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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La causalité imaginaire chez Spinoza / The Imaginary Causality in Spinoza

Kim, Eunju 04 July 2012 (has links)
La notion de cause est l’alpha et l’oméga de l’Éthique. Mais elle apparaît principalement de manière oblique : à travers « l’idée d’une cause extérieure » qui accompagne les passions dérivées. La cause, imaginée de façon assignable, n’est en fait plus assignable. L’individu étant complexe, il est difficile de démêler ce qui lui arrive de l’extérieur, de ce qui est produit par l’intérieur. Dans la passion, on se modifie à son insu pour devenir un sujet de ce qui lui arrive, et comprend la cause de ce changement sous la forme d’un récit. Cette dynamique imaginaire, nous l’appelons « causalité imaginaire » et nous l’expliquons en termes mécaniques. Nous dégageons d’abord l’essentiel de la mécanique spinoziste : la positivité ontologique de chaque idée (nature agissante) ; la multiplicité des référentiels qui se croisent en une seule et même nature (enveloppement) ; et le concept d’individu originairement composé (emboîtement des individus). La coexistence de ces référentiels autour d’un seul, voilà ce qui constitue la structure de la causalité imaginaire, et la variation de leur proportion, son contenu effectif. Conformément à cette structure, nous appliquons le « conatus », principe d’autoconservation, en premier aux idées ou affects, pour montrer que le désir, essence actuelle de l’homme, est un complexe d’affects qui, individus eux-mêmes, médiatisent l’influence des autres. Il en résulte que la causalité imaginaire est la causalité mécanique elle-même, relative aux individus complexes. Enfin, tout en nous référant à la causalité psychique freudienne, nous tentons d’esquisser un nouveau concept d’Inconscient, comme rapport sans sujet ou structure sans centre. / The notion of cause is the alpha and omega of Ethics. But it appears mostly in an oblique way: through "the idea of ​​an external cause" that accompanies the derived passions. The cause, imagined assignable, is actually no more assignable. As the individual is complex, it is difficult to disentangle what is happening in it from the exterior, from what is produced by the interior. In passion, one is modified unwittingly to become a subject of what happens to him, and understand the cause of this change under the form of a story. This imaginary dynamics, I call it "imaginary causality" and explain it in mechanical terms. I establish first the key features of Spinoza’s mechanics: the ontological positivity of each idea (acting nature); the multiplicity of referential frames that intersect at a single nature (envelopment); and the concept of the individual as originally composed (nesting individuals). The coexistence of these referential frames around only one of them, this is precisely what constitutes the structure of imaginary causality, and the variation of their proportion, its actual content. In accordance with this structure, I apply "conatus", self-preservation principle, to ideas or affects at first, to show that desire, actual essence of a man, is a complex of affects which, as individuals themselves, mediate the influence of others. It turns out that imaginary causality is the very mechanical causality, concerning the complex individuals. Finally, while I refer to Freudian psychic causality, I attempt to outline a new concept of the unconscious: as relation without a subject or structure without a center.


