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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärares uppfattningar av läs- och skrivsvårigheters påverkan på matematikinlärningen / Teachers' perceptions of the impact of reading and writing difficulties in mathematics learning

Frank, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Denna undersökning fokuserar på två olika aspekter av matematikundervisning. Den ena handlar om hur medvetna lärare är om dyslexi-relaterade svårigheter i matematikämnet och den andra om hur lärare organiserar matematiklektionerna. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en kvantitativ enkätstudie skickats ut och besvarats av lärare som har eller har haft elever med läs och skrivsvårigheter. Resultatet av studien visar på att den behavioristiska lärandeteorin är en tydlig del av undervisningens uppbyggnad. Det finns flera andra lärandeteorier som kan utläsas av vilka aktiviteter som sker under lektionerna, dessa lärandeteorier sker dock mer sällan. Ytterligare tyder resultatet på att elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter blir påverkade av detta även under matematiklektionerna. / This study focuses on two different aspects of mathematics teaching. The first one is about how conscious teachers are about dyslexia-related difficulties in mathematics and the other one is about how teachers organize mathematics lessons. To answer the questions, a quantitative survey study was sent out and answered by teachers who have or have had students with reading and writing difficulties. The results of the study show that behavioral learning theory is a clear part of the structure of teaching. There are several other learning theories that can be observed from the activities that take place during the lessons, however, these activities happen less often than activities that are based on behaviorism. Further, the results indicate that students with reading and writing difficulties are affected by this even during mathematics lessons.

Ett integrerat perspektiv på litteracitetsundervisning för flerspråkiga elever / An integrated perspective on literacy teaching for multilingual students

Ylenfors, Mari January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande licentiatuppsats undersöker skolors arbete avseende litteracitetsutveckling för flerspråkiga elever, med utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på undervisning och lärande. Syftet var att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om skolors arbete för att utveckla litteracitetsförmåga hos flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter i läs- och skrivutvecklingsprocessen, en kunskap som behöver utvecklas för att bidra till en likvärdig utbildning. Licentiatuppsatsen utgår från två forskningsfrågor, varav den första forskningsfrågan undersöker hur skolorna i en kommun arbetar med litteracitetsutveckling med särskilt fokus på flerspråkiga elever i specifika svårigheter med läsning och skrivning. Den andra forskningsfrågan handlar om hur förutsättningar skapas för litteracitetsutveckling hos flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter med läsning och skrivning på en skola som fått goda omdömen inom detta område, enligt en rapport från Skolinspektionen.Licentiatuppsatsen baseras på två studier, en webbaserad enkätstudie i en svensk kommun (Studie I) och en fallstudie på en skola i ett flerspråkigt område i en svensk kommun (Studie II). Fallstudien (Studie II), som bygger på metodtriangulering, omfattar deltagande observationer, intervjuer och dokumentanalyser. Analysen av enkätresultatet (Studie I) indikerar att det finns en tonvikt på kartläggning och träning av kodknäckande aspekter på andraspråket svenska och att det finns ett behov av att utveckla skolornas arbete med att tillvarata flerspråkiga elevers språkliga resurser vid identifiering av läs- och skrivsvårigheter.I studie II visar resultatet att litteracitetsundervisningen innehöll olika aspekter av läs- och skrivförmåga och ett flerspråkigt perspektiv på litteracitetsundervisning framträdde. Lärarna visade ett starkt engagemang för elevernas läs- och skrivutveckling och använde varierade uttryckssätt och arbetsmetoder för att utveckla elevernas litteracitetsförmåga. / This licentiate thesis examines schools’ literacy work for multilingual students, taking the sociocultural perspective of teaching and learning as point of departure. The purpose is to investigate and contribute knowledge about schools’ work to develop literacy skills in multilingual students who experience challenges with reading and writing. This knowledge needs to be developed to contribute to equity in education. The research is based on two research questions. The first investigates how, according to the schools in a municipality, report that literacy practices have been designed with a particular focus on multilingual students experiencing specific difficulties with reading and writing. The second question concerns how conditions are created for literacy development in multilingual students who encounter difficulties with reading and writing, in a school that has received good ratings in this field according to a School Inspectorate report. The licentiate thesis is based on two studies, a web-based questionnaire study in one Swedish municipality (Study I) and a case study in a school in a multilingual area in one Swedish municipality (Study II). In the thesis, a theoretical framework model has been developed based on Luke and Freebody’s four resources model (1997, 1999) and Cummins’ theoretical work on multilingual students’ literacy development (2000, 2016). This integrated model has been used for the analysis in Study II and has been further elaborated and explained in the licentiate thesis. The case study (Study II), using methodological triangulation, includes participant observations, interviews and document analyses. The analysis of the questionnaire data (Study I) indicates an emphasis on code-breaking aspects in the mapping and training of literacy skills in most schools. The results show that there is a need to develop schools’ efforts to utilise the linguistic resources of multilingual pupils when identifying literacy difficulties and also to develop cooperation with mother tongue teachers and study coaches. In Study II, literacy teaching included different aspects of literacy and emphasised a multilingual perspective on literacy teaching. The teachers demonstrated a strong commitment to the students’ literacy development and used a wide range of expressions and working methods to maximise the students’ literacy skills. The findings also indicate that the teachers’ efforts to identify emerging difficulties in reading and writing, based on close monitoring, resulted in supporting measures at an early stage, which may have prevented literacy difficulties. The findings further indicate that the school leaders’ organisation of resources and approaches to multilingualism influenced towards, and in different ways created conditions for, relational leadership and differentiated teaching, and provided support within the classroom in the literacy teaching to multilingual pupils.

