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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decisions from experience: Time delays, complexity and illusions of control

Lejarraga, Tomás 09 July 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis incluye tres capítulos que exploran diferentes aspectos de la distinción entre decisiones desde la descripción y decisiones desde la experiencia. El capítulo 1 estudia escenarios de decisión cuando las personas cuentan con información tanto desde la descripción como desde la experiencia. Los resultados sugieren que la experiencia es desatendida ante una descripción.También se explora el impacto sobre las decisiones de diferencias individales con respecto a la habilidad racional.Las personas con habilidad racional más alta obtienen muestras de mayor tamaño que los participantes con menor habilidad racional.El capítulo 2 examina situaciones en las que la información obtenida desde la experiencia resulta una mejor fuente que una descripción.La complejidad y las demoras favorecen a la experiencia sobre la descripción como fuente de información. No se evidencian diferencias individuales con respecto a habilidades numéricas o racionales. Sin embargo, se evidencia una relación entre mayor habilidad racional y mayor tamaño muestral. Por último, el capítulo 3 explora, para una tarea de lotería,la interacción entre la ilusión de control y la fuente de información. / This thesis includes three chapters that study different aspects of the distinction between decisions from description and decisions from experience. Chapter 1 studies choice when decision makers have both information from description and information from experience. Results suggest that experience is disregarded in the face of description. Individual differences with respect to rational ability are also explored. Participants with higher rational ability draw larger samples than participants with lower rational ability. Chapter 2 examines situations in which information from experience is a better source of information than information from description. Complex scenarios and delayed judgmental tasks favor experience over description as source of information. Moreover, there were no individual differences due to numerical/rational abilities. Additional evidence was found that relates higher rational ability to larger samples.Finally,chapter 3 explores how illusion of control interacts with the source of information in a lottery task.

Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies

Landmann, Dirk Hauke 29 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen in der umweltökonomischen Bewertung von öffentlichen Gütern des Waldes / Willingness to pay analyses for environmental valuation of public goods provided by forests

Weller, Priska Johanna 18 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

L'évaluation économique des services écosystémiques marins et côtiers et son utilisation dans la prise de décision : cas d'étude en Nouvelle-Calédonie et en Australie / Quantifying economic values of coastal and marine ecosystem services and assessing their use in decision-making : applications in New-Caledonia and Australia

Marre, Jean-Baptiste 30 September 2014 (has links)
No abstract. / Coastal and marine ecosystems are some of the most heavily exploited with increasing degradation. This alarming situation appeals for urgent and effective actions. The optimal balance between use and conservation of ecosystems theoretically requires all costs and benefits to be considered in decision-making, including intangible costs and benefits such as non-market use and non-use values. The broad aim of this PhD is to examine how these economic values associated with coastal and marine ecosystem services can be measured, and how the economic valuation exercise may be considered and influence management decision- making.The first analytical part of the thesis focuses on assessing non-market use and non-use values, through econometric methods. The characterization and estimation of non-use values are complex and controversial, especially when the valuation exercise is focusing on individuals who are users of the ecosystem services being considered. An original approach based on a stated preference method, namely choice experiments, is developed then empirically applied in quantifying non-market values for marine and coastal ecosystems in two areas in New Caledonia. It allows the estimation of non-use values for populations of users in an implicit way. An in-depth analysis of the individuals’ choice heuristics during the valuation exercise is also conducted, with a focus on payment non-attendance. This issue is dealt with by comparing multiple modelling approaches in terms of: (1) inferred attendance, in relation to stated attendance; (2) attendance distribution according to several socio-economic variables; and (3) welfare estimates.After noting that the potential influence of economic valuation in decision making is unclear and largely unexplored in the literature, the second major component of this PhD aims to examine if, how and to what extent the economic valuation of ecosystem services, including measures of non-market values, influence decision-making regarding coastal and marine ecosystems management in Australia. Based on two nation-wide surveys, the perceived usefulness of the economic valuation of ecosystem services by the general public and decision-makers is studied, and the reasons why decision-makers may or may not fully consider economic values are elicited. Using a multi-criteria analysis, a part of the surveys also aims at examining the relative importance of different evaluation criteria (ecological, social and economic) when assessing the consequences of a hypothetical coastal development project on commercial activities, recreational activities and marine biodiversity.

