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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

整建住宅住戶社會網絡結構與影響更新因素之研究─以臺北市整建住宅社區個案為例 / A study on social network of reconstruction and the impacts of renewal─Take the resettled tenement community of Taipei as a case

許德和 Unknown Date (has links)
在民國50年代興建的臺北市整建住宅社區(簡稱整宅)歷經近50年的超值使用及增建、違建的超負荷累贅,已使整宅更新改建議題,成為都市統理者與追求社會公平正義的都市計畫研究學者關注的焦點,自民國70年代就取得整宅更新迫切需求的共識,為何又歷經近30年的整宅更新研究與推動,遲遲不見整宅更新的明顯成效,令無數關心社會邊緣弱勢族群整宅住戶的研究學者苦研其癥結,思謀對策提供都市統理者發揮統合公權力,展現整宅更新決策執行的有效方法。 本研究鑑於整宅更新議題的學術研究,有從公私協力方向做實施思考者,有從容積獎勵的提高思考者,有從政府強制公權力排除整宅更新障礙思考者,其思考方向都在以整宅之外部因素做思量,欠缺由整宅住戶社會網絡結構思考者。而本研究除了關注整宅更新的外部因素,更注重整宅住戶的內部因素,也就是摒棄外部與內部的區隔,融洽內外部的更新因素,統合思考整宅更新的全面因素。 本研究就臺北市整建住宅社區全體23處做研究母體,以臺北市信義區吳興街二期整建住宅社區為研究樣本,做社區個案全體住戶普查,以住戶基本社經資料、社區內外部統合社會網絡互動關係,社區住戶關注的影響更新關鍵因素為問卷調查內容,加上對整宅更新研究學者、更新主管機關承辦人員、更新實施建築業者、更新規劃諮詢推展機構、不動產估價師、建築師及稅務、法律等整宅更新有深入鑽研的相關產、經、學界做全面深度訪談,探尋整宅更新現階段的法令規範,實施推展狀況,研究成果與心得,求出整宅更新現階段的阻礙難行癥結,藉資本研究主題的深入瞭解,使整宅更新的困境較清晰浮現,俾以謀求解決對策。 本研究結論:一、整建住宅社區更新有集體行動困境 二、關鍵行動者有信任危機與道德風險 三、不確定風險的承擔機制薄弱 四、選配房屋意願不容易滿足 五、建築融資責任主體有爭議 六、期待利益超越現實 七、政府對整宅社區更新輔導態度消極 本研究提出建議:一、政府依法展現公權力,強制排除非理性反對更新者,積極參與更新推展過程 二、建立社區強聯結管道,透明更新作業系統,爭取社區認同與支持 三、建立風險管控機制 / The Taipei Resettled Tenement Communities were formed in the early years, However; Resettled projects are stalled mostly by reasons of - over usage, increasing buildings and buildings constructed without licenses. Those reasons make resettled tenement communities become to be a new issue to a lot of researchers and scholars. Renewal and /or reconstruction are urgent needed in these communities nowadays. According to academic researches of renewal issue, there are thinking points from public and private interests and bonus regulation, but there is no taking point from the social network of reconstruction. Not only the renewal elements of resettled tenement, but also the residents are the focus of my research. Through those elements deliberate the impacts of renewal. The research takes 21 resettled tenement communities of Taipei city as a population. During the communities the second period of the resettled tenement community in Wu-Xing St as a research sample carries out a census. From those residential backgrounds, interaction of social network in communities and the impacts of renewal as the questionnaire and makes an in-depth interview from people of industry, economy and academy. The key of the questionnaire consists of residential background, interaction of social network in communities, the impacts of renewal and the interview of specialists in industry, economy and academy. Finally, we can understand the bottleneck of renewal and the strategy for solution. It concluded in seven points: (1) the dilemma of collective actor. (2) the crisis from key actor. (3) the weak mechanism to uncertainly risk. (4) the unsatisfied willing of chosen house. (5) the debt in reconstructed finance. (6) the overtaking interests. (7) the passive attitude from government. It provided several suggestions that one is government should exclude irrational against in forced and positively to participate the process of renewal. The other is to build up connection in community, to purify the work of renewal, and to strive for support and identification in community. Thirdly is to build up mechanism to carry on risk.

Avaliação em estudos de futuros de setores industriais na perspectiva da teoria ator-rede. Estudo de caso: Observatórios da Indústria do Sistema Federação da Indústria do Estado do Paraná (FIEP) / Evaluation in future studies of industrial sectors on the Actor-Network theory perspective. Case of study: Industry Observatories of Industry Federation System do Paraná State (FIEP)

