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從甲馬創意看我國動畫事業智慧資本之建立與累積廖翊閔, Yi Min Liao (Helen Liao) Unknown Date (has links)
1. 動畫事業的智慧資本內涵為何?
2. 在個案公司發展的過程中,智慧資本各構面間的相對比重有何變化?形成變化的原因?各智慧資本構面內容的變化又是如何?
3. 各項智慧資本構面對個案公司而言,有著如何不同的重要性?最為關鍵的是何種智慧資本?
4. 個案公司所從事的各種智慧資本建構活動及其原有智慧資本如何影響智慧資本的建立與累積?
一、 動畫事業的智慧資本可為分四個構面具體描述其內涵
1. 人力資本:大致可分為動畫製作與經營管理兩方面。亦包含組織成員的創新能力、思考靈活度、人格特質、工作熱忱、互動情況、學習能力、抗壓性等。
2. 關係資本:大致可分為業務開發、動畫製作、原創者整合、行銷資源與資金來源等五種。
3. 流程資本:主要包含動畫創製作、動畫專案管理、動畫創作成果管理及動畫產品行銷規劃等方面之工作流程、原則、制度、採用的工具及特殊方法等。
4. 創新資本:包含有助創新的公司文化、經營策略與人員訓練方式,提升創作潛力的創作模式或原則、管理方式、以及開發新動畫產品的潛力與效率等。亦包含創新成果本身,及管理、運用與保護創新、創作成果之能力。
二、 智慧資本構面的比重與內容會隨事業的發展而變化
5. 個案公司剛成立時,人力資本與關係資本佔智慧資本總量的最大比例。發展的歷程中,關係與流程資本成為比重最大的兩項智慧資本。
6. 由各智慧資本構面的比重變化可以看出在個案公司的發展過程中,組織能力由人力與關係等基本的資源,擴散到深植於組織的流程與組織價值,形成較為深厚的創新能力。
7. 隨著個案公司的發展,人力、關係與流程等智慧資本的內容,朝向企劃、管理與行銷方向發展。而創新資本的累積也將受到組織對創新與創意之管理能力的影響。亦即對個案公司而言,強大的企劃、管理、行銷與資源整合能力成為事業持續成長的關鍵。
三、 不同智慧資本構面之重要性有所不同
8. 人力資本在個案公司發展初期具有較大的影響力,但關係資本與流程資本才是支持整體事業不斷成長的重要關鍵。
9. 人力資本與關係資本對於個案公司而言,扮演著刺激各項智慧資本建立與累積的重要角色。
四、 不同智慧資本建構活動及組織原有智慧資本,會對智慧資本的建立與累積產生不同的影響
10. 人力資本的建立與累積主要靠著「實驗」與「輸入智慧資本」兩種智慧資本建構活動,又受組織原有人力資本與關係資本影響最大。
11. 關係資本主要靠著企業「解決問題」的過程來建構,而又受組織原有關係資本與創新資本之影響最大。
12. 維持與繼續深耕關係資本的關鍵,在於組織的創新與執行能力。
13. 流程資本的建立與累積主要靠著「解決問題」與「執行與整合」兩種智慧資本建構活動,又受組織原有人力資本與關係資本影響最大。
14. 建立與累積流程資本時,較難直接從組織外部輸入既定流程加以套用,必須在公司開發專案的過程中逐漸摸索出最適合本身組織運作方式與組織文化的創作及管理流程。
15. 創新資本主要靠著企業「解決問題」的過程來建構,而又受組織原有人力資本之影響最大。
16. 在個案公司發展初期,創新資本的建立與累積相較於其他智慧資本來說較為緩慢,但各項智慧資本累積充足後之相互加乘效果,使得創新資本加速成長。
17. 「解決問題」與「實驗」兩種智慧資本建構活動容易產生「創造」的建構效果;「解決問題」與「執行整合」則容易產生「改良」的建構效果;「解決問題」、「實驗」與「輸入智慧資本」三種建構活動,都容易產生「增長」的建構效果。 / Due to its great economic potential, computer animation is a main focus in the digital content industry. But for long, most of the animation companies or studios in Taiwan have been focusing on animation manufacturing which only brings little profit rather than on creating their own original content; this has greatly limited the development of the whole computer animation industry in Taiwan. Luckily, there are still some animation companies in Taiwan which have been trying hard to develop their own content. JAMAR IDEA PRODUTION Ltd. is one of these animation companies and has made some remarkable achievements. From the perspective of intellectual capital, this research digs deeply into JAMAR and wish to find some useful clues to help effectively and efficiently build up an animation company’s intellectual capital and competitive strengths.
