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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The reallocation of capital towards green investments : A study on the EU Taxonomy Regulations / Omfördelningen av kapital till gröna investeringar : En studie om EU:s taxonomireglering

AHMED, RABBU, CHARAFEDDIN, MOSTAFA January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the introduction of the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities will affect investors capital allocation towards green investments, and how it will impact the financial market. This master thesis has been conducted with a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews involved 14 financial professionals within the Nordic area, as well as one economic analyst from the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. In addition, it includes a thorough literature study and a theoretic framework involving the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Based upon the findings, this research shows that the EU taxonomy will be an adequate tool in order to facilitate the process of shifting capital towards sustainable investments. However, the allocation of capital may be delayed at first, but is expected to achieve a capital reallocation towards green investments in the long term. Challenges identified include the balance between risk adjusted profits and making a transition to attract capital. Both investors and listed companies will face the challenge of choosing the best strategy to attract more capital than their peers. All investors participating in this research expect to see increasing stock prices of listed taxonomy aligned companies in the near future. This short-term increase in stock prices could be derived from the demand of early movers of the green investments. Investors are expected to invest in taxonomy aligned. The research defines that financial regulations are regarded as complex information and therefore not regarded as information available to all investors, the Efficient Market Hypothesis could not be confirmed for complex information. Future research could explore how other market participants outside of the EU could be affected by the implementation of the EU Taxonomy. For future research it could also be interesting and of great use to conduct research based on the variables, risk and profit in combination with a reallocation of capital towards green investments. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur införandet av EU: s taxonomi för hållbar verksamhet kommer att påverka investerarnas kapitalallokering till gröna investeringar och hur det kommer att påverka den finansiella marknaden. Detta examensarbete har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna involverade 14 yrkesverksamma inom den nordiska finansbranschen samt en ekonomisk analytiker från Europeiska kommissionen i Bryssel, Belgien. Dessutom innehåller den en grundlig litteraturstudie och ett teoretiskt ramverk som involverar the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Baserat på resultaten visar denna forskning att EU: s taxonomi kommer att vara ett adekvat verktyg för att främja processen av att flytta kapital mot hållbara investeringar. Tilldelningen av kapital kan dock försenas först, men förväntas uppnå en kapitalallokering mot gröna investeringar på lång sikt. Bland de identifierade utmaningarna ingår balansen mellan riskjusterade vinster och en övergång för att attrahera kapital. Både investerare och börsnoterade företag kommer att stå inför utmaningen att välja den bästa strategin för att locka mer kapital än sina konkurrenter. Alla investerare som deltar i denna forskning förväntar sig att stigande aktiekurser för börsnoterade taxonomirelaterade företag kommer inom en snar framtid. Denna kortsiktiga ökning av aktiekurserna kan härledas från efterfrågan från de tidiga flyttarna av de gröna investeringarna. Investerare förväntas investera i taxonomi. Forskningen definierar att finansiella regler betraktas som komplex information och därför inte betraktas som information tillgänglig för alla investerare. Den effektiva marknadshypotesen kunde inte bekräftas för komplex information. Framtida forskning kan undersöka hur andra marknadsaktörer utanför EU kan påverkas av genomförandet av EU: s taxonomi. För framtida forskning kan det också vara intressant och till stor nytta att bedriva forskning baserad på variabler, risk och vinst i kombination med en omfördelning av kapital till gröna investeringar.

Sambandet mellan information från sociala medier och investeringsbeslut.

