Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FOLD"" "subject:"[enn] FOLD""
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[pt] Seja (Es)t o espaço de germes na origem de funções suaves
entre os
espaços euclidianos de dimensões e t. Nesta dissertação,
a parte da Teoria de Mather que descreve hipóteses
suficientes para k-determinação em (Es)t sob duas ações
diferentes, induzindo as chamadas R-
e K-equivalências. Um germe é k-determinado se é
equivalente a qualquer
perturbação que deixa invariante seu k-jato, os termos de
ordem até k de
sua expansão de Taylor na origem. A R-equivalência
consiste em compor
germes com germes de difeomorfismos µa direita. A K-
equivalência é mais
difícil de descrever. / [en] Let (Es)t be the space of smooth map-germs at the origin
between Euclidian
spaces of dimensions s and t. In this dissertation, we
present a section
of Mather theory describing su±cient conditions for k-
determinacy of
this map-germs under two different actions, inducing the
so called R- e
K- equivalences. A map-germ is k-determined if it is
equivalent to any
perturbation that leaves invariant its k-jet, i.e., the
terms up to order k of its
Taylor expansion at the origin. The R-equivalence consists
of compositions
with germs of diffeomorphisms to the right. The K-
equivalence is harder to
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BEGINNING MIDDLE ANDSamuelsson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
BEGINNING MIDDLE AND is a project that takes a textile approach to explore repeated pattern and the ongoing. This paper, being a part of this project, is describing and discussing the potentiality of using notions such as softness, folds and ongoingness to widen the views on what a craft practice can be and do. This raises questions about the relevancy of ideas such as finished and the one piece, in a craft context. Based on the properties of a resist dyeing technique, the paper puts the fold in relation to pattern and modularity. It wants to discuss what a fold is and how ideas of folding and unfolding could engage with process based artistic work. Constantly shifting between perspectives and looking for overlaps, the text then touches upon paradoxes and dilemmas found when unfolding the systems and the unruliness that together form the work. Looking at acts of unfinishing, it tries to understand the fascination and the fear that is triggered by incompleteness. The beginning is a wish to enhance the complexity of my craft practice, and to expand the understanding of it. But realizing the difficulties in doing so, the reasoning eventually ends up at the challenging task to break free from your own habits, trying to find a new beginning.
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Diagrama, dobra e parâmetro: assimilação de conceitos filosóficos e tecnologias digitais na arquitetura contemporânea / Diagram, fold and parameter: assimilation of philosophical concepts and digital technologies in contemporary architectureScheeren, Rodrigo 19 February 2016 (has links)
Através de uma percepção interdisciplinar, a pesquisa apresenta um quadro de contribuição para a teoria da arquitetura contemporânea que analisa relações entre conceitos, processos e representações. O trabalho investiga processos de projeto presentes na arquitetura contemporânea a partir da assimilação de três conceitos-chave: 1) diagrama, 2) dobra e 3) parâmetro; e as correspondentes traduções na arquitetura, através dos discursos e práticas de arquitetos. A pesquisa insere-se no âmbito da teoria e crítica do projeto de arquitetura e o recorte histórico está situado entre a década de 1970 até o momento, examinando as expressões projetuais e teorias de arquitetos como Peter Eisenman, Greg Lynn, Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid and partners), entre outros. O problema da pesquisa é identificar de que modo o caráter conceitual experimentado pelos processos de projeto no primeiro período do recorte diagrama -, passou a intermediar uma base teórica paralela ao avanço do uso digital dobra e se modificou, no terceiro período, para enfatizar discursivamente os processos e a manipulação formal permitida pelas técnicas e tecnologias digitais avançadas parâmetro. Os objetivos são compreender os elementos dessa transição, traçar paralelismos e diferenças entre os processos, compreendendo que a história desses entrelaçamentos não é linear e cumulativa, mas atravessada por recorrências e reapropriações. Os autores foram escolhidos devido a sua produção teórica e inserção no debate internacional para os temas escolhidos, por compartilharem a absorção de teorias advindas do pós-estruturalismo de base filosófica - principalmente de Gilles Deleuze -, além de estabelecerem uma atividade projetual de caráter experimental, que permitiu à pesquisa a análise de diversos estudos de caso. / Through an interdisciplinary perception, the research presents a contribution framework for the theory of contemporary architecture that examines some relations between concepts, processes and representations. The work investigates design processes present in contemporary architecture from the assimilation of three key concepts: 1) diagram 2) fold and 3) parameter; and corresponding translations in architecture through the discourses and practices of architects. The research falls within the sphere of the theory and criticism of architecture design and the historical period is set between the 1970s up to now, examining the projective expressions and theories of architects such as Peter Eisenman, Greg Lynn, Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid and partners), among others. The problem of research is to identify how the conceptual nature experienced by design processes in the first period of study - diagram - began to intermediate a parallel theoretical basis for the advancement of digital use - fold - and changed in a third period to emphasize discursively processes and formal manipulation allowed by the technical and advanced digital technologies - parameter. The objectives are understand the elements of this transition, draw parallels and differences between the processes, understanding that the history of these entanglements is not linear and cumulative, but crossed by recurrences and reappropriations. The authors were chosen due to their theoretical production and insertion in the international debate on the topics chosen, for sharing the assimilation of theories stemming from the philosophical basis of post-structuralism - especially from Gilles Deleuze - as well as established a design activity of experimental features, which allowed the analysis of several case studies.
