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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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影響台灣企業產業升級策略之因素 / The Key Factors that Influence Upgrading Strategies of Taiwanese Firms

劉欣宜, Liu, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣許多企業紛紛意識到代工業務的毛利不斷被壓縮,而品牌廠所獲得之利潤卻遠遠高過於代工廠,因此引發學術界與實務界對於台灣企業是否該進行產業升級的討論。然而,自有品牌的建立並非一蹴可幾之事,許多企業試圖發展自有品牌,卻發現其所獲得之效果並不如預期,因而對於台灣產業之未來感到悲觀。 然而,過去關於發展自有品牌之文獻多著重於自有品牌與企業績效之間的關聯,對於影響自有品牌成功發展的因素較少著墨,因此,本研究希望探討有何因素會影響台灣企業OBM之比例,並希望利用量化研究的方式佐證前人之研究結果,同時也給予產業界一個發展自有品牌的方向。 本研究以台灣477家廠商為研究對象,先將質化資料利用內容分析萃取出本研究所需資訊,再將其轉化為量化資料,並以量化研究的方式探討影響廠商發展自有品牌之因素,同時也建構出可能影響台灣企業追求自有品牌的因素之模型,包含市場導向強度、顧客關係管理體系健全程度、品牌國際化經驗以及產品品質,並以多元迴歸分析的方式探討自變數與依變數之間的因果關係。 研究結果發現,品牌國際化經驗對於廠商追求自有品牌的影響最大,原因在於廠商必須先讓顧客知曉並了解該品牌,產品才有可能為顧客所用。另外,顧客關係管理體制的健全程度與產品品質的好壞也會影響廠商發展自有品牌的比例,也就是說,光靠品牌的知名度並無法支撐品牌的發展,還必須透過提供好的服務以及品質優異的產品,讓顧客有好的產品使用經驗,台灣企業的品牌之路才能走得長久。


曾鑫城, ZENG,XIN-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
面對國際競爭,促使產業升級一直是政府及企業界努力的方向。其中的關鍵則在於企 業研究發展能力的提升。現階段,我國的高級研究人力,仍然集中在大專院校,呈現 出民間企業有經費而缺乏高級研究人力,學術界則有高級研究人力,但缺乏研究經費 之支援。因此本研究即希望經由實證研究,找出一個促使大學與企業研究合作的最佳 模式,俾使學術界與企業界交流,使整體人力與經費之運用,達到最高效率。 從國外研究中,發現英、美、日、德等國主要是採取設立科學園的方式以促進大學與 企業之合作。我國自民國六十九年設立科學園區以來,雖然園區業者研究發展能力顯 著提升,但尚缺乏針對設立科學區是否有助於大學與民間企業研究合作之相關研究。 同時由於園區廠商目前仍以資訊電子業為主,因此本研究乃根據相關文獻發展二種問 卷,分別針對資訊電子領域中,大學教授與企業作問卷調查。 本研究之預期貢獻主要為: (1) 了解大學與民間企業合作之動機。 (2) 發現阻礙大學與企業合作之障礙。 (3) 發現有利大學與企業合作之關鍵因素。 (4) 發展一個促使大學與企業合作之最佳模式。


顏國裕, YAN, GUO-YU Unknown Date (has links)
經歷三十餘年的經濟發展,我國一向所依賴的廉價勞力比較利益,由於受新興國家的 競爭與先進國家貿易保護浪潮衝擊,已逐漸喪失,為維持我國經濟持續成長,並早日 成為已開發國家行列、科技升級與產業升級遂成為全民所共識,而提升產業技術水準 係透過國外技術引進與從事研究發展二種途徑達成,本文主要就是探討租稅政策對研 究發展之影響,藉以瞭解需要何種租稅政策,方能促使科技升級與產業升級,全文分 六章,計三萬五千字,第一章緒論。第二章研究發展與政府之角色。第三章租稅對企 業研究發展之影響。第四章獎勵研究發展租稅誘因經濟分析。第五章科技時代下促進 研究發展之租稅政策。第六章結論。