Al Salkhadi, Alaa, Byström, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
Sociala medier har utvecklats till kraftfulla plattformar för informationsutbyte som många människor förlitar sig på för att hitta information för potentiella investeringar. Sociala medier är relativt okontrollerade och innehåller en stor del falsk information. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera sambandet mellan information från sociala medier och privata investerares beslut på den finansiella marknaden och att analysera fem beteendeekonomiska fördomar, flockbeteende, överdriven självsäkerhet, förankring, rädslan att missa något och ekokammare, och analysera vilken roll de spelar i beslutsprocessen från sociala medier till investeringsbeslut. Den teoretiska referensramen och det empiriska underlaget utgår från det beteendeekonomiska paradigmet och studier om information från sociala medier och investeringsbeslut för att skapa en övergripande bild över sambandet mellan sociala medier och investeringsbeslut. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod tillämpades och data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning som distribuerades på sociala medier och via Mittuniversitetets egna kanaler. Sammantaget svarade 163 respondenter och efter att datauppsättningen rensades från felaktig och ofullständig data kvarstod 125 respondenter. Datan analyserades sedan i frekvenstabeller och regressions- och moderationsanalyser. Studiens resultat tyder på att investerare som i högre utsträckning förlitar sig på information från sociala medier som informationskälla tenderar att fatta mindre framgångsrika investeringsbeslut. Dessutom indikerar resultaten att detta negativa samband förstärks av förankring och rädslan att missa något. / Social media has evolved into powerful information sharing platforms that many people rely on to find information for potential investments. Social media is relatively uncontrolled and contains a large amount of false information. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the relationship between information from social media and private investors' decisions in the financial market and to analyze five behavioral economic biases, herd behavior, overconfidence, anchoring, the fear of missing out and echo chambers, and analyze the role they play in the decision-making process from social media to investment decisions. The theoretical frame of reference and the empirical basis are based on the behavioral economic paradigm and studies on information from social media and investment decisions to create an overall picture of the connection between social media and investment decisions. A quantitative research method was applied and data was collected through a survey that was distributed on social media and via Mid Sweden University's channels. Overall, 163 respondents responded and after the data set was cleaned of incorrect and incomplete data, 125 respondents remained. The data were then analyzed in frequency tables and regression and moderation analyses. The study's findings suggest that investors who rely more heavily on information from social media as a source of information tend to make less successful investment decisions. Furthermore, the results indicate that this negative relationship is reinforced by anchoring and the fear of missing out.

Dohled nad finanční činností / Supervision over financial activity

Drahota, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe and analyze supervision of financial activities in the Czech Republic. The thesis is structured into three chapters, which focuses on analysis of actual acts of CNB supervision in connection to the legal basis. The first chapter defines supervision of financial activities reflecting its historical development, economical aspect and basic trends in financial market regulation. The second chapter is the main part which describes the status and activities of the Czech National Bank in the position of the supervisory authority. The emphasis is placed especially on supervisory and regulatory activity, which represents the core of this thesis. Supervision is characterized from the methodological point of CNB's approach. Different types of supervision and regulation executions are also analyzed in this thesis.

Le droit uniforme OHADA et l'interconnexion des marchés financiers en Afrique Subsaharienne : contribution à la construction d'un droit financier africain de développement / The OHADA unified law and the interconnection of financial markets in sub-saharan Africa : contribution to the construction of an African finance law of development

Tshiyombo Kalonji, Louis 10 October 2014 (has links)
Même si le droit uniforme OHADA, à travers notamment l'Acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés commerciales et du GIE, réglemente certains aspects du droit financier (les valeurs mobilières et l'Appel public à l'épargne), il faut reconnaitre que cette discipline juridique échappe dans une large mesure à l'oeuvre d'harmonisation du législateur OHADA. La conséquence logique de cette situation est la faible implication du droit uniforme OHADA dans l'interconnexion des marchés financiers de son espace, la réglementation de marchés financiers étant principalement prise en charge par la CEMAC et l'UEMOA. Ainsi, étant donné que tous les États membres de ces deux organisations sont aussi membres de l'OHADA et que cette dernière a non seulement une vocation continentale mais aussi un objet spécifique, l'intégration du droit des affaires dont le droit financier est du reste une composante, il est souhaitable que l'OHADA joue un rôle plus prépondérant en matière de droit financier. La solution idéale est de voir que l'OHADA intégrer le droit financier parmi les matières relevant du droit des affaires et adopter de ce fait un Acte uniforme relatif au droit financier. Néanmoins, pour éviter tout chevauchement de compétences avec les autres législateurs de la zone, la coopération et la concertation devront être privilégiées. / Even if the OHADA, through the Uniform Act on the commercial companies and economic interest groups (AUSC), regulates certain aspects of the finance law (Bonds, shares, public offering), it is necessary to recognize that this legal discipline escapes to a large extent the work of harmonization of the OHADA legislator. The logical consequence of this situation is the weak implication of the OHADA unified law in the interconnection of the financial markets of its space, the rule of financial markets being mainly taken care by the CEMAC and the UEMOA. So, given that all the member states of these two organizations are also members of the OHADA and given that this last one has a continental vocation and a specific object, the integration of the business law, it is desirable that the OHADA plays a more dominating role in finance law. The ideal solution is to see the OHADA registering the finance law among the subjects of the domain of the business law and therefore adopt a uniform act on the finance law. Nevertheless, to avoid any overlapping of competence with the other legislators of the zone, the cooperation and the dialogue must be privileged.

