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Centro de rehabilitación integral para víctimas de violencia doméstica / Integral rehabilitation center for victims of domestic violenceRebagliati Ordoñez, Francesca Giuliana 12 May 2021 (has links)
El siguiente proyecto de tesis consiste de un Centro de Rehabilitación Integral para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica en el distrito de Lurigancho – Chosica, dentro de la zona de Santa María de Huachipa. En el Perú, existe un problema cultural que se ha construido a través del tiempo, donde la mujer cumple un rol determinado colocándola por debajo del género masculino, lo cual se presenta en la desigualdad de poder entre miembros de la familia. Las víctimas de violencia familiar pueden desarrollar trastornos mentales o emocionales, y dificultades para desarrollarse en los aspectos más básicos de su vida cotidiana. Por ende, se plantea un Centro de Rehabilitación Integral, el cual brinde distintos servicios para restablecer y fortalecer la Salud Mental de estas personas. La salud mental tiene mayor peso cada día, y su rehabilitación se basa en un proceso desarrollado en conjunto por un equipo terapéutico multidisciplinario, que comprende actividades organizadas y planificadas con base en evidencia científica, dirigida al desarrollo de la máxima capacidad posible de habilidades y destrezas en las personas con trastornos mentales para mejorar su calidad de vida y lograr su reinserción y máximo nivel de rendimiento socio-laboral posible. Por lo tanto, este proyecto busca, mediante la arquitectura sensorial, contribuir en la recuperación de sus pacientes, a través del diseño de espacios que transmitan calidez, tranquilidad y una conexión interior-exterior. / The following thesis project consists of an Integral Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Domestic Violence in the district of Lurigancho - Chosica, within the Santa María de Huachipa area. In Peru, there is a cultural problem that has been built over time, where the woman fulfills a certain role by placing her below the male gender, which is presented in the inequality of power between family members. Victims of family violence can develop mental or emotional disorders, and difficulties to develop in the most basic aspects of their daily lives. Therefore, an Integral Rehabilitation Center has the purpose of providing different services to restore and strengthen Mental Health of these people. Mental health has greater weight every day, and its rehabilitation’s based on a process developed jointly by a multidisciplinary therapeutic team, which includes activities, organized and planned, based on scientific evidence, aimed at developing the maximum possible capacity of skills and abilities in people with mental disorders, to improve their quality of life and achieve their reintegration and maximum level of social-work performance possible. Therefore, this project seeks, through sensory architecture, to contribute to the recovery of its patients, through the design of spaces that transmit warmth, tranquility and an interior-exterior connection. / Tesis
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Creencias sobre violencia doméstica de mujeres maltratadas por sus parejas hombres / Domestic violence believes in women mistreated by their male coupleSorroza Del Aguila, Angy Karely 10 December 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Explorar las creencias que mantienen a las entrevistadas junto a sus agresores. Método. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con un modelo explicativo fenomenológico y un diseño de estudio de casos múltiple. Se tuvo como objeto de muestra cuatro entrevistadas entre los 30 y 40 años de edad, pacientes de un centro psicológico. Se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada como técnica de recolección de datos. Se empleo el análisis de contenido temático para establecer las categorías: aspectos vitales históricos, creencias frente al maltrato y comportamientos evocados. Resultados. Las entrevistadas provienen de familias con antecedentes de violencia. Las creencias que se encontraron en las participantes fueron denominadas como minimización, desplazamiento de responsabilidad a terceros, naturalización de la violencia y culpabilidad. Junto a esto, se presentó el miedo a incertidumbre con respecto a la separación, querer mantener a su familia unida y las expectativas de cambio en relación a su agresor. Conclusión. Las participantes tienen dificultades para separarse. Esto se agudiza por factores como la dependencia emocional y económica, falta de redes de apoyo y poco o nula de información sobre el maltrato. / Objective: Explore the beliefs that mantain a woman in a love relationship with her agressor. Method. A qualitative study with phenomenological explanatory model and multiple cases studies were made. Four women beetween 30 and 40 years old, part of a psycological center, were interviewed as the sample object. Also, a semi structured interview was used as data collection technique. Thematic content análisis was used to stablish three categories: historical vital aspects, beliefs about mistreatment and evocative behaviors. Results. The victims family backgrounds have a history of violence. The beliefs that where found in the interviews are: minimization; third party responsability displacement, violence naturalization and sense of guilt; the fear of uncertainty regarding the separation; urge to keep their family together and the expectation of a true change in the personality of their agresor. Conclusion. The subjects have problems to end the relationship. This is emphatized by the emotional and economic dependency, as well as the lack of nets of support and little or no information about domestic violence. / Tesis
