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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus d'exploration, arbres binaires aléatoires avec ou sans interaction et théorème de Ray-Knight généralisé

Ba, Mamadou 28 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie des liens entre processus d'exploration et arbres aléatoires avec ou sans interaction, pour en déduire des extensions du théorème de Ray Knight. Dans la première partie nous décrivons une certaine bijection entre l'ensemble des processus d'exploration et l'ensemble des arbres binaires. On montre que l'arbre associé à un processus d'exploration défini avec les paramètres mu et lambda décrivant les taux de ses minimas et maximas locaux respectivement à n'importe quel instant considéré, est un arbre binaire aléatoire de taux de naissance mu et de taux de mort lambda. De cette correspondance, nous déduisons une représentation discrète d'un processus de branchement linéaire en terme de temps local d'un processus d'exploration. Après renormalisation des paramètres, nous en déduisons une preuve du théorème de Ray Knight généralisé donnant une représentation en loi d'un processus de Feller linéaire en terme du temps local du mouvement brownien réfléchi en zéro avec une dérive. Dans la deuxième partie, nous considérons un modèle de population avec compétition définie par une fonction polynomiale f(x) = x^{alpha}, alpha>0 et partant de m ancêtres à l'instant initial 0. On étudie l'effet de la compétition sur la hauteur et la longueur de la forêt d'arbres généalogiques quand m tend vers l'infini. On montre que la hauteur est d'espérance finie si alpha> 1, et est infinie dans le cas contraire, tandis que la longueur est d'espérance finie si alpha > 2, et est infinie dans le cas contraire. / In this thesis, we study connections between explorations processes and random trees, from which we deduce Ray Knight Theorem. In the first part, we describe a bijection between exploration processes and Galton Watson binary trees. We show that the tree we obtain under the curve of an exploration process whose maxima and minima rates are respectively lambda and mu, is a Galton Watson binary tree with birth rate mu and death rate lambda. From this correspondence, we establish a discrete Ray Knight representation of the process population size of a Galton Watson tree in term of local time of exploration process associated to this tree. After some renormalization, we deduce from this discrete approximation with a limiting argument, a generalized Ray Knight theorem giving a representation of a Feller branching process in term of local time of a reflected Brownian motion with a linear drift. In the second part, we consider a population model with competition defined with a function f(x) = x^{alpha}. We study the effect of the competition on the height and the length of the genealogical trees of a large population. We show that the expectation of the height has a finite expectation stays finite if alpha> 1 and is infinite almost surely if alpha le 1, while the length has a finite expectation if alpha > 2, and is infinite almost surely if alpha le 2. In the last part, we consider a population model with interaction defined with a more general non linear function f.

Den medvetet närvarande sjuksköterskan : Effekten av mindfulness på stress, utbrändhet och medveten närvaro: En litteraturöversikt / The mindful nurse : The effects of mindfulness on stress, burnout and being mindful: A literature review

