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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fri passage och tomtplatsavgränsning : En studie av två länsstyrelsers överprövningsärenden av kommunala strandskyddsdispenser

Pantzar, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Strandskyddet i Sverige är en del av allemansrätten som innebär att var och en har rätt att under ansvar färdas fritt i den svenska naturen, den rätten skyddas av strandskyddslagstiftning i miljöbalken. Dispens från förbuden i strandskyddslagstiftningen kan medges av kommunen. Strandskyddslagstiftningen har sedan 2009 fått nytt innehåll, bland annat att Länsstyrelsen är den myndighet som efter att kommunen medgett strandskyddsdispens granskar och i vissa fall överprövar dessa ärenden. En ny regel som ska säkerställa att fri passage ges vid tomtplatsbestämning infördes även 2009. Ett antal överprövningsärenden har studerats för att kunna analysera tillämpningen av bestämmelserna av tomtplats och fri passage. En litteraturstudie är tänkt att svara på om krav på fri passage förekommer i andra länder. Litteraturstudien ska ge kunskap om de svenska rättsförhållanden. Intervju och enkät kompletterar studien. Studien har gett svar om hur strandskyddslagen tillämpas avseende tomtplats och fri passage vid olika åtgärder i strandskyddsområde. Ett helhetsperspektiv ges även, där alla beslut om dispenser i materialet påverkas av regeln om fri passage och vilka åtgärder Länsstyrelsen gör med tomtplats. Helhetsperspektivet visar att en stor del av fallen inte anses beröras av frågan enligt Länsstyrelsens handläggare, men att trots det bevaras eller möjliggörs fri passage som ett resultat av deras beslut i 40% av ärendena. Med ett åtgärdsperspektiv presenteras bland annat varför olika typer av ersättningsbyggnader medges dispens utifrån tomtplatsbegreppet. De beslut som innebär att hel fastighet med strandkontakt bestäms till tomtplats är av naturliga orsaker det största hindret mot fri passage. I Stockholms Länsstyrelse förekommer det i 20% av studerat material. Av de fastigheter som avgränsats till hel tomtplats förekommer betydligt större tomtplatser än vad lagstiftningen rekommenderar. De oväntade resultat som kommit fram i studien gör gällande att halländska förhållanden kan visa på en flexibilitet i tillämpningen av strandskyddet vid mindre vattendrag, medan Stockholms förhållanden indikerar brister vid utredning huruvida ett område kan anses privat ianspråktaget eller ej. Nyckelord: Strandskyddslagstiftning, fri passage, tomtplats, komplementbyggnad, ersättningsbyggnad, lucktomt, strandskyddsdispens, överprövning. / Beach protection in Sweden is part of the public nature, which in this study means that everyone has the right to responsible travel freely in the Swedish nature. This right is secured by shoreline protection legislation in the environmental legislation. In certain circumstances it is possible to grant exemptions from the prohibitions in the shoreline protection. Shore protection legislation has changed and new content was added in 2009. Among other things, the County Administrative Board is now the authority that review, and in sometimes try the cases where the municipality has accepted a waiver. It can entitles as a "double check". A new rule that will ensure that free passage is provided when the use of properties concerning the area for plot get limited by a plot determination, was introduced in 2009. A number of cases up for double checking have been studied to analyze the application of the provisions of plot site and free passage. A literature review is intended to find out whether demands for free passage occurs in other countries. The literature review will also provide knowledge about the Swedish legal relations. Interviews and a survey complements the study. The study has provided answers on plot site and free access application from different perspectives. One perspective is how all decisions on exemptions in the material are affected by the rule of free passage and what steps the County Board takes with plot site. The following view shows that a large proportion of the cases are not considered to be affected by the issue of the County Administration Officer. Another perspective is to look at the actions permitted. This includes a presentation of why different types of replacement buildings are dispensed, regarding to plot site concept. Needless to say, decisions where an entire property with beach contact is determined to plot site is the biggest obstacle to free passage. In Stockholm County Administrative Board, this occurs in 20% of the studied materials. In the cases where the entire property was defined as plot site, there exists considerably larger plots than the law recommends. The unexpected results that have emerged in the study argues that Hallands´ conditions may show a flexibility in the application of shore protection close to small streams, while circumstances in Stockholm indicate shortcomings in investigating whether an area can be considered private utilization or not. Keywords: County Administrative Board, Coastal zone management, Legislation, Shoreline, Free passage, Public nature

Den svenska upphandlingsprocessen och Trafikverket / The Swedish Public Procuration Process and the Transport Administration

Lundberg, Elina January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish public procurement system is well regulated and developed and can also be very hard to understand. The public sector annually carries out public procurements to a large amount of money, and thus constitutes a large part of Sweden’s total GDP. The value of the purchases covered by the procurement acts was estimated at approximately SEK 782 billion in 2018. The purpose of public procurement is to guarantee competition on equal terms, contribute to the efficient use of society's resources and taxpayers' money, while promoting innovative solutions, and have environmental considerations in mind. The purpose of this paper is to examine what the procurement process looks like at one of Sweden's largest authorities, the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) and if improvements should be made. Questions about how tenders are received and evaluated, about what the market looks like, about what improvements that are desired and about what is good about the procurement process. These questions linked to a trust-based governing will be answered and discussed. The main conclusion that are made in this paper is that the Swedish procurement process require some improvements, but the hard thing is to decide what should be improved. My conclusion is that tender evaluation and the review process are areas that needs the most improvement from the empirical data that I have collected, but other areas came to discussion as well. A discussion regarding the trust-based governing is also included in the conclusion.