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Geobiologia de microbialitos do Ediacarano da Faixa Paraguai e do sul do Cráton Amazônico (MS e MT): implicações paleoambientais, paleoecológicas e estratigráficas / not availableRomero, Guilherme Raffaeli 16 November 2015 (has links)
A Faixa Paraguai é uma faixa de dobramentos neoproterozoicos ao sul do Cráton Amazônico. No Brasil, está, localizada nos estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. Esta faixa tem sido alvo de constantes discussões sobre questões paleoambientais, paleoecológicas e evolutivas globais, uma vez que, em suas unidades ocorrem depósitos pós-glaciais marinoanos, as chamadas capas carbonáticas, típicas do inicio do Ediacarano, além de Cloudina lucianoi, fóssil índice do Ediacarano final, associado a outros metazoários. Nesta tese, foram estudados oito afloramentos: três pertencentes à Faixa Paraguai Sul- Formação Bocaina (FB) - Grupo Corumbá e cinco, à Faixa Paraguai Norte- Grupo Araras, sendo dois afloramentos na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste (FMO), base do grupo e três afloramentos na Formação Nobres (FN), última formação do Grupo Araras. No total foram analisadas 73 amostras representativas de estromatólitos e 37 lâminas petrográficas de estromatólitos e rocha encaixante. Em três afloramentos, definidos como capas carbonáticas, a análise e a comparação entre a associação de estruturas tubulares e estromatólitos indicou que estas estruturas sedimentares são um importante marcador estratigráfico dos depósitos de capas carbonáticas Marinoanas. No entanto, as estruturas previamente descritas como tubulares no afloramento de Porto Morrinhos (FB), são interpretados aqui como estromatólitos colunares sem associação com os eventos do início do Ediacarano. Com a caracterização das associações de estromatólitos e estruturas tubulares nos afloramentos de Morraria do Sul e Forte de Coimbra, foi proposto, neste trabalho, que estes afloramentos não fazem parte da Formação Bocaina, e sim cronocorrelatos à Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, no inicio do Ediacarano. O escape de fluidos foi considerado a explicação mais adequada para a origem das estruturas tubulares, corroborando alguns estudos originais. Neste sentido, é provável que o fluido tenha se originado do acúmulo de matéria orgânica nos estromatólitos. A comparação entre diferentes ocorrências de estruturas tubulares indicaram que estas possuem uma origem comum, porém, diferem em relação a sua história sedimentar. Em alguns ambientes, as estruturas tubulares eram espaços abertos na interface água-sedimento, enquanto que em outros eram espaços sem esse tipo de contato. A textura dos microbialitos de capas carbonáticas é composta por peloides amalgamados em grumos arredondados interpretados como restos micritizados de colônias cocooidais de cianobactérias. A alternância laminar observada na Pedreira Terconi pode ser relacionada a mudanças sazonais das comunidades dominantes. Os laminitos microbianos de capa carbonática formaram-se em plataformas bem iluminadas, calmas, abaixo do nível de ondas de tempestade, sem contribuição de siliciclásticos, concordante com o ambiente transgressivo proposto para o pós-glacial. A Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, base do Grupo Araras, apresenta aproximadamente 10 metros de laminitos microbianos seguidos de camadas de megamarcas onduladas com lentes de megapelóides gerados pela ação de ondas de \"hypercanes\" que ocorreram durante a deposição das capas carbonáticasMarinoanas. Estes furações e a ação de ondas foram o motivo para o fim da deposição microbiana na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste. Na Formação Nobres, última formação do Grupo Araras, foram identificados 15 níveis de estromatólitos, silicificados. A silicificação ocorreu durante a diagênese, obliterando em muitos níveis a laminação estromatolítica. Os estromatólitos da Formação Nobres foram divididos em quatro associações de morfotipos. A distribuição, desenvolvimento e abundância dos morfotipos foi regida por fatores sedimentológicos, devido a variações do nível do mar. O fim dos estromatóltios da Formação Nobres é concomitante com o fim da sedimentação carbonática do Grupo Araras. A evolução dos estromatólitos do Grupo Araras revelou uma variação nas formas e participação dos estromatólitos na composição litofaciológica desta plataforma carbonática. Na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, os estromatólitos são abundantes e considerados um dos principais componentes arquiteturais da plataforma carbonática, enquanto na Formação Nobres, apesar da alta frequência e variação de morfotipos dos estromatólitos, a contribuição na composição litofaciológica da plataforma carbonática é mínima. As variações de formas e abundância dos estromatólitos ao longo do Grupo Araras sugerem mudanças em relação importância dos microbialitos