Le préjudice de l'actionnaire / Shareholder damages

Koray, Zoé Zeynep Can 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le préjudice de l'actionnaire est un sujet encore peu étudié en France alors qu'il soulève de nombreuses interrogations. A l'inverse de nombre de solutions reçues dans les droits étrangers, le droit français n'admet que peu sa réparation tant il reste lié à la distinction jurisprudentielle fondamentale entre préjudice purement personnel (réparable) et préjudice simple corollaire du préjudice social (non réparable). Pourtant, cette distinction n'est pas des plus satisfaisantes ni sur le plan théorique, ni sur le plan pratique. Elle est en outre remise partiellement en cause dès lors que le préjudice trouve sa source dans une infraction pénale, telle que la communication d'informations mensongères. Par ailleurs, l'internationalisation des mouvements de capitaux soulève de plus en plus fréquemment la question de la loi applicable ou du juge compétent (judiciaire ou arbitral également) relativement aux actions en justice des actionnaires. Cette étude se propose dès lors de fournir une appréciation critique du droit positif afin de tenter l'élaboration d'un droit prospectif. Les solutions existantes peuvent-elles et doivent-elles changer ? Pour adopter quel type de solutions ? / The subject of shareholder damages has seldom been studied in France. Nonetheless, it is a topic of much discussion and debate in legal circles. Unlike under some foreign laws, French law rarely permits the direct compensation of shareholder damages because of the summa divisio between the personal damage (recoverable) and the damage of the company (not recoverable). However, this distinction is not relevant both in terms of theory and practice. More doubt is cast on this distinction where the potential damage arises from an infringement of the penal law, such as the use of false or misleading information to induce shareholder reliance or action. Furthermore, the internationalisation of capital introduces conflicts of law and jurisdictional questions, asking the courts to first determine whether they are the proper authority to hear a shareholder’s case, and which nation’s laws to apply.This study presents a critical analysis of the positive law and proposes avenues of reforming French laws concerning shareholder damages. Should the existing remedies be changed ? Which remedies should be adopted to reverse the strict trends in French law against adequately compensating shareholders’ losses ?

A crise norte-americana do subprime: medindo o contágio para os BRICS / The North-American subprime crisis: measuring contagion to the BRICs

