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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Vulnerable Dark Triad and Empathy: Two Moderated-Mediation Models

Bond, Elizabeth A. 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Varför blir de flesta unga inte blir brottslingar? : En kvalitativ fallstudie / Why do most youths not turn into criminals?

Erbek, Zeynep, Tarach, Hannes January 2022 (has links)
Ungdomsbrottslighet är just nu högaktuellt i media och politiska debatter i Sverige, där fokus ofta ligger på vilka riskfaktorer som finns, och vilka förebyggande åtgärder som behövs. De risk- och skyddsfaktorer om ungas anslutning till brottslighet är oftast samma variabler. Det som avgör något är en risk- eller skyddsfaktor är vad utfallet blir. För att förstå vad som spelar roll för unga män, som är överrepresenterade i ungdomsbrottslighet, vilka förebyggande åtgärder som gör skillnad i unga mäns liv ämnar studien att identifiera möjliga skyddsfaktorer. Syftet är med uppsatsen är att identifiera skyddsfaktorer hos unga män mellan 18–28 år, vilka som ligger till grund för att de inte ansluter sig till brottslighet. För att sedan jämföra de identifiera skyddsfaktorerna med de skyddsfaktorer som presenteras i teorin om sociala band. Studien är genomförd med kvalitativ metod med semi-strukturerade intervjuer av fem respondenter som aldrig varit brottsligt aktiva, misstänkta eller dömda för brott. Insamlade empirin från respondenterna resulterade i att en kombination av skyddsfaktorer har bidragit till att de inte anslutit sig till brottslighet. Starka och närvarande familjerelationer identifieras som särskild framträdande och viktig skyddsfaktor. De skyddsfaktorer som teorin om sociala band innehåller prövades och resulterade i att de överensstämde med de skyddsfaktorer som identifierades av empirin. / Juvenile delinquency is currently highly topical in the media and political debates in Sweden, where the focus is often on what risk factors exist, and what preventive measures are needed. The risk and protection factors of young adults’ connection to crime are usually the same variables. What determines something is a risk or protection factor is what the outcome will be. To understand what plays a role for young adults, who are overrepresented in juvenile delinquency, what preventive measures make a difference in young adults’ lives, the study aims to identify possible protective factors. The purpose of this thesis is to identify protective factors in young adults between the ages of 18 and 28, which are the basis for them not joining crime. To then compare the identifying protection factors with the protection factors presented in the theory of social ties. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews of five respondents who had never been criminally active, suspected nor convicted of crimes. The empirical evidence gathered from the respondents resulted in a combination of protective factors contributing to their non-involvement in crime. Strong and present family relationships are identified as a particularly prominent and important protective factor. The protective factors contained in the theory of social ties we retested and resulted in them being consistent with the protective factors identified by the empirics.

The urban triangle : Juarez

Degerth, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Informal vendors and vulnerable city dwellers have long held important roles in Mexico City. Although being very much integral parts of the area’s rich culture, community and urban fabric, their place and right to the city remains precarious as they are forced to face much uncertainty. With growing gentrification in the central areas, the city turns more exclusive; unsustainable and inaccessible for the majority of the population. Many long-term residents are forcefully evicted and displaced to the periphery or the streets as housing prices rise. Vendors encounter a similar fate as their occupation is a target for much disapproval. Not fitting some individuals and decision makers’ vision of the streetscape, consideration for vendors is neglected and their livelihood is continually threatened. The uncertainty endured by these groups comes as a result of the deprivation of their rights to the stability and security of adequate housing, the right to work and to protection against unemployment, as well as their right to the city. My aim was to create a space where these rights can be repossessed, where vendors and vulnerable dwellers can claim a place and voice in the city. To recognise their struggles and trigger the idea of an accommodating and inclusive cityscape. I have envisioned this place to be in Colonia Juarez, a central neighbourhood currently experiencing a large transformation.

Hur medvetna är äldre när det kommer till brottsförebyggande åtgärder?

