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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleoambiente y ocupación prehistórica del litoral extremo sur del Perú: las ocupaciones del Arcaico en la Quebrada de los Burros y alrededores (Tacna, Perú)

Lavallée, Daniele, Béarez, Philippe, Chevalier, Alexandre, Julien, Michele, Usselmann, Pierre, Fontugne, Michel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Paleoenvironment and Prehistoric Occupation on the Peruvian Southernmost Coast: The Archaic Period Occupations at Quebrada de los Burros and its Surroundings (Tacna, Perú)The archaic fishermen and gatherers campsite at Quebrada de los Burros (Tacna, Perú) was occupied between ca. 9400 and 4000 BP. The occupations took place during a calm and wet climatic phase. Horizontal excavations revealed several living-floor features (hearths, postholes, specialized activity areas), abundant lithic material and important accumulations of food waste (shells, fish, crabs, urchins and a few terrestrial faunal remains). These remains demonstrate that the inhabitants relied heavily on ocean resources complemented by terrestrial hunting. Lithic tools and bone instruments indicate diversified and sophisticated fishing and foraging techniques. / El campamento de pescadores-recolectores arcaicos de Quebrada de los Burros (Tacna, Perú) estuvo ocupado entre ca. 9400 y 4000 BP. El conjunto de las ocupaciones tuvo lugar durante un periodo climático tranquilo y húmedo. La excavación de los sucesivos niveles de ocupación han puesto en evidencia numerosas estructuras (fogones, hoyos de poste, áreas de actividades especializadas), un material lítico abundante e importantes acumulaciones de desechos alimenticios (conchas, restos de peces, cangrejos, erizos y un poco de fauna terrestre). Estos restos atestiguan un modo de vida basado en la explotación intensiva del ambiente marítimo, complementado por la caza terrestre. El ajuar lítico y óseo indica modos de pesca o de captura diversificados.

Kilómetro 4 y la ocupación del Periodo Arcaico en el área de Ilo, al sur del Perú

Wise, Karen 10 April 2018 (has links)
Kilometer 4 and the Archaic Period Occupation of the Ilo Area of Southern PerúMore than a decade of research on a series of Archaic Period (roughly 10,000-3000 BP) sites in the Ilo area of southern Peru have yielded enough data on this previously unknown area to outline the long term patterns of development of the Preceramic cultures of this section of the south-central Andean coast. Research at several sites, most notably the Kilometer 4 site, provides evidence of a long and intensive occupation of the region characterized by increasing sedentism and increasingly intensive maritime subsistence through time. During the Early Archaic and Middle Archaic periods, coastal settlements were small, seasonally occupied sites characterized by a mixed subsistence base. By the Late Archaic period, settlement size increased, architecture became more substantial and segregation of different areas within the site increased as the exploitation of coastal resources increased. Archaic period mortuary patterns in the region are clearly associated with those of coastal northern Chile, and preliminary data indicate that Chinchorro mortuary practices prevailed during the Middle Archaic period while Quiani style patterns emerged during the Late Archaic period. / Más de una década de investigaciones en una serie de sitios del Periodo Arcaico (entre 10.000 y 3000 a.p.) en el area de Ilo, al sur del Perú, han proveído datos significativos para esta área antes desconocida a fin de delinear los patrones a largo plazo del desarrollo de las culturas precerámicas de esta sección de la costa de los Andes centro-sur. Los estudios realizados en varios sitios, principalmente en Kilómetro 4, han producido evidencias de una larga e intensiva ocupación en la región, caracterizada por un incremento del sedentarismo y de la subsistencia marítima a través del tiempo. Durante los periodos Arcaico Temprano y Arcaico Medio, los asentamientos de la costa fueron sitios pequeños, ocupados estacionalmente y se caracterizaban por una base de subsistencia mixta. Hacia el Periodo Arcaico Tardío se incrementó el tamaño de los asentamientos y la segregación de diferentes áreas dentro de los mismos; la arquitectura comenzó a ser más sustancial y se intensificó la explotación de los recursos costeros. Los patrones funerarios en la región están claramente asociados con los de la costa norte de Chile, y los datos preliminares indican que las prácticas funerarias Chinchorro prevalecieron durante el Periodo Arcaico Medio, mientras que los patrones estilísticos Quiani emergieron durante el Periodo Arcaico Tardío.

