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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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孫殿鈞, Sun,Tien-chun Unknown Date (has links)
一群來自各個不同領域,且志同道合的朋友們,看到了一個可能可以成功的機會,大家一起投入屬於這個機會的電腦散熱模組產業,成立了一家具備專業技術能力的電腦散熱模組加工廠,希望成功的攫取這個產業的機會。 電腦及其週邊產業相較於其它產業,因為有著很大的市場且還有成長的空間,確實有著許多可以成功的創業機會,因而對有心創業人士產生極大的誘因。但如同其它創業機會一樣,成功是一個機會、一種可能,成功的另一面就是失敗的風險。本文的個案公司,由一群志同道合的朋友,具有共同認知創立的新事業,以行動去實現可能可以成功的機會,並於創立之初,選擇以本身已知具備優於同業的核心能力~設備、製造、工程、品質等,為進入電腦散熱器及散熱模組產業的基礎,並以代工或加工製造(OEM)的基本定位循序漸進的執行其創業計劃,並意圖逐步提升企業層級與規模,在一段時間內完成階段性的目標,最後,個案公司發展的目標為何?需要那些資源才能持續發展?可能結果又如何?這些都是本文探討的核心,或許以另一種角度觀之,一個新創事業投入一個商機無限的產業,面對各種可能存在的風險或產業環境的變動,該如何作才能獲得成功?由個案公司的創業計劃、已運作一年餘的成績,來研究、探討,檢視其已有的成果與缺失,及其在產業發展的前途與未來面對各種可能變數時所需要的支援、資源與應對方案,如此,非但能了解一個新創事業,未來應如何在龐大無序的電腦產業中,成長、壯大,以至成功的可能模式,當然也可以探討出這個新創事業,階段性成長可能面臨的風險、問題與解決方案,從而由以上資料繪出個案公司未來經營發展的藍圖與可能的經營模式。


戴瑜慧 Unknown Date (has links)


劉昇昌 Unknown Date (has links)
公益信託係以慈善、文化、藝術、宗教、祭祀或其他以公共利益為目的之信託,其形式所有與實質所有分離之架構及無基金門檻之限制,較能達到責信功能與便利設立之優點,故應可發展成非營利組織之重要型態;惟我國公益信託制度直到2005年年終,信託法立法已近十年,2001年修正通過的各信託稅法,明訂在符合一定條件下,捐贈者享有稅賦減免,且國內外文獻對公益信託制度亦多有介紹,何以國外可以發展蓬勃之制度,在我國卻遲遲無法推展?因此本文主要研究公益信託無法推展之原因,與如何推展公益信託制度。 本文除介紹公益信託法制,另舉財團法人與公益信託作一比較,此外,以個案研究實例,說明公益信託實務之運作,並探討公益信託整體環境之發展。 公益信託型態之非營利組職,何以至今尚未普遍設立,本文以為原因如下: 一、捐助者與社會大眾,仍習慣於社團與財團等型態之非營利組織,對於公益信託之設立、運作與功能較不明瞭。 二、因稅法規定,為享受租稅減免,則受託人必須是信託業法所稱之信託業,為其必要條件之一,因此委託人將有下列幾項考慮: 1、受託人(信託業)執行信託事務時,是否會與委託人設立公益信託之理想不 一致? 2、受託人(信託業)是否有足夠的事務經營能力? 3、不可諱言,亦有部份人擔心受託人係信託業,以致其監督機制較嚴,而影響其設立意願。 三、 我國信託業就公益信託之業務,尚於發展階段,而不具經濟規模,因報酬、人才及法律責任之考量,亦降低其承接意願。 四、我國傳統社會價值觀念的影響,即使捐贈財產成立非營利組織,仍希望有控制權,因此對於公益信託由受託人,管理或處分財產,較不能接受。 五、成立公益信託必須符合各目的事業主管機關頒布之監督準則及許可,增加設立公益信託之困難。 本文最後認為,公益信託設立無最低基金門檻、支出不受達收入百分之七十以上之規定、基金及收入無運用與存放金融機構等限制,以上簡便與彈性之優點,若能妥善運用,對整體非營利事業之發展應有助益,當然其並非取代其他非營利組織,而係提供從事非營利事業者,另一型態之選擇。 / Public trust has the following purposes: charity, culture, art, religion, sacrifice offerings, and other public interests. It is relatively more capable of achieving accountability and convenient establishment because its structure separates real possessions from nominal possessions and it doesn’t have restrictions on funds. Therefore, it is a potential fundamental form for non-profit organizations. To the end of 2005, domestic trust laws have been established for nearly ten years. Amendment of trust tax laws in 2001 has specified that under certain conditions donators are eligible to tax reductions. There have also been many introductions to the public trust system in domestic and foreign documents. How is it then that a flourishing system overseas can’t be implemented domestically? Therefore, this article studies the reasons that public trust has been unable to be implemented and how it should be implemented. This article introduces the public trust legal system and also compares legal foundations with public trust. Furthermore, it uses case study to describe the operation of public trust practices and discusses the development of the overall environment for public trust. This article believes that the reasons for the uncommon establishment of non-profit organizations in the form of public trust are as follows: 1. Donators and the public are more accustomed to non-profit organizations in the form of a corporation and legal foundation and do not understand the operation and functions of public trust. 