”Skrivundervisning kräver didaktisk skicklighet” : En studie om stöd till elever i skrivsvårigheter och till lärare som undervisar eleverna / ”Teaching writing requires didactic skill” : A study on support for pupils with writing difficulties and for teachers who teach the pupils

Arvidsson, Hanna, Popov, Annie January 2022 (has links)
I denna intervjustudie studeras lärares, specialpedagogers och rektorers uppfattning om skrivundervisning för elever i skrivsvårigheter. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om undervisning till elever i skrivsvårigheter på mellanstadiet utifrån såväl stöd och utmaningar till eleverna som till de lärare som undervisar dessa elever. Det material som ligger till grund för studien är sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med två lärare, två specialpedagoger och två rektorer. Teorin som ligger till grund för studien är Gibbons modell om olika lärandezoner som hör till det sociokulturella perspektivet och visar hur lärande påverkas av graden av stöttning och kognitiv utmaning. Intervjuerna är analyserade utifrån Gibbons fyra zoner: utvecklingszonen, frustrationszonen, trygghetszonen och uttråkningszonen. Resultatet visar att stöttning för elever i skrivsvårigheter kan ske genom individanpassade strategier, tydliga instruktioner och digitala verktyg. I analysen framgår att elever kan hamna i alla fyra zonerna beroende på tillgång till stöd och utmaning, men alla tre pedagoggrupperna strävar efter att leda eleverna till utvecklingszonen. Resultatet visar också att lärarna och specialpedagogerna uppfattar samarbete dem emellan och kompetens som viktig stöttning i sin yrkesutövning. För att kunna tillgodose både elevers och lärares behov krävs organisatoriska åtgärder som är tillåtande och flexibla, där tid och personal är de enskilt viktigaste faktorerna. I analysen framgår att lärarna, specialpedagogerna och rektorerna sällan eller aldrig hamnar i trygghetszonen eller uttråkningszonen, utan att de enbart pendlar mellan utvecklingszonen och frustrationszonen.

Dyslexia In L1 And L2 Teaching In K-3

Aquino Andersen, Levy, Huotilainen, Pia January 2016 (has links)
Approximately five percent of the Swedish population suffer from dyslexia. Therefore, this degree project aims to gain an insight into what pedagogical support in Swedish and English teaching can be offered to dyslexic pupils. Firstly, this paper provides an overview of theories and literature on dyslexia in L1 and L2. The researchers’ findings show that dyslectic difficulties in the L1 is most likely to affect – either by limiting or enhancing – the pupils’ abilities to learn a L2. Strategies (spelling, comparing sounds and letters) that pupils learned when they started to read and write in their L1 and the differences in orthographic systems between L1 and L2 influence their reading and writing in L2. This study is also based on interviews of four K-3 teachers in the south of Sweden. The major conclusions of this study are that (i) dyslectic difficulties extend across languages, (ii) variation of the teachers’ knowledge of dyslexia might depend on the length of their professional teaching experience and their willingness and interest to learn more about dyslexia, (iii) K-3 teachers are dependent on special education teachers’ advice on how to support dyslexic pupils, and (iv) K-3 teachers use digital resources and audiobooks to train the reading and writing in L1, but not in L2 since English in K-3 mostly focuses in training pupils’ speaking skills.

