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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportement critique d'oscillateurs couples ; Groupe de renormalisation et classe d'universalite

Risler, Thomas 22 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les etonnantes performances de l'organe auditif des mammiferes sont<br />notamment dues aux proprietes generiques des oscillateurs critiques<br />couples qui constituent le systeme. Cette these presente une etude<br />des proprietes critiques generiques des<br />systemes spatialement etendus d'oscillateurs stochastiques couples,<br />operant dans le voisinage d'une instabilite oscillante homogene ou<br />bifurcation de Hopf. Dans ce contexte, cette bifurcation constitue un<br />point critique dynamique hors equilibre, exhibant des proprietes<br />universelles qui sont canoniquement decrites par l'equation<br />Ginzburg-Landau complexe en presence de bruit. La formulation du probleme<br />en termes d'une theorie statistique dynamique des champs non hamiltonienne<br />nous permet d'etudier le comportement critique du systeme a l'aide des<br />techniques de la renormalisation dynamique perturbative.<br /><br />Dans un cas particulier, une analogie exacte avec le modele O(2) dynamique<br />nous permet d'ecrire une relation generalisee de la relation<br />fluctuation-dissipation et de deduire le comportement critique du systeme<br />directement a partir des etudes anterieures. Dans le cas general,<br />nous etablissons la structure du groupe de renormalisation de la theorie<br />dans un espace de dimension<br />4-epsilon, en lui adaptant les schemas de renormalisation de Wilson et<br />de Callan-Symanzik. La presence d'une frequence caracteristique dans le<br />systeme - la frequence des oscillations spontanees a la transition -<br />impose d'associer aux transformations de renormalisation un changement de<br />referentiel oscillant dependant de l'echelle. Nous effectuons le<br />calcul a l'ordre de deux boucles en theorie des perturbations, et montrons<br />que la classe d'universalite du modele est decrite par le point fixe du<br />modele dynamique dissipatif<br />O(2) dans un referentiel oscillant bien choisi. Ainsi, bien que la<br />dynamique soit hautement hors equilibre et brise les relations de bilan<br />detaille, une relation fluctuation-dissipation generalisee est<br />asymptotiquement restauree a la transition. Cette relation prevoit<br />l'existence de fortes contraintes sur les principales observables<br />experimentales : la fonction de correlation a deux points et la fonction<br />de reponse lineaire a un stimulus sinusoidal.

Optimisation de l'utilisation du gadolinium comme poison consommable dans le combustible nucléaire : Vers un REP sans bore

Dario, Pieck 22 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'excès de réactivité neutronique dans les centrales nucléaires est compensé par des sys-tèmes actifs de contrôle du réacteur : acide borique et barres de contrôle. L'apport d'antiréactivité peut se faire passivement avec des poisons consommables, c'est-à-dire des absorbants de neutrons, en particulier avec du gadolinium (Gd). Dans le cadre d'une augmentation de l'enrichissement en U²³⁵ et de réduction de l'utilisation d'acide borique, cette thèse a pour objectif d'optimiser la distribution du ga-dolinium dans des céramiques d'UO₂ afin d'obtenir un apport optimisé d'antiréactivité dans un Réacteur à Eau sous Pression. Dans ce sens, le travail est orienté à trouver des nouveaux matériaux riches en gadoli-nium. Le diagramme de phase U-O-Gd a donc été exploré dans le domaine des fortes teneurs en Gd. Deux phases cubiques ont été trouvées et caractérisées : les phases C1 et C2. En vue d'une application industrielle, la phase C1 a été retenue comme candidate pour l'ajout du Gd dans les pastilles d'UO₂. La distribution optimale de cette phase C1 dans les assemblages de combustible nucléaire a été étudiée avec le code de calcul neutronique APOLLO2.8. Des études paramétriques ont été réalisées. Ces études neutroniques ont aboutit à un concept performant de pas-tille empoisonnée. Finalement, des pastilles prototype ont été fabriquées en laboratoire suivant ce concept. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus montre qu'un concept de pastille avec un dépôt super-ficiel neutrophage de phase C1 est une manière d'apporter de l'antiréactivité de manière optimisée dans le cadre de cycles longs. Ceci pourrait potentiellement être appliquée à l'échelle industrielle. Un brevet a été déposé en ce sens.

