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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Hydrogen Runway : Fostering niche technology: A case of Hydrogen in Swedish aviation / Vätets avgång : Främjandet av nischteknologi: En fallstudie för väte i svenskt flyg

Perelygin, Sergey, Samara, Mahmoud January 2021 (has links)
Sustainability challenges is a growing concern that receives more and more attention on a global level. The aviation sector accounts for roughly 3% of the global CO2 emissions and has experienced increasing growth in demand. To address the sustainability challenges, the Swedish government has established a timeline within which it is hoped to have achieved a zero-net emission transportation sector by the year of 2045. This study aims to determine the conditions needed for hydrogen technology to take off as a measure to accelerate the decarbonisation within aviation. To identify the conditions needed for fostering hydrogen technology in the Swedish aviation industry, the frameworks multi-level perspective and business models were used to create an analytical framework upon which the analysis was based. It pertains to answering what the current perceptions regarding hydrogen technology are, and the implications of the perceptions. Also, it helps identify the conditions needed for the emergence of potential business models. The analysis was performed on data acquired through 11 semistructured interviews, as well as literature concerning hydrogen, kerosene, and sustainability. The findings showcase a consensus of hydrogen’s potential as future fuel in the aviation sector. Four main themes were used to identify the potential of hydrogen, (i) The readiness of the technology and availability of hydrogen as a scalable fuel; (ii) The perceived visibility of hydrogen over time; (iii) The sustainability aspect coupled to the use of hydrogen; (iv) The strategic actions to promote hydrogen. These build on the fact that correct knowledge is generated. However, the commitment to the hydrogen pathway is inhibited by a distinct disparity of opinion regarding the readiness of the pathway in aviation which highlights a difficulty of transferring the generated knowledge. Overall, the noted conditions that hinder the common vision of the pathway’s development regards to the cultural discourse and framing of hydrogen as well as the availability and associated cost of sustainable hydrogen. Through the establishment of networks and business models unique to the capabilities of the Swedish aviation industry an opportunity is presented for the Swedish aviation industry to position themselves as pioneers in the introduction of hydrogen to the industry. With the help from governmental actions and cross-industry applicability, functioning ecosystems can be created that will foster hydrogen technology and help achieve the set climate goals. / Hållbarhetsutmaningar är ett växande problem som får mer och mer uppmärksamhet globalt. Luftfartssektorn står för ungefär 3% av de globala koldioxidutsläppen och har upplevt en stadigt ökande efterfrågan. För att handskas med hållbarhetsutmaningarna har den svenska regeringen upprättat en tidslinje inom vilken man hoppas ha uppnått en klimatneutral transportsektor år 2045. Denna studie syftar till att bestämma de förutsättningar som krävs för att vätteknik ska starta som ett medel för att påskynda koldioxidminskningen inom flygindustrin. För att identifiera de förutsättningar som krävs för att främja vätteknologi i den svenska flygindustrin används teoretiska ramverken multinivåperspektiv och affärsmodeller för att konstruera ett analytiskt ramverk som analysen baserades på. Det analytiska ramverket svarar på vad de nuvarande uppfattningarna om vätteknologi är, och konsekvenserna av dessa uppfattningar. Dessutom hjälper ramverket att identifiera de förutsättningar som krävs för framväxten av potentiella affärsmodeller. Analysen utfördes på data som erhölls genom 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer, samt litteratur om väte, fotogen och hållbarhet. Resultaten visar enighet angående vätets potential som framtida bränsle inom flygsektorn. Fyra teman användesför att identifiera potentialen av väte (i) Teknologins beredskap och tillgängligheten av väte; (ii) Det uppfattade intresset av väte över tid; (iii) Hållbarhetsaspekter kring vätets användning; (iv) Strategiska handlingar för främjandet av väte. Dessa bygger på det faktum att korrekt kunskap om vätets potential genereras. Ändock hämmas engagemanget för väte av en tydlig åsiktsskillnad beträffande teknologins beredskap inom flygindustrin, som härstammar från svårigheter av att överföra den genererade kunskapen. Sammantaget påvisas att förhållandena som hindrar den gemensamma visionen om vätets utveckling handlar om den kulturella diskursen och inramningen av väte, samt tillgängligheten och tillhörande kostnader för hållbart väte. Genom etablering av nätverk och affärsmodeller som är unika för den svenska flygindustrins förmågor, ges den svenska flygindustrin möjligheten att positionera sig som pionjärer i införandet av väte till industrin. Med hjälp av statliga åtgärder och tillämpning över flera branscher kan fungerande ekosystem skapas som främjar vätteknik och hjälper till att uppnå de uppsatta klimatmålen.

