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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Makt utan magi : En studie av chefers yrkeskunnande

Snickare, Lotta January 2012 (has links)
What do executives do, and how do their actions impact on the company’s results? Questions such as these are constantly targeted in leadership research. Despite thousands of reports in the field, there is no consensus on what the concept of leadership entails. Nor can companies and organisations be said to have a clear idea of what executives actually do. Nevertheless, the investments in leadership development seem to indicate that executives are considered vital to the company’s results. The vague notions about what executive work entails, together with assumptions concerning their importance to the company or organisation, lend a certain magical aura to their work. In this study, executives are regarded as a professional category, and are consequently examined with a qualitative method whereby the professionals begin by reflecting in writing on their skills, and then take part in a group discussion on their skills based on their written reflections. This method, known as the dialogue seminar method, has been used on other professional categories with good results. Since executives have not previously been studied in terms of their skills, the results have been compared to leadership research. Leadership studies with a gender perspective have shown that gender impacts on the likelihood of obtaining and practising executive positions and skills. Therefore, the results of this study have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The skills of executives and other staff are described as the capacity to follow rules, i.e. interpreting rules and then applying them in concrete situations. A rule says nothing about how it should be followed, however. If the way in which a rule should be followed were to be described in a rule, another rule would be needed to describe how that rule should be followed, and so on, ad infinitum. Thus, rules must be interpreted as something that requires access to an “archive” of examples. One specific executive skill consists of developing co-workers’ rule-following skills. For executives, following the rules involves making decisions based on tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge, in turn, is based on an inner vision of what is taking place right now in the organisation, and what is crucial to customers, employees, the organisation and the world at large. It also includes understanding people’s urges, thoughts, needs, wishes, and what they are saying. Tacit knowledge develops in the interplay between reflecting over examples and taking strategic action. Decision-making situations can often be unclear and contradictory. Therefore the executive’s skills must include the ability to handle uncertainty in three different ways. The first is by being honest about the fact that all decisions cannot be made, and that some decisions take time. The second is explaining to employees that an organisation cannot be entirely regulated by guidelines, and that judgement in the form of reflected experience is therefore a crucial element in all action. The third is coping with the fact that an executive position does not automatically entail being able to make the right decision. Thus, the executive must accommodate uncertainty in the world at large, the employees’ uncertainty, and his or her own uncertainty. Empirical analysis also highlights another aspect of executive skills. Executives need to be fast, not merely in the sense of having a high work capacity, but in the sense of never saying no or questioning deliveries. Above all, comparisons with leadership research reveal differences in the interpretation of empirical data. The way in which executives follow rules, for instance, is also described in research on leadership, but only as a phenomenon linked with unusual situations, as when executives need to take emergency action in unforeseen circumstances, or make decisions in cases that are not covered by the general rules, rather than as a day-to-day occurrence. Similarly, there is a difference in perspectives on handling uncertainty. In leadership research, this is described as the executive dealing with something that has gone wrong and putting it right. In the study at hand, the concept is expanded, to demonstrate that the executive’s actions can involve accommodating the worries that this uncertainty breeds within the organisation. Empirical data do not show any differences in the descriptions of the executive skills of women and men. Women and men practise these executive skills similarly. Men’s tendency to identify themselves with senior management, however, is interpreted as a sign of homosocial structures in the organisation. The fact that men are more ambivalent than women faced with the opportunity and responsibility of promoting change consequently indicates that admittance into a homosocial structure restricts their freedom of action. There is a difference, however, between the executive skills of women and men in that women, unlike men, have to relate to the issue of their own gender. Their approach to this can vary between two leadership discourses; one that is