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"Ska han inte gira snart?" : - En fallstudie om tillämpningen av regel 17 vid skärande kurser / ”What is your intention?” : -A case study on the implementation of rule 17Lundahl, Mikael, Schalburg, Christian January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att granska hur man som nautiker skall framföra sitt fartyg med hänsyn tagen till säkerheten och sjövägsreglerna i en korsande situation där ett väjningsskyldigt fartyg inte väjer. Vi genomförde en fallstudie bestående av en simulatorövning för ovetande styrmän och semistrukturerade intervjuer med nautiker från Stena Line, Scandlines och Wallenius. Genom att testa intervjurespondenternas lösningar i fartygssimulatorn på Sjöbefälsskolan i Kalmar kom vi fram till för- och nackdelar med olika sätt att agera. Vi har fått en ökad förståelse för hur sjövägsreglerna bör tillämpas i korsande situationer som vi vill att läsaren ska kunna tillgodogöra sig genom att läsa vårt arbete. Styrmännen som intervjuades berättade att de upplever att det är vanligt med fartyg som inte följer sjövägsreglerna. / The purpose of this study is to examine how a Navigating Officer should pilot his vessel safely while taking the Collision Regulations (COLREGs) into account whilst in a crossing situation in which a give-way vessel does not give way. We have examined how these situations can be solved by obtaining qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with Navigating Officers from Stena Line, Scandlines and Wallenius. All the officers whom we have interviewed told us that, in their experience, it is common to meet a ship that does not follow the COLREGs. By putting our respondents’ solutions to the test in the ship simulator at Kalmar Maritime Academy we were able to conclude the pros and cons of different approaches to the problem arising in a crossing situation when a give-way vessel coming from port does not give way. Through this process we (the writers) have gained a better understanding as to how the COLREGS should be applied in crossing situations and we hope that all readers can assimilate this knowledge by reading our thesis.
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Festivallandskapet i förändring : Siesta! – En liten musikfestival som står när jättarna faller / The changing festival landscape : Siesta! – A small music festival that stands when the giants fallBladh, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur några festivalarrangörer har upplevt och upplever det svenska festivallandskapet under 2010 och föregående år, med fokus på musikfestivalen Siesta!. Genom Siesta får studien en ung och relativt nyetablerad festivals syn på festivallandskapet och tar därmed plats för första gången inom svensk festivalforskning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kvalitativt undersöka hur Siesta har uppstått och utvecklats ur ett arrangörsperspektiv och hur den skiljer sig från andra likartade musikfestivaler såsom Arvikafestivalen, Hultsfredsfestivalen, Peace & Love, Way Out West, Popaganda och Emmabodafestivalen. Vidare analyseras det festivallandskap och det nätverk som dessa musikfestivaler befinner sig i. Utgångspunkten är att det sker och har skett en förändring med tanke på Hultsfredsfestivalens konkurs under sommaren 2010. Vad det är som har skett och hur det har påverkat festivalarrangörerna undersöks ur ett nutidsorienterat företags- och samhällsperspektiv. Materialet som använts är intervjuer med två personer ur Siestas ledning, skriftlig intervju med representant för Popaganda samt källor som belyser festivallandskapet ur ytterligare festivalarrangörers perspektiv. De faktorer som förefaller påverka arrangörerna mest i deras resonemang kring festivallandskapet är de konkurrensmässiga och ekonomiska förutsättningarna i dagens samhälle. I det ligger andra festivalers påverkan, både internationellt och nationellt, Internets betydelse för utvecklingen samt festivalernas relation till sin omvärld vad gäller andra intressenter och aktörer och tvärtom.
