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抗戰時期的專賣事業(1941~1945)何思瞇, Ho,Shi-mi Unknown Date (has links)
本文即擬對抗戰時期專賣事業的實施過程,及其與國家財政之關係,加以探討分析。由於專賣屬獨占事業, 國內外史學界研究此一課題的文章極少,相關史料亦多未刊行,故本文撰寫時引用之參考資料, 以檔案為主。計有:國史館典藏之國民政府檔案、財政部檔案; 中央研究院近代史研究所典藏之鹽務檔案;中國南京第二歷史檔案館典藏之財政部檔案、火柴專賣公司檔案、菸類專賣局檔案、專賣事業管理局檔案等。 另輔以已整編刊行之史料、中外文著作等。全文除緒論和結論外,共分七章,其主要內容如下:第一章緒論:論述專賣事業在中國發展的過程 ,及目前國內外研究此一課題之成果、研究方法、問題徵結所在。第二章戰時專賣事業實施背景:以戰時財政赤字與通貨膨脹 、戰時統制政策的形成為主題 ,論述抗戰時期專賣事業實施之背景。第三章戰時專賣事業之籌辦:
論述戰時專賣事業之規畫、制訂與推行的過程。第四章火柴與菸類專賣之產製運銷: 分二節,敘述火柴及菸類專賣之實施,係採用「局部專賣制」,由民間產製後,再經由專賣機構 「統購統銷」。第五章食糖與鹽專賣之產製運銷:論述戰時食糖專賣之產銷制度 ,亦採「民產-民製-官收-民銷」之局部專賣制。 鹽專賣方面,由於實施專賣之前,政府已實施「官收-官運」制度, 為專賣奠定基礎,故各專賣品中,鹽專賣之產銷制度最健全。第六章各專賣物品之專賣價格與特徵:專賣價格合理與否 ,為專賣物品能否順利產銷關鍵, 戰時各專賣品之專賣價格由「專賣品成本+專賣利益+商人之合法利潤」決定,但因各專賣物品多屬民生消費品, 為顧及人民生計起見,其價格多較一般市價為低。第七章專賣與緝私:凡未依專賣法規定而擅自產製運銷者 ,即屬走私行為,應予以查緝。戰時專賣物品之走私案件 ,除不法商人圖謀私利外,專賣事業人員從中營私舞弊亦時有所聞。第八章專賣之成效與評估: 論述專賣事業之專賣利益與戰時財政關係,及其對國家社會之影響 ,從而了解戰時專賣事業實施之成效與得失。第九章結論:戰時專賣事業實施雖僅四年 ,卻充分顯現統制經濟特色,而專賣利益亦有助於財政收入。
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電腦週邊事業行銷策略之研究-以G公司為例 / The study of business marketing strategy of computer peripheral industry: in case of G co.陳清賢, Chen, Ching Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電腦週邊設備製造業的發展,一直以來與 PC 產業發展具有高度關聯性。本產業大約從1980 年代開始,國內廠商大多以代工模式興起。自1990 年起,產業進入快速成長階段,產能規模持續成長,台灣亦成為電腦週邊設備的製造重鎮。而近年來隨著科技產業的蓬勃發展,電腦週邊設備更是越來越複雜,產品種類不僅繁多、汰換率高且產品生命週期日趨縮短。再加上產業集中化與微利化的情形下,彼此之間的競爭更是激烈。
關鍵字:新創事業,市場區隔,行銷組合策略。 / In Taiwan, computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry has been highly associated with the PC industry. About the industry from the 1980s began, most domestic manufacturers rise to the OEM model. Since 1990, the industry entered a rapid growth stage, the capacity continued to grow; Taiwan has become the manufacturing center for computer peripherals. In recent years, the rapid development of the technology industry, computer peripheral equipment is more complex, not only the range of product categories, replacement rate and increasingly shorter product life cycles. Coupled with industry concentration and the case of shrinking profit margins, more competition between them is intense.
This thesis is based on Taiwan's leading computer peripheral equipment G Co., as a case study of marketing practices for nearly three decades of experience, to provide for Taiwan's future small new ventures marketing mix strategy of reference. By this time in the marketing mix strategy analysis process, our understanding of computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry development status and future trends, and how to deal with the rapid industry change and uncertainty.
The article is based on interviews with the senior management of G co., and to collect other relevant documents, to explore the domestic manufacturer of computer peripherals marketing mix strategies, and measure the results obtained, which studies the impact of variables there is market segmentation, target market, market positioning, product positioning, R & D innovation, marketing channels, and so on. Through the case study results, the following points provide suggestions for the new ventures:
1.Through the market segmentation, we can stable growth and to avoid competition with existing companies and the victims of its attacks.
2.We should be able to master channel and maintain good relations with retailers.
3.Good use of flexible pricing strategy to maintain ours competitive and profitability.
4.To develop the brand in order to avoid falling into the price competition.
5.Technological leadership and innovative products, to keep the competitiveness of company.
6.Involved in domestic and international electronics show, in order to build brand awareness quickly.