Les perceptions de la sexualité et les relations de couple de femmes haïtiennes immigrantes au Québec : pour une exploration des rapports hommes femmes en Haïti

Jean-Pierre, Myrlande 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a étudié les perceptions de femmes haïtiennes vivant au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans de leurs relations sexuelles avec les hommes et de leurs rapports de couple. Après avoir opté pour une méthodologie de recherche qualitative, la théorie féministe intersectionnelle a été retenue comme cadre d’analyse. Des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès de 9 femmes haïtiennes, âgées de 18 à 60 ans et ayant immigré au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans. Les perceptions des femmes de la sexualité ont été appréhendées comme étant un ensemble de discours et de pratiques inter reliés, qui se construit dès l’enfance, et qui reproduit les types de rapports inégalitaires entre hommes et femmes qui existent dans la société haïtienne et dans leur couple. Ces rapports inégalitaires sont véhiculés entre les générations à travers la plupart des institutions sociales comme la famille, l’école, la culture, la législation. Ce processus de construction des perceptions de la sexualité est également influencé par des enjeux socio-économiques et de pouvoir. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de disposer de données scientifiques sur la sexualité des femmes et les rapports de couple en Haïti et l’influence du processus migratoire. Ces résultats soulignent également la nécessité pour le travail social haïtien d’encourager le développement de l’empowerment économique des femmes et leur participation aux débats actuels de la société sur l’évolution de la condition féminine. / The purpose of this research was to explore the perceptions of Haitian women that had immigrated to Quebec in the past five years, of their sexual relationships with men and the extent to which it is reflected in the different types of conjugal relationships. After choosing a qualitative research method, the intersectional feminist theory has been adopted for the analysis. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 Haitian women, aged 18 and 60 years and having immigrated to Quebec in the past five years. The women’s perceptions of sexual relationships have been reported as being a set of practices and discourses interrelated built since childhood and reproducing the unequal relationships between men and women that exist in the Haitian society and in the couples. These unequal relationships are transmitted through the generations and through most of the social institutions such as family, school, culture, laws. This process is also influenced by socio-economic and power issues. The results of this research give scientific data on women sexuality and couple relationships as well as the influence of immigration process. These results also emphasize the need for the Haitian social work to encourage the development of economic empowerment of women and their participation in current debates in society on the development of women. / Memwa sa a vle etidye ki pèsepsyon fanm ayisyèn yo genyen de rapò seksyel yo ak gason, e nan ki mezi pèsepsyon sa yo repwodwi kalite relasyon ki egziste ant yomenm ak nèg yo. Rechèch la chwazi yon metodoloji kalitativ, apresa li kenbe teyori feminis entèseksyonèl kom kad ki pou pemet li analize done li yo. Rechèch la nenen 9 antrevi mwatye ouvè, mwatye fèmen ak 9 fanm ayisyèn, ki genyen ant 18 ak 60 lane, epi ki imigre nan pwovens kebèk, nan peyi Kanada depi mwens pase 5 lane. Dapre rezilta rechèch la, pèsepsyon medanm yo genyen de seksyalite yo tradwi pa yon pakèt pawòl ak yon pakèt abitid ki mare ansanm. Medanm yo komanse ranmase bagay sayo depilè yo te timoun lakay paran yo pou jiskaske yo vin granmoun lakay pa yo. Fason sa yo medanm yo konprann seksyalite a tou, se yon bagay ki soti nan relasyon fòskote ki egziste ant fanm ak gason, ni nan sosyete ayisyènn nan, ni nan relayon konjigal yo. Bagay sa yo transmèt de generasyon an generasyon gras ak lafanmi, lekol, lakilti, lwa peyia. Pou fini, pèsepsyon sa yo medanm yo gen de seksyalite yo a makonen ak yon seri de enterè ekonomik ak politik ki gen nan sosyete a. Resilta rechèch sa a fe plizyè bagay. Premyèman li pemèt nou genyen dokiman syantifik sou seksyalite fanm ak relasyon ki genyen ant fanm ak gason lè yap viv andedan kay, nan peyia. Dezyèmman, rezilta yo montre travayèz ak travayè sosyal yo an ayiti, kouma li enpotan pou yo ankourage medanm yo devlope pouvwa lajan lakay yo. Rezilta yo montre tou kouman li enpotan pou medanm ayisyènn yo chache rantre nan tout diskisyon kap fet nan sosyete ayisyèn nan sou kondisyon lavi fanm yo.