Monserrat Forssén, Hanna, Evertsson, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor är en utsatt grupp som riskerar utbrändhet då deras arbete ofta är krävande, stressigt och emotionellt påfrestande. Den påtagliga stressen leder till att vårdkvalitén och mötet med patienten försämras samt att sjuksköterskor sjukskrivs eller väljer att byta yrke. Mindfulness är ett förhållningssätt och en träning som används för att behandla stress, utbrändhetssymtom och öka medveten närvaro. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevd effekt av mindfulnessträning på stress, utbrändhet och medveten närvaro bland sjuksköterskor. Metod: För att sammanställa forskning som svarar på syftet har en litteraturöversikt genomförts. Sökning i databaserna Cinahl och PsycInfo resulterade i tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Granskning och analys har gjorts i enlighet med Friberg kvalitetsmall. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tre teman; mindfulness inverkan på stress, mindfulness inverkan på utbrändhet och effekter av att vara medvetet närvarande. Mindfulness visade signifikant minskning på stress och ökade deltagares välmående och känsla av medveten närvaro. Mindfulness hade varierande effekt på utbrändhet. Diskussion: Sammanställda artiklars resultat diskuteras utifrån Watsons vårdvetenskapliga teori. Mindfulness reducerar stress och ökar välmåendet bland sjuksköterskor. Variation i deltagande, motivation, tid och prioritering påverkade effekten av träningen. Longitudinella studier behövs för att mäta effekten på utbrändhet. / Background: Nurses are a vulnerable group that is at risk of burnout as their work is often demanding, stressful and emotionally hard. The tangible stress results not only in a deterioration of both the quality of care and the meeting with patients but on nurses having to take long-term sick leave or choosing to change their profession as well. Mindfulness is an approach and exercise that is used to treat stress, burnout symptoms and increase awareness. Aim: The purpose was to describe the perceived effect of mindfulness training on stress, burnout and awareness among nurses. Method: In order to compile research corresponding to the purpose of this study, a literature review has been carried out. Searching in Cinhal and PsycInfo databases produced ten scientific articles with both quantitative and qualitative data. Review and analysis have been carried out in accordance with Friberg’s quality model. Results: The results are presented in three subjects: mindfulness impact on stress, mindfulness impact on burnout and mindfulness impact on awareness. Mindfulness showed significant reduction in stress and increased participants’ wellbeing and sense of awareness. Mindfulness had varying effects on burnout. Discussion: Results of the compiled articles are discussed in accordance with Watson’s theory. Mindfulness reduces stress and increases the wellbeing of nurses. Variation in participation, motivation, time and priority influenced the effect of the training. Longitudinal studies are needed to measure the effects on burnout.

När sjuksköterskan hindras från att göra rätt : En litteraturöversikt om moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskan / When the nurse is prevented from doing the right thing : A literature review about moral stress among the nurse

Thunberg, Elin, Kastlund, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Moralisk stress är ett begrepp som först kom att definieras av Jameton (1984) och anses uppstå när sjuksköterskor inte kan handla i enlighet med det de anser vara det rätta på grund av organisatoriska eller institutionella barriärer. Den legitimerade sjuksköterskan ansvarar för ett stort kunskaps- och arbetsområde som ska präglas av ett etiskt förhållningssätt och en personcentrerad vård. En inre konflikt uppstår när sjuksköterskan hindras att arbeta utifrån de rådande värdena, vilket ger upphov till känslor av moralisk stress. En större kunskap och förståelse inom problemområdet är nödvändig för att åstadkomma framtida förbättringar. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskan. Metod: För att uppnå syftet har en litteraturöversikt genomförts. Sökningar efter relevanta artiklar i enlighet med den engelska översättningen av moralisk stress utfördes. Artiklar med kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser har använts. Resultat: Ur analysen urskildes tre olika huvudkategorier: bakomliggande orsaker till moralisk stress, konsekvenser av moralisk stress och strategier för hantering av moralisk stress. Diskussion: I resultatdiskussionen diskuteras moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor utifrån Jean Watsons teori om mänsklig omsorg samt andra relevanta artiklar. Uppkomsten av moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor diskuteras ur olika perspektiv. Skillnader i miljö och ledningens betydande roll avseende sjuksköterskors känslor av moralisk stress diskuteras vidare. Konsekvenser av moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor diskuteras med betoning på patientsäkerhet och bemötandet av patienter. Medvetenheten kring moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor behöver bli större. Ett fokus på moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor kan med fördel lyftas redan under sjuksköterskeutbildningen. / Background: Moral stress is a term that was first defined by Jameton (1984) and is considered to occur when individuals are unable to act in accordance with what they consider to be right due to organizational or institutional barriers. The registered nurse is responsible for a large area of knowledge and work that needs to be characterized by an ethical approach and person-centered care. An internal conflict occurs when the nurse is prevented from working on the basis of these values, which causes feelings of moral stress. A greater knowledge and understanding of the problem area is necessary to achieve future improvements. Aim: The aim was to illustrate moral stress among the nurse. Method: To achieve this goal, a literature review has been conducted. Searches for relevant articles in accordance with the English translation of moral stress were performed. The databases Cinahl, PsycINFO and PubMed were used. Articles with qualitative and quantitative approaches have been used. Results: The analysis revealed three different main categories: underlying causes for moral stress, consequences of moral stress and strategies for managing moral stress. Discussion: In the result, moral stress is discussed among nurses based on Jean Watson's theory of human care and other relevant articles. The appearance of moral stress in nurses is discussed from different perspectives. Differences in the environment and management's significant role regarding nurses' feelings of moral stress are discussed further. The consequences of moral stress in nurses are discussed with emphasis on patient safety and the encounter of patients. Awareness about moral stress in nurses needs to be greater. A focus on moral stress in nurses should be emphasized during nursing education.