Bolzani Júnior, Geraldo Morcel 28 March 2017 (has links)
Dados os resutados de pesquisa bibliométrica que demonstram escassez de pesquisas sobre avaliação em Estudos de Futuros, esta tese tem como objetivo propor um método de avaliação em Estudos de Futuros de setores industriais fundamentado em elementos da Teoria Ator-Rede. A revisão bibliográfica mostra que, no contexto dos Estudos de Futuro, o conceito de ontologia atribuído às imagens e visões de futuro permite propor o conceito de tradução do futuro. Com o conceito de tradução e a partir da observação de projetos prospectivos dos Observatórios da Indústria do Sistema FIEP, se definiram três etapas fundamentais do processo de tradução do futuro que devem ser consideradas: a tradução dos futuros esperados onde se analisa a produção, o consumo e o descarte de futuros esperados, a tradução dos futuros planejados onde se planejam os futuros dos setores industriais a serem articulados e a tradução dos futuros avaliados, objeto desta tese. Para realizar esta última etapa, o passo metodológico executado foi o desenho e a realização de um painel de especialistas com foco na avaliação do projeto prospectivo do setor de energia do estado do Paraná, a partir de conceitos da Sociologia da Expectativa, da Prospectiva Estratégica e da teoria Ator-Rede. As abordagens metodológicas da teoria Ator-Rede, especialmente o método Assemblage, embasaram a análise dos resultados do painel. Aplicado o processo de tradução à avaliação, esta se adensa olhando não apenas para resultados e impactos, mas também para questões de constituição do processo a ser avaliado. A avaliação se expande ao se considerar todas as fases do método prospectivo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi atingido na medida em que se apresentou como resultado o método Fundamentos Ontológicos Utilizados em Redes de Mediadores Industriais (FOURMI) para avaliações traduzidas em projetos de prospectiva estratégica. O método FOURMI propõe três etapas: a avaliação externa, para convocação dos atores que irão constituir o ator-rede, a avaliação interna para construção dos processos de formação e desenvolvimento do ator-rede e a avaliação relacional para avaliação das consequências políticas daquilo que se realizou. Da proposta do método também surgem os conceitos de expressão máxima dos atores e de avaliação traduzida que é a avaliação onde os actantes no processo de tradução do futuro têm a sua expressão garantida e registrada. / As it is difficult to find many researches and publications about future studies evaluation, this thesis has as its objective the proposal of a future studies evaluation method for industrial sectors based on some elements of the actor-network theory. The bibliographic review shows that, in the context of future studies, the concept of ontology given to future images and visions allow the proposal of the concept of future translation. With the translation concept and observing the prospective projects of the Industry Observatory of the FIEP System, three fundamental steps of the future translation process must be considered: the expected future translation where the production, consume and discharge of expected future are analyzed, the planned future translation where the sectorial industry futures are planned and will be implemented, and the evaluated futures translation, object of this thesis. In order to accomplish this last step, the next methodological step was the design and realization of an expert panel focused on the evaluation of the prospective project of Paraná energy sector, using the sociology of expectation, strategic prospective and actornetwork theory. The actor-network methodological approaches, specially the Assemblage method were used to analyze the panel results. As the translation process was applied to the evaluation, it became dense, looking not only to the results and impacts, but also to the constitution questions of the process that will be evaluated. The evaluation expands as considering all the steps of the prospective method. The general objective of the research was accomplished as the (in the sense that was presented the) FOURMI (Ontological Fundaments Used in Industrial Mediators Networks) method was presented to produce translated evaluation in strategic prospective projects. The FOURMI method brings forward three stages: the external evaluation to summon actors that will form the actor-network, the internal evaluation to construct the formation and development processes of the actor-network, the relational evaluation to evaluate the political consequences of what was accomplished. From the method proposal, the concepts of maximum expression of actors and translated evaluation can also be extracted. Translated evaluation is the evaluation where the actants in the future translation process have their manifestations guaranteed and registered.

En studie om Borås Stads möjligheter till utveckling av hållbarhetsrapportering : Nätverk, relationer och aktörer / A study of Borås municipality possibilities for development of sustainability reporting : Network, relations and actors