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Att Dela på HRM : Human Resource Management mellan Bemanningsföretag, Kundorganisation och Konsult / To ShareHRM : Human Resource Management between Staffing Agency, Client Organization and EmployeeJonsson, Emilia, Van Zant, Christopher January 2012 (has links)
Background and Problem definition: Atypical employment is something that has becomeincreasingly common in recent decades, these are defined as positions where no relationship is of thetraditional type in which the employee has a long term relationship with the employer and where hecarries out his work at the premises of the employer. These atypical employments can take variousforms, it can be fixed term contracts, project work or jobs in employment agencies and so on. Thestaffing sector in Sweden has grown rapidly since the 90s, and since international research shows thatthe three-way relationship arising from the use of staffing agencies may lead to challenges in differentparts of HRM, we have chosen to study this topic. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe and understand how HRM is handled in atypicalemployment relationships.Method: The epistemological starting point for this work is hermeneutics, as a result of this theresearch approach is qualitative and inspired by abduction. The authors have chosen to carry out thework as a case study of three primary cases, each one consisting of an employment agency, a clientorganization and an employee. The analysis is based on the hermeneutics principles of interpretationand concentration of meaning. Results: What emerged as central to how HRM is handled are the interdependencies that existbetween the business environment and the strategies of the firm, how they affect different parts ofHRM and how participation and liminality have an impact on the three-way relationship.Keywords: HRM, atypical employment, staffing agencies, three-way relationship and strategy. / Bakgrund och Problematisering: Atypiska anställningsförhållanden är något som har blivit meroch mer vanligt förekommande de senaste decennierna, dessa definieras som anställningar där interelationen är av den traditionella typen där den anställde har en långsiktig relation med arbetsgivarenoch där denne utför sitt arbete på plats hos arbetsgivaren. Dessa atypiska anställningsförhållanden kanta sig olika uttryck, det kan vara olika visstidsanställningar, arbete i projektform eller anställningar ibemanningsföretag och så vidare. Bemanningsbranschen i Sverige har vuxit i snabb takt sedan 90-talet, och då internationell forskning visar på att det trepartsförhållande som uppstår vid användandetav bemanningsföretag kan leda till utmaningar när det gäller olika delar av HRM har vi valt dettaämne att studera. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva och förstå hur HRM hanteras i atypiskaanställningsförhållanden.Metod: Den epistemologiska utgångspunkten för detta arbete är hermeneutiken, som en följd avdetta är forskningsansatsen kvalitativ och inspirerad av abduktion. Författarna har valt att genomföraarbetet som en fallstudie bestående av tre primärfall som var och ett består av ett bemanningsföretag,en kundorganisation och en anställd. Analysen bygger på hermeneutikens tolkningsprinciper ochmeningskoncentrering. Resultat: Det som framkommit som centralt för hur HRM hanteras är de ömsesidigaberoendeförhållanden som föreligger mellan företagens förutsättningar och strategier, hur dessapåverkar olika delar av HRM och hur delaktighet och liminalitet har inverkan på trepartsförhållandet.Sökord: HRM, atypiska anställningsförhållanden, bemanningsföretag, trepartsförhållande och strategi.
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Barns tankar och pedagogers undervisning om människokroppen / Children’s thoughts and the tuition of educationalist concerning the human bodyWallroth, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
The purpose with this essay was to study the knowledge of children today between six and eight years old about the human body and its function. A second purpose was to study how junior-level educationalist were carrying through there tuition about the human body. I wanted to investigate if the children today hade another knowledge about the human body than children that participated in previous similar investigations. I wanted to investigate this because today we live in another society than before with more access to information. My first question was to find out what children thought that we humans looked like inside the body and how its works. My second question was how junior-level educationalist do carry out their tuition. Ten children and tree junior-level educationalist participated in qualitative interviews, interviewed one by one. During the interviews the children were given a picture with a contour of the human body where they could fill in different organ. The most common organs that the children painted on their pictures of the human body where brain, heart, stomach, skeleton and lungs. The children also had some knowledge about the different organs like the skeletons function was to make the body hard, the hearts function was to pump the blood around in our body, the brain control the whole body and the stomach purpose was to take care of the food we eat. The educationalist replied that they used a lot of concrete material and they tried to have miscellaneous tuition. The result of this study is that the children today don’t have so much more knowledge of the human body than children that have been interview in older days. The result also showed that the way the educationalist were teaching hade a positive influents on the students learning. / Syftet med undersökningen var att se vad barn mellan sex och åtta års ålder idag hade för tankar om hur vi människor ser ut inuti vår kropp och hur det fungerar inuti oss men också att undersöka hur lågstadiepedagoger går tillväga vid undervisningen om människokroppen. Jag ville undersöka om barnen idag hade mer kunskap om människokroppen än de barn som ingått i liknande studier tidigare, eftersom vi idag lever i ett informationssamhälle. Min första frågeställning blev att ta reda på barnens tankar om människokroppens inre och hur det fungerar inuti oss. Min andra frågeställning blev hur lågstadiepedagoger gick tillväga med sin undervisning om människokroppen. Tio barn och tre lågstadiepedagoger har medverkat i kvalitativa intervjuer där de intervjuades en och en. Under intervjutillfällena fick barnen en bild med människokroppens kontur för att fylla i olika organ. De vanligaste organen som barnen ritade var hjärna, hjärta, magsäck, skelett och lungorna. Barnen berättade också bl.a. att skelettets funktion var att göra kroppen hård, hjärtat pumpade runt blod i kroppen, hjärnan styrde kroppen, magen tog hand om vår mat. Pedagogerna svarade att de använde mycket konkret material och att de försökte ha en så varierad undervisning som möjligt. Resultatet från denna studie visade att barnen idag inte har så mycket mer kunskap än de barn som ingått i liknande studier från förr. Resultatet visade också att det sätt pedagogerna undervisade på hade en positiv inverkan på elevernas lärande.
