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Aspects of narration and voice in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching GodVass, Verity January 2017 (has links)
Masters of Art / Zora Neale Hurston is a significant figure in American fiction and is strongly associated with
the Harlem Renaissance, the period noted for the emergence of literature by people of
African-American descent. Hurston worked as a writer of fiction and of anthropological
research and this mini-thesis will discuss aspects of her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching
God, first published in 1937. While the novel traces the psychological development of the
central female character, Janie Mae Crawford and, thus, demonstrates several features of a
conventional Bildungsroman, the novel also contains some intriguing innovations in respect
of narration and voice. These innovations imply that the novel can be read in terms of the
qualities commonly associated with the Modernist novel. This contention becomes significant
when it is understood that a considerable degree of critical responses to the novel have
discounted these connections. The novel is widely accepted to be a story about a woman’s
journey to self-actualisation through the relationships she has with the men in her life. Much
of the criticism related to the novel is based on this aspect of it, with many stating that
Janie’s voice is often silenced by the third-person narrator at crucial moments in the text and
that, as a consequence, she does not achieve complete self-actualisation by the end of the
novel. This thesis will examine the significance of the shifts between first-person and thirdperson
narration and the manifestations of other voices or means of articulation, which give
the novel a multi-vocal quality. The importance of this innovation will also be considered,
particularly when it is taken into account that Hurston sought to incorporate some elements
associated with the oral tradition into her work as a writer of fiction.
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar em que medida é possível desenvolver uma compreensão teológica que tenha como pressuposto a abordagem sobre as técnicas de si empreendidas por Michel Foucault em sua última fase, principalmente em sua obra A hermenêutica do sujeito. Para isso, é feita uma articulação entre os temas da espiritualidade e da subjetividade, uma vez que os mesmos estão presentes no pensamento foucaultiano como possibilidades de acesso à verdade. Diante do quadro de crises em que se configura a pós-modernidade, Foucault apresenta provocações para a teologia no que diz respeito à pastoral e às relações que envolvem saber e poder. Sua crítica está voltada para as técnicas de subjetivação que visam exercer controle sobre o indivíduo, transformando-o em um sujeito obediente a uma autoridade que visa estabelecer um saber que deve ser acolhido como verdade. A espiritualidade cristã, que se constitui a partir da apropriação do pensamento greco-romano, é marcada por uma moral austera e conduz a uma prática de si que exige uma hermenêutica que leve em conta a interioridade do sujeito. Essa mesma espiritualidade enfrenta um divórcio com a teologia na modernidade, provocando o surgimento do sujeito fragmentado na contemporaneidade. A pesquisa também procura fazer uma aproximação com a teologia de Jurgen Moltmann, principalmente com respeito à ação pastoral, à teologia voltada para o diálogo inter-religioso e para a práxis que tenha por finalidade a libertação do ser humano de sua situação de opressão e de alienação. / [en] The present study aims to investigate to what extent it is possible to develop a theological understanding which has the assumption approach on techniques for themselves undertaken by Michel Foucault in his last phase, especially in his work The hermeneutics of the subject. For this, a link between the themes of spirituality and subjectivity is taken, since these are present in Foucault s thinking as possibilities of access to the truth. Faced with a situation of crises as it sets the post-modernity, Foucault presents teasers for theology with regard to pastoral and relations that involve knowledge and power. Your review is focused on the techniques of subjectivation intended to exert control over the individual, transforming it into an obedient subject to an authority which aims to establish a knowledge that must be accepted as true. Christian spirituality, which is from the appropriation of the Greco-Roman thought, is marked by an austere morals and leads to a practice of the self that requires a hermeneutic that takes into account the individual interiority. That same spirituality facing a divorce with theology in modernity, causing the emergence of fragmented subject nowadays. The research also seeks to make an approach to the theology of Jurgen Moltmann, especially with regard to pastoral care, theology toward interreligious dialogue and praxis that aims the liberation of human beings from their situation of oppression and alienation.