The objective of this research is to answer the following questions:
1. What are the components of an animation company’s intellectual capital?
2. How did the relative weight and the composition of each intellectual capital dimension change along with the development of JAMAR?
3. How different was each intellectual capital dimension regarding its importance to JAMAR? What were the most critical dimensions?
4. How did JAMAR’s company activities and intellectual capital affect the development of each intellectual capital dimension?
The conclusions of this research can be summarized as below:
A. The components of an animation company’s intellectual capital can be described according to the following four dimensions.
1. Human Capital: An animation company’s human capital can be divided into two categories, that is, animation production and management. Also, company members’ enthusiasm for work, personality, attitudes, ability to innovate, to think creatively, and to learn new things altogether form the company’s human capital.
2. Relational Capital: An animation company’s relational capital can be divided into five categories including business development, animation production, the cooperation with artists, marketing channels, and the sources of capital or investment.
3. Process Capital: An animation company’s process capital mainly includes the working processes, principles, institutions, tools and methods taken in the company regarding the following four categories: animation creation and production, animation project management, animation works management, and the marketing of animation products.
4. Innovation Capital: An animation company’s innovation capital includes the company culture, the strategies, and the training programs that help build an innovative atmosphere in the company. Also, innovation capital includes the approaches that can enhance company’s potential to innovate. And of course, an animation company’s innovative animation films, products, or honors obtained for its innovative works are part of its innovation capital.
B. The relative weight and the composition of each intellectual capital dimension changed along with the development of JAMAR.
5. In the early stage, human capital and relational capital had the biggest relative
weights among all four dimensions. In the mid stage, relational capital and process capital became the most important two dimensions. And in the last stage, when the company was more matured, the distribution of these four dimensions’ relative weights tended to be more balanced.
6. From this relative weight change we can see the company’s ability shifted from the more basic human capital and relational capital to the process capital, which better embedded within an organization, and finally stimulated a greater ability to innovate.
7. The compositions of human capital, relational capital, and process capital developed towards a direction more focused on project planning, management, and marketing. And the development of innovation capital was also affected by the company’s ability to manage innovations and creativities.
C. The importance of each intellectual capital dimension was different.
8. Human capital had a greater importance in the early stage of the company, but relational capital and process capital were more critical to sustain the continuous growth of the company.
9. Human capital and relational capital acted as an important stimulant to the development of the company’s intellectual capital.
D. The company’s activities and intellectual capitals differently affected the development of each intellectual capital dimension.
10. Human capital was mainly built up through “experimenting and prototyping” and “importing intellectual capital” and was mostly affected by the company’s human capital and relational capital.
11. Relational capital was mainly built up through “problem solving” and was mostly affected by the company’s relational capital and innovation capital.
12. The ability to innovate and execute is critical to sustain and reinforce relational capital.
13. Process capital was mainly built up through “problem solving” and “implementing and integrating”and was mostly affected by the company’s human capital and relational capital.
14. It was not easy to import process capital directly from other organizations. Process capital was usually built up gradually over the course of running animation projects.
15. Innovation capital was mainly built up through “problem solving” and was mostly affected by the company’s human capital.
16. Innovation capital grew relatively slow in the early stage of the company, but was then simulated to accelerate its development when all the other three capitals were accumulated to a certain amount.