Rexhepi, Fiola, Rostam, Tanya January 2017 (has links)
Det finns inte mycket forskning kring hur ett nytt redovisningssystem börjar i en organisation. Forskning kring hållbarhet och hållbarhetsredovisning har bidragit till en nyfikenhet att studera det tidiga skedet av ett eventuellt nytt system för redovisning av hållbarhet. Detta har bidragit till ett ökat intresse av att studera nätverk och relationer mellan aktörer där vi ställer oss i mitten av handlingarna i en organisation för att möjligtvis ta del av det tidiga skedet. Syftet med denna studie är att studera hur hållbarhetsredovisningen konstrueras, med konstrueras menar vi hur ett nytt hållbarhetsredovisningssystem möjligtvis kan tas fram.Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med anställda som arbetar med sociala och miljömässiga frågor i Borås Stad. Studien har en fallstudiedesign med ett snöbollsurval. Totalt har vi intervjuat åtta anställda i kommunen varav fyra tjänstemän och fyra politiker. I empirin och analysen har vi arbetat utifrån en induktiv ansats med ett etnografiskt perspektiv. Vi har skapat egna kategorier med inspiration från Actor-network theory som metodteori. Vi har analyserat empirin utifrån metodteorin och strukturerat upp det empiriska materialet i syfte att tydliggöra våra observationer under kategorierna involverade aktörer, aktörers intressen, konflikter och hinder samt översättning.Vi har observerat att kommunen befinner sig i processen av att möjligtvis utveckla ett nytt system för redovisning av hållbarhet. Kommunen behöver fokusera på att integrera de tre hållbarhetsdimensionerna med varandra samt hur kommunen ska beräkna sociala och miljömässiga effekter uttryckta i ekonomiska termer. Studien visar på att den finansiella redovisningen har en betydande roll i kommunen och att förändringsarbete inte är förespråkat. För att bryta gamla arbetsmönster och tankesätt bör kommunen uppmärksamma sin situation och identifiera problem. Studien pekar på verkligheten där vi uppmärksammar kommunens situation. Sammantaget drar vi slutsatsen att kommunen bör bilda ett nätverk. När ett nätverk bildas integrerar aktörer med varandra där de blir aktörer i ett nätverk och får värde genom interaktion, därmed kan komplexiteten i organisationen reduceras. Bildandet av ett nätverk kan möjligtvis bidra till rekonstruktion av kommunens system för redovisning av hållbarhet. / There is not much research on how a new accounting system begins in an organization. Scientific research concerning sustainability and corporate sustainability reports has contributed to a curiosity of studying the early stages of a new possible sustainability accounting system. This has contributed to an increased interest in studying networks and relationships between actors by putting ourselves in the middle of the actions in an organization to possibly take part of the early stages. The purpose of this study is to study how corporate sustainability reports are constructed, with construction we mean how a new sustainability accounting system may be developed.We have conducted qualitative interviews with employees who work with social and environmental issues in Borås municipality. The study applies a case study design and a snowball selection. In total, we have interviewed eight employees in the municipality, four of whom are officials and four are politicians. During the empirics and analysis, we have applied an inductive approach with an ethnographic perspective. We have created our own categories with inspiration from Actor-network theory as method theory. We have analyzed the empirics based on the method theory and structured the empirics in order to clarify our observations under the categories involved actors, actors interests, conflicts and obstacles as well as translation.We have observed that the municipality is in the process of possibly developing a new sustainability accounting system. The municipality need to focus more on integrating the three dimensions of sustainability with each other and also how the municipality is to calculate social and environmental effects expressed in economic terms. The study shows that the financial accounting has a significant role in the municipality and that change is not advocated. To break old work patterns and ways of thinking the municipality should pay attention to its situation and identify problems. The study points towards the reality where we focus on the situation of the municipality. Altogether, we conclude that the municipality should create a network. When a network is created actors integrates with each other as they become actors in a network and gain value through interaction, thus reducing the complexity of the organization. The creation of a network may possibly contribute to a reconstruction of the municipality's sustainability accounting system.This paper is written in Swedish.

Trials and triumphs in public office: the life and work of E J N Mabuza

Sarimana, Ashley January 2011 (has links)
Enos John Nganani Mabuza's life and work is used as a case study to highlight the conceptual and methodological theories and challenges in academic biographical writing regarding history, memory and legacies. This thesis answers the question: Who was Mabuza and what is his place or relevance in South Africa's history? We over-simplify and stereotype people because it is convenient. We judge others but there is no saint without a past or a sinner without a future. Mabuza reconciled with the main liberation movements and moved from a maligned position on the political fringes to a respectable one within the emerging black economic elite. History, like reference systems and values is not calcified or static. It is prone to interpretation, adaptation, modification, invention, manipulation, decomposition and re-composition. Bourdieu's habitus-field analysis, theory or logic of practice, notions of capital (symbolic, political, social, cultural and economic) is used together with Latour's actor-network theory as the basis of analysis of the social contracts and trust bonds that Mabuza was able to create and which enabled him to navigate South Africa's socio-political and economic milieus during apartheid and the transition in the early 1990s. As people or actors, we believe in the mantra, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We exercise agency and take risks every day. We make choices and those choices have consequences. Mabuza's choices in the fields of education, politics and business had implications for how he is perceived or has been written into history. His choices put notions of identity, citizenship, power, legitimacy, ambition, elite accommodation, class, personal and professional networks, popular struggles, agency and structure under the spotlight. Mabuza's involvement in Bantustan politics, for instance, is contextualised in terms of a historical overview of the unpopular role played by traditional authorities in South Africa before and during colonialism and apartheid. His later foray into the world of business, however, was facilitated in part, by the personal and professional contacts that he made whilst he was in politics and the opportunities which opened up during the country's political transition. Mabuza adapted to changing circumstances and demonstrated a level of versatility which other Bantustan functionaries did not or could not exercise.

A framework for the financial literacy skills required by professional athletes in pursuit of sustainable financial well-being / Raamwerk vir die finansiele geletterdheid en vaardighede wat professionele sportlui vir volhoubare finansiele welstand nodig het / Tlhako ya mabokgoni a tsebo ya ditshelete ye e nyakegago go batshabesi ba diatleletiki ba phrofesenale ge ba nyaka go phela gabotse ditsheleteng go ya go ile

