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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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潘禹妤, Pan,Claire Unknown Date (has links)
工業自動化硬體製造商的產品提供,未來會往「硬體原件銷售」(Component Products)與「整體解決方案」(Solution Products)兩大方向去經營發展,工業自動化硬體製造商若想要推廣含有其硬體原件的「整體解決方案」時,面臨的一個『Make』(自製策略:硬體製造商專精硬體的研發,而SI和VAR專精於軟體知識與整合技術)與『Buy』(外包策略:即硬體製造商專注於硬體效能提升,軟體及整合部分交給SI、VAR和軟體廠商)之選擇。本研究即以此為出發點,以研華科技為個案研究的對象,使用邱志聖博士的四C架構,分析探討工業自動化硬體製造商的不同通路合作方案對其與通路商之間交易成本的影響。 本研究以探索性研究的方式,透過實際個案公司的人員訪談,輔以文獻佐 證,進行工業自動化硬體製造商自己直接接觸最終使用者(即自製策略,Make)或使用通路商去接觸最終使用者(即外包策略,Buy)的4C分析;工業自動化硬體製造商採取的通路策略對「工業自動化硬體製造商與通路商關係」交易成本之4C分析與工業自動化硬體製造商採取的通路策略對「工業自動化硬體製造商與最終使用者關係」交易成本之4C分析。此外,考量工業自動化硬體製造商面對的顧客是來自不同產業和不同國家,因此本研究把國家差異因素納入考量作一討論,發展了六項相關命題,並給予工業自動化硬體廠商對通路商採取的通路策略之建議。總結而言,未來工業自動化硬體製造商除了繼續加強硬體原件的性能,也可以與SI和VAR一起合作提供整體解決方案,並且針對不同種類的通路商,設計不同合作方案,給予不同的激勵制度;加強建立與SI、VAR之間的專屬資產,使專屬陷入成本提高;並且也要努力下降最終使用者的道德危機成本。此外工業自動化硬體製造商應該多舉辦可以同時與「通路商」與「最終使用者」建立關係的活動,最後,工業自動化製造商在進入國際市場時,也應多善用通路商來了解當地特色,選擇最適通路經營策略,獲取利潤。


謝竣宇 Unknown Date (has links)
確定提撥制是現今退休金制度潮流的趨勢,而在這個制度下,勞工最後所能累積的退休金總額及每月所能領到的月退休金額度和個人帳戶的投資結果有很大的關係,所以個人帳戶的投資績效成為勞工退休生活安全性最重要的因素。 本研究的目的在提供一個方法以評量投資績效,使得在每月提撥一定金額到個人帳戶的情形下,對於投資期間的經濟環境以隨機投資模型或情境分析模型加以考量後,可以在不同的投資策略及起始資產配置下,找到適合投資人的最佳投資策略及起始資產配置。在本研究中考慮了股票和長期債券兩種投資標的,而投資標的之投資報酬率變化則以隨機投資模型(Stochastic Investment Model)及情境分析(Scenario Analysis)兩種模擬方式為之,其中在隨機投資模型模擬的部分,不同的隨機投資模型對於經濟環境有不同的設定,也因此將得到不同的投資結果,本研究採用在英國學術上廣為研究的Wilkie投資模型(1986)及黃泓智等人於2005年證券市場發展季刊所推導之台灣投資模型,並利用蒙地卡羅模擬的方式來建構投資標的之報酬率。而在情境分析模擬的部分,則設定三種基本的投資報酬率趨勢,並假設三種投資報酬率趨勢服從均勻分配,而後考慮投資期間分成前後兩個時期,搭配而得九種情境。 本文將觀察不同的起始資產配置(股票資產配置之權重考慮由0%~100%,間隔為1%,共101組;債券資產的權重則為1-股票資產配置之權重,也就是100%~0%),並以投資組合保險中三種常見的投資策略:買入持有(Buy & Hold;BH)、固定比例混合法(Constant Mixture;CM)及時間不變性投資組合保護(Time-invariant Portfolio Protection;TIPP),作為投資策略。 在三種投資策略及每種投資策略有101個起始資產配置下,將可以得到303組不同的投資結果,而每一組投資結果中,都可找到個人帳戶於退休時的累積金額、在一定目標所得替代率下之破產機率,以及平均投資報酬率和投資報酬率之標準差,並將所得之投資組合報酬率之平均值為縱軸,標準差為橫軸作圖,找出效率前緣;也就是說,可以依個人帳戶持有人的風險,在其所能忍受的風險下,找到最適的起始資產配置及投資策略,及依這樣的起始資產配置和投資策略下所能得到的平均報酬。另外,更進一步以Sharpe ratio及Reward-to-VaR ratio、Reward-to-CTE ratio三個指標來衡量投資表現,找出在這三個指標下的最適起始資產配置和投資策略。 在前述中,都未考慮到交易成本對於投資結果的影響,但在現實的環境中,交易成本對於投資結果是有影響的,所以本研究也會在考慮交易成本下,找到情境分析和隨機模型下的投資結果及效率前緣,並找出三個投資指標的值來衡量投資表現。 / The defined contribution plan is the trend of retirement pension funds management, but under this plan, the total account values accumulated and the retirement benefits paid each month that labors can get are great related to the investment results of the individual accounts. That's why we said that the investment result of the individual accounts is the most important factor the labors care about. In this article, we will focus on the measure of investment results. We consider bond and stock as our holding assets, and set the investment rate of return in two methods, including scenario analysis and stochastic model. In the scenario analysis method, we set fourteen scenarios to reflect the changes of the investment returns of stocks. In the stochastic model method, we take use of Wilkie investment model to set the investment return rate of stocks and bonds and simulate enormous data to find the average investment rate of return. In each method, we will consider 101 different initial ratio of stock value and three different investment strategies: Buy & Hold(BH)、Constant Mixture(CM) and Time-invariant Portfolio Protection(TIPP). After setting the investment rate of return and investment strategies, we can find 303 different investment results under three investment strategies and 101 initial ratios of stock values. In each result, we can get the accumulated amounts, the income substitute rate and the average rate of return, and use the average rate of return as y-axis, standard deviation as x-axis to find the efficient frontier. That is, we can find the optimal investment strategies and initial ratio of stock value under the risk we can tolerant. We will also use Sharpe Ratio、Reward-to-VaR ratio and Reward-to-CTE ratio to measure the investment results, and find the optimal investment strategies and initial ratio of stock value basic on the three ratios. In practice, the transaction cost is an important factor that will affect the investment results, so we also find the investment results under different situations which had considered the transaction cost.