Tomasovic, Danijela January 2017 (has links)
Bedrägerier mot äldre uppmärksammas allt mer och allt eftersom läggs ett större fokus på dessa brott. Äldre är en sårbar och utsatt grupp som kan skadas i högre utsträckning är andra vid bedrägeribrott. På grund av olika svårigheter med att utreda bedrägerier mot äldre så läggs dessvärre många av brotten ned. Därför har det blivit viktigare att fokusera på brottsprevention. Syftet med undersökningen är att klargöra hur medvetna äldre är när det kommer till brottsförebyggande åtgärder mot bedrägerier. Studien ska även undersöka vad äldre gör för att skydda sig mot denna typ av brott. Vidare ska undersökningen belysa Malmö kommuns brottsförebyggande arbete gällande bedrägeribrott mot äldre. I undersökningen har fyra kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med personer över 65 år. En intervju har även gjorts med en person som arbetar med service och trygghet på Malmö kommun. Studien redovisar att det finns en viss koppling mellan intresse för brottsförebyggande åtgärder och medvetenhet hos äldre. Om intresset saknas hos de äldre gällande brottsförebyggande åtgärder så är också medvetenheten lägre. Intresse för åtgärderna ser ut att öka först efter att individen själv eller någon i dennes omgivning blivit drabbad av bedrägeri. Beträffande Malmö kommuns brottsförebyggande åtgärder visade det sig att det saknas ett systematiskt arbete gällande bedrägerier mot äldre. Arbetet riktar sig istället mer mot hemtjänst genom att förebygga att personalen begår brott mot äldre. Med hjälp av resultaten i studien kan polis och andra myndigheter arbeta vidare på brottspreventiva program och åtgärder. Vidare kan undersökningen vara till hjälp för att fastställa hur brottsförebyggande åtgärder kan kommuniceras ut på bästa sätt. / Fraud against older people is becoming increasingly noticeable and more emphasis is placed on these crimes. Older people are a vulnerable and exposed group that can be injured to a greater extent than others in case of fraud. Due to various difficulties in investigating fraud against the elderly, unfortunately many of the crimes are put down. Therefore, it has become more important to focus on crime prevention. The purpose of the survey is to clarify how aware older people are when it comes to crime prevention against fraud. The study will also investigate what older people do to protect themselves against this type of crime. Furthermore, the investigation will highlight the Malmö municipality's crime prevention work on fraud against older people. In the survey, four qualitative interviews have been conducted with people over the age of 65. An interview has also been made with a person who works with service and security in Malmö municipality. The study shows that there is a certain link between interest in crime prevention and awareness among the elderly. If there is no interest in the existing crime prevention measures, consciousness is also lower. Interest in crime prevention seems to increase after the individual himself or someone in his environment has been deceived by fraud. Regarding Malmö municipality's crime prevention measures, it appeared that there is no systematic work on fraud against the elderly. Instead, the work is directed towards home care by preventing staff from committing crimes against the elderly. Using the results in the study, police and other authorities can work on crime prevention programs and actions. Furthermore, the survey may help to determine how best to communicate crime prevention.

Understanding the interaction between cyclists and automated vehicles: Results from a cycling simulator study

Mohammadi, Ali, Piccinini, Giulio B., Dozza, Marco 19 December 2022 (has links)
Cycling as an active mode of transport is increasing across all Europe [1]. Multiple benefits are coming from cycling both for the single user and the society as a whole. With increasing cycling, we expect more conflicts to happen between cyclists and vehicles, as it is also shown by the increasing cyclists' share of fatalities, contrary to the passenger cars' share [2]. Understanding cyclists' behavioral patterns can help automated vehicles (AVs) to predict cyclist's behavior, and then behave safely and comfortably when they encounter them. As a result, developing reliable predictive models of cyclist behavior will help AVs to interact safely with cyclists.

Electronic Multi-agency Collaboration. A Model for Sharing Children¿s Personal Information Among Organisations.

Louws, Margie January 2010 (has links)
The sharing of personal information among health and social service organisations is a complex issue and problematic process in present-day England. Organisations which provide services to children face enormous challenges on many fronts. Internal ways of working, evolving best practice, data protection applications, government mandates and new government agencies, rapid changes in technology, and increasing costs are but a few of the challenges with which organisations must contend in order to provide services to children while keeping in step with change. This thesis is an exploration into the process of sharing personal information in the context of public sector reforms. Because there is an increasing emphasis of multi-agency collaboration, this thesis examines the information sharing processes both within and among organisations, particularly those providing services to children. From the broad principles which comprise a socio-technical approach of information sharing, distinct critical factors for successful information sharing and best practices are identified. These critical success factors are then used to evaluate the emerging national database, ContactPoint, highlighting particular areas of concern. In addition, data protection and related issues in the information sharing process are addressed. It is argued that one of the main factors which would support effective information sharing is to add a timeline to the life of a dataset containing personal information, after which the shared information would dissolve. Therefore, this thesis introduces Dynamic Multi-Agency Collaboration (DMAC), a theoretical model of effective information sharing using a limited-life dataset. The limited life of the DMAC dataset gives more control to information providers, encouraging effective information sharing within the parameters of the Data Protection Act 1998.


Özyer, Jakob Burhan January 2023 (has links)
The paper focuses on investigating the relationship between lifestyle and crime in vulnerable neighborhoods. To be more specific, the project will look at how football has an influence on people who live near a criminogenic environment. In addition, other factors from everyday life are also considered to evaluate the social bond of individuals. In the project, an online survey will be conducted. The survey will ask about participant’s experiences at the football club, educational institution and/or workplace, home, weekends, and the streets. Additionally, questions about crime within the participant’s whereabouts will be inquired in the survey. Thereafter, the participants (N=84) will be divided in two groups – participants living in/near vulnerable neighborhoods and those who do not. A quantitative analysis will examine the commitment, attachment, involvement, and belief of individuals and if structured activities are developing a resilience towards criminal environments, behaviors, and ideals. In result, the project discovers that a risky lifestyle is associated with peer relationship, parental bond, alcohol use and the belief and importance of work.