na composição das unidades estratigráficas, bem como a alteração nas condições de sedimentação do sistema deposicional -variação do nível do mar e influxo de siliciclásticos- do Grupo Araras. / The Paraguay Belt is a Neoproterozoic fold belt at the south of the Amazon Craton. In Brazil, the Paraguay belt is located in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, central Brazil. The Paraguay Belt has been the subject of constant discussion of paleoenvironmental, paleoecological and evolutionary questions, since, in their units occur the Marinoan post-glacial deposits, the so called \"cap carbonates\", typical of the beginning of the Ediacaran, and Cloudina lucianoi, index fossil of the late Ediacaran, associated with other metazoans. In this thesis, eight outcrops were studied: three belonging to the Southern Paraguay Belt -Bocaina Formation (FB)-Corumbá Group and five outcrops belonging to the Northern Paraguay Belt- Araras Group, two outcrops in Mirassol D\'Oeste Formaton (FMO), the group\'s base and three outcrops in the Nobres Formation (FN), the last unit of the Araras Group. In total 73 representative samples of stromatolites and 37 thin sections of stromatolites and host rock were analyzed. In three outcrops, defined as cap carbonates, analysis and comparison of the tubestone structures and microbial laminites association indicated that these sedimentary structures are an important stratigraphic marker for the deposits of Marinoan cap carbonates. However, the tubular structures previously assigned as tubestone structures in Porto Morrinhos outcrop (FB) are interpreted here as columnar stromatolites unassociated with the events of the early Ediacaran.With the characterization of the tubestone-stromatolite association in the outcrops of Morraria do Sul and Forte de Coimbra, it was proposed in this study that these outcrops are not part of Bocaina Formation but are cronocorrelated to MirassolD\'Oeste Formation, at the beggining of the Ediacaran. The fluid escape was considered the most suitable explanation for the origin of tubestone structures, corroborating some original studies. Therefore, it is likely that the fluids had originated from the accumulation of organic matter in the stromatolites within the cap carbonates. The comparison between different occurrences of tubular structures indicated that they have a common origin, however, differ in their sedimentary history. In some environments, the tubular structures were open spaces in the water-sediment interface, while others were in areas the structures were without such contact. The texture of cap carbonate microbialites comprises peloids amalgamated into rounded microclots interpreted as micritization remains of cocooidal colonies of cyanobacteria. The laminar alternation observed in the quarry Terconi (Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation) may be related to seasonal changes of the dominant communities. The microbial laminites of the Marinoan cap carbonates formed in well-lit platforms, calm, below the level of storm waves, without contribution of siliciclastic, concordant with the transgressive environment proposed for the post-glacial. At the Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation, base of the Araras Group, approximately 10 meters of microbial laminites where described, covered by a packstone deposit of megaripple marks with megapeloid lenses generated by the action of wave \"hypercanes\" that occurred during the deposition of the Marinoan Cap Carbonates. These hypercanes and the wave action were the reason for the waning of microbial deposition in Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation. In the Nobres Formation, at the upper part of the Araras Group, 15 levels of silicified stromatolites were identified. The silicification occurred during late diagenesis, obliterating many portions of stromatolitic lamination. Stromatolites of Nobres Formation were divided into four morphotypes associations. The distribution, development and abundance of morphotypes was governed by sedimentological factors, due to sea level variations. The end of stromatolites in the Nobres Formation is concomitant with the end of carbonate sedimentation of the Araras Group. In Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation, stromatolites are plentiful and considered one of the major architectural components of the carbonate platform, while the Nobres Formation, despite the high frequency and morphotypes variation of stromatolites, the contribution in the litofaciological composition of carbonate platform is minimal. The variations of forms and the abundance of stromatolites along the Araras Group suggest changes regarding importance of microbialites in the composition of stratigraphic units as well as the change in the depositional system - variation in sedimentation conditions of the sea level and the influx of terrigenous in the Araras Group.