2. According to tax laws, the trustee must be a trust enterprise defined by the trust enterprise act in order to enjoy tax reductions. Therefore, the client should have the following considerations: 1) When executing trust affairs, will the trustee (trust enterprise) have the same ideal as the client for establishing public trust? 2) Does the trustee (trust enterprise) have sufficient business operation abilities? 3) The willingness for establishing public trust is influenced by worries that the trustee is a trust enterprise with strict monitoring mechanisms. 3. Domestic public trust affairs are still in the development stage and don’t possess economic scale, considerations for return, personnel, and legal responsibilities have also lowered the willingness of clients. 4. Due to the values of our traditional society, donators wish to have control over non-profit organizations established from their donations, which is why they are unable to accept public trust which allows the trustee to manage and handle assets. 5. The establishment of public trust must conform to the monitoring principles of supervising institutions and be approved of, which increases the difficulty of establishment. Finally, public trust has no restrictions on minimum funds, how funds and income are to be utilized, if funds and income are to be deposited in financial institutions, and whether or not expenses should exceed seventy percent of income; this article believes that the development of the overall non-profit business should benefit if the simple and flexible advantages listed above are thoroughly utilized. Of course this article is not saying that public trust should replace other non-profit organizations, it is merely providing another option for those who wish to enter the non-profit business.


丁福致 Unknown Date (has links)
我國國營事業早期係政府戰後接收多家日本在台之企業,及大陸淪陷後遷台之國營事業為主,而後1970年代基於促進產業之發展,亦相繼成立多家國營企業,然近年來面臨市場開放、盈餘繳庫,以及民營化政策推動之壓力,使得國營事業轉而追求土地資產個別利益之獲取,作為創造盈餘來源,或是吸引投資對象之重要誘因。 然而追求土地資產個別利益,往往未能切實探討國營事業之本質與利用策略,本研究即係以台電與台糖公司為例,就其土地資產利用與國營事業本業之關聯性、土地資產利用策略之差異性,探討目前國營事業土地資源歸屬、土地利用模式與營運競爭力、以及土地資源公平與效率,並進而整合國營事業土地永續利用之策略。 就國營事業資源歸屬與本業之關聯性分析,其土地資源應以全民所有為依歸,而土地資產利用應基於本業之發展。從企業不動產與策略矩陣差異分析,則因生命週期所處之階段而有所不同,成長/成熟期追求與競爭對手差異化之策略,強化土地利用之優勢;衰退期則因本業資金挹注困難,而以降低不動產之運作成本為主。相對於政府以衰退期作為移轉民營之時機,將使接手者缺乏經營本業之誘因下,僅著眼於土地之利益,將更易引發土地資源歸屬之衝突。 而就土地資源公平與效率而言,國營事業應由整體觀點著手,而非侷限於單一事業土地資產利用之框架,如以使用權代替所有權之財產權型態,達成資源歸屬之公平;另以全民資源為基礎,經由市場經濟之效率,彌補市場經濟不足。因此,國營事業土地資源之整合機制,不僅考量整體土地資源之循環使用,更須妥善運用國有民營之觀念,將土地經營之利益,解決民營化所生之缺憾,以建構國營事業土地資源永續利用之整體策略。 關鍵字:國營事業、土地資產利用、資源歸屬、生命週期、策略矩陣 / Most of the older state-owned corporations (SOCs) in Taiwan found their predecessors in the companies established by the colonial Japanese government and later took over by the Chinese central government at the end of the World War II as well as in the enterprises sponsored by the central government after its withdrawal from Mainland China to Taiwan. By 1970s, several new SOCs were farther set up with the mission to promote the island's industrial development. Privileged by long-term government protection, these SOCs are now confronted with severe challenges from the increasing deregulation in the market and the pressing demand for privatization. They