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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pecky entrepreneurs: Why do growth-oriented entrepreneurs choose equity-based crowdfunding? : A multiple-case study about crowdfunding

Larsson, Tova, Le Truong, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Entrepreneurship plays an integral role in innovation, job creation and economic growth, and financing is a key component in facilitating this process. In recent years, the financing industry has taken significant technological leaps forward—perhaps most notably through the introduction of alternative solutions to institutional investors, such as crowdfunding. At the same time, the distinct economic role of these new technologies is still largely unknown. The study aims to examine why growth-oriented entrepreneurs in Sweden choose equity-based crowdfunding. The findings are analyzed through the lens of the pecking order theory, i.e., the notion that entrepreneurs select the cheapest and least risky way to finance a given solution. This article builds on qualitative research with a multiple case study with five cases. The primary data is collected through semi-structured interviews following a topic guide and secondary data from investment material. Further, entrepreneurs choose external equity because of growth and network, and specifically crowdfunding is selected due to ambassadors, marketing, credibility, control keeping, and as a process to become a listed company. The results show that crowdfunding interrupts the pecking order theory.

Kapitalstrukturen i mindre onoterade aktiebolag : En kvantitativ studie om förklaringsvariablerna kring kapitalstrukturhos svenska onoterade aktiebolag

Lindgren, Emil, Sundekvist, Matthias January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Kapitalstrukturen i mindre onoterade aktiebolag - En kvantitativ studie omförklaringsvariablerna kring kapitalstrukturen hos mindre svenska onoterade aktiebolag Nivå: Examensarbete i företagsekonomi Författare: Emil Lindgren och Matthias Sundekvist Handledare: Peter Lindberg Datum: Januari - 2021 Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur storlek, lönsamhet, tillgångsstruktur,tillväxt samt ränta påverkar kapitalstrukturen i små svenska onoterade aktiebolag. Metod: I studien tillämpas ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt. 23 763 svenska företagsårsredovisningar ligger till grund för studiens statistiska beräkningar som gjorts med hjälputav det statistiska programmet SPSS. Resultat och slutsatser: Resultatet visar på att sex av åtta hypoteser kan accepteras.Lönsamhet, tillgångsstruktur, tillväxt och ränta visar sig ha statistisk signifikans. Bådahypoteserna för storlek förkastades då korrelationen var tvärtom mot vad hypotesenförespråkade. Modellsummeringen av regressionsanalysen visar en signifikantförklaringsgrad på 24,9%. Utifrån analysen går det att dra slutsatsen att variablernalönsamhet, tillgångsstruktur, tillväxt och ränta har en viss påverkan på kapitalstruktureni mindre onoterade aktiebolag. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens praktiska bidrag är att den förklarar vilka företagsspecifikavariabler som påverkar kapitalstrukturen i mindre onoterade aktiebolag. Resultaten äranvändbara för både långivare och låntagare. Långivare får en bild av vilka faktorer sompåverkar kapitalstrukturen och kan då ställa krav om vilka covenanter som ska gälla.Företag får i sin tur reda på hur faktorerna påverkar deras skuldsättning och ges dåmöjligheten att styra företaget i en riktning som inte skapar onödiga räntekostnader. Förslag till vidare forskning: Författarna ger förslag till att se över skillnader påkapitalstrukturen mellan noterade och onoterade aktiebolag. Noterade företag har enutspridd ägarstruktur och har det är lättare att ta in kapital genom bland annatnyemissioner. Därmed skulle det vara intressant att se hur de noterade och onoteradeföretagens kapitalstruktur skiljer sig åt.

Gröna obligationer och lönsamhet : En kvantitativ studie om gröna obligationer och lönsamhet bland svenska företag