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Varför stannade jag : En studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors självbild och självkänsla / Why did I stay : A study about abused women’s selfimage and self-esteemAhmed, Sharmeen, Koutcho, Natalie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett aktuellt och allvarligt problem som påverkar både offret och samhället negativt. Ofta utförs detta våld mot kvinnor, av män. Antalet samtal till Sveriges kvinnojourer har ökat och det anses finnas ett högt mörkertal som inte anmäler sin situation. Våldet kan vara av både psykologisk eller fysisk natur. Att leva i en destruktiv relation kan få drastiska följder för offrets psykologiska välbefinnande. Tidigare forskning visar på att utsatta kvinnor har svårt att ta sig ur den här typen av relation. Av denna anledning är området högst relevant att studera. I denna studie utfördes en kvalitativ undersökning där 10 kvinnor som har levt i en destruktiv relation intervjuades. Resultatet analyserades med tematisk analys. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur utsatta kvinnor upplever att deras självbild och självkänsla har förändrats, utifrån den sociala kontext de levt i. För att analysera kvinnornas sociala kontext har teorier gällande makt och socialt stöd använts. Resultatet visade att kvinnorna hade fått en försämrad självbild och självkänsla under och efter förhållandet. Maktförhållandet i relationerna var asymmetriskt, vilket påverkade deras självbild och självkänsla. Det sociala stödet upplevdes vara viktigt för att återuppbygga självbilden och självkänslan. / Violence in close relationships is a current and serious problem that affects both the victim and society negatively. This type of violence is often perpetrated by men against women. The number of calls to Sweden's women shelters has increased and there is also a supposed high number of women that doesn’t report their situation. The violence can be of both psychological and physical nature. Living in a destructive relationship can have drastic consequences for the victim's psychological well-being. Previous research shows that battered women find it difficult to get out of their relationship. This is a very important topic to study for these very reasons. A qualitative research method was conducted in this study. 10 women who have lived in a destructive relationship were interviewed. The result was analyzed with a thematic analysis. The purpose of the study was to investigate battered women’s experiences, in regards to how their self-image and self-esteem have changed. Theories regarding power and social support have also been used in order to analyze their social context. The results showed that the women experienced a negative self-image and self-esteem during and after the relationship. The power relationship was asymmetric, which also affected their self-image and self-esteem. Social support was perceived as important for rebuilding their self-image and self-esteem.
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Barnets röst som en del i bedömningen av barnets bästa : en kritisk diskursanalytisk studie av vårdnadsutredningar där våld har förekommit / The child's voice as part of the assessment of the child's best interests : a critical discourse analysis of custody investigations where violence has occurredSvaton, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur barnets bästa konstrueras i vårdnadsutredningar där en förälder utövat våld eller uttryckt hot om våld mot någon i familjen. Fokus i studien var vilken betydelse barnets röst ges i bedömningen av barnets bästa. Studiens empiri bestod av tio vårdnadsutredningar som ingått som underlag i tingsrättsdomar under andra hälften av år 2020. Studien utgick från en kritisk diskursanalytisk ansats tillsammans med en förståelse av barn från det barndomssociologiska perspektivet. Analysen av empirin gjordes med Faircloughs tredimensionella modell och ett urval av analysverktyg från den modellen samt utifrån det barndomssociologiska perspektivet. Studien visar att det inte är entydigt hur barnets röst kommer fram i bedömningen av barnets bästa i utredningarna. Barnet tilldelas två positioner i empirin, vilka benämns barnet som subjekt och barnet som objekt. Ofta avgör barnets ålder och mognad om barnet blir subjekt eller objekt. Det framkommer också att ibland skrivs barnets berättelser om våldshändelser om till mildare formuleringar i slutbedömningen. / The aim of this study was to examine how the best interests of the child are constructed in custody investigations where a parent has used violence or expressed threats of violence against someone in the family. The focus of the study was what significance the child’s voice was given in the assessment of the child’s best interests. The study’s empirical data consisted of ten custody investigations that were included as a basis in district court judgements during the second half of 2020. The study was based on a critical discourse analytical approach together with an understanding of children from the childhood sociological perspective. The analysis of empirical data was done using Fairclough's three-dimensional model and a selection of analytical tools from that model as well as from the childhood sociological perspective. The study shows that it is not clear how the child's voice emerges in the assessment of the child's best interests in the investigations. The child is assigned two positions in the empirical data, which are referred to as the child as a subject and the child as an object. Often, the age and maturity of the child determine whether the child becomes a subject or an object. It also emerges that sometimes the child's stories of violent events are rewritten into milder wording in the final assessment.
