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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Transformation and Virtual Team Transition due to the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Empirical Study on Virtual Teams within Organizational Change Management

Scherling, Daniel, Camarero Lind, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Background:  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a series of regulations and recommendations were imposed. This resulted in firms transitioning their co-located teams into virtual teams in an effort to slow down and prevent the spread of COVID-19. This research focuses on the individual team member’s experience of the transition. The transition is a digital transformation and organizational change and its effects on the individual team member is being studied.  Purpose:  The purpose of this research study is to explore how individual team members experience the transition from a co-located team into a virtual team. Trust, communication and social interactions are previously known challenges for virtual teams. Therefore, we strive to explore how these aspects have been affected by the transition and how the individual team member has experienced it.  Method:  This study follows a qualitative research design and the method of choice is semi-structured interviews that have been carried out in a virtual environment due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Eleven interviewees have contributed to the empirical study. The main findings are presented in chapter 4 and analyzed against existing literature in chapter 5, to finally be concluded in chapter 6.  Conclusion:  Trust has previously been listed as a major challenge for virtual teams. However, our empirical findings have not identified trust as a major challenge and therefore contradict this. Communication has changed and the biggest two contributors to this is that the communication is digital and that body language becomes less effective in a virtual setting as compared to face-to-face communication. However, communication has not been a major issue during the transition but rather a complication. Social interactions were identified as the aspect affecting the team members the hardest since they had become non-existent except for in the virtual environment in many cases. A high level of digital maturity and the teams previously being co-located is seen to have made the transitions easier in terms of trust and communication. Furthermore, team members struggle to find their work life balance and often work more hours.

En nystart på måndag : En fallstudie om implementation och användning av en molnbaserad IT-plattform / A fresh start on Monday : A case study on the implementation and use of a cloud-based IT platform

Olofsson, Amie, Vänehem, Liv January 2022 (has links)
Digitization has changed the conditions in which organizations can operate and conduct their business through digital workplaces. In order to meet the organizational requirements and technologies that digitalization entails, the digital workplace needs to be adaptable as well as strategically coordinated. Organizations also need to provide digital tools and systems to be able to work in the digital workplace. For that reason, the importance of the underlying technologies becomes crucial in the digital workplace. The purpose of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding of individual experiences in relation to the implementation and usage of a new IT platform. To answer the purpose of this study, we used a case study in which we conducted semi-structured interviews together with observations. This resulted in findings based on individual experiences that show both aspects of challenges and opportunities with the use of the IT platform. The conclusions that we established through this study are that learning and education in how the platform is expected to be used, as well as the platform's complexity, affect understanding and use of the IT platform. More businesses and organizations are going digital, and the conditions under which they operate and conduct business through digital workplaces are constantly changing. This study looks at how digital tools are used in one specific organization and how they might be made more efficient. Something that we believe can benefit both learning and development in other digital organizations' work.

Role-based Access Control for the Open Grid Services Architecture – Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI)

Pereira, Anil L. 12 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.


張俊揚, Chang, Chun-Young Unknown Date (has links)
公共組織長期以來給人一種浪費、效率不彰及態度傲慢的負面印象,在處於複雜多變的環境下,一般民眾莫不期待政府能提昇行政績效,以增加組織的學習力,掌握人民(顧客)的偏好,並迅速回應環境的變化。本研究即基於民眾對政府感到失望卻又渴望的情愫,而擬探究資訊科技如何應用於公共組織,進而探討公共組織網絡化的可能性,以做為公共組織因應時代潮流變遷的對策。 為了降低公共組織對資訊科技衝擊的適應不良,及確保能永續發展,本研究以為公共組織當就組織的管理與結構面進行調整,就管理面而言,善用資訊科技工具是其可行的途徑之一;就結構面而言,或可調整科層結構為網絡式組織。換言之,即希望藉由引進資訊網路科技,以建構一個網絡式的公共組織。其理想的運作模式是組織的成員、團隊或是整個組織的運作都彷彿是一個獨立的節點,可以突破時空的屏障而形成多重連結,以構成一個網絡。每個節點的權力來源,不是來自階級,而是自身擁有的技術和知識,彼此相互支援與分享資訊,為共同的價值觀與目標而努力。使它不再是一種政治結構,而是近似於一種生活方式。 植基於新公共行政(New Public Administration)與後官僚組織(post-bureaucratic organization)等觀點的影響,研究中從反思科層型政府為濫觴,並在「資訊科技」與「網絡式組織」兩者間釐探其互動互補的關係,期望這良性的互動能賦予公共組織變革時一個新的思考方向。基於這樣的邏輯思考,而於理論面上發現可以資訊科技為核心技術,提出建構理想型「網絡式公共組織」的三大願景方向-「再造的政府」、「虛擬式政府」及「團隊型政府」,並分別擬定其運作的可行性策略如後: (一)以「便民服務」、「資訊與知識流通」及「流程改造」等策略形塑「再造的政府」。 (二)以「即時通訊,傳遞正確資訊」、「擴大參與,共享民主政治」及「相互信賴,以求共存共榮」等策略形塑「虛擬式政府」。 (三)以「搭起開放便捷的溝通管道」、「培養合作共享專業知識的組織文化」及「建立工作績效評估制度」等策略形塑「團隊型政府」。 在實務面上,以我國電子化/網路化政府政策為例,從官方文獻資料的閱讀,瞭解到該政策的規劃內涵及未來願景與本研究所建構的網絡式公共組織之策略內涵有相通互補之處;另外對相關官員與洽公民眾進行一系列的深度訪談,得知該政策在實際運作上均分別引發了政府再造、虛擬政府及團隊政府的產生,所以本研究建構網絡式公共組織的構念,似乎可以在該實例的政策執行上獲得有力的註腳。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現,網絡式組織無論在理論上的引介或實務上的應用,似乎均可藉由資訊科技的力量,讓公共組織走向一個較為具開放、動態與彈性的組織型態。惟目前公共組織在進行網絡化的過程中,本研究擬建議政府當持續應用資訊網路科技,在策略聯盟共享資源的原則下,達成「以客為尊」的服務宗旨。另外政府對於組織「知識管理」的概念與作為,及建立一套「客觀公正的績效評估辦法」是較為不足的。若期望公共組織能發揮最大效用,則需加強這兩面向的建置,因為強化知識管理與建立客觀公正的績效評估辦法,有利於絡網式公共組織的建立。