gender-neutral, and one where gender is significant. Women’s knowledge of how gender is constructed in organisations, in leadership and in other structures and processes, is thus included in the tacit knowledge that comprises their skills. Keywords: executive, manager, management, leadership, gender, skills, tacit knowledge, follow rules, breaking rules, rules, decision-making, accommodate uncertainty, homosocial structures. / Vad en chef gör och vilken betydelse chefens agerande har för företagets resultat är frågor som ständigt sysselsätter ledarskapsforskare. Men trots många tusen studier finns det inom forskningen inte någon gemensam uppfattning om vad begreppet ledarskap innebär. Inte heller inom företag och organisationer finns någon tydlig bild av vad chefer egentligen gör. Däremot visar till exempel satsningar på ledarutveckling att cheferna uppfattas som mycket viktiga för företagets resultat. Otydligheten i vad chefers arbete innebär tillsammans med föreställningen om chefens betydelse för företag och organisationer resulterar i att bilden av chefers arbete får inslag av magi. I den här studien ses chefskap som ett yrke och undersöks därför med en kvalitativ metod som innebär att yrkesutövare först skriftligt reflekterar över sitt yrkeskunnande och sedan i grupp diskuterar yrkeskunnandet utifrån de skriftliga reflektionerna. Metoden som kallas dialogseminariemetoden har använts i andra yrkesgrupper än chefer med goda resultat. Eftersom chefers yrkeskunnande inte tidigare undersökts som yrkeskunnande har resultaten jämförts med ledarskapsforskning. Att kön har betydelse för förutsättningarna att få och att utöva chefskap visas i ledarskapsforskning med könsperspektiv. Därför har även studiens resultat analyserats ur detta forskningsperspektiv. Yrkeskunnande för såväl chefer som medarbetare beskrivs som regelföljande det vill säga att tolka regler och därefter agera i en konkret situation. En regel säger ingenting om hur den ska följas. Om följandet av en regel skulle beskrivas i en regel skulle följandet av denna regel behöva beskrivas i en regel och så vidare i all oändlighet. Istället måste regler tolkas något som kräver tillgång till ett ”bibliotek” av exempel. Ett specifikt yrkeskunnande för chefer är att utveckla medarbetarnas yrkeskunnande i form av regelföljande. För chefer innebär regelföljande att fatta beslut utifrån tyst kunskap. Den tysta kunskapen bygger på en inre bild av vad som händer just nu i verksamheten och är viktigt för kunder, medarbetare, organisation och omvärld. Samt en förståelse för vad människor drivs av, tänker, behöver, önskar och säger. Den tysta kunskapen byggs upp i ett växelspel mellan reflektion över exempel och ett strategiskt agerande. Ofta är beslutssituationerna otydliga och motstridiga. Det innebär att chefens yrkeskunnande innebär att härbärgera osäkerhet på tre olika sätt. Det första genom att stå för att alla beslut inte kan fattas och att vissa inte kan fattas snabbt. Det andra genom att tydliggöra för medarbetarna att verksamheten inte går att fullt ut styra med regelverk och att omdöme i form av reflekterad erfarenhet därför är en viktig del i allt handlande. Det tredje genom att hantera insikten om att chefspositionen inte automatiskt innebär att det går att fatta rätt beslut. Chefen härbärgerar således omvärldens osäkerhet, medarbetarnas osäkerhet och den egna osäkerheten. I analys av empirin framkommer också en annan aspekt av chefers yrkeskunnande. Chefer måste vara snabba, inte bara i betydelsen att ha hög arbetskapacitet utan också som att aldrig säga nej till eller ifrågasätta leveranser. Jämförelsen med ledarskapsforskning visar framför allt på skillnader i tolkningen av empirin. Chefers regelföljande beteende beskrivs till exempel även inom ledarskapsforskningen. Men där beskrivs det som något som sker ibland, att chefen gör en brandkårsutryckning när något oväntat händer eller fattar beslut i de fall som inte hanteras av regelverken, inte som något som sker ständigt. På samma sätt finns en skillnad i synen på hanterandet av osäkerhet. Det beskrivs inom ledarskapsforskningen som att chefen hanterar det som gått fel och ställer allt till rätta. I denna studie utvecklas begreppet genom att visa att hanterandet för chefen kan innebära att härbärgera den oro osäkerheten medför i organisationen. Empirin visar inte några skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i beskrivningarna av chefers yrkeskunnande. Kvinnor och män utövar chefskap på samma sätt. Männens identifikation med högre chefer tolkas dock som tecken på homosociala strukturer i organisationen. Att männen är mer ambivalenta än kvinnorna till både möjligheten och det egna ansvaret för att driva förändring innebär då att upptagande i en homosocial struktur begränsar handlingsutrymmet. Däremot finns det en skillnad mellan kvinnors och mäns yrkeskunnande som chefer på så sätt att kvinnor till skillnad från män måste förhålla sig till sitt kön. Kvinnorna väljer att hantera detta genom att växla mellan två ledarskapsdiskurser; en könsneutral och en där kön har betydelse. Kvinnornas kunskap om hur kön görs i organisationer, i konstruktionen av ledarskap såväl som i övriga strukturer och processer, är således en del i den tysta kunskap som utgör deras yrkeskunnande. / <p>QC 20120514</p>