Andersson, Tim, Sandström, Edvard January 2023 (has links)
Gröna obligationer, ett obligationslån där lånet måste knytas till ett hållbart projekt, är ettväxande begrepp i världen. Sverige är ett av de länder i framkant vad gäller användandet avdenna typ av obligationer. Allt fler investerare är måna om att investera i hållbara alternativ,där just gröna obligationer dykt upp som ett möjligt val. Men vilka motivationsfaktorer finnsdet som får företagen att vilja emittera dessa? Denna studie syftar till att besvara frågan om detråder några skillnader i lönsamhet för bolag som har emitterat gröna obligationer gentemot desom inte har.Utifrån författarnas kännedom finns det ingen liknande studie genomförd på den svenskamarknaden för tillfället. En tidigare studie har dock genomförts på den kinesiska marknadenmed ett resultat som påvisar en positiv relation mellan lönsamhet och gröna obligationer tillföljd av bolagets möjlighet att sänka sin kapitalkostnad.Studien genomfördes utifrån data mellan 2019-2021 på den svenska Large Cap marknaden.Både för hela men också specifikt för sektorer där gröna obligationer har tillämpats merfrekvent. Avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA) har använts som lönsamhetsmått medan grönaobligationer utgjorts av en binär variabel där de olika bolagen tilldelats en etta eller nollaberoende på om de haft gröna obligationer under hela det mätta året respektive inte. Studienhar tagit avstamp från trade-off och pecking-order theory som har sina synsätt på hur bolag börhantera sin skuldsättningsgrad och prioritera sina valmöjligheter att ta in ny finansiering.Studien har även använt sig av aktieägarteorin och intressentteorin för att återkoppla tillbolagens bakomliggande motiveringar att fatta de beslut de tar.Resultatet från studien visade inget signifikant samband mellan lönsamhet och grönaobligationer för svenska Large Cap eller för de branscherna som testades enskilt. Denna studiehar trots det bidragit med ny kunskap om hur relationen mellan gröna obligationer ochlönsamhet ser ut på en marknad där det inte testats förut.

Is cash really king? : En kvantitativ studie om kassainnehav under Covid-19 pandemin

Gartz, Fredrik, Filippi, Nichole January 2022 (has links)
Cash holding of a firm has in previous studies been argued to be significant in terms of the firm's performance during a financial crisis taking place on international markets because of the financial protection that cash holding provides. Similar research taking place on the Swedish market is deficient, and more so regarding current crises. This study aims to investigate to which extent cash holding affects the firms performance based on the Covid-19 pandemic on the Swedish market, and so on to observe whether a higher percentage of cash is advantageous during this financial crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. Special consideration has also been given to the determining factors behind companies decisions regarding the level of cash holdings based on a selection of 676 small to medium-sized companies in the IT line of business. The study assumes a quantitative research method where the numeric data has been produced and compiled based out of the Retriever Business database. Based on a bivariate analysis, this study finds a low correlation between the cash holdings and company performance, which has subsequently been analyzed on the basis of theories and previous research. Furthermore, a higher cash holding generates a faster recovery rate for companies. Thus, companies' short-term results are not affected by the level of cash holdings, but the effect becomes increasingly apparent in the long term.

Kapitalstrukturens avgörande faktorer : Svenska börsnoterade företag före och under covid-19

Dahlberg, Anton, Nordberg, Carl Wilhelm January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin ändrade snabbt förutsättningarna på kapitalmarknaden och företagen tvingades fort att anpassa sig efter rådande restriktioner och rekommendationer. Denna studie undersöker hur kapitalstrukturen i bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen förändrades under pandemiåren 2020–2021 jämfört med före pandemin (2016–2019). Med hjälp av teorier för kapitalstruktur och tidigare studier identifierades fem centrala mått som hjälper till att förklara skuldsättningsgraden. Genom multivariat analys studeras och analyseras vilka variabler och samband som har påverkat kapitalstrukturen under perioden. Studiens resultat visar, i likhet med tidigare studier kring agerande under krissituationer, att företagens skuldsättningsgrad minskade under jämfört med före pandemin.

Kapitalstruktur inom börsnoterade fastighetsbolag : En kvantitativ studie på kapitalstrukturen hos fastighetsbolag listade på Nasdaq Stockholm under perioden 2017-2022