Postavení Ruské federace v postsovětském prostoru na základě typologie Anglické školy / Position of Russian Federation in post-soviet area based on typology of english school

Vinterová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis focuses on the role of Russian federation within the post- communist area. The issue will be surveyed on the basis of Adam Watson's typology. Adam Watson is one of the representatives of the English school. The thesis describes the development of the Russian foreign policy, with regard to post-soviet area, from the disintegration of the Soviet Union to the present. The attention is paid to the idea of the eurasianism, or new eurasianism, which has become the most popular in the Russian foreign policy. The other part of the thesis presents the detailed analysis of the development of the Russian federation's relations with the other states and its degree of influence on the states within the post-soviet area. It examines both the degree of influence of the Russian federation's states and the degree of influence which Russia has within the integration groups, which came into being after the Soviet Union disintegration.

Som om min kropp var giftig : En litteraturöversikt om hur personer med HIV upplever hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande / As if my body was toxic : A literature review on how people with HIV experience healthcare providers’ attitude

Johansson, Joline, Sahlén, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) är en kronisk sjukdom som successivt försämrar det mänskliga immunförsvaret. Det finns medicinsk behandling som leder till ökad livslängd. Detta innebär att antalet personer med HIV kommer att öka och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal kommer att kunna möta dessa personer inom flera vårdkontexter än enbart i HIV-specifika sammanhang. HIV har varit en uppmärksammad sjukdom sedan 1980-talet och den diskriminering och stigmatisering som sjukdomen mötte då finns kvar idag, trots nationella och globala lagar och riktlinjer. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur personer med HIV upplever hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande. Metod: Metoden för denna litteraturöversikt inkluderar tio vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Av dessa var två kvantitativa och åtta kvalitativa. Följande sökord användes: nursing, healthcare, HIV, patient, experience, stigma, discrimination och isolation. Artiklarna granskades genom att identifiera meningsbärande begrepp, likheter och olikheter som sedan bildade resultatet. Resultat: Bemötandet av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen beskrevs av personer med HIV bestå av fördomar, stigmatisering och diskriminering. Det var inte ovanligt att vårdpersonalen undvek personer med HIV helt och hållet. Personer med HIV uttrycker starka åsikter om vikten av kontinuitet i vården och goda relationer till vårdpersonalen. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Jean Watsons interaktionsteori samt konsensusbegreppen. I samband med detta jämfördes även hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande mot personer med HIV med personer med Hepatit-C. / Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a chronic disease that progressively impairs the human immune system. Today, there are medical treatments that allow people with HIV to live longer than before. This means that the  number of people with HIV will increase and healthcare providers will be able to meet these people in several nursing context than just the HIV-specific context. HIV has been a noted disease since the 1980s and the discrimination and stigma that the disease met remains today, despite national and global laws and guidelines. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe how people with HIV are experiencing health care provider’s attitudes. Method: The method of this literature review included ten scientific articles found in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Following search terms were used: nursing, healthcare, HIV, patient, experience, stigma, discrimination and isolation. Two articles were quantitative and eight were qualitative. These articles were examined by identifying meaningful concepts, similarities and differences that formed the result. Results: According to people with HIV the healthcare providers’ attitudes included prejudice, stigma and discrimination. It was not uncommon for caregivers to avoid people with HIV altogether. People with HIV expressed strong opinions about the importance of continuity of care and good relationships with caregivers. Discussions: The result of the literature review was discussed based on Jean Watson's interaction theory about the centre of caring in the healthcare encounter and the consensus concepts. The healthcare providers’ attitudes towards people with HIV were compared with people with Hepatitis-C.