17. “Problem solving” and “experimenting and prototyping” tended to generate an effect of “creation”. “Problem solving” and “implementing and integrating”tended to generate an effect of “improvement”. “Problem solving”, “experimenting and prototyping”, and “importing intellectual capital” tended to generate an effect of “increase”.
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內部人參與投資母公司轉投資事業之研究 / An Empirical Analysis of Co-investment Between the Insiders and Parents in Subsidiaries陳美菁, Chen, Mei-ching Unknown Date (has links)
在內部人控制權力集中以及家族控制公司,參與投資對公司價值的影響不論正負,都更為顯著;這可能是因為內部人參與投資最主要是透過影響內部人動機而影響母公司價值,由於這類公司的內部人比較能主導公司決策及營運,故內部人動機改變造成的效果會愈為顯著,造成了內部人參與投資對母公司價值有較為顯著的關聯性。而市場對於電子業內部人的參與投資評價似乎特別正向,可能是因為市場將內部人參與投資解讀為其對公司轉投資事業的認同。 / The large corporations in Taiwan often invest in other firms, namely the parent corporations own equity stakes of their subsidiaries. Interestingly, the insiders of parent corporations (including the directors, supervisors, senior managers and large shareholders of parent corporations) also frequently invest in these subsidiaries at the same time. I name this phenomenon co-investment. With the sample of 74 largest TSE-listed corporations of 17 industries, this empirical paper tries to investigate the causes and impacts of co-investment.
The empirical results show that the degree of co-investment is negatively related to the equity stake hold by the parent corporations. The co-investment seems be used as an incentive mechanism, which can encourage insiders to improve the performance of subsidiaries. Insiders co-invest in those business-unrelated subsidiaries more likely, which is consistent with the “diversification hypothesis”. Those parent corporations with more transaction-related subsidiaries (TRS) have higher degree of co-investment, which implies that insiders may take the benefits of tunneling by increase their equity stakes of TRS. There are also some empirical results support that insiders co-invest in subsidiaries to finance the investment need of parents corporations.
Although co-investment may reform the return source of insiders and theoretically deteriorate the incentives of insiders, however, this paper finds no strong evidence that co-investment would do harm to the value of parents corporations. One special type of co-investment may increase the performance of subsidiary portfolio and the value of parent corporations.
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戰後新興工業化國家的技術學習和養成-以臺灣造船公司為個案分析(1948-1977)洪紹洋 Unknown Date (has links)
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傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業之研究-動態能力觀點李秀媚 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著預防醫學的觀念興起,加上社會高齡化的現象,使得消費者越來越注重養生、保健,消費者更加追求年輕美麗,期望留住青春的腳步;在這股美容生技的熱潮帶動下,也促使生技化妝品市場的蓬勃發展,國內許多標榜生醫材料與奈米技術的生技公司紛紛加入化妝品產業的行列。化妝品製造業具有進入障礙低、研發投資成本低及附加價值高的特質,因此國內很多企業已開始創立自有品牌銷售生技化妝品,許多傳統企業也以生物科技為號召,多角化投入生技化妝品產業,例如台鹽綠迷雅 (Lu-Miel) 系列、台塑生醫芙堤 (FORTE)系列、台糖的膠原蛋白、台肥的魚鱗膠原胜肽等。這些傳統企業進入競爭激烈的化妝品領域,顯然必須具備特定的核心能力才能夠在國外知名品牌環伺的台灣化妝品市場中,仍佔有一席之地;因此,這些企業要如何運用組織內部的資源條件,持續創新,在動態的環境下建立特定的能力,是個值得探討的議題。
本研究採用Teece, Pisano & Shuen (1997) 提出的動態能力觀點作為理論基礎,來探討傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業的歷程中,如何更新、建構新的能力以因應快速的環境變動。透過個案研究的方式,針對投入生技化妝品產業的傳統企業加以探討,期望能得到新的啟發,並提供實務界參考。
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未分配盈餘加徵制度修正前後對企業稅負之影響葉淑怡, Yeh,Su Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣投資獎勵措施經濟效果之可計算一般均衡分析 / Economic Effects of Taiwanese Investment Promoting Policies: A General Equilibrium Analysis張翔菘, Chang, Hsiang-Sung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,在於使用可計算一般均衡分析法(computable general equili-brium approach),探討近年我國獎勵投資政策中租稅減免措施的經濟效果。雖然租稅獎勵措施通常是針對特定目標產業或特定功能別活動實行,但其影響則可能透過產業間的關聯效果而對整體經濟造成衝擊,因此有必要採用一個能兼顧直接效果與間接效果的一般均衡分析方法。本研究在模型設計與資料處理上著重於營利事業所得稅稅率變動對於廠商決策影響的機制。