Quatre essais en Economie de l'Environnement empirique / Four Essays in Empirical Environmental Economics

Poirier, Julie 11 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de deux thèmes : l'évaluation monétaire des biens environnementaux et l'innovation en environnement. Si ces deux volets sont traités séparément, ils s'attachent toutefois à contribuer à un objectif commun : la lutte contre le changement climatique. Cette thèse se décline en cinq chapitres. Le premier propose une introduction générale, qui présente les deux thèmes développés, ainsi que leur contribution au défi du changement climatique. En attribuant une valeur pécuniaire aux biens environnementaux, l'évaluation monétaire peut servir la décision publique, non seulement lors de la mise en œuvre de projets pro-environnementaux, mais aussi en aidant é évaluer les dommages causés à l'environnement. L'innovation environnementale peut encourager les transferts de technologies et une croissance plus verte, dans une volonté de développement durable. Les chapitres 2 et 3 s'intéressent aux expériences de choix, en vue d'évaluer le consentement-à-payer pour l'amélioration de la qualité de l'eau de rivières. A partir d'une enquête proposant aux résidents de choisir entre différentes options de gestion pour les rivières de leur voisinage, nous montrons dans le chapitre 2 que ces derniers sont disposés à payer pour une meilleure qualité de l'eau. Nous nous apercevons toutefois que plus de 20% des individus de notre échantillon adoptent un comportement de protestation, c'est-à-dire déclarent un consentement-à-payer nul alors même que leur valeur pour l'eau des rivières est positive. Dans le chapitre 3, nous recourons à un modèle logit emboîté, afin de prendre en compte ce type de comportement. Nous obtenons des consentements-à-payer plus élevés, signe que le modèle utilisé est mieux adapté pour traiter des données comportant des zéros de protestation. Les chapitres 4 et 5 étudient les déterminants de l'innovation en environnement. A partir de données sur les dépôts de brevets et de l'enquête d'opinion du forum économique mondial, le chapitre 4 s'intéresse à l'impact de politiques publiques sur l'innovation en matière de technologies propres dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'air et des déchets. Notre analyse met en évidence le rôle positif sur l'innovation en environnement de la capacité d'innovation globale d'un pays et de la rigueur de ses politiques environnementales. Le chapitre 5 étudie l'influence des collaborations pour la publication d'articles scientifiques sur l'innovation en matière d'énergie éolienne. Nous couplons notre base de données sur les brevets avec une base rassemblant de nombreuses références littéraires dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique. Nous montrons que les transferts de connaissance entre les pays membres et non membres de l'OCDE dans le domaine éolien contribuent à améliorer la capacité d'innovation des pays non membres de l'OCDE. / This dissertation is interested in two areas of the environmental economics field: monetary valuation of environmental goods and services and environmental innovation. Even if those two fields are studied separately in this dissertation, they both aim at contributing to a common objective: fight against climate change. This dissertation ranges into five chapters. The first one is a general introduction, which depicts the two fields of the dissertation and their relevance towards climate change. Environmental valuation serves public decision through monetary valuation of environmental goods. This is useful not only for the implementation of projects directed to environmental protection, but also for the quantification of environmental damages. Environmental innovation may encourage technological transfers, but also a greener growth, in a will that our societies develop themselves following a sustainable path. Chapters 2 and 3 are interested in the choice experiments method in order to value local residents’ willingness-to-pay for water quality improvements at a specific river basin in France. Using a choice experiment with different management regimes for the river basin, we find that residents are willing-to-pay for an improved water quality. Despite this positive result, we observe a significant proportion (20%) of protest bids in our sample. Protest bids are respondents that state a zero willingness-to-pay, even though their true value for the good is positive. In order to take into account the existence of protest bids, we estimate a cross-nested logit model in chapter 3. We then obtain larger willingness-to-pay, which proves that the cross-nested logit model best fits the peculiarity of our data. Chapters 4 and 5 try to identify the drivers of environmental innovation. Using world patent data and data from the world economic forum survey, we study the impact of environmental public policies on innovation in clean technologies directed to water and air pollution, and waste. We find that both general innovative capacity and environmental policy stringency have a positive role on environment-related innovation. Chapter 5 looks at the influence of co-authorship of scientific publications on wind energy-related innovation. We use both the world patent database and the “Scopus” database, which contains lots of scientific literature references. We highlight the existence of knowledge spillovers between OECD and NON-OECD countries. Therefore, we show that knowledge transfers, regarding wind energy-related innovation, between OECD and NON-OECD countries contribute to improve NON-OECD countries' innovative capacity.