Moolman, Jaco 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho / Many individuals spend their working lives attempting to accrue financial resources to sustain them beyond their retirement. The challenge in professional sport is that a professional athlete’s career is often relatively short with various risks that could end it prematurely. In addition, there are various reasons why professional athletes find it challenging to transition to a vocational career after their sporting careers end. This highlights the importance for professional athletes to attain a high level of financial literacy from a young age. Actor-network theory (ANT) provided a suitable theoretical frame for this study by considering the information that could flow in a network around a professional athlete in pursuit of sound financial decisions. This study first developed a framework for the financial literacy skills required by professional athletes in pursuit of sustainable financial well-being. For this purpose, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 27 interviewees. ANT was applied to guide the selection of interviewees from a network of influencers that could guide a professional athlete’s financial decisions. The results of these interviews and the open-ended responses provided the basis for the contributed framework. The second part of this multi-layered study was aimed at developing an artefact or research instrument to assess the financial literacy of professional athletes. Design science research provided the overarching research design for this qualitative study with a second round of interviews held with 10 interviewees from the list of interviewees consulted for the first part of the study. The 10 interviewees were purposively selected after taking the primacy of ethical considerations around research into consideration. The developed instrument may be used as it is, or adapted or extended for research beyond the limits of this study. This study could be valuable in assisting professional athletes to avoid financial distress after their sporting careers end. The study will also be of interest to sport governing bodies, the leadership of professional sports clubs, sports agents, legal advisors, accountants, tax experts, financial planners and other financial advisors to improve their understanding of the financial needs and current levels of financial literacy amongst professional athletes. / Tallose werkende mense spaar lewenslank vir hulle aftrede. Die loopbane van professionele sportlui is taamlik kort en boonop kan verskeie risiko’s voortydig 'n einde aan 'n sportloopbaan maak. Om verskeie redes sukkel professionele sportlui buitendien om die beroepswêreld ná ʼn sportloopbaan te betree. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat hulle finansieel geletterd raak terwyl hulle nog jonk is. Die speler-netwerkteorie (SNT) bied 'n geskikte teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie aangesien dit toegespits is op die inligting wat deur 'n netwerk om professionele sportlui wat verstandige finansiële besluite nastrewe, vloei. Ten eerste is 'n raamwerk ontwikkel vir die finansiële vaardighede waaroor professionele sportlui vir volhoubare finansiële welstand moet beskik. Hiervoor is halfgestruktureerde onderhoude van aangesig tot aangesig met 27 ondervraagdes gehou. Op grond van SNT is die ondervraagdes gekies uit 'n netwerk van beïnvloeders wat professionele sportlui se finansiële besluite kan bepaal. Die raamwerk het berus op die uitslag van hierdie onderhoude waarin oop vrae gestel is. In die tweede gedeelte van hierdie gelaagde studie is 'n artefak of navorsingsinstrument ontwikkel waarmee die finansiële geletterdheid van professionele sportlui getoets kan word. Die oorkoepelende navorsingsontwerp vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is aan wetenskaplike ontwerpnavorsing ontleen. 'n Tweede ronde onderhoude is met 10 van die 27 ondervraagdes in die eerste ronde onderhoude gevoer. Die 10 ondervraagdes is doelbewus ná inagneming van die voorrang van etiese navorsingsoorwegings gekies. Hierdie instrument kan óf onveranderd gebruik word óf aangepas word vir navorsing wat buite die perke van hierdie studie val. Hierdie studie kan voorkom dat professionele sportlui ná 'n sportloopbaan in finansiële nood verkeer. Dit kan ook sportbeheerliggame, die bestuurders van beroepsportklubs, sportagente, regsadviseurs, rekenmeesters, belastingdeskundiges, finansiële beplanners en ander finansiële adviseurs help om die finansiële behoeftes van professionele sportlui en hulle vlak van finansiële geletterdheid beter te begryp. / Batho ba bantši ba tšea maphelo a bona ka moka a ge ba šoma ba leka go hwetša methopo ya ditšhelete ka nepo ya gore e ba tšwetše pele ka bophelo go ya go ile le ka morago ga ge ba rotše modiro. Tlhohlo ka mo papading ye ya sephrofešenale ke gore mošomo wa motšhabeši wa diatleletiki gantši ke o mokopana kudu ebile o na le dikotsi tše mmalwa tšeo di ka o fedišago e sa le ka pela. Godimo ga fao, go na le mabaka a mmalwa gore ke ka lebaka la eng batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba hwetša go le boima go fetogela go mošomo wa diatla ka morago ga ge mošomo wa bona wa dipapadi o fedile. Se se laetša bohlokwa bja gore batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba fihlelele maemo a godimo a tsebo ya ditšhelete ba sa le ba bannyane. Teori ya mabapi le tirišano ya bakgathatema (ANT) e fane ka motheo wa maleba wa teori go dinyakišišo tše ge go lebeletšwe tshedimošo yeo e ka welago ka go netweke mabapi le motšhabeši wa diatleletiki ge a nyaka go tšea dipheto tšeo di kwagalago ka ga ditšhelete. Tlhako ye e thomile ke go hlamelwa mabokgoni a tsebo ya ditšhelkete ye e nyakegago go batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba phrofešenale ge ba nyaka go phela gabotse ditšheleteng go ya go ile. Ka lebaka le, dipoledišano tša motho ka motho tšeo di hlametšwego gore bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba fetole ka tokologo di ile tša swarwa le baarabi ba 27. ANT e dirišitšwe go hlahla kgetho ya bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo go netweke ya bahuetši bao ba ka hlahlago diphetho tša ditšhelete tša motšhabeši wa diatleletiki. Dipoelo tša dipoledišano tše le diphetolo tšeo di sa fego moarabi di fane ka motheo wa tlhako ye. Karolo ya bobedi ya dinyakišišo tše tša dikgato tše ntši e be e ikemišeditše go hlama bokgabo goba setlabelo sa dinyakišišo sa go fihlelela tsebo ya ditšhelete ya boradiatleletiki ba phrofešenale. Dinyakišišo tša mahlale tšeo di hlangwago di fane ka tlhamo ya dinyakišišo yeo e akaretšago ya dinyakišišo tše tša boleng gomme karolo ya bobedi ya dipoledišano tšeo di swerwego le bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba 10 go tšwa lenaneong la bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo bao ba botšišitšwego dipotšišo ka karolong ya mathomo ya dinyakišišo. Bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba 10 ba kgethilwe ka maikemišetšo ka morago ga go hlokomela bohlokwa bja maitshwaro mabapi le dinyakišišo tše di dirwago. Setlabelo seo se hlamilwego se ka šomišwa ka fao se lego ka gona goba sa fetošwa goba sa oketšwa go tla go šomišwa ka dinyakišišong tša ka morago ga tše. Dinyakišišo tše di ka no ba mohola go thuša batšhabeši ba diatleletiki go efoga kgatelelo ya monagano ye e bakwago ke mathata a ditšhelete ka morago ga ge mošomo wa bona wa dipapadi o fedile. Dinyakišišo tše gape di ka ba tša kgahlego go makgotlataolo a dipapadi, go boetapele bja ditlelapo tša dipapadi tša phrofešenale, go badiredi ba tša dipapadi, go baeletši tša molao, go balekodi ba dipuku tša ditšhelete, go ditshebi tša motšhelo, go babeakanyi ba ditšhelete le go baeletši ba bangwe ba ditšhelete ka nepo ya go kaonafatša kwešišo ya bona ya dinyakwa tša ditšhelete le go maemo a bjale a tsebo ya ditšhelete gareng ga bašhabeši ba diatleletiki ba phrofešenale. / Financial accounting / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Le développement du neuromarketing aux Etats-Unis et en France. Acteurs-réseaux, traces et controverses / The comparative development of neuromarketing between the United States and France : Actor-networks, traces and controversies

