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台灣證券市場散戶投資人存活研究彭心玉 Unknown Date (has links)
對存活者、非存活者在崩盤前的交易次數、交易金額分析中,發現存活者為平均交易次數、金額較高者,但是變異數很大,且崩盤後後續交易記錄也顯示存活者群中,存在高交易次數、低單次交易金額與低交易次數、高單次金額兩類,與台灣證券市場散戶實證研究中,周轉率與報酬率呈U型分配,交易次數特別高及特別低的兩群樣本投資人,可能報酬較佳,所以得以存活於市場的情況相呼應。 / 80% investors in Taiwan Stock Market are individual investors. In that, their participations have great impacts to the stock market prosperity. This research focuses on the market crash which has happened since 1990 and tracks the individual investors’ trading activities of the following fifteen years.
In research we found that, although the market index has decreased 83% since Feb.12, 1990, there are 90% individual investors remained trading in the market. Besides, we found the individual investors who keep trading (the survivor) increase both in their trading frequency and in trading amount which shows the survivors play an important role in the stock market during the following years. In further analysis, we also found the survivors had greater responses to the rises and falls of the stock market than total market individual investors’ average.
When we analyze the survivors’ pre-crash characters, which showed survivors were those who had greater average trading frequency and average trading volume. Besides, there also existed big variances in the survivor group. Both evidences showed there existed survivors who were high trading frequency with low trading volume and those who were low trading frequency with high trading volume. These proved the prior research evidence of individual investors’ character that the return and trading frequency distribute as U shape in Taiwan stock market. Investors in highest trading frequency group and lowest trading frequency group could get better return to survive.
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社會企業資源及生態系統的發展:以台灣社企流為例 / The Development of Social Enterprises Resources and Eco-system: Take Social Enterprise Insights, Taiwan for example邱韻華 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,社會企業(Social Enterprise)與社會創業(Social Entrepreneurship)在全球形成一股風潮,這場新的公民自覺與自發的運動,不但模糊了社會與企業的界限、轉化了非營利組織的思維,甚至改變了政府的公共政策。社會企業在國際間(尤其是英、美、南亞等國家)已被證明為一個可擴張與永續經營的商業模式,更提升了社會公益組織的財務自主性。
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網路交友平台補貼與收費機制探討 / The analysis on the Subsidy and pricing Model of the online dating platform黃銘勳, Huang, ming syun Unknown Date (has links)
透過幾個交友平台的個案分析,本研究觀察到雖都為網路交友平台,但是其交友的機制都會因其設計理念、交友目的而有所不同。因此本研究整理出哪些補貼準則被應用在網路交友平台上,而各交友平台如何設計收費時機在互動模式上,以理解網路交友平台的整個收費訂價的方式。 / Platform business model and online dating has become popular in recent years, therefore more and more online dating platforms are being set up. Platform pricing model is not set up by user charge alone, how users interact on the platform is also considered. Platform controller attract users who can cause positive cross-side network effect by offering them better price so that they can attract users who are willing to pay the fee.
This research depends on two-side market theory to explain how online dating platforms attract users to enter their platforms, design interaction mechanism and set rules to allow users to use platforms easily. Depending on different dating purposes, every online dating platform has its own design. Therefore, this research discusses how different online dating platforms design interaction mechanism and compare the differences between them.
After understanding how platforms design interaction mechanism, platform pricing model is then discussed. Every platform has its own pricing model, because of different design. This research analyzes platform pricing model by subsidy rules from previous studies, and why users are willing to pay.
By analyzing several online dating platform cases, this research concludes that platforms have different interacting mechanisms because of website design purpose and user dating purpose. This research demonstrates which subsidy rules are used on online dating platform and how these platform design charge timing in order to understand online dating platform pricing model.
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台灣臉書使用者的隱私權管理 / Facebook users’ privacy management in Taiwan林宜萱, Lin, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
Given the high penetration rate of Facebook and more than 10 million daily active users in Taiwan, the subject of Facebook became an important focus of study. This thesis attempted to examine how factors such as gender and gender, time spent on Facebook, personal privacy orientation, knowledge, negative experiences and privacy concerns would predict users’ profile privacy settings and their use of privacy protection strategies. By utilizing the Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), individuals and collectives would develop the rules, known as boundary. In the process of managing one’s privacy, they would coordinate the boundary and also mitigate the disruption to the rules established, known as boundary turbulence.
A survey of 1,102 Facebook users in Taiwan through an online questionnaire was conducted over a two-week period from April 29 – May12, 2014, and yielded a confidence level of 95% and a 3% confidence interval. Results showed that 48.6% of respondents were males, while 51.4% were females. Respondents that fell between the age group 25-34 also made up the biggest group among users. Respondents had spent an average of 4.71 years on Facebook at the time of the study, and reported that they spent an average of 3.06 hours on Facebook per day. Facebook users in Taiwan were privacy-oriented, had partial knowledge to Facebook’s privacy policy, and were concerned about their privacy on Facebook, particularly how Facebook utilized their personal user information. As for negative experiences users had on Facebook, over three quarters of them reported the negative experience of being invited into the spammed shopping groups. Respondents also utilized different privacy settings based on the nature of the information on their profiles.