Trade Barriers in Forest Industry between Malaysia and Europe

Binti Zakaria, Noor Aini 28 April 2011 (has links)
Ce travail étudie l’influence des questions environnementales sur le commerce international à partir des échanges de bois tropicaux Malaisie – Europe, la Malaisie étant un important exportateur de bois. Les avantages comparatifs des produits forestiers Malaisiens sont évalués, ainsi que la propension à payer le bois issu de gestion forestière durable par les consommateurs français (en tant qu’Européens). La première partie envisage les différences de perception entre pays développés et pays en développement pour le lien entre commerce et environnement. Il apparaît que les normes environnementales agissent comme des barrières non-tarifaires. Ces barrières sont accentuées par les critères de marquage, d’étiquetage, et de technologie imposés par les pays importateurs. La seconde partie analyse le rôle clé de la Malaisie dans le commerce des bois tropicaux. Les principaux marchés d’exportation des bois Malaisiens sont évalués. Le marché Européen est étudié plus en détail. Il apparaît que les ventes de meuble ont dépassé en 2004 celles des autres principaux produits forestiers. Sur le marché Européen la Malaisie fait face à la concurrence de produits tropicaux à bas prix venant de Chine, et à celle de produits forestiers éco-certifiés venant du Brésil. Concomitamment, l’engagement de la Malaisie dans une dynamique de gestion plus durable y crée une pénurie relative de matériau brut. La troisième partie calcule l’index de Balassa d’avantage comparatif, pour 21 produits forestiers Malaisiens sur le marché Européen. Seuls 5 produits industriels intermédiaires ou à transformation fortement mécanisée, ont un avantage comparatif marqué. Il s’agit des sciages, moulures, contreplaqués, placages, charpente et menuiserie industrielle. Les autres produits présentent des avantages comparatifs faibles ou même négatifs. La quatrième partie estime la propension à payer pour différents attributs environnementaux, ainsi que d’autres tels le commerce équitable et l’origine géographique. Un questionnaire reprenant ces attributs pour du parquet bois hypothétique a été utilisé. Il semble que les consommateurs soient prêts à rémunérer le plus les critères de commerce équitable et d’origine Française, la gestion durable étant recherchée dans une moindre mesure. La propension à payer les tous les attributs varie en fonction des notions et attitudes qu’ont les consommateurs sur l’éco-certification, l’environnement, ainsi qu’en fonction de leur lieu d’habitation, niveau d’éducation et de revenu, et type de profession. Enfin les résultats des 4 parties sont synthétisés en reliant les échelles micro et macroéconomiques, avec les dimensions de demande et d’approvisionnement. D’une façon générale, les résultats suggèrent que les opportunités et contraintes propres à la l’industrie du bois de Malaisie façonnent les exports de produits. La Malaisie s’adapte en se tournant vers des produits à plus haute valeur ajoutée et à moindre impact environnemental, pour pallier aux barrières commerciales et à la pénurie relative de matériau. La Malaisie s’est dotée d’une certification nationale (Malaysian Timber Certification) propre à remplir les critères de durabilité et de légalité de l’Europe, et s’est engagée la gestion durable des forêts. / This study analyses the international timber trade between Malaysia and Europe with respect to the importance of environmental issues on trade and the role of Malaysia as a major timber exporter to Europe. It also