Ritual and Consumption in the Construction of Public Spaces during the Late Archaic Period: The Case of Cerro Lampay Site / Consumo y ritual en la construcción de espacios públicos para el Periodo Arcaico Tardío: el caso de Cerro Lampay

Vega-Centeno, Rafael 10 April 2018 (has links)
Excavations at the site of Cerro Lampay allow evaluation of the role of ritual activities, such as feasting, in the organization of construction during the late Archaic Period. Excavations have provided a detailed documentation of building procedures that ended in the entombment of architectural compounds. Particularly important is that there was not a single, large-scale construction event, but several small-scale events that were accompanied by processing and consumption activities. This pattern strongly suggests a permanent reinforcement of ties and commitments between groups through feasting, which was as a required activity in order to complete the construction of public works. This scenario supports the idea of emerging leadership capable of mobilizing labor for the construction requirements. Nevertheless, the reliance on feasting as ritual practices, and the small scale of these events, suggests a limited power capacity and a weakly formalized authority, which needed to be constantly reinforced through the inferred ritual practices. / Las excavaciones realizadas en el sitio de Cerro Lampay, ubicado en el valle de Fortaleza, costa norcentral del Perú, permiten evaluar el rol de actividades, como los festines, en la organización de labores constructivas dentro del contexto del Periodo Arcaico Tardío. Estas excavaciones permitieron obtener un registro detallado de un proceso constructivo que concluyó con el "enterramiento" de los conjuntos arquitectónicos. Algo notorio es que la construcción no se dio en un solo evento, sino a lo largo de varios de pequeña escala antecedidos por actividades de procesamiento y consumo de alimentos. Este patrón de comportamiento sugiere que las actividades de consumo eran requeridas para la conducción de la construcción, probablemente como un mecanismo de refuerzo de compromisos establecidos entre el anfitrión del acto de consumo y quienes realizarían la construcción. Este escenario plantea la existencia de liderazgos emergentes, capaces de movilizar mano de obra para construcción. Sin embargo, el recurso de convocatoria a "festines" como prácticas ritualizadas y la pequeña escala de dichos eventos sugieren una capacidad de poder y convocatoria limitada y una autoridad no formalizada que requerirían de un reforzamiento constante por medio de las prácticas inferidas.

Violencia en el desierto: un entierro arcaico en el sitio de Villa del Mar-IPSS, Ilo

Guillén, Sonia E., Carpio, Gerardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Violence in the Desert: An Archaic Burial from the Villa del Mar-IPSS Site in IloExcavations at the Villa del Mar site, at the sea shore of the district of llo in Moquegua, Peru, exposed the remains of an extended burial of a male individual whose estimated age was between 17 to 20 years. The body was wrapped in reed mats, traces of textiles made of vegetal fibers suggest the presence of a loincloth. Conservation conditions of the bones and cultural artifacts were very poor, mainly due to the impact of the use of heavy machinery on the surface of the site. It was quite clear that the cause of death of the individual was related to the damage caused by 6 projectile points that impacted in different parts of the body. The burial pattern and the cultural remains indicate an association to the Archaic Period, specifically to the Chinchorro culture that established in this geographic area. Although the reason for this violence could be related to a sacrifice or an execution, the final disposition of the body indicates that steps were taken to follow the forms and rituals typical of the time. / Excavaciones en el sitio Villa del Mar, ubicado a orillas del mar en el distrito de llo, departamento de Moquegua, Perú, permitieron recuperar el entierro de un individuo de sexo masculino en posición extendida, cuya edad fue estimada entre los 17 a 20 años de edad. El cuerpo estuvo envuelto en esteras y restos de textiles de fibra vegetal que sugieren la presencia de un taparrabo. La conservación de los huesos y materiales culturales fue muy pobre debido al trabajo de maquinaria pesada en la superficie del sitio. Sin embargo, fue claro observar que la causa de muerte estuvo relacionada a las heridas causadas por seis puntas de proyectil que impactaron en diferentes partes del cuerpo. El patrón de enterramiento y los restos culturales corresponden al Periodo Arcaico, y específicamente a la cultura Chinchorro que se asentó en esta zona. Si bien la razón de este acto violento podría relacionarse a un sacrificio o a un ajusticiamiento, la disposición final del cuerpo indica que se siguieron las formas y ritos típicos de la época.