Sousa, Mariana Orsini Machado de 15 August 2011 (has links)
Uma característica marcante da recente crise financeira que ocorreu entre 2007 e 2009, conhecida como \"A Crise do Subprime\", foi quão rapidamente se propagou por todo o mundo. Entretanto, a maior parte da evidência empírica até o presente momento mostra que no início da crise (jun/07 - ago/08) a resposta das economias emergentes foi limitada. Este trabalho corrobora este fato, bem como a rápida saída da crise, para um grupo de países emergentes em acelerado processo de desenvolvimento: Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China, os BRICs. Encontramos ainda evidências de que a China exerceu, principalmente durante a crise, forte impacto positivo nos BRICs, o que nos levou a concluir que este foi um fator importante para que fossem menos afetados, quando comparados com economias desenvolvidas como os EUA. Também mostramos que países dentre os BRICs cuja atividade econômica apresenta maior semelhança - Brasil X Rússia e Índia X China - são afetados de modo geral de forma análoga e observamos ainda evidência de notáveis ligações financeiras entre os países do grupo. Por último, notamos que variáveis reais dos BRICs responderam com menor intensidade aos efeitos da crise quando comparadas a variáveis financeiras do próprio grupo e variáveis reais de países desenvolvidos. Para o estudo, utilizamos modelos S-VAR, VEC e testes de cointegração em painel, este último para os modelos com variáveis macroeconômicas reais. Também utilizamos um índice de propagação de calor, desenvolvido pelo Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), que mede a intensidade dos efeitos da crise nas variáveis para cada instante do tempo. / One of the main characteristics of the recent financial crisis that took place between 2007 and 2009, known as \"The Subprime Crisis\", was how fast it spread all around the globe. Nevertheless, most empirical evidence shows that at the beginning of the crisis (Jun/07- Aug/08) emerging markets\' response was limited. This present study corroborates this idea for a fast raising group of emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and China, the BRICs. We show as well how rapid these economies have managed to get out of the crisis and the not negligent positive impact that China had in all of them, especially during the crisis period. We infer that China\'s booming economy must have been one of the main factors that made the crisis\' impact reduced for the BRICs when compared to developed countries such as the US. We also show that countries among the BRICs that have more similarities - Brazil X Russia and India X China - were in general affected in an analogous way and we observe that there are strong financial links between group members. Last, we find that the crisis\' effect on real BRIC\'s macroeconomic variables was not as intense as those on developed countries or on BRIC\'s financial variables. For this study, we use S-VAR, VEC and Panel Cointegration Models. This last one was used for models with real macroeconomic variables. To draw our conclusions, we also utilize a Heat Index which has been developed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).This index is a measure of the crisis\' effects intensity on economic variables through time.

L'autorité de régulation des marchés financiers : étude comparative France - Moyen-Orient / The regulatory authority of financial markets : a comparative study France - Middle-East

Wahbi, Nasser 27 October 2015 (has links)
L’existence d’un « régulateur financier » ayant pour mission d’encadrer les marchés financiers est un phénomène répandu qui confronte les systèmes juridiques à une question délicate : celle de l’intégration de ce régulateur dans le paysage institutionnel classique. C’est cette question qui est au coeur de la recherche menée en droit comparé, en France et au Moyen-Orient. D’origine anglo-saxonne, la formule frappe par son originalité fonctionnelle et structurelle. L'appréciation du phénomène passe d'abord par l’étude de la spécificité de la fonction de régulation. Comment appréhender le fait que le régulateur financier cumule des compétences normatives, contentieuses et administratives ? Ne dessaisit -il pas le législateur, le juge et l’exécutif d'une partie de leur activité? L’analyse révèle que la raison d'être du régulateur financier est de fonctionner en complémentarité avec les pouvoirs de l’État. Ne constituant pas un quatrième pouvoir, le régulateur financier diffuse l’art de la régulation résultant de son statut de gendarme de la Bourse et de magistère moral. L’approche fonctionnelle est complétée par une analyse du statut du régulateur financier. Quel positionnement occupe-t-il, alors qu'il combine des éléments privés et publics ? L’étude montre que le régulateur financier résiste aux distinctions classiques. Dépassant les frontières public/privé, il est à mi-chemin entre l'Etat et le marché. Il se nourrit des valeurs du privé par l’association des professionnels dans la régulation, le recours à des mécanismes contractuels pour régler les différends et la soumission au contrôle du juge judiciaire. Mais il maintient en même temps un statut public spécifique en vue d’assurer son indépendance. Il en résulte l'émergence d'un nouveau mode d’action de troisième voie ayant pour objet la mise en oeuvre d'une nouvelle fonction de l'Etat qui est la régulation dont l'avènement nécessite la conception d'une formule institutionnelle inédite. / The existence of a "financial regulator" whose mission is to control the financial markets is a widespread phenomenon that faces legal systems with a delicate issue: that of the integration of this regulator in the classic institutional landscape. It is this question which is at the core of research in comparative law between France and the Middle East. The formula, being of an Anglo-Saxon origin, is intriguing for its functional and structural originality. The evaluation of this phenomenon begins with the study of the specificity of the regulatory function. The question is how to apprehend that the financial regulator combines normative, administrative and litigation functions. Would not it divest the legislator, the judge and the executive of a part of their own activities? The analysis reveals that the purpose of the financial regulator is to function as a complement to the State’s powers. The financial regulator doesn’t constitute a fourth power itself; it rather diffuses the art of the regulation resulting from its status as a markets watchdog and its moral authority. The functional approach is complemented by examining the status of the financial regulator. What position does it occupy while combining both private and public elements? The study shows that the financial regulator is resistant to conventional legal distinctions. It is halfway between the State and the market surpassing by that the boundaries of the public/private law. In fact, it is nourished by private values through associating professionals in the regulation, using contractual mechanisms to resolve disputes, and submission to the judicial court control. However, it maintains, at the same time, a specific public status to ensure its independence. The result is the emergence of a new third mode of action whose purpose is the exercise of a new function of the State, which is the regulation, whose advent requires designing an unprecedented institutional formula.