「未來事件交易所」的選舉預測分析 / Analysis of Election Prediction of xFuture

辛栢緯 Unknown Date (has links)
選舉事件在台灣一直是屬於重大事件,民眾對於選舉事務都非常關心。根據童振源等人(2009)和Forsythe, Rietz and Ross(1999),透過預測市場的機制來預測選舉結果非常準確,所以近年來預測市場也變得越來越熱門,新聞媒體也開始大幅報導未來事件交易所的預測結果。本論文將透過實證的方式探討除了價格之外,加入與未平倉相關的資訊是否能夠幫助我們更有效地預測選舉結果,並以此建議未來事件交易所揭露網站內的期貨未平倉合約量這項資訊,以提供交易人參考。 本論文使用資料為未來事件交易所中關於2008年總統選舉、立委選舉以及2010年五都市長選舉的資料,資料期間皆為各選舉的最後兩個交易日的資料,採用的變數有最後交易日的合約加權平均價格、最後交易日的合約未平倉量、最後交易日的合約成交量和最後交易日之價格漲跌及未平倉量增減的相乘項,並利用羅吉斯迴歸來幫助預測分析。 研究結果顯示:(一)與過去的研究結果相符合,未來事件交易所中選舉期貨合約的價格能有效幫助預測選舉的結果;(二)未平倉量和成交量均無法幫助預測選舉結果,這可能是由於未來事件交易所使用虛擬貨幣進行交易以及保證金制度,使得部分交易人在交易成交後不再關注自己的部位或是損益所導致;(三)利用最後交易日價格漲跌及未平倉量增減所得到的相乘項對於預測選情有顯著的幫助,當相乘項越大的時候,候選人當選的機率也隨之越小。 一般期貨交易中,透過未平倉合約量這項資訊可幫助交易人得到更多的資訊。而未來事件交易所的選舉期貨合約之未平倉量雖然無法提供額外的資訊,但是仍然建議可以將這項資訊揭露以供交易人參考。此外,相乘項在預測選情時能提供顯著的幫助,因此在交易上或是預測上都可以參考這項資訊以做出更佳的判斷。

中國關聯方交易揭露不實之行政處罰與國有企業之關聯性研究 / The study of penalties for misrepresentation of related party transactions and state-owned enterprises in China