As percepções dos egressos de um programa de educação formal em administração pública quanto à aplicação da aprendizagem no contexto organizacional: um estudo de caso da Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional

Montenegro, Mariana Cruz 23 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Cruz Montenegro (marilenda@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-31T17:39:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação 31.08 (nova pagina assinatura).pdf: 2392498 bytes, checksum: 27b463800e41312cd6af38c7b4daf694 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2017-10-04T18:43:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação 31.08 (nova pagina assinatura).pdf: 2392498 bytes, checksum: 27b463800e41312cd6af38c7b4daf694 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-16T12:29:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação 31.08 (nova pagina assinatura).pdf: 2392498 bytes, checksum: 27b463800e41312cd6af38c7b4daf694 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-23 / The present study is aimed at analyzing the perceptions of the participants of an Advanced Training Program in Public Administration regarding the application of learning in the organizational context. As a theoretical review we considered the literature on human resources development policies in Brazil, managerial learning, managerial skills in the public service and evaluation of training action. In methodological terms, the research can be characterized as a qualitative one, carried out by means of a case study, using, as data collection instruments, in-depth interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with National Treasury Attorneys and public servants, graduates from Lato sensu Postgraduate course (CIPAD), with an emphasis on corporate management. The mentioned Training Program comes from an institutional initiative, formatted in company, whose classes were taught in six Brazilian cities, between the years 2011 to 2016. As a result from the research, it was verified that the graduates, in general, had a positive perception about the contributions derived from managerial learning to the development of their managerial competencies, allowing the application and dissemination of new knowledge within the organ. On the other hand, they recognized that the effect could have been even greater if the organization had provided more transfer of learning / O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar as percepções dos participantes de um Programa de Capacitação avançada em Administração Pública quanto à aplicação da aprendizagem no contexto organizacional. Como revisão teórica, considerou-se a literatura sobre políticas de desenvolvimento dos recursos humanos no Brasil, aprendizagem gerencial, competências gerenciais no serviço público e avaliação de ação de capacitação. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa pode ser caracterizada como de natureza qualitativa, realizada por meio de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, entrevistas em profundidade e questionários semiestruturados com Procuradores da Fazenda Nacional e servidores administrativos, egressos do curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu (CIPAD), com ênfase em gestão corporativa, contratado pela Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional. O Programa de Capacitação avaliado originou-se de uma iniciativa institucional, formatada in company, cujas aulas foram ministradas em seis cidades brasileiras, entre os anos de 2011 a 2016. Como resultado da pesquisa, constatou-se que os egressos, em geral, tiveram uma percepção positiva acerca das contribuições decorrentes da aprendizagem gerencial para o desenvolvimento de suas competências gerenciais, permitindo a aplicação e a disseminação dos novos conhecimentos dentro do órgão. Por outro lado, reconheceram que o efeito poderia ter sido maior se a organização estudada tivesse fornecido mais suporte à transferência da aprendizagem.

Requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderança

Miranda, Aurelio de Luca 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aurelio Miranda (aurelio_luca@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-12-28T00:33:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Pessoas-Miranda_Protocolo Final.pdf: 365048 bytes, checksum: ff50eb92e666475f562195ee70cf1619 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vera Lúcia Mourão (vera.mourao@fgv.br) on 2017-12-28T13:48:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Pessoas-Miranda_Protocolo Final.pdf: 365048 bytes, checksum: ff50eb92e666475f562195ee70cf1619 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-29T11:16:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pessoas-Miranda_Protocolo Final.pdf: 365048 bytes, checksum: ff50eb92e666475f562195ee70cf1619 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / Este estudo situa-se na linha de pesquisa de gestão de pessoas e práticas gerenciais com o propósito de analisar os requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderança dentro da área financeira nas organizações. Identifica-se como gestor de primeira liderança, o funcionário que não contribui sozinho para o resultado da organização e possui o gerenciamento de equipe como uma de suas atribuições, geralmente, aquele que detém o cargo de coordenador ou supervisor nas empresas. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa encontra-se fundamentada em referências bibliográficas e estudos já desenvolvidos sobre as competências gerenciais e liderança. Para atingir os objetivos desta investigação, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa em três fases: (i) definição do modelo de habilidades gerenciais a partir da revisão bibliográfica e do mapeamento para coleta de dados; (ii) aplicação de entrevistas com apoio de roteiro semiestruturado aos gestores que exercem o cargo de primeira liderança na área financeira em organizações utilizando-se de amostragem por conveniência, a fim de aprofundar e capturar as percepções destes gestores de primeira liderança e; (iii) na última etapa, foi desenvolvido o mapa de requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderança. Como conclusão deste trabalho, espera-se agregar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de líderes iniciantes, oferecer insights para treinamentos e identificar os gaps de habilidades gerenciais entre o esperado dos gestores que exercem o cargo de primeira liderança e o efetivamente observado por eles. Ademais, há potencial de aplicação prática com a introdução deste tema nas grades curriculares dos cursos de pós-graduação voltados aos gestores da área financeira. O acesso aos profissionais à realização das entrevistas e o tempo despendido na análise dos dados coletados destacaram-se como fatores críticos no sucesso desta pesquisa. / This study is in the research line of people management and managerial practices with the purpose of analyzing the managerial skills requirements for the position of first line manager within the financial area in organizations. It is identified as a first line manager, an employee who does not contribute to the organization's results alone and has team management as one of his duties, usually holds the position of coordinator or supervisor in companies. In this sense, this research is based on bibliographical references and already developed studies on management skills and leadership. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative research was carried out in three phases: (i) definition of the managerial skills model from the bibliographic review and the mapping for data collection; (ii) application of interviews with semi-structured script support to managers who hold the position of first line manager in the financial area in organizations with use of convenience sampling, in order to deepen and capture the perceptions of these managers of first line manager and; (iii) in the last step, the map of managerial skills requirements for the position of first line manager was developed. As a conclusion of this work, it is hoped to aggregate knowledge for the development of beginning leaders, to offer training insights and to identify managerial skill gaps between what is expected of managers who hold the position of first line manager and what is effectively observed by them. In addition, there is potential of practical application with the introduction of this theme in the curricular grades of the postgraduate courses directed to the managers of the financial area. The access to the professionals to the interviews and the time spent in the analysis of the collected data stood out as critical factors in the success of this research.

An investigation into the current practice of the private nurse working in the community in South Africa

Smith, Jemima Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Little is known about the current practice of the nurse practising as an independent private practitioner in South Africa. There is also limited information available about his/her needs for establishing and maintaining a private practice. In this exploratory, descriptive study the AFFIRM model was applied and specific data regarding the practice and needs of the nurse in private practice was collected through a questionnaire. Based on the analysed data, it would appear that the majority of private nurse practitioners are married females and fall into the age group below 44 years. Although a variety of nursing services are offered, quality control appears to be minimal. It was found that private nurse practitioners have specific learning needs particularly regarding business management skills, quality control and current nursing practices. Recommendations were made for the maintenance of standards in private practices and the introduction of short courses for nurses in private practice. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Evaluering van 'n bestuursopleidingskursus

De Jager, Willem 11 1900 (has links)
A management training course was' evaluated for effectiveness by using two specially compiled in-basket exercises equivalent in complexity. Outcome evaluation was performed so as to determine whether learning transfer took place, ie whether management skills in the application of the management dimensions planning, organising and control do manifest in the work context afterwards. Significant differences were found between the experimental group and the control group in the application of the management dimensions planning, organising and control. These differences were investigated by means of the "Univariate procedure ... A management training course can therefore be effectively measured with the behaviour assessment approach by using two groups, where only one group is exposed to a management training course. It can thus be ascertained whether a change in management behaviour has taken place as a result of learning transfer. / Die effektiwiteit van 'n bestuursopleidingskursus is geevalueer deur twee spesiaal saamgestelde posmandjies van dieselfde moeilikheidsgraad te gebruik. Uitkomsevaluering is gedoen om te bepaal of leeroordrag plaasgevind het, met ander woorde of die nuut aangeleerde bestuursvaardighede in die toepassing van die bestuursdimensies beplanning, organisering en beheer wei na die tyd in die konteks van werksgedrag manifesteer. Beduidende verskille tussen die eksperimentele en die kontrolegroep is gevind in die toe passing van die bestuursdimensies beplanning, organisering en beheer. Die verskille is ondersoek met behulp van die "univariate procedure". 'n Bestuursopleidingskursus kan dus effektief vanuit die gedragsbeoordelingsbenadering gemeet word deur van twee groepe gebruik te maak waarvan slegs die een groep aan 'n bestuursopleidingskursus blootgestel word. Daar kan dus bepaal word of 'n verandering in bestuursgedrag plaasgevind het as 'n gevolg van leeroordrag. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Habilidade de gestão e iniciativa empreendedora do médico brasileiro

