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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensory intervention to improve sleep behaviors and social participation of children in Israel with Sensory Modulation Disorder

Spira, Geela 01 January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate a sensory intervention of moderate pressure touch on children with sensory modulation disorder on the outcomes of sleep behaviors and social participation. 50 children, aged 6-11 years, with both sensory modulation disorder and sleep difficulties were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group participants received three weeks of nightly massage by their parents. The parents filled out questionnaires reporting on sleep behaviors, sensory modulation, and social participation, as well as recording a sleep log, and determining goal attainment scaling goals. The questionnaires used were the Short Sensory Profile, the Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Sensory Processing Measure social sub-section. Significant improvement was found between the total and sub-group scores of sleep and social participation measures. While obstructive sleep disorders remained unchanged, behavioral sleep difficulties of sleep onset, sleep anxiety, parasomnias, sleep duration, and daytime sleepiness, as well as the total sleep scores ( F(1,48)=24.71, p

Social identity and commitment : migration and settlement of new northern towns

Stewart, Donald Alexander. January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Community Participation Patterns of the Residents of Krum, Texas and Denton, Texas

Blue, Dorothy A. 12 1900 (has links)
Patterns of participation in formal organizations by residents of a rural non-farm community are compared with those of residents in an urban community. Multi-stage random sampling is utilized in Denton to select those interviewed. In Krum, each residence was numbered and a table of random numbers was used to select households. Chapter One includes the study's purpose, review of the literature, and statement of the hypothesis. Methodology is discussed in the second chapter. Chapter Three focuses on findings and discussions. Data indicate that in the urban community social class, age, homeownership, and length of residency are related to amount of participation. In the rural non-0farm community social class is related to participation. Residents in the urban community participate more than those in the rural non-farm community.


[pt] Esta pesquisa objetiva evidenciar trajetórias e processos que motivam participação e engajamento social de jovens na atualidade. Considerando recentes denúncias e anúncios das juventudes contemporâneas, este estudo se justifica diante da necessidade de compreensão e fortalecimento da participação juvenil na construção de novos caminhos para o planeta que enfrenta desgaste político, humanitário e geográfico. Tendo como objeto de estudo narrativas de jovens ativistas que se fazem presentes no projeto Ressuscita São Gonçalo, a pesquisa buscou identificar, descrever e compreender processos formativos que constituem seus engajamentos. Existiria, portanto, algo de particular na trajetória desses jovens? A dissertação aproximou os estudos sobre Juventudes, Interculturalidade, Decolonialidade e Epistemologias do Sul, especialmente, na perspectiva de pedagogia e do pedagógico defendido por Walsh (2016) ao assumir o lugar do vivido e experimentado para mapear a tessitura da emancipação social emergente em processos cotidianos. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa aliou observação de atividades lideradas pelos jovens a entrevistas sob a forma de entrevista compreensiva. Nesta abordagem as narrativas juvenis assumem centralidade em vias de visibilizar saberes e fazeres enunciados por eles. Emerge deste mapeamento plurivocal a produção de significados advindos de memórias afetivas e reinterpretações propositivas com e para a periferia. Os resultados mostram a importância das experiências sociais como fomento político para o debate democrático. Destaca-se a responsabilização pelo território somada a esperança por um novo tempo como um chamamento de força e despertar para um giro entre resistir ao descaso que subalterniza e insurgir em práticas e ações de ressignificação das realidades experimentadas. / [en] This research highlights trajectories and processes that motivate participation and social engagement of young people today. Considering recent complaints and announcements by the contemporary youth, this study is justified by the need to understand and strengthen youth participation in the construction of new paths for the planet that faces political, humanitarian and geographical distress. The research, whose objects of study are the narratives of young activists from the project Ressuscita São Gonçalo, seeks to identify, describe and understand the training processes that constitute their engagements. What was different about the trajectory of these young people? The dissertation approaches studies on Youth, Interculturality, Decoloniality and Epistemologies of the South, especially in the perspective of pedagogy defended by Walsh (2016) when taking the place of the lived and experienced to map the fabric of the emerging social emancipation in everyday life. The research combines observation of activities led by young people and comprehensive interviews so youth narratives take center stage in the process of making knowledge and actions enunciated by them visible. The production of meaning from affective memories and propositional reinterpretations with and for the periphery emerges from this plurivocal mapping. The results show the importance of social experiences as a political stimulus for the democratic debate. Emphasis is placed on accountability for the territory as well as the hope for a new time as a call for strength and awakening to a turn between resisting the neglect that subordinates and insurgency in practices and actions to re-signify the experienced realities.