Contribuciones hacia la cronología del Periodo Arcaico en las punas de Junín

Kaulicke, Peter 10 April 2018 (has links)
Some Contributions to the Chronology of the Archaic Period in the Punas of JunínThe stratigraphy and the typology from the Uchkumachay excavations are presented as well as preliminary results of a comparative study undertaken in collaboration with D. Lavallée and M. Julien. These data bear major importance on the building of a general chronology and synthesis of the Archaic Period which still is missing for the Junín area in spite of being one of the best studied areas in the Central Andes for the time period in question. / La estratigrafía y tipología de Uchkumachay, Junín, están presentadas así como los resultados preliminares de un estudio comparativo entre Uchkumachay y Telarmachay en colaboración con D. Lavallée y M. Julien. Estos resultados tienen mayor importancia para la formación de una cronología general del Periodo Arcaico en el área de Junín la cual es una de las áreas mejor estudiadas de los Andes Centrales durante este periodo pero que aguarda aún una síntesis general y la presentación más completa de los datos disponibles.

Onde vivem os monstros: criaturas prodigiosas na poesia hexamétrica arcaica / Where the monsters are: prodigious creatures in archaic hexametric poetry

Camila Aline Zanon 15 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar as criaturas amiúde consideradas monstruosas bem como os termos geralmente traduzidos por monstro presentes em três poemas da tradição de poesia hexamétrica arcaica, a saber, a Teogonia de Hesíodo, o Hino Homérico a Apolo e a Odisseia de Homero. A análise dessas criaturas tem como foco o modo como são descritas e o papel que desempenham nas narrativas contidas nesses poemas, para a qual são utilizadas como abordagem teórico-metodológica a referencialidade tradicional proposta e desenvolvida por John Miles Foley ao longo da década de 1990 bem como a perspectiva de que os poemas que constituem a tradição hexamétrica arcaica compõem uma história do cosmo, conforme desenvolvida por Barbara Graziosi e Johannes Haubold na década de 2000. Como resultado da análise das criaturas, de um lado, e dos termos traduzidos por monstro, de outro, questiona-se a pertinência da categoria monstro como geralmente pressuposta para essas criaturas no mundo moderno, tendo-se em vista que ela possa não existir na poesia hexamétrica arcaica, já que fazem parte de um sistema de pensamento em um mundo ainda não desencantado em termos weberianos, no qual a realidade empírica e a esfera divina enquanto representativa do sobrenatural estão profundamente imbricadas. Como instrumental teórico-metodológico para o questionamento acerca da existência ou não do monstro enquanto categoria em tal tradição poética, lançou-se mão das teorias de categorização de Wittgenstein, desenvolvida nas décadas de 1940 e 1950, daquelas desenvolvidas por Eleanor Rosch e sua equipe durante a década de 1970, bem como as presentes nas obras de George Lakoff a partir da década de 1980. A proposição de que a categoria monstro como pressuposta e entendida no mundo moderno é inexistente para a poesia hexamétrica arcaica tem implicações na compreensão moderna dessas criaturas, que devem ser percebidas enquanto integrantes de um cosmo que não separa o sobrenatural, o maravilhoso e o divino nos mesmos termos que o faz a sociedade moderna ocidental, revelando a necessidade de compreender essas criaturas sob o ponto de vista da tradição que as criou ou as incorporou e ressignificou. / The aim of this thesis is to analyse the creatures often considered monstrous as well as the words generally translated as monster in three poems belonging to the tradition of archaic hexametric poetry, namely, Hesiod\'s Theogony, the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, and Homer\'s Odyssey. The analysis of the creatures focuses on the ways they are described and the role they play in the narratives presented in those poems. The theoretical and methodological approach used to such analysis is the traditional referenciality proposed and developed by John Miles Foley in the 1990\'s in addition to the perspective that such poems that inform the archaic hexametric tradition constitute a history of the cosmos, as developed by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold during the 2000\'s. The analysis of the creatures, in one hand, and of the words translated by monster, in the other, results in questioning the validity of the monster category as usually taken for granted in the modern world, considering that it might not exist in archaic hexametric poetry, since those creatures are part of a system of thought in a world not yet disenchanted in Weberian terms, in which the empirical reality and the divine sphere as representative of the supernatural are deeply entangled. As theoretical and methodological framework for questioning the existence of monster as a category in such poetical tradition, this thesis adopted the theories of categorization formulated by Wittgenstein during the 1940\'s and 1950\'s, as well as the theories developed by Eleanor Rosch and her team during the 1970\'s, along with the ones presented by George Lakoff from 1980\'s onward. The proposition that the category of monster as pressuposed and understood by the modern world is non-existent in archaic hexametric poetry has consequences to the modern understanding of those creatures which must be perceived as part of a cosmos that does not separate the supernatural, the wonderful, and the divine in the same terms as the modern western world does, revealing the need to understand those creatures under the point of view of the tradition that created them or incorporated and ressignified them.