Persson, Petter, Karlberg, Lucas January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar och analyserar kapitalstrukturen hos börsnoterade fastighetsbolag på Nasdaq Stockholm under åren 2017–2022. Studien fokuserar på att identifiera eventuella samband mellan bolagens skuldsättningsgrad och en rad faktorer: storlek, lönsamhet, tillväxt, samt styrräntans inverkan under den valda tidsperioden. Genom att analysera dessa faktorer i relation till den rådande ekonomiska miljön, avser studien att ge insikter i hur fastighetsbolagen kan utforma sina strategier inför framtida finansiella fluktuationer. Den teoretiska ramen inkluderar grundläggande kapitalstrukturteorier som Modigliani-Miller, Trade-off Theory, Pecking order Theory och Market Timing Theory. Med dessa teorier som grund, har studien utfört kvantitativ dataanalys för att testa hypoteser om sambanden mellan de oberoende variablerna (storlek, lönsamhet, tillväxt, styrränta och TestEtt), och den beroende variabeln (skuldsättningsgrad). Dessa insikter är inte bara relevanta för akademiska ändamål utan också värdefulla för investerare och företagsledare i beslutsprocessen om investeringar. Studien bidrar till den befintliga forskningen genom att ge en djupare förståelse för hur externa ekonomiska förhållanden, som förändrade styrräntor, påverkar kapitalstrukturer inom fastighetssektorn. Slutligen presenterar uppsatsen förslag för framtida forskning för att bygga vidare på de upptäckta trenderna och relationerna. / This essay explores and analyzes the capital structure of publicly traded real estate companies on Nasdaq Stockholm during the years 2017–2022. The study focuses on identifying potential correlations between the companies' leverage ratios and a range of factors: size, profitability, growth, as well as the impact of the policy rate during the chosen period. By analyzing these factors in relation to the prevailing economic environment, the study aims to provide insights into how real estate companies can shape their strategies in anticipation of future financial fluctuations. The theoretical framework includes fundamental capital structure theories such as Modigliani-Miller, Trade-off Theory, Pecking order Theory, and Market Timing Theory. Building on these theories, the study conducted quantitative data analysis to test hypotheses regarding the relationships between the independent variables (size, profitability, growth, policy rate and TestEtt) and the dependent variable (leverage ratio).  These insights are not only relevant for academic purposes but also valuable for investors and corporate decision-makers in the investment decision-making process. The study contributes to existing research by providing a deeper understanding of how external economic conditions, such as changing policy rates, affect capital structures within the real estate sector. Finally, the essay presents suggestions for future research to build upon the discovered trends and relationships.

How business advisors communicate, advise and observe : How advisors in northern Sweden communicate and advise from the observed needs of their business customers

Peltomaa, Victor, Edeblom, Elvis January 2024 (has links)
The world is experiencing a large degree of change and that is no different for the banking industry in Sweden. With a higher level of communication happening through digital channels combined with the lowering of bank offices, questions arise about how advisors are communicating, what the advisors' demands and recommendations are for firms applying for credit as well as who their customers are and their demands.  The purpose of this paper is to find out what communication channels advisors are using and how they are used. Based on the demands that they present during this communication, what capital structure theory seems to fit the behavior of both the advisor and the firms. Results from this purpose indicate that advisors use a myriad of different ICTs daily and that the use of them is widespread and growing over time, but there still exist situations where physical meetings and contact occur. Furthermore, the demands and actions of the advisor point them towards communicating in preference for the pecking order theory mainly and the use of internal funds, though exceptions exist of the opposite. The demands observed by firms are more widespread but trade-off theory seems to explain the actions of larger firms better with there being a split in the evidence of support of pecking order theories explanation of firms behavior. Previous work related to this field has previously been done by looking at the firm's behaviors in connection to capital structure theory, but to our knowledge, work related to the observed demands seen from a banking advisor's perspective seems to be lacking. Previous work involved in ICT is also apparent but with the nature of the subject and the rapid advancement of the technologies, new information is always needed. Therefore, how the capital structure theories and ICT explain the behavior and communication of advisors and bank customers are a needed area of research.

Tillämpning av finansiella metoder i mikroföretag inom detaljhandeln : Kvalitativ studie