第二部分的模擬為調整電子單一產業優惠幅度,其目的在評估政府給予特定產業租稅優惠的整體經濟效益。結果發現:提升受優惠之電子業的稅率10%與20%,將分別造成實質國內產出下降0.01%與0.02%。這顯示了在經濟體系內尚存在其他市場扭曲的情況下,單獨減少一個產業的扭曲程度並不會造成整體經濟效率的提升。同時,此結果也隱含我國投資獎勵租稅減免的措施確實有吸引資本進入被獎勵產業與增加總產出的效果存在,惟其程度似乎十分有限。 / Providing investors with tax benefits is widely used as an investment promoting policy tool around the world. Similar measures have been taken in Taiwan in the past years to promote investment will. What the overall economic effect of the policy is, considering the fact that such measures may be sources of distortions in the economy would be an important question. The issue is still under debate both theoretically and empirically. In addition, relative empirical studies are rare in Taiwan.
The purpose of the study would be using computable general equilibrium approach to evaluate the economic effect of tax reductions in Taiwanese investment promoting policies. Although such measures are implemented upon specific industries or functions, the impact would be economy wide through interaction effects. Thus, a method being able to handle both direct and indirect effects would be necessary. The mechanism how changes in corporate income tax rate may affect decisions of firms is especially emphasized upon the design of empirical model and the processing of data.
Two simulations are contained in the study. The first would be the harmonization of income tax rate, so as to evaluate the effect on allocation efficiency caused by differential corporate income tax rates among industries. The result shows a 0.02% increase in GDP. Therefore, overall tax burden being fixed, the resource allocation efficiency can be improved by harmonizing corporate income tax rate, and the output would increase.
The second simulation explores possible consequences of adjusting tax benefits on electronic industry so as to estimate overall economic effects from tax advantages of investment promoting policies. The result show 10% and 20% increase in tax rates of the industry cause GDP to decrease 0.01 and 0.02 respectively. The figures may imply that Taiwanese investment promoting policy does attract capital into the encouraged industry and increase total output. The magnitude, however, does not seem to be significant.
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新興科技事業規劃發展之研究黃廷愷, Huang, Ting-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
• 在新事業規劃發展的過程中,資訊情報蒐集的深度與廣度決定了情境規劃與STP策略的合理性與嚴謹度。
• 資訊來源除了市場資訊外,產業、學界專家的意見也是重要的一環。創業團隊的網絡關係決定能接觸到何種層級的專家與能蒐集到多深入的資訊。
• 市場資料通常有正確性與時效性的問題,因此多元化的資料來源蒐集,重複驗證資料的正確性,並由專家顧問獲得訊息求證是必須的。
• 影響一新事業發展的構面包括產業環境、技術能力、市場顧客、互補性資產與競爭者。
• 完整的思考邏輯是將情境規劃的構面導入STP的決策模式。市場區隔化的影響因素包括技術能力、市場顧客、與競爭者構面;選擇目標市場由產業環境、市場顧客、互補性資產、與競爭者構面所影響;市場定位由技術能力、市場顧客、互補性資產與競爭者構面所影響。
• 傳統的STP策略注重在市場顧客構面資料的取得與分析。因此當新技術出現,發生市場不確定高、消費者需求不明確的情形,則傳統的STP策略將無法有效為一新事業進行策略分析。
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知識管理應用於創業投資評估行為之研究-以創業投資事業為例 / How do the Venture Capital Apply the Knowledge Management in the Valuation Behavior曾凱瀚, Tseng, Kai-Han Unknown Date (has links)
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開發中國家產業升級條件之探討--台灣創業投資事業之分析洪主祐, Hung, Chu-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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網路商店之資源、事業網路、競爭優勢與行銷策略之關聯--以國內販賣個人電腦產品的網站為例 / The relationship among resources, business networks, competitive advantages and marketing strategies for the web sites in Taiwan to sell PC at least陳昕, Chen, Hsin Eagles Unknown Date (has links)