Through performing linear hierarchical regression analyses, results showed that gender, time spent on Facebook, users’ personal privacy orientation, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy and negative experiences served as predictors to the strictness of users’ profile privacy settings. On the other hand, gender, age, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy, negative experiences and privacy concerns served as predictors for users’ privacy protection strategies. This thesis contributed to the current research pool in the following ways. First of all, the sample in this thesis was representative of the population of daily active users in Taiwan. Secondly, while numerous previous studies have focused on predicting users' privacy management via privacy settings or the frequency of updating their privacy settings as dependent variables, this thesis also considered privacy protection strategies, such as deleting Facebook friends, un-tagging photos, and turning off cookies on computers. Thirdly, this thesis also considered users' negative experience on Facebook, and confirmed that it was a significant predictor to both users’ privacy settings on profiles, and privacy protection strategies.
Keywords: Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), Facebook, privacy, boundary management, Taiwan
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The Great Wall:中國之消費者保護平台 / Business Plan for the Great Wall Platform葛蘭特, Grant Edward Leach Unknown Date (has links)
Short of dramatic protests, Chinese citizens do not have much recourse against unscrupulous manufacturing companies who produce defective or unsafe products. The Great Wall web and app based platform empowers Chinese citizens to hold manufacturers accountable for the true costs of their own neglectful and sometimes endangering conduct. The Great Wall corrects the injustice of companies passing the costs of their negligence on to consumers while reaping unmitigagted profits. The Great Wall achieves this by offering a suite of services and tools that effectively unites similary affected consumers, aggregates their legal retainer fees thereby reducing the costs associated with legal proceedings and connects them with legal representation that will facilitate highly efficient legal negotiations on their behalves. The Great Wall is the first non-profit social venture supporting the Chinese Government’s efforts to foster accountability among manufacturers and meet the demand for a safer and higher quality marketplace for the Chinese population.
Key Words: Non-profit social venture, Manufacturer negligence, Accountability, Consumer rights, Legal retainer, Mainland China.
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大陸台商轉型升級的政治經濟分析 ─台商企業與地方政府的互動許淑幸 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣省工作委員會相關政治案件之研究(1946-1961) / no English title梁正杰 Unknown Date (has links)
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從創造文化經濟的角度論台灣戲劇產業之革新-以韓劇發展模式為例顏雅玲 Unknown Date (has links)
結合韓劇的發展經驗與訪談電視台從業人員的結果,本研究提出革新我國電視劇之建議,包含提升我國自製電視劇產量與品質,及促進節目出口。最重要的是需要產、官、學、民四者的搭配,政府單位必須打造適合產業發展的環境、擬定促進產業發展的條例;學術界也必須與產業合作,進行戲劇節目產銷相關之研發工作、培育產業需要的人才;民間也需要支持本土戲劇節目、投入產業價值鏈的操作、活絡產業資金。 / Due to Korean culture content industry produces huge amount of values, and Korean drama is one of the most important culture products exported, so this study would analyze the policy of culture content development in Korea in order to capture some guides that we can learn how to improve Taiwan TV producing and marketing from their experiences.
This study would focus on how to raise the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced television drama. The study-method used are literature-analyzing and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel.
We find that Korean dramas were produced in rational competition structure. And Korean government have well-designed producing-marketing policy. So, not only the competition structure but also the government protection policy, both lead Korean drama develop well. Moreover, the genre of Korean drama has high cultural correlation with other Asian countries, it is also the key success factor.
By profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, this study finds that there are many problems in producing and marketing our TV drama. Like limited producing cost, the lack of original script, the lack of enough professional personnel, the lack of program survey, etc.
In order to create cultural economics by TV drama, this study combines the analysis of Korean drama and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, and advocates advises to reform Taiwan self-produced TV drama. These advices are proposed below.
In raising the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced TV drama: search more gateways to increase producing expenses、enlarge the script space and theme of TV drama、institute performing arts education、establish related regulations by government、further program survey、quality control of program-producing organization.
In pushing programs exported: capture the critical juncture of increasing needs of Asian cultural goods and grasp the cultural proximity with other Asian countries、increase international media cooperation、establish Taiwan drama brand and position, etc.
The most important is that government、industry、academic community、general public should struggle together because the benefit created by TV drama would spread all.
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臺灣氣候變遷與經濟成長之關係 / Climate change and economic development in Taiwan楊雅婷, Yang, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣創新IT產品在俄羅斯的接受及推廣之研究 / Adaptation and Implementation of Taiwanese Innovative IT in Russia夏宜麗 Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the innovative product in such processes as adaptation and its first step in the international market. The most successful sector of international business between Russia and Taiwan is IT business. Contents of this thesis can be divided into four parts.
First part reveals the importance of innovative idea in the new product development and its analysis according to the marketing strategy. Meanwhile, it also highlights potential problems with the introduction of the new product in the international market. In the second part the author reviews the market of IT-technologies in Russia and in Taiwan as well, moreover there is shown the trade and economic situation between Russia and Taiwan. The third part is devoted to detailed analyze of one Taiwanese company and its products, which are aggressively promoted in Russian Federation nowadays. And the last part summarizes the whole research conclusions and suggests the complex program for introduction and promotion of innovative products in international market.
There is no doubt that innovations are the only way to maintain the high development rate and profitability level. The issue of new product development is one of the most important points in successful company strategy. Moreover, consideration of this issue is very important to understand the economic cooperation between Russia and Taiwan.
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