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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet – En fallstudie av hyresgästers betalningsvilja för skönhet i Garnisonen / Qualitative architecture with focus on beauty – A case study of tenants’ willingness to pay for beauty in Garnisonen

Kölborg, Emma, Mähler, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
In the Real Estate market there are a large number of commercial properties with offices. As a company or business you are faced with many decisions when choosing your office space. This bachelor thesis examines the concept of architectural quality with focus on beauty and its value for office tenants. The ambition is to find out if beauty is a decisive factor in the selection of office and if there is a willingness to pay for it. The selected question is studied in a case study of Garnisonen where tenants, a property owner and an architect are interviewed, all with connection to the examination object. Garnisonen is well suited as a case study because it is Stockholm's largest office complex with buildings from three different architectural eras. Tenants in the survey represent all architectural styles and have different industry affiliation. As a theoretical framework a literature study is presented where the importance of beauty for the individual, the built environment and society are treated, and also how the office can be used for branding purposes. The interviewees’ views of beauty and their opinions on beauty at work in Garnisonen are presented in the results. To find out if there is a willingness to pay for beauty the respondents get to put a value on beauty based on rental changes given in per cent. The analysis links the results with the theory chapter. The conclusion interprets the analysis and discloses the willingness to pay for beauty in Garnisonen with the aspiration to give an indication of a more general view of the value of beauty. / På fastighetsmarknaden finns ett stort antal kommersiella fastigheter med kontor. Som företag eller verksamhet ställs man inför flera beslut vid val av kontorslokal. I det här kandidatarbetet undersöks begreppet arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet och dess värde för kontorshyresgästen. Syftet är att ta reda på om skönhet är en avgörande faktor vid val av lokal och om det finns en betalningsvilja för det. Den valda frågan studeras i en fallstudie av Garnisonen där hyresgäster, fastighetsägare och en arkitekt intervjuas, alla med anknytning till undersökningsobjektet. Garnisonen lämpar sig väl som fallstudie då det är Stockholms största kontorskomplex med byggnader från tre olika arkitektoniska tidsepoker. Hyresgästerna representerar samtliga arkitekturstilar och har olika branschtillhörighet. Som teoretiskt ramverk presenteras en litteraturstudie där betydelsen av skönhet för individen, den byggda miljön och samhället behandlas, därtill hur kontoret kan användas i varumärkesbyggande syfte för ett företag. I resultatet redovisas intervjuobjektens syn på skönhet och deras tankar kring skönhet på arbetsplatsen i Garnisonen. För att ta reda på om det finns en betalningsvilja för skönhet får respondenterna sätta ett värde på skönhet utifrån en hyresförändring angiven i procent. I analysen sammankopplas resultatet med teoriavsnittet. Slutsatsen tolkar analysen och behandlar betalningsviljan för skönhet i Garnisonen med viljan att ge en indikation om en mer allmän syn på värdet av skönhet.

Psykisk ohälsa och villighet att distansarbeta / Poor mental health and willingness to telecommute

Svensson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Sick leave due to poor mental health has increased in Sweden and the need for more knowledge about possible work adaption is big. Under the right conditions telecommuting seems to have positive effects on mental health. Research shows that voluntariness is an important factor. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-reported symptoms of burnout, depression, sleeping problems and willingness to telecommute. The outcome was the amount of days a person wishes to telecommute. The sample consisted of 1383 white collar workers from private and public sector. Two linear regression analyzes were performed, one without and one with control variables. The result of this study showed no relationship between self-reported symptoms of burnout, depression, sleeping problems and willingness to telecommute. However, it showed a significant relationship between some of the control variables and the outcome. These were age, telecommuting experience, commuting time and the amount of telecommuting currently performed. Future studies should focus on including more people with higher levels of poor mental health, and also investigate the possibility of using telecommuting as work adaption for this group.