Informations- und Wissenstransfer in kollaborativen Lernsystemen / Distribution of Information and Knowledge in Collaborative Learning Systems. Structural and Relational Analysis about the Impact of Social Organizational Structures in Knowledge Networks in the Case of the Web Based Collaborative Learning System in Higher Education called OPAL

Stützer, Cathleen M. 11 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der Netzwerkgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts gilt die kollaborative Verteilung und Nutzung von Information und Wissen als Schlüsselstrategie für den webbasierten Informations- und Wissenstransfer. Durch die technologischen Möglichkeiten werden technische Zugangsbarrieren weitestgehend überwunden und traditionelle Formen der Wissensvermittlung durch moderne webbasierte Lernumgebungen ergänzt. Der Umgang mit kollaborativen Lehr- und Lernszenarien im dynamischen Informations- und Wissenstransfer bildet die Grundlage für den soziokulturellen Fortschritt innerhalb der Bildungsforschung. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag auf der strukturellen und relationalen Analyse sozialer Organisationsstrukturen innerhalb von Wissensnetzwerken. Ziel war es, Einflussfaktoren offenzulegen, die sich auf das Innovations- und Distributionspotential von Information und Wissen innerhalb von kollaborativen Wissensnetzwerken auswirken. Es wurden dazu Interaktionsprozesse von Teilnehmern innerhalb von Diskussionsforen am Beispiel der Lernplattform OPAL – dem aktuell populärsten Lernmanagementsystem in der Hochschulbildung Sachsens, Deutschland – untersucht. Unter der Annahme, dass soziale Interaktion besonders im Umgang mit kollaborativen Medien den Bildungsablauf und der Aufbau von Wissensnetzwerken die Lehr- und Lernprozesse beeinflusst, wurden in dieser Arbeit die strukturellen Bedingungen des kollaborativen Wissensnetzwerkes in OPAL exploriert und soziale Rollenkonstrukte relational identifiziert, um die Auswirkungen kollaborativer Aktivitäten auf den Informations- und Wissenstransfer in Wissensnetzwerken zu erklären. Es wurden vornehmlich beziehungsorientierte kommunikationstheoretische Modelle zugrunde gelegt und relationale Forschungsmethoden wie SNA (Social Network Analysis) und DNA (Dynamic Network Analysis) angewandt, um eine Basis für die weiterführende Implementierung sozial vernetzter Lehr- und Lernstrategien in der Bildungsforschung zu schaffen. […] / In the network society of the 21st century, a key strategy for web-based exchange of information and knowledge is their collaborative distribution and use. Technical hurdles of access are mostly being overcome with technological advances and traditional forms of passing on knowledge are being complemented by modern, e-learning environments. Within research into education, the foundation for socio-cultural progress is formed by involvement with collaborative teaching and learning scenarios in a dynamic exchange of information and knowledge. The emphasis of this work lay in the analysis of structures and relationships of social organisations within knowledge networks. The aim was to describe the exchange of information and knowledge in collaborative learning systems and to explore its influence on the potential for innovation and distribution of information and knowledge. A study was undertaken of the interaction of participants in discussion forums as exemplified by the learning platform OPAL – currently the most popular learning management system in secondary school education in Saxony, Germany. On the assumption that social interaction, particularly involving collaborative media, the progress of education and the construction of knowledge networks do influence teaching and learning processes, this work explored the structural conditions of OPAL's collaborative knowledge network and identified relationships between social role constructs in order to explain the effect of collaborative activities on the process of diffusion of information and knowledge in knowledge networks. Primarily the study was based on relationship oriented sociological models and communication theory models, and research methods for relationships, including SNA (Social Network Analysis) and DNA (Dynamic Network Analysis) were applied, so as to create a basis for further implementation of social network teaching and learning strategies in educational research. [...]