Teboul, Bruno 20 September 2016 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche explore de manière comparée le développement du neuromarketing aux Etats-Unis et en France. Nous commençons par analyser la littérature sur le neuromarketing. Nous utilisons comme cadre théorique et méthodologique l’Actor Network Theory (ANT) ou Théorie de l’Acteur-Réseau (dans le sillage des travaux de Bruno Latour et Michel Callon). Nous montrons ainsi comment des actants « humains et non-humains »: acteurs-réseaux, traces (publications) et controverses forment les piliers d’une nouvelle discipline telle que le neuromarketing. Notre approche hybride « qualitative-quantitative », nous permet de construire une méthodologie appliquée de l’ANT: analyse bibliométrique (Publish Or Perish), text mining, clustering et analyse sémantique de la littérature scientifique et web du neuromarketing. A partir de ces résultats, nous construisons des cartographies, sous forme de graphes en réseau (Gephi) qui révèlent les interrelations et les associations entre acteurs, traces et controverses autour du neuromarketing. / Our research explores the comparative development of neuromarketing between the United States and France. We start by analyzing the literature on neuromarketing. We use as theoretical and methodological framework the Actor Network Theory (ANT) (in the wake of the work of Bruno Latour and Michel Callon). We show how “human and non-human” entities (“actants”): actor-network, traces (publications) and controversies form the pillars of a new discipline such as the neuromarketing. Our hybrid approach “qualitative-quantitative” allows us to build an applied methodology of the ANT: bibliometric analysis (Publish Or Perish), text mining, clustering and semantic analysis of the scientific literature and web of the neuromarketing. From these results, we build data visualizations, mapping of network graphs (Gephi) that reveal the interrelations and associations between actors, traces and controversies about neuromarketing.

Becoming democratic in the Life Sciences : reframing Life Sciences teaching and learning through posthumanism / Om demokraties in die Lewenswetenskappe te word : die heropstel van Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig en -leer deur posthumanisme / Ukuba yintando yeningi kusayensi yezempilo : ukuvuselela ukufundiswa nokufunda isayenzi yezempilo ngokusebenzisa okwakhiwa emva kokuphila komuntu