Social Integration of Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) : – Exploring the teachers’ accounts of how children with SEN are integrated at a mainstream primary school

Hallak, Afnan, Abdelmoniem Elwidaa Osman, Israa January 2023 (has links)
Abstract  Even though there have been enormous efforts towards the inclusive practices of young children with special educational needs (SEN) globally. Young children with SEN might still have different experiences related to their integration in mainstream environments depending on each school, municipality, country, and country. The study is aimed at exploring the teacher’s accounts of how children with SEN are integrated socially into practice in a mainstream school environment. It also investigates the main challenges faced by special needs children inside their classrooms, as reported by teachers working at one of the mainstream primary schools. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with five primary school teachers and teaching assistants. Thematic structural analysis was used to identify the study's main themes. These themes were focused on; a) the teachers’ accounts in relation to the social integration among primary school children (with and without) SEN, b) the participation of children with SEN in the social activities of the primary mainstream school, and c) the communication challenges encountered in the teacher/student interactions.  The teachers’ accounts in relation to the social integration among primary school children showed different benefits for children with and without SEN, as well as challenges which act as barriers to the children’s social integration in a mainstream school. The results further showed that the children's participation in the social activities of mainstream school was not as presumed within a mainstream school environment, one of the reasons was the restrictions of Covid 19. Finally, the main challenge encountered in the teachers- students' relations was related to the communication difficulties of children with SEN. In a mainstream school, the social integration of young children with SEN is challenged by several factors that act as barriers to their fullest social involvement.


IANY LUGAO MONTEIRO 18 June 2024 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre a valorização do trabalho das(os) assistentes sociais inseridas no campo da saúde, no Rio de Janeiro. Objetiva desvelar os aspectos limitantes e potentes presentes no cotidiano do trabalho profissional de assistentes sociais que estiveram atuando na pandemia (2020-2021) e que participam da comissão de saúde do CRESS-RJ. Os esforços teóricos dedicaram-se à análise das categorias Trabalho, Saúde, Serviço Social, Gênero e Raça. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como instrumental o questionário semiestruturado por meio do google forms, e cuja amostragem compreende 22 (vinte e dois) respondentes. Os resultados demonstram perfil feminino, autodeclarado negro e cisgênero, com experiência de tempo de serviço e tempo de graduação por mais de cinco anos, vínculos estáveis e atuação ativa em outros espaços. Mesmo observado alguns profissionais inseridos em um contexto de precarização, os resultados da pesquisa sinalizam um quantitativo relevante de profissionais que se encontram muito mais em condições estáveis e com atuação ativa. Realidade essa que, embora não apague as dificuldades fruto das disparidades sociais, desvela uma população de classe média. A pesquisa revela a realidade social a que esses profissionais de saúde enfrentam no cotidiano dos serviços e as estratégias de enfrentamento para se manterem ativos em consonância com o projeto profissional. Deste modo, elucida o papel do cuidado na reprodução social como um fator preponderante para a manutenção de realidades de exploração e da manutenção das trabalhadoras em face das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação. / [en] This study presents research on the appreciation of the work of social workers in the health field in Rio de Janeiro. It aims to reveal the limiting and powerful aspects present in the daily professional work of social workers who were working during the pandemic (2020-2021) and who participate in the CRESS-RJ health committee. Theoretical efforts were dedicated to analyzing the categories of Work, Health, Social Service, Gender and Race. The methodology used was qualitative research, using a semi-structured questionnaire using Google Forms as an instrument, with a sample comprising 22 respondents. The results demonstrate a female profile, selfdeclared black and cisgender, with experience of service and graduation time for more than 5 years, stable relationships and active work in other spaces. Even though we observed some professionals inserted in a precarious context, the research results indicate a relevant number of professionals who are much more in stable conditions and actively working. This reality, although it does not erase the difficulties resulting from social disparities, reveals a middle class population. The research reveals the social reality that these health professionals face in their daily services and the coping strategies to remain active in line with their professional project. In this way, it elucidates the role of care in social reproduction as a preponderant factor in maintaining realities of exploitation and the maintenance of workers in the face of Information and Communication Technologies.