Azzam, Jamal Sobhi 25 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JAMAL SOBHI AZZAM (jamal@clinicajamal.com.br) on 2018-05-25T17:12:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HABILIDADE DE GESTÃO E INICIATIVA EMPREENDEDORA DO MÉDICO BRASILEIRO.pdf: 2390141 bytes, checksum: 4cfa32e796b7110c5a7632f65cc95429 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Simone de Andrade Lopes Pires (simone.lopes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-25T22:10:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HABILIDADE DE GESTÃO E INICIATIVA EMPREENDEDORA DO MÉDICO BRASILEIRO.pdf: 2390141 bytes, checksum: 4cfa32e796b7110c5a7632f65cc95429 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-28T12:38:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HABILIDADE DE GESTÃO E INICIATIVA EMPREENDEDORA DO MÉDICO BRASILEIRO.pdf: 2390141 bytes, checksum: 4cfa32e796b7110c5a7632f65cc95429 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-28T12:38:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HABILIDADE DE GESTÃO E INICIATIVA EMPREENDEDORA DO MÉDICO BRASILEIRO.pdf: 2390141 bytes, checksum: 4cfa32e796b7110c5a7632f65cc95429 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-25 / O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer o perfil de habilidade de gestão e iniciativa empreendedora do médico brasileiro. Procuramos entender seu comportamento em relação ao convívio paralelo entre o exercício da Medicina e as práticas administrativas de gestão da sua carreira e do seu ambiente de negócios, bem como as influências que o médico pode ter sofrido, desde o período anterior à formação acadêmica, na sua família, quanto ao longo da sua vida profissional. Este trabalho sugere fortes evidências de que o médico brasileiro tem muito poucas habilidades de gestão e fracas iniciativas empreendedoras. Vários motivos são aventados para a comprovação desta tese, especialmente a forte doutrinação em direção ao sacerdócio ou trabalho de cunho social sofrido na formação acadêmica, a ausência de formação administrativa em gestão, ausência de formação para a gestão da carreira, ausência de educação empreendedora etc. Os resultados sugerem também que o médico brasileiro acredita que os empreendimentos em saúde podem ser fundados por profissionais não médicos, entretanto entende que a gestão destes negócios deve ser predominantemente realizada pelos médicos. Encontramos dados que sugerem que o médico inverte a sequência tradicional de recompensas do empreendedor, colocando em primeiro lugar a satisfação pessoal, seguidas da independência e depois do lucro. / We carried out our Applied Work with the main purpose of knowing the profile of management ability and entrepreneurial initiative of the Brazilian physician. We tried to understand their behavior in relation to the parallel relationship between the practice of Medicine and the administrative practices of managing their career and their business environment, as well as the influences that the doctor may have suffered from the period before the academic training in his family, and throughout his professional life. Our work suggests strong evidence that the Brazilian doctor has very few management skills and weak entrepreneurial initiatives. There are several reasons for this thesis, especially the strong indoctrination towards the priesthood or social work suffered in academic formation, absence of administrative training in management, lack of training for career management, lack of entrepreneurial education, etc. The results also suggest that the Brazilian doctor believes that non-medical professionals can found health care enterprises, however he understands that physicians should predominantly perform the management of these businesses. We found evidence suggesting that the physician reverses the entrepreneur's traditional rewards sequence by placing first personal satisfaction, followed by independence, and then profit.

Osobnost úspěšného manažera / Successful Manager Personality

Spurná, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis "Personality of the successful manager" deals with finding the characteristics of successful manager. And this from the perspective of Czech managers and also from the perspective of managers of firms from other countries. The work also describes the interesting problems with which managers encounter in practice, because shared experiences are valuable for the further development of managerial skills. Finally, add additional suggestions for management development.