葉倩亨, Yeh, Chien-heng Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟的時代裡,「知識管理」已成為學校組織管理與組織學習的核心議題,而「知識分享」更是其中重要的一環。因此,對教學場域中影響「教師」知識分享的相關因素之瞭解必有實務上的意義,尤其是屬於華人人情等特質相關因素的影響是本研究的探索旨趣。 從組織行為的角度去思考教師在學校的知識分享(分為資訊分享、行動示範、情境化知識分享、知識共構四個構面),主要受到個人、人際、組織層面因素的影響。本研究從本土的人情概念出發,組織層面再加上對創新的關注,探討人情在個人層次(人情特質—忠恕取向、人情束縛、關係取向)、人際層次(情感與工具性關係)與組織層次(情感、關係、創新、法制)是如何地影響著國民中學教師彼此的知識分享意願與行為。 本研究對190位教師進行預試,進行對預試量表信效度檢驗並修正後,進行正式施測,正式施測時回收了583份有效問卷。以相關分析、多元迴歸分析、變異數分析、典型相關分析與結構方程模式分析,驗證本研究之假設並做延伸的探討。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、相對於知識分享的其他構面,教師們以行動示範同事進行知識分享的意願最低、實際行為也最少。 二、學校資訊設備與教師個人資訊能力對教師的資訊分享有正向影響;學校對課程時間與開放空間的彈性安排對教師之知識分享意願有提昇效果,亦促進了知識分享行為的實踐。 三、具忠恕特質、易受人情束縛的教師,其知識分享意願愈高,而展現出的實際知識分享行為也愈多,又尤以具高忠恕特質的教師最甚。 四、教師對與其情感親密的同事相較於僅屬工作關係而交往之同事會有較高的知識分享意願,也會有較多的知識分享行為。 五、若教師所在學校文化愈趨創新求變、情感支持、法制取向,則其知識分享的意願愈高、所展現出的知識分享行為愈多;關係取向文化則與知識分享意願、行為無顯著相關。又其中, 創新求變的學校文化對教師知識分享行為的實踐尤為重要。 六、教師愈具忠恕取向特質者,其所知覺到學校文化中的情感支持程度愈高;教師愈具關係取向特質,其所知覺到學校文化中「關係取向」程度愈高。 七、教師的知識分享意願愈高,則其所展現出的知識分享行為愈多。教師具有高知識分享意願時,若學校有「研究討論會」的安排,教師的知識分享行為愈多。 八、教師愈具忠恕特質,則其知識分享意願也高,進而產生較多的知識分享行為,知識分享意願是重要的中介變項。而若教師分享的對象愈屬情感性關係者,則其知識分享意願也高,進而產生較多的知識分享行為,知識分享意願亦是重要的中介變項。但若教師處於高創新求變的學校文化中,則教師不一定知覺其有知識分享意願,甚至在違反意願的情況下可能直接產生知識分享行為。   最後,本研究根據上述發現針對教育實務層面與未來研究提出具體建議以供參考。 / A Study of the Relationships among Teachers’ Renqing Traits of Teachers, Interpersonal Affection, Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing in Junior High School By Chien-Heng Yeh Abstract The main purposes of this study were to understand the status quo of knowledge sharing willingness and behaviors among junior high school teachers, as well as examine the relationships among the teachers’ Renqing(人情) traits, interpersonal affection, organizational culture and knowledge sharing. From literature review, knowledge sharing was divided into four aspects---information sharing, action modeling, situated knowledge sharing, and knowledge co-constructing. Renqing traits were also divided into three aspects as Zhongshu(忠恕), Renqing constrain(人情束縛), and Guanxi(關係). People with zhongshu trait mean they’re kind and empathic, those with renqing constrain trait are difficult saying “no” to others and apt to be constrained by renqing, while people with guanxi trait have the belief that interacting with others is to utilize their relationship as an instrument to acquire certain kind of resource.   Meanwhile, the interpersonal affection variable was composed of expressive ties(情感性關係) and instrumental ties(工具性關係). The former means both parties are intimate, as well as care about each other; the latter represents the two-person relationship is just on the job. Moreover, the organizational culture in this study contains the four dimensions--- innovative flexibility, affective support, guanxi(關係取向), and law-governed orientation. This study adopts the survey method by questionnaire. A pilot test was conducted with 190 teachers. Having examined the reliability and validity of the questionnaire and revised it, the modified one was then given to the subjects who the study is targeting at. In this study, the subjects were public junior high school teachers in Taiwan. Returned valid questionnaires were amount to 583 .The collected data were analyzed through product-moment correlation, multiple regression, one-way and two-way ANOVA, canonical correlation and structural equation modeling. The conclusions of this study were as follows: (1)teachers’ willingness and behavior frequency to participate in action modeling are the least, in comparison with other aspects of knowledge sharing. (2)The information technology(IT) equipment in school and personal IT ability have the positive influence on the information sharing willingness and behaviors of teachers; the flexible curriculum time and open space arranged in the campus have the effect to facilitate the knowledge sharing willingness and behaviors of teachers. (3)The teachers with more zhongshu, renqing constrain traits have higher willingness of knowledge sharing, and more behaviors than those with less zhongshu, renqing constrain trait, especially, the zhongshu trait. (4)Teachers have higher willingness of knowledge sharing with those are expressive ties, and more behaviors than those are instrumental ties with them. (5)The three dimensions of school culture--- innovative flexibility, affective support, and law-governed orientation had all significant positive related with the willingness and behaviors of teachers’ knowledge sharing,but guanxi orientation did not.Among them, the innovative flexibility of school culture is the most important. (6)The zhongshu trait of teachers and the degree of affective support culture in school have influence on and interplay with one another. Similarly, the guanxi trait and the degree of guanxi orientation culture in school do, too. (7)Their knowledge sharing willingness and behaviors have impact on and interplay with the other. Besides, teachers with high willingness really share knowledge with colleague when the seminar was actually held in school. (8)Teachers with high zhongshu trait have more knowledge sharing behaviors, via high willingness of them.That is,the willingness is the important mediate variable. Nevertheless,teachers have more sharing behaviors to those that are expressive ties with , via high willingness of them. That is,the willingness is the important mediate variable. But if teachers were in the school of high innovative culture, they directly participated in knowledge sharing activity, not via willingness, even violating their willingness.   Finally, some suggestions are proposed based the aforementioned conclusions for further studies and for the practice of education.