Regulação e auto-regulação no mercado de capitais brasileiro / Regulation and self-regulation in the Brazilian capital markets

Zanotta, Alexandre 08 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulacao e Auto Regulacao no Mercado de Capitais Brasileiro.PDF: 673161 bytes, checksum: 9ab570c96f0d0a0ee56517005213a4f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-08 / nenhum / This work intends to bring a contribution for the debate about the adequacy of the current regulation system of the Brazilian capital markets and to propose a solution for its enhancement, with the intention to increase the number and the quality of the transactions held in such market, and to make them safer for investors. In this context, it will only be analyzed the aspects of regulation and self-regulation in the segment of the financial system governed by Law nr. 6385/76, as amended, i.e., aspects exclusively related to the national securities market. The purpose hereby proposed is to present and discuss, in a comprehensive manner, the legal aspects related to regulation and self-regulation in the Brazilian capital markets, from the comprehension of the concept of regulation and its related aspects, including its characteristics and limits, as well as the characteristics of the regulatory power in our capital markets, demonstrating that the exercise of regulatory function by the Executive Power is legally valid in the Brazilian juridical system. The topic of self-regulation was analyzed bearing in mind not only its general characteristics, but also its specific characteristics related to the Brazilian capital markets, including the legal rationale for the exercise of self-regulation power by private entities, the relationship between the Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) and mentioned entities, the analysis of the Stock Exchanges activities and the analysis of factual events related to self-regulation in the securities market of Brazil. Thus, the intention hereby was to demonstrate that the safer and more adequate alternative for the development of the Brazilian securities market is a greater balance between regulation and self-regulation, with the increase of the participation of self-regulation in our capital markets. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo trazer uma contribuição para o debate em torno da adequação do atual sistema de regulação do mercado de capitais brasileiro e apontar uma solução para sua melhora, de forma a aumentar o número e a qualidade das operações realizadas em referido mercado e torná-las mais seguras para os investidores. Nesse contexto, somente serão analisados os aspectos da regulação e da auto-regulação no segmento do sistema financeiro disciplinado pela Lei nº 6.385/76, conforme alterada, ou seja, aspectos relativos exclusivamente ao mercado de valores mobiliários nacional. A finalidade aqui proposta é apresentar e discutir, de forma abrangente, os aspectos jurídicos relacionados à regulação e à auto-regulação no mercado de capitais no Brasil, partindo da compreensão do conceito de regulação e dos aspectos a ele relacionados, incluindo suas características e limites, bem como as características do poder regulamentar em nosso mercado de capitais, demonstrando que o exercício de função normativa pelo Poder Executivo é juridicamente válido no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O tema da auto-regulação foi analisado tendo em vista não apenas suas características gerais, como também suas características específicas no mercado de capitais brasileiro, incluindo a fundamentação legal do exercício do poder de auto-regulação por entidades privadas, a relação entre a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e referidas entidades, a análise das atividades das Bolsas de Valores e a análise de casos concretos atuais pertinentes à auto-regulação no mercado de valores mobiliários no Brasil. Assim, pretendeu-se demonstrar que a alternativa mais segura e adequada ao desenvolvimento do mercado de valores mobiliários brasileiro é um maior equilíbrio entre a regulação e a auto-regulação, com o aumento da participação da auto-regulação em nosso mercado de capitais.