Elitidrottares adaptabilitet vid utmanande karriärövergångar : Hållbara karriärövergångar ur ett konstruktivistiskt och salutogent karriärvägledningsperspektiv / Athletes ́ adaptability within non-normative career transitions : A Career Constructive Salutogen Approach

Soldervik, Jessica, Johansson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning  Ohälsosamma karriärövergångar, det vill säga sammanhang där utmanande karriäröver- gångar leder till negativa konsekvenser, förekommer exempelvis inom (elit)idrotten. Utmanande karriärövergångar kan exempelvis ge upphov till psykisk ohälsa. Det är därmed angeläget med hälsofrämjande insatser som genererar hållbara karriärövergångar. Idrotten är ett utvecklat område när det gäller forskning kring olika typer av karriärövergångar ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv på förändring. Tidigare forskning visar att god karriäradaptabilitet främjar konstruktiv hantering av utmaningar och framgångsrik karriärutveckling. Genom att arbeta holistiskt med idrottares adaptionsprocesser kan empowerment stärkas och resultera i en hälsofrämjande effekt.  Syftet med studien var att undersöka idrottares upplevelser av utmanande karriäröver- gångar genom att analysera adaptionsprocessen och karriäradaptabiliteten ur ett konstruk- tivistiskt karriärteoretiskt perspektiv. Ändamålet var att identifiera faktorer som påverkar och underlättar idrottares karriärövergångar. Genom mejlintervjuer besvarades studiens frågeställningar med beskrivningar av hur adaptionen vid utmanande karriärövergångar upplevdes, hur konsekvenserna såg ut och vad som hade kunnat göra karriärövergångarna hållbara. Samtliga karriärövergångar var karriäravslut förknippade med skador, som orsakade övervägande negativa konsekvenser. Studien visade framträdande mönster och samband mellan beslutsfattande, motivation, identitet och adaptabiliteten vid karriäröver- gångarna. I det fall det upplevdes en negativ effekt eller bristande känsla av kontroll/egen- makt samt avsaknad av framgång, tillfredsställelse och utveckling i beslutsprocessen, blev det utmanande att anpassa sig vid karriärövergången. Idrottarna belyste därmed vikten av utbildning och professionellt stöd för hållbara karriärövergångar.  I studien identifierades strategier för framgångsrik hantering av karriärövergångar. Slutsatsen var att nya meningsfulla mål som resulterade i nya karriärmöjligheter och ett återskapande av en sammanhållen identitet visades vara viktiga faktorer för en fram- gångsrik adaptionsprocess. Detta gav ett underlag till diskussionen kring hur konstruk- tivistisk karriärvägledning kan tillämpas salutogent inom idrotten, för att stärka idrottares karriäradaptabilitet.

Valkompetens : En kvantitativ studie om lärares arbete med valkompetens för elever inom obligatorisk skola / Career management skills : A quantitative study about teacher’s work with career management skills for students within compulsory school