Chéronée, du haut-archaïsme à l’Empire : contribution à l’histoire d’une cité béotienne / Chaironeia, from archaic to Roman time : contribution to the history of a Boiotian city

Grenet, Claire 27 November 2009 (has links)
Le présent travail est consacré à l’histoire d’une petite cité de Béotie, Chéronée, du haut-archaïsme à l’Empire. Chéronée est surtout connue pour les batailles qui ont eu lieu sur son territoire (ainsi les Grecs coalisés y furent défaits par Philippe de Macédoine en 338 av. J.-C.). Or les sources, notamment épigraphiques, permettent de restituer l’histoire de cette cité de la périphérie occidentale de la Béotie, que la géographie aurait pu rattacher naturellement à la Phocide voisine. On s’est donc interrogé sur la façon dont Chéronée s’est intégrée à l’ethnos béotien et aux structures de la confédération béotienne, dont elle devint un membre de plein droit à la fin du Ve siècle av. J.-C. On a aussi étudié les appartenances politiques successives de Chéronée, de sa soumission à Orchomène, dès l’époque archaïque sans doute, à son intégration dans l’Empire romain. Cité frontalière implantée sur une voie de circulation importante reliant la Grèce centrale à la Grèce du Nord, Chéronée fut en effet projetée, plus brutalement que d’autres cités peut-être, dans la « grande histoire ».L’étude se divise en trois parties. La première est une étude de géographie historique. La deuxième est une étude historique, découpée en quatre chapitres : la naissance de la cité (époque archaïque) ; l’accession de Chéronée au statut de cité indépendante et son intégration à la confédération béotienne (époque classique) ; Chéronée à l’époque du Koinon béotien hellénistique (335-171) ; Chéronée à l’heure de la domination romaine (171 av. J.-C. – IIIe s. ap. J.-C.). La troisième partie présente un catalogue des cultes de Chéronée, qui témoignent aussi de l’histoire et de l’identité de la cité. / This study is devoted to the story of a small Boiotian city, Chaironeia, from archaic to Roman time. Chaironeia is especially well known as a battlefield (for example, the Greeks were defeated there by Philipp of Macedonia in 338 B.C.). The source materials – in particular epigraphic materials – allow us to reconstruct the story of this city, which is situated in the West Boiotian periphery, and which geography could have associated with neighbouring Phocid. So we questioned the way Chaironeia integrated into the Boiotian ethnos and the Boiotian confederation, of which it became a full right member at the end of the 5th century B.C. We also studied its successive political memberships / belongings, from its submission to Orchomenos, probably as soon as archaic time, to its integration into the Roman Empire. As a border city, placed on an important road between Central and Northern Greece, Chaironeia was thrown into « great history », much more than other cities maybe.This study is divided into three parts. The first one is devoted to historical geography. The second one is devoted to the history of Chaironeia and is divided into four chapters : the origins of the city (archaic time) ; Chaironeia becoming an independent city and a member of the Boiotian confederation (classical time) ; Chaironeia at the age of the Boiotian hellenistic confederation (335-171) ; Chaironeia under Roman domination (171 B.C. –3d century A.D.). The third one presents a catalogue of the cults of Chaironeia, which also attest to the history and identity of the city.

