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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återintegrering efter obstetrisk fisteloperation : En integrerad litteraturöversikt / Reintergration after obstetric fistula surgery : A integrated litterature reveiw

Hermansson, Agnes, Skaf, Elena January 2020 (has links)
Obstetrisk fistel beskrivs som en abnormal gång mellan vaginan och urinblåsan och/eller rektum, där urin och/eller avföring läcker ut okontrollerat. Den vanligaste orsaken till utvecklandet av obstetrisk fistel är en dystoki. Att drabbas av obstetrisk fistel innebär en stor risk att bli stigmatiserad samt att det är ett tillstånd som är förödande för kvinnors välbefinnande, mentala hälsa och liv. För att en kvinna ska kunna återgå till det liv hon levde innan utvecklandet av obstetrisk fistel så krävs en återintegrering. Syftet med studien var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar kvinnors återintegrering efter korrektiv operation för obstetrisk fistel. Denna studie har utgått ifrån en integrerad metodartikel med en induktiv ansats, där studien har utgått ifrån syftet utan något teoretiskt ramverk. Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier, hälsa, stöd, ekonomi och kunskap. Resultatet visade att en lyckad korrektiv operation underlättade kvinnors återintegrering tillsammans med stöd från familj och samhälle. Dock fanns det en stor risk för kvinnor utan stöd att ha fortsatta och djupare depressioner. Kvinnorna kunde inte åstadkomma en lyckad återintegrering om de inte fick tid och stöd för att återhämta sig. Detta gällde också ekonomiskt stöd. Denna litteraturöversikt kan tillföra en ökad förståelse till sjukvårdspersonal som arbetar med denna patientgrupp, för hur obstetrisk fistel påverkar kvinnor samt vilka faktorer som påverkar kvinnors återintegrering.

Vilka egenskaper anses viktiga vid valet av kandidater till fullmäktige? / Which qualities are considered important in the selection of candidates to the local assembly?

Espejo Reveco, Josè January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this work is to understand the recruitment of candidates to the local representative assembly in the municipality of Täby. The method used is qualitative interviewing, of a total of eight local politicians in Täby. The theory in which this work rest upon is based on a new-institutionalist perspective. Of great importance is the thoughts of the politicians involved in the recrution process, what do they think were the reasons that controlled the order of priority in the party list among the pool of candidates? Were there any obstacles for minorities in the politics like for example foreigners, women or young people? The study is taking it’s departure from the politicians who candidated in the election of 2002-2006 and the ones which are candidating to the election this coming autumn.</p><p>In conclusion the aim is to understand the reasons that gives some of the candidates electable places to the assembly, and what the actors themselves think are the conclusive qualities that matters the most. Both the Social democrats and the right party (Moderaterna) in Täby thought that the main qualities a candidate needed was to be active in the party activities, and that being active would lead to a broad network and support from the members of the party. The Social democratic party had a formal ambition to have representative lists and used affirmative action to bolster female representation in their lists. Moderaterna didn’t use the same system but in reality they had an informal method of assuring a good representation of people in their lists. In general the persons involved in this study didn't perceived any discrimination against any individual because of external attributes, and the main issue was to increase the representation within their parties.</p>

Konstruktion, administration och tillämpning av Svenska ämnesord och kontrollerade vokabulär / Creation, Administration and Implementation of Swedish Subject Headings and Controlled Vocabularies

Andersson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur svenska kontrollerade vokabulärer hanterar inkluderande perspektiv. Svenska ämnesord är en nationellt kontrollerad vokabulär med ämnesord som skapats och administreras av Kungliga biblioteket och som används av svenska bibliotek för indexering. Biblioteken strävar efter stabila söksystem, samtidigt förändras ordens betydelse snabbt. Det är en utmaning för biblioteken att säkerställa hög sökbarhet men undvika att använda ett diskriminerande språk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur inkluderande perspektiv används i svenska kontrollerade vokabulär. Fyra frågor har formulerats, den första handlar om hur ämnesord om etnicitet och nationalitet är representerade i Svenska ämnesord. De övriga tre frågorna handlar om hur Kungliga biblioteket och andra svenska institutioner arbetar med sina kontrollerade vokabulärs administration samt språklig instabilitet. Med Derridas teorier om dekonstruktion undersöks hur den Andre representeras i Svenska ämnesord, som ingår men skiljer sig från västerländska etniciteter och nationaliteter. Ämnesord som berör den Andre är konstruerade annorlunda, de innehåller mer förklarande kvalificeringar och varianter. Andra utmaningar som administratörer av de kontrollerade vokabulärerna har är att undvika partisk indexering och att upprätthålla ett stabilt system och samtidigt kontextualisera uttryck i ämnesord som kan anses vara diskriminerande. Uppsatsen diskuterar även hur olika kontrollerade vokabulärer är beroende av varandra. / This essay examines how Swedish controlled vocabularies handle inclusive perspectives. Svenska ämnesord is a national controlled vocabulary containing subject headings that is created and administered by The Royal Library and used by Swedish libraries for indexing. Libraries strive for stable search systems, at the same time the meaning of words changes rapidly. It is a challenge for libraries to ensure high searchability but avoid using discriminatory language. The purpose of this essay is to study how inclusive perspectives are used in Swedish controlled vocabularies. Four questions have been formulated, the first one concerns how subject headings about ethnicity and nationality are represented in Svenska ämnesord. The other three questions address how the Swedish Royal Library and other Swedish institutions work with their controlled vocabularies’ administration and linguistic instability. With Derrida's theories of deconstruction the essay examines how the Other is represented in Svenska ämnesord, which is included but differs from western ethnicities and nationalities. Subject headings that concern the Other are constructed differently, they contain more explanatory qualifiers and variants . Other challenges administrators of the controlled vocabularies pointed out are to avoid biased indexing and maintain a stable system and at the same time contextualize expressions in subject headings that could be considered as discriminatory. The essay also discusses how different controlled vocabularies are interdependent.