Icebreakers – an effective teaching strategy or a waste of time? : A study of grade 4-6 English teachers’ use of Icebreakers and their perceived effect on students

Hamrin, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
There is very little research done on the use and perceptions of icebreakers, and even fewer researchers have focused on young learners in this regard. This study investigates which icebreakers English teachers in grade 4-6 use in Swedish primary classrooms, why they use them, and what their perception is of how icebreakers can affect students’ oral production. Five semi-structured interviews were carried out, containing twelve questions formulated with a focus on significant factors such as motivation, engagement, foreign language anxiety and willingness to communicate, which are addressed in the research on icebreakers. The interviews were transcribed, translated, analyzed (more than once) and thematically categorized to answer the research questions. This showed patterns, perceptions, and trends that English teachers in grade 4-6 have of icebreakers and their use. Most of the teachers who were interviewed had a knowledge of what icebreakers are and what affect they have, and use them daily. As a tool for improving oral performance, icebreakers were seen as well-functioning by most of the interviewed teachers, even though not all of them believed they had time to use them. Only one teacher believed there to be other more effective methods to use. The study showed that teachers perceive anxiety and fear to be reduced by using icebreakers during English lessons, something that is necessary to promote speaking. It may therefore be advisable for teachers to reflect on common classroom practices that induce anxiety, rather than viewing language anxiety as a disadvantageous characteristic of individual learners. The results call for in-depth studies of icebreakers and their effects on students’ learning experiences and speaking ability. Moreover, the study helps fill the gap of research in grades 4-6, with new perspectives on teachers’ perceptions of young learners in relation to icebreakers.

Förpackningens betydelse : En kvantitativ studie om en förpacknings påverkan på konsumenters köpvilja beroende på färg och form / The importance of packaging : A quantitative study of the impact of a package on consumers' willingness to buy depending on colour and shape

Hakobian, Fana, Kallsen Lannerbäck, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Förpackningens betydelse - En kvantitativ studie om en förpacknings påverkan på konsumenters köpvilja beroende på färg och form Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i huvudområdet företagsekonomi. Författare: Lovisa Kallsen Lannerbäck & Fana Hakobian Handledare: Patrik Sörqvist Datum: 2021 - maj Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kombinationen av designelementen färg och form kan påverka konsumenters köpvilja. Metod: Studien antar ett positivistiskt synsätt och en deduktiv ansats. Studien har vidare en kvantitativ strategi och en kvasiexperimentell design. Data har samlats in genom en enkät och har analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS.  Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet har visat att det finns en statistisk säkerställd interaktion mellan färg, form och köpvilja. Resultatet har även påvisat att könsidentitet har en effekt på orsakssambandet men inte ålder. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien har bidragit till det empiriska material som finns gällande preferenser för färg och form, hur färger och former av en förpackning interagerar med varandra samt hur de påverkar konsumenters köpvilja Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Forskning om preferensskillnader mellan olika åldrar, främst för form. Genomföra en liknande studie som inkluderar frågor som tar reda på vilka känslor/tankar respondenterna får från olika stimuli. Eventuellt genomföra en liknande studie men med utökade variabler eller andra variabler helt och hållet. Nyckelord: Förpackning, förpackningsdesign,  konsumentbeteende, köpvilja / Title: The importance of packaging -  a quantitative study of the impact of a package on consumers' willingness to buy depending on colour and shape Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Authors: Lovisa Kallsen Lannerbäck & Fana Hakobian Supervisor: Patrik Sörqvist Date: 2021- May Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate how the combination of the design elements shape and color can affect consumers' willingness to buy. Method: The study assumes a positivistic research philosophy and a deductive approach. The study also has a quantitative strategy and a quasi-experimental design. Data has been collected through a survey and has been analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. Result & conclusions: The results have shown that there is a statistically significant interaction between color, shape and willingness to buy. The results have also shown that gender identity has an effect on the causal relationship, but age does not.  Contribution of the thesis: The study has contributed to the empirical material that exists regarding preferences for color and shape, how colors and shapes of a package interact with each other and how they affect consumers' willingness to buy.  Suggestions for future research: More research on preference differences between different ages, mainly for shape. Conducting a similar study that includes questions that are intended to find out what feelings/thoughts the respondents have when they are presented with the different designs. Possibly conduct a similar study to this one but with expanded variables or different variables altogether. Key words: Packaging, packaging design, consumer behavior, willingness to buy

The Relationship between Extramural English and Students' Speaking Anxiety in the Swedish EFL Classroom : A quantitative study with secondary school students

Sandberg, Helene January 2021 (has links)
The present study aims to investigate the possible impact that extramural English (EE) has on students’ foreign language anxiety (FLA) in the Swedish EFL classroom. The focus lies specifically on speaking anxiety and its relation to EE, if certain EE activities have a greater importance than others, and if there are gender differences in EE activities and levels of speaking anxiety. The study was carried out in a secondary school in Stockholm, Sweden. The 142 participants attended the last term of ninth grade when the study was carried out. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire and results demonstrated that the more extramural English the participants engaged in, the lower their levels of speaking anxiety were. Results also showed that productive EE activities seemed to have a greater impact than receptive activities on FLA. Finally, the study also revealed gender differences in preferred EE activities as well as in levels of speaking anxiety. The participating girls, as a group, had higher levels of speaking anxiety than the boys and were more involved in receptive EE activities than the participating boys. Additionally, the boys spent more time on activities involving video games than girls.