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En studie om socialtjänstens riskbedömningsarbete i klientärenden rörande våld i nära relationForoughi, Morsal January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är attundersöka vad som påverkar socialsekreterarens riskbedömningsarbete inom socialtjänsten med målgruppen våld i nära relation. Jag kommer även redovisa socialarbetarens handlingsutrymme i förhållande till standardiserat bedömningsarbete, redogöraför verktyget FREDA-bedömningsmetodersamt deövriga faktorer som påverkar bedömning. Syftet är även att kunna använda mig av enkäten för att undersökaom det finns ett samband mellan olika faktorer såsom tillförlitligheten av den egna bedömningenkopplad till erfarenhet och utbildning. För att kunna uppnå syftet besvaradestvå frågeställningar;hur ser socialtjänstens bedömningsarbete ut med våldsutsatta, särskilt vid användning av verktyget FREDA-bedömningsmetoder?Vilka faktorer utöver standardiseratarbete påverkar socialarbetarenshandlingsutrymme vid bedömning?Till uppsatsen har jag använt mig av en kvantitativ enkätstudie utifrån en deduktiv ansats.Enkäten bestod av 14innehållande frågor. Enkäten distribuerats ut via mejloch Facebook.se för yrkesverksamma socialsekreterare som arbetar med riskbedömning av fortsatt våld i nära relation. Sammantaget skickades enkäten till samtliga 26 kommuner inom Stockholms ländär tiomedverkade. Dessavar fördeladepå 29 socialsekreterare. Enkäten besvaradesi sin helhet av 32socialsekreteraredär tre kom från okänd/okända kommuner i Sverige. Med hjälp av statistisk analysoch diagramhar resultatet sammanställtsochtvå olika korstabeller harutformats för att undersöka sambandsanalys. Enkäten uppnådde 86 %besvarade frågor i sin helhet.Resultatet har analyserats utifrånkunskapsläge, tidigare forskning samtLipskys teori omgräsrotsbyråkrati. Resultatetvisaratt majoriteten av socialsekreterareär överens om att det finns flera faktorer utöver bedömningsinstrument som påverkar riskbedömningen.Studiensslutsats landar i att majoriteten av socialsekreterare väljer att användasig av individuell bedömning med stöd av verktyget FREDA-bedömningsmetodersamt att det förs en diskussion om att faktorer, erfarenhet och utbildning/vidareutbildningarligger till grund för den individuella bedömningen. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what affects the social workers risk assessment work in the social service with the target group violence in close relation. I will also report on the social worker's extent of action in relation to standardized assessment work. I will be describing the tool FREDA assessment methods and the other factors that influence the social worker's assessment. The purpose is also to be able to use the survey to investigate whether there is a connection between various factors such as the reliability of one's own assessment and one's own assessment linked to experience and education. To achieve the purpose, two questions were answered; whatdoes the social services assessment work look like with violence, especially when usingthe tool FREDA assessment methods? What factors besides standardized work affect the social worker's scope for assessment?For the thesis I have used a quantitative survey study based on a deductive approach. The survey consisted of 14 containing questions and was distributed via e-mail and Facebook.se for professional social workers who work with risk assessment of continued violence in close relation. In total, the questionnaire was sent to all 26 municipalities in Stockholm County, of which ten participate. They were distributed to 29 social secretaries. The survey was answered in itsentirety by the 32 social workers, where three came from unknown / unknown municipalities in Sweden. Using statistical analysis and graphs, the results have been compiled and two different cross tables have been designed to investigate relationship analysis. The survey achieved 86% answered questions in its entirety. The results have been analyzed on the base of knowledge, previous research and Lipsky's theory of grassroots bureaucracy. The result shows that most of the social workers agree that there are several factors besides assessment instruments that affect risk assessment. The study concludes that the majority of social secretaries choose to use individual assessment with the aid of the tool FREDA assessment methods, and that there is a discussion that the factors of experience and education / further education are the basis for the individual assessment.
