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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur långt kan man gå? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på elevinflytandes omfattning och förutsättningar

Carlund, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Student influence is a well debated subject and all Swedish teachers should let the students influence their education. According to research the student influence is generally low and something that varies from school to school. The school policy documents do not clarify how much impact the students get to have on their education and the impact is therefore something that every individual teacher decides. These individual differences are the reason of this study. This is a qualitative study about four teachers work and thoughts focusing on the subject of school democracy and student influence in the school environment. The study is based on qualitative interviews in order to highlight four different teacher’s thoughts. Previous scientific studies show that students do not utilize their right of impact that the school policy documents give them. According to the school policy documents all Swedish schools are obligated to teach about democracy, not only convey democratic values but also how to practice and use it. These facts made me want to look in to how teachers think about the responsibility they have to let the students influence their education. What conditions do they think have to exist in order to have student democracy? The conclusions of this study are that the meaning of the concept student influence varies between the four interviewed teachers and the teacher’s point of view does affect the extent of the student influence. The gain of student impact, that all teachers mention, is motivated students. The teachers all think that having an open dialogue with the students is of importance, as well as letting the students take responsibility for their actions. The teachers also talk about the importance of having a culture in the classroom that allows everyone to make mistakes without having to be ashamed of them. Some of the teachers thought that the way for students to make an impact on their education rather happens through the student councils than through having a say in their everyday life in school.

Ugdymo turinio įtaka dėmesio savybėms septintais vaiko gyvenimo metais / Influence of educational content on child’s atention quality during the seventh year of life

Keruckė, Asta 28 August 2008 (has links)
Psichologai turi daug skirtingų atsakymų į tai, kuris psichikos procesas yra svarbiausias vystantis vaikui jaunesniame mokykliniame amžiuje. E.Rybalko (1990) teigia, jog psichologijoje šiam periodui skiriamas didelis dėmesys, nes šis laikotarpis yra kokybiškai naujas laikas žmogaus psichologiniame subrendime. Nėra atlikta daug tyrimų, nagrinėjančių veiksnius, galinčius turėti įtakos dėmesio vystymuisi. Darbo teorinėje dalyje siekiama atskleisti dėmesio sampratos problemą psichologijoje, kaip kito padėtis metų bėgyje ir kokia yra dabartinė situacija. Išskiriamos dėmesio savybės, nagrinėjama žaidimo, kaip pagrindinės veiklos reikšmė vaiko psichikos vystymuisi ikimokykliniame amžiuje. 2008 metų kovo – balandžio mėnesiais Kauno mieste buvo atliktas tyrimas, kuriuo buvo bandoma išsiaiškinti, nuo ko priklauso dėmesio ypatumai septintais vaiko gyvenimo metais. Šiame tyrime panaudota specialiai šiam tikslui sukurta (Tambiev A., 2003) ir pritaikyta kompiuterinė programa. Kompiuterinės programos paketą „ZOO“ sudaro trys testai, skirti matuoti dėmesio intensyvumą, patvarumą bei perkėlimą. Tyrime dalyvavo 123 tiriamieji, lankantys Kauno ikimokyklines ugdymo įstaigas. Šiame tyrime dėmesio savybių priklausomybė nebuvo lyginama priklausomai nuo amžiaus, nes tyrime dalyvavusieji visose ugdymo įstaigose lankė priešmokyklines grupes. Kalbant apie skirtingo ugdymo turinio ir dėmesio savybių (intensyvumo, patvarumo ir perkėlimo) ryšį, statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų nors ir nebuvo gauta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Psychologists provide various answers to the question which psychic process is the most important for child’s educational process in elementary school age. E. Rybalko (1990) claims that psychology pays a great attention to this period, as this spell of time is qualitatively new time in human’s psychological maturation. There are very few researches scrutinizing the factors influencing the development of concentration. The theoretical part of the paper aims to disclose the concept of concentration in psychology, to show the change of the subject matter and to elucidate the present situation. There were discriminated characteristics of attention and analyzed game playing as the main meaning of activity in child’s psychic development during elementary school age. The research carried out in March – April 2008 aimed to find out on what factors attention peculiarities of a child depend during his seventh year of life. A special methodology developed by Tambiev (Tambiev A., 2003) and the software specially adapted were used in this research. The software package ‘Zoo’ consists of three tests to measure the intensity of attention, endurance and transference. 123 respondents participating Kaunas pre-elementary educational institutions took part in the research. The dependence of attention qualities were not compared subject to the age in this research because all respondents participated pre-elementary school in all polled educational institutions. Talking about the link between... [to full text]