Does my self-image do the purchasing for me? : A thematic analysis on millennial women's attitudes towards sports supplements and their willingness to purchase based on packaging design

Borg, Amanda, Rönnbom, Nicki January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of Swedish female millennials attitudes towards sports supplements. As well as how packaging design influences their willingness to purchase within this product category. Based on this, two main research questions were formulated: (1) What are millennial women's attitudes towards sports supplements? And (2) How does packaging design influence female millennials willingness to purchase sports supplements?  In order to answer these questions, a qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 26 Swedish millennial females. The empirical findings from these interviews were then transcribed and analyzed in relation to the theories found in the literature review. The conclusions of this thesis shows that female millennials have positive attitudes towards sports supplements, however it was found that a positive attitude is not sufficient to generate a purchase. Additionally, it was concluded that packaging design influences this population greatly. Although the researched population were not aware of how much they in fact were influenced and a conflict between conscious influence and unconscious influence was identified.

"Klimatsmartare förpackning" och "ekologiskt" : En undersökning för hur miljöetiketter påverkar konsumentens Intention To Buy och Willingness To Pay.

Ekebergh, Charlotta, To, Thai January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: "Klimatsmartare förpackning" och "ekologiskt" En undersökning för hur miljöetiketter påverkar konsumentens Intention To Buy och Willingness To Pay. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Charlotta Ekebergh och Thai To Handledare: Patrik Sörqvist Datum: juni, 2021 Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka konsumentens intention to buy (ITB) och willingness to pay (WTP) för olika typer av vinförpackningar samt att se om dessaskattningar kan påverkas genom Systembolagets märkningar "klimatsmartare förpackning" och "ekologiskt". Studien undersökte även om det finns några skillnader mellanrespondenternas ITB och WTP för självskattad miljövänlighet, enligt studiens miljöindex. Metod: Studien utfördes med ett faktoriell kvasiexperiment (4x4) med totalt 102 deltagare, där respondenterna fick ge svar utefter en 7-gradig Likertskala i en enkätundersökning innehållandes manipulerade bilder för att besvara studiens hypoteser. Resultat & Analys: Denna studie visar att respondenternas skattade intention att köpa (ITB) och betalningsvilja (WTP), skiljer sig mycket åt beroende på förpackningstyp för vin. Dessa skattningar har i vissa fall visat sig kunna påverkas av Systembolaget etiketter "klimatsmartare förpackning" och "ekologiskt". Resultaten visade att det i stora drag stämmer överens med tidigare empiriska resultat men att även motsättningar har kunnat bekräftas genom statistiskt signifikanta resultat. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie visar signifikanta skillnader för respondenternas skattade intention att köpa (ITB) och betalningsvilja (WTP) för de olika förpackningsalternativen för vin i kombination med de olika etiketterna "klimatsmartare förpackning" och "ekologiskt". Resultatet från studien kan tänkas indikera konsumenters intention att köpa (ITB) och betalningsvilja (WTP) för vin i alternativa förpackningar i kombination med de olika etiketterna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studie föreslår vidare forskning där man undersöker konsumenters faktiska köp på Systembolaget i förhållande till konsumentens skattade ITB förekologiska produkter och produkter i klimatsmartare förpackningar. Ytterligare förslag ges för vidare forskning att undersöka om liknande förhållanden råder för andra produktgrupper på Systembolaget. Samt att undersöka konsumenters intention att köpa (ITB) och betalningsvilja (WTP) för alternativa, klimatsmartare förpackningar för andra typer av livsmedel. Nyckelord: Wine, Intention To Buy (ITB), Willingness To Pay (WTP), Organic, Label,Packaging / Abstract Title: "Klimatsmartare förpackning" and "ekologiskt"A study researching how climate friendly labels affect the consumers’ Intention To Buy and Willingness To Pay. Level: Student theses, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Charlotta Ekebergh and Thai To Supervisor: Patrik Sörqvist Date: June – 2021 Aim: The aim for this study was to research whether the consumers intention to buy (ITB)and willingness to pay (WTP) for different types of wine packaging could be altered through the use of Systembolaget’s labels, "klimatsmartare förpackning" and "ekologiskt". (In english the labels would read "climate friendlier packaging" and "organic"). Further, this study aimed to research whether any differences between the respondents ITB and WTP occurs according to the respondent’s self-evaluated environmental friendliness, and this studies’ environmental index. Method: This study was performed with a factorial Quasi-experiment (4x4) with a total of 102 participants, responding through a 7-grade Likert scale in a questionnaire containing manipulated images to answer the hypotheses of this study. Result & Conclusions: This study shows that the respondents estimated intention to buy (ITB) and willingness to pay (WTP) differs greatly depending on the type of wine packaging. These estimates have in some cases been influenced by the Systembolaget’s labels "klimatsmartare förpackning" and "ekologiskt". The results from this study largely showed that they are in line with previous empirical results. However, this study has proven some contradictions to be statistically significant. Contribution of the thesis: This study shows statistically significant differences between therespondents estimated intention to buy (ITB) and willingness to pay (WTP) for the different types of wine packaging in combination with the two labels "klimatsmartare förpackning" and "ekologiskt". The results show an actual indication of consumers intention to buy (ITB) and willingness to pay (WTP) for wine in different types of packaging in combination with the two labels. Suggestions for future research: This study suggests future research to investigate consumers actual purchases at Systembolaget in relation to their estimated intention to buy (ITB) of organic products and products in a more climate friendly packaging. Further suggestions are to investigate whether similar relationships occur for other types of products at Systembolaget. Lastly, investigate whether the consumers intention to buy (ITB) and willingnessto pay (WTP) for alternative, more climate friendly packaging for other types of food. Key words: Wine, Intention To Buy (ITB), Willingness To Pay (WTP), Organic, Label, Packaging