evaluates the comparative advantage of Malaysian wood products and the willingness of French consumers (to represent European communities) to pay for sustainable forest management. The first part gives an overview the clashes of perception between developed and developing countries on the environmental concerns over trade. It was observed that environmental standards may act as non-tariff barriers to exporting countries. In addition, the stringent requirements posed by importing countries on technical, marking and labelling to some extent provide unnecessary barriers to trade. The second part deals with the role of Malaysia as a key player in the tropical timber trade. This part evaluates the main export market for Malaysian wood products to the world. For the purpose of this thesis, the analysis focuses on the European market. From the observations, it was found that the export of wooden furniture surpassed major timber exports in 2004. However, to penetrate the European market, Malaysia has to compete with the Chinese with their lower cost tropical wood products, and Brazil with their advantage in certification and labelling of tropical wood products. In tandem with that, the commitment towards sustainable forest management at national level causes shortage of raw materials in Malaysia. To a certain extent, the internal and external factors create necessary challenges to enter the European market. In the third part, the Balassa approach was used to classify the comparative advantage of Malaysia’s twenty one types of wood products in Europe. It was estimated that Malaysia had high comparative advantage only in five products which were mechanized and intermediary industrial products. The products identified were sawn wood, wooden mouldings, plywood, veneer and builders’ joinery and carpentry. The remaining products had lower comparative advantage and disadvantage to export to the European market based on the Balassa index. In the last part, the estimation on the willingness to pay for sustainable forest management attributes was conducted. Besides that, additional attributes such as fair trade and wood origin were included. A questionnaire was set up using all the attributes reflected in the hypothetical wood flooring product in the market. Based on the result, consumers were willing to pay the highest for the presence of fair trade and wood origin (in this study referring to French origin); nevertheless they were still willing to pay for sustainable aspects of forest. However, the willingness to pay for all the attributes was altered depending on the respondents’ knowledge of forest labelling, their attitudes towards environmental preservation, living area, education level, type of job and income level. In the overall finding of the thesis, all the results from each part were synthesized in a systemic approach simultaneously deliberating on the macro and microeconomic perspectives as well as the dimensions on demand and supply. Overall, the findings suggest that the challenges and constraints facing the Malaysian timber industry indirectly shaped the export of Malaysian wooden products. Malaysia has adapted by going into value-added products to lessen the impact of environment-related trade barriers and to circumvent the shortage of raw materials supply. Malaysia has successfully customized the wooden products to the sustainability and legality requirements of the European market by pursuing the national certification (Malaysian Timber Certification) and being committed to sustainable forest management objectives.