Mokyklos įtaka kaimo bendruomenei / School‘s Influence on the Community

Senkova, Vytautė 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotos kaimo mokyklos ir vietos bendruomenės bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo formos, išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairūs vietos bendruomenės poreikiai bei jų svarba. Atlikta vietos bendruomenės apklausos analizė. Išsamiai analizuojama mokyklos įtaka vietos bendruomenei, mokyklos vykdoma veikla, problemos. Patvirtinama tyrimo hipotezė, kad mokykla institucija, kurioje susitinka ir suartėja įvairūs visuomenės sluoksniai, mokyklos efektyvus ryšių palaikymas su vietos bendruomene yra vienas iš sėkmingos įtakos elementų, formuojantis palankų požiūrį į kaimo švietimo organizaciją, kaip bendruomenės švietimo, ugdymo bei traukos centrą, susijusį partnerystės ryšiais su vietos bendruomenėmis: šeima, visuomeninėmis organizacijomis, verslo organizacijomis, vyriausybinėmis institucijomis, bažnyčia, pirminės sveikatos ir priežiūros įstaigomis, socialinio aprūpinimo tarnybomis. / These Master Thesis is focused on the forms of interaction and cooperation between rural schools and local community, on the problems that emerge between newly established local schools and community as well as on the influence schools impose on the community. It analyses in detail the impact of rural school’s activities on local community. Comprehensive interviewing of local and school communities have been carried out with the aim to find out about the influence of schools on local community. The survey supports the hypothesis that a school’s contribution and influence as well as effective maintenance of relations with the local community is one of the basic elements conditioning positive attitude towards rural educational institution as the community centre able of satisfying its educational and training needs and maintaining close partnership with local communities: family, public and business enterprises, local authorities, church, primary health and care institutions, and social welfare services.

Original fracture : Plato in the philosophies of Paul Natorp and Martin Heidegger

Kim, Alan, 1968- January 2001 (has links)
The dissertation treats of Paul Natorp's and Martin Heidegger's interpretations of Plato. My goal is twofold: sympathetically to expound each of these interpretations in its own right, and to contrast them against each other as emblematic of the conflict between neo-Kantianism (Natorp) and Phenomenology (Heidegger). The philosophical controversy centers on the relation of thinking and being, a controversy which in this specific context may ultimately be traced back to Kant. Natorp and Heidegger both, for different reasons, return to the Platonic "theory of forms" in order to ground their respective conceptions of thinking and being. Accordingly, I discuss in Chapter One the role of the Platonic forms in Kant's own philosophy. In Chapter Two, I examine the central doctrine of neo-Kantianism and its roots in post-Kantian German philosophy. In Chapter Three, I show how this doctrine is embodied in Natorp's analysis of several of Plato's dialogues. In Chapter Four, I lay out the principal points of Phenomenology's dispute with neo-Kantianism, as well as Heidegger's understanding of that dispute. Finally, in Chapter Five, I show how Heidegger's fundamental ontology is expressed in his interpretations of several key passages of Plato.