För den kämpande läsaren : Verksamhet och samarbetsformer för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi ur ett skolbiblioteksperspektiv

Rasmundson, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate in what manner librarians and pedagogues can cooperate in order to help students with reading and writing problems and consequently enhance their information literacy. I aimed to investigate why cooperation between these professions is necessary. Also, I wanted to find out how the general support is on the schools regarding students with reading and writing difficulties, and if the school librarian knows what the special educator can contribute with and vice versa. Lastly, I focused on what knowledge the performers of these professions have about reading and writing difficulties and to what degree their knowledge is based on scientifically proven methods. The two theoretical points of departure are 1) theory of cooperation built upon Louise Limberg’s and Lena Folkesson’s three categories of cooperation 2) and Aidan Chambers’s reading promoting model named the circle of reading. I have used a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with both school librarians and pedagogues, who are active at five upper secondary schools. The major findings are that it would be possible to develop the cooperation between these two professions. For example: Research shows that working in teams promotes student learning. Another result is that the informants have a limited knowledge of whether the technical compensatory devices are based on approved research. In conclusion, it was also found that particularly school librarians feel an anxiety about to target aid efforts, directly to students with reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia, because they believe that the students would feel singled out. Such thinking puts in my opinion too much responsibility on the students themselves, to ask for help. The study also revealed that, easy to read literature has a quite small part in supporting these students. The research was undertaken for a two-year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Dificuldades de leitura e problemas de indisciplina : aplicação da metodologia da equivalência de estímulos e o procedimento de exclusão /

Hayashi, Ednéia Aparecida Peres. January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Kester Carrara / Banca: Maria Regina Cavalcante / Banca: Tânia Moron Saes Braga / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi o de investigar se a tecnologia de equivalência de estímulos e o procedimento de exclusão, reduzindo dificuldades de leitura e escrita, também reduzem comportamentos avaliados como de indisciplina. Os resultados indicam que o programa de ensino de leitura e escrita, por meio da combinação dos procedimentos de discriminação condicional e o de exclusão, contribui para a aprendizagem de leitura de todas as palavras de treino e de novas palavras, as quais não foram diretamente ensinadas aos sujeitos. Quanto aos resultados obtidos com o Inventário TRF, a redução nos escores, embora a maioria tenha apresentado-se baixa, parece considerável e indicadora da eficiência da metodologia utilizada também enquanto promotora de melhora em comportamentos relacionados com indisciplina, conforme avaliação dos professores. / Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate if the 'stimulus equivalences technology' and the exclusion procedures, which reduce the difficulties in reading e writing, would also reduce unruly behavior. The results pointed that the reading and writing teaching program combined with the conditional discrimination and exclusion procedures, contributed to the reading learning of all the training words and new ones as well, which were not directly taught to the individuals. Concerning the results obtained from the TRF inventory, the reduction in the scores, although the majority has presented low ones, it seems to confirm the efficiency of the used methodology and the improvement related to unruly behaviors, according to the teachers evaluation. / Mestre

Reading Recovery - A Second Chance to Learn : An Early Intervention Program to Reduce Reading and Writing Difficulties in New Zealand

Källeskog, Eleonor January 2005 (has links)
<p>Reading Recovery är ett vida spritt, individcentrerat men reproducerbart program för de svagaste eleverna efter sitt första skolår. Reading Recovery har sitt ursprung på Nya Zeeland, där professor Marie Clay med kollegor med början under 1970-talet bedrev omfattande läsforskning.</p><p>Den enskilda undervisningen sker enligt en strukturerad lektionsram under 30 minuter dagligen. Programmet bygger på genomgripande utbildning och kontinuerlig fortbildning av redan framgångsrika grundskollärare för att rusta dem för att fatta individuella, pedagogiska beslut med syfte att accelerera läs- och skrivinlärningen hos de utsedda barnen. Eleverna stimuleras att lära sig läsa och skriva genom att främst läsa korta, intresseväckande böcker samt engageras i anslutande skrivande. Betoning ligger på att eleverna ska bli självständiga och utveckla metakognitiva strategier. Elever väljs ut till Reading Recovery genom klasslärarens rekommendation samt utifrån elevens resultat på en omfattande serie tester inom den s.k. Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement; en observation av den tidiga läs- och skrivförmågan. Vanligtvis erbjuds Reading Recovery-undervisning till de 20 procent på respektive skola, vilka uppnått lägst resultat på ovanstående tester. Det grundläggande syftet med programmet är att reducera antalet elever med grava svårigheter att utveckla läs- och skrivförmåga samt att minimera kostnaden för deras utbildning.</p><p>En majoritet av eleverna i Reading Recovery når avsedda mål och i internationella jämförelser ligger Nya Zeeland vanligen bland de högst rankade länderna i läsning. Samtliga av mina respondenter vittnade om de stora fördelarna med Reading Recovery. Enligt mina observationer stämmer pedagogernas faktiska utförande väl överens med programmets ursprungliga teoribas.</p> / <p>Reading Recovery is a widely disseminated, replicable, early intervention program for the lowest performing first-grade students. Originally, Marie Clay and colleagues constructed Reading Recovery in New Zealand on the base of broad research from the 1970’s and onwards. It utilizes a uniform lesson framework and extensive professional development to help already successful teachers make individual, instructional decisions designed to accelerate the literacy learning of the selected children within one-to-one, 30-minute daily lessons. The children are stimulated to learn to read and write by reading and writing. Short stories are used and writing activities are connected to reading. Emphasis is on teachers guiding children to be independent and learn metacognitive strategies.</p><p>Reading Recovery students are identified for services based on teachers’ recommendations and the students’ performances on the Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, with a number of wide-ranging assessments. Usually, students who score at or below the 20th percentile on the survey at a particular school are provided the intervention.</p><p>The fundamental purpose of the program is to reduce the number of students who have severe difficulty developing literacy skills and to reduce the cost of educating them. A majority of the Reading Recovery students do reach the intended goals and in international comparative studies New Zealand usually is among the top ranking countries in reading.</p><p>All my interviewees testified of the great advantages of Reading Recovery and, according to my conclusions, actual practice is well correlated with theory.</p>