Prospects for Sustainable Micro-Factory Retailing in Canada: A Case Study of 3D Printed Electric Vehicles

Hachey, Stephen Quinn January 2018 (has links)
The contemporary global automotive industry has persisted, relatively unchanged, since its inception over a century ago. However, it appears that major changes may be underfoot with increasing environmental, social, and economic pressures to improve the industry's long-term sustainability. An alternative model, known as Micro-Factory Retailing (MFR), guided by the emerging field of Industrial Ecology (IE) has been proposed as a possible solution to the industry’s sustainability crisis. This thesis will explore the prospects of MFR in Canada and propose the use of 3D printed electric vehicles as a means to facilitate sustainable system innovation. To demonstrate the feasibility of this proposed technological pathway, three entrepreneurial firms attempting to disrupt the way in which cars are made, sold, and used will be studied. Although the timeline of such a major transition is currently unknown, Canada should act proactively to transition its role in the global automotive sector and lead the way towards a more sustainable automotive ecosystem through MFR. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Norms and transboundary co-operation in Africa : the cases of the Orange-Senqu and Nile rivers

Jacobs, Inga M. January 2010 (has links)
The inter-scalar interaction of norms is pervasive in African hydropolitics due to the nature of freshwater on the continent – shared, strategic and that which necessitates cooperation. However, with few exceptions, particular norms created at specific levels of scale have been researched in isolation of those existing at other levels. It is argued that this exclusionary approach endangers the harmonised and integrated development of international water law and governance, producing sub-optimal cooperative strategies. The notable contributions of Ken Conca and the Maryland School’s research on the contestation of norms occurring at different levels of scale, and Anthony Turton’s Hydropolitical Complex (HPC), will be examined through a Constructivist theoretical lens, in terms of their applicability to furthering an understanding of multi-level normative frameworks. Through the use of the Orange-Senqu River basin, and the Nile Equatorial Lakes sub-basin (NELSB) as case studies, it is argued that norm convergence is possible, and is occurring in both case studies analysed, although to varying degrees as a result of different causal factors and different biophysical, historical, socio-political and cultural contexts. This is demonstrated through an examination of regional dynamics and domestic political milieus. Notwithstanding their varying degrees of water demand, Orange-Senqu and NELSB riparians present fairly different political identities, each containing existing constellations of norms, which have affected the ways in which they have responded to the influence of external norms, how the norm is translated at the local level and to what extent it is incorporated into state policy. In so doing, the interface between international norms and regional/domestic norms will be explored in an attempt to understand which norms gain acceptance and why. It is therefore advocated that a multi-level interpretation of norm development in Africa’s hydropolitics is essential to an understanding of the interconnectedness of context, interests and identities. Each level of scale, from the international to the subnational, give meaning to how norms are translated and socialised, and how they in turn, transform contexts.