Análise do discurso feminino entre casais violentos na cultura da agressão / Analysis of the female discourse between violent couples in the culture of aggression

Gnoato, Gilberto 17 August 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo fundamental a análise relacional nos estudos de casais violentos, propondo-se a interpretar especificamente as construções discursivas de mulheres de classe média, com ensino superior e autonomia financeira que, mesmo sendo alvo de violência física e psicológica, permanecem por longos anos convivendo com seus parceiros íntimos. Optou-se por esta categoria de mulheres, pelo vácuo existente nos trabalhos que investigam este tipo de população, já que a maioria dos estudos sobre o fenômeno enfoca mulheres de baixa renda, justificando que a dependência econômica feminina como resultante da vinculação ao poder patriarcal. Quanto ao corpus de pesquisa, esse advém dos relatos de mulheres alocados no site eletrônico <wwwgilbertoresponde.com>. Trata-se de relatos sob forma de perguntas que procuram uma saída para o sofrimento amoroso. O site eletrônico é concebido pelas usuárias como uma plataforma de autoajuda. Também foram acrescentadas ao corpus, duas outras análises. O estudo de caso da autobiografia de Oliveira (2011) e uma entrevista com sete participantes do grupo de “Mulheres que Amam Demais Anônimas” (MADA), de 2016. Com o propósito de produzir conhecimento para a aplicação prática, dirigida à solução de problemas encontrados na realidade cotidiana, optou-se pela modalidade de trabalho denominada de Pesquisa Aplicada (BARROS; LEHFELD, 2000; GIL, 2002). Foi usado como método e referencial teórico a Análise de Discurso segundo Foucault (2012; 1986). Em relação ao escopo teórico, esta pesquisa guiou-se pelo diálogo entre a Antropologia, a Filosofia da Linguagem, a História, a Sociologia e contribuições da Psicanálise. A violência dos casais é analisada pela perspectiva dialógica-relacional de Santos e Izumino (2005), tendo como um dos objetivos problematizar o dualismo de certos discursos feministas que concebem a violência como sendo um produto originário e exclusivo da masculinidade. As antropólogas Gregori (1993) e Machado (1998), por exemplo, substituem a polarização da violência até então unilateralmente atribuída aos homens para uma forma relacional de se compreender o fenômeno, por intermédio do estudo de “casais violentos”. Sobre o machismo, adotamos a premissa da psicóloga Castañeda (2006) de que nem o machismo é um discurso exclusivamente dos homens e nem a violência um produto exclusivamente de um dos polos da relação ou do indivíduo particularizado. Violência e machismo não são apenas práticas concretas. Trata-se de um longo processo de socialização microscópica da “dominação simbólica” do homem Bourdieu (2009, p. 138). A violência entre casais não está localizada em um único lugar e/ou indivíduo, mas sim endentada no que Foucault (1982, p. 244) define como “dispositivos”. Selecionamos do corpus de pesquisa três dispositivos que alimentam a violência. São eles, o dispositivo de “amor-paixão” em Rougemont (1988), de sexualidade e de machismo. Esses dispositivos encontram uma fértil reverberação na seara de uma sociedade tremendamente violenta, emotiva, hierárquica e paradoxal como é o Brasil (DAMATTA (1987; 1990; 1993). Partimos também das contribuições teórico-políticas de Foucault (1982) sobre o poder para entendermos a violência enquanto uma “microfísica da violência” (FANINI, 1992; FOUCAULT, 1982;1984). Alguns dos resultados deste trabalho dão conta de que os argumentos da baixa renda e da falta de conscientização política das mulheres vítimas de violência orientaram boa parte das pesquisas feministas nos anos de 1970 e 1980. No entanto, atualmente, sabe-se que a violência contra a mulher “não se origina exclusivamente das desigualdades de classe” econômica, conforme Heilborn e Sorj (1999), nem da falta de consciência política e tampouco da sua condição financeira, considerando os intensos avanços da mulher no campo do trabalho e da vida pública. Pesquisas como Grossi (1991), Gregori (1993), Santos e Izumino (2005) relativizam as práticas de atendimento a mulheres espancadas nos anos de 1980, pois alguns grupos feministas da época que atendiam a mulheres vítimas de agressão, concebiam a violência, restringindo-a muitas vezes à uma produção masculina, quando ela é na realidade um fenômeno macroscópico da cultura da agressão. Outro aspecto a salientar sobre o atendimento a vítimas da violência e sobre as pesquisas feministas é a pouca importância dada ao discurso do amor-paixão (ROUGEMONT, 1998). As mulheres esperam muito do amor (BOURDIEU, 2011, p. 82-83) e dependem mais dele do que esperam os homens. Se elas são prisioneiras da lei do amor, eles estão presos à virilidade e à violência como uma “carga” nos