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Theory of measurement-based quantum computingde Beaudrap, Jonathan Robert Niel January 2008 (has links)
In the study of quantum computation, data is represented in terms of linear operators which form a generalized model of probability, and computations are most commonly described as products of unitary transformations, which are the transformations which preserve the quality of the data in a precise sense.
This naturally leads to unitary circuit models, which are models of computation in which unitary operators are expressed as a product of "elementary" unitary transformations.
However, unitary transformations can also be effected as a composition of operations which are not all unitary themselves: the one-way measurement model is one such model of quantum computation.
In this thesis, we examine the relationship between representations of unitary operators and decompositions of those operators in the one-way measurement model.
In particular, we consider different circumstances under which a procedure in the one-way measurement model can be described as simulating a unitary circuit, by considering the combinatorial structures which are common to unitary circuits and two simple constructions of one-way based procedures.
These structures lead to a characterization of the one-way measurement patterns which arise from these constructions, which can then be related to efficiently testable properties of graphs.
We also consider how these characterizations provide automatic techniques for obtaining complete measurement-based decompositions, from unitary transformations which are specified by operator expressions bearing a formal resemblance to path integrals.
These techniques are presented as a possible means to devise new algorithms in the one-way measurement model, independently of algorithms in the unitary circuit model.
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Vad är det som gör att personer hanterar traumatiska händelser olika? / What makes people handle traumatic incidents different from oneanother?Lingmar, Helena, Eklund, Emma January 2012 (has links)
En positiv eller negativ livsinställning, djur, natur, tro och utbildning, är det faktorer som har skyddande egenskaper? Personerna som fått behandling professionellt, har bearbetat händelserna de varit med om bättre än de som inte har fått hjälp med bearbetning. De personer som har en positiv livsinställning, i kombination med att de fått professionell hjälp av någon, har bearbetat de traumatiska händelser de varit med om bättre, än personer som har en negativ livsinställning, eller inte fått professionell hjälp. Några av personerna som intervjuats har även haft stor hjälp av att vistas ute i naturen tillsammans med sina hundar. Hundarna har varit ett stort stöd mentalt och en god vän som lyssnat när de mått dåligt. / A positive or negative approach to life, animals, nature, faith and education, are those factors with protective characteristics? Persons that have got professional treatment, have processed the experienced incidents, better than those who have not received help to process the incidents. Those who have a positive approach to life, combined with professional treatment, have processed traumatic experiences better than persons with a negative approach to life, or those with no professional treatment offered. Some of the interviewed persons have gained a lot by spending time with their dogs in nature. The dog has acted as mental support and a good friend, who has listened when the person has been depressed and in need of support.
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Arbetssättets betydelse/påverkan i matematikundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie av etniskt svenska respektive etniskt utländska elevers resultat/förståelse i förhållande till matematikundervisningenAkar, Figen January 2010 (has links)
This thesis which is about working with mathematics teaching has no effect/impact on performance and understanding of pupils. The study is intended to gain insight on working in mathematics education which has an impact on performance and understanding of students who are ethnically Swedish and foreign ethnic. In order to compare the ethnic Swedish and foreign students of ethnic understanding, I judged from their performance on the tests taken in year three. The qualitative approach permeated the work, both interviews and observations which were included in the survey. The qualitative study was chosen to get an understanding of how mathematics teaching is conducted in two different areas. The results of the investigation show that working in mathematics education is relevant to performance and understanding of students who are ethnically Swedish and foreign ethnic. In addition, it led to ethnically Swedish students having higher results than students who are ethnically non-resident in the comparison schools.
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Återhämtning från alkohol och drogproblem : - en fenomenologisk studie av fyra människors återhämtningsprocesserHaptén, Oscar, Severin, Love January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase understanding about addiction recovery. More specifically, we want to know what people who have had problems with alcohol and/or other drugs perceive as helpful and important for their recovery process and how we can understand this process. The study was conducted by means of qualitative semi-structured interviews with four people who have had alcohol and/or other drug problems. The analysis is based on a transtheoretical model of change from addictive behaviours, coping, interactionist theories and also a recovery perspective, inspired by research on recovery from mental illness . Main findings are that recovery from addiction can be understood as an individual process that takes place in a social context and can follow expected phases, although there are large individual differences in the process. Through the recovery process it has been of importance to the participants in the study to redefine themselves and their problems, get support from others, find ways to cope with their problems, get involved in meaningful activities and to expand their social roles. Internal and external processes that are not directly related to drug use also appear to be important for the recovery from addiction.