Indexering av skönlitteratur : En undersökning av folkbibliotek som inte köper indexerade poster från Bibliotekstjänst / Indexing of fiction : A study of public libraries that don’t buy indexed records containing subject headings from Bibliotekstjänst

Westerberg, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the indexing of fiction for adults looks like in the public libraries that don’t buy indexed records for fiction from Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ). The questions that I want these libraries to answer is: - Public libraries that index fiction for adults themselves: 1. What tools do they use when indexing?, 2. How do they proceed when indexing?, 3. How do they experience that indexing works in practice?, 4. How large knowledge of Svensk Biblioteksförening’s subject headings list for adults do they have? - Public libraries that don’t index fiction for adults: 1. What factors lie behind the decision not to index?, 2. Do they have plans to either start indexing themselves or to start buying indexed records?, 3. How large knowledge of Svensk Biblioteksförening’s subject headings list for adults do they have?The study showed that in libraries that index themselves, many use Svensk Biblioteksförening’s subject headings list. They use the binding lists from BTJ and the text on the back cover of the book when choosing index terms and they think that indexing is interesting, useful but that it takes time. The libraries that don’t index say that it is lack of time or staff that has made them take that decision. Half of these libraries say that they will start buying indexed records or do the indexing by themselves. In both types of libraries the knowledge of Svensk Biblioteksförening’s subject headings list is basic or good. / Uppsatsnivå: D

På bredden, på djupet eller både och? : En studie av exhaustivity och musikvetenskapliga monografier i LIBRIS / Breadth, depth or both? : A study of exhaustivity and monographies on musicology in the Swedish National Union Catalogue LIBRIS

Hansson, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
This thesis contains an empirical study of exhaustivity in the Swedish National Union Catalogue LIBRIS. The purpose of the study is to examine if fewer numbers of indexing terms in general lead to lower exhaustivity. The study contains two parts, the first part examine the mean of indexing terms per monography in the selection, the second examines the grade of exhaustivity within three groups with a low, moderate or high number of indexing terms. The 55 randomly selected titles were graded on a scale that was created from the indexing theories of Wilfrid F. Lancaster. Results show that even though exhaustivity is on a generally high level in every group, low exhaustivity is more common in the group with fewer indexing terms and less common in the group with a higher number of indexing terms.

Att hitta Ett hem vid världens ände : Om sexualitet och könsidentitet vid ämnesordsindexering av skönlitteratur. / To find A home at the end of the world : About sexuality and gender identity in indexing of fiction

Söderman, James January 2006 (has links)
This master thesis aims to examine the process of indexing fiction when it comes to area of sexuality and gender identity. The empiric work that forms the basis of the thesis are three investigations:(a) examining the current status of indexing fiction within the catalogues of six Swedish medium-sized libraries;(b) interviewing librarians who allocate the subject headings; and(c) an analysis of the Swedish subject heading system Att indexera skönlitteratur.This will be concluded with an analysis of the gathered material through queer theoretic standpoint with the help of critical classification and its inclusion through separation, and marginalization where subjects that differs from the norm is included but only by being separated from the norm, or ignored totally. This will show that there are similarities with how different groups get treated within the classification systems and how they are treated in subject heading indexing. An example of this in Att indexera skönlitteratur is that heterosexuality never is mentioned in the subject heading but is always present as the silent norm, while gender identity is marginalized through exclusion of the subject heading, and related words are instead being included under sexual identity. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vilken kvinna? En intersektionell diskursanalys av ämnesordlistan i databasen KVINNSAM / Which Woman? An Intersectional Discourse Analysis of the Subject Heading List in the Database KVINNSAM