termos de Bourdieu (2011, p. 64) destinados a carregá-la. Entende-se que, entre casais violentos, é tão difícil para a mulher desocupar o lugar da vítima, como é para o homem, sair do lugar da violência. / This research work has as main objective the relational analysis in the studies of violent couples, proposing to interpret specifically the discursive constructions of middle-class women, with higher education and financial autonomy that, although being the target of physical and psychological violence, remain for long years living with their intimate partners. This category of women was chosen because of the vacuum that exists in the studies that investigate this type of population, since most of the studies on the phenomenon focus on low-income women, justifying that women's economic dependence as a result of their attachment to patriarchal power. As for the corpus of research, this comes from the reports of women allocated on the electronic website <wwwgilbertoresponde.com>. These are stories in the form of questions that seek a way out of the suffering of love. The website is designed by users as a self-help platform. Two other analyzes were also added to the corpus. The case study of Oliveira's autobiography (2011) and an interview with seven participants from the 2016 group of "Women Who Love Too Much Anonymous" (MADA). With the purpose of producing knowledge for practical application, aimed at solving problems Found in the daily reality, we opted for the modality of work called Applied Research (BARROS; LEHFELD, 2000; GIL, 2002). The Discourse Analysis according to Foucault (2012, 1986) was used as method and theoretical reference. In relation to the theoretical scope, this research was guided by the dialogue between Anthropology, Philosophy of Language, History, Sociology and contributions of Psychoanalysis. The violence of the couples is analyzed by the dialogical-relational perspective of Santos and Izumino (2005). One of the objectives is to problematize the dualism of certain feminist discourses that conceive of violence as an original and exclusive product of masculinity. The anthropologists Gregori (1993) and Machado (1998), for example, replace the polarization of violence hitherto unilaterally attributed to men to a relational form of understanding the phenomenon, through the study of "violent couples." On machismo, we adopt the premise of the psychologist Castañeda (2006) that neither machismo is a discourse exclusively of men nor violence a product exclusively of one of the poles of the relationship or individualized individual. Violence and machismo are not just concrete practices. It is a long process of microscopic socialization of Bourdieu's "symbolic domination" (2009: 138). Violence between couples is not located in a single place and/or individual, but is indented in what Foucault (1982, p244) defines as "devices." We select from the research corpus three devices that fuel violence. They are the device of "love-passion" in Rougemont (1988), of sexuality and machismo. These devices find fertile reverberation in the heart of a tremendously violent, emotional, hierarchical and paradoxical society such as Brazil (DAMATTA (1987; 1990; 1993). We also draw on Foucault's (1982) theoretical-political contributions on the power to understand violence as a "microphysics of violence" (FANINI, 1992; FOUCAULT, 1982;1984). Some of the results of this study indicate that the arguments of low income and lack of political awareness of women victims of violence have guided much of feminist research in the 1970s and 1980s. However, it is now known that violence against women. The woman "does not originate exclusively from economic class inequalities," according to Heilborn and Sorj (1999), neither of the lack of political awareness nor of its financial condition, considering the intense advances of women in the field of work and public life. Researches such as Grossi (1991), Gregori (1993), Santos and Izumino (2005) refer to practices of care for women beaten in the 1980s, since some feminist groups of the time attended to women victims of aggression conceived violence, often to a male production, when it is in reality a macroscopic phenomenon of the culture of aggression. Another aspect to emphasize regarding the care of victims of violence and feminist research is the little importance given to the discourse of passion-love (ROUGEMONT, 1998). Women expect much of the love (BOURDIEU, 2011, pp. 82-83) and depend more on it than men expect. If they are prisoners of the law of love, they are bound to virility and violence as a "burden" in Bourdieu's terms (2011, 64) intended to carry it. It is understood that between violent couples, it is as difficult for the woman to vacate the victim's place, as it is for the man, to leave the place of violence.

