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台北市政府行銷策略之研究-以台北內湖科技園區為個案分析宋吉德 Unknown Date (has links)
例如,高雄市包裝城市光廊、愛河行船,前任市長謝長廷於1998年就任時更提出「海洋首都」的願景,並在此願景下推動一列的行銷活動;此外,我國首善之區台北市在馬英九市長的期許下也計畫打造「台北科技走廊」(Taipei Technology Corridor,TTC),並積極向國際行銷台北、赴海外招商,期使台北市成為亞太企業運籌中心(logistic center)。
更重要的是,為吸引投資者到地區(或城市)來,地區(或城市)經營者必須找出該地區(或城市)的非貿易財(不可替代性要素)。而在不可替代性資源中有三項要素,是競爭力的重要指標,但過去在地區行銷中一直被忽略(或未被突顯),那就是政府效能(effectiveness)、地區環境(environments of region)與高素質人力資源(high quality of human resources)。
本文論述主軸除探討地區行銷理論外,並輔以目前產值已超越我國以往被認為是高科技代名詞之新竹科學園區,另一個正逐漸興起中且被前台北市長馬英九譽為「台北市的金雞母」之「台北內湖科技園區」為個案分析;此外,本文題目雖在探討台北市政府的行銷策略,惟本文在文獻檢閱後,發現行銷概念的演進已進到整體的行銷管理體系,而非單一個別要素的論述,因此單一行銷要素已無法說明行銷過程的全貌,而且在第二章第三節「公部門行銷」中歸納多位學者所提之規劃模式後得到驗證,基本架構仍延伸自Kotler 教授的行銷管理過程。爰此,全文論述仍針對行銷管理的四項主要功能─行銷情境分析、行銷規劃、行銷執行與行銷控制等為架構進行。
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我國檔案法立法過程之研究 / A Study on the Legislative Process of Archives Act in Taiwan廖彩惠, Liao, Tsai-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出八點建議,包含:蒐集檔案法制定過程所產生之文件、整合檔案相關資源、提升檔案主管機關的位階、積極推動國家檔案館設立,並研擬明確法源依據、建立分級管理機制、擴大檔案的定義與範圍、加強私文書的蒐集及人員經費制度化。 / The subject of this research is the process and phrase of Archives Act establishment in Taiwan. By applying historical research method and interview method, this research elaborates the version of Archives Act draft, the essence of legislation and its relationship between politics, society and history. Last, the text tells the situation in revising Archives Act after its legislation.
The legislation of Archives Act was started from 1987 and finished in 1999 through the phrase of Academic Historica, Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan, total 12 years. During the establishment, the draft is mainly from Academic Historica, Executive Yuan, Lin,Cho-Shui , Tsao,Erh-Chang and Lee,Ching-Hsiung. When formulating the Archives Act, it considers the preservation of historical record, foundation of administrative system and reflection of Taiwan democracy transition .In order to resolve operation bottleneck, release heavy loading of mass management, National Archives Administration revised the Archives Act in some ways like autonomic management of table by each institution, publishing mechanism of archives catalog and examining mechanism of institute archive destroying catalog, etc.
This research raises 8 points as suggestion, collecting the document which was generated during establishment of Archives Act, raising level of archives administrative institute, setting up National Archive institute, drawing up definite authority of law, making mechanism of classified management, expanding the definition and range of archives, improving the collection of private edition and institutionalizing member and fund.
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日據時期台灣的獄政 / A History of the Prison in Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial馬海倫, Murphy, Helen Louise Unknown Date (has links)
This paper examines the development of penal policy and practice in Taiwan in the early Japanese colonial era (1895-1908). The Japanese colonial government considered creation of a modern prison system in Taiwan as not only an essential part of establishing control over the island, but also in proving their colonial credentials. However the process of establishing a modern colonial penal system was a new challenge for Japanese rulers and penal policies underwent changes throughout the period of Japanese rule as they sought to adjust to the needs and realities of colonial governance. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: How did the Japanese colonial regime’s strategy of colonial governance (i.e. the new political rationality) affect the development of penal thought and techniques in Taiwan? What were the particular characteristics of the colonial prison in Taiwan and what comparisons can be made between penal systems in Qing Taiwan, Meiji Japan and colonial Taiwan? This paper will examine relevant penal philosophy, architecture and penal technologies in order to answer these questions. / This paper examines the development of penal policy and practice in Taiwan in the early Japanese colonial era (1895-1908). The Japanese colonial government considered creation of a modern prison system in Taiwan as not only an essential part of establishing control over the island, but also in proving their colonial credentials. However the process of establishing a modern colonial penal system was a new challenge for Japanese rulers and penal policies underwent changes throughout the period of Japanese rule as they sought to adjust to the needs and realities of colonial governance. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: How did the Japanese colonial regime’s strategy of colonial governance (i.e. the new political rationality) affect the development of penal thought and techniques in Taiwan? What were the particular characteristics of the colonial prison in Taiwan and what comparisons can be made between penal systems in Qing Taiwan, Meiji Japan and colonial Taiwan? This paper will examine relevant penal philosophy, architecture and penal technologies in order to answer these questions.