Participation and Legitimacy : Actor Involvement for Nature Conservation

Rabe, Linn January 2017 (has links)
This PhD thesis in environmental science aims to contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of the relation between participation and legitimacy in multi-level environmental governance. It is widely assumed that actor involvement has great potential to improve the legitimacy of nature conservation through long-term acceptance and target achievement. However, local resource conflicts problematize the way a relation between participation and legitimacy is depicted on other administrative levels. Studies exploring the effect that participation has on legitimacy are relatively rare, especially in multi-level arrangements of coastal conservation. In this thesis the relation between participation and legitimacy on the local level is examined, as well as how this relation is conditioned by multi-level governance and power. The relation is empirical studied with two local implementation processes of the Helsinki Convention’s network of marine protected areas (HELCOM MPAs). The cases are located in Sweden. Sweden and the Baltic Sea region are in the forefront of participation in nature conservation, and therefore act as a strong case for the exploration of institutional participation. However, despite apparent political will and international support, the efficiency of actor involvement for nature conservation has been questioned, also for the HELCOM MPA and especially on the local level. Based on the results of this study, I question the assumption that weak legitimacy predominantly is an issue of insufficient information sharing. The findings show that involving actors to legitimize the adoption of strict adherence to a pre-established model of conservation likely fails to create long term support for conservation. Instead, relocation of power to the affected actors seems essential in order to make participation establish legitimacy. It appears important to create room for local influence in the design, management and implementation of a particular conservation area in the particular place/context. In both examined cases, there are elements of participation that support legitimacy, for example the development of a shared vision. There are also elements that hamper legitimacy, such as, for example, the high expectations different actors have on participation to reach consensus on protective values. These unmet expectations seem to fuel conflicts of interests among actors on different levels. / Världens hav är i kris. Med ett stort internationellt tryck för att skydda dem har den svenska regeringen satt ambitiösa mål för etablering av marina reservat. Beslutsfattare och forskare har höga förväntningar på att lokalt deltagande underlättar etableringen. Men utan verkliga möjligheter för lokalt deltagande att påverka besluten så verkar förväntningarna orealistiska, med allvarliga konsekvenser för legitimitet av miljöskydd. Avhandlingen undersöker relationen mellan deltagande och legitimitet i svensk östersjöförvaltning genom att studera samrådsprocesserna för Gräsö marina naturreservat och St Anna-Missjö marina skyddsområde. Studien visar på både positiva och negativa samband mellan deltagande och legitimitet, beroende på kvalitén av deltagande. Olika lokala aktörer är djupt engagerade i resursfrågor och vill ha möjlighet att diskutera dessa med staten. Lokala aktörer uttrycker besvikelse och frustration om samråden har en begränsad inverkan på faktiska beslut. Besvikelsen kan underminera stödet för naturskydd och försämra relationen mellan stat och lokala aktörer i längden. I ett av de undersökta fallen var de lokala aktörerna engagerade i att formulera en gemensam vision för området tillsammans med myndigheterna, något som annars är ovanligt. Det visade sig ha en mycket positiv effekt på samrådsprocessen och legitimiteten av naturskyddet.

Modélisation des signes dans les ontologies biomédicales pour l'aide au diagnostic. / Representation of the signs in the biomedical ontologies for the help to the diagnosis.