Dahlinger, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Omval inom och avhopp från gymnasieskolan har ekonomiska konsekvenser för såväl skola som samhället och individen själv. En utvecklad valkompetens från grundskolan ses som ett verktyg för att nå förändring. Valkompetens beskrivs av Skolverket som kunskaper och färdigheter individer behöver utveckla för att kunna göra välunderbyggda framtidsval och är alla inom grundskolas uppdrag att arbeta med. Syftet med valkompetens är därmed att gynna samhället och arbetsmarknaden, därav denna studies koppling till arbetsvetenskap. Utifrån att valkompetens med fördel integreras i undervisning för kontinuerlig utveckling är studiens målgrupp lärare. Uppsatsen studerar således arbetet med utvecklingen av elevers valkompetens inom obligatorisk skolform utifrån ett lärarperspektiv samt lärares kunskap och kännedom om begreppet valkompetens. Studien synliggör även lärares upplevelse av ansvarsfördelningen för arbetet med valkompetens utöver en kritisk granskning av begreppet utifrån tidigare forskning och denna studies empiri. Studien är ett bidrag inom området arbetsvetenskap: karriärutveckling samt studie- och yrkesvägledning som hela skolans ansvar, den breda vägledningen.Studiens teoretiska ramverk förhålls till institutionell teori genom löskoppling och isomorfism samt läroplansteori genom förhållandet mellan samhällets krav, styrdokumentens formulerande och utövandet inom skola. Den kvantitativa metoden används med intention att studera flera svar kopplade till studiens syfte och visar att valkompetens som begrepp är okänt av lärare samt att arbetet med valkompetens sker utifrån subjektiva tolkningar av begreppet. Arbetet utförs i förhållande till styrdokument men inte alltid i förhållande till Skolverkets beskrivning av valkompetens. Huvudansvaret för arbetet ses av majoriteten som hela skolans ansvar men empirin visar att styrning i förhållande till begreppet saknas. Då begreppet inte är vedertaget och dessutom tolkningsbart ser studien problematiken med att koppla valkompetensen lärarna arbetar med till Skolverkets förklaring av begreppet och vidare för att få den önskade effekten av förändrad genomströmning inom gymnasieskolan. / Swapping programs or dropping out of upper secondary school has financial consequences for the school as well as society and the individual. Developing Career Management Skills (CMS) in primary school is seen as a way to achieve change. CMS is described by the Swedish National Education Agency as knowledge and skills individuals need to develop to be able to make well-founded choices for the future. It is all personnel’s, in primary school, task to work with. The purpose of CMS is thus to benefit society and the labor market, hence the connection of this study to occupational science. Since CMS benefits to be integrated into teaching for long-term development, this study's target group is teachers. The essay studies the work with CMS within primary school from a teacher's perspective as well as their knowledge and familiarity with the concept of CMS. The study also brings to light teachers' view of the distribution of CMS work in addition to a critical examination of the Swedish translation based on previous research and the empirical work of this study. The study is a contribution in the field of occupational science: career development and career guidance.The study's theoretical framework relates to institutional theory´s decoupling and isomorphism and curriculum theory of the relationship between society's demands, the governing documents and the practice within schools. The quantitative method is used with the intention of studying several responses linked to the purpose of the study and shows that CMS as a concept is unknown to teachers and that the work with CMS is based on subjective interpretations of the concept. The work is carried out by teachers in relation to the curriculum, but not always in relation to the Swedish National Education Agency’s description of CMS. The main responsibility for the work is seen by the majority as the entire schools, but empirical evidence shows that governance in relation to the concept is lacking. Since the concept is not accepted and open to interpretation, the study sees the problem of connecting CMS as it’s taught to the explanation of the concept. And further to get the desired effect in upper secondary school.

Selfaktualisering as voorspeller van bestuursukses

Geldenhuys, Diederik Joachim 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor selfaktualisering as voorspeller van bestuursukses. In die literatuuroorsig is bestuursukses as afhanklike veranderlike en selfaktualisering as onafhanklike veranderlike binne die humanistiese paradigma gekonseptualiseer en geoperasionaliseer. Die persoonlikheidskenmerke verwant aan die veranderlikes is bepaal en geintegreer. Die empiriese ondersoek is binne die funksionalistiese paradigma aangebied. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Bestuursvaardigheidsinventaris vir die meet van bestuursukses en die Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris vir die meet van selfaktualisering is op 'n ewekansige steekproef van 51 middelvlakbestuurders afgeneem. Die betroubaarheid van die Bestuursvaardigheids- inventaris is met behulp van die "Cronbach Alpha Coeffisient"- metode bepaal. Om te bepaal of selfaktualisering 'n voorspeller van bestuursukses is, is stapsgewyse regressieontledings gedoen. Die resultate dui daarop dat die ondersteuningsratio (innerlike orientasie) bestuursukses beduidend voorspel, sowel as 12 van die 18 kenmerke eie aan bestuursukses onderskeidelik. / This research deals with self-actualization as predictor of management success. In the literature review, management success as the dependent variable and self-actualization as independent variable, is conceptualized and operationalized within the humanistic paradigm. The personality chracteristics inhirent in the variables were determined and integrated. The empirical investigation is presented within the functionalistic paradigm. The chosen measuring instruments, namely the Management Skills Inventory for the measurement of management success and the Personal Orientation Inventory for the measurement of self-actualization were administrated by means of random sampling to 51 middle level managers. The reliability qf the Management Skills Inventory was determined by means of the "Cronbach Alpha CoEHfisient"- method. To determine if selfactualization is a predictor of Management Success, stepwise regression analysis was done. The results indicate that the support ratio (inner directedness) predicts management success significantly, as well as 12 of the 18 personality characteristics inherent in management success, respectively. / Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

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