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Rigid, Melting, and Flowing FluidCarlson, Mark Thomas 29 October 2004 (has links)
This work focuses on the simulation of fluids as they transition between a solid and a liquid
state, and as they interact with rigid bodies in a realistic fashion. There is an underlying theme to
my work that I did not recognize until I examined my body of research as a whole. The equations
of motion that are generally considered appropriate only for liquids or gas can also be used to
model solids. Without adding extra constraints, one can model a solid simply as a fluid with a high
viscosity. Admittedly, this representation will only get you so far, but this simple representation can
create some very nice animations of objects that start as solids, and then melt into liquid over time.
Another way to represent solids with the fluid equations is to add extra constraints to the equations.
I use this representation in the parts of this work that focus on the two-way coupling of liquids with
rigid bodies. The coupling affects both how the liquid moves the rigid bodies, and how the rigid
bodies in turn affect the motion of the fluid. There are three components that are needed to allow
solids and fluids to interact: a rigid body solver, a fluid solver, and a mechanism for the coupling of
the two solvers.
The fluid solver used in this work was presented in [8]. This Melting and Flowing solver is
a fast and stable system for animating materials that melt, flow, and solidify. Examples of realworld
materials that exhibit these phenomena include melting candles, lava flow, the hardening of
cement, icicle formation, and limestone deposition. Key to this fluid solver is the idea that we can
plausibly simulate such phenomena by simply varying the viscosity inside a standard fluid solver,
treating solid and nearly-solid materials as very high viscosity fluids. The computational method
modifies the Marker-And-Cell algorithm [99] in order to rapidly simulate fluids with variable and
arbitrarily high viscosity. The modifications allow the viscosity of the material to change in space
and time according to variation in temperature, water content, or any other spatial variable. This
in turn allows different locations in the same continuous material to exhibit states ranging from the
absolute rigidity or slight bending of hardened wax to the splashing and sloshing of water.
The coupling that ties together the rigid body and fluid solvers was presented in [7], and is
known as the Rigid Fluid method. It is a technique for animating the interplay between rigid bodies
and viscous incompressible fluid with free surfaces. Distributed Lagrange multipliers are used to
ensure two-way coupling that generates realistic motion for both the solid objects and the fluid as
they interact with one another. The rigid fluid method is so named because the simulator treats
the rigid objects as if they were made of fluid. The rigidity of such an object is maintained by
identifying the region of the velocity field that is inside the object and constraining those velocities
to be rigid body motion. The rigid fluid method is straightforward to implement, incurs very little
computational overhead, and can be added as a bridge between current fluid simulators and rigid
body solvers. Many solid objects of different densities (e.g., wood or lead) can be combined in the
same animation.
The rigid body solver used in this work is the impulse based solver, with shock propagation
introduced by Guendelman et al. in [36]. The rigid body solver allows for collisions ranging from
completely elastic, where an object can bounce around forever without loss of energy, to completely
inelastic where all energy is spent in the collision. Static and dynamic frictional forces are also
incorporated. The details of this rigid body solver will not be discussed, but the small changes
needed to couple this solver to interact with fluid will be.
When simulating fluids, the fluid-air interface (free surface) is an important part of the simulation.
In [8], the free surface is modelled by a set of marker particles, and after running a simulation
we create detailed polygonal models of the fluid by splatting particles into a volumetric grid and
then render these models using ray tracing with sub-surface scattering. In [7], I model the free
surface with a particle level set technique [14]. The surface is then rendered by first extracting a triangulated
surface from the level set and then ray tracing that surface with the Persistence of Vision
Raytracer (http://povray.org).
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A Classification of the Weed Vegetation in Mituo County, KaohsiungLin, Chun-yi 07 February 2010 (has links)
This study surveyed floristic composition and distribution of weed vegetation in Mituo County. 206 relevés were surveyed according to relevé method. A total of 140 species belonging to 32 families of the vascular plants were recorded. The weed
communities were classified with nonmetric multidimentional scaling, two-way indicator species analysis, tabular comparison method, fidelity and synoptic table analysis. Discriminate analysis was used to evaluate the distinctness of classification
unitsal vegetation classification system was made using Braun-Blanquet approach of floristic-sociological classification in lower levels and physiognomic-sociological classification in higher levels. In floristic-sociological classification, assication is the basic unit, and it should be grouped into higher units (alliance) by floristic composition. The results showed 1 formation class, 2 formations in phsiogonomic units, and 4 alliances, 6 associations in floristic units:
I. Lower montane-lowland weed vegetation formation
A. Echinochloa colona alliance
a. Echinochloa colona association
b. Trianthemum portulacastrum association
c. Panicum maximum association
B. Dichanthium aristatum alliance
d. Dichanthium aristatum association
C. Eriochloa procera alliance
e. Eriochloa procera association
II. Sand dune vegetation formation
D. Ipomoea pescaprae subsp. brasiliensis alliance
f. Ipomoea pescaprae subsp. brasiliensis association
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