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Autorská kniha na téma voda / Author's book on the theme of waterHromířová, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with an author's book. The thesis describes sorts of artistically made books and a development of the author's book. It has also the intention to present several Czech and foreign authors whose creation is related to the author's book. The author researches, which artists work with a topic of water and nature in their author's books. She is concerned with various types of visual expression of water in wide area of fine art in 20th and 21st century. The author also dealt with the topic of water in her own author's book called Otava. Illustrations show specific features of this river and also the general features of water. Apart from that, the author points out the life of people and animals around the river. A didactic project is made up of tasks, which should lead pupils to look at water in an artistic, social and environmental context.
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Prise en compte de l'histoire géologique des structures dans la création de modèles numériques 3D compatibles / Taking into account the evolution of geological structures in the creation of compatible 3D numerical modelsLaurent, Gautier 02 April 2013 (has links)
La modélisation des structures géologiques est une étape cruciale de la construction de géomodèles. Elles conditionnent la répartition spatiale des propriétés du sous-sol et la connexion des différents volumes rocheux qui le constituent. Cependant, les données disponibles s'avèrent incomplètes et incertaines. A cela s'ajoute une incertitude sur les phénomènes géologiques ayant conduit à la formation des structures modélisées. De multiples interprétations sont donc généralement possibles. Les méthodes classiques de modélisation des structures reposent principalement sur une approche géométrique, statique et déterministe. En d'autres termes, l'approche consiste à déterminer la meilleure représentation possible des structures en se fondant sur des critères qui portent principalement sur la géométrie actuelle des structures, comme la minimisation de leur courbure, et sur leur compatibilité avec les données dans leur état actuel. L'histoire tectonique des structures n'est prise en compte que de manière indirecte par le modélisateur et la compatibilité cinématique et mécanique du modèle structural reste complexe à évaluer. Cette thèse explore différentes méthodes de modélisations permettant de mieux prendre en compte l'histoire tectonique des structures. Trois approches complémentaires sont développées. La première propose un opérateur cinématique représentant les déplacements associés aux failles. Il tire son originalité du système de coordonnées curvilinéaires utilisé pour décrire l'espace de la faille et de l'intégration progressive des déplacements permettant de contrôler leur évolution. La seconde approche propose un outil de déformation pseudo-mécanique permettant l'édition interactive des modèles structuraux et la simulation approchée de l'histoire tectonique qui leur est associée. Il repose sur un algorithme de déformation original, basé sur des éléments rigides, issu du domaine de l'infographie. Enfin, une troisième approche permet de répercuter l'historique de déformation sur le système de coordonnées utilisé pour la simulation des propriétés du sous-sol. Nous montrons comment ce système peut être construit grâce à la restauration des structures. Cette approche permet de modéliser les propriétés du sous-sol en s'appuyant sur des paléodistances compatibles avec l'ensemble des hypothèses structurales, cinématiques et mécaniques établies lors de la construction de l'histoire tectonique du géomodèle. Ces différentes approches ouvrent des portes prometteuses dans la prise en compte des aspects historiques, cinématiques et mécanique dans la modélisation des structures et des propriétés du sous-sol. Elles s'attachent à accroître la compatibilité des géomodèles et à simplifier la paramétrisation des déformations géologiques afin de faciliter la résolution de problèmes structuraux par des approches inverses / The main approaches to the modelling of geological structures are mainly geometrical, static and deterministic. In other terms, their geometry and connections are determined by applying criteria based on the compatibility with available data in their current state. The evolution of the geological structures is only integrated indirectly by the modeller and the kinematical and mechanical compatibility of the produced models remain difficult to assess. This thesis explores different methods which aim at better including the evolution of geological structures in the modelling process. Three complementary approaches are developed. First, a kinematical fault operator based on a 3D curvilinear fault frame is presented. It aims at progressively deforming the structures surrounding faults. The second approach is based on a pseudo-mechanical deformation tool inspired form computer graphics, based on rigid elements. It is used to interactively editing the structures and approximately simulate their deformation history. The last proposal is to compute the paleo-geographical coordinates from the restoration of geological structures. This way, the heterogeneities are characterised based on paleo-geographic distances which are compatible with the structural, kinematical and mechanical hypotheses specified when building the geological model. These different contributions open numerous perspectives to better take into account the evolution of the geological structures when modelling the subsurface and its heterogeneities. They help us to increase the compatibility of geomodels and simplify the parameterization of geological deformation to facilitate the characterisation of geological structures by inverse approaches