Donfack Guefack, Pierre Sidoine V. 20 December 2013 (has links)
Introduction : Établir un diagnostic médical fiable requiert l’identification de la maladie d’un patient sur la base de l’observation de ses signes et symptômes. Par ailleurs, les ontologies constituent un formalisme adéquat et performant de représentation des connaissances biomédicales. Cependant, les ontologies classiques ne permettent pas de représenter les connaissances liées au processus du diagnostic médical : connaissances probabilistes et connaissances imprécises et vagues. Matériel et méthodes : Nous proposons des méthodes générales de représentation des connaissances afin de construire des ontologies adaptées au diagnostic médical. Ces méthodes permettent de représenter : (a) Les connaissances imprécises et vagues par la discrétisation des concepts (définition de plusieurs catégories distinctes à l’aide de valeurs seuils ou en représentant les différentes modalités possibles). (b) Les connaissances probabilistes (les sensibilités et les spécificités des signes pour les maladies, et les prévalences des maladies pour une population donnée) par la réification des relations ayant des arités supérieures à 2. (c) Les signes absents par des relations et (d) les connaissances liées au processus du diagnostic médical par des règles SWRL. Un moteur d’inférences abductif et probabiliste a été conçu et développé. Ces méthodes ont été testées à l’aide de dossiers patients réels. Résultats : Ces méthodes ont été appliquées à trois domaines (les maladies plasmocytaires, les urgences odontologiques et les lésions traumatiques du genou) pour lesquels des modèles ontologiques ont été élaborés. L’évaluation a permis de mesurer un taux moyen de 89,34% de résultats corrects. Discussion-Conclusion : Ces méthodes permettent d’avoir un modèle unique utilisable dans le cadre des raisonnements abductif et probabiliste, contrairement aux modèles proposés par : (a) Fenz qui n’intègre que le mode de raisonnement probabiliste et (b) García-crespo qui exprime les probabilités hors du modèle ontologique. L’utilisation d’un tel système nécessitera au préalable son intégration dans le système d’information hospitalier pour exploiter automatiquement les informations du dossier patient électronique. Cette intégration pourrait être facilitée par l’utilisation de l’ontologie du système. / Introduction: Making a reliable medical diagnosis requires the identification of the patient’s disease based on the observation of signs. Moreover, ontologies provide an adequate and efficient formalism for medical knowledge representation. However, classical ontologies do not allow representing knowledge associated with medical reasoning such as probabilistic, imprecise, or vague knowledge. Material and methods: In the current work, general knowledge representation methods are proposed. They aim at building ontologies fitting to medical diagnosis. They allow to represent: (a) imprecise or vague knowledge by discretizing concepts (definition of several distinct categories thanks to threshold values or by representing the various possible modalities), (b) probabilistic knowledge (sensitivity, specificity and prevalence) by reification of relations of arity greater than 2, (c) absent signs by relations and (d) medical reasoning and reasoning on the absent signs by SWRL rules. An abductive reasoning engine and a probabilistic reasoning engine were designed and implemented. The methods were evaluated by use of real patient records. Results: These methods were applied to three domains (the plasma cell diseases, the dental emergencies and traumatic knee injuries) for which the ontological models were developed. The average rate of correct diagnosis was 89.34 %. Discussion-Conclusion: In contrast with other methods proposed by Fenz and García-crespo, the proposed methods allow to have a unique model which can be used both for abductive and probabilistic reasoning. The use of such a system will require beforehand its integration in the hospital information system for the automatic exploitation of the electronic patient record. This integration might be made easier by the use of the ontology on which the system is based.

Calcul haute performance pour la détection de rayon Gamma / High Performance Computing for Detection of Gamma ray

Aubert, Pierre 04 October 2018 (has links)
La nouvelle génération d'expériences de physique produira une quantité de données sans précédent. Cette augmentation du flux de données cause des bouleversements techniques à tous les niveaux, comme le stockage des données, leur analyse, leur dissémination et leur préservation.Le projet CTA sera le plus grand observatoire d'astronomie gamma au sol à partir de 2021. Il produira plusieurs centaines de Péta-octets de données jusqu'en 2030 qui devront être analysées, stockée, compressées, et réanalysées tous les ans.Ce travail montre comment optimiser de telles analyses de physique avec les techniques de l'informatique hautes performances par le biais d'un générateur de format de données efficace, d'optimisation bas niveau de l'utilisation du pipeline CPU et de la vectorisation des algorithmes existants, un algorithme de compression rapide d'entiers et finalement une nouvelle analyse de données basée sur une méthode de comparaison d'image optimisée. / The new generation research experiments will introduce huge data surge to a continuously increasing data production by current experiments. This increasing data rate causes upheavals at many levels, such as data storage, analysis, diffusion and conservation.The CTA project will become the utmost observatory of gamma astronomy on the ground from 2021. It will generate hundreds Peta-Bytes of data by 2030 and will have to be stored, compressed and analyzed each year.This work address the problems of data analysis optimization using high performance computing techniques via an efficient data format generator, very low level programming to optimize the CPU pipeline and vectorization of existing algorithms, introduces a fast compression algorithm for integers and finally exposes a new analysis algorithm based on efficient pictures comparison.