Demokratiuppdrag i förskolan

Ribaeus, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore the democratic mission of the preschool as expressed in the preschool teachers’ talk and practical work and also through the children’s actions. The goal was to acquire new knowledge about how the democratic mission is carried out in preschool practice and what democratic subjects are supported and developed by the preschool teachers. Field studies were carried out between 2008 and 2010, with a concentration in spring 2009. The study included 5 preschool teachers and 20 children aged 3-6. Observations were made during the teachers’ planning meetings, when they worked with the children and when the children were playing or acting on their own. Two focus group interviews with the preschool teachers were also carried out, and local documents, for example work plans and evaluations, were analyzed. The results indicate that there has been a shift in view from group orientation in the preschool to greater focus on the individual child. In the analysis of the democratic subjects it was clear that much of what happens in the preschool is focused on individual children rather than the children as a group. In summary, preschool teachers speak of the democratic mandate as important but difficult to implement in their daily work. Children’s influence and participation are set up as goals in the work plan, but the preschool teachers do not feel they come to fruition in the pedagogical practice. Still, they define and condition children’s influence and they do work at the task, seemingly unconsciously, in practice. For their part, the children often seize opportunities when they arise but they also create their own. They take initiative and present ideas about what they want to do in preschool. It even turned out they had influence far beyond the preschool walls. / Förskolans demokratiuppdrag beskrivs som centralt och viktigt men hur omsätts det i praktiken? Hur ser förskollärarna på det de förväntas göra, hur arbetar de med detta i förskolans vardag och hur går det att förstå ur ett barnperspektiv? Observationer har genomförts på en förskoleavdelning med barn i åldern 3-5 år. Förskollärarna har intervjuats och förskolans olika dokument har analyserats. Syftet var att undersöka förskolans demokratiuppdrag så som det kommer till uttryck genom förskollärares tal och handlingar och genom barns agerande i förskolans verksamhet. Resultaten visar att förskollärarna framförallt förstår demokratiuppdrag i förskolan som en fråga om barns möjligheter till inflytande- ett villkorat inflytande. Barnen tar, inom ramen för de villkor som ställs upp, vara på de möjligheter till inflytande som ges. Bland annat genom att ta egna initiativ, göra motstånd under planerade aktiviteter och utmana de regler som finns på förskolan. Analysen visar också att förskollärarna har en komplex syn på det demokratiska subjekt som eftersträvas. Det ses som individualistiskt ur vissa aspekter, barnen ska kunna stå för sina egna åsikter, det ses som socialt, barnen ska lära sig att lyssna på andra, och det ses också som politiskt, barnen ska kunna vara med och påverka verksamheten genom att själva handla. Som ett didaktiskt bidrag presenteras en ny analysmodell; Institutionella demokratihändelser.

Ut pictura poesis: Keats, anamorphosis, and Taoism

Li, Richard W. 11 1900 (has links)
The present dissertation proposes a fresh approach to Keats's remarkable growth and development as a poet by assessing his works in relation to four different but interrelated contexts: the tradition of poetry as a "speaking picture," Lacanian interpretations of that tradition, the related nature of classical Chinese poetry, and parallels between Keatsian themes and Taoist principles. Chapter one seeks to assess Keats's poetry by articulating the relationship between "ut pictura poesis" on the one hand, and psychoanalysis and Taoist philosophy on the other. Chapter two deals with the invisible ground of the sympathetic imagination. Chapter three discusses Keats's philosophy of "negative capability" with reference to the Taoist philosophy of the "Middle Path." Chapter four compares Keats's Lamia to the Chinese legend The White Snake. Chapter five concludes the work by showing how the poet matures into "poethood" through an anamorphotic process of developing from the imaginary to the symbolic. The focus of this dissertation is on the pictorial and sculptural qualities of Keats's poetry in comparison with many poems in the Chinese and western traditions. Efforts have also been made to combine psychoanalytical theory and Taoist philosophy and poetics to shed light on the discussion. Even though the dissertation seeks to assess Keats's poetry through an analogy with the plastic arts and to extend this assessment through conceptual categories provided by psychoanalysis (with reference to the poet's maturing into "poethood") and Taoist philosophy (with reference to the poet's philosophy of "negative capability"), it does not assert that Keats is a psychoanalyst nor does it claim that he is a Taoist. Keats is mainly a poet dealing with human emotion, love, beauty, truth, and imagination — a poet with "no self," a poet who can be regarded as "the perfect man" (Tao Te Chinq, 18) in the truest sense of a Taoist.