Mamutse, Kudakwashe 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of the study was to develop a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences in South Africa in order to achieve an expanded form of democracy that would not discriminate between human and nonhuman. Though both critical posthumanist and democratic theories have been used in pedagogical studies separately, this study focused on the development of a merged and broader theory that has elements of both of the theories. The term nonhuman, as used here, does not specifically refer to non-person individuals only. Rather, it also refers to people who are regarded by the dominant humans as nonhumans – inferiors and subalterns. The latter group of people include the poor, women, children, people of colour and the disabled. Owing to this binarisation characteristic of the Life Sciences as a subject – which it adopts from the nature of science, its curriculum, and pedagogical approaches – the impression is given that as the master of the universe, the human has unlimited power over all other entities. These other nonhuman entities are then regarded as resources for the use of humans. Yet, it is this attitude which has caused humans to abuse nonhumans to the extent that the earth is facing the catastrophe of the Anthropocene. The adoption of a critical education approach characterised by the development of a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences is essential in dealing with the issue of the Anthropocene that is threatening the earth currently. This study thus seeks to adopt a critical education approach through the introduction of democracy into the teaching and learning of Life Sciences, specifically so that humans would get to a position where they would consider nonhumans as entities with which they co-exist, and entities with equal agency within the environment. The recognition of the need for democracy would allow the humans to treat the nonhumans (such as the environment and ‘subalterns’) with respect, as their compatriots; and by doing that, the harrowing issues leading to the catastrophe of the Anthropocene could be either avoided or averted. / Die doel van die studie was om ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie te ontwikkel wat op die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika toegepas kan word om ’n uitgebreide vorm van demokrasie daar te stel wat nie tussen menslik en niemenslik sal diskrimineer nie. Hoewel kritiese posthumanistiese sowel as demokratiese teorieë apart in pedagogiese studies gebruik word, het hierdie studie op die ontwikkeling van ’n saamgesmelte en breër teorie wat elemente van beide teorieë bevat, gefokus. Die term niemenslik soos wat dit hier gebruik word, verwys nie spesifiek net na niepersoon-individue nie. Dit verwys eerder ook na mense wat deur die dominante mense as niemense – minderes en ondergeskiktes – beskou word. Die laasgenoemde groep mense sluit die armes, vroue, kinders, mense van kleur en gestremde mense in. Vanweë hierdie binêre eienskap van die Lewenswetenskappe as ’n vak – wat dit as gevolg van die aard van wetenskap, sy kurrikulum en pedagogiese benaderings aanvaar het – word die indruk geskep dat die mens as heerser van die heelal onbeperkte mag oor al die ander entiteite het. Hierdie ander niemenslike entiteite word dan as hulpbronne vir gebruik deur mense gesien. Dit is egter hierdie houding wat veroorsaak het dat mense niemense misbruik, in so ’n mate dat die aarde die katastrofe van die Antroposeen in die gesig staar. Die aanneem van ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering wat gekenmerk word deur die ontwikkeling van ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie wat by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe gebruik kan word, is noodsaaklik om die kwessie van die Antroposeen wat die aarde tans bedreig, te hanteer. Hierdie studie wil dus ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering volg deur middel van die bekendstelling van demokrasie by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe, in die besonder sodat mense in ’n posisie sal wees waar hulle niemense as entiteite saam met wie hulle ’n bestaan moet voer, en entiteite met gelyke verteenwoordiging in die omgewing, sal beskou. Om die behoefte aan demokrasie te erken, sal die mense toelaat om die niemense (soos die omgewing en “ondergeskiktes”) as hulle landgenote met respek te behandel; en deur dit te doen, kan die pynlike kwessies wat tot die katastrofe van die Antroposeen sal lei, moontlik vermy of afgeweer word. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakungukusungula umbono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo eNingizimu Afrika ukuze kuzuzwe uhlobo olwandisiwe lwentando yeningi olungeke lubandlulule phakathi kwabantu kanye nokungebona abantu. Yize zombili izinkolelo ezibucayi ezenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nezentando yeningi zisetshenzisiwe ezifundweni zokufundisa ngokwehlukana, lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni kombono ohlanganisiwe futhi obanzi onezici zombili zale mibono. Igama elithi okungebona abantu njengoba lisetshenziswa lapha, alibhekiseli ngqo kubantu abangebona abantu kuphela. Esikhundleni salokho, libhekise nakubantu ababhekwa ngabantu abaphezulu njengabantu abangebona abantu – abaphansi nabasezingeni eliphansi. Iqembu lokugcina labantu lifaka phakathi abampofu, abesifazane, izingane, abantu bebala nabakhubazekile. Ngenxa yalesi sici sokuhlukaniswa kwesayensi yezempilo njengesifundo – emukela emvelweni yesayensi, ikharikhulamu yayo, kanye nezindlela zokufundisa - kunikezwa umbono wokuthi njengomphathi wendawo yonke, umuntu unamandla angenamkhawulo kuzo zonke ezinye izinhlangano. Lezi ezinye izinto ezingezona abantu zithathwa njengezinsiza ukusetshenziswa abantu. Kodwa-ke, yilesi simo sengqondo esidale ukuthi abantu bahlukumeze abantu abangebona abantu kuze kufike lapho umhlaba ubhekene nenhlekelele yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba. Ukwamukelwa kwendlela ebucayi yezemfundo ebonakala ngokuthuthukiswa kombono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu kanye nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayenzi yezempilo kubalulekile ekubhekaneni nodaba lokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba olusongela umhlaba njengamanje. Lolu cwaningo-ke lufuna ukwamukela indlela yezemfundo ebucayi ngokwethulwa kwentando yeningi ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo, ikakhulukazi ukuze abantu bafike esikhundeni lapho bezobheka khona abantu abangebona abantu njengezinhlangano abaphila nazo, nezinhlangano ezinokumela ngokulinganayo ngaphakathi kwemvelo. Ukwamukelwa kwesidingo sentando yeningi kuzovumela abantu ukuthi baphathe abantu abangebona abantu (njengemvelo kanye nabasezingeni eliphansi) ngenhlonipho, njengabantu bakubo; futhi ngokwenza lokho, izingqinamba ezihlasimulisayo eziholela enhlekeleleni yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba zingagwenywa noma zivinjelwe. / Educational Foundations / Ph. D. (Philosophy of Education)