L’histoire de la cité d'Euhespérides, depuis sa fondation jusqu'à son abandon (fin du VIIe – milieu du IIIe siècle avant J.-C.) / History of the city of Euhesperides since its foundation until its abandonment (late 7th - mid-3rd century BC)

Zubi, Salah 20 June 2014 (has links)
Euhespérides (Benghazi) en Cyrénaïque (Libye), est une ville grecque, fondée à la fin du VIIe ou début du VIe siècle avant J-C. La ville est purement grecque, elle a été fondée et habitée par les Grecs, jusqu'à ce qu'ils l'abandonnent. Abandonnée au milieu du IIIe siècle avant J-C., elle n'a jamais été réoccupée. La date de la fondation de la cité est plus ancienne qu'on ne le pensait, elle a été fondée par les Grecs venus de différentes régions de la Grèce. L'une des principales raisons de la fondation d'Euhespérides dans ce lieu est la présence du port naturel connecté au lac. Le noyau de la ville était situé sur la colline de Sidi Abeid, sur le bord nord de la sebkha Es-Selmani. Ensuite, la cité s'est étendue dans toutes les directions. La première mention de la ville est venue d'Hérodote à trois reprises. Les fouilles sur le site de la ville ont commencé en 1952, après avoir identifié son emplacement par la photographie aérienne.Par les grandes quantités de céramiques découvertes sur le site, de deux types – céramiques fines et communes– en plus des amphores de transport, il s'est avéré que le volume des échanges commerciaux de la cité était considérable, et que l'importation incluait différentes régions du monde méditerranéen.Euhespérides a été abandonnée au milieu du IIIe siècle avant J-C, et ses habitants ont alors été déplacés vers un autre site, Béréniké, situé à trois km à l'Ouest. La principale raison de l'abandon était une décision politique, mise en œuvre par la force. Cette décision a été prise par Ptolémée III et son épouse, Bérénice, pour punir la population de sa résistance à la nouvelle autorité, en démolissant la cité et imposant à sa population de quitter la cité par la force. / Euesperides (Benghazi) in Cyrenaica, east of Libya is a Greek city, founded in the late seventh or early sixth century BC. The city is purely Greek; it was founded and inhabited by the Greeks, until they were abandoning it. Abandoned in the middle of the third century BC., It was never reoccupied. The date of the founding of the city is older than previously thought; it was founded by the Greeks from different regions of Greece. One of the main reasons of the foundation of Euesperides in this place is the presence of natural port connected with the lake. The nucleus of the city located on the hill of Sidi Abeid, on the northern edge of the Sebeka Es- Selmani. Then, the city has expanded in all directions. The first mention of the city came from Herodotus in three times. The excavations at the site began in 1952, after identifying its location by aerial photography. By large amounts of pottery discovered on the site of two types - fineware and coarseware , in addition to the amphorae of transport, it turned out that the volume of trade of the city was considerable, and that the importation included different regions of the Mediterranean world.Euesperides was abandoned in the mid-third century, and its inhabitants were then moved to another site, Berenice, located three kilometers to the west. The main reason for the abandonment was a political decision, implemented by force. This decision was taken by Ptolemy III and his wife, Berenice, to punish the people of his resistance to the new authority, demolishing the city and imposing its population to leave the city by force.

Les procédés de déchiffrement de l'écriture archaïque sur os et écailles de tortue : (Chine antique, XIIIe-XIe siècle av. J.-C.)