洪主祐, Hung, Chu-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 開發中國家如何擺脫依賴的困境達到經濟發展,甚至進一步邁入已開發國家,一直是經濟學的重要課題。本文藉對於台灣創業投資事業之分析,試圖對開發中國家產業升級的條件做一探討,以找尋出開發中國家脫離依賴理論困境的可能原因。 由文中關於產業升級之定義可以發現,扮演將資金與技術相結合投入產業生產的創業投資事業,的確對於台灣的產業升級具有一定程度的貢獻。因其藉由投入資金於科技產業、並提供必要的建議與服務的方式,促使附加價值高的新產品出現,也因而帶動核心產業結構的調整。 但對於台灣的產業升級具有一定程度的貢獻的創投事業,其資本大多來自國內法人,且黨國資本於此產業中具一定程度的影響力。其原因可能是為對抗先進資本主義國家的進口品壓力及其餘同屬後發國家的出口競爭壓力,必須發展於創建期就需要大量資本投入的精密工業及高科技工業。這些產業的風險較一般產業為高,非一般投資人所能負擔,因而促使國家資本及財閥資本介入,以由上而下的主導方式,來影響整個產業面及經濟面。其次,就台灣創投事業組成型態之特質來看,可發現專業經理人才的重要性,這也呼應翁良杰(1997)認為技術人力為台灣經濟快速發展而沒有落入依賴理論所預期的貧困及落後局面之原因的觀點。 總的來說,藉由文中對促使台灣創投事業得以興起的時代背景與相關政策之探討,可知憑藉吸取美國經濟發展經驗的「後發優勢」而引進的台灣創業投資事業,為資金與技術結合的渠道,進而扶植台灣科技事業的發展,帶動台灣產業結構的調整,使台灣避免重新淪為Wallerstain的世界體系理論中所指的邊陲國家。而台灣創投事業的形成,意味著屬於後發國家地位的台灣,不僅在資本累積上已有一定的實力,且在技術研發能力上也有相當程度的發展,才可以不完全受制於先進國家;並能將資金與技術結合,創造科技事業,調整產業結構,促進經濟發展。所以本文認為,透過創業投資事業,或可解釋台灣開發中國家經濟快速發展而沒有落入依賴理論所預期的貧困及落後,也彌補了翁良杰對於資金與技術結合過程所欠缺的說明。

產業創新條例租稅優惠對資本市場之影響 / The effect of tax incentives for the industrial innovation act on capital market

陳劉羽, Chen, Liu Yu Unknown Date (has links)

改革開放後天津產業結構的發展與其影響因素 / Tianjin’s industrial structure development and its influencing factors after the reforms and opening

葛崇高, Koh, Chung Liang Unknown Date (has links)
天津經過百年來的努力發展,以及改革開放後濱海新區在「十一五規劃」被納入國家發展戰略,不但成為中國大陸高收入的城市,亦是眾多外資亟欲前往的投資地點。從天津三級產業結構的觀察,可以發現雖然目前天津的第二、三級產業的分布仍與先進國家有所落差,但整體來說,仍是逐漸從二三一的產業結構往三二一的產業結構發展。但1997年至2006年仍發生工業化現象,即工業部門產值比重增加。這段時間亦伴隨產業升級,使得產業結構從消費財產業轉成為資本財產業。由政策上觀察,此結果主要與天津濱海新區的發展關係最密切。 從本研究的ARDL時間序列模型的估計中發現,造成天津工業化的最主要因素為資本勞動比的提升與貿易依存度的增加,而造成產業升級的主要因素則為外資與財政的科技支出。天津政府在經濟迅速發展的條件下,調節產業結構的均衡發展亦是重要任務,使得天津以及中國大陸其他城市能夠早日進入已開發國家的產業結構模式。 / After centuries of efforts to develop and the Binhai New Area being writing into national development strategies in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" after reform and open-up, Tianjin has not only become the high-income cities in mainland China, but also a location that many foreign investment is anxious to go. According to the observation of Thrice Industrial structure in Tianjin, there is a big gap that the distribution of Tianjin’s secondary and tertiary industry with compared with other advanced countries. However, on the whole, there is still a gradual shift from the industrial structure of two-three-one to three-two-one. From 1997 to 2006, there is still a phenomenon of industrialization in Tianjin, which means that the percentage of secondary industry increasing the whole industrial sectors’ GDP. It’s also accompanied with industrial upgrading, which means that industrial structure will turn from consumer goods industries to capital property industries. From the prospect of policy, this result is most closely related to the development of the Tianjin Binhai New Area. By using ARDL time series model, this study estimates found that the most important factor of Tianjin industrialization was the capital-labor ratio improvement and the increase of trade dependence. The main factor of causing the industrial upgrading was the foreign investment and finance spending on technology. Under the rapid economic development, adjusting the industrial structure for balanced development is also Tianjin Government’s important task that could help Tianjin and other cities in mainland China as early as possible to enter the mode of development of the country's industrial structure.