Divorce as bifurcation: redefining a nuclear system

Ferreira Da Costa, Talita Maria 30 April 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of dynamic relationships within families, and indicating how the decision to divorce may result from a family's difficulty in adjusting to new changes and stressors. Thus, divorce results in the redefinition of a nuclear system. This study made use of social constructionism as its epistemological framework. By means of in-depth one-on-one interviews, the researcher was able to hear the narratives of all six participants. Hermeneutics was used to analyze the data. The participants' stories were reencountered through the researcher's own frame of reference in which common themes of the divorce process were co-constructed. These themes were later elaborated on and a comparative analysis was undertaken to link them to the available literature. The information gained from the study could contribute to existing research on the impact of divorce, family reorganization following a divorce, and offer a new perspective in understanding family systems. / Clinical Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Focusing on emotions in pastoral marital counselling: an evangelical assessment

Mutter, Kelvin Frederick 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the degree of "fit" in employing Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy [EFCT] within the context of congregational ministry and/or a Christian counselling center to counsel evangelical couples who have experienced an "attachment injury." The present study introduces and examines the possibility that, given an appropriate level of theological reflection, EFCT is an appropriate counselling methodology for use by evangelical clergy and counselors. Beginning with an examination of the values, assumptions and practices of EFCT this study explores three dimensions of the interface between EFCT and ecclesiastical practice: a) a theological reflection on the values and assumptions that inform the practice of EFCT; b) a comparison of EFCT with the marital counselling theories of Howard Clinebell, Jr., Larry Crabb, Jr., H. Norman Wright, and Everett L. Worthington, Jr., noting how each of these theories conceptualizes and treats both the marital dyad and emotional experience; and, c) an examination of Christians' perceptions of, and receptivity to, this model. The research demonstrates that the pastoral adaptation of EFCT highlighted in this study was rated favorably but not superior to the other four models. Specifically, it is noted that those who had previously experienced marital counselling, pastoral or otherwise, appeared to be attracted to the EFCT model as it was presented, even though the exemplar did not explicitly incorporate either the use of scripture, prayer, religious homework, or spiritual themes such as forgiveness and mutuality in marriage. The fact that even in the absence of an explicitly spiritual emphasis EFCT received high ratings suggests there is something within the model that speaks to the committed evangelical believer. The study concludes that even though EFCT may not be known within the evangelical community the perspective it offers "fits" with the values of this part of the Christian community and seems to appeal to those who have previously experienced marital difficulties. As a result, it may be stated that EFCT offers a mode of intervention that is suitable for use with evangelical Christians. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Div. (Pracical theology)

Lewensverhoudings : enkele juridiese aspekte

Beukes, Hendrik Gerhardus Johannes 31 May 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. / Die definisie van 'n huwelik tref 'n onderskeid tussen heteroseksuele en homoseksuele lewensmetgeselle ten opsigte van die bevoegdheid om te trou. Hierdie onderskeid op grond van seksuele georiënteerdheid mag moontlik ongrondwetlik wees. Voorts is daar 'n menigte regte en verpligtinge wat outomaties uit huweliksluiting spruit, maar nie outomaties op lewensverhoudings van toepassing is nie. Hierdie onderskeid op grond van huwelikstaat mag eweneens moontlik teen die bepalings van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 indruis. Hierdie studie is gevolglik daarop toegespits om ondersoek in te stel na die grondwetlikheid van hierdie twee onderskeide. Die ondersoek word geloods met verwysing na relevante wetgewing en regspraak. 'n Bondige oorsig van fundamentele regte word as agtergrond verskaf. Na afhandeling van die ondersoek word daar aandag geskenk aan die huidige en voorgestelde toekomstige erkenning en regulering van lewensverhoudings in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, waarna die bevindings saamgevat en krities beoordeel word. SUMMARY The definition of marriage differentiates between heterosexual and homosexual life partners with regard to the capacity to marry. This differentiation on account of sexual orientation may possibly be unconstitutional. Furthermore there are a multitude of rights and obligations that automatically flow from marriage, which are not automatically applicable to life partnerships. This differentiation on account of marital status may also violate the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. Accordingly this study is aimed at investigating the constitutionality of these two differentiations. The investigation is conducted with reference to relevant legislation and case law. A concise overview of fundamental rights is provided as background. In conclusion of the investigation, attention is paid to the present recognition and regulation of domestic partnerships in South African law, after which the findings are summarised and evaluated critically. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.