Patos křídla a šípu: Variace Eróta v dějinách evropské literatury. / The Pathos of Wing and Arrow: the Variances of Eros in the History of European Literature.

Macl, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
(anglicky) The aspiration of this thesis is on behalf of (more authentic) Eros problematic "to shake" literary science, not to say its method of interpretation, and so open another, more sensitive approach to art. As a tangle of starting points, I used the dubious theories of authors such as late R. Barthes, G. Didi-Huberman, H. Bloom, G. Bataille or S. Sontag. But especially, I delve into the studies of European literature in order to expose my own "wounds", no less violently classified into thematic chapters (Cosmogony, God of Love, Desire, Philosophy, Heart, Arrow, Wing, Game, Topos, Instinct, Orpheus and others). Therefore I introduce Eros as multifaceted phenomenon, in contrast to monological tendencies of dominant (platonic or Christian) erotic interpretations. Moreover - in polemics with Bataille's eroticism - I try to make Eros "the work".


[pt] Guiada pelo duplo propósito de esclarecer o significado dos conceitos de númeno, objeto transcendental e coisa em si mesma e de encontrar uma interpretação satisfatória para o problema da afecção transcendental, esta tese se desdobra em três partes. A primeira investiga a origem do conceito de númeno na Dissertação inaugural e analisa seus desdobramentos nas duas edições da Crítica da razão pura. Observaremos que o númeno pensado em seu sentido positivo passa a ser descrito como um conceito problemático, enquanto pensado em seu sentido negativo se revela imprescindível para a doutrina da sensibilidade. A segunda parte trata da definição kantiana de objeto transcendental e de suas relações com a coisa em si mesma e com a apercepção transcendental. Veremos que apesar de Kant associar o conceito de objeto transcendental à apercepção transcendental, ele não identifica o objeto em si mesmo com a apercepção. A terceira parte examina extensivamente o papel da coisa em si mesma em momentos cruciais da Crítica. A partir dessa perspectiva mais abrangente, notaremos que a noção de coisa em si mesma se relaciona com a razão e com entendimento de modos específicos, orientando e delimitando o conhecimento. A chave da interpretação erguida ao longo desse percurso é encontrada na conclusão da tese. Poderemos então finalmente mostrar que os conceitos de númeno, objeto transcendental e coisa em si mesma têm, cada um, uma função crítica sob a perspectiva da reflexão transcendental e, além disso, que a afecção pode ser considerada, assim como os objetos, tanto do ponto de vista empírico como do transcendental. / [en] Guided by the dual purpose of clarifying the meanings of the concepts of noumenon, transcendental object and the thing in itself and finding a satisfactory interpretation of the problem of transcendental affection, this thesis unfolds itself in three parts. The first researches the origin of the concept of noumenon in the Inaugural Dissertation and analyzes its development in both editions of the Critique of Pure Reason. We shall observe that noumenon thought in its positive sense turns out to be described as a problematic concept, while thought in its negative sense reveals to be essential to the doctrine of sensibility. The second part deals with the Kantian definition of the transcendental object and its connections with the thing in itself and with transcendental apperception. We shall see that although Kant associates the concept of the transcendental object with the transcendental apperception, he does not identify the object in itself with the apperception. The third part examines thoroughly the role of the thing in itself in crucial moments of the Critique. From this broader perspective, we shall notice that the notion of thing in itself relates to reason and understanding in specific ways, guiding and delimiting knowledge. The key to the interpretation built throughout this course is found in the conclusion of the thesis. We shall finally be able to show that the concepts of noumenon, transcendental object and thing in itself have, each, a critical function from the perspective of the transcendental reflection and, furthermore, that the affection can be considered, as well as the objects, either from the empirical or from the transcendental point of view.