研發扣抵與兩稅合一之政策效果 ‒ 以台灣與 OECD 國家比較 / The policy effect of research & development tax credit and dividend imputation credit – International comparison between Taiwan and OECD countries

林奕成, Lin, Yih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
研發扣抵政策之有效性在過去文獻有著不一致的結果,許多研究者認為可能原因之一即為與兩稅合一的衝突,實施兩稅合一之後,在有限的資金之下將增加公司發放股利的誘因;同樣的,在實施研發扣抵後亦將增加公司研發投資的金額,都會影響彼此的政策效果。   近年來台灣經歷獎勵投資條例、促進產業升級條例及現在的產業創新條例,其對投資之效果飽受爭論。而我國除採取研發扣抵政策外,亦實施兩稅合一政策以解決重複課稅之問題,因此在台灣兩稅合一與研發扣抵是否會互相衝突會是一項值得探討的議題。   本文以 1996 年至 2014 年台灣與 OECD上市公司的非均衡追蹤資料 (Unbalanced panel data) 來進行分析。實證結果指出,同時實施兩稅合一及研發扣抵的國家相較於其他樣本,其股利支付與研發投資之間的關係呈現更為顯著的負相關,代表當同時實施雙重扣抵制度,兩項支出之間的衝突性更為明顯。   本文另外也做了台灣與其他國家的比較,實證結果指出,台灣雖實施雙重扣抵制度,但其支出之間的關係,反而呈現較為顯著的正相關。可能的原因即為台灣之研發扣抵相較於兩稅合一,其誘因明顯為大,因此文末亦作了 difference in difference 的敏感度分析,但結果顯示不論是 1998 年兩稅合一或 2010 年產創條例實施後,研發投資與股利支付之間的關係並沒有顯著的改變。 / The effectiveness of R&D tax credit is inconsistent in past literature, and many researchers believe one possible reason is the impact of dividend imputation credit. After imputation credit, it will increase the company’s incentive to pay dividend. Also, after R&D tax credit, it will increase the payment of R&D investment. So both of the policy will affect the effect of each other. In recent years in Taiwan, we experienced Statute for the Encouragement of Investment, Statute for Upgrading Industry and current Statute for Industrial Innovation, and their effect on investment suffered controversy. In Taiwan, we have not only R&D tax credit, but also the implementation of dividend imputation to relieve the problem of double taxation, so it becomes an important issue. This paper examines the unbalanced panel data of Taiwan and OECD from 1996 to 2014. Empirical results indicate that in the context of both R&D tax credit and dividend imputation credit compared to the other sample, the negative correlation is more significant between the dividend payments and R&D investment. It means when we implement both credits, the payments of dividend and R&D conflict more. This paper also examines Taiwan with respect to OECD countries, and the empirical results indicate that although the implementation of both credits, the positive correlation is more significant between the two payments in Taiwan. One possible reason is that the R&D tax credit in Taiwan is obviously more attractive than the dividend imputation credit. Therefore, I also use the sensitive analysis of difference in difference to examine this problem. However, it shows that after the implementation of dividend imputation in 1998 or R&D tax credit of Statute for Upgrading Industry in 2010, the relationship of payments doesn’t differ obviously.