Cziszewska, Anna, Haddad, Renia January 2019 (has links)
Mikroföretagens roll är av stor betydelse för den svenska ekonomin. Dock visar statistik att var tredje mikroföretag går i konkurs kort efter uppstarten. Detaljhandelsbranschen visar sig vara den näst mest konkurrensutsatta branschen i Sverige samt att mikroföretag upplever finansieringsproblematik. En orsak till detta kan bero på företagares bristande kunskap om vilka finansieringalternativ som finns. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka val av finansieringsmetoder mikroföretag inom detaljhandeln väljer, samt hur andra finansieringsmetoder kan användas för att öka ett företags kapitalbehov. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Studien har utgått från teorierna pecking order-teorin, trade-off teorin, det finansiella gapet samt olika finansieringsmetoder. Det insamlade materialet består av tre stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från tre mikroföretag inom detaljhandelsbranschen. Studiens slutsatser visar på att mikroföretag inom detaljhandelsbranschen väljer att finansiera sin verksamhet främst genom eget kapital. De undersökta mikroföretagen uppfattar svårigheter med banklån som finansieringsmetod på grund av informationsasymmetrin som råder mellan företagare och finansiärer. Samtliga mikroföretag upplever att det råder hög konkurrens inom detaljhandelsbranschen. / The role of microenterprises is of significance for the Swedish economy, however statistics show that every third microenterprise goes bankrupt shortly after the startup. The retail sector is proving to be the second most exposed sector for competition in Sweden. One of the reasons for this may be because of the entrepreneur’s lack of knowledge about existing financial options. The purpose of this study is to investigate the choice of financing methods for microenterprises within the retail sector and how other financing methods can be used to increase a company’s capital. The study was conducted through a qualitative research method with semistructured interviews as a collection method. The study has been based on theories such as pecking order-theory, trade-off theory, financial gap and various financing methods. The empiricism in the study consists of three semistructured interviews with respondents from three microenterprises within the retail sector. The study’s conclusion shows that microenterprises within the retail sector choose to finance their operations mainly with equity. The study’s investigated microenterprises perceive difficulties with bankloans as a financing method due to information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and financiers. All investigated microenterprises experience high competition in the retail sector.

Determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas em diferentes cenários econômicos e institucionais: um estudo comparativo / Capital Structure determinants of firms in different economy and institutional environments: A comparative study

Santos, Marco Aurélio dos 08 November 2013 (has links)
Diversas teorias ao longo do tempo apresentam explicações sobre as estruturas de capital das organizações. As principais são a teoria Pecking Order, Teoria Trade Off e Teoria Free Cash-Flow, com base na teoria de Agência. Todas essas teorias apresentam relações teóricas entre alguns determinantes de estruturas de capital vinculadas a firma que poderiam interferir na decisão de financiamento. Uma segunda linha de estudos, vinculada a esta, apresenta que determinantes externas a firma também interferem nesta estrutura de capital, porém as variáveis de firma comportam-se de forma semelhante em diferentes cenários econômicos. (RAJAN e ZINGALES, 1995; BOOTH et. al., 2001; de JONG et. al., 2008; GURCHARAN, 2010; KAYO e KIMURA, 2011). Considerando as pesquisas anteriores, desenvolveu-se uma investigação para a confirmação desta hipótese, com o objetivo de identificar quais variáveis são mais importantes na tomada de decisão financeira e se há variabilidade em cenários temporais e ambientes econômicos distintos. Para tal foram analisadas 10.243 empresas sediadas em 61 países distintos no período de 2002-2011, totalizando o número de 58.423 observações firma ano, por meio de um modelo de regressão linear hierárquica de três níveis com medidas repetidas, verificando qual a importância das variáveis de firma e país no endividamento, se há variação das mesmas em países com diferentes contextos econômicos e em períodos de crescimento e retração econômica. Foram analisadas cinco determinantes clássicas de firma (lucratividade, tangibilidade, proteção fiscal não advinda da dívida, tamanho e oportunidades de crescimento), e onze variáveis de país que possuem relação com o endividamento (PIB, inflação, taxa de impostos, volume negociado em ações, liquidez de bolsa, capitalização das empresas listadas, índice risco país, taxa de juros, enforcement jurídico, nível de proteção ao investidor e nível de disclosure de negócios). A partir das análises realizadas, foi identificado que o endividamento está ligado em maior grau a características das firmas e ao tempo, e em menor grau, porém significante, às características do ambiente. Foi identificado que não há mudanças extremamente significativas no comportamento das variáveis de firma entre economias desenvolvidas e em desenvolvimento, assim como entre períodos pré e pós-crise financeira de 2008. Em relação as determinantes de país analisadas, observa-se que as mesmas apresentam comportamento adverso em função da crise de 2008, perdendo capacidade explicativa, e não apresentam comportamento de mudança de sinal dos coeficientes quando comparados países com desenvolvimento econômico distinto. Identifica-se que características do desenvolvimento econômico ficam mais evidentes no processo de financiamento, como acesso a recursos em economias com menor desenvolvimento. Os resultados apresentam convergência com os estudos anteriores como os de Moore (1986), Rajan e Zingales (1995), Booth et. al. (2001), Kayo e Kimura (2011), Bebzcuk e Galindo (2011), Akbar et. al (2012), entre outros. / Several theories over time present explanations of the capital structures of organizations. The main theories are the Pecking Order Theory, Trade Off and Free Cash-Flow Theory, based on the Agency Theory. All these theories have some theoretical relationships between determinants of capital structures linked to firm that could interfere in the financing decision. A second line of studies, linked to this, shows that determinants outside the firm also interfere in capital structure, but the firm variables behave similarly in different economic scenarios (RAJAN and ZINGALES, 1995; BOOTH et. al., 2001; de JONG et. al., 2008; GURCHARAN, 2010; KAYO and KIMURA, 2011). Considering previous researches, we developed an investigation to confirm this hypothesis, identifying which variables are the most important in financial decision-making and there is variability in temporal scenarios and different economic environments. To this end, we analyzed 10,243 companies based in 61 different countries in the period 2002-2011, a total number of 58,423 firm year observations, through a hierarchical linear regression model of three levels with repeated measures, checking the importance of the variables firm and country in debt, if there is variation in the same countries with different economic contexts and periods of growth and downturn. We analyzed five firm classical determinants ( profitability , tangibility, non-debt tax shield , size and growth opportunities) , and eleven variables that are related to country debt ( GDP , inflation, taxes , trading volume in shares , stock liquidity , capitalization of listed companies, country risk index , interest rate , law enforcement , level of investor protection and disclosure level) . From the analysis, it was identified the debt is linked to a greater degree the characteristics of firms and time, and on a lesser degree, but significant, with characteristics of the environment. It wasn\'t identified very significant changes in the behavior of firm variables between developed and developing countries, as well as between pre-and post- 2008 financial crisis. Regarding the determinants of country analyzed, it is observed that they present adverse behavior due to the 2008 crisis, losing explanatory power, and have no behavior change in sign of the coefficients when comparing countries with different economic development. Characteristics of economic development become more evident in the funding process, such as access to resources in less developed economies. The results show convergence with previous studies such as Moore (1986) , Rajan and Zingales (1995) Booth et al. al. (2001) Kayo and Kimura (2011) , Bebzcuk and Galindo (2011) , Akbar et al. al (2012 ), among others