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Geobiologia de microbialitos do Ediacarano da Faixa Paraguai e do sul do Cráton Amazônico (MS e MT): implicações paleoambientais, paleoecológicas e estratigráficas / not availableGuilherme Raffaeli Romero 16 November 2015 (has links)
A Faixa Paraguai é uma faixa de dobramentos neoproterozoicos ao sul do Cráton Amazônico. No Brasil, está, localizada nos estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. Esta faixa tem sido alvo de constantes discussões sobre questões paleoambientais, paleoecológicas e evolutivas globais, uma vez que, em suas unidades ocorrem depósitos pós-glaciais marinoanos, as chamadas capas carbonáticas, típicas do inicio do Ediacarano, além de Cloudina lucianoi, fóssil índice do Ediacarano final, associado a outros metazoários. Nesta tese, foram estudados oito afloramentos: três pertencentes à Faixa Paraguai Sul- Formação Bocaina (FB) - Grupo Corumbá e cinco, à Faixa Paraguai Norte- Grupo Araras, sendo dois afloramentos na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste (FMO), base do grupo e três afloramentos na Formação Nobres (FN), última formação do Grupo Araras. No total foram analisadas 73 amostras representativas de estromatólitos e 37 lâminas petrográficas de estromatólitos e rocha encaixante. Em três afloramentos, definidos como capas carbonáticas, a análise e a comparação entre a associação de estruturas tubulares e estromatólitos indicou que estas estruturas sedimentares são um importante marcador estratigráfico dos depósitos de capas carbonáticas Marinoanas. No entanto, as estruturas previamente descritas como tubulares no afloramento de Porto Morrinhos (FB), são interpretados aqui como estromatólitos colunares sem associação com os eventos do início do Ediacarano. Com a caracterização das associações de estromatólitos e estruturas tubulares nos afloramentos de Morraria do Sul e Forte de Coimbra, foi proposto, neste trabalho, que estes afloramentos não fazem parte da Formação Bocaina, e sim cronocorrelatos à Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, no inicio do Ediacarano. O escape de fluidos foi considerado a explicação mais adequada para a origem das estruturas tubulares, corroborando alguns estudos originais. Neste sentido, é provável que o fluido tenha se originado do acúmulo de matéria orgânica nos estromatólitos. A comparação entre diferentes ocorrências de estruturas tubulares indicaram que estas possuem uma origem comum, porém, diferem em relação a sua história sedimentar. Em alguns ambientes, as estruturas tubulares eram espaços abertos na interface água-sedimento, enquanto que em outros eram espaços sem esse tipo de contato. A textura dos microbialitos de capas carbonáticas é composta por peloides amalgamados em grumos arredondados interpretados como restos micritizados de colônias cocooidais de cianobactérias. A alternância laminar observada na Pedreira Terconi pode ser relacionada a mudanças sazonais das comunidades dominantes. Os laminitos microbianos de capa carbonática formaram-se em plataformas bem iluminadas, calmas, abaixo do nível de ondas de tempestade, sem contribuição de siliciclásticos, concordante com o ambiente transgressivo proposto para o pós-glacial. A Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, base do Grupo Araras, apresenta aproximadamente 10 metros de laminitos microbianos seguidos de camadas de megamarcas onduladas com lentes de megapelóides gerados pela ação de ondas de \"hypercanes\" que ocorreram durante a deposição das capas carbonáticasMarinoanas. Estes furações e a ação de ondas foram o motivo para o fim da deposição microbiana na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste. Na Formação Nobres, última formação do Grupo Araras, foram identificados 15 níveis de estromatólitos, silicificados. A silicificação ocorreu durante a diagênese, obliterando em muitos níveis a laminação estromatolítica. Os estromatólitos da Formação Nobres foram divididos em quatro associações de morfotipos. A distribuição, desenvolvimento e abundância dos morfotipos foi regida por fatores sedimentológicos, devido a variações do nível do mar. O fim dos estromatóltios da Formação Nobres é concomitante com o fim da sedimentação carbonática do Grupo Araras. A evolução dos estromatólitos do Grupo Araras revelou uma variação nas formas e participação dos estromatólitos na composição litofaciológica desta plataforma carbonática. Na Formação Mirassol D\'Oeste, os estromatólitos são abundantes e considerados um dos principais componentes arquiteturais da