Utilité des cadres interprétatifs pour la mise à l’échelle d’innovations de promotion de la santé : étude d’un cas concernant la petite enfance socialement désavantagée

Larouche, Annie 02 1900 (has links)
La mise à l’échelle (scaling up) est un processus qui vise à accroitre l’impact et la pérennité des effets d’innovations jugées prometteuses. Les publications à ce sujet sont en progression importante dans le domaine de la santé depuis une vingtaine d’années. Toutefois, ces processus ont été étudiés de manière essentiellement technique malgré l’importance soulignée dans la littérature d’y prendre en compte des questions évolutives de sens et de valeurs. Ceci est particulièrement significatif pour les innovations de promotion de la santé, construites sur les capacités et collaborations de différents acteurs qui y partagent et négocient diverses vues sur les problèmes, les actions à entreprendre et leur but. Les contenus de ces innovations sont susceptibles d’évoluer de manière significative dans la mise à l’échelle, et d’affecter la fonction d’impact et pérennité du processus. Peu d’études, cependant, mobilisent des théories et méthodologies explicites à cet égard. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une vision sociale de la mise à l’échelle et propose d’ajouter le concept de cadre interprétatif, ou « frame », à son outillage conceptuel ; elle vise à explorer l’utilité de cette notion au regard de la dynamique sociale de la mise à l’échelle d’innovations complexes de promotion de la santé. La thèse poursuit deux objectifs : 1) développer une articulation théorique de nature sociale pour la mise à l’échelle intégrant la notion de frame ; et 2) explorer l’utilité des frames comme ‘représentations’ pour documenter l’évolution du contenu des innovations au cours de leur mise à l’échelle. La réponse au premier objectif s’appuie sur une perspective de complexité des interventions en tant que réseaux dynamiques d’acteurs pour conceptualiser la mise à l’échelle comme une expansion de réseaux où le framing des questions de santé évolue au travers des relations entre acteurs. L’articulation théorique développée combine la sociologie de l’innovation - théorie de l’acteur-réseau - et les perspectives des frames pour envisager ceux-ci en tant que ‘représentations’ ou ‘interactions’. En réponse au second objectif, l’approche ‘représentationnelle’ aux frames est appliquée à l’étude d’un cas de mise à l’échelle d’innovation éducative à caractère intersectoriel concernant le développement de jeunes enfants socialement désavantagés. Sur la base de documents cadres qui balisent les phases ‘pilote’ et ‘programme à l’échelle’ de l'innovation, une analyse critique de frames est pratiquée au regard de la capacité du programme à grande échelle à supporter l’action sur les inégalités sociales de développement des enfants et l’équité. Les résultats illustrent des différences significatives de définitions du ‘problème’ du DJE et de la solution préconisée pour le programme à grande échelle, qui constituent des améliorations, mais aussi certaines ‘détériorations’ au regard des inégalités et de l’équité. En tant que constructions réalisées à partir des ‘produits’ du processus social qui s’opère dans le réseau intersectoriel des acteurs, les frames comme ‘représentations’ analysés de manière critique sont utiles pour expliciter et caractériser l’évolution des contenus des innovations et leurs conséquences pour la mise à l’échelle. Mobilisés dans un échange constructif avec les acteurs concernés, les frames pourraient constituer un outil intéressant pour favoriser la réflexivité à l’égard de ces processus et de l’impact et de la durabilité des effets des innovations portées à grande échelle. Cette thèse contribue de manière théorique à la littérature de santé publique en clarifiant l’utilité des frames et la manière dont ce concept peut être mobilisé pour documenter la dynamique de la mise à l’échelle d’innovations complexes de promotion de la santé. / Scaling up is a process that aims to increase the impact and sustainability of the effects of innovations deemed promising. Publications on this subject have markedly increased in the field of health over the past twenty years. However, these processes have essentially been studied in a technical way, despite the importance underlined in the literature to take into account their evolving meanings and values. This is particularly significant for health promotion innovations, built on the capacities and collaborations of different actors who share and negotiate various views on the problems, the actions to be taken and their goal. The contents of these innovations are likely to evolve significantly during scaling up, affecting impact and sustainability goals of the process. Few studies, however, mobilize explicit theories and methodologies in this respect. This thesis is part of a social vision of scaling up, and proposes to add the concept of ‘frame’ to its conceptual tools; it aims to explore the usefulness of this notion with regard to the social dynamics of scaling up health promotion innovations. The thesis pursues two objectives: 1) to develop a theoretical articulation of a social nature for scaling up, integrating the notion of frame; and 2) to explore the usefulness of frames as ‘representations’ to document the evolution of the content of innovations during their scaling up. The response to the first objective is based on a complexity perspective of interventions as dynamic networks of actors to conceptualize scaling up as an expansion of networks where the framing of health issues evolves through the relationships between the actors. The theoretical articulation developed combines the sociology of innovation - actor-network theory - and the perspectives of frames to consider them as 'representations' or 'interactions'. In response to the second objective, the 'representational' approach to frames is applied to the study of a scaling up case concerning an intersectoral educational innovation for the development of socially disadvantaged young children. On the basis of framework documents which mark out the 'pilot' and 'at scale program' phases of the innovation, a critical analysis of frames is carried out with regard to the capacity of the large-scale program to support action on the social inequalities in child development and equity. The results illustrate significant differences in definitions of the ECD ‘problem’ and of the recommended ‘solution’ for the at scale program, which constitute improvements, but also some ‘deteriorations’ with regard to inequalities and equity. As constructions made from the 'products' of the social process that takes place in the intersectoral network of actors, the frames as 'representations' critically analyzed are useful for explaining and characterizing the evolution of the contents of innovations and their consequences for scaling up. Mobilized in a constructive exchange with the actors concerned, the frames could constitute an interesting tool to promote reflexivity with regard to these processes and to the impact and sustainability of the effects of innovations carried out on a large scale. This thesis contributes theoretically to the public health literature by clarifying the usefulness of frames and the way in which this concept can be mobilized to document the dynamics of the scaling up of complex health promotion innovations.