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Domácí násilí na ženách a informovanost o něm mezi potenciálními oběťmi / Domestic violence against women and awareness about it among potencial victimsVyhnalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The following thesis examines domestic violence against women, and information relating to it, for potential victims. It is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes seven main chapters, which gives answers to basic questions about the problems. It is aimed at a general description of domestic violence and those involved in it including the offenders, victims and children affected by it, who often get caught in between the offender and victim parents. Also covered are proposals of how to help these women and the institutions which offer help. Rudimentary legislation is examined, and its current implementation in the Czech republic, using data from recent research and statistics. The practical part seeks to establish the depth of awareness about domestic violence against women among potential victims, and to distinguish the differences experienced by women living in the countryside as compared to women living in city. To this end, there has been research carried out, the results of which, include valuable and new advice on how to improve awareness about domestic violence against women.
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Problematika domácího násilí a její řešení z pohledu státního a občanského sektoru v Hradci Králové / The Issue of Domestic Violence and Its Solutions in Practice from the Perspective of Public and Civil Sector in Hradec KraloveBaštová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The work is dedicated to solving the problem of domestic violence in Hradec Králové. The issue is seen from the practice in social work and provides insight into the stakeholders, namely the staff of the organizations or institutions of civil and public sector. The main focus is generally not only effective solution, but also specific assumptions success, and convenient tools, motivation and attitudes. Generally, all facts and factors affecting appropriate solution to the social problem in that region are examined. The approach of Hradec Králové appears to be an example of good practice, while the research seeks to clarify what is really involved. The view of the main involved actors, their motives and ways to engage themselves is also relevant. The first part describes the theoretical background, current approaches and solutions to institutional preconditions in terms of field research. The second part of the thesis based on research answers to research questions explains what exactly is behind the successful resolution of the issues. The aim is not a detailed theoretical description of the phenomenon of domestic violence, but the work is focused on specific subjects and conditions, especially the kind of outreach in the form of studying the behavior of individuals with the motivation to engage in social...
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Investigación para un Hogar de Refugio Temporal, destinado a víctimas de violencia familiar en Huamanga, Ayacucho / Research for a Temporary Shelter Home, intended for victims of family violence in Huamanga, AyacuchoCarrasco Oyola, Luz Mariana 15 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación, plantea la construcción de un Hogar Refugio Temporal para las víctimas de violencia familiar en la ciudad de Huamanga, Ayacucho. Para ello se analizó la situación actual de la ciudad con respecto a dicho problema, observando así una cantidad considerable de afectados en la zona, pues son un aproximado de 220 personas; las que se encuentran sin atención en la actualidad, dichos afectados no solo enfrentan problemas psicológicos, sino también problemas sociales, culturales, problemas de readaptación y falta de hogar.
El proyecto prevé empezar a ser parte de la solución, con el diseño de espacios que cubran en una medida razonable las necesidades de los usuarios, teniendo en cuenta la arquitectura multisensorial y las diferentes actividades que necesitarán los hospedados para su debida recuperación. / This thesis work, proposes the construction of a Temporary Shelter Home for victims of family violence in the city of Huamanga, Ayacucho. For this, the current situation of the city was analyzed with respect to this problem in the actual context, thus observing a considerable number of affected people in the area, as there are approximately 220 people, who are currently without care. Those affected people not only face psychological problems, they also face social and cultural problems; rehabilitation problems and homelessness.