葉添得, Yeh, Tien Te Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將中國的上市企業區分為國有企業與民營企業,藉以檢視中國證監會對上市企業的行政處罰是否存有選擇性執法的現象。調查結果顯示,國有企業較不容易因其關聯方交易之揭露不實而遭受證監會的行政處罰。這個結果代表證監會對民營企業之行政處罰有較低的重大性門檻。且進一步的調查發現,國有企業因關聯方交易揭露不實所面臨的處罰金額不一定高於民營企業因關聯方交易揭露不實所面臨的處罰金額。因此,本研究結果支持中國證監會的行政處罰存在選擇性執法的可能性。 / This study examines the relationship between the enforcement actions on misrepresentation of related party transactions by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the state-owned enterprises. In order to test empirical evidence of selective enforcement, we divided our samples into state-owned enterprises and the private enterprises. The major findings are as follows:(1)the state-owned enterprises are not prone to be punished for misrepresentation of related party transactions by CSRC. (2) the state-owned enterprises fines on misrepresentation of related party transactions are not higher than the private enterprises. The analysis and conclusions of this study prove the consequences of selective enforcement by CSRC.

中國大陸關聯交易揭露之個案研究 / Case study on disclosure of related party transaction in China

王星博 Unknown Date (has links)
近期許多針對中國大陸的研究顯示,關聯交易除了是一個重要的盈餘管理工具外,也同樣是控制股東挹注與挪用公司資源的主要手段,此外中國與關聯方有關的資訊披露規定在近年來也有非常明顯的變化。基於前述兩項原因,本文首先整理相關法規的延革,接著引用一家上市企業的年度報告做為個案分析。此項個案分析的結果顯示上市公司很可能因控制股東的安排,而將資源輸往與控制股東有關的關聯方或形式上獨立的非關聯方。換言之,控制股東可藉隱匿關聯交易資訊或關聯交易隱形化的方式進行對上市企業的掏空行為。 / Recently, many studies have shown that related party transaction in China is an important tool of earnings management, and it also has been approved to be a primary mean for controlling shareholders propping up or tunneling the company. Therefore, because of the two reasons given above, the thesis studies and systematizes changes of related party disclosure requirements in China, and does analysis on a selected listed company’s annual report as an example of related party transaction disclousure. The analysis finds that, through related party transactions, controlling shareholder may tunnel the listed company and benefit the selected parties which are directly or indirectly controlled by controlling shareholder. That is, controlling shareholder can tunnel through invisible related party transactions or through concealment of transaction information from stakeholders.

基於Zookeeper服務的對稱式高可靠度電子交易系統架構 / Symmetric and High-Available Electronic Trading System Base on Zookeeper

常澤民, Chang, Tse-Min Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,不論是使用者或是服務提供者,對於系統的可靠度(reliability),越來越為重視,從『能提供服務就好』,到要能提供『不間斷的服務』。這中間的轉變,推動了目前許多系統架構或產品運用在電子商務的領域。小從磁碟陣列(RAID)、資料庫鏡像(Database Mirror)、叢集(Cluster)架構,異地備援(Disaster Recovery Site),大到企業永續運作計畫(Business Continuity Planning-BCP)的一環,都在尋求一個高可靠度的電子交易系統。 所謂高可靠度的系統,必須能夠在相對長的時間週期內,系統可以持續運作而不中斷,這個概念,同時也意味著系統異常時的恢復能力,以及容錯的機制。換句話說,就是當系統面臨異常或是災害發生時,如何能在最短的時間內恢復系統的正常運作,繼續提供使用者相同的服務。因此提高系統的可靠度,對使用者的具體意義而言,即是提高其服務的可用度(availability)。 本論文的研究,即運用Apache下自由軟體Zookeeper所提供的協調服務,設計一套透過傳播監控(propagation monitor)來達到容錯機制的對稱式多主機架構,使得系統即使在面對異常狀況發生時,仍能迅速恢復系統應有的功能,提供使用者不間斷的服務。並且利用免費的資料庫管理軟體-MariaDB來儲存及操作資料,以低廉的成本,建置具高可靠度的電子交易系統。 / Due to the blooming development of electronic commerce (E-Commerce) , both users and service providers put more and more emphasis on system reliability. Thus uninterrupted service has become the basic requirement of E-Commerce systems, which now have all adopted some highly avaialable system architectures and advanced products such as Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), Database Mirror, Cluster architecture, Disaster Recovery Site(DR Site). Many E-Commerce vendors also prepare Business Continuity Planning(BCP) for a highly reliable electronic trading system. The so-called high reliability systems must continue to operate without interruption in a relatively long period of time, and this concept also means the requirements of abnormal system resilience and the mechanism of fault tolerance. In other words, when the system is confronted with abnormal situations or disaster occurs, it is critical about how to restore the normal functioning of the system to continue to provide users with the same level of services in the shortest possible time, thereby increasing the reliability of the system in terms of the user's specific meaning, that is, to improve its service availability. This thesis applies the coordination service provided by Zookeeper to develop a propagation monitor mechanism and a symmetrical multi-host fault-tolerant system architecture, making the system work even in the face of an abnormal situation. Indeed, the system should be able to quickly restore its functions, providing users uninterrupted service. Besides, we use the free database management software-MariaDB to store and operate the system data. Therefore, we are able to build a low-cost yet highly available electronic trading system.