Maatskaplike ontwikkelingsvennootskappe tussen die korporatiewe sektor, die staat en nie-winsgewende organisasies

Pretorius, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was the formulation of guidelines for the organising of developmental partnerships, of which the key components may be seen as: • the corporate sector; • the State; and • the non-profit or non-Governmental sector. A literature study was completed, focusing on the partnership strategy within the context of the social developmental approach. In-depth focus was placed on the elements of an effective developmental partnership, as well as the manner in which such a partnership should be organised. An empirical study was completed in order to investigate the nature of the developmental partnership strategy; the characteristics of an effective strategy; and the nature of the various and distinctive organisational components. Data was gathered from a study sample determined by means of purposive selection of developmental partnerships in the Western Cape. This sample comprised four (4) representatives each of the corporate sector, the State and the non-Governmental sector. Three (3) different self-administered questionnaires were used for data-gathering - one type of questionnaire for each of the sectors mentioned. The questionnaires were distributed amongst the twelve (12) respondents - thus, in total comprising four (4) distinctive developmental partnerships. The findings primarily relate to the following three aspects: • the nature of the developmental partnership strategy within the current social developmental context; • the requisite elements necessary for effective developmental partnerships; and • the organisation of these partnerships. Of the various findings, the following may be considered to be of primary significance. A developmental partnership is possible between all the parties, irrespective of the sector where they are involved. The partnerships are, however, increasingly being regulated by means of policy and are thus consequently becoming increasingly formal and institutionalized. All parties are active participants in the developmental partnerships, and contributions by each of the parties are usually made in the form of service provisions or service-producing activities. The parties, however, do attach value or importance to certain specific elements of the partnership - which in tum have a significant influence on determining the effectiveness of that partnership. It is on these principles that the organising of the developmental partnership is based. There are diverse reasons for the concluding of a developmental partnership which generally differ from one partner to the next. The partners in such a developmental partnership are selected according to specific criteria. Certain criteria are of greater significance for certain partners than for others. However, a key element does appear to be a sufficient degree of "cultural fit" between the partners. Certain mechanisms are utilized in order to promote this "fit". Despite the structure of the developmental partnership being adaptable and flexible, there appears to be a strong indication that the partnership is control-assured. The nature of this control is facilitative. The control varies amongst the partners, depending on the current nature of the partnership activities; the competencies of the partners; and the need for growth within the partnership in order to realise its objectives. A further finding concerns the need for clarity regarding the division of tasks or functions and for co-ordination within the partnership in order to ensure its effectiveness. Resources are contributed by the various partners, and thereby any resources, risks and benefits inherent to the partnership are shared amongst its members. The principle of exchange is an integral factor for the success of the partnership. It is this idea of exchange that provides the general framework within which it is determined what each of the partners contribute to the partnership, and what benefits they derive from the partnership. On the basis of these conclusions, as well as the findings made in the literature