plataforma carbonática, enquanto na Formação Nobres, apesar da alta frequência e variação de morfotipos dos estromatólitos, a contribuição na composição litofaciológica da plataforma carbonática é mínima. As variações de formas e abundância dos estromatólitos ao longo do Grupo Araras sugerem mudanças em relação importância dos microbialitos na composição das unidades estratigráficas, bem como a alteração nas condições de sedimentação do sistema deposicional -variação do nível do mar e influxo de siliciclásticos- do Grupo Araras. / The Paraguay Belt is a Neoproterozoic fold belt at the south of the Amazon Craton. In Brazil, the Paraguay belt is located in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, central Brazil. The Paraguay Belt has been the subject of constant discussion of paleoenvironmental, paleoecological and evolutionary questions, since, in their units occur the Marinoan post-glacial deposits, the so called \"cap carbonates\", typical of the beginning of the Ediacaran, and Cloudina lucianoi, index fossil of the late Ediacaran, associated with other metazoans. In this thesis, eight outcrops were studied: three belonging to the Southern Paraguay Belt -Bocaina Formation (FB)-Corumbá Group and five outcrops belonging to the Northern Paraguay Belt- Araras Group, two outcrops in Mirassol D\'Oeste Formaton (FMO), the group\'s base and three outcrops in the Nobres Formation (FN), the last unit of the Araras Group. In total 73 representative samples of stromatolites and 37 thin sections of stromatolites and host rock were analyzed. In three outcrops, defined as cap carbonates, analysis and comparison of the tubestone structures and microbial laminites association indicated that these sedimentary structures are an important stratigraphic marker for the deposits of Marinoan cap carbonates. However, the tubular structures previously assigned as tubestone structures in Porto Morrinhos outcrop (FB) are interpreted here as columnar stromatolites unassociated with the events of the early Ediacaran.With the characterization of the tubestone-stromatolite association in the outcrops of Morraria do Sul and Forte de Coimbra, it was proposed in this study that these outcrops are not part of Bocaina Formation but are cronocorrelated to MirassolD\'Oeste Formation, at the beggining of the Ediacaran. The fluid escape was considered the most suitable explanation for the origin of tubestone structures, corroborating some original studies. Therefore, it is likely that the fluids had originated from the accumulation of organic matter in the stromatolites within the cap carbonates. The comparison between different occurrences of tubular structures indicated that they have a common origin, however, differ in their sedimentary history. In some environments, the tubular structures were open spaces in the water-sediment interface, while others were in areas the structures were without such contact. The texture of cap carbonate microbialites comprises peloids amalgamated into rounded microclots interpreted as micritization remains of cocooidal colonies of cyanobacteria. The laminar alternation observed in the quarry Terconi (Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation) may be related to seasonal changes of the dominant communities. The microbial laminites of the Marinoan cap carbonates formed in well-lit platforms, calm, below the level of storm waves, without contribution of siliciclastic, concordant with the transgressive environment proposed for the post-glacial. At the Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation, base of the Araras Group, approximately 10 meters of microbial laminites where described, covered by a packstone deposit of megaripple marks with megapeloid lenses generated by the action of wave \"hypercanes\" that occurred during the deposition of the Marinoan Cap Carbonates. These hypercanes and the wave action were the reason for the waning of microbial deposition in Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation. In the Nobres Formation, at the upper part of the Araras Group, 15 levels of silicified stromatolites were identified. The silicification occurred during late diagenesis, obliterating many portions of stromatolitic lamination. Stromatolites of Nobres Formation were divided into four morphotypes associations. The distribution, development and abundance of morphotypes was governed by sedimentological factors, due to sea level variations. The end of stromatolites in the Nobres Formation is concomitant with the end of carbonate sedimentation of the Araras Group. In Mirassol D\'Oeste Formation, stromatolites are plentiful and considered one of the major architectural components of the carbonate platform, while the Nobres Formation, despite the high frequency and morphotypes variation of stromatolites, the contribution in the litofaciological composition of carbonate platform is minimal. The variations of forms and the abundance of stromatolites along the Araras Group suggest changes regarding importance of microbialites in the composition of stratigraphic units as well as the change in the depositional system - variation in sedimentation conditions of the sea level and the influx of terrigenous in the Araras Group.