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"Bom dia, haldol, boa noite, Rodrigo" : a exploração da subjetividade do louco no romance "Todos os cachorros são azuis", de Rodrigo de Souza Leão /Medeiros, Ana Clara Marques de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Márcio Scheel / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como o escritor e poeta Rodrigo de Souza Leão, em seu primeiro romance Todos os cachorros são azuis (2008), representa a problemática da loucura e quais procedimentos literários usa para promover um mergulho na subjetividade do sujeito louco. Para isso, dividimos nosso trabalho em três partes. Na primeira, para compreendermos o conflito dramático do narrador protagonista que se encontra internado em hospital psiquiátrico, analisamos como o conceito de loucura se transformou sócio-historicamente ao longo do tempo e como a figura do louco é estigmatizada há séculos. Na segunda parte, discutimos algumas tendências da literatura brasileira contemporânea e buscamos entender em que medida a obra de Leão se encaixa nesse panorama. Por fim, propusemos uma análise literária do romance, buscando compreender quais foram os procedimentos literários usados pelo autor para sondar profundamente o sujeito louco. / Abstract: This thesis aims to analyze how the writer and poet Rodrigo de Souza Leão, in his first novel Todos os cachorros são azuis (2008), illustrates madness, and which literary devices he uses to delve into the subjectivity of the mad person. To achieve this goal, the work was divided into three parts. In the first one, in order to understand the dramatic conflict of the narrator/protagonist who is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, we analyze how the concept of madness has been transformed socioculturally over time, and how the mad person has been stigmatized for centuries. In the second part, we discuss some trends of contemporary Brazilian literature, and seek to understand to what extent Leão's works fit in this panorama. Lastly, we propose a literary analysis of the novel, aiming to comprehend which literary devices the author made use of in order to probe the mad person in depth. / Mestre
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A \"criança-problema\" na educação infantil: um estudo sobre representações institucionais / The \"problem child\" in early childhood education: a study of institutional representationsVaz, Solange 06 October 2000 (has links)
Este trabelho tem o intuito de investigar os sentidos da produção discursiva por meio do qual a educação infantil (re)produz o lugar institucional da criança-problema. Para tanto, discute inicialmente o percurso histórico das práticas educativas em torno da criança de zero a seis anos, destacando a adoção de um modelo escolarizante e seus efeitos no cotidiano de seus agentes e clientela. Constituído por concepções que privilegiam o desenvolvimento cognitivo da criança, esse modelo produz efeitos paradoxais nas relações diariamente vividas em creches e pré-escolas. Um desses efeitos é a imagem da criança que não se enquadra aos valores, padrões e modelos esperados. A partir da perspectiva institucionalista proposta por Aquino no que se refere à análise das práticas escolares, este trabalho nutriu-se do pressuposto teórico-metodológico de que, no discurso dos protagonistas da ação educativa sobre a criança pequena, materializam-se as representações acerca da criança que não corresponde ao que dela se espera, em geral tomada como problema. O material discursivo examinado foi obtido por meio de observações do cotidiano de uma creche e uma EMEI da rede pública do município de São Paulo, bem como de entrevistas com educadoras de ambas as instituições. As análises indicaram que, em consonância com o discurso pedagógico contemporâneo, fundado nos preceitos científicos, as práticas concretas da educação infantil controlam e classificam sua clientela, estabelecendo modelos de ação que têm como objetivo desenvolver a criança. Entretanto, para além de tal propósito, tais práticas sinalizam um caráter nitidamente normativo da ação pedagógica aí desenvolvida e indicam que a subjetividade que nelas se produz é crivada pela norma desenvolvimentista, ou seja, criança que se comporta e se desenvolve conforme características e expectativas previamente definidas. Em relações assim instituídas, parece não se conceber outra forma de se relacionar com a diversidade da clientela que não seja a do ajustamento ao padrão. Como consequência, a criança que se distancia da norma, seja por excesso, seja por falta, acaba sendo interpretada como desigual, anômala ou disfuncional. Contudo, por meio das histórias de alguns personagens desviantes, foi possível constatar como certas crianças, ainda bem pequenas, criam estratégias sutis de resistência à normatização, desenhando singularidades na forma como nela se inserem. Mesmo tendo sua subjetividade ditada pela norma, tais crianças mostraram que esperam ser vistas não com um olhar que as aponte como desvio, mas que as reconheça como alteridade e diferença. / This dissertation aims to investigate the meaning of the discourse production through which child education (re)produces the institutional