Inequity of access across America: A spatial, temporal, and modal disparity analysis

Maharjan, Sanju 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
The overarching goal of this dissertation is to examine the spatial, temporal, and modal disparity of access across America. This is achieved by posing three research objectives. The first objective determines the spatial and temporal disparity of transit and automobile access gap, its impact on transit use, and its socioeconomic and built environment correlates. The second objective examines the spatial and temporal disparity of slightly and extremely risky bike infrastructure and measures the social inequity of access to bike infrastructure. The third objective indicates spatial transit access mismatch between high- and low-wage employment across metropolitans. Three findings are discerned. First, the access gap between transit and automobile has a disproportionate effect on African Americans, low-income households, millennials, and car-free households. Second, socially vulnerable communities residing African Americans, Hispanics, and car-free households have the least access to slightly risky bike infrastructure and yet the least prioritized in urban planning and bike infrastructure investments. Third, transit acts as a catalyst to widen spatial mismatch and discriminate socially vulnerable population particularly African Americans and car-free households

Loneliness and lack of belonging as paramount theme in identity descriptions of Children Born of War

Mitreuter, Saskia, Glaesmer, Heide, Kuwert, Philipp, Kaiser, Marie 20 November 2023 (has links)
Objective: Children Born of War (CBOW) are an international and timeless phenomenon that exists in every country involved in war or armed conflict. Nevertheless, little is known on a systematic level about those children, who are typically fathered by a foreign or enemy soldier and born to a local mother. In particular, the identity issues that CBOW often report have remained largely uninvestigated. In the current qualitative study we began filling this gap in the scientific literature by asking how CBOW construct their identity in self-descriptions. Method: We utilized thematic content analysis of N = 122 German CBOWs' answers to an open-ended questionnaire item asking how they see themselves and their identity in the context of being a CBOW. Results: We identified five key themes in CBOW' identity accounts. Loneliness and lack of belonging appeared as a paramount aspect of their self-descriptions next to narratives about belonging and positive relationship. On a less interpersonal basis, we found fighting and surviving and searching for truth and completion overarching aspects of their identities. There were also few accounts growing up unaffected by the fact of being born a CBOW. Although all themes portray different perspectives, they all (but the last one) clearly indicate the impeded circumstances under which CBOW had to grow up. Conclusions: Integrating our findings with existing interdisciplinary literature regarding identity, we discuss implications for future research and clinical and political practice.

Hållbara renoveringar av flerbostadshus : En studie om privata fastighetsföretags förhållningssätt till hållbara renoveringar / Sustainable renovations of multi-dwellings : A study of private real estate companies’ approach to sustainable renovations

Ilievska, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
Hållbarhet är en förutsättning för att både nuvarande och kommande generationer ska kunna tillgodose sina behov. I fastighetsbranschen omfattas hållbarhet av många ämnesområden, dock är energieffektiviseringar ett återkommande ämne. Det befintliga fastighetsbeståndet behöver renoveras för att uppfylla energidirektiv och andra krav som ställs på fastighetssektorn. Däremot finns det motstridiga intressen hos olika aktörer, specifikt vid bostadsrenoveringar. Energiförbrukningen är hög i flerbostadshus med belägenhet i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Det finns problem som hyreshöjningar, stigmatisering och segregation i bostadsområdena.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka privata bostadsföretags förhållningssätt till hållbara renoveringar i flerbostadshus, belägna i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i Malmö. Undersökningen genomfördes via intervjuer med respondenter från fyra privata fastighetsföretag och deras senaste årsredovisningar. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats och utvärderats utifrån det teoretiska ramverket. Slutsatsen visade att privata bostadsföretag har flera utmaningar för att genomföra hållbara renoveringar i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Det finns utmaningar med att inkludera hyresgästerna som berör renoveringen, eftersom det finns särskiljande intressen. Bostadsföretagen har utmaningar med att genomföra renoveringar som gynnar de sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska hållbarhetsaspekterna, eftersom det missgynnar företagens intressenter som hyresgäster och samhället. / Sustainability is a condition to the present and future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability enclose many subject fields related to the real estate sector, but energy efficiency is a recurrent subject. The existing real estate stock is in need of renovations in order to achieve the energy directive and other demands in the real estate sector. However, there are contrarious interests of different actors, especially in housing renovations. The energy consumption is high in multi-dwellings located in socio-economic vulnerable areas. There are problems that involve rent increases, stigmatization and segregation in these areas.  The purpose of this study is to investigate the private housing companies approach to sustainability considering renovations of multi-dwelling buildings, located in socio-economic vulnerable areas in Malmö.  The research was conducted through interviewees with four private housing companies and their latest versions of annual reports. The empirical results have been analysed and evaluated in terms of the theoretical framework. The conclusion of this study showed that there are multiple challenges for private housing companies to perform sustainable housing renovations in socio-economic vulnerable areas. There are challenges to include the tenants that concern renovations, since there are different interests. The housing companies challenges to perform renovations that support the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainability, because it disfavors the stakeholders of the companies as tenants and the society.

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