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[pt] Reunir Amilcar de Castro e João Cabral de Melo Neto, que,
contemporâneos e compartilhantes de gostos artísticos,
jamais se conheceram, é
corrigir um projeto que a História se esqueceu de terminar.
Entre os aspectos que
aproximam João Cabral de Amilcar de Castro está o
privilégio da visualidade em
sua poesia, que toma as palavras por sua materialidade de
tinta sobre papel.
Amilcar, por sua vez, também explora a metalinguagem da
escultura, fazendo
saltar à percepção aspectos como o peso e a conquista da
terceira dimensão. O
método comparativo, que é a própria técnica das símiles
cabralinas, nos serve
ainda para confrontar o projeto construtivo presente em
ambos, mas que em
Amilcar toma as peculiaridades da ruptura neoconcreta.
Finalmente, a abordagem
fenomenológica nos leva a descobrir na dobra - literal em
Amilcar e sob a
forma de um desmonte interno da palavra em Cabral - a
fundamental para o projeto compartilhado de desnaturar a
percepção humana.
Promover tal encontro, entre esse escultor e esse poeta, é,
deixadas de lado as
notórias diferenças, sobretudo asseverar as semelhanças que
o minucioso Cabral,
crítico do museu de tudo e todos, descuidou-se em realizar. / [en] Bringing together Amilcar de Castro and João Cabral de Melo
Neto, who never
met, although contemporaries and who shared tastes in art,
is to correct a project
that History forgot to finish. One of the aspects that
bring João Cabral closer to
Amilcar de Castro is the privilege of the visual in his
poetry, which takes the
words because of their materiality of pen on paper.
Amilcar, in turn, explores the
metalanguage of sculpture, bringing to the fore aspects
such as weight and
achievement of the third dimension. The comparative method,
which is the very
technique of Cabralian similes, helps us to match the
constructive project present
in both, but which in Amilcar adopts the peculiarities of
neo-concrete rupture.
Finally, the phenomenological approach leads us to discover
in the fold - literal
in Amilcar and in the form of an inner dismantling of the
word` in Cabral - the
fundamental contribution for the shared project of
perverting human perception.
To promote such a meeting between this sculptor and this
poet is, first and
foremost, and ignoring the notorious differences, to assert
the similarities that the
hairsplitting Cabral, critic of the museum of everything
and everyone, failed to
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Energy landscapes for protein foldingJoseph, Jerelle Aurelia January 2018 (has links)
Proteins are involved in numerous functions in the human body, including chemical transport, molecular recognition, and catalysis. To perform their function most proteins must adopt a specific structure (often referred to as the folded structure). A microscopic description of folding is an important prerequisite for elucidating the underlying basis of protein misfolding and rational drug design. However, protein folding occurs on heterogeneous length and time scales, presenting a grand challenge to both experiments and simulations. In computer simulations, challenges are generally mitigated by adopting coarse-grained descriptions of the physical environment, employing enhanced sampling strategies, and improving computing code and hardware. While significant advances have been made in these areas, for numerous systems a large spatiotemporal gap between experiment and simulations still exists, due to the limited time and length scales achieved by simulation, and the inability of many experimental techniques to probe fast motions and short distances. In this thesis, kinetic transition networks (KTNs) are constructed for various protein folding systems, via approaches based on the potential energy landscape (PEL) framework. By applying geometry optimisation techniques, the PEL is discretised into stationary points (i.e.~low-energy minima and the transition states that connect them). Essentially, minima characterise the low-lying regions of the PEL (thermodynamics) and transition states encode the motion between these regions (dynamics). Principles from statistical mechanics and unimolecular rate theory may then be employed to derive free energy surfaces and folding rates, respectively, from the KTN. Furthermore, the PEL framework can take advantage of parallel and distributed computing, since stationary points from separate simulations can be easily integrated into one KTN. Moreover, the use of geometry optimisation facilitates greater conformational sampling than conventional techniques based on molecular dynamics. Accordingly, this framework presents an appealing means of probing complex processes, such as protein folding. In this dissertation, we demonstrate the application of state-of-the-art theory, combining PEL analysis and KTNs to three diverse protein systems. First, to improve the efficiency of protein folding simulations, the intrinsic rigidity of proteins is exploited by