place of the problem-child. For this purpose, it initially discusses the historical course of educational practices over the zero-to-six-yearold child, emphasizing of a school oriented pattern and its effects on its agents and clientele`s everyday life. The pattern formed by conceptions which privilege cognitive development of the child, produces paradoxical effects on everyday relationships experienced in day-carecenters and kindergartens. One of these effects is the image of a child who doesnt fall under expected values, standards and patterns. From the institutional perspective proposed by Aquino concerning school practices analyses, this paper is based on the theoreticmethodological presupposition that, in the protagonist educational action discourse over the young child, there presentations around the child who doesnt correspond to what is expected from him/her, normally taken as problem-child, materialize. The examined discourse material was obtained Through observations in the everyday life of a public day-care-center and an EMEI (a public kindergarten) both in the city of São Paulo, as well as through interviews with educators from both institutions. Analyses indicated that, is consonance to contemporary pedagogical discourse, founded in scientific precepts, child education concrete practices control and classify their clientele, establishing patterns of action, which aim to develop the child. Nevertheless, beyond action and indicate that the subjectivity which is produced in them is riddled by the development oriented norm, that is, the child that behaves and develops him/herself according to previously defined characteristics and expectations. In instituted as such, it seems unconceivable to have other forms of relationships with the clientele diversity than the adjustment to the pattern. As a result, the child that distances her/himself from the norm either by excess or by deprivation will eventually be interpreted as unequal, anomalous or nonfunctional. Nevertheless, through stories of some deviated characters, it was possible to verify how certain children, still very young, create subtle strategies of resistance against the norms, drawing singularity in the way they insert themselves in it. Even having their singularity norm dictated, such children showed they expect to be seen not with a look that points them as a deviation, but that recognizes them as alterability and difference.
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[pt] A presente tese de doutorado tem como tema a tragédia grega da
antiguidade clássica, pensada em seu contraste com a tragédia do Renascimento
ou primórdios da era moderna. Focado nas obras Édipo Rei, de Sófocles, e
Hamlet, Príncipe da Dinamarca, de William Shakespeare, este estudo pretende
tratá-las, respectivamente, no contexto histórico e filosófico em que emergem: a
tragédia antiga, nos tempos pré-socráticos, marcados pela consolidação do
processo democrático da polis grega e a tragédia moderna, em tempos de ascensão
da revolução científica e ruptura com a cosmologia aristotélico-ptolomaica
tradicional, por meio do pensamento de Giordano Bruno, Copérnico e Galileu,
dentre outros, e também pela retomada, por Montaigne, da antiga tradição cética,
pela afirmação da autonomia da consciência, bem como pela irrupção da
subjetividade; traços característicos da entrada do mundo na era moderna, e que
marcam as principais linhas diferenciais entre ambas as formas da tragédia. Em
sua estreita relação com a noção grega de cosmos, a poética trágica desponta
como a afirmação de que a tragédia ocorre justamente quando algo nessa ordem
se rompe. A tragédia poderia ser pensada, portanto, na medida em que se conserva
a arcaica imagem do mundo assentado sobre um eixo, como uma poética da
desarticulação da ordem do mundo ou a poética do cosmos fora do eixo. / [en] The present thesis has as its subject the ancient Attic Greek tragedy,
contrasted with the tragedy of Renaissance and early modern age. Focused on
Sophocles’ King Oedipus and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,
this study intends to treat them, respectively, in the historical and philosophical
context they emerge: the ancient tragedy, in presocratic times, marked by the
consolidation of the democratic process of the greek polis, the modern tragedy, in
the rise of the scientific revolution and the rupture in the traditional aristotelianptolemaic
cosmology, by the thought of Giordano Bruno, Copernicus and Galileo,
among others, but also by Montaigne’s recover of the ancient skeptical tradition,
the statement of the autonomy of individual conscience, as well as the irruption of
the subjectivity, all of them, fundamental traces of the beginning of modernity
and the principal dividing lines between ancient and modern forms of tragedy. In
its very close relation with the original presocratic notion of cosmos, tragic poetics
dawns as a statement that tragedy occurs precisely when something fundamental
to this order is ruptured. Tragedy could be thought, therefore, keeping before us
the archaic image of the universe turning upon an axis, as a poetics of the
disarticulation of the world order or the poetics of the cosmos out of joint.