Keywords: New Ventures, market segmentation, marketing mix strategies.
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澳門高中生生涯決定困難、生涯決定自我效能與自我認定狀態之相關研究 / Study of the relationship among career decision-making difficulties, career decision-making self-efficacy, and self identity of high school students in Macau;"Study of the relationship among career decision making difficulties, career decision making self梁栢堅 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門高中生生涯決定困難影響因素之紮根研究 / Influencing factors of career decision-making difficulties : a grounded theory study in Macau high school students梁燕嬌 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門大學生生涯建構之結構分析 / Structure analysis of Macao undergraduate students' career construct王雪菲 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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偶發事件對在澳門升學之大陸研究生生涯發展的影響 / Influence of chance events on career development of Mainland graduate students in Macao龔蕾 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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歷史建築再利用之創新事業模式探討謝佩含, Hsieh,Pei-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在於探討「歷史建築再利用」之創新商業模式,利用Gary Hamel於啟動革命一書中所提出的四大要素作為分析項目,得到的發現如下:1.歷史建築再利用之創新事業模式中,「經營者」與歷史建築本身之『策略性資產』關連性強者,可讓事業本體的『核心策略』有效運用其『策略性資源』。2.歷史建築再利用之『價值網絡』若有效發揮,則為有助於本身『策略性資源』累積。3.歷史建築再利用與原建築用途二者之鍊結度強者,可較有效使用其『策略性資源』。4. 歷史建築再利用在事業模式中的『策略性資源』項目,並非如傳統認為的僅有〝建築〞部分,另外有著許多〝軟性意涵〞的項目;例如她本身所具有的歷史意義、地理意義、人文思維…等等。而這些唯有透過其『價值網絡』與『顧客介面』才可充分發揮。5. 以〝再利用〞為目標之歷史建築其重點在於〝與人的互動〞,否則將淪為單純的古建築保存。
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創業管理影響高科技新事業核心能耐形成之研究 - 以群聯電子公司為例 / Influence of New Venture Management on Core Competences Formation of High Tech Companies - A Case Study of Phison Electronics萬惠棻, Wang, Huei Feng Unknown Date (has links)
因此,為探討新事業的創業管理與其核心能耐間的關聯性,本研究希望藉由研究結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 創業家在創業階段應注意哪些管理上的事項?(2) 新事業的核心能耐如何發展而得?(3) 創業家的創業管理決策是否影響新事業核心能耐的形成?
3.創業家在創業階段的管理決策會影響新事業智慧資本的發展,進而影響累積出的核心能耐。 / Technological changes often generate new products or services, and create new business opportunities and markets that attract entrepreneurs. This phenomenon tends to occur at the budding or emerging stage of an industry, where new ventures have a better chance to survive. Since the market has potential high growth, one can expect there would be many contestants competing in it. New ventures must develop a sustaining competitive advantage to succeed in such a perilous environment.
For a company, its competitive advantages normally come from its core competences, which were accumulated over time. Depending on the nature of the company, its core competence could be developed from its core resources or intellectual capitals. Studies on core competence conducted by local researchers mostly focused on identifying the core competence of a particular industry, based on the existing core resources of well-established companies. So far, no study had been found that explored the relevance of a company’s core competence formation and its management processes during the start-up stage.
In order to understand if the managerial decisions undertaken during start-up stage have any effect on a company’s core competence accumulated, we’d like to use our research results to answer the following 3 questions: (1) What are the key management guidelines an entrepreneur should pay attentions to during the start-up stage of a new venture? (2) How are the core competences developed by a new venture? (3) If the decisions made by an entrepreneur during the start-up stage have any effect on the core competences a new venture develops?
In this study, we chose an IC design house – Phison Electronics, as our study case. From the case interview and secondary data collected, we tried to reproduce the management processes in Phison’s start-up stage; then identified the core competences accumulated from the intellectual capitals in each growth stage; finally, by inspecting the results summarized above, we would determine if the core competences of Phison could be traced back to its managerial decisions made at start-up stage. Our preliminary conclusions are as follows:
1.The entrepreneurs need to think stage-wise of their new ventures, and define the corporate goals and resources required for each stage of growth, then make adjustments accordingly.
2.Different aspects of a new venture’s intellectual capitals would influence each other’s developments. Entrepreneurs need to maintain a balanced intellectual capital composition within the company to facilitate the formation of the new venture’s competitive advantage.
3.The management decisions entrepreneurs made in start-up stage would affect the development of intellectual capitals in later stages, thereby affecting the accumulation of core competences.