Reading Recovery - A Second Chance to Learn : An Early Intervention Program to Reduce Reading and Writing Difficulties in New Zealand

Källeskog, Eleonor January 2005 (has links)
Reading Recovery är ett vida spritt, individcentrerat men reproducerbart program för de svagaste eleverna efter sitt första skolår. Reading Recovery har sitt ursprung på Nya Zeeland, där professor Marie Clay med kollegor med början under 1970-talet bedrev omfattande läsforskning. Den enskilda undervisningen sker enligt en strukturerad lektionsram under 30 minuter dagligen. Programmet bygger på genomgripande utbildning och kontinuerlig fortbildning av redan framgångsrika grundskollärare för att rusta dem för att fatta individuella, pedagogiska beslut med syfte att accelerera läs- och skrivinlärningen hos de utsedda barnen. Eleverna stimuleras att lära sig läsa och skriva genom att främst läsa korta, intresseväckande böcker samt engageras i anslutande skrivande. Betoning ligger på att eleverna ska bli självständiga och utveckla metakognitiva strategier. Elever väljs ut till Reading Recovery genom klasslärarens rekommendation samt utifrån elevens resultat på en omfattande serie tester inom den s.k. Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement; en observation av den tidiga läs- och skrivförmågan. Vanligtvis erbjuds Reading Recovery-undervisning till de 20 procent på respektive skola, vilka uppnått lägst resultat på ovanstående tester. Det grundläggande syftet med programmet är att reducera antalet elever med grava svårigheter att utveckla läs- och skrivförmåga samt att minimera kostnaden för deras utbildning. En majoritet av eleverna i Reading Recovery når avsedda mål och i internationella jämförelser ligger Nya Zeeland vanligen bland de högst rankade länderna i läsning. Samtliga av mina respondenter vittnade om de stora fördelarna med Reading Recovery. Enligt mina observationer stämmer pedagogernas faktiska utförande väl överens med programmets ursprungliga teoribas. / Reading Recovery is a widely disseminated, replicable, early intervention program for the lowest performing first-grade students. Originally, Marie Clay and colleagues constructed Reading Recovery in New Zealand on the base of broad research from the 1970’s and onwards. It utilizes a uniform lesson framework and extensive professional development to help already successful teachers make individual, instructional decisions designed to accelerate the literacy learning of the selected children within one-to-one, 30-minute daily lessons. The children are stimulated to learn to read and write by reading and writing. Short stories are used and writing activities are connected to reading. Emphasis is on teachers guiding children to be independent and learn metacognitive strategies. Reading Recovery students are identified for services based on teachers’ recommendations and the students’ performances on the Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, with a number of wide-ranging assessments. Usually, students who score at or below the 20th percentile on the survey at a particular school are provided the intervention. The fundamental purpose of the program is to reduce the number of students who have severe difficulty developing literacy skills and to reduce the cost of educating them. A majority of the Reading Recovery students do reach the intended goals and in international comparative studies New Zealand usually is among the top ranking countries in reading. All my interviewees testified of the great advantages of Reading Recovery and, according to my conclusions, actual practice is well correlated with theory.