Skada vid överprövning : Skaderekvisitet i mål om överprövning av offentliga upphandlingar / Harm in Review Procedures

Arksand, Eugenia January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the requirement that a supplier must have been harmed or risked being harmed in the review procedures of public procurements. The requirement for harm is analysed using the Swedish legal dogmatic method in connection with EU law. The requirement for harm is part of the implementation of the Remedies Directive, which balances the interest of protecting suppliers from unlawful decisions against the interest of effective and rapid procurement and review procedures. A review is a non-financial remedy in which the purpose is to act against unlawful decisions, preferably at a stage when no actual harm has occurred. In the case of a review, harm means that the supplier's ability of being awarded the contract is impaired. The concept of harm is thus more abstract than the required harm within tort law to receive damages (skadestånd). There are two kinds of requirements for harm in the Swedish Public Procurement Act for the review procedure. The first is that a supplier according to Chapter 20. Section 4 must consider itself to have been harmed or risked being harmed to apply for a review. Thus, it is the supplier's own perception of harm that is relevant, and the requirement is of a subjective nature. However, according to a precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court in conformity with the Remedies Directive, the supplier is also required to have an interest in obtaining the particular contract that is up for review. The second requirement is in the court's review according to Chapter 20. Sections 6 or 13-13(b), depending on the type of case. It means that a supplier must show that it has been harmed or risked being harmed due to an infringement of the Swedish Public Procurement Act. The harm must have a causal link with the alleged infringement and the particular contract up for review. Thus, the supplier needs to describe in a clear and explicit manner how the infringement has resulted in harm or risk of harm and the requirement is of a more objective nature. According to another precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court, the second requirement is not fulfilled unless the supplier has done enough to limit the harm which it is subject to. For example, by asking questions regarding an infringement in the contract documents before submitting a tender. The European Court of Justice has ruled that the objectives of the Remedies Directive are not fully implemented if a supplier is allowed to apply for a review at any stage, as has long been the case in Swedish law. However, there is no limitation period or general obligation for suppliers to limit harm in the event of a review according to EU law or previous Swedish law. Thus, there is an uncertainty regarding the exact scope of the second requirement of harm. / https://urt.cc/reportage/skada-vid-overprovning/

De grundläggande rättsprinciperna vid direktupphandling : HFD 2018 ref. 60 och EU-rätten / The General Principles of Swedish Direct Awards : HFD 2018 ref. 60 and EU Law

Lignell, Elias January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the general principles in European Union (EU) public procurement law, as they apply to Swedish direct awards of low value, outside the scope of the EU procurement directives. A combination of Swedish and EU legal methodology is used to investigate two overarching themes. Firstly, the two different legal bases of the general principles, in the light of the Court of Justice of the EU’s definition of cross-border interest, as well as the Swedish implementation. Secondly, the central substantive consequences imposed by the principles on direct awards. The only national precedent on the subject, HFD 2018 ref. 60 of the Supreme Administrative Court, is both utilised and criticised against the backdrop of EU law to paint a picture of the principles’ inner workings in a direct award context. Pertaining to the first theme, an analysis of the applicability of EU primary law on direct awards is undertaken in order to distinguish the legal bases of the principles. If a contract is of certain cross-border interest, the general principles flow directly from EU law. In the absence of such an interest, the principles are exclusively based in Swedish law, which nationally extends the EU principles to all procurement (gold-plating). Overall, contracts valued below a quarter of the applicable EU directive threshold usually lack certain cross-border interest, unless there are concrete indications of the opposite. As a result, most direct awards fall outside the scope of EU law. An awareness of the legal bases of the principles is relevant to avoid breaches of EU primary law. It is argued that the Swedish gold-plated implementation of the general principles causes unnecessary uncertainty, and that separate national principles should be introduced outside the scope of EU primary law. As for the second theme, a thorough analysis concludes that the principles do not prohibit direct awards given without any exposure to competition, as long as the contracts are of low enough value. Direct awards can therefore be conducted through direct contact with a single supplier, in accordance with the legislative aims of the procedure. This may not be the case for social and other specific services of relatively high value. Nonetheless, the principles still affect direct awards, for instance in prohibiting flagrant cases of differential treatment without objective justification, based in arbitrary or corrupt decision-making. Unfortunately, these requirements are able to be circumvented due to the wide discretion given to procuring entities. On the other hand, if a direct award procedure is voluntarily advertised, the principles have greater practical significance. Still, the requirements in such cases are more lenient than in ordinary procurement procedures.

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