Policy responses by different agents/stakeholders in a transition: Integrating the Multi-level Perspective and behavioral economics

Gazheli, Ardjan, Antal, Miklós, Drake, Ben, Jackson, Tim, Stagl, Sigrid, van den Bergh, Jeroen, Wäckerle, Manuel 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This short paper considers all possible stakeholders in different stages of a sustainability transition and matches their behavioral features and diversity to policies. This will involve an assessment of potential or expected responses of stakeholders to a range of policy instruments. Following the Multi-Level Perspective framework to conceptualize sustainability transitions, we classify the various transition policies at niche, regime and landscape levels. Next, we offer a complementary classification of policies based on a distinction between social preferences and bounded rationality. The paper identifies many barriers to making a sustainability transition and how to respond to them. In addition, lessons are drawn from the case of Denmark. The detailed framework and associated literature for the analysis was discussed in Milestone 31 of the WWWforEurope project (Gazheli et al., 2012). / Series: WWWforEurope

Mehrebenen-Evaluation von Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung

Fritz, Sigrun 18 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation beschreibt am Beispiel einer Längsschnittstudie in der Papierindustrie, wie Effekte von Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in geschätzten ökonomischen Nutzen übertragen werden können. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist das Variablen-Modell nach Locke und Latham (1990). Darauf aufbauend wurden geeignete Indikatoren und Messinstrumente ausgewählt und in mehreren Voruntersuchungen überprüft. Hauptinstrument ist ein Fragebogen, der im quasiexperimentellen Design zur Ist-Analyse und nach Umsetzung der Maßnahmen eingesetzt wurde. An der ersten Befragung im Oktober 2000 nahmen 320 Gewerbliche und Angestellte des Unternehmens (Rücklauf 89%), an der zweiten drei Jahre später 402 Mitarbeiter (Rücklauf 91%) teil. Für den Längsschnitt standen die Fragebögen von 118 Mitarbeitern zur Verfügung. Neben den Fragebogendaten wurden personbezogene Daten zum Krankenstand erhoben, die auf freiwilliger Basis mit den Fragebogendaten verknüpft wurden, worauf sich 71% der im Jahr 2000 Befragten und 80% der im Jahr 2003 Befragten einlassen konnten. Zur Absicherung der Validität kamen weitere Untersuchungsmethoden zum Einsatz: für 19 Tätigkeiten wurde eine objektive arbeitspsychologische Tätigkeitsanalyse (Pohlandt, Schulze, Jordan & Richter, 2002) durchgeführt, die beteiligten Bereiche wurden in einem Rankingverfahren durch betriebliche Experten eingeschätzt, die organisationale Einbindung der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung wurde zu beiden Untersuchungszeitpunkten mit Hilfe des Fragebogens von Breucker (Prävention online, 2000) erfasst, es fanden 22 strukturierte Interviews mit den Beschäftigten zur Einschätzung der durchgeführten Maßnahmen statt. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Mitarbeiterbefragung wurden zurückgemeldet, diskutiert und zu 12 Maßnahmen verdichtet. Diese 12 Maßnahmen wurden in die Zweitbefragung mit aufgenommen, wobei die aktive Beteiligung an ihnen und die Zufriedenheit mit ihrer Umsetzung eingeschätzt werden sollten. Zur Ermittlung der Effizienz wurden eine erweiterte Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse (nach Schmidt, Hunter & Pearlman, 1982) und eine Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse (nach Rinza & Schmitz, 1992) durchgeführt. Fast alle im Fragebogen erfassten Variablen hatten sich zwischen der ersten und zweiten Befragung signifikant verbessert (Arbeitsintensität, Tätigkeitsspielraum, Motivationspotenzial der Tätigkeit, soziale Unterstützung, sozialen Stressoren, Commitment, Arbeitszufriedenheit, allgemeines Befinden, psychosomatische Beschwerden). Nicht signifikant waren die Änderungen beim (multimodal beeinflussten) Krankenstand, sowie bei der Einschätzung der Führung. Bezüglich der Effektstärke konnte bei 9 der 12 Maßnahmen mindestens ein positiver Unterscheidungseffekt aufgezeigt werden. Bei der Ermittlung des (subjektiv erlebten) Nutzwertes der Maßnahmen kamen alle 12 Maßnahmen in den positiven Bereich. Mit der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse wurde ein positives Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis für 6 der 9 verbleibenden