Designing Natural Haptic Interfaces and Signals

Sang-Won Shim (6620390) 14 May 2019 (has links)
This thesis research is concerned with the exploration, design, and validation of novel haptic technologies and signals that feel natural and meaningful in a calm and pleasant way. Our ultimate goal is to expand the possibilities of human-machine interaction by developing a single tactile display and a set of signals through a systematic design approach. It is generally a challenge to evoke a broad range of emotions with vibrotactile stimulation, especially at low signal intensities. During the first part of this thesis research, three types of prototypes were developed and explored using novel haptic technologies. The first was a circular array braille display consisting of eight small six-pin braille modules. The forty-eight pins were arranged in a circular shape to deliver circular tactile information such as time and direction. The second was a braille stick consisting of sixteen six-pin braille modules arranged in a row. The entire display could be easily grasped in the hand so that tactile information can be easily accessible. The third was a 3-by-3 electroactive polymer actuator array driven at high voltages that gives a subtle “tapping” feel on the skin. However, each of the three prototypes suffered from a limited range of expression and was not pursued further.<br> After the initial prototyping efforts, a 2-by-2 vibrotactile display, the palmScape, was conceived and developed. Custom-designed stimulation patterns based on natural phenomena that feel calm and pleasant were designed and implemented with the palmScape. We use text labels to set the context for the vibrotactile icons that attempt to capture and expresses natural metaphors through variations in signal amplitude, frequency, duration, rhythm, modulation, spatial extent, as well as slow movements. Fourteen participants evaluated twenty vibrotactile icons by rating the perceived valence and arousal levels. The twenty stimuli included sixteen custom-designed vibrotactile icons from this thesis research and four reference patterns from two published studies. The results show that our custom-designed patterns were rated at higher valence levels than the corresponding reference signals at similar arousal ratings. Five of the sixteen vibrotactile icons from this research occupied the fourth quadrant of the valence-arousal space that corresponds to calm and pleasant signals. These findings support the validity of the palmScape display and our signal design approach for achieving a calm and pleasant experience and the possibility of reaching a broader range of expressiveness with vibrotactile signals.<br> Future studies will continue with the design of signals that can express a broader range of metaphors and emotions through the palmScape, and build an emotional evaluation database that can be combined with other modalities. Our work can be further expanded to support an immersive experience with naturalistic-feeling vibrotactile effects and broaden the expressiveness of human-computer interfaces in media consumption, gaming, and other communicative application domains.