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報紙呈現候選人形象變化研究-以1998與2002年台北市長選舉候選人馬英九為例胡馨云, Hu,Hsin-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
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台商參與大陸政府採購之探索性研究 / The Participation of Taiwanese Business People in張德浩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在於探討兩岸政府採購進程,發掘兩岸政府採購法理論基礎之差異,透過文獻探討、比較分析、調查訪談,以及獲得相關單位及親身經歷者的看法及意見,以深入探討台商參與大陸政府採購措施之適應;在參與大陸政府採購之準備、對大陸政府採購制度的檢討、參與大陸政府採購風險。並從執行面、風險面、制度面三個大面向找出可行對策,建立防止受害最佳模式。 / Government Procurement Act of Republic of China promulgated on May 27,1998. And had been put into effect one year later from the promulgation. It has fair and open procurement procedures and maximizes the use of government budget, and ensure the quality of procurement. Also our country can do well on signing the GPA(Agreement On Government Procurement), by taking this worldwide procurement system. After the reformation, Mainland China in order to improve the disorder situation due to the lack of the regulation of the government procurement, it also put it’s own “Government Procurement Act” into effect on the first day of 2003. This Act Helps Build the suitable system for the socialism market economy, and connect the international society as well. The both sides of the Taiwan Strait have participated in WHO, and sign the GPA is a must step. Taiwanese Business People are increasingly joining the procurement cases of Mainland China Government, it has become the most important option which their investments goes for.
Since the both sides of the Taiwan Strait are under the status of political competition, the completed and effective government procurement system affects the power of the nations much. It is necessary to study the government procurement system of the both sides of the Taiwan Strait furthermore. Base on the reason ofx the quick development of the economy system reformation and the early execution of Government Procurement Act in Mainland China, four study points had been made as follows: 1.To discuss the Mainland China government procurement system and the practicability that Taiwanese Business People participate the system. 2.the cognizance Taiwanese Business People should have in order to participate government procurement in Mainland China. 3.to discuss the effect of the theory of the Government Procurement Act in Mainland China. 4.to make concretely suggestions.
The research is to discuss the systems from the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, to discover the differences of their government procurement systems, by the methods of reference, comparison, investigation, interview, also the thoughts from relative units and people who are experienced, help to gain the information that how the Taiwanese Business People adapt, prepare to Mainland China government procurement system and the risk of it, to find out the effective method toward aspects of execution, risk, and the system, in order to establish the best mode which prevents Taiwanese Business People to be victims.
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平路小說的台灣歷史想像──以《婆娑之島》為主 / Ping Lu of Taiwan historical fiction to imagine ── whirling main island林韻芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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在未知損失函數的情況下探討台灣經濟預測的最適性 / Testing Forecast Optimality of Taiwan Under Unknown Loss Function劉耿明 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據 Patton and Timmermann (2007) 之模型架構,透過最適預測檢定探討台灣主計總處公佈之經濟預測最適問題。研究結果發現,主計總處 GDP 之預測違反較多本文所假設的最適預測推論,因而 GDP 預測為非最適預測。主計總處 CPI 之預測在本文的最適預測推論架構下,雖相較於 GDP 預測符合較多推論,但仍然違反了其中一條最適推論,因而 CPI 預測仍為非最適預測。
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清代台灣寡婦的他力與自擇 / Widows In Qing Dynasty: Exterior Force and Rational Choice陳品妤, Chen, Pin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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華語語氣詞之比較研究 ─以台灣和馬來西亞華語為比較對象 / A Comparative Study of the Utterance-Final Particles─ Comparison with Taiwanese Mandarin and Malaysian Mandarin鍾若芳, Chong Nyok Fang Unknown Date (has links)
台馬兩地常用的語氣詞,其中相同的語氣詞有:「啊、吧、嗎、了、誒」,台灣獨有的「哦」及馬來西亞常用的「咧」。其中,「了」雖然兩地皆用,但發音不同,台灣發為「lɤ2」,而馬來西亞發為「liau3」。本文找出的常用語氣詞和過去學者統整的有相同和相異之處,判斷原因有三個:一、資料來源不同;二、語言變化(時間和空間的影響);三、區域性差異。 / Modal particles are very important in Mandarin Chinese. By just adding one modal particle to a sentence, speakers are able to express their various feelings, moods or attitude. Language always changes because of differences in time and space. This study focuses on two areas of Mandarin usage, Taiwan and Malaysia, to discover the differences in use of modal particles between them.
In this study, we attained authentic materials by situational conversations with 30 subjects. The situational conversation based on Qi (2002) mentions 6 kinds of traditional modals plus 3 types (sigh, contingent and reminder) which are used to design a modal particle experiment. This study not only focuses on authentic materials, but also uses Sinica Corpus to verify the functions of the modal particles.
The common modal particles used in Taiwan and Malaysia are “a, ba, lɤ, e”. One that is only used in Taiwan is “O”, and in Malaysia is “le”. Although these two countries actually use “le”, the pronunciation is different.
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台灣網購消費者使用網路平台付費方式分析 / An Analysis of Taiwan Consumers in Online Shopping Platform Payment盧佩琦, Lu, Pei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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