DAILĖS ĮTAKA IKIMOKYKLINIO AMŽIAUS VAIKŲ DOROVINGUMO FORMAVIMUI / The influence of the fine arts on the morality formation of preschool children

Chraptavičiūtė, Diana 02 June 2006 (has links)
The author of the work: Diana Chraptavičiūtė Subject of the work: The influence of the fine arts on the morality formation of preschool children. The place of the preparation of the work: Department of Professional Pedagogics and Psychology, Lithuanian Agricultural University, Academy, 2005-2005. The work includes: 2 tables, 30 pictures, 6 Appendices. Total amount of pages: 87. Referents: 73. The object of research: morality formation by mean of the fine arts in preschool children of age of 5-7 years old, which attend kinder garden. The methods that were used: • Analysis of pedagogical, psychological, and scientific literature; • Questioning by means of questionnaires designed specifically for parent, teachers, and oral interview-for children; • Analysis of drawings dedicated for the closest people; • Drawing of nonexistent animal; • The processing of statistical data by using software SPSS v. 9. The results of the research were as follows: • The children attending the kinder garden with an inclination towards arts, ETIUDAS, are of higher morality than those who attend conventional kinder gardens, which were under investigation. The children from Catholic kinder garden usually take neutral position among all that were investigated. The children from the kinder garden ĄŽUOLIUKAS, which fosters inclinations towards sports, usually take neutral position in most of the situations, though, sometimes, they show negative reactions towards other people. • The age has no influence... [to full text]

ŠEIMOS ĮTAKA JAUNUOLIŲ PROFESINIAM APSISPRENDIMUI / The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination

Pugevičienė, Daiva 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Daiva Pugevičienė Subject: The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Akademija, 2006 m. Size of the project: 64 pages The project includes: 6 tables, 27 figures, 4 appendices Literature sources : 43 Object of the research: Youth’s professional self-determination Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources. 2. Questionnaires. 3. Statistic data analysis. Results of the research: • After establishing of the personality type, it became evident that the respondents with objective, social and normal orientation of personality’s type have dominated. After evaluation of personality’s type conformity with chosen profession it was established that profession of only one third of the respondents conforms the orientation of they personality type. • It was determined that the main factor influencing the decision regarding particular profession is that respondents regard the vocation as promising. • It was determined that parents of every fifth student-respondent who take part in the research, did not tried to exhibit the natural abilities of their children. It was established that attention to the natural abilities of children in families are directly related on the education of the respondents’ mothers: the higher the education of the mother, more attention is paid to the natural abilities of children. • Parents have talked to... [to full text]

Adult Reflections on a High School Choral Music Program: Perceptions of Meaning and Lifelong Influence

Arasi, Melissa Tyson 12 September 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the lifelong meaning and influence of participation in a high school choral music program. This study described and analyzed the reflections of adults who participated in one high school choral program selected by the researcher as meeting high standards of practice in choral music. The eight participants, who were involved in the choral program for at least three years and pursued careers in fields other than music, were selected via criterion sampling and interviewed regarding their experiences in chorus and how those experiences may have influenced their lives. Semi-structured interviews were the primary method of investigation in this case study. The first interview began with a broad-scope, grand-tour question. Prior to the second interview, former-student participants reviewed transcriptions of the first interview. The second interview consisted of specific questioning around the possible lifelong influence of their choral experience. During the second interview, each former-student participant was asked to complete an evaluation survey of effective teaching strategies/dimensions based on their memories of their choral director. The data collection process took place over a period of approximately five months. The school’s choral director was observed to verify teaching strategies consistent with criteria established by the researcher and to provide contextual data for triangulation of former-student participant data. Interview data, field notes, and archival information were coded for analysis by relevant themes and narratives were crafted. Findings suggested that the lifelong influence of this high school choral program was related to multiple social aspects, including a sense of pride and achievement, as well as to the learned ability to critique and evaluate. Participants valued the high expectations of the choral director and the exposure to many genres of music. Data revealed that some self-perceived outcomes of the program, such as critical thinking and self-confidence, were influential in the development of lifelong learning skills. Findings implied that traditional performing ensembles in secondary schools may not provide the greatest opportunity for engaging school musical experiences that encourage lifelong involvement in music. Additionally, the findings revealed that extra-musical benefits of the program outweighed the musical influence in adulthood.