Fatores determinantes da estrutura de capital de pequenas e médias empresas de capital fechado: evidência empírica no cenário brasileiro no período de 2000 a 2007

Rocha, Carlos Adriano 02 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Adriano Rocha.pdf: 1409553 bytes, checksum: 8e3ee9e874be7d196f3160b5f85b3c20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-02 / This study examines the capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises in Brazil, specifically the determinants of total, short and long term debt ratios as well as determinants of onerous debt ratios. It used a database composed of 22,000 small businesses and 19,000 medium-sized enterprises, evaluated in a time frame of eight years (2000 to 2007) and compared the macroeconomic variable of the evolution of real GDP with the variable of time measured in years. Moreover, several factors were validated in the specialized literature as determinants of capital structure of companies. The technique used was econometrics models for panel data. The determinants of debt found in common was the profitability, the growth rate of assets, non-debt tax shields, age of firms and the risk of liquidity. On the other hand, vertical integration, capital source and partner risk did not seem to have an effect on the level of debt in small and medium firms. The rating variation and internationalization activity factors were introduced as capital structure determinants of these firms. In general terms, the results suggested that the Pecking Order Theory is more consistent to explain the capital structure of the Brazilian small and medium enterprises / O presente trabalho analisa a estrutura de capital das pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras, mais especificamente os determinantes do endividamento de curto e longo prazo, total e oneroso. Utilizou-se de uma base de dados composta por 22.000 pequenas empresas e 19.000 médias empresas, avaliadas em um horizonte de tempo de oito anos (2000 a 2007) e comparou a variável macroeconômica da evolução do PIB real verificada em função da variável de tempo. Além disso, foram validados vários fatores considerados na bibliografia especializada como determinantes da estrutura de capitais das empresas. A técnica utilizada foi a de modelos econométricos para dados em painel. As determinantes de endividamento encontradas em comum foram a rentabilidade, a taxa de crescimento do ativo, os outros benefícios fiscais (nondebt tax shields), a idade da empresa e índice de liquidez. Enquanto que a integração vertical, origem de capital e risco societário não apresentaram como determinante da estrutura de capital dessas empresas. Introduziu o fator variação do rating de crédito e atividade de internacionalização como determinantes da estrutura de capital. De um modo geral, os resultados sugeriram que a teoria de Pecking Order é mais consistente para explicar a estrutura de capital de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras

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