Manifestações de emoção nas relações interpessoais em um curso on-line

Tavares, Maristela Rivera 03 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Rivera Tavares.pdf: 1956893 bytes, checksum: ada22b05292ba7f23c09a3dfd3bb8950 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-03 / This study aims at investigating how professor-tutors and students from a discipline in the Technology Distance Course in Management Process from a private education institution show manifestations of affection through interpersonal relations in digital distance learning contexts, i.e., in the discussion forums messages and chats, personal interaction moments and dialogic movements. The theoretical framework includes the complexity as defended by Morin (1990, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2008), Moraes and Valente (2008), Moraes and Navas (2010), Moraes (2004a, 2004b, 2008, 2010), Mariotti (2007), La Torre (2010) and Maturana (1998); the concepts of online interaction according to Moore (1989, 1993); Anderson (2003, 2008) and Valente (2005, 2009, 2011); the attributes related to emotions, feelings and affection in Education and Distance Education as proposed by (Maturana, 1998), Wallon (1971, 1995), Moraes (2008) and Wosnitza and Volet (2005); the Systemic- Functional Grammar as stated by Martin and White (2005), Ramos (1997), Eggins (1994), Halliday (1985) and Almeida (2010). For this research study, considered a case study (JOHNSON, 1992; NUNAN, 1992; Yin, 1984), the first step was to collect all posted messages from discussion forums and chats from two disciplines of the mentioned course. The next step was to select and categorize the messages containing lexical-grammar items through which the attitudinal meanings of affection were revealed. The results showed that 13.59% of the messages posted included affection attitude meanings (mostly positive) in their content. Among these messages, 51.58% came from discussion forums and 71.60% were posted by students. Lastly, this study aims at contributing not only to teacher and tutor education, but also to the practice of online course design / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como professores-tutores e alunos de uma turma do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais a distância de uma instituição privada de ensino manifestam significados de afeto nas relações interpessoais estabelecidas em contextos digitais de educação a distância, mais especificamente, nas mensagens de fóruns de discussão e chats, momentos de interação pessoal e movimentos dialógicos. O referencial teórico incluiu a complexidade de Morin (1990, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2008), Moraes e Valente (2008), Moraes e Navas (2010), Moraes (2004a, 2004b, 2008, 2010), Mariotti (2007), La Torre (2010) e Maturana (1998); os conceitos de interação on-line segundo Moore (1989, 1993), Anderson (2003, 2008) e Valente (2005, 2009, 2011); os atributos relacionados às emoções, aos sentimentos e à afetividade na Educação e na Educação a Distância de acordo com (Maturana, 1998), Wallon (1971, 1995), Moraes (2008) e Wosnitza e Volet (2005); a Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional à luz de Martin e White (2005), Ramos (1997), Eggins (1994), Halliday (1985) e Almeida (2010). Para esta pesquisa, caracterizada como estudo de caso (JOHNSON, 1992; NUNAN, 1992; Yin, 1984), o primeiro passo foi coletar todas as postagens dos fóruns de discussão e dos chats de duas disciplinas do curso em questão. O passo seguinte foi selecionar e categorizar as mensagens que continham itens léxicogramaticais por meio dos quais os significados atitudinais do afeto se revelavam. Os resultados mostraram que 13,59% das mensagens postadas continham significados atitudinais de afeto (em sua maioria, positivos) em seu conteúdo. Dessas mensagens, 51,58% provinham de fóruns de discussão e 71,60% foram postadas por alunos. Por fim, este trabalho tem a intenção de contribuir não só para a área de formação de professores e professores-tutores como também para a prática do desenho de cursos on-line

João Calvino e Santo Agostinho sobre o conhecimento de Deus e o conhecimento de si: um caso de disjunção teológico-filosófica / John Calvin and St. Augustine on knowledge of God and self-knowledge: a case of theological and philosophical disjunction