Utveckling av en chatbots dialog för implementation i en webbaserad kundtjänst

Kero, Chanelle, Törnblom, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Automatisering av kundtjänster genom implementering av chatbotar blir allt vanligare för att kunna erbjuda kunder en mer tillgänglig och effektiv service. Vid implementering av chatbotar i kundtjänster lämnas den mänskliga kontrollen och kundens upplevelse delvis över till ett digitalt system, vilket ställer krav på utformning av chatbotars dialoger. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram en artefakt i form av en chatbot och utveckla dess dialog för en framtida implementation i en kundtjänst. Arbetet ämnar att ta fram designprinciper för utformning och utveckling av chatbotar och deras dialoger i en kundtjänstmiljö. Den forskningsmetod som tillämpades vid utvecklingen av artefakten var Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). En litteraturstudie genomfördes och data samlades in genom möten samt en intervju med det företag som varit uppdragsgivare till arbetet. Arbetet resulterade i en demosida innehållande en chatbot, samt en sida för administratörer där de har en översikt av chatbotens genomförda interaktioner. Tre designprinciper togs även fram för utveckling av chatbotars dialog inom kundtjänst, vilka blev arbetets bidrag. De slutsatser som identifierades var att en chatbot bör kontrollera att användaren fått svar på sitt kundtjänstärende, en chatbot bör erbjuda mänsklig service vid missförstånd, en chatbot kan inte ersätta mänsklig service fullt ut samt att en chatbot bör ha en strukturerad datainsamling av genomförda interaktioner för att kunna utveckla och förbättra chatbotens dialog. / Automation of customer service through implementation of chatbots is becoming increasingly common in order to provide customers with a more accessible and efficient service. When implementing chatbots in customer services, human control and the customer experience are partially shifted to a digital system, which puts requirement on the chatbot’s dialogue. The purpose of this report is to develop an artifact for a client. The artifact is a web page containing a chatbot. The report aims to develop design principles for development of chatbots and their dialogues in a customer service. The research method used in the development of the artifact was Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). A literature study was conducted, and data was collected through meetings and an interview with the client. The report resulted in a demo page containing a chatbot and a page for administrators with an overview of saved chats. Three design principles were also formulated for developing chatbots in customer service, which is the contribution of the report. The conclusions identified were that a chatbot should check that the user got the correct answer, a chatbot should offer human service in case of misunderstanding, a chatbot cannot fully replace human service and a chatbot should have a structured data collection of completed interactions for developing and improvement of the chatbot’s dialogue.

Social robots powered by IBM Watson as a support for children with health problems

Kabir, Isak, Kindvall, Kalle January 2017 (has links)
Over the last few years, there has been a growing interest for social robots withhuman-like behavior and their application in healthcare and education. However,there are still plenty of issues that needs to be resolved. One of these challenges isto enable the social robots to fill its role effectively, by creating engagement. In this report the study, that was conducted at IBM Sweden, aims to understandhow IBM Watson can be utilized in the Pepper robot; to engage and supportchildren from the Ronald McDonald House in Uppsala. This is a place for childrenwith health problems and their families to live temporarily. Furthermore, supportivebehaviors are investigated since such behaviors are suggested to be important toincrease the engagement. An initial prototype that used Watson's natural languageprocessing and Pepper, was developed based on user requirements gatheredthrough interviews using a User Centered Design methodology. The prototype wasiteratively developed, and a final evaluation was conducted that examined both theperception of the robot as well as the engagement it created. The evaluation showed that the children wanted to interact with the robot again andhighlighted that they were highly engaged. They perceived the robot as a friend andthe supportive behaviors such as giving praise, responding quickly and maintainingeye contact were most important. The main support the children wanted were tohelp them feel less lonely and the conclusion of this study is that this is a suitablegoal for a robot system.