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新事業發展與動態能力建構-以明基材料為例 / A Case Study on the New Business Development and Formulation of Dynamic Capablities陳弘鈞, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:在導入外部合作模式的情形下,動態能力的養成更能突破內部創新的限制及盲點。在引入垂直或水平的外部力量後,更須將力量挹注到組織內部,在結構、技術、任務、或人員等構面產生變革,方能進一步產生市場預測、技術製程、人才匯流、通路後勤、品牌行銷、及技術互補能力等六大動態能力。在早期的光碟及偏光片事業中,明基材倚重集團的垂直支援,養成了技術製程、技術互補、與人才能力,強調內部定位並掌握動、靜態程序,具有高度路徑相依性。於近期的生醫及隱形眼鏡事業中,明基材則更重視異業水平合作,更完整了品牌行銷、通路後勤、與市場預測能力,著重外部定位並協調動、靜態程序,更彈性掌握技術機會。透過動態能力在定位、程序、及路徑的持續演進,企業方能一次次化解產業危機,在新事業中穩健發展、開創新局。 / When confronted with internal expansion of scale and scope as well as external alteration of market demands, enterprises are bound to face fewer and fewer opportunities of growth in their original businesses. Hence, how to cultivate new businesses in reply to these challenges is usually a crucial issue for enterprise growth. In the process of new business development, the survival of the enterprise lies in the way of modulating organizational framework and extracting profound, dynamic capabilities therein to tackle subsequent environmental trials as well as to exert them on the next new business. Nonetheless, the connection among external strengths, internal organizational transformations, and the formulation of dynamic capabilities wasn’t effectively established in prior research. Accordingly, this study is rooted upon the case study of BenQ Materials Corp. in the aim of looking into how enterprises incorporate external collaborations to construct their dynamic capabilities, which can constantly evolve to cater to external challenges.
BenQ Materials was initiated as a disc manufacturer, while differentiating into the polarizer business in response to the demand for panels of the BenQ Group. While establishing solid technical and personnel allocations, BenQ Materials underwent the price-declining trend and bottlenecks in textures, which make it in turn resort to the steadily growing biomedical industry after the financial tsunami. The robust channels and brands built in the biomedical business not only served as the backing and momentum, but further steering BenQ Materials into the contact lens industry and global markets. This thesis classifies both the industry and business analysis into four categories: discs, polarizers, biomedicine, and contact lens, which helps dissect every new business incident, excavate the foundation of dynamic capabilities behind.
Throughout the research, this study reveals that under the introduction of external collaborations, the formulation of dynamic capabilities can further break though the blind spots and limits from internal innovations. After importing vertical or horizontal external forces, enterprises should then translate the external forces into internal organization changes in the aspects of the structure, techniques, tasks, and personnel, giving rise to the six dynamic capabilities: market predicting, technique procedural, talent streaming, channel logistical, brand marketing, and technique complementary capability. In the disc and polarizer business, BenQ Materials depended heavily on the vertical support from the BenQ Group and generated the technique procedural, technique complementary, and talent streaming capability, laying emphasis on internal positioning, dynamic and static processes, and high-level path dependency. While in biomedical and contact lens business, BenQ Materials further treasured inter-industry horizontal cooperation, from which the brand marketing, channel logistical, and more comprehensive market predicting capability were nurtured, valuing external positioning, dynamic and static processes coordinating, and elastic technological opportunity managing. The consecutive evolution of dynamic capabilities on positions, processes, and paths not only facilitates enterprises to get through industry crises time after time, but fuels new businesses’ sturdy growth and innovation.
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國營事業員工的職務角色與主觀績效認知之研究-以平衡計分卡績效指標為例 / The Study on Managerial Roles and Perceived Performance for State-Owned Enterprises Employees: the Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard Performance Indicators于佳弘, Yu, Jia Horng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出管理建議如下:於組織面可朝向(1)暢通決策管道與資訊透明化、(2)促進交流與溝通的開放、(3)朝向創新與彈性的制度設計、(4)改進人事制度、(5)檢討績效考評制度及(6)鼓勵單位間的相互合作;於員工層面應關心員工的適應情形與人際互動,增進組織認同感。 / In daily work,we can find that manager and staff have different opinion very often.This difference will not only affect the relationship between each other but also the working performance.To emphasis the different coginition of organizational performance evaluation by managerial role,and add the different dimention of performance indicators,this study use Balanced ScoreCard to make the organizational performance evaluation more balance.Therefore,the study will find out the coginition of state-owned enterprises perceived performance by managerial role in the perspective of BSC.Futhermore,we can through Importance- Performance Analysis to analysis the each dimension of BSC.
This study is a case from TIPC,Port of Kaohsiung , The participants of the present study were employees and managers chosen by position in the company.Send out 350 questionaries,and 290 is returned,the responded rates is 83%.Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to examine the construct validity of adopted measurement instruments and T-test,ANOVA,IPA was employed to test the hypotheses.
The main findings show that: (1) managers feel the performance indicators are more important than employees.(2) managers feel the performance indicators are more satisfied than employees.(3) the performance indicators’ importance and satisfication are significant relevance.(4) the performance indicators’ importance and satisfication will have different coginition by managerial role.
Finally,few practical recommendations were made : from organizational perspect (1)open the decision making procedure and imformation.(2) letting the communication and exchange more often.(3) institution rules toward more innovate and flexible (4) change the personnel institution.(5) reviw the performance appraisal.(6) encourage sectors work together; from employee perspect:care about new staffs’ adapt situation and relationship,raising their organizational commitment.
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