La capacité des techniques de création théâtrale à influencer la satisfaction relationnelle dans la famille

Coffman, Karen 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce projet de recherche porte sur la capacité des techniques scéniques à améliorer les relations familiales. En tenant compte du désir d'augmenter la satisfaction dans les relations familiales en atténuant les tensions qui se manifestent au sein des familles contemporaines, nous voulions évaluer la satisfaction relationnelle dans une famille suite à un atelier de création théâtrale afin de voir si l'exercice peut avoir un impact sur ces relations. Axée sur l'idée que la transformation de l'unité familiale comporte des défis importants relativement à la satisfaction qu'en retirent parents et enfants, l'expérimentation théâtrale favorise la prise de conscience des lieux de pouvoir et établit des relations susceptibles d'aider à l'épanouissement de chacun. Fondée sur des sessions intensives de pratiques inclusives de création, la recherche exploratoire menée auprès d'une dizaine de familles avec enfants d'âge scolaire a permis de dégager, sur un mode ludique, l'importance pour les membres d'une famille de se percevoir dans des rôles autres que ceux de la vie quotidienne. Dolto, Descarries et Coloroso ont transmis leur connaissance de la parentalité et des inégalités constatées auprès des enfants et des femmes, nuisibles à la satisfaction relationnelle. Celles-ci vont nous aider à construire notre base théorique pour mieux comprendre les familles et les enjeux auxquels elles font face. En étudiant la psychologie du bonheur comme développé par Martin Seligman, et ses collègues, nous comprenons mieux ce que veulent les gens et ce dont ils ont besoin afin d'être satisfaits. Dans le premier chapitre, nous présenterons les auteurs qui nous ont aidés à développer notre question de recherche, à savoir comment un atelier de théâtre peut avoir une influence sur la satisfaction relationnelle dans les familles. Notre hypothèse et notre question de recherche seront ensuite détaillées. Nous supposons que l'atelier de théâtre peut être conçu afin d'être un outil afin d'améliorer les relations familiales. En appréhendant les familles occidentales de modernité avancées, ainsi que la création théâtrale en tant qu'outil et la satisfaction des relations dans les familles, nous espérons mieux comprendre comment ces trois concepts entrent en relation les uns avec les autres. Grâce à la littérature, nous avons réalisé que les familles occidentales et de modernité avancée font face à plusieurs défis, y compris la relation entre les parents, la gestion du temps et les lieux de pouvoir. Nous souhaitons disséquer le théâtre et explorer son utilité extrathéâtrale. Accroître notre compréhension de la notion de la satisfaction relationnelle nous aidera à comprendre et à isoler les éléments nécessaires à une relation familiale satisfaisante. Nous allons élaborer la procédure utilisée afin de connaître mieux ce que la population générale conçoit comme étant nécessaire à relation familiale satisfaisante. Ce pré-questionnaire nous a servi pour nous aider à former nos questionnaires pour les 10 familles participantes à l'expérience à l'été 2011. Nous terminons avec un retour sur la procédure, les résultats et la méthodologie mise en place. Pour conclure, nous résumons notre hypothèse et les résultats attendus, et nous fournissons des suggestions d'amélioration. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : techniques scéniques, relations familiales, évaluation de la satisfaction relationnelle.

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