Maßnahmen (zwischen 1:71 und 1:1,5) ermittelt. Diese Ergebnisse wurden kritisch hinterfragt und durch Einbeziehung von Diskontierung, spezifischen Effizienzkriterien, Sensitivitätsanalysen und Worst-Case-Berechnung relativiert (vgl. Anforderungen nach Drummond, O´Brien, Stoddart & Torrance, 1987/1997). Im Vergleich zur Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse wurden bei der Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse deutlich andere Rangreihen ermittelt. Die kritische Gesamtschau der Ergebnisse ermöglicht spezifische Empfehlungen für fünf Maßnahmengruppen. Es zeigte sich, dass die gemeinsame Erörterung von Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse und Nutzwert zusätzliche und bisher nicht erfasste Aspekte beim Umgang mit den Maßnahmen eröffnet. / The thesis illustrates a longitudinal study in the paper industry. It shows how effects resulting from measures of occupational health promotion may be translated into an estimated economic advantage. The starting point of the study is the high performance cycle (Locke & Latham: 1990). Proceeding from that, appropriate indicators and measuring instruments were selected and tested in several pre-studies. The main instrument is a questionnaire, used in a comparative design before and after the translation of the measures into practice. 320 white- and blue-collar workers took part in the first survey in October 2000 (response rate 89%), whereas 402 workers participated in the second survey which was conducted three years later (response rate 91%). After all, complete data sets for the longitudinal analysis were available from 118 participants. Apart from that personal data concerning absenteeism were used, which were then connected to the questionnaire data on a voluntary basis. Whereas in 2000, in the first survey, 71% of the participants agreed to the connection of their personal data with the questionnaire, 80% agreed to it in the second survey, in 2003. To guarantee the questionnaire?s validity an array of additional methods was used: an objective occupational job analysis (Pohlandt, Schulze, Jordan & Richter, 2002) of 19 different occupations was carried out and the company?s experts evaluated the branches involved by ranking. Furthermore the organizational embedding of occupational health promotion measures was investigated in both surveys with the help of Breucker?s questionnaire (Prevention online, 2000) and additionally 22 structured interviews with the employees took place in order to evaluate the acceptance of the measures conducted. The results of the first employee survey were reported back, discussed and condensed into 12 measures. These 12 measures were then included in the second survey when the employees? active participation in the measures? implementation and their satisfaction with the measures? effects should be evaluated. To determine the measures? actual efficiency an extended cost-benefit-analysis (with reference to Schmidt, Hunter & Pearlman: 1982) and a cost-utility-analysis (with reference to Rinza & Schmitz: 1992) were conducted. Nearly all variables investigated in the questionnaire had significantly improved between the first and the second survey (indicators of job demands, occupational scope, motivational potential of occupation, social support, social stressors, commitment, job satisfaction, well-being, psychosomatic complaints). Changes in (multi-modally influenced) absenteeism and in the evaluation of the management?s style of leadership were not significant. Referring to the effects? impact 9 out of 12 measures proved to be positively significant in at least one criterion, whereas referring to (subjectively felt) utility all 12 measures turned out to be positively significant. In six of the remaining nine measures the cost-benefit-analysis resulted in a positive cost-benefit-relation (between 1:71 and 1:1,5). These results were critically discussed and taking into account discounting, specific result-criteria, sensitivity analyses and worst case assessment (see quality principles by Drummond, O´Brien, Stoddart & Torrance, 1987/1997) finally adjusted. Comparing the cost-benefit and cost-utility analyses resulted in significantly different rankings. The critical overall view allows for specific recommendations for five measure-groups. Finally, the joint discussion of the cost-benefit analysis and utility turned out to open up additional aspects of how to conduct the measures in future, which have not been described so far.