The recognition of same-sex unions in South Africa

De Ru, Henriet 11 1900 (has links)
With the abolition of apartheid and the introduction of a new constitutional dispensation, the state’s totalitarian exclusion of homosexuals from legal recognition was relegated to a past era. The constitutional commitment to human dignity and equality and the inclusion of sexual orientation as a prohibited ground of discrimination led to the recognition of same-sex life partnerships and, inevitably, same-sex marriage by means of a civil union regime. The object of this study is to investigate the scope of the legal consequences provided to same-sex couples by the Civil Union Act 17 of 2006 and to determine the legal standing of same-sex couples who fall outside the ambit of the Act. The study includes constitutional arguments pertaining to the continued recognition of same-sex life partnerships and a critical analysis of the constitutionality of the Civil Union Act as a separate measure to govern same-sex marriage. This investigation is conducted with reference to relevant legislation and case law. / Private Law / LL.M. (Private Law)

Work-family balance : an interpretive approach to understanding perceptions and strategies of dual-earner couples in Cape Town, South Africa

Seeley, Ana-Cristina 02 1900 (has links)
Balancing the work and family domains is an ongoing concern for men and women in dual-earner relationships. However, most of the research studies that have explored work-family balance, have been conducted within the North American context using highly educated middle-class couples. Furthermore, no known South African studies have explored work-family balance experiences and strategies based on the couple as a unit. The aim of this study is therefore to understand how middle-class South African dual-earner couples experience and pursue work-family balance. A sample comprising ten multi-racial, middle-class, heterosexual dual-earner couples with children, who work in different employment sectors, and reside in Cape Town, South Africa, were selected purposefully through the use of convenience and snow-ball sampling techniques. The interpretive approach located within the qualitative paradigm was employed to understand the subjective experiences of couples through the method of semi-structured conjoint interviews. All conjoint interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for later analysis. Patterns and themes within the data were identified using thematic analysis and later organised through the use of thematic networks. Two organising themes were uncovered for the global theme "subjective experiences of work-family balance amongst dual-earner couples", namely that work-family balance is a unique experience, and that work-family balance is a dynamic process. Furthermore, the data analysis revealed ten organising themes for the global theme "strategies dual-earner couples use to pursue a work-family balance", namely that striving towards an egalitarian marital relationship helps to promote couples' experience of work-family balance; proactively structuring opportunities for time with family contributes to a balanced work and family life; accessing familial and paid support promotes feelings of being successful in balancing work and family roles; shared planning and organisation facilitates a better balance of work and family roles; living within means relieves couples of unnecessary financial stress; creating opportunities for "alone time" supports couples' work-family balance; work validation and satisfaction encourages greater experiences ofwork-family balance; having the ability to control one's schedule ensures greater freedom to transition between work and family domains; setting boundaries around work and family domains helps couples maintain their balance; and relying on faith to cope with work and family stressors leads to a more balanced life. Each organising theme contained several basic themes which were discussed in relation to previous literature and/or research studies. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Same-Sex Couples' Lived Experiences of the Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act's (DOMA) Section Three

Bosley, Alicia Anne 01 January 2014 (has links)
Same-sex couples are affected by the social and political climates in which they live, as these create the difference between acceptance and legalization, and discrimination and prohibition, of their relationships. This contingence is made increasingly impactful by the privileges and protections afforded to married couples by the federal government; same-sex couples, along with other couples that choose not to, or cannot, marry, are excluded from these benefits. Following the June 26, 2013 ruling that Section Three of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, was unconstitutional, same-sex couples were given access to over 1,100 federal protections and benefits and supported legally for the first time. My research explored the lived experiences of same-sex couples following this milestone in order to develop an understanding of the psychological and relational effects of the DOMA repeal on same-sex couples. This understanding may assist therapists working with these couples by increasing comprehension of their context and the effects of the DOMA repeal on their internal and relationship functioning. By understanding these aspects, therapists may work more capably and sensitively with same-sex couples, and be more informed regarding potential problems these clients may bring to therapy. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed in order to gather comprehensive data on the topic, utilize the strengths of both methodologies, and enhance the results of each method with the other. A single instrument, an online survey, was utilized. The quantitative paradigm provided numerical data on the experiences of same-sex couples following the DOMA repeal, as well as differences in experiences based on variance in state laws. Under the qualitative paradigm, phenomenological methodology was utilized to explore and convey participants' experience of the repeal in their own words. Responses were collected via survey to allow for more anonymity for participants, as well as a more representative sample of same-sex couples across the country. Qualitative and quantitative questions were included on the survey; responses were analyzed separately, and then merged during interpretation. Implications for clinical practice derived from this study are reviewed, as well as implications for advocacy work and directions for further research. It is hoped that this study will provide a better understanding of same-sex couples' lived experiences following the repeal of DOMA's Section Three, and provide implications for therapists working with these couples.

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