As transformações na reprodução fictícia do capital na agroindústria canavieira paulista: do Proálcool à crise de 2008 / The transformations on sugarcane agroindustry fictitious capital reproduction in São Paulo: from the Proálcool to 2008 crisis

Pitta, Fábio Teixeira 03 March 2016 (has links)
A tese por nós aqui apresentada teve por finalidade principal pesquisar a transformação na forma crítica de reprodução fictícia da agroindústria canavieira paulista, entre o Proálcool (1975 1990) e aquela forma de reprodução que começou a se constituir a partir da década de 1990, mas só se estabeleceu no início do século XXI. Para tanto, visitamos teóricos da reprodução e crise do capital que nos auxiliaram a compreender as formas de reprodução fictícia do capital em nível global atualmente, para depois podermos cotejar suas interpretações com a pesquisa por nós realizada acerca da forma atual de reprodução fictícia desta agroindústria canavieira a partir da inflação do preço do açúcar como ativo financeiro nos mercados de futuros internacionais (derivativos). Tal pesquisa nos permitiu abordarmos, também, os impactos da crise econômica do capital de 2007/2008 sobre tal agroindústria, a fim de relacionarmos tal crise com uma discussão sobre a própria crise imanente do capital. As consequências dessa transformação na reprodução fictícia acima mencionada também foram observadas no que diz respeito à terra, conforme características da produção, produtividade e área com cana-de-açúcar; e ao trabalho, por meio da discussão acerca do trabalho do boia-fria e da mecanização do corte de cana-de-açúcar. Podermos sugerir a crise da reprodução da sociabilidade capitalista por meio da historicização de suas categorias (capital, terra e trabalho) atualmente em crise, nos fundamentou para desdobrarmos a crítica da forma mercadoria de relação social e do trabalho como fundamento do capital como ponto de chegada da crítica negativa que pretendemos apresentar como basilar para o movimento do texto como um todo. / The thesis we present here had as its main purpose the research in the transformation of the critical form of sugarcane agroindustry fictitious reproduction, in São Paulo State, between the Proálcool (1975 1990) and the form that started to be constituted in the nineties but only was stablished in the beginning of the twenty first century. Therefore, which helped us to understand the actual forms of global fictitious reproduction of capitalism and then we compared these interpretations with a research about the present form of sugarcane agroindustry fictitious reproduction in the State of São Paulo, which is characterized by sugar price inflation as a financial asset negotiated in international future markets (as a derivative). That research allowed us to approach the impacts in such sugarcane agroindustry of capital economic crisis of 2007/2008 and to relate this crisis with a discussion about capital immanent crisis. The consequences of the mentioned transformation in the sugarcane agroindustry fictitious reproduction in the State of São Paulo also have been observed with regard to land by characterizing sugarcane production, productivity and area; and to labor, through the discussion of boia-fria conditions of labor and the mechanization of sugarcane harvesting. Our suggestion of capitalist social reproduction crisis because of the historical character of its categories (capital, land and labor), currently in crisis, allowed us to unfold the critique to commodity form of social relation and labor as the fundament of capital as the ultimate purpose of the negative critique we intended for the totality of this text.

Příčiny stávající hospodářské krize a její dopady na světovou ekonomiku / The causes of the current economic crisis and its impact on the world economy

Rýdl, Filip January 2010 (has links)
The work seeks to analyze the causes and impacts of the current financial crisis. It deals with the theoretical view and definition of financial crisis, along with a brief historical excursion. A significant part of the work is devoted to describe the financial crisis in the United States and in selected, economically important, countries. In the context of the causes of and solutions to the current crisis period are remembered views of different economic schools, which are very different. A significant part is devoted to the description of institutional architecture and function of the financial system. Important part is the description of the functioning of lending money (such interest and regulatory policy), because the author sees in it a long series of "unhealthy" factors, which helped the emergence of a financial crisis. The aim of this work is to give a komplete, non-ideological coloring, look at the biggest financial crisis in modern history.

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