1989 年,Tim Berners-Lee 發展了 WWW 網際網路(以下簡稱網路)超媒體架構之後,讓資訊更方便地傳送到全球各個角落,隨著電腦科技的發展,更快速、更便宜及更人性化的電腦不斷地湧入市場,使得一般消費大眾均有能力購買足以處理網路資訊的電腦,也為網路商業化開闢了新的天地。1991 年,網路開始商業化,並被視為一種溝通、交易及配銷的通路。1998 年,在政府相關單位開始大力推動「百萬店家上網總動員」之下,國內販賣電腦產品的網路商店將會逐漸地增加,透過網路販賣個人電腦的市場競爭也將愈趨激烈,然而,在眾多販賣個人電腦的網路商店中,具備何種「資源」及「事業網路」的網路商店容易成功?其形成的「競爭優勢」為何?其採行的「行銷策略」又為何?因此,本研究藉由 Grant(1991)的「以資源為基礎的策略分析架構」深入訪談國內七家網路商店,探討「網路商店之資源、事業網路、競爭優勢與行銷策略之關聯」,主要的研究發現如下:
五、目前,消費者重視網路購物安全性的程度仍然較大於網路購物方便性的程度,因此,在這場「網路行銷戰場」中,集團型網路商店的勝算將高於創業型網路商店的勝算。 / After Tim Berners-Lee created the structure of hyper media as WWW in 1989 ,the information was more conveniently transmitted to all sites where the cable reached .Along the development of computer technology fast ,many more fast ,more unexpensive ,and more humanized computers were promoted continuously into the market ,which let the public had the capability to purchase those computers which could deal with the information in WWW enough , and also paved the new way of the commercialization about WWW.
In 1991 ,The WWW which was as the channel of communication , transaction , and distribution started to commercialize.
Under the government in Taiwan which has beginning to promote " Millions Online Residences & Enterprises " in 1998 , we believe the online store ( which selling computer systems ) will be increased from time to time , and the competition of the WWW market of selling computer systems will be hard even . However ,In many online stores which were selling computer systems at least , we longed for answering four questions as follows:
1. What kinds of resources and business networks did the online store have?
2. What were kinds of resources and business networks which can make the online store successful easily ?
3. What were the competitive advantages which resulted from those resources and business networks the online store had ?
4. What marketing strategies did the online store take ?
This thesis referred the Grant (1991) "The Structure of Strategic Analysis from The Base of Resources " , and probed with interview seven online stores in Taiwan to discover the relationship among resources , business networks , competitive advantages , and marketing strategies .Six main propositions from discovering was as follows:
1. So far as, the online store was subject to dependence upon real ( vs. virtue or online ) store for earning profit .
2. The simple organization was popular in the WWW industry in the recent time.
3. The work experience (of the manager) was more possible to create
the " management rent " than the educational background (of the manager).
4. The learning ways of the online store was subject to combination and internalization.
5. The competitive advantages of the consortium online store resulted from the business networks which were owned by the consortium , and the brand reputation and knowledge which were accumulated in the consortium ; The competitive advantages of the entrepreneur online store resulted from the work experience and credit which were owned by manager (and founder) .
6. As far as, the consumer cared about the safety of the online shopping more considerably than the convenience of the online shopping .
In the long run , in the " War of The WWW Marketing " , the consortium online store will win more easily than the entrepreneur online store.
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