Oliveira, Fabiano de Almeida 23 September 2010 (has links)
Santo Agostinho e João Calvino são pensadores representativos de dois momentos históricos distintos da cristandade, e figuram entre aqueles que ajudaram a moldar, de forma determinante, os contornos da tradição cristã de pensamento a qual representavam. A despeito do lapso temporal que os separa, João Calvino foi muito influenciado pelo pensamento de Agostinho em virtude da presença marcante da teologia e espiritualidade agostinianas na atmosfera intelectual e religiosa do século XVI, sendo boa parte destes influxos, produto da apropriação direta de Calvino de aspectos do pensamento de Agostinho, por meio do contato in loco com suas obras. Estes influxos diretos e indiretos do pensamento de Agostinho sobre Calvino resultaram em muitos paralelos e similaridades teológico-filosóficos. Um dos temas comuns a estes dois pensadores cristãos foi o da centralidade da doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento. Na verdade, ambos definem a natureza do projeto sapiencial e beatífico humano em termos de aquisição deste duplo conhecimento. Portanto, a principal finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar a relevância que a doutrina da cognitio Dei et sui desempenha na proposta teológico-filosófica de ambos os pensadores, bem como estabelecer uma análise de suas fontes, natureza e características. Este trabalho visa demonstrar, também, que apesar de haver similaridades e paralelos estreitos entre Calvino e Agostinho no tocante aos aspectos gerais que envolvem a doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento, existem distinções incontornáveis naquilo que concerne aos meandros específicos desta matéria, como aquelas disjunções relacionadas à natureza e às características específicas da dinâmica interna deste duplo conhecimento. / St. Augustine and John Calvin are thinkers representing two different periods in the history of Christianity, remarkably appearing among those who helped to shape up the contours of the Christian tradition of thought they represented. Despite the time gap that set them apart, John Calvin was greatly influenced by the thought of Augustine due to the strong presence of Augustinian theology and spirituality in the intellectual and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth century. Most of these inputs were the product of Calvins direct assimilation of certain aspects from Augustine\'s thought through in loco contact with his works. Such direct and indirect inflows of Augustines thought on Calvin resulted in many theological and philosophical parallels and similarities. One theme common to both Christian thinkers was the centrality of the doctrines of the knowledge of God and self-knowledge. In fact, both Augustine and Calvin define the nature of the human sapiential and beatific project in terms of attaining this dual knowledge. In this context, the present study aims to present the relevant role the doctrine of cognitio Dei et sui plays in the theological and philosophical views of both thinkers, as well as to develop an analysis of its sources, nature and characteristics. In addition, this work demonstrates that although there are close parallels and similarities between Calvin and Augustine with regards to general issues surrounding the doctrines of knowledge of God and self-knowledge, there are compelling distinctions as far as the particulars of this subject are concerned; such as disjunctions related to the nature and specific features of the internal dynamics of this dual knowledge.

A emenda constitucional nº 66/2010 e a responsabilidade civil nas relações conjugais / Amendement constitutionnel nº. 66/2010 et la responsabilité civile dans les relations conjugales