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Rethinking Democratic Subjectivity in the Digital AgeConover, Anna C. January 2019 (has links)
As social media platforms and the internet have become an integral part of our civic and political lives, many questions about how to approach digital politics and civic engagement have emerged in the past few years. This project attempts to address some of those questions, specifically how we may think about civic education in the digital age. I begin with the premise that in the digital age, education for democracy must focus on its epistemic aspect. While proponents of aggregative forms of democracy consider vote to be the main form of citizen participation, forms of epistemic democracy such as deliberative democracy seek to contribute to social knowledge through communication amongst citizens, civil society, market players and state institutions. I initially ground my inquiry within the American context by highlighting the participatory character of the American democratic ethos. For this, I evoke John Dewey’s view of democracy as involving collective inquiry that allows both individual growth and the enrichment of collective life. Then, by examining Jürgen Habermas’ deliberative and Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic models of democracy against the backdrop of increasing digital mediation of civic and political discourse, I problematize democratic subjectivity in the digital age and suggest using Etienne Balibar’s notion of transindividuality, which he develops from 17th century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. While Habermas demonstrates that certain communication conditions are necessary for legitimate political action, Mouffe reminds us that taking into account the importance of collective affective drives can help us take seriously the plurality of our contemporary democracies. However, I argue that in the digital age the strengths of these two approaches must be adapted to the evolving materiality of the environment in which people’s lived experience takes place rather than merely kept for instances of communication that occur within state institutions. For this, Balibar’s suggestion to think of the process of freedom of speech as a public good allows us to ground discourse in the material context in which it is produced and maintained, and provides a generative way of thinking of the role of education in our times.
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A dimensão subjetiva da dominação social: a recepção de Nietzsche na teoria crítica de Horkheimer nas décadas de 1930 e 1940 / The subjective aspect of social domination: Nietzsches reception in Horkheimers critical theory from the 1930s and 1940sFernandes, Simone Bernardete 17 June 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação examina a recepção de Nietzsche na teoria crítica de Horkheimer explicitando o modo como a sua filosofia é apropriada nos quadros teóricos das décadas de 1930 e 1940 para a investigação dos bloqueios à emancipação de ordem subjetiva, com foco sobre a noção de interiorização [Verinnerlichung]. Nos anos 1930, para compreender a fixação dos indivíduos pela autoridade e a manipulação das massas, são analisados os efeitos das renúncias e da interiorização dos instintos no contexto de uma antropologia da sociedade burguesa. Na década de 1940, está em jogo o vínculo da razão esclarecida com a dominação, relacionado à dominação de si e dos outros que permearam a formação da subjetividade desde a sua pré-história e compreendido com referência à ideia de interiorização do sacrifício. Pretende-se determinar o papel da filosofia de Nietzsche no pensamento de Horkheimer argumentando-se, em primeiro lugar, que esta aproximação remonta aos anos 1930 e não à influência de Adorno na elaboração da Dialética do esclarecimento e, em segundo lugar, que as contradições internas desta filosofia e as suas contradições com a teoria crítica são profícuas para a filosofia de Horkheimer. / This dissertation thematizes the reception of Nietzsche\'s philosophy in Horkheimer\'s critical theory from the 1930s and 1940s, investigating how it is appropriated for an analysis of the obstacles to social emancipation situated in subjectivity, with reference to the concept of internalization [Verinnerlichung]. In the 1930s, the