The Effects of Descriptive Food Names on Impressions, Anticipated Satisfaction, and Willingness to Pay More

Kim, Seontaik 22 July 2015 (has links)
Descriptive menu labels are omnipresent elements in restaurant menus. Food service operations often use sensory, nostalgic, and brand descriptions to signal a customer's food-specific perceptions. Extant research has shown links between descriptive menu labels and food taste/enjoyment perceptions. To extend and expand the extant literature, this dissertation proposes that descriptive menu labels can be viewed as an anthropomorphizing factor, leading to different magnitudes of consumption-related attitudes and behavioral intentions in a restaurant. Drawing from metaphoric transfer theory and social impression models, the present research study suggests that descriptive labels in a restaurant transmit metaphors that influence consumers' impending warmth and competence perceptions of a restaurant. This dissertation also investigates the potential inversed magnitudes of anticipated satisfaction and willingness-to-pay-more driven by warmth/competence. In this empirical study, descriptive menu labels were experimentally manipulated. Consumers' warmth-related and competence-related service impressions, anticipated satisfaction, and willingness-to-pay-more more were measured. The empirical investigation comprised two pretests and one main study. The hypotheses were tested in two menu contexts (an entrée menu vs. a dessert menu). Overall, the results suggest that customers view a restaurant with sensory- and nostalgia-triggering descriptions as offering warmer impending services (i.e., with kindness, generosity, and understanding) compared to a restaurant with general descriptions. On the other hand, customers view a restaurant that utilizes brand-related descriptions as providing more competent and skilled impending services than a restaurant that utilizes general descriptions. In addition, the findings suggest that consumers' warmth impressions serve a more important role in their anticipated satisfaction than do their competence impressions; however, regarding willingness-to-pay-more, competence impressions factor more significantly than do warmth impressions. The replications of the results across the two menu contexts showed the robustness of the findings; however, there was a different pattern observed for the effects of sensory labels on consumers' warmth-related impressions in the dessert menu selection context. This dissertation contributes to emerging streams of menu labeling and service management literature. The findings presented in this dissertation have both theoretical and managerial implications for the food service industry. / Ph. D.

Betalningsvilja för hållbar transport : Vad kännetecknar en betalande konsument?