Étude de marches aléatoires sur un arbre de Galton-Watson / Study of random walks on a Galton-Watson tree

De Raphélis-Soissan, Loïc, Georges 20 February 2017 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude de limites d'échelle de différentes fonctionnelles de marches aléatoires sur un arbre de Galton-Watson, potentiellement en milieu aléatoire. La marche aléatoire que nous considérons sur cet arbre est une marche aux plus proches voisins récurrente nulle, dont les probabilités de transition dépendent de l'environnement. Plus particulièrement, nous étudions la trace de la marche, c'est-à-dire le sous-arbre constitué des sommets visités par celle-ci. Nous considérons d'abord le cas où dans un certain sens l'environnement est à variance finie, et nous montrons que bien renormalisée la trace converge vers la forêt brownienne. Nous considérons ensuite des hypothèses plus faibles, et nous montrons que la fonction de hauteur de la marche (c'est-à-dire la suite des hauteurs prises par la marche) converge vers le processus de hauteur en temps continu d'un processus de Lévy spectralement positif strictement stable, et que la trace de la marche converge vers l'arbre réel codé par ce même processus. La stratégie employée pour établir ces résultats repose sur l'étude d'un type d'arbres que nous introduisons dans cette thèse : ceux-ci sont des arbres de Galton-Watson à deux types, l'un des types étant stérile, et à longueur d'arête. Notre principal résultat concernant ces arbres assure que leur fonction de hauteur satisfait un principe d'invariance, similaire à celui vérifié par les arbres de Galton-Watson simples. Ces arbres trouvent également une application directe dans les arbres de Galton-Watson multitype à infinité de types, un lien explicite entre les deux nous permettant de montrer qu'ils satisfont également le même principe d'invariance. / This work is devoted to the study of scaling limits of different functionals of random walks on a Galton-Watson tree, potentially in random environment. The randow walk we consider is a null recurrent nearest-neigbout random walk, the probability transition of which depend on the environment. More precisely, we study the trace of the walk, that is the sub-tree made up of the vertices visited by the walk. We first consider the case where in a certain sense the environment has finite variance, and we show that when well-renormalised, the trace converges towards the Brownian forest. We then consider hypotheses of regular variation on the environement, and we show that the height function of the walk (that is the sequence of heights in the tree of the walk) converges towards the continuous time height process of a spectrally positive strictly stable Lévy process, and that the trace of the walk converges towards the real tree coded by this very process. The strategy used to prove these two results is based on the study of a certain kind of trees that we introduce in this thesis: they are Galton-Watson trees with two types, one of which being sterile, and with edge lengths. Our main result about these trees states that their height functions satisfies an invariance principle, similar to that verified by simple Galton-Watson trees. These trees also find a direct application in multitype Galton-Watson trees with infinitely many types, as an explicit link between these two kind of trees allow us to show that they satisfy also the same invariance principle.

Généralisation du théorème central limite conditionné sur l'environnement d'une marche aléatoire biaisé sur un arbre aléatoire

Chanel-Agouès, Emile 08 1900 (has links)
Nous nous penchons sur les fluctuations des marches dans plusieurs modèles de marches aléatoires en milieux aléatoires. En particulier, le résultat principal de ce mémoire est de prouver qu'il existe un théorème central limite trempé pour la marche aléatoire sur un arbre de Galton-Watson infini avec feuilles équipé de biais aléatoires plus grand que 1. Un tel théorème a été prouvé dans le cas où le biais est constant dans [1]; il s'agit donc de généraliser ce théorème. / We examine the fluctuations of walks in multiple models of random walks in random environments. In particular, the primary result of this dissertation is to prove there exists a quenched central limit theorem for the random on an infinite Galton-Watson tree with leaves equiped with random biases greater than 1. Such a theorem has already been proven in the case where the bias is constant in [1]; this is a generalization of that theorem.

The first Rockingham administration, 1765-66

Langford, Paul January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

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