Monteiro, Renata Oliva 12 May 2014 (has links)
O direito de família brasileiro passou por diversas mudanças nas últimas décadas e, na conjugalidade, tal situação culminou com o advento da Emenda Constitucional n.º 66, de 2010. Trata-se de alteração constitucional que gerou inúmeros questionamentos acerca de questões envolvendo a dissolução do casamento. O presente estudo parte de uma análise histórica que demonstrará as oscilações nos modos de desfazimento do casamento e ajudará a explicar as motivações que levaram à mudança na abordagem do divórcio, trazendo solução às dúvidas que surgiram a partir da aprovação da Emenda. Será analisada a mudança de paradigma ocorrida, em que a culpa foi substituída pelo afeto que, de mero sentimento, passou a ser considerado um valor jurídico apto a ditar os rumos do relacionamento conjugal. Enfrentam-se, então, questionamentos a respeito: (i) da extinção dos requisitos prévios para o divórcio; (ii) dos rumos do instituto da separação judicial e extrajudicial; (iii) da noção de culpa pelo término do casamento; (iv) de como serão tomadas decisões sobre o nome de casado ou alimentos devidos entre cônjuges. Ao final, considerados os novos rumos trazidos ao direito de família pela Emenda Constitucional n.º 66/2010, foi estudada a questão da responsabilidade civil em matéria conjugal, tópico do direito de família no qual ainda é necessária a análise da culpa. Encerrando o trabalho, são trazidas algumas considerações críticas. / Le droit de famille brésilien a connu plusieurs changements au cours des dernières décennies et, dans la conjugalité, telle situation a aboutit à lavènement de lAmendement Constitutionnel nº. 66, daté de 2010. Il sagit dun changement constitutionnel qui a soulevé de nombreuses questions au sujet de la dissolution du lien conjugal. Cette étude part dune analyse historique qui démontrera les oscillations dans les processus de dissolution du mariage et aidera à expliquer les motivations qui ont conduit au changement dans lapproche du divorce, apportant une solution aux doutes qui sont apparus depuis ladoption de lAmendement. Il sera analysé le changement de paradigme qui eut lieu, où le sentiment de culpabilité fut remplacé par laffection qui, dun simple sentiment sest avéré une valeur juridique en mesure de dicter le cours de la relation conjugale.On fait face alors à des questionnements à propos : (i) de lextinction des exigences préalables au divorce ; (ii) des directions de linstitut de la séparation par voie judiciaire et extrajudiciaire ; (iii) de la notion de culpabilité par la fin du mariage ; (iv) de comment seront prises les décisions au sujet du nom de marié ou obligation alimentaire entre le conjoints. En dernier lieu, considérant les nouvelles orientations apportées par LAmendement Constitutionnel nº 66, de 2010, fut étudiée la question de la responsabilité civile en matière conjugale, sujet du droit de famille dont il est encore nécessaire lanalyse de la culpabilité. Pour conclure le travail, quelques considérations critiques seront présentées.

God’s objective beauty and its subjective apprehension in Christian spirituality

De Bruyn, David Jack 09 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 303-325) / The topic of God’s beauty, while receiving attention in theological aesthetics, is not often a focused pursuit in Christian spirituality. The study attempts to answer the question of what the nature would be of an Evangelical Protestant Christian spirituality predicated upon seeking and apprehending God’s beauty. The study establishes the relevance of beauty to Christian spirituality. It then develops a definition of God’s beauty from Jonathan Edwards. God’s beauty is found to be his love for his own being. Examining Scripture and Christian history, the study establishes that God’s beauty was regarded as an objective reality until the Enlightenment. The focus of the research then turns to the subjective apprehension of beauty, and examines the methodology of pursuing beauty in art, and finds parallels in spirituality. The study considers the epistemological dichotomy of subject and object with reference to beauty, and considers Christian proposals for a form of correspondence theory for transcendentals. The findings are united in a model of spirituality. Apprehension of God’s beauty occurs through the subject possessing a correspondent form of God’s love. Findings from the aesthetic and epistemological study are united with theology to suggest that this love can be cultivated through four areas: Christian imagination, an implanted new nature, the exposure to communion with God, and the nurture of spiritual disciplines. Each of these areas is explained and justified as means to cultivate correspondent love. The postures and approaches found in the study of art and epistemology are used for explaining the nature of correspondent love. Evangelical Protestant Christian spirituality predicated upon seeking and finding God’s beauty is one which cultivates love for God that corresponds with God’s own love. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