study, recommendations have been made focusing on the elements that will give rise to effective developmental partnerships and how they should be organised in order to promote the desired success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om riglyne op te stel vir die organisering van ontwikkelingsvennootskappe. Die korporatiewe sektor, die Staat en die nie-winsgewende of nie-staatsektor is by hierdie unieke vennootskappe betrokke. Ten einde hierdie riglyne op te stel is 'n literatuurstudie gedoen oor die vennootskapstrategie binne die konteks van die maatskaplike ontwikkelingsbenadering. In die literatuurstudie is elemente van 'n effektiewe vennootskap, asook die wyse om so 'n vennootskap te organiseer, indringend ondersoek. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is ook gedoen om die aard van die vennootskapstrategie, die kenmerke van 'n effektiewe vennootskap en die aard van organiseringskomponente te bepaal. Die steekproef vir die ondersoek is bekom deur 'n doelbewuste seleksie van ontwikkelingsvennootskappe in die Wes-Kaap provinsie. Hiervolgens is vier (4) verteenwoordigers van die korporatiewe sektor, die Staat en die nie-staatsektor onderskeidelik by die studie betrek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van drie verskillende selfgeadministreerde vraelyste, een vir elke sektor onderskeidelik. Hierdie vraelyste is versprei na die twaalf respondente. Die twaalf respondente het bestaan uit vier verteenwoordigers van elk van die drie partye betrokke en het dus vier (4) verskillende ontwikkelingsvennootskappe behels. Die bevindings wat gemaak is, hou hoofsaaklik verband met die volgende drie aspekte: • die aard van die vennootskapstrategie binne die huidige maatskaplike ontwikkelingskonteks; • elemente noodsaaklik vir 'n effektiewe vennootskap; en • die organisering van 'n vennootskap. Die belangrikste bevindings was die volgende. 'n Vennootskap is moontlik tussen al die partye, ongeag die sektor waarby hulle betrokke is. Hierdie vennootskappe word toenemend deur beleid gerig, en gevolglik is dit toenemend formeel en geïnstitusionaliseerd. Al die partye is aktief betrokke by die vennootskappe. Bydraes word deur die vennote gelewer in die vorm van diensvoorsienings- of diensproduseringsaktiwiteite. Die vennote heg waarde aan sekere spesifieke elemente in die vennootskap. Hierdie elemente het 'n beduidende invloed op die bevordering van effektiwiteit. Die organisering van die vennootskap wentel om hierdie beginsels. Daar is verskillende redes vir die aangaan van die vennootskap. Hierdie redes kan verskil van vennoot tot vennoot. Vennote vir die vennootskap word volgens spesifieke kriteria geselekteer. Sekere kriteria is meer belangrik vir sommige vennote as vir ander. Wat veral belangrik is, is 'n bevredigende kulturele passing ("cultural fit") tussen die vennote. Sekere meganismes word benut om hierdie passing of verenigbaarheid te bevorder. Alhoewel die struktuur van die vennootskap aanpasbaar en buigsaam is, is daar egter 'n sterk aanduiding dat die vennootskapsbeheer verseker is. Die aard van die vennootskapsbeheer is fasiliterend. Die beheer wissel van vennoot tot vennoot, afhangende van die aard van die aktiwiteite, die bevoeghede van die vennote en die behoefte binne die vennootskap om te groei en sy doelwitte te bereik. 'n Verdere bevinding wat gemaak is, is dat duidelike werkverdeling en -koördinering in die vennootskap noodsaaklik is vir effektiewe samewerking. Die hulpbronne word bygedra deur die onderskeie vennote. Sodoende word hulpbronne, risiko's en voordele wat verbonde is aan die vennootskap tussen die vennote verdeel. Die beginsel van uitruiling is 'n sleutelfaktor vir die sukses van 'n vennootskap. Die idee van uitruiling verskaf die algehele raamwerk vir die analisering van wat partye bydra en voordele wat die vennote uit die vennootskap kry. Op grond van hierdie afleidings en gevolgtrekkings asook die bevindings gemaak in die literatuurondersoek is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings fokus op die elemente wat aanleiding sal gee tot 'n effektiewe vennootskap en hoe hierdie ontwikkelingsvennootskappe georganiseer moet word om effektief te wees.