implementing a local rigid body (LRB) approach. The LRB approach effectively integrates out irrelevant degrees of freedom from the geometry optimisation procedure and further accelerates conformational sampling. The effects of this approach on the underlying PEL are analysed in a systematic fashion for a model protein (tryptophan zipper\,1). We demonstrate that conservative local rigidification can reproduce the thermodynamic and dynamic properties for the model protein. Next, the PEL framework is employed to model large-scale conformational changes in proteins, which have conventionally been difficult to probe in silico. Methods based on geometry optimisation have proved useful in overcoming the broken ergodicity issue, which is associated with proteins that switch morphology. The latest PEL-based approaches are utilised to investigate the most extreme case of fold-switching found in the literature:~the α-helical hairpin to β-barrel transition of the C-terminal domain of RfaH, a bacterial transcription factor. PEL techniques are employed to construct the free energy landscape (FEL) for the refolding process and to discover mechanistic details of the transition at an atomistic level. The final part of the thesis focuses on modelling intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). Due to their inherent structural plasticity, IDPs are generally difficult to characterise, both experimentally and via simulations. An approach for studying IDPs within the PEL framework is implemented and tested with various contemporary potential energy functions. The cytoplasmic tail of the human cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4), implicated in HIV-1 infection, is characterised. Metastable states identified on the FEL help to unify, and are consistent with, several earlier predictions.
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Effects of Biofeedback on Vocal Behavior on a Child with a Unilateral Vocal Fold LesionLucht, Anna, Boggs, Emily, Garland, Emily, McClain, Brittany, Nanjundeswaran (Guntupalli), Chaya D. 07 April 2016 (has links)
At any given time, 3-9% of the general population experiences a voice problem. The incidence of voice disorders in children can vary anywhere between 6 and 23%, yet, only 2-4% of the population are seen by speech-language pathologists for further assessment and treatment. Voice disorders have negative effects on the social, emotional, and physical functioning of the child. Unfortunately, there is little known about the appropriate management of children with voice disorders. Depending on the nature of the voice disorder, different approaches, including behavioral voice therapy, vocal hygiene management, or medical intervention, are available. However, a concern with behavioral voice therapy is the ability of the child to transfer skills learned in clinic to an outside setting - limiting generalization and adaptation of the new behavioral approach. Biofeedback has been successfully used in adults with voice disorders to help generalize new vocal behaviors. Such data is lacking in the treatment of voice problems in the pediatric population. The current case study aimed to understand the use of biofeedback in an eight-year-old male who was diagnosed with a unilateral vocal fold lesion, who exhibited difficulty maintaining and generalizing his new vocal behaviors. It was hypothesized that the child would benefit from biofeedback and would maintain new vocal behaviors including the use of a safe and efficient voice pattern outside the clinic setting. Longitudinal data on vocal parameters including the pitch, loudness, and vocal fold vibration were obtained over a period of five weeks using an ambulation phonation monitor (APM). The APM uses an accelerometer attached to the sternal notch and measures pitch, loudness, and vocal fold vibration, which helps determine an individual’s daily voice use pattern and thereby determines the appropriate biofeedback setting. The five week period included (a) a week of pretesting, (b) two weeks of biofeedback, (c) a week of post-testing immediately following the week of biofeedback, and (d) a generalization testing two months post-study. During the five-week period, vocal parameters were monitored for an average of 7- 10 hours for 2-3 days each week. On weeks two and three, the child was provided with biofeedback on loudness levels based on his data from the pretesting week. Results indicated change in vocal parameters including loudness and vocal fold vibration patterns during the weeks of biofeedback. However, such generalization was not observed neither during immediate post feedback monitoring nor two months following the study protocol. Such data provide immediate effects from biofeedback on vocal behavior, however, motor learning principles, dose, and frequency of biofeedback will be discussed to further understand the long-term effects of biofeedback in children with voice problems.
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