L'accès des ménages abidjanais aux services de collecte des déchets : 3 essais d'évaluation des bénéfices. / The households access to waste collection services in Abidjan : three attempts of evaluation of profits

Koné, Noukignon 21 November 2017 (has links)
L’augmentation de la quantité des déchets ménagers dans le District d’Abidjan constitue une pression énorme pour l’environement et la santé des populations. Les soutiens ponctuels des organismes internationaux tels que la Banque Mondiale et la présence de nombreux acteurs (Etat, institutions internationales, acteurs locaux) n’ont pas empêché la persistance de la problématique de la gestion des déchets dans l’agglomération abidjanaise. La faiblesse du rendement et du taux de recouvrement de la Taxe d’Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères imputée aux ménages pour la gestion des ordures, ne permet pas de répondre aux besoins de financement de la filière. Ainsi, cette thèse analyse les conditions et effets de l’accès des ménages d’Abidjan à un service amélioré de collecte des déchets. Pour cela, nous avons mené une enquête d’évaluation contingente (consentement à payer). En recourant à un modèle de choix discret (probit), nous avons pu mettre en évidence le lien entre les caractéristiques des ménages et leur volonté à participer à une gestion améliorée de leurs ordures. Nous avons démontré l’existence d’un lien entre l’accès à des services de collecte des déchets et aux latrines améliorées. Ce résultat va dans le sens des ODD qui préconisent une gestion intégrée de l’assainissement. Le recours à une méthode d’appariement a permis d’évaluer, de manière originale, les bénéfices du recours à un service informel de pré-collecte des déchets pour les ménages enquêtés. Les déterminants de la demande avérée pour un service informel ont d’abord été identifiés. L’indice de richesse (richesse matérielle), le genre, la durée de stockage des ordures, le fait que le ménage considère les maladies comme étant le problème majeur lié aux déchets, sont les facteurs qui expliquent le recours à un service de pré-collecte de leurs ordures. Par ailleurs, ce recours génère, d’après les résultats de la modélisation, des bénéfices socio-économiques quantifiables en termes d’une part, de développement socio-économique et humain et d’autre part, en termes de solutions de financement de la filière par la mise en place d’une taxe incitative (au ramassage des ordures). Enfin, à l’aide de la méthode des prix hédonistes appliquée aux données de notre enquête, nous avons identifié une relation positive entre les équipements de base d’un logement tel que l’accès à l’eau, à l’électricité et aux latrines et le prix des loyers. En revanche, la faible qualité du service actuel de collecte des ordures ménagères dans les quartiers enquêtés ou le fait que la charge liée à la collecte soit récurrente, expliqueraient sa non influence sur le prix locatif des logements. / The increase in amount of household wastes in Abidjan is an enormous strain on the environment and on the health of local populations.Support from international institutions such as the World Bank and the presence of many actors (State, international institutions and local actors) have not prevented the persistence of the waste management problem in Abidjan. In this thesis, we analyse the conditions and implications of households for improved waste collection service in Abidjan. For this, we conducted a contingent valuation survey (willingness to pay). By using a discrete choice (probit) model, we were able to highlight the link between household characteristics and their willingness to participate in improved waste management. We have demonstrated a link between access to waste collection services and improved latrines. This result is in line with the SDGs, which advocate integrated sanitation management.At first, the determinants of the demand turned out for an informal service were identified. The wealth index, the gender, the duration of storage of the garbage, the fact that the household considers the diseases as being the major problem bound to waste, are the factors which explain the recourse to a service of pre-collection of their garbage. Besides, this recourse generates, according to the results of the modelling, quantifiable socioeconomic profits in terms of socioeconomic and human development in the first hand and on the other hand, in terms of solutions of financing of the sector by the implementation of an incentive tax. Finally, by using the hedonic price method, which applied to our survey data, we identified a positive relationship between the basic attachments of a dwelling such as access to water, electricity and latrines and the price of rents. On the other hand, the low quality of the current garbage collection service would explain its no-influence on the rental price of housing

The appreciation of nature and landscape by tourism service providers and visitors in the Ore Mountains (Germany)

Bastian, Olaf, Stein, Christian, Lupp, Gerd, Behrens, Jan, Renner, Christina, Grunewald, Karsten January 2015 (has links)
The paper presents empirical studies on the appreciation of nature and landscape in the Eastern Ore Mountains (Saxony, Germany) by tourism service providers (TSP) and visitors. Attractive landscape and experience of nature are the most important reasons to visit this region and to spend leisure time there. Particularly mountain meadows, raised bogs and mixed forests are highly appreciated. Deforestation, industrial development and the decline of biodiversity would reduce attractiveness for visitors. We also assessed whether the tourism sector is prepared to contribute to the funding of nature conservation and landscape management. Use of general tax revenues is favoured, but other modes would also be accepted, e.g. a nature tax. Willingness to pay (WTP) is ranging between €0.75 and €1.36 per guest per night by TSP, or between €1.06 and €2.73 per day by visitors. With respect to landscape preference and WTP we found in some cases significant differences among visitors, depending on region of residence, age and education level. A major part of the annual costs for nature conservation and landscape could be covered by public funds (taxes), if the results of the WTP approach were understood as a sign of societal demand and a call to action.

Klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ : En kvantitativ studie om miljöengagemang och dess betydelse vid konsumenters val av och betalningsvilja för ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ / Climate compensated delivery option : A quantitative study of environmental commitment and its significance in consumers' choice of and willingness to pay for a climate compensated delivery alternative

Carlsson, Elin, Tegstam, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Som en del av den digitala utvecklingen har e-handeln vuxit med stormsteg de senaste åren. Parallellt med denna utveckling finns det ett växande fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet, vilket gör att e-handeln, ur miljösynpunkt, framstår som negativ. Leveranserna för de varor som köps på internet bidrar exempelvis till en stor mängd koldioxidutsläpp. Både företag och konsumenter delar därför ett ansvar att motverka negativ miljöpåverkan som en konsekvens av exempelvis konsumtion. Syfte: Syftet har varit att undersöka svenska e-handelskonsumenters val av och betalningsvilja för ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ. Hänsyn har även tagits till konsumenternas grad av miljöengagemang för att avgöra om det har en avgörande betydelse för relationen mellan valet av klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ och betalningsviljan. Tillsammans med syftet utformades fyra frågeställningar med tillhörande hypoteser. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudien omfattades av en enkätundersökning som genomfördes online. Urvalet har varit studenter och totalt samlades 195 användbara enkätsvar in. Regressionsanalyser, inklusive en multipel regressionsanalys med en moderator, har genomförts för att testa hypoteserna. Resultat: Resultatet gav stöd för samtliga hypoteser. 1) E-handelskonsumenter som väljer ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ har en större betalningsvilja för ett sådant leveransalternativ. 2) Miljöengagerade e-handelskonsumenter är mer benägna att välja ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ. 3) Miljöengagerade e-handelskonsumenter är mer benägna att betala för ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ. 4) Graden av miljöengagemang har en modererande effekt på relationen mellan e-handelskonsumenters val av ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ och betalningsviljan för ett sådant leveransalternativ. Slutsats och bidrag: Resultatet från studien har kunnat anknytas till teorier från tidigare forskning, där några av dessa berör lågkostnads-/högkostnadsmodellen, självkontrollkapacitet, ekoskuld samt moral licensing. Studien bidrar med insikter på relationen som miljöengagerade e-handelskonsumenter har till klimatkompenserade leveransalternativ. Det är tänkbart att resultatet kan användas av e-handelsföretag och distributörer när det kommer till hur de arbetar med hållbara leveransalternativ och vad som erbjuds e-handelskonsumenter. I och med att studiens resultat tyder på att e-handelskonsumenter, främst de som är miljöengagerade, är villiga att välja samt betala för att få ett klimatkompenserat leveransalternativ, är det därför viktigt att ett sådant alternativ går att välja. / Background: As part of digital development, e-commerce has grown very much the recent years. In parallel with this development, there is a growing focus on environmental sustainability, which makes e-commerce, from an environmental point of view, appear negative. For example, the deliveries of the goods purchased online contribute to a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, both companies and consumers share a responsibility to counteract negative environmental impacts as a consequence of, for example, consumption. Purpose: The purpose has been to examine Swedish e-commerce consumers' choice of and willingness to pay for a climate-compensated delivery option. Consideration has also been taken of consumers' degree of environmental commitment to determine whether it is of decisive importance for the relationship between the choice of climate-compensated delivery option and the willingness to pay. Together with the purpose, four research questions were formulated with associated hypotheses. Methodology: The study was conducted with an online survey. The sample was students and a total of 195 useful questionnaire responses were collected. Regression analyzes, including a multiple regression analysis with a moderator, were performed to test the hypotheses. Findings: The results provided support for all hypotheses. 1) E-commerce consumers who choose a climate-compensated delivery alternative have a greater willingness to pay for such a delivery alternative. 2) Environmentally committed e-commerce consumers are more likely to choose a climate-compensated delivery alternative. 3) Environmentally committed e-commerce consumers are more likely to pay for a climate-compensated delivery alternative. 4) The degree of environmental commitment has a moderating effect on the relationship between e-commerce consumers' choice of a climate-compensated delivery alternative and the willingness to pay for such a delivery option. Conclusion and contribution: The results from the study could be linked to theories from previous research, where some of these concern the low-cost / high-cost model, self-control capacity, eco-debt, and moral licensing. The study contributes insights into the relationship that environmentally committed e-commerce consumers have with climate-compensated delivery options. It is possible that the results can be used by e-commerce companies and distributors when it comes to how they work with sustainable delivery options and what is offered to e-commerce consumers. As the results of the study indicate that e-commerce consumers, mainly those who are environmentally committed, are willing to choose and pay for a climate-compensated delivery option, it is therefore important that such an alternative can be chosen. (This paper is written in Swedish.)