Formação do assistente social: a afetividade na supervisão de estágio

Siqueira, Mônica Maria Nunes da Trindade 07 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MONICA MARIA NUNES DA TRINDADE SIQUEIRA.pdf: 693926 bytes, checksum: 2af7221fc7b7c3cc81db2c7619c4c620 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This essay boards the emotions and feelings experienced in the class of academic phase by the students of Social Service. The term Academic Supervision refers to the academic and pedagogic period for study, reflection, guidance and evaluation of the student s practical phase. On this evaluation the academic phase supervision is considered a discipline, a privileged class of the theoretical practice of Social Service. The research involved students of the 3º and 4º year of the Nocturnal Superior Social Service Course of a public university of São Paulo state (in Brazil). The procedure adopted for data collection was the discussion group. The results of this evaluation shows that in the relation between student and academic supervisor the affection developed is present not only on the direct relation that is established between teacher and student, but is also found in the other dimensions of the pedagogic work developed in the class room. The affection that rounds in the academic supervision group is present in any group; however if it s not identified and worked out by the supervisor it may loop of the teaching and learning process. It s urgent to include in the discussion on anyone s preparation to become an academic phase supervisor of the importance to deepen up the theoretical and practical aspects of group work. The author understands that the enclosure of this theme into the continuous formation of the academic supervisor will turn easier the interaction group/ academic supervisor and as a consequence of this the teaching/ learning process. Although this study had its focus in the emotions and feelings experience in the class room of academic phase supervision it was evident that the emotions and feelings experienced in the relation student- field phase supervisor can be renewed in this place by the student. The academic phase supervision is a moment in witch the student can build up his own sense of being a social assistant. The role of the teacher in this process of teaching and learning is fundamental, as much for the activities proposed for the development of the class as for the link that is established with the student. The teacher student interaction with the speech freed of emotions and feelings in this place of the academic supervision develops favorable conditions as much for the presentation of its contents as for the professional maturation of the Social Service student. The development theory of Henri Wallon, whose fundamental axis is the integration, on a double sense: organism-environment and between functional domains: affection, knowledge and motor act, was the principal guidance of this study / Esta dissertação aborda as emoções e sentimentos vividos na aula de supervisão acadêmica de estágio pelos alunos de Serviço Social. O termo supervisão acadêmica refere-se ao espaço acadêmico e pedagógico para estudo, reflexão, orientação e avaliação da prática de estágio do aluno. Nesta investigação, a supervisão acadêmica de estágio é considerada uma disciplina, uma aula privilegiada do ensino teórico-prático do Serviço Social. A pesquisa envolveu alunos da 3ª e 4ª séries do curso superior noturno de Serviço Social de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo. Como procedimento para a coleta dados, foi utilizado o grupo de discussão. Os resultados indicaram que, na relação aluno-supervisor acadêmico, a afetividade não está presente somente na relação direta que se estabelece, mas também em outras dimensões do trabalho pedagógico desenvolvido em sala de aula. A afetividade que circula no grupo de supervisão acadêmica de estágio faz parte de qualquer tipo de grupo; porém, se não identificada e trabalhada pelo supervisor acadêmico, pode truncar o processo ensino-aprendizagem. É emergente incluir, na discussão do preparo para ser supervisor acadêmico de estágio, a importância do aprofundamento teórico-prático sobre trabalho com grupos. Abranger esse tema para a formação continuada do supervisor acadêmico facilitará a interação grupo-supervisor acadêmico e, conseqüentemente, o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Embora este estudo tenha focalizado as emoções e sentimentos vividos na aula de supervisão acadêmica de estágio, ficou evidente que as emoções e sentimentos vividos na relação aluno-supervisor de campo-estágio podem ser revividos pelo aluno, nesse espaço. A supervisão acadêmica de estágio é um momento em que o aluno pode construir o seu próprio sentido sobre a profissão. O papel do professor, nesse processo de ensino e aprendizagem é fundamental, tanto pelas atividades propostas para o desenvolvimento da aula, como pelo vínculo que se estabelece com o aluno. A interação entre professor e aluno e a expressão livre de ameaças de emoções e sentimentos, nesse espaço de supervisão acadêmica, criam condições favoráveis, tanto para a apreensão dos conteúdos, como para o amadurecimento profissional do aluno de Serviço Social. A teoria de desenvolvimento de Henri Wallon, cujo eixo fundamental é a integração num duplo sentido (organismo e meio, e entre os domínios funcionais: afetividade, conhecimento e ato motor), foi a principal norteadora deste estudo

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