胡貝蒂 Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府經常運用諸如租稅獎勵、補助、低利融資等產業政策工具來促進產業發展,然而部分學者認為政府介入市場運作的結果,可能造成資源配置的扭曲,反而不具經濟效益,故呼籲政府應尊重市場運作機制。以台灣長期運用的租稅獎勵政策為例,有人認為台灣經濟奇蹟的背後,租稅獎勵扮演相當重要的角色,但也有人認為,租稅獎勵造成租稅不公平,而且降低產業競爭力。究竟租稅獎勵與產業發展的關係為何,租稅獎勵是否有助產業政策的發展,是一項值得吾人探討的議題。 為了深入瞭解這項議題,本文係以台灣實施經驗為例,分析台灣租稅獎勵的特色與產業發展過程,回顧研究租稅獎勵實施成效的文獻,並比較世界各國如新加坡、日本、韓國等國家運用租稅獎勵工具的情形,最後並對我國的產業租稅政策提出建議。本研究主要的發現為,無論就理論或實證的分析,租稅獎勵是否有助於台灣的產業發展,並無法獲得一致性答案;台灣目前所提供的租稅獎勵項目或優惠程度並不低於新加坡、韓國等貿易競爭國家或日、美等先進國家。就未來台灣整體產業租稅獎勵政策,本文的建議為,多善用其他非租稅獎勵工具,協助產業發展;持續進行租稅改革,合理化稅負環境;適度修正促進產業升級條例,強化租稅獎勵功能。 / In many countries the industrial policy instruments, such as low interest loan, grants and tax incentives are used to assist industrial development. However, some researchers argue that government intervention would always result in recourses distortion and economic inefficiency; and claim for respecting market mechanism. Taiwan’s government for a long period, for example, has provided tax incentives. Some people think that tax incentives play an important role in Taiwan’s economic miracle. But others think that tax incentives result in tax discrimination, and weakness industry’s competitive ability. Therefore, how does tax incentive influence industrial development is a controversial issue. With aims to know how does tax incentives influence industry, this paper takes Taiwan’s experience as an example, introduces the feature of Taiwan’s tax incentives and the process of industrial development. Furthermore, this paper surveys Taiwan’s researches on the effectiveness of tax incentives and compares tax incentives adopted by Singapore, Japan, Korea, and America. This paper also present suggestions to the policies of industries taxation base on the research findings. The main findings are that by theoretic or empirical study, we cannot find consentaneous answer for whether tax incentive is helpful for industrial development;and tax incentives provided by Taiwan government are no less than that by other countries. According to the research findings, we suggest that the government should utilize non-tax instruments more;the government should continue to accelerate tax reforms, and thereby to establish a fair and rational tax environment;and tax incentive is still important for some business activity such as R&D in the knowledge-based economy.


林必佳, Pi-chia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究探討民國九十一年開始實施之企業營運總部政策對股市之影響,分為三部分。第一部份採用法令分析及文獻探討方式,分析我國與鄰近國家關於營運總部政策及其租稅優惠之異同,並佐以各界對此項政策之評論,以得出我國營運總部政策優劣之處;第二部份以敘述性統計檢視各產業符合營運總部申請要件比率及各要件達成之難易程度,以做為建立迴歸模型之基礎;第三部分則利用事件研究法與迴歸分析探討股市於營運總部政策演變期間股價異常報酬情形,並檢測股價異常報酬率與各要件間的關連性。 在我國營運總部申請要件方面,實質控制海外關係企業、員工人數和學歷、國內年營收淨額、國內年營業費用及國外關係企業年營收淨額等均較新加坡、上海和馬來西亞嚴格,『實質控股』、『員工學歷』和『國外關係企業年營收淨額』更為他國所無之要件。而雖然我國之租稅優惠較此三國優渥,但如無相關配套措施,優惠效果也會大減。在符合要件分析方面,本文針對458家上市公司進行分析,整體符合要件比率為29.85%。在各申請要件中,以國內年營收淨額、年營業費用和員工人數為企業較易達成之要件。但就國外關係企業佈局國家數及其年營收淨額而言則較不易達成,可謂企業欲獲得此項租稅優惠之最大障礙。而就各產業別觀之,以塑膠、電子和水泥業之符合比率最高,機電、電線電纜、塑膠、百貨、玻璃和造紙業次之。而紡織、化學和食品業則因無法達到國外關係企業佈局國家數與其年營收淨額此兩項要件導致符合比率相當低。另外汽車、營建、運輸、觀光與金融保險業中無一家公司達到符合營運總部設立要件。此結果顯示傳統產業在獲取營運總部租稅優惠上仍趨於劣勢,可能造成產業別租稅不公平之現象。 營運總部政策演變過程中,股市普遍給予其正面評價,包括在經濟部起草規劃、經發會通過、經濟部與行政院增訂促產條例,以及立法院三讀通過等六個事件日,皆出現顯著為正之股票異常報酬。而在分析企業申請營運總部獲准日之股市反應方面,在通過日之次一交易日也有顯著之正值異常報酬。 以迴歸模型檢視影響股價異常報酬之因素,在全體上市公司樣本方面,股市對電子業仍給予最高的顯著股價異常報酬,不過,實證上並無發現設立要件有顯著影響股價異常報酬之結果。就73家核准公司樣本分析則顯示遞延所得稅負債科目金額之大小對累積股價異常報酬率有顯著之正值影響。 / Abstract In January 30, 2002, the legislative Yuan passed the Chapter VI-1 of the Statute for Upgrading Industries to encourage companies to utilize worldwide resources and set up the operational headquarters in Taiwan by providing preferential tax interests. Using 2001 corporate financial statement data and regression analysis, this study explores the influence of the Operational -Headquarter policy on the reactions of the stock market. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Regarding the qualification requirements, Taiwan has a more strict qualification than those of Singapore, Shanghai and Malaysia, especially in the specification of “control over the foreign affiliates,” “the net revenues and expenses of the operational headquarter,” “the quantity and quality of employees,” and “the net revenues of the affiliates abroad.” 2. The statistical analyses show that there is 29.85% companies meet of requirements of operational headquarters. Among the qualifications, the requirements of “foreign affiliates” are the most difficult criteria to achieve than others, causing the traditional industries cannot qualify for applying the approval. 3. During the event period of this study, the stock market reacts to the proposal by significant positive stock abcdrmal returns. It shows the stock market favors the new policy. The regression results indicate that investors give the Electrical industry higher evaluation than other industries.