fixation of the individuals on authority and the manipulation of the masses are investigated through an analysis of the effects of the renunciation and the internalization of instincts, in the context of an anthropology of the bourgeois society. In the 1940s, Horkheimer and Adorno explicit the entailment of enlightened reason on domination, arising from the domination of oneself and of others that permeated the subjective formation since its pre-history, described with the resource to the idea of internalization of sacrifice. This dissertation intends to disclose the role of Nietzsche\'s philosophy in Horkheimer\'s thought, arguing, in the first place, that it goes back to the 1930s and it is not a consequence of Adorno\'s influence in the process of elaboration of the Dialects of Enlightenment, and, secondly, that the contradictions internal to this philosophy and its contradictions with critical theory are productive for Horkheimers philosophy.
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La marche de l'inquiétude : de jeunes Chiliens à Paris / The walk of curiosity : young Chileans in ParisRojas Silva, Belén 10 May 2016 (has links)
L'objectif central de cette recherche est de rendre compte des potentialités de la mobilité pour habiliter les processus de transformation à l'intérieur des sujets. Autrement dit, cette thèse doctorale concerne une recherche sur les possibilités des migrants de devenir sujets en mouvement ou « nomades » (Maffesoli, 1997, 2001 ; Braidotti, 2004, 2011). Donc, au niveau théorique, s'intègrent d'une part des perspectives à propos de la subjectivité des migrants qui « dénaturalisent » les déplacements comme processus exclusivement déterminés par des raisons économiques et, de ce fait, l'individualisme des migrants et la valorisation des déplacements en eux-mêmes ; et, d'autre part, des lectures sur une subjectivité qui migre aussi, lesquelles, sans travailler directement le phénomène des migrations, nous accompagnent au moment de réfléchir à la pluralité des motivations migratoires et des manières d'exercer la mobilité, mais au-delà de cela, elles se montrent attentives aux possibilités des mutations des sujets à partir du contact avec l'altérité et à la façon dont ses changements sont imbriqués avec des nouvelles formes du lien social. Au niveau méthodologique, l'enquête est centrée sur les récits de ces jeunes Chiliens (hommes et femmes, entre 18 et 35 années, habitants de la région parisienne) obtenus à partir de la technique d'entrevue approfondie semi structurée. Ainsi, ont été réalisés 54 entretiens : 45 correspondant à notre échantillon théorique et 9 entretiens qui dépassent cet échantillon, et que nous avons estimés comme complémentaires. L'échantillon théorique a été définie selon les critères de nationalité chilienne (unique ou partie de multiples appartenances nationales), d'âge (18-35 ans), d'indépendance (migrations hors d'un cadre familial d'origine) et de permanence en destin migratoire (3 ans minimum). Le traitement des données a été effectué en accord avec la proposition de « constructions de récits » de Barbara Biglia et Jordi Bonet-Martí (2009), qui, en mettant en valeur la connaissance située et dialogique, nous a permis de développer un exercice de multi-positionnement des sujets durant la migration, à partir de la considération des sens mis en jeu par les protagonistes de l'expérience. Ainsi, cette recherche, située à l'échelle de la vie quotidienne, se concentre sur les compréhensions de l'immigration qui émergent depuis la rencontre avec l'altérité extérieure, ensuite, sur les récits de la rencontre avec une altérité intérieure à travers l'expérience migratoire ; et enfin, les conséquences de ces deux processus par rapport à la définition des appartenances. Notre propos est de confronter les notions sur l'immigration qu'ont les migrants eux-mêmes aux distinctions traditionnelles utilisées pour classifier les migrations (occupation, durée, etc.) afin d'arriver à nouveaux entendements sensibles à la complexité et au dynamisme des expériences particulières parmi des étrangers. Ainsi, en reprenant les limites tracées par des interprétations traditionnelles et les sens exprimés par des migrants, nous voulons nous approcher du potentiel de la migration pour habiliter des processus de transformation, dans la perspective de ce qu'il