The study on community participation in neighbourhood level community development projects: an evaluation model

Chan, Dan-leung., 陳敦亮. January 1985 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

高齡者社團參與類型、參與程度與生活滿意度關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Association Participation Types, Participation Degree and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly

傅嘉瑜, Fu, Chia-yu Unknown Date (has links)
人口快速老化與平均餘命的延長,使我們越來越重視老年退休生活,加上高齡者健康、經濟資源的提升,與家庭支持系統轉弱等現代社會特性,鼓勵高齡者從事社會參與乃成為老人福利中的重要課題。台灣地區高齡者從事社會參與的情形為何?影響高齡者從事社會參與的因素有哪些?從事社會參與是否能提升生活滿意度?究竟哪種社會參與面向才是主要影響生活滿意度的因素?均是本研究關注的焦點。首先根據文獻探討高齡者生活滿意度及社會參與的意涵、相關因素與相關研究,並以社會老年學觀點作為本研究的理論基礎。 本研究乃是使用行政院衛生署國民健康局人口與健康調查研究中心執行之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」1999年調查資料進行次級資料分析,研究樣本為年滿六十五歲以上之高齡者,有效樣本數為2890人,針對所得的資料,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、點二系列相關、皮爾森積差相關、邏輯迴歸、多元迴歸分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。綜合本研究主要發現,獲致下列結論: 一、高齡者具有社會參與的需求。 二、參加「老人團體」是高齡者社會參與的最愛。 三、意向障礙是阻礙高齡者社會參與的主因。 四、高齡者的社會參與與生活滿意度有關。 五、社會參與面向中,影響生活滿意度最關鍵的因素為「參與程度」。 六、影響高齡者社會參與的因素為,性別、年齡、教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住地。 七、影響高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、婚姻狀況、居住安排及有無社會參與。 八、影響有社會參與的高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住安排及參與程度。 根據上述研究結論,本研究分別就政府機關、辦理老人社會參與相關機構及高齡者本身提供以下建議:一、對政府機關之建議:(一)健全老人經濟及健康之福利服務;(二)透過社會教育的方式,向老人宣導社會參與對老化調適的好處;(三)廣設老人活動中心,鼓勵並協助老人組成社團;(四)營造高齡者社會參與的無障礙環境。二、對辦理老人社會參與相關機構之建議:(一)排除機構障礙,增加高齡者社會參與的機會;(二)提供多元的社會參與類型,並注重活動進行的品質。三、對高齡者本身之建議:(一)破除意向障礙,積極從事社會參與;(二)從事退休準備,以擁有健康、滿意的老年生活。 / Due to the rapid aging of population and the prolongation of life expectancy, people pay more and more attention on elders’ retirement life. According to the characteristics of modern society, such as elders’ health, increase of economic resources and the obsolescence family support system, encouraging elders to have social participation becomes an important issue of elderly welfare. How is elders’ social participations in Taiwan? What are the key factors of elders’ social participations? Could social participation increase their life satisfactions? Which of the social participation is the main factor that influences life satisfactions? Above are the targets of this study. At first, we probe into life satisfactions, social participation meanings, related factors, and research from bibliography, and we take social gerontology as the theoretical base of this study. This study conducted a secondary data analysis based on the data from 1999 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and the Elderly in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan). The study subjects were elders over 65 years old, and the number of valid samples was 2890. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test(X2), Independent-Samples t-test, point biserial correlation, the Pearson product-moment correlation, logistic regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the main findings of this study, we have the following conclusions: 1.Elders have needs of social participation. 2.“The elderly group” is elders’ favorite social participation target. 3.Intention obstacle is the main reason hindering elders’ social participation. 4.Elders’ social participation is related to life satisfaction. 5.The most critical factor in social participation which influences life satisfaction is “participation degree”. 6.The factors influencing elders’ social participation are gender, age, educational level, economic status, health status and residential locations. 7.The factors affecting elders’ life satisfaction are educational level, economic status, health status, marital status, residential arrangement and social participation. 8.The factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly who has social participation are educational level, economic status, health status, residential arrangement and participation degree. According to the above conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for the governments, institutions dealing with elders’ social participation and elders: 1. Suggestions for the governments: (1) Complete elderly economic and healthy welfare services. (2) Promoting the advantage of social participation on aging accommodation to elders by social education. (3) Constructing elderly community centers, encouraging and helping elders to establish the associations. (4) Constructing the barrier-free environment for elders’ social participation. 2. Suggestions for the institutions dealing with elders’ social participation: (1) Eliminating the obstacles of the institutions to increase probability of elders’ social participation. (2) Providing diverse types of social participation and focusing more on the quality of the activities. 3. Suggestions for elders: (1) Overcoming the intention obstacles to have more social participation. (2) Being prepared for the retirement to have healthy and satisfying elderly life.

Can young people develop and deliver effective creative anti-bullying strategies?

Hickson, Andy January 2009 (has links)
Using action research within a critical paradigm framework the author investigated young people’s ability to develop a programme of work that raises awareness of bullying in schools. The research group was made up of six young people, to whom the author and other specialists offered anti-bullying and participatory training techniques. The group eventually designed their own anti-bullying activity programme, which they delivered in creative workshop style sessions to other young people in schools. The author located this research in critical enquiry, engaging the group in a self-reflective process that aimed to be democratic, equitable, liberating and life enhancing. This report is written in the form of a narrative and evaluates the author’s practice as an educative theatre practitioner. Central themes to this research are bullying, power, creative activity and youth participation. Schools, teachers and adults are often described as sucking out the creativity of young people and thus not allowing many of them achieve their full potential. In this context young people are often powerless to deal with some of the difficult issues in their lives such as bullying. The author suggests that peer support is a key strategy to deal with bullying in schools. The author introduces a new concept of peer support called external peer support, which he has evaluated against the current literature. The definition of bullying is explored in depth, as is its relationship to power. The author suggests peer support to be a key strategy in youth participation and ultimately helping youth empowerment.

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