中國大陸外人直接投資與產業升級 / The Influence of Foreign Direct Investment on China's Industrial Upgrading

潘俊男, Pan, Jiun-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用一九九三∼一九九四年,與一九九七∼一九九九年中國大陸官方的地區別產業合併資料(panel data),運用固定效果計量模型(fixed effect model),以Chenery修正後的Hoffmann指數的倒數(C-H指數)為應變數,來檢測外人直接投資,對中國大陸製造業產業升級的影響。 從實證模型的迴歸結果發現。首先,在檢視外資對中國大陸製造業產業升級上,結果發現中國大陸外資的引進,對製造業的產業升級並沒有幫助,甚至出現反工業化(de-industrialization)的情形。這樣的結果雖人令人驚訝卻也合理。歸咎原因,在於(1)中國大陸的外資來源,大部分是來自台港澳外資,而台港澳外資所投資的產業,主要是在勞力密集型的產業,生產消費財產品居多。(2)從實證結果中可知,並非絕對表示中國大陸製造業沒有產業升級的情形,而是表示外資在其本身所投資的產業,相對於全國平均產業,其產業升級的幅度小於全國平均產業的水準。因此相對而言,外資對中國大陸製造業,並沒有促進產業升級的影響。 其次,針對不同來源外資,對中國大陸製造業產業升級的影響。實證結果顯示,台港澳外資對中國大陸製造業的產業升級,並無顯著影響;一般外資的引進,對中國大陸製造業的產業升級並沒有幫助,反而出現反工業化的情形。 另外,針對不同來源外資,對不同工業化程度地區製造業產業升級的影響。實證結果顯示,台港澳外資,對中國大陸高工業化程度地區的製造業工業化程度的影響,與在低工業化程度地區的製造業比較,有提升產業升級的影響;一般外資對中國大陸高工業化程度地區製造業的產業升級,與低工業化程度地區製造業比較,並無明顯不同。 雖然從研究結果可得知,似乎中國大陸引進外資越多,不但無助於產業升級,甚至出現反工業化的情形。然而,從中國大陸的產業發展策略來看,在一九七九年改革開放之前,由於中國大陸實行重工業優先發展的「趕超戰略」,雖然使得中國大陸的工業得以迅速發展,但卻造成產業結構的嚴重失衡,農、輕、重工業的比例關係失調。因此,在引進外資的政策與過程中,希望利用外資的力量,來彌補中國大陸消費財產業的缺口,尤其佔外資來源最大的台港澳外資,也多是以生產消費財產業為主。所以整體而言,中國大陸引進外資的策略,對整體產業結構的調整,仍是有利的。 / This thesis investigates the issue regarding whether or not foreign direct investment (FDI) has upgraded China’s industrial structure. Using China’s official regionally-based panel data in 1993~1994, and 1997~1999, and several specifications of the fixed-effect model with a reciprocal of the Chenery-revised-Hoffmann ratio (C-H ratio) as the dependent variable, the primary finding is that FDI has had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. This conclusion is surprising, but reasonable, due to (1) FDI resources coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan are concentrated on consumption goods industries in China. (2) FDI didn’t have absolutely a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China. Relative to the level of industrialization, industries of FDI is less then total industries. Therefore, FDI was no use on industrial upgrading in China. Secondly, this thesis separated the source of FDI into Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao (THM hereafter), and other FDI (FOR hereafter), the conclusion indicated that both THM and FOR have had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. Besides, relative to the different level of industrialization, the conclusion indicated that THM has had positive influence in the regions of low level of industrialization, than in the regions of high level of industrialization. FOR has had no influence in all regions. Although the conclusion showed that FDI has had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. However, due to the development of heavy industry was priority in China’s industrial policy before 1979, the industrial structure in China was not balance. Therefore, to attract FDI has became the most important policy to make up for the gap of consumer goods industry. In conclusion, the policy to attract FDI could adjust the industrial structure in China.

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