L'intégration et la négociation du rôle de l'infirmière praticienne en soins de santé primaires en contexte de collaboration interprofessionnelle

Rioux-Dubois, Annie 17 January 2019 (has links)
La prestation coordonnée de soins de santé primaires (SSP) a été éprouvée comme améliorant la qualité et l’accès des soins prodigués aux Canadiens. Plusieurs études ont notamment confirmé les avantages des infirmières praticiennes (IP) et des modèles interprofessionnels en SSP pour le système de santé. Les écrits suggèrent toutefois que l’intégration des IP en SSP est jalonnée de tensions et restructurations en raison d’une confusion supposée de leur rôle. À ce jour, les recherches ont principalement ciblé les barrières et facilitateurs de l’intégration du rôle des IP. Une analyse critique des dynamiques socioprofessionnelles et politiques de l’intégration des IP n’a toutefois pas encore été réalisée. Une ethnographie critique combinant la Théorie de l’acteur-réseau et les concepts foucaldiens de discours, savoir et pouvoir a permis l’examen des interactions sémiotiques caractérisant certains milieux de SSP. Différents modèles interprofessionnels de SSP (2 centres de santé communautaire, 2 équipes de santé familiale et 2 cliniques dirigées par les IP) ont été investis. Les données issues d’entrevues semi-dirigées avec des IP (n=23), d’observations directes de milieux et de rencontres interprofessionnelles, et d’analyse documentaire ont été soumises à une analyse thématique puis une analyse critique de discours. Les résultats montrent que la valeur morale des IP, les finalités organisationnelles des milieux de SSP, les normes de pratique, la collaboration interprofessionnelle et la prise en charge des patients disposent les IP à la négociation de leur rôle et à certains enjeux socioprofessionnels et politiques qui génèrent plusieurs contrecoups: pluralisme de leurs rôles professionnels, dissonance identitaire, sentiments d’incompétence et d’incertitude, glissements discursifs dans leurs propres discours, et divers états émotionnels et souffrances. Ces contrecoups commandent diverses stratégies d’adaptation et de résistance permettant aux IP de gérer ces tensions. Plusieurs entités non-humaines (inscription des clientèles, discours de soutien aux médecins et espaces physiques) émergent comme acteurs agissant sur l’intégration et la négociation du rôle des IP en SSP. Cette étude permet de décrire le processus de traduction du rôle de l’IP en SSP qui problématise certains discours tenus pour acquis en SSP. Elle permet également de proposer une nouvelle définition de l’intégration du rôle des IP en SSP.

Att rekonstruera en kulturarvsprocess : En fallstudie utifrån Havrekvarnen i Nacka / To reconstruct a heritage process : A case study based on Havrekvarnen in Nacka

Busk, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore heritage processes within contemporary urban planning in Sweden, which is done through a single-case study. The point of departure for the study is the management of Havrekvarnen, an early modernist industrial building within an urban development area of Nacka, Sweden. Through parallel decisions by the County Administrative Board and the local Municipality in 2016, the building was firstly, listed with the strongest legal, cultural, and historical protection available, and secondly, the municipal urban regulations were changed so that the landowner was given permission to pursuit a reconstruction of the building, replicating its original appearance. As such the case constitutes a hitherto unique example of a listed future reconstruction in Sweden. The study examines how the process took place, focusing on actors and critical junctures involved in the execution and how the description of the building's heritage-values changed. The study uses a composite theoretical framework of authorized heritage discourse and actor network theory. To this an explaining-outcome process tracing is applied as method. Through a sequential process of collecting empirical data, in the form of archival records and interviews, the process was mapped through the conceptualization of a causal mechanism. The method had not previously been used in the field of art history and was chosen as such with a tentative approach. The study gives an extensive presentation of the legal and practical framework surrounding heritage processes within urban planning in Sweden, as well as puts the study within a local historical context. The results of the study show that within the observed case, a trade-off situation between authenticity and aesthetic historical values arose, caused by the poor technical condition of the building: the aesthetic values were deemed to take precedence in the assessment. The study also shows how antiquarian consultants have had a decisive influence on the process of legislative enabling of the reconstruction of Havrekvarnen. The research design’s use of process tracing to map heritage processes is thus deemed useful for future enquiries within the field of art history and heritage studies.

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