英語教學在職專班研究生論文寫作困難與對策 / ETMA students’ perceived difficulties and their coping strategies in thesis writing

許柔恩, Hsu, Jou En Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究顯示,以英文為第二語言的研究生,無論在以英語為第二語言或是以英語為外語的環境下,都會在進行研究和論文寫作時遇到困難(Bitchener & Basturkmen, 2005; Buckingham, 2005; Dong, 1998; Lee, 2008; O’Connor, Greene & Anderson, 2006; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2006; Reeves, Herrington, & Oliver, 2005),然而,相關研究卻缺乏探究在以英語為外語的環境下,同時身為研究生和在職教師的這群學生們所遭遇的困難,及其如何利用可取得的資源去解決論文寫作上的難題。本研究旨在藉由質性個案研究方式,以社會文化學習的角度,特別是van Lier (2004)的擴充式建構理論(expanded ZPD),取得更多關於身為學校老師的在職研究生在論文寫作過程中遇到的困難以及解決對策的詳細資訊,以期對論文寫作教學以及論文指導上有所貢獻。本研究共邀請到三組指導教授與研究生,每組包含一位教授與他們的兩位研究生。資料來源包含與所有研究參與者的訪談內容、論文寫作相關書籍,以及學生的論文草稿,最後經由對比原始資料得出研究結果。 研究結果顯示學生在寫論文前遇到的困難是研究設計與處理資料,而在寫論文各章節時,他們會同時遇到文字上以及文體格式方面的困難。根據各章節的文體要求,學生們認為文獻回顧、研究發現,以及討論研究結果是最困難的章節,而結論是困難度最小的章節。而這些困難可歸因於學生為非母語寫作者,以及他們對於學術規範的不熟悉。此外,本研究也發現,在職班學生可取得的資源包括同儕、專家、學術出版品,以及自身。 基於上述發現,本研究提出研究所課程的教師應提供學生更多閱讀學術論文的機會,以及在課程中融入讓學生可應用課堂所學的任務。指導教授也能事先提醒學生論文中較為困難的部份,以及告訴學生有哪些可取得資源是有助於論文寫作的。未來,需要更多人誌學以及日記研究法的方式研究,以期能更深入了解在職研究生在論文寫作上的需求。 / Though a number of studies have revealed that both the L2 graduate students in English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts may encounter difficulties in conducting research and writing theses (Bitchener& Basturkmen, 2005; Buckingham, 2005; Dong, 1998; Lee, 2008; O’Connor, Greene& Anderson, 2006; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2006; Reeves, Herrington& Oliver, 2005), research about how the graduate students who are also in-service teachers in EFL settings cope with the difficulties in thesis writing by making use of the sources available still lacks. Thus, this study aimed to have an in-depth understanding of the difficulties this group of students faced in the process of thesis writing and the ways they adopted to deal with the problems via a qualitative case study and with the social cultural perspective of learning, especially the framework of expanded ZPD (van Leir, 2004) .Three advisor-advisee pairs were invited to participate in the present study, and each pair was comprised of one advisor and two advisees. Data for analysis were collected from multiple sources, including semi-structured interviews with the participants, the textbook of the thesis writing course, and the drafts of theses. Data were analyzed by constant comparative method (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The results showed that the students faced difficulties about research design and compiling the data even before writing theses. When writing each section of a thesis, they had troubles both at the linguistic level and the rhetorical level. According to the rhetorical regulations of each section, Literature Review, Results, and Discussion were viewed as the three most difficult sections and Conclusion the least difficult section for the students. Hence, the unfamiliarity of academic conventions and the lower English writing abilities contributed to the difficulties the students faced during thesis writing. Moreover, the findings disclosed that the sources available for the students as in-service teachers included human resources such as peers and experts, material resources such as academic publications, and inner knowledge from self. Based upon above findings, it is suggested that the courses of graduate schools should provide students more opportunities to read academic texts extensively and practice what they learn in class. Also, the advisors should remind students of the problematic area of a specific section and tell students the resources available in the academic context. In the future, more ethnographic and diary studies are needed to explore what challenges the students who are also in-service teachers encounter in the thesis writing processes and how they solve these problems because this group of students may have different needs in thesis writing

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Den dagliga undervisningen i en Montessoriskolas tidigare år

Mattsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Studien handlar om läs- och skrivsvårigheter och syftet med detta arbete var att få kunskap om hur några pedagoger med hjälp av en speciallärare utformar den dagliga undervisningen för elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter i år tre – fem i en Montessoriskola. Intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod för att få kunskap och djupare förståelse. Då det endast var tre pedagoger som ställde upp med sin kunskap och tid kan inga generella slutsatser dras av denna studie. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna i den mån det är möjligt arbetar utifrån elevernas behov och att de anpassar material och övningar efter elevens förutsättningar. Pedagogerna är mycket medvetna om de brister som finns när det gäller användandet av kompensatoriska hjälpmedel då eleverna för närvarande endast har talböcker att tillgå.

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