Applying Revenue Management to the Last Mile Delivery Industry / Tillämpbarheten av intäktsoptimering på Sista Milen Industrin

Finnman, Peter January 2018 (has links)
The understanding of what motivates a customer to pay more for a product or service has al-ways been a fundamental question in business. To the end of answering this question, revenue management is a business practice that revolves around using analytics to predict consumer behavior and willingness-to-pay. It has been a common practice within the commercial airline and hospitality industries for over 30 years, allowing adopters to reach their service capacity with increased profit margins. In this thesis, we investigated the possibility to apply revenue management to the last mile delivery industry, an industry that provides the service of delivering goods from e-commerce companies to the consumer’s front door. To achieve this objective, a revenue management framework was conceived, detailing the interaction between the customer and a dynamic pricing model. The model itself was a product of a machine learning model, intended to segment the customers and predict the willingness-to-pay of each customer segment. The performance of this model was tested through a quantitative study on synthetic buyers, subject to parameters that influence their willingness-to-pay. It was observed that the model was able to distinguish between different types of customers, yielding a pricing policy that increased profits by 7.5% in comparison to fixed price policies. It was concluded that several factors may impact the customer’s willingness-to-pay within the last mile delivery industry. Amongst these, the convenience that the service provides and the disparity between the price of the product and the price of the service were the most notable. However, the magnitude of considering these parameters was never determined. Finally, em-ploying dynamic pricing has the potential to increase the availability of the service, enabling a wider audience to afford the service. / Vad som motiverar en kund att betala mer för en tjänst eller en produkt har länge varit ett centralt koncept inom affärslivet. Intäktsoptimering är en affärspraxis som strävar efter att besvara den frågan, genom att med analytiska verktyg mäta och förutse betalningsviljan hos kunden. Intäktsoptimering har länge varit framträdande inom flyg- och hotellbranschen, där företag som anammat strategin har möjlighets att öka försäljningsvinsten. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi möjligheten att applicera intäktsoptimering på sista milen industrin, en industri som leverar köpta produkten hem till kunden. För att uppnå detta har vi tagit fram ett ramverk för informationsflöden inom intäktsoptimering som beskriver hur kunder interagerar med en dynamisk prissättningsmodell. Denna prissättningsmodell framställs genom maskininlärning med avsikt att segmentera kundbasen, för att sedan förutse betalningsviljan hos varje kundsegment. Modellens prestanda mättes genom en kvantitativ studie på syntetiska kunder som beskrivs av parametrar som påverkar betalningsviljan. Studien påvisade att modellen kunde skilja på betalningsviljan hos olika kunder och resulterade i en genomsnittlig vinstökning på 7.5% i jämförelse med statiska prissättningsmodeller. Det finns mänga olika faktorer som spelar in på kundens betalningsvilja inom sista milen industrin. Bekvämlighet och skillnader i priset på produkten som levereras och tjänsten att leverera produkten är två anmärkningsvärda faktorer. Hur stor inverkan faktorerna som beskrivs i detta examensarbete, har på betalningsviljan, förblev obesvarat. Slutligen uppmärksammades möjligheten att, med hjälp av dynamisk prissättning, öka tillgängligheten av tjänsten då flera kunder kan ha råd med en prissättning som överväger deras betalningsvilja.

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