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從Michael Walzer的角度論美國著作權判決的合法性—以合理使用原則發展為中心 / Legitimacy of judgements in Micheal Walzer’s theory—A study of fair use priciples delopement in American copyright judgements何宗恩 Unknown Date (has links)
Michael Walzer美國當代社群主義的代表人物,同時也是一位出名的公共知識分子,其哲學思想與政治理念均有其獨到之處,而其中Walzer特別強調社會才是作為個人權利與自由實踐的場所,而擺脫了傳統自由主義理論下,只存在國家與個人的關係。而其最著名的正義的諸領域(Spheres of Justice),更是在研究近代關於自由主義與社群主義正義論的一本經典,而Walzer正義論中最吸引我的地方在於其放棄像是John Rawls等正義理論的無知之幕,反而主張在討論正義的時候,應該以每個不同社會和社群之間的文化與歷史的發展為基礎,因此Walzer的正義理論強調各種不同的特殊性,而維護正義是國家所必須要出面來作的一件事情,但如何維護多元、自由的社會諸領域中的不同正義原則,Walzer提出一套「複雜平等概念」的哲學思考模式,以及從「公眾利益」為出發點的利益衡量原則。
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Splittrat medborgarskap och principer om tilldelning av medborgarskap / Divided Citizenship and Principles on the allocation of CitizenshipShapiro, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
This is paper is an argument analysis of citizenship and its allocation using an interpretation of Linda Bosniaks theory of Divided Citizenship. The starting point of this paper is the absence of a thorough or exhaustive legal definition of citizenship and legal binding and enforceable citizenship allocation laws within international migration law. Referring primarily to the absence of principals of social justice and global ethics within the legal framework. In total this leads to a multitude of different ethical problems. Therefore, there is a need for researching and evaluating alternative definitions and principles concerning citizenship and its allocation beyond the most common ones.The research material of this paper consists of chapters from two books Spheres of Justice by Michael Walzer and Scales of Justice by Nancy Fraser. The conclusion of this paper is that the combination of the “all subjected-principle” and “the membership-principle” are best suited to the demands that a wide definition of citizenship poses. Citizenship and its allocation are today less and less dependent on the state itself and can today easily be supplemented by other institutions depending on geographic and political needs, while still using democratic governance. Therefore, it is desirable to link the allocation of citizenship to the goal of establishing participatory parity. Deliberative democracy is the necessary foundation of all political organization. All other forms of citizenships and rights are necessary preconditions for people to be able to participate in the political process and protect all equal value of all people. The denial of citizenship is always the first in a long train of abuses.
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我國漲價歸公之正義概念研究─以華爾澤之正義理論為觀點 / A study on the conception of justice of the land value increment belonging to the public in Taiwan from the point of view of michael Walzer's theory of justice蕭佑嘉, Siao,You Jia Unknown Date (has links)
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