectual rights, negligent about upholding their epistemic responsibilities, and increasingly ignorant about their own nation's policies, as well as global events In order to eradicate the negative influence of the Patriot Act on the epistemic rights and responsibilities of American citizens, I propose that the American public cultivate the epistemological virtues necessary to educate themselves on domestic as well as global matters. I suggest that this would enhance our national security, in addition to preserving our civil liberties and enlarging our intellectual understanding of global events and relationships.
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Le silence de l'Etat comme manifestation de sa volonté / Silence as a manisfestation of the state's willMarie, Alexis 10 December 2013 (has links)
Lors des travaux de la Commission du droit international relatifs aux actes unilatéraux des États, le rapporteur spécial a nié que le silence puisse être qualifié de manifestation de la volonté étatique. Rien dans la théorie de l’acte juridique ne justifie pourtant cette position. L’étude de la pratique révèle en outre que, selon les cas, le silence étatique peut être qualifié de refus ou d’acquiescement et qu’il joue un rôle fondamental dans la formation, l’interprétation ou la modification des rapports de droit interétatiques. En effet, dans la mesure où, en droit international, il revient aux États d’apprécier le bien-fondé ou la légalité du comportement de leurs pairs, l’objectif de la sécurité juridique impose de retenir la pertinence légale de leur silence. Cet objectif, sous ses diverses facettes, constitue la raison d’être de l’attribution d’un effet légal au silence et permet ainsi une systématisation des hypothèses très variées où il pèse sur les États une « charge de réagir ». Selon la situation face à laquelle il est appréhendé, le silence permet ainsi d’assurer la détermination actuelle ou future des rapports de droit.L’étude des conditions nécessaires à la production de l’effet attribué au silence révèle par ailleurs que le droit positif consacre la possibilité théorique d’y voir un acte juridique. Pour que son silence produise des effets, le droit international exige toujours que l’État ait été libre de réagir et qu’il ait eu connaissance de la situation qui le rendait pertinent. En outre, les régimes de la preuve de la connaissance et de l’existence du silence ne justifient pas nécessairement la dénonciation du caractère honteusement fictif de l’explication volontariste des phénomènes en cause. Il n’y a, en toute hypothèse, aucune fiction juridique à qualifier le silence en tant qu’acte juridique / . During the work of the International Law Commission regarding Unilateral Acts of States, the Special Rapporteur denied that State’s silence could be qualified as a manifestation of its will. Nevertheless,no theoretical reason justifies this position. The study of the practice reveals more over that, as the casemay be, State’s silence can be qualified as refusal or as acquiescence and that it plays a fundamental role in the formation, the interpretation or the modification of legal interstate relations. Indeed, since it is the State’s prerogative to appreciate the legality of the behavior of others States, legal certainty imposes to hold the legal relevance of their silence. Under its diverse facets, this objective constitutes the raison d’être of the effect attributed to silence and thus allows a systematization of the various hypothesis in which it is taken into account. Depending on the situation to which it reacts, silence ensures the current or future determination of legal relations. Furthermore, the study of the conditions necessary for the production of the silence’s effects reveals that positive law consecrates the theoretical possibility of qualifying silence as a legal act. International law requires, in order toattribute an effect to silence, that the silent State was free to react and had knowledge of the situation that made his silence legally relevant. Moreover, the rules governing the proof of the knowledge and of the existence of silence do not necessarily justify the criticism towards the fictive character of the voluntarist explanation of the phenomena. There is, in any event, no legal fiction in qualifying silenceas a legal act.
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The representation of rape in Sir Philip Sidney's ArcadiasBullard, Angela Denise 01 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the complex and conflicting arguments surrounding the crime of rape in early modern England and how the important literary texts, Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadias, explore the issue of rape. The thesis explores Sidney's attitude toward a system that sanctioned systematic sexual violence towards women as expressed in the text; as part of this it explores the way that the text differentiates rape from seduction.
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Vícios e invalidades processuais: uma abordagem sob a perspectiva da Lei nº 13.105, de 16 de março de 2015Marcondes, Alexandre José 18 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / The scope of this study is to promote a contemporary approach on the theme of defect
in the procedural acts and their consequences for the process. From the
summarization of the studies undertaken on the subject, its purpose is to verify how
the concepts and classifications coined by the doctrine over the years remain
appropriate with the current understanding of the process especially when faced with
the guiding principles inserted in the legal system by the Law 13.105 of 16 March 2015.
Considering the emphasis conferred by the new procedural diploma to principles such
as the cooperation and preponderance of the judgment on the merits as well as the
contemporary reading of adversarial principie to be influential power, it is elaborated
an analysis of the impact of the topics above regarding the discipline of procedural
nullity. In addition to the analytical comparison/confrontation between the provision
CPC/1973 and CPC/2015, this is an attempt to distinguish specific elements of the
coming procedural system capable of indicating a need to reorganize the discipline
given to the subject / O presente trabalho tem como escopo promover uma abordagem contemporânea
acerca do tema vícios dos atos processuais e suas consequências para o processo.
A partir da sumarização dos estudos empreendidos sobre a temática, busca-se
verificar o quão consentâneos com a atual compreensão do processo permanecem
os conceitos e classificações cunhados pela doutrina ao longo dos anos, sobretudo,
quando em confronto com as diretrizes principiológicas inseridas no ordenamento
jurídico pela Lei nº 13.105, de 16 de março de 2015. Diante do realce conferido pelo
novo diploma processual a princípios como o da cooperação e o da preponderância
do julgamento de mérito, bem como da leitura contemporânea do contraditório como
poder de influência, elabora-se análise da repercussão destes no tocante à disciplina
das invalidades processuais. Para além do cotejo analítico entre os dispositivos do
CPC/1973 e o CPC/2015, laborou-se na tentativa de distinguir elementos
particularizadores do sistema processual vindouro capazes de indicar uma
necessidade de reorganização da disciplina conferida à matéria
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