have accordingly resorted to their land assets as an essential source for generating earnings and a major incentive for attracting investments. However, in their pursuit of the profits promised by their land assets, SOCs in Taiwan in general have failed to take into sufficient consideration of their nature as state-owned corporations and effective utilization strategies. The research, based on the examples of Taipower Company and Taiwan Sugar Company, starts by examining the relation between a SOC's core business and its utilization strategies for land assets and the differences between the Taipower and Taiwan Sugar utilization strategies. The research then moves on to analyze the attribution of the SOC's land resources, the utilization models and operational competitiveness, and the fairness and efficiency in the utilization of land resources. Results of the previous studies are then integrated for the research to develop integrated strategies for the sustainable utilization of SOC's land assets. In its analysis on the relation of SOC's core business and the attribution of its assets, the research regards the land resources as owned by the general public and suggests that the land resources should be utilized in a manner that contributes to the development of the SOC's core business. Analysis based on corporate real estate and strategic matrix farther indicate that utilization of land assets varies in accordance with the life cycles of the SOC's core business. In times of business growth and maturity, utilization of land assets should be optimized to perpetuate differentiation in one's core business from one's competitors. On the other hand, in times of decline, the top priority should be the effective reduction in the operation costs of land assets as capital support from the core business grows unreliable. The government's active promotion of the privatization of SOCs in times of decline tends to cripple the privatized SOC's interest in its core business and to prompt it to focus on exploiting the profits of its land assets, thereby triggering conflicts in the attribution of state-owned land resources. How to achieve fairness and efficiency in the utilization of SOCs' land resources is an issue to be examined with a comprehensive perspective; it should not be forced to fit into the utilization model of a single SOC. Replacing ownership with usership, for example, can be an effective way to ensure the fairness in the attribution of land resources. Developing the land assets of SOCs as public resources can help boost up the efficiency of market economics to compensate its inadequacies. Therefore, an integration mechanism in the utilization of the land assets of SOCs is needed to facilitate the continual use of land resources. Careful and skill application of the "state ownership for private operation" concept is also of crucial importance in using the profits generated by the management of land resources to fix the flaws of privatization and to develop the integrated strategies for the sustainable use of land resources of state-owned corporations in Taiwan. Key words: state-owned corporation, utilization strategies for land assets, attribution of the resource, life cycle, strategic matrix.