Lidman, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to critically analyse the subject heading list in the database KVINNSAM at Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna. This list is intended for the retrieval of gender specific information and the subject heading women is implied. The main question is: which woman is represented in the list? The thesis analyses specifically the representation of disability, ethnicity and other sexualities than heterosexuality. Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna, the concept of gender studies and KVINNSAM is presented. Previous research concerning critical approaches to classification, which shows that classification systems and subject heading lists are products of their cultural and social contexts, is reviewed. The concept of intersectionality is used as a theoretical background. This is a perspective that theorizes how gender and other sociocultural power differentials such as ethnicity, race, sexual preference and ability/disability interact in the construction of subjectivity and material conditions of subjects. The thesis has its main focus on the Swedish research and discusses in what way the list is imposed by what the Swedish researchers Paulina de los Reyes and Diana Mulinari names a hegemonic feminism, a feminism that ignores differences among women and focuses on the Swedish, middle class, working woman. The method used is Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. The results of this study shows that the subject heading list in the database KVINNSAM mainly represents a Swedish, working, heterosexual, able-bodied mother and that the lists’ possibilities to adequately represent other subjectivities is limited. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Ämnesordsåtervinning av skönlitteratur : En intervjuundersökning av bibliotekariers erfarenheter / Fiction retrieval by use of subject headings : An interview-based study of the experiences of librarians

Martinsson, Jon January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate librarians’ experiences and opinions about a system for fiction retrieval based on the subject headings list Att indexera skönlitteratur. I want to know if librarians experience that subject headings searches for fiction literature are a good working tool, if there according to librarians are other resources and means that makes fiction available and searchable, and how they estimate the possibility of non-professionals to use subject headings for fiction retrieval. Six librarians at public libraries in Göteborg where interviewed. The interviews dealt with their work with fiction literature, their experiences of subject headings as a fiction retrieval tool, and with their contacts with patrons. The study revealed a great variation among the six librarians. Some said they used subject headings regularly and found them useful for fiction retrieval, while others said subject headings had a minor role in their work with fiction. As alternatives to subject headings where mentioned handbooks that describe fiction literature, the competence of librarians, shelf classification and exhibitions. Some librarians thought most patrons have limited use of subject headings, while others thought subject headings can be a good help for patrons. It is a common experience among the librarians that students ask for fiction dealing with certain subjects, and a common view that students above others can benefit from subject headings. To improve the retrieval of fiction in public libraries in Göteborg it is suggested that the structure of the subject headings list is exposed to the persons searching. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Hur fungerar indexering av skönlitteratur? En konsistensundersökning / How does indexing of fiction work? A consistency survey

Westerlund, Ann-Catrin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to find out how indexing of fiction works. I look at the consistency when users’ choices of index words are compared with each other and I also compare users’ choices to the current indexing made by libraries. I examine the subject heading list, Att indexera skönlitteratur, to find out how well it works in this particular context. The investigation included seven users who, in three steps, are creating a subject heading index of the Swedish novel Klippdockan by Cecilia Dahlheim. On the basis of their choices the results may either indicate that the consistency is good enough for subject heading index fiction, or if it is just a waste of time depending on how it is done today. The results show that consistency is low overall and that certain aspects point out changes that can be made to make subject heading index for fiction more efficient and effective. The survey shows that consistency is higher if the document text is short, if a subject heading list is used and if the words are not too specific. Today there is an increase in the amount of fiction held by libraries and there is a need for more user-friendly systems as users increasingly search in the catalogues themselves. The conclusions are that there is a need for a subject heading index for fiction in our libraries, and that there are ways to improve today&apos;s situation. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Den heterosexuella bibliotekarien : Om BTJ, folkbibliotek och indexering av gaylitteratur / The straight librarian : About the indexing of gay fiction in public libraries

Johansson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis examines the subject indexing of all Swedish gay fiction published from year 2000 until 2007. This is done from a queer theoretical- and domain analytical perspective. The study is conducted in the catalogue BURKsök created by BTJ which is the largest library media company in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to examine the heterosexual norm in fiction indexing and to study to what extent gay fiction is to be found by subject. Asking research questions about the vocabulary available in the subjects headings list used by BTJ, the description of gay fiction in BURK-sök and the influences this has on the indexing of gay fiction in Swedish public libraries. A quantitative study is conducted by gathering and analysing the subject headings given gay fiction in BURK-sök and a random selection of public libraries using their service. Results show that the indexing of gay fiction in BURK-sök to a large extent do not describe the gay-theme of the book and that the libraries that buy their subject headings from BTJ most often do not change the headings. The study concludes that there is a heterosexual norm in fiction indexing and that this has a negative effect on the retrieval of gay fiction by subject. / Uppsatsnivå: D

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