Ravelli, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background and purpose: The purpose of this study is to fill the gap which is present in the science area of sustainable transport. According to the literature study that has been performed within this thesis it has not been possible to identify any studies which investigates what individuals that has a willingness to pay (WTP) for sustainable transport has in common. By investigating if there are any differences between these individuals the study aims to find a common ground in terms of socioeconomic factors or general attitude towards the climate. By doing this, the science gap within this area will be reduced and companies can use the result to identify which kind of services this should be applied to. If more companies apply the sustainable transport choice, more individuals will be able to choose it and the climate footprint could become smaller.    Method: In order to find differences between individuals it is essential to apply a method which can be established in the science. By performing a qualitative pre-study of earlier science and literature science, questions have been constructed to create a foundation for a survey. The survey was performed digitally and included questions about the individual socioeconomic factors, general attitude towards the climate and their WTP for sustainable transport. After removal of non-essential answers 109 respondents was left which became the foundation of the analysis. The study is limited to the author’s social network represented by people living in Sweden.   Result: The study has found common ground for individuals that has a WTP for sustainable transport. The socioeconomic differences of the individuals has no impact on their WTP for sustainable transport. An individual with WTP is known by its’ concern for the environment and by performing other climate smart choices in the everyday life.   Conclusion: The result support, which has been proven by this study, that all companies have the possibility to apply sustainable transport regardless of what target group they have. Also, companies that have individuals that do other climate smart choices as a target group has even bigger chances of successfully implementing sustainable transport.  Keywords: Sustainable transport, Green transport, Willingness to pay / SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund och syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att fylla det gap som finns i forskningen inom området hållbar transport. Enligt den litteraturstudie som har utförts i anknytning till arbetet har det inte identifierats några studier som undersökt vad som kännetecknar individer som innehar betalningsvilja för hållbar transport. Genom att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan individer och på så vis hitta gemensamma nämnare i form av socioekonomisk bakgrund eller generell inställning till miljön ska denna studie bidra till forskningen genom att dels täcka det gap som finns men också ge företag som kan applicera denna tjänst ett incitament för att ta det steget. Om fler företag erbjuder hållbar transport kommer fler individer ha möjlighet att välja denna tjänst och i sin tur kommer miljöpåverkan i samhället minska.   Metod: För att hitta skillnader mellan individer är det essentiellt att tillämpa ett metodval som kan förankras i forskningen. Genom en kvalitativ förstudie av tidigare forskning och litteratur har det utformats frågor som lagt grund för en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen utfördes digitalt och inkluderade frågor om individens socioekonomiska bakgrund, generell inställning till miljön samt betalningsviljan för hållbar transport. Efter bortplockande av felaktigt genomförda undersökningar kvarstod 109 tillfrågade respondenter vilket la grund för den analys som sedan lett fram till resultatet. Studien är avgränsad till författarens sociala medier vilket är representerat av människor som bor i Sverige.   Resultat: Studien har hittat gemensamma nämnare för de individer som innehar en betalningsvilja för hållbar transport. Vad en individ har för socioekonomisk bakgrund spelar ingen roll för individens betalningsvilja för hållbar transport. En individ som innehar betalningsvilja för hållbar transport kännetecknas enbart av att den är orolig för klimatförändringarna och dess konsekvenser samt att den gör andra klimatsmarta val i vardagen.   Konklusion: Resultatet stödjer, med denna studie som grund, att hållbar transport kan appliceras på samtliga företag och det har alltså ingen betydelse vilken målgrupp produkten eller tjänsten inriktar sig på. Däremot har företag vars målgrupp är individer som gör andra klimatsmarta val ännu större chanser att lyckas sälja hållbar transport.   Nyckelord: Hållbar transport, Grön transport, Betalningsvilja

The effectiveness of digital online games as an extramural activity for facilitating motivation and vocabulary acquisition in L2 English learning: student and teacher perspectives

Stagevik, Markus, Benson, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
In Sweden, 50% of all teenagers between the ages 12-18 spend at least three hours a day, spending their time on anything from digital games to YouTube and homework research. Given the popularity of such activities, it is worthwhile investigating to what degree any one of them might be used to help facilitate English second language learning. Research show that digital games use lead to an enhanced vocabulary comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking comprehension, lowered anxiety level and enhanced willingness to communicate for L2 English learners. In the current study we used a qualitative teacher interviews and a quantitative student questionnaires to determine to what extent Swedish elementary school teachers and students in the southern part of Sweden perceive extramural multiplayer online games as being effective for facilitating L2 learning motivation and vocabulary acquisition, as well as their strategies for implementing digital gaming. The major conclusions of this study from both a teacher and student perception is that the motivation is enhanced in students who are frequent gamers, also enhancing their motivation in the classroom to learn English. Additionally, teachers found a wider vocabulary and knowledge of synonyms in students who frequently play games.

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