非營利組織創新之研究-以OLPC人人百元電腦基金會為例 / A Study of Non-profit Organization:

楊琇碧 Unknown Date (has links)
研究動機、目的與方法 前美國麻省理工學院媒體實驗室主席尼古拉斯.尼葛洛龐帝博士為了解決第三世界貧窮兒童的教育問題,宣布要設計、製造、推展一百美元筆記型電腦的構想,這個舉動引爆國際社會的關注,更在全球電腦產業間投下一顆震撼彈。 本研究以OLPC(One Laptop Per Child)「人人百元電腦基金會」為研究對象,由非營利組織的角度觀察,運用CORPS非營利組織模式,確認OLPC基金會的非營利組織屬性,分析其願景、運作及現況,並探討OLPC基金會的創新過程、創新表現、對電腦產業的衝擊,及其對非營利組織與社會整體的貢獻與影響。本研究省視創新對非營利組織的意義與價值,並提供相關理念與具體作法,以作為非營利組織創新發展的參考。 研究發現: 一 非營利組織組織OLPC基金會呈現多元創新的風貌: 1 產品創新-設計與開發超低價兒童電腦產品。 2 定價議題創新-製造百元美金的價格為目標。 3 銷售方式創新-以國家為推展單位,以合作協助替代市場競爭。 4 通路創新-產品流通派送價值鍊改變。 5 組織創新-組織功能由開發研究到社會服務。 6 教育創新-開發電腦軟體以及內容改良傳統教育結構。 7 經營模式創新-以非營利組織結合政府帶動企業發展。 二 OLPC基金會的創新貢獻: 1 在非營利組織方面:開啟國際間政府、企業與非營利組織之間跨部門參與的協力合作經營模式,並彰顯非營利組織的特質。 2 在產業方面:激發企業的想像力,促使企業進一步運用科技、整合資源,推動人類社會文明的進步。 3 在整體社會方面:推動革新傳統的教育思維和方法,建立知識共享平台,改善人文環境的品質與社會的發展潛能。 研究結論: 一 本研究以CORPS非營利組織模式分析,瞭解OLPC基金會是同時具有「公益型」與「專業型」的非營利組織,其願景宏偉和專業技術是其成功的主要關鍵,而無私分享則凸顯非營利組織的崇高精神。 二 在其公益使命的善因引導下,結合政府與企業的共同推展社會事業,其核心能力在於專業的科技技術與專業知識,以及敏感的社會觀察力。 三 OLPC基金會呈現多元創新風貌,涵蓋以下主要特點: 1 新經營模式:結合政府與企業以及本身的能力; 2 產品創新:觀念領先、突破限制、考量成本; 3 公益而後獲利:善因引導,以達成改變社會而努力; 4 知識創新與傳播擴散:善用資訊分享與參與。 四 OLPC基金會的成效與影響: 1非營利組織方面-高願景,新典範,合作共營的新境界。 2社會方面- 縮短數位落差,開放全球參與,改變社會觀念與價值。 3產業方面- 觸動新產品開發,開創低價新市場。 / This research is the case study of the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Foundation. Under CORPS model, which shows the OLPC Foundation is a Philanthropic Type and is also a Professional Type organization. OLPC Foundation has hers unique NPO attributes for public welfare. There are 7 aspects of OLPC innovations: 1 Product aspects: First to design and produce low-cost children computers. 2 Price Issue aspects: Setting 100 US dollars as market price. 3 Market Promotion aspects: Nations are the promotion units for fitting big scale sales. 4 Supply Chains aspects: Changing the products delivery system. 5 Organization aspects: Functions vary products research to social services. 6 Education aspects: Designing free software and content for better education. 7 Operation System aspects: Associating with the governments and enterprises to reach the mission. OLPC Foundation shows her contributions and influences in 3 ways: 1 For Non-profit Organization: OLPC Foundation creates a new way for cooperating with governments for social services. She shows the noble spirit and vitality of Non-profit Organization. 2 For Industry: OLPC Foundation creates a new manufacture field for low-cost computers. She is leading them to work benefits for children and young generations. 3 For Society: OLPC Foundation creates a better way to share knowledge and educate children with computers in the future. She is a pioneer for our human society. Most of all the OLPC Foundation devotes itself to a grand vision, using technology, willing to share knowledge to the public. She is expanding her influence and is an outstanding NPOs.