est possible de « devenir » individuellement et collectivement. / The main objective of this research is to understand the potential of mobility to empower transformation process within the individuals. In other words, this PhD thesis is a research on the possibilities of migrants to become subjects in motion or "nomads" (Maffesoli, 1997, 2001; Braidotti, 2004, 2011). On a theoretical level, firstly it integrates perspectives about the subjectivity of migrants that "denature" displacements like processes exclusively given by economic reasons and, consequently, the individualism of migrants and the assessment of the travel by itself. Secondly, it integrates insights about a subjectivity that also migrates, which, without working directly the phenomenon of migration, accompany us at the moment of thinking about the plurality of migratory motivations and ways of exercising mobility, but beyond that, they show themselves attentive to the possibilities of subjects mutations from contact with otherness and how its changes are imbricated with new forms of social ties. On a methodological level, the investigation focuses on the stories of young Chileans (men and women between 18 and 35 years, residents in the Paris area), obtained with semi-structured/in-depth interview technique. Thus, 54 interviews were conducted: 45 corresponding to our theoretical sample and 9 interviews which do not match our criteria, and we have estimated as complementary. The theoretical sample was defined according to the Chilean nationality criteria (single or as part of multiple national memberships), age (18-35 years), independence (migration apart from the family of origin) and stay in migratory destination (3 years minimum). To illustrate, and outside the framework of the criteria of the sample, we can say that this resulted in a diverse group of students, students / workers and workers; 28 women and 26 men. Data processing was carried out in agreement with the proposal of "stories construction" of Barbara Biglia and Jordi Bonet-Martí (2009), which, by enhancing the knowledge located and dialogical, has enabled us to develop an exercise of multi-positioning of subjects during migration, from the consideration of the senses involved by the protagonists of the experience. Hence this research, located on the scale of daily life, focuses on immigration understandings that emerge from the encounter with the outside otherness, then on the stories of the encounter with an inner otherness through the migratory experience, and finally, the consequences of these processes in relation to the definition of belonging. Our purpose is to confront the notions about immigration of migrants themselves to traditional distinctions used to classify Migration (occupation, extension, etc.), to arrive to new understandings, sensitive to the complexity and dynamism of particulars experiences between strangers. So by taking the limits set by traditional interpretations and meanings expressed by migrants, we want to approach to migration's potentiality to enable process of transformations in the perspective of what it is possible to "becoming" individually and collectively.
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Subjectivity and pedagogy in a context of social change.Ferreira, Ana Cristina 16 January 2014 (has links)
This study is an exploration of the relationship between subjectivity and pedagogy in
the secondary school English classroom in South Africa during a time that can be
characterised as one of considerable social change. It examines the subject
positions students take up in relation to a teaching intervention that invites them to
historicise their identities. In so doing, it seeks to contribute to the growing body of
education research on how to meaningfully engage young people in post-conflict
societies with their recent past and their shifting present, with the primary aim being
to understand how these students are positioning themselves in relation to the
changing sociopolitical context. The research was conducted in two Grade 11
English classrooms, one a de(re)segregated former Model C school and the other an
elite private school. The research design is a two-case case study, employing
ethnographic tools to generate a multi-layered and multifaceted understanding of the
students’ engagement in all its forms.