Plucar, Jiří 06 December 2013 (has links)
Après plus de cent ans de recherche sur les inscriptions gravées sur os et écailles de tortue datant de la fin de la dynastie Shāng, ce matériel graphique réévalue la paléographie chinoise qui est née au fur et à mesure de l’évolution de l’étude des inscriptions sur bronze entamée par les lettrés Sòng. Cette discipline à part entière qui est désormais inscrite dans l’étude de l’écriture chinoise, est marquée par le caractère interdisciplinaire qu’implique une approche multilatérale au vu de l’emploi de cette écriture en Chine antique du XIIIème au XIème siècle av. J.-C. dans un contexte de divination de la maison royale Shāng. Le présent travail se concentre sur l’identification et la compréhension de cette écriture, dont le déchiffrement constitue la tâche principale. Le déchiffrement graphique est soumis à l’épreuve visant à le définir et, tout particulièrement, à le systématiser dans un contexte philologique et culturel spécifique. La présente thèse se consacre à la tâche de repérer une méthodologie de base du déchiffrement de l’écriture sur os et écailles dans le cadre de l’avancement de son étude tout au long du XXème siècle et jusqu’à nos jours. / The inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells of the late Shāng dynasty have been studied for more than one hundred years. These graphical materials have given a new value to Chinese palaeography which was developed gradually from the studies of bronze inscriptions by Sòng scholars. This independent discipline has now become part of the science of Chinese writing and is marked by its interdisciplinary character and multilateral approach. Such an approach is required in the investigation of a writing system that goes back to the 13th-11th centuries BC period, when it was used for divinatory purposes in China during the rule of the Shāng royal dynasty. This paper focuses on the identification and comprehension of this script with the ultimate objective of deciphering it. Graphical deciphering is tested in order to define and systematize it in a specific philological and cultural background. The main thrust of the paper is the search for a fundamental methodology of the deciphering process of oracle bone inscriptions in the framework of the advancement of this process in the course of the 20th century and until now.

Pertubations de la fonction symbolique dans la maladie d'Alzheimer et leurs consequences cognitives et affectives / Disturbances of the symbolic function in Alzheimer's disease and their cognitive and affective consequences

Gonzalez-Monge, Louis 20 February 2015 (has links)
Partant de l’observation et de l’étude expérimentale (réalisée en Master 2) de situations de maladie d’Alzheimer débutante avec association d’une amnésie hippocampique, d’une anomie et d’une apraxie constructive pour l’espace projectif (syndrome S3A), nous proposons que la cooccurrence des troubles cognitifs et psychopathologiques peut être liée à une rigidification de la fonction symbolique, à savoir la réduction de l’empan de substitution d’un signifié par des signifiants. Nous examinons cette hypothèse à propos des troubles cognitifs en partant de la définition de la fonction symbolique (ou sémiotique) par Piaget. Nous l’étendons aux aspects psychopathologiques en partant de la symbolisation et de ses transformations. La notion de distance symbolique est évoquée à titre de dénominateur commun à tous ces processus, cible de la rigidification de la fonction symbolique. Elle pourrait être liée aux perturbations de la mémoire de travail, entraînant :_ Proactivement, une déstructuration des éléments attributionnels dans le réseau sémantique élargi, contribuant à la genèse des troubles cognitifs._ Rétroactivement, du fait de l’érosion des mécanismes secondaires, l’activation de phénomènes archaïques - dont l’angoisse de non représentation – et des défenses attenantes. Quelques implications psychothérapiques sont envisagées. / Starting from the observation and experimental study of Alzheimer's disease early situations with association of hippocampal amnesia, anomia and constructive apraxia for projective space (S3A syndrome), we propose that the co-occurrence of cognitive and psychopathological disorders may be linked to a stiffening of the symbolic function, namely the reduction of the span of substitution of a signified item by signifiers. We examine this hypothesis about the cognitive impairment on the basis of the symbolic function as defined by Piaget. We extend it to psychopathological aspects starting with the symbolization and its transformations. The concept of symbolic distance is mentioned as a common denominator for all these processes, as a target for the stiffening of the symbolic function. It could be related to working memory impairment, causing:_ Proactively, a destructuration of atributional elements in the “broad semantic network”, contributing to the genesis of cognitive impairment._ Retroactively, because of the erosion of secondary mechanisms, an activation of archaic phenomena - including the anxiety of non-representation - and of the archaic defenses.Some psychotherapeutic implications are considered.

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