事業廢棄物掩埋場設置衝突之研究—以台南縣東山鄉為例 / The case study of industrial waste landfills establish the conflict in Dongshan Township,Tainan County

范雲清, Fan, Yun Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以環境正義理論為基礎,探討事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策背後導致衝突肇因之環境不正義議題及衝突化解之道。首先,針對國內事業廢棄物處理政策的發展脈絡,構築出政府現階段解決事業廢棄物最終處置的思維,一則積極推動源頭減量、回收再利用;其次,又企圖鼓勵興建掩埋場解決事業廢棄物最終處置問題的雙軌併行政策,在缺乏整合的運作邏輯之下,能否發揮事業廢棄物減量、降低掩埋場設置需求的政策執行成效?繼而,在地方政府被賦予審議或核定環境開發治理權的轉變之下,應如何扮演該決策制訂與審議制度運作的角色,藉由「台南縣東山鄉事業廢棄物掩埋場」興建個案研究,探究掩埋場設置衝突事件之肇因,及地方住民、環保團體抗爭訴求,與開發業者、地方政府在個案申請設置或開發決策過程中所呈現環境不正義之關連性,並進一步推導出在地住民因環境權的被剝奪,而從事此抗爭運動所衍生「環境正義理念」的主張。 本研究結論指出,除環保署應積極整合事業廢棄物「源頭減廢、回收再利用」與「鼓勵掩埋場設置」兩政策之執行計畫及成效,俾能藉由減少廢棄物之產出,以降低掩埋場設置需求外;地方政府進行事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策制訂前,應賦權民眾參與的機制,嚴肅看待開發過程所衍生不正義的問題,提高決策的正當性及公信力;同時透過開發審議制度及法令結構的變革,亦即賦予當地住民獲得充分資訊的權利、公開聽證的權利、民主參與的權利、協調開發單位與受影響的住民簽訂「環境保護協定」,以及要求事業機構負起調整生產結構的責任,作為實踐環境正義理念的方法,藉以改善環境決策品質及決策制訂的思維,俾作為地方政府部門從事掩埋場設施開發決策,消彌環境不正義衝突爭議之參考,以提供另種紓解民眾衝突爭端的途徑。 / In this study based on the theory of environmental justice ,by industrial waste landfills lead to the development of decision-making behind the cause of the conflict of environmental injustice issues and the way to resolve the conflict. First of all, the cause for domestic waste disposal policy development context, the government resolved at this stage to build industrial waste final disposal of thinking, an actively to promote the source reduction, recycling and reuse.Secondly, an attempt to encourage establishment industrial waste landfills to solve the problem of final disposal of parallel two-track policy, a lack of integration in the operation of logic, could appear of reducing waste, reducing landfills established of the policy effectiveness?then, in local government be given consideration or approved development and control of environmental, how to play with the consideration of the decision-making role. By " In Dongshan Township,Tainan County industrial waste landfills" the established of case study, probe into landfills established the causes of conflict, and local residents, environmental groups protested demand, and local government development of decision-making process in the present environmental injustice relevance, and further deduced in the right environment for the inhabitants of the deprived, while engaged in this social movements against by the derivative "concept of environmental justice". This study concluded that, the EPD should actively integrated industrial waste, "the source of waste reduction, recycling and reuse" and " encourage to establish of landfills " two policy implementation plan and effectiveness, achieved to reduce waste output and the need for establish of landfills . Local government for industrial waste landfills development decision-making, should be to empower public participation, look at the development process is derived from the issue of injustice, enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the decision-making.At the same time, through the development checkup system and changes in the structure of act, which gives local residents the right to receive adequate information, the right to public hearings, the right to democratic participation, coordinated developer and residents affected by the signing of environmental protection agreements and require producer assume the responsibility of the production structure adjustment, as a practical way the concept of environmental justice, to improve the quality of decision-making, it could serve as a local government departments engaged in the development of decision-making landfills facilities, eliminating the environmental injustice a reference for controversial conflict , to provide another kind of dispute the way the conflict.