Innovationsförderliches Kooperieren – nur: Wie?

Hacker, Winfried 16 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Kooperation sowie Kommunikation und deren Organisation sind nicht Selbstzweck, sondern sollen die Leistung verbessern und Innovationen erzeugen. Ob sie das leisten, hängt weniger von den Technologien, d.h. den Mitteln ab, mittels derer sie abgewickelt werden sollen, sondern von den Inhalten und Arten der Kooperation selbst. Kooperation bei dafür ungeeigneten Aufgaben oder in ungeeigneter Weise wird auch durch innovative Vermittlungstechnologien nicht geeigneter.

Innovationsförderliches Kooperieren – nur: Wie?

Hacker, Winfried January 2005 (has links)
Kooperation sowie Kommunikation und deren Organisation sind nicht Selbstzweck, sondern sollen die Leistung verbessern und Innovationen erzeugen. Ob sie das leisten, hängt weniger von den Technologien, d.h. den Mitteln ab, mittels derer sie abgewickelt werden sollen, sondern von den Inhalten und Arten der Kooperation selbst. Kooperation bei dafür ungeeigneten Aufgaben oder in ungeeigneter Weise wird auch durch innovative Vermittlungstechnologien nicht geeigneter.

Informations- und Wissenstransfer in kollaborativen Lernsystemen: Eine strukturelle und relationale Analyse über den Einfluss sozialer Organisationsstrukturen in Wissensnetzwerken am Beispiel der Lernplattform OPAL

Stützer, Cathleen M. 03 December 2013 (has links)
In der Netzwerkgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts gilt die kollaborative Verteilung und Nutzung von Information und Wissen als Schlüsselstrategie für den webbasierten Informations- und Wissenstransfer. Durch die technologischen Möglichkeiten werden technische Zugangsbarrieren weitestgehend überwunden und traditionelle Formen der Wissensvermittlung durch moderne webbasierte Lernumgebungen ergänzt. Der Umgang mit kollaborativen Lehr- und Lernszenarien im dynamischen Informations- und Wissenstransfer bildet die Grundlage für den soziokulturellen Fortschritt innerhalb der Bildungsforschung. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag auf der strukturellen und relationalen Analyse sozialer Organisationsstrukturen innerhalb von Wissensnetzwerken. Ziel war es, Einflussfaktoren offenzulegen, die sich auf das Innovations- und Distributionspotential von Information und Wissen innerhalb von kollaborativen Wissensnetzwerken auswirken. Es wurden dazu Interaktionsprozesse von Teilnehmern innerhalb von Diskussionsforen am Beispiel der Lernplattform OPAL – dem aktuell populärsten Lernmanagementsystem in der Hochschulbildung Sachsens, Deutschland – untersucht. Unter der Annahme, dass soziale Interaktion besonders im Umgang mit kollaborativen Medien den Bildungsablauf und der Aufbau von Wissensnetzwerken die Lehr- und Lernprozesse beeinflusst, wurden in dieser Arbeit die strukturellen Bedingungen des kollaborativen Wissensnetzwerkes in OPAL exploriert und soziale Rollenkonstrukte relational identifiziert, um die Auswirkungen kollaborativer Aktivitäten auf den Informations- und Wissenstransfer in Wissensnetzwerken zu erklären. Es wurden vornehmlich beziehungsorientierte kommunikationstheoretische Modelle zugrunde gelegt und relationale Forschungsmethoden wie SNA (Social Network Analysis) und DNA (Dynamic Network Analysis) angewandt, um eine Basis für die weiterführende Implementierung sozial vernetzter Lehr- und Lernstrategien in der Bildungsforschung zu schaffen. […] / In the network society of the 21st century, a key strategy for web-based exchange of information and knowledge is their collaborative distribution and use. Technical hurdles of access are mostly being overcome with technological advances and traditional forms of passing on knowledge are being complemented by modern, e-learning environments. Within research into education, the foundation for socio-cultural progress is formed by involvement with collaborative teaching and learning scenarios in a dynamic exchange of information and knowledge. The emphasis of this work lay in the analysis of structures and relationships of social organisations within knowledge networks. The aim was to describe the exchange of information and knowledge in collaborative learning systems and to explore its influence on the potential for innovation and distribution of information and knowledge. A study was undertaken of the interaction of participants in discussion forums as exemplified by the learning platform OPAL – currently the most popular learning management system in secondary school education in Saxony, Germany. On the assumption that social interaction, particularly involving collaborative media, the progress of education and the construction of knowledge networks do influence teaching and learning processes, this work explored the structural conditions of OPAL's collaborative knowledge network and identified relationships between social role constructs in order to explain the effect of collaborative activities on the process of diffusion of information and knowledge in knowledge networks. Primarily the study was based on relationship oriented sociological models and communication theory models, and research methods for relationships, including SNA (Social Network Analysis) and DNA (Dynamic Network Analysis) were applied, so as to create a basis for further implementation of social network teaching and learning strategies in educational research. [...]

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