Flexibility in MLVR-VSC back-to-back link

Tan, Jiak-San January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes the flexible voltage control of a multi-level-voltage-reinjection voltage source converter. The main purposes are to achieve reactive power generation flexibility when applied for HVdc transmission systems, reduce dynamic voltage balancing for direct series connected switches and an improvement of high power converter efficiency and reliability. Waveform shapes and the impact on ac harmonics caused by the modulation process are studied in detail. A configuration is proposed embracing concepts of multi level, soft-switching and harmonic cancellation. For the configuration, the firing sequence, waveform analysis, steady-state and dynamic performances and close-loop control strategies are presented. In order not to severely compromise the original advantages of the converter, the modulated waveforms are proposed based on the restrictions imposed mathematically by the harmonic cancellation concept and practically by the synthesis circuit complexity and high switching losses. The harmonic impact on the ac power system prompted by the modulation process is studied from idealistic and practical aspects. The circuit topology being proposed in this thesis is developed from a 12-pulse bridge and a converter used classically for inverting power from separated dc sources. Switching functions are deduced and current paths through the converter are analysed. Safe and steady-state operating regions of the converter are studied in phasor diagrams to facilitate the design of simple controllers for active power transfer and reactive power generations. An investigation into the application of this topology to the back-to-back VSC HVdc interconnection is preformed via EMTDC simulations.

以醫師責任保險降低醫療風險之研究 / An Investigation of Medical Liability Insurance to Reduce Medical Risks

陳孟佳, Chen, Meng Chia Unknown Date (has links)
隨著近年醫療糾紛日益增加,民刑事訴訟程序冗長,醫病雙方長時間煎熬,醫病關係日益惡化,導致防禦性醫療盛行。本研究從醫療責任切入,討論醫療爭議及現行處理途徑與方式,現行醫療責任保險之發展,簡介外國醫療責任保險概況。探討我國實施強制醫療責任保險之可能性。 本研究試圖以多階層醫療風險處理模式,以達有效處理醫療糾紛事件之目的。該模式將建立強制醫療責任保險以提供基本補償及簡化賠償機制,推動醫療機構責任保險以行政手段加強民眾保障,限定賠償金額避免高風險急重症專科無人從事,提倡醫師專業責任保險分散風險,引進醫事審議仲裁機制縮短醫療糾紛審查及賠償程序。 期以多面向分層處理醫療糾紛及其賠償問題,建構安全的醫療制度,避免防衛性醫療的盛行及司法資源的浪費。 / With the growing number of medical malpractice cases and the lengthy process of both civil and criminal litigation procedures in recent years, the torture has been agonizing and worsening the relationship between physicians and patients. The very situation results in the prevalence of defensive medical treatment. This research deals with the problem from the viewpoint of medical liability, discusses the current methods of handling medical disputes and explores the development of current medical liability insurance. An overview of the situation in other countries is presented to investigate the possibility of implementing mandatory medical liability insurance in Taiwan. This research attempts to establish a multi-level mode to effectively resolve medical risks. This mode will contribute to a lot of functions including enforcing mandatory medical liability insurance, supporting a fundamental compensation and simplifying the process of damages claiming. Furthermore, the mode will also serve to promote the medical liability insurance of medical institutions and in turn enhance the protection for the common public with administrative measures. In addition, the mode intends to restrict the upper limit of damages in order to remedy the serious phenomenon that no doctors are willing to practice in the high-risk medical departments, which is expected to distribute the medical risk of all the doctors. It will also introduce a medical arbitration mechanism to shorten and accelerate the procedure of medical reviewing and damages claiming in handling medical malpractice cases. We hope, with the establishment of such a multi-level mode, a sound and wholesome medical system can be constructed and the overflowing defensive medical treatment and waste of judicial resources can be avoided.

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