李靖文 Unknown Date (has links)
策略的資源基礎觀點(resource-base view),主張有價值、稀少、不易模仿(包括不易替代)的資源具有創造優異績效的潛力(e.g.Barney,1991:1995);而基礎資源是企業結合和轉換實體輸入資源的方式,在提供持續性競爭優勢方面特別重要,因為它們具有難以模仿的本質,有助於持續性差異化,在企業的發展過程,扮演不可或缺角色! 本研究主要以晶華國際酒店集團為對象,依據其過去成長軌跡,分成三階段,在多角化的成長策略,所顯示出來的現象,做一個分析與整理。透過探討學理的論點及個案研究方法,將企業的沿革資料,營收及存益額之統計,以成長三階段: 集團基礎鞏固期、資源能力移動期、創新資源期分段,以既有資源之擴大延伸、水平延伸創造新資源之分類,歸納企業成長模型,並做出解析和討論。 本研究認為以企業成長階梯觀念,不論在哪一個階段,能保持企業穩定中求成長的最佳模型將是: 1.先建立核心優勢,打下企業紮實根基,形成核心資源; 先將資源移動至相關多角化產業,使基礎事業階段有所支撐,並循序擴大事業版圖;適度發展非相關產業,才能擴充新的領域和機會。 結論將綜合由晶華在旅館事業的核心資源發展出來的新事業,在未來經營上參考吳思華(1994)提出以資源為基礎的策略分析架構, 確認並評估所有資源:企業在進行策略規劃時,首先應掌握現有資源,但有些資源是有內隱或模糊的特性,並未顯示在財務報表中,必須仔細加以辨識,才能掌握清楚。 2.檢測價值,設定核心資源:應依據策略性資源的三個特性:獨特性、專屬性與模糊性來辨識具有競爭優勢價值的資源。 3.制定企業未來的發展策略: 企業的策略應能充分有效使用核心資源,以創造出最大準租。 4.強化核心資源: 企業除運用自己的資源外,並應配合未來策略發展需求,確認資源差距,努力加以補足。 本研究希望藉晶華國際集團個案研究結論所闡述觀念,希望能帶給企業多角化、國際化成長策略有興趣者,從資源優勢延伸角度切入,一個參考模式。將來在資源的配置與策略的運用上,獲得最佳組合,以創造卓越的成長績效。 / From the viewpoint of Resource-base View, valuable, rare and non-substitutive resources are potential to contribute outstanding performance. And resource-base is the methods for a business to link up and transfer the existence and input the resources. This study is base on Formosa International Hotels Corporation, form the Dynamics point of view, do analysis according to its three different development phases. Through the case research methodology, summarize the different resources for different development phase and provide analysis explanation and suggestion. This research believes in the business development ladder consciousness. No matter which stage it is, the best model will be as the following: Establish the core strength as foundation of the business as the core resource. Move the resource to the Dynamics of the business in order to explore the business territory. Find the proper area to expand the territory and opportunities. Conclude the new business developed from Grand Formosa Regent’s core resource, and take the strategic analysis structure of Professor Wu as reference, Firstly, identify and evaluate all the resources. Secondly, Access the value, and set the core resources. Thirdly, Establish the future strategy for the business. Fourthly, reinforce the core resources. The research is based on the study of Formosa International Hotels Corporation, and wish to bring to those enterprise, which has interest in internationalization and dynamics some model regarding resources allocation and utilization. Through the best combination of resources, excellent performance will be reached.


朱允文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新創教育公司創業階段發展歷程之產學合作中的組織學習與社群發展活動。依公司的創業發展程度區分兩個時期: 初期與成長期進行分析。期待能夠提供一些實務與學理的貢獻。 本研究方法乃採用「個案研究法」來進行。透過新創教育公司的個案研究可以較深入去探討實務上,如何的進行於產學合作中的各項活動。 本研究之問題有四: 1.在創業階段的不同時期中,產學合作的資源連結方面分別如何 ? 2. 在創業階段的不同時期中,產學合作的主要問題及解決方案為何 ? 3.創業階段,不同時期中,實踐社群的培育重點為何 ? 以及社群培育與維繫的問題 ? 4.創業階段,創業團隊,於組織學習方面,如何達到有效學習 ? 學習來源和主要方式為何 ? 本研究獲得以下之主要結論: 本研究分析所得的主要結論 : 一、創業階段,不同時期需求,產學合作的非正式資源聯結重點不同。 二、價值觀及新公司無品牌吸引力是創業兩階段的產學合作困擾發生的主 因,而成長期的學校教師流動也造成產學合作的困擾。 三、創業階段初期,立即開始實踐社群的培育,有助於產學合作的完成。 四、以共同活動的參與有助於實踐社群的發展。 五、個人的專業認知差異和地域關係,都會影響社群的永久發展。 六、重視目標達成、知識創新、知識推廣及容許失敗實驗的學習,都有助 於組織學習效果的提升。 七、親身體驗及實驗學習都是跨領域創業組織學習的有效方式。 / The purposes of this study were to explore the industry-academic cooperation of the development of an entrepreneurial stage of a new education firm in organizational learning and cultivating communities of practice. Based on a real case study, the entrepreneurial stages of this new firm’s industry-academic cooperation activities can be divided into two stages including early stage and growth stage. According to the different entrepreneurial stage of a new education firm, the study aims to investigate the questions: 1.How about the main resource linkage between the firm and the academic in the industry-academic cooperation? 2. What are the main problem and the solution in the industry-academic cooperation activities? 3. What is the key point of the cultivating communities of practice? 4. For the Firm’s organizational learning, how to get the effective learning in which learning resource and learning type? According to the different entrepreneurial stage of a new education firm, the main findings of the study were as follows: 一、The different resource linkages demanding existed in different stage. 二、The concept of value and the new firm without brand are the main problem in the industry-academic cooperation activities. The teacher will be transferred to another school is the problem of the industry-academic cooperation activities in the growth stage. 三、The cultivating communities of practice from the early stage are helpful to develop the industry-academic cooperation. 四、The co-work is helpful to develop the community of practice. 五、The community will not be retained by the expert who holds on one’s own views and the different area where the community people live. 六、The effective learning of the organizational learning is to pay attention to the target approaching, knowledge creation, knowledge spreading and failure permitting. 七、Learning through practice and demonstration are effective resource and type.

探討顧客關係、知識創造與動態能力對企業進入新市場領域之影響-以A公司為例 / A study of the influence of customer relationship, knowledge creation and dynamic capability upon performance of new business development

王彬, Wang, Pin Unknown Date (has links)
企業當如何跨越市場進入門檻以追求未被開發市場,並滿足未被創造或未被滿足的需求?本論文透過理論探討與個案分析,研究企業跨市場領域開發所需的關鍵因素與成功做法,以提昇企業之競爭優勢。 個案研究以儀器界先驅的惠普/安捷倫科技為對象,研究該公司在知識創造、動態能力與顧客關係三大構面對進入電信監控管理系統市場績效的影響,以及彼此之間的相互影響。顧客關係研究變數採顧客信任與忠誠度;知識創造研究變數採認識論與本體論知識螺旋;而動態能力研究變數則採企業之流程、位置與路徑。 研究發現顧客關係、知識創造與動態能力三項關鍵因素,對個案公司進行跨市場領域開發績效有直接影響,彼此之間亦呈相互影響之關係。個案公司的成功做法為,以顧客優先的顧客管理流程,配合前線員工與顧客良好的互動關係,發展互信關係。鼓勵員工坦誠溝通、提供自主且相互尊重的工作環境,以利組織知識創造。管理階層重視各級員工的訓練與培育,使內隱知識得以順利累積與轉換。因應市場需求變化,企業對流程與策略性資源之調整能力與速度,影響其競爭能耐的蓄積。 與顧客建立高度互動的組織交流機制,透過專案執行互動過程,產生知識轉換創造新知。知識轉換程度越深,雙方互信與互賴程度越高,對忠誠度越有幫助。此作法可以提昇顧客關係與知識創造的貢獻。企業與顧客培養共同成長路徑,有助雙方未來策略位置發展的互賴關係,信任與忠誠度就越高。此作法可提昇顧客關係與加強動態能力的關係。企業專注於本業,培養專業團隊長期精耕市場、透過購併補強實力、隨時保持知識創造的最佳環境與流程,以培養未來策略性資源。此作法對組織知識創造與動態能力之提昇,均有助益。 研究結論顯示,企業利用高度互動的組織交流機制,透過前線員工與顧客創造知識轉換,建立共同成長路徑,培養策略性資源開發的互信互賴關係,提昇顧客忠誠度,以跨越進入新市場領域的門檻。企業最前線組織是知識創造的關鍵單位,其管理階層扮演知識創造及動態能力更新之重要角色,透過由中而下而上的管理過程,培養企業最佳的競爭優勢。 本研究提出三點管理實務建議:企業當隨時調整內部流程以配合顧客之個別流程,從雙方高度互動中創造共鳴性知識,達到雙贏局面;企業應當加強市場需求辨識敏銳度,提昇組織更新內外部能力的效率,創造嶄新優勢;深化企業文化與價值於員工心中,建立樂於分享之工作環境與氛圍,深紮成長根基。 / How enterprise crosses the knowledge gap to get into undeveloped marketplaces or satisfy unmet customer needs? This research adopts the “Case Study” research method to study the success factors and best practices from selected enterprise who has been successfully crossed the knowledge gap and won the installed-base from new marketplaces. This research selects HP/Agilent Technologies as the target company, who is the market leader among the test and instrument industry. This research framework is consists of