The project plans to start being part of the solution, with the design of spaces that cover the needs of users to a reasonable extent, taking into account the multisensory architecture and the different activities the victims will need for their proper recovery. / Trabajo de investigación
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"Skulden förlamade mig och gjorde mig oförmögen att handla" : En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors egna beskrivningar av deras känslor. / "The shame paralyzed me and made me unable to act" : A qualitative study of abused women's own descriptions of emotions.Berggren, Samina, Arnerwik, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on women’s own description of their experienced feelings. The described feelings in relation to being subjected to violence of a man in a close relationship. The standing points when working on the study has been that the women’s emotions can interfere with the opportunity to leave the violent man. The aim of the study is therefor to examine the emotions women experienced related to domestic abuse and how the emotions affect them. Furthermore, is this study based on theoretical grounds such as Symbolic interactionism, Mirror-image perception and Sociology of emotions. Secondary data has been collected based on autobiographies of women who has experienced violence of a man in a close relationship to obtain the purpose of the study. The data have then been analyzed in a thematic analysis which resulted in two main themes positive/neutral emotions and negative emotions. The result presents how the women experienced with violence described their feelings. The feelings can be understood in relation to the previous studies and presented theories. “Symbolic interactionism” as a standing point understands the result such as the described emotions of the women occurs through interaction with the violent man. The results show that the woman's emotions are dependent on the interaction with the violent man and that these are then created through isolation from the outside world and emotional ties. The emotions prove to be crucial for women as they greatly affect their ability to leave and their well-being. / Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på beskrivningar och berättelser av upplevda känslor från kvinnor som har varit utsatta för våld av en man de haft en nära relation med. I arbetet med uppsatsen är utgångspunkten att våldsutsatta kvinnors känslor skulle kunna påverka deras upplevda möjlighet att lämna relationen. Syftet är därför att ta reda på vilka känslor kvinnorna beskriver kopplat till våldsutsattheten och hur de påverkar dem. Vidare bygger uppsatsen på en teoretisk grund utifrån symbolisk interaktionism, jaget och spegeljaget samt emotionssociologiskt perspektiv. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har sekundärdata samlats in från biografier av kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relation av en man. Data har sedan analyserats i form av en tematisk analys som landat i två huvudteman, positiva/neutrala känslor och negativa känslor. I resultatet presenteras det hur kvinnor beskriver sina känslor utifrån att de har erfarenhet av våld utfört av en man i en nära relation. Det går att förstå dessa känslor utifrån tidigare forskning samt de utvalda teorierna som presenteras. Resultatet visar på att kvinnans känslor är beroende av interaktionen med den våldsamma mannen och att dessa då skapas genom isolering från omvärlden och känslomässiga band. Känslorna visar sig vara avgörande för kvinnorna då de i hög grad påverkar deras möjlighet att lämna och deras välmående.
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"Det finns inte en typ av våld eller klient" : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare inom relationsvåldsteamet upplever sin kunskap och handlingsutrymme i arbetet med våld i nära relationerKöylüoglu, Zehra, Lindgren, Sara January 2021 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate how social workers within the domestic violence team in the city of Stockholm experience their knowledge and discretion. To answer the purpose, three questions were formulated: 1. How do social workers experience their competence in matching interventions with client's needs? 2. How much discretion do social workers experience regarding designing interventions? 3. Which organizational challenges do social workers recognize in their work with domestic violence? This study is based on a qualitative method where six semi structured interviews were conducted with professional social workers. The theoretical point of departure were Lipsky's theory of street level bureaucracy, the term discretion and previous research in the field. The results showed that social workers experienced good knowledge, however they were limited in their interventions which affected the help they could offer. The social workers described their discretion as wide, but the delegation system and limited interventions were factors that restricted their discretion. Economy and cooperation were described as organizational challenges. The economy limited the help social workers could offer. Cooperation was described as necessary but difficult to achieve, both because it required a lot from oneself and because other social work units lacked knowledge about domestic violence.
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