Poststructuralist theories on discourse and subjectivity form the theoretical
framework for this study, informing both the methodology and the data analysis. At
the heart of this lies Foucault’s notion of the discursively constructed subject,
extended through the work of Stuart Hall, Chris Weedon, Bronwyn Davies and others
in ways that facilitate their application to individual subjectivity, particularly in relation
to the classroom as a pedagogically structured discursive space. The data is
subjected to poststructuralist discourse analysis, adjusted to suit the mode and type
of data which includes, inter alia, the analysis of a multimodal artefact, analysis of
performative classroom talk and moment-by-moment analysis of classroom
The analysis shows that students’ subjectivities are not fixed but shift in ways that
are contingent on the pedagogic context. Such shifts are particularly noticeable when
there is a shift in the interactional situation; when students move between different
semiotic modes; or when they are provided with the opportunity for extended
conversational interaction around an issue. In addition, students’ participation in the
section of work on South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) shows
that engaging with the past in post-apartheid South African classrooms can have
unpredictable results. Students’ resistance to engaging with recent history seems to
be related to discomfort with the ways in which the grand narrative of the past works
to position them in racialised ways. While there is evidence of students seeking to
‘unfix’ racialised subject positions, it is also clear that past discourses linger. Despite
their desire to be rid of the past, students’ subject positions are frequently tied to their
historically constructed locations in the sociopolitical and economic landscape of
South Africa. These ambiguities and contradictions are viewed in part as a function
of the complexity of the relationship between subjectivity and pedagogy, where what
students are able to say and who they are able to be is shaped by the discursive
structure of the classroom space. Ultimately it would seem that more serious
consideration needs to be given to ways of developing a pedagogy that is able to
tolerate contingency and heterogeneity and that would have relevance not only in
post-conflict contexts but also beyond.
Keywords: subjectivity, pedagogy, poststructuralist discourse analysis,
positioning, identity, English classroom, TRC, multimodal artefact, classroom talk,
South Africa
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Mediating knowledge and constituting subjectivities in distance education materials for language teachers in South Africa.Reed, Yvonne 31 August 2010 (has links)
International and local guidelines for designing distance education materials advise
designers to use feedback from students in the redesign of their materials. This study is a
response to the researcher’s failed attempt to elicit critical feedback from some of her
students. It therefore sets out to devise a framework for a critical pedagogic analysis of
distance learning materials designed for South African teacher education programmes.
It draws on theorisations of pedagogy, principally from the work of the sociologist of
education Basil Bernstein and the applied linguist Suresh Canagarajah, theorisations of
mediation, originating in the work of Lev Vygotsky, and theorisations of subjectivity. It also
draws on international and local conceptualisations of a knowledge base for teacher
education. In the analysis of the selection and organisation of knowledge on the page, the
study draws on Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics and the field of social semiotics to
uncover the positions constructed for readers as students and as teachers in each
multimodal design.
A pedagogic analysis of distance education materials for pre-service or in-service teachers
responds to a series of questions: What elements of a knowledge base for teacher
education do designers foreground and background? What is the orientation of the
materials to the relationship between knowledge and practice? How is knowledge
mediated through in-text activities, pedagogic episodes and scaffolded readings? What
roles do linguistic and visual design choices play in the mediation of knowledge? A critical
pedagogic analysis interrogates the subject positions that the multimodal designs constitute
for ideal readers as students and as teachers. In the study, all of these questions frame a
detailed analysis of three sets of materials designed for South African teacher education
programmes and, finally, a critical reflection on materials for which the researcher was the
principal designer.
The study concludes that a critical pedagogic analysis affords designers and evaluators the
critical distance needed for evaluating the mediation of knowledge(s) and the constitution
of readers’ subjectivities in teacher education materials. As an alternative (or in some
circumstances, as an addition) to reader feedback it has the potential to inform redesigning
for the original local context(s) of use or reversioning for use in broader regional or global
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