knowledge creation, dynamic capability and customer relationship dimensions. Purpose to validate each research dimension is able to contribute the performance of getting into new marketplace or not, and also validate the interrelationship across these three dimensions. The variables used for customer relationship dimension include customer trust and loyalty, for knowledge creation dimension include knowledge spirals of epistemological and ontological domains, for dynamic capability dimension include key process, position and path of enterprise. Findings of this research: (1) these three research dimensions have been validated all are able to contribute to the performance of new entrance, and every dimension also interrelates to others. (2) Best practices from the case-study company include front-end employees follow the “Customer First” culture to develop the best customer relationships and gain mutual trust from owned customers. Trust and respect people, and encourage open communications both contribute to knowledge creation. Management team not only supports the employee development, but also delivers the training programs by themselves, which accelerates the knowledge conversion and accumulation. Proactively change on process and resource allocation to echo to the environmental change. (3) Interactive with customer proactively, create new knowledge through project execution. More knowledge conversion, more trust. More trust, then higher customer loyalty. (4) Develop learning path together with customer, which creates the interdependence relationships with customer when moves to next strategic position. (5) Be focused and rely on dedicated team to invest on market development, support with valuable solution offering, and manage the most updated knowledge creation processes to develop long-term strategic resources. Conclusions of this research, (1) enterprise adopts proactive account management approach to interact with customers. The front-end employee creates knowledge conversion and learning path with customer for next strategic resource development. (2) The field middle-level manager plays critical role on knowledge creation and dynamic capability update. Recommendations on managerial practice include (1) enterprise should adopt internal change proactively to match with individual account process, which promotes the best interactions with customers. (2) Enterprise should be more sensitive to distinguish the external change, and improve organizational capabilities to maintain his competitive advantage. (3) Cultivate corporate culture and values into people mindset. Encourage employee shares success with others.

時代考驗青年?從中國青年自覺運動到統中會事件(1963-1970) / China Youth Self-awareness Movement(1963-1970)

施淳孝 Unknown Date (has links)
自覺運動之所以在1960年代引起風潮,並非僅是公德心的議題,而是肇因國族主義因素所致。自覺運動是一個青年學生的愛國運動與道德重整運動,這種心理來自於戰後國民黨政府的民族精神教育,以及反共戰爭宣傳所致。民族精神教育塑造中國國族認同,反攻戰爭宣傳凝聚全面戰爭氛圍,個人的行為被上綱到國家興亡的關鍵,形成一種國家至上的心態,自覺運動就在這種脈絡下登上歷史舞台。 自覺運動主要有兩條發展路線,一為台大的《新希望》,一為救國團輔導的自覺運動推行會。《新希望》是推廣自覺運動的刊物,在運動退燒後,轉變為知識啟蒙為主,介紹民主、科學思想,最後因刊登殷海光的文章,以及羅素的反戰和平思想,觸犯政治禁忌,遭到停刊。 戒嚴時期自覺會得以跨校串連,係由救國團協助、輔導之故。之後,自覺會的規模日增,會務執行更加嫻熟,推行各種社服活動、響應愛國運動。隨著分支機構的增設,中學生逐漸成為會裡的多數,憂心於國家當前困境,讓部分會員開始有激烈行為出現,引起當局警戒。於是,救國團切斷總會跟各校中學會員的連結,停止補助,收回辦公室。缺乏政治、經濟力量的學生難以為繼,自覺會從此式微。 自覺會沒落之際,許席圖等人在澎湖發起統中會,自行發展組織,更打算涉入政治,觸犯禁忌。即使統中會人數不過數十人,也未有武裝叛亂意圖,政府依然雷厲風行的鎮壓,成為白色恐怖下的犧牲者。

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