專門職業服務業於公平交易法上之適用關係與規範問題 / Study on the legal liability and regulation issues to Profession under the Fair Trade Act

林馨文 Unknown Date (has links)
專門職業人員資格之取得,依憲法規定必須經過依法考銓之程序,此等對人民營業自由所設之規範,目的固在維護人民生命、身體及財產安全,為增進公共利益所必要,但也因此造成專門職業服務市場之參進障礙,形成供給面之限制。再者,由於專門職業服務具有資訊不對稱之特性,造成市場失靈現象,使得該市場中存有管制之必要性。然管制有其功效、亦有弊病,最明顯者是阻礙創新與進步。因此於管制的運用及競爭法之介入二者間,有必要尋求一適用之界線。 於外國實務上,如美國,歐盟和日本等,競爭法是否適用於專門職業已無疑義。除了在特殊情況下(如美國的州政府行為豁免原則)可能豁免競爭法之適用外,並不能僅因行為涉及專門職業即認為不適用競爭法。雖專門職業服務業與一般商業服務在性質上有所不同,惟此僅意味著在專門職業服務市場中之競爭狀況可能有所不同,故應以合理原則,於個案中具體考量產業特性、市場結構、行為效果等因素,始能作出是否違法之判斷結論。 99年開始我國公平交易法適用於專門職業服務業之問題開始發生爭議,短短5年內即可見行政法院之見解有明顯變化,而公平交易委員會歷經數案爭訟過程後,亦開始省思及加強如何論述其認定違法之依據,以尋求行政救濟機關之支持。本文即針對專門職業服務業於公平交易法上之適用關係與規範問題,進行深入之探討,並期能藉由法律與經濟等不同角度之觀察與分析,對未來公平交易法就此議題之具體適用方法,提出建議供參。 / Professionals are required to be registered through examination under the Constitution. Although such requirement is considered necessary to enhance public interests and to ensure the safety of the people and their properties, it also results in the barrier of entry into relevant market. Simultaneously, professional regulation is often addressed to a perceived “market failure” in the market for professional services due to its characteristics of information symmetry. Regulation of professional services can protect vulnerable consumers, but it can also prevent innovation and other competition. The conflict between regulation and free competition therefore exists and the boundary should have to be found. In US, EU and Japan, whether the competition law should apply to the professionals is no longer a question. Although professional services by their nature may differ significantly from other business services, that only means the nature of the competition in such services may vary and should be judged by the Rule of Reason under the competition law. Only in very specific situations (such as the “state action doctrine” in US) would there be an exemption. Similar discussion occurred in Taiwan since 2010, and just during 5 years could we see the obvious change of opinions expressed by Administrative Courts. Taiwan Fair Trade Commission faced numerous challenges through the petitioning procedure in cases related to professionals, and tried hard to strengthen the economical analysis in late cases. This study discusses the related issues of professional service under the Fair Trade Act through legal and economic analysis, and try to make recommendations on handling relevant cases.


謝宏宇 Unknown Date (has links)
立法院於104年6月5日三讀通過堪稱我國近來最重要的稅改-房地合一稅,並自105年度開始實施。新制修改原稅制房屋、土地交易分開課稅之規定,將土地與房屋價格合併,並以市場實際交易價格為課徵之稅基,不但稅基擴大,也更符合公平、合理之課稅精神並與與國際接軌,以達到抑制炒房歪風、落實居住正義、健全房市發展之目標。 鑑於房地合一稅制重大改變了我國多年來房地分離課稅之規定,本論文藉由相關法條之研究,探討新制中需待釐清之處及對個人、營利事業、遺贈及其他不動產持有者的影響,並對上述個體提出合適的因應策略,期能增加徵方在執行法律上之適妥,納方在符合法律的前提下進行適當的策略規劃,並消彌納雙方可能之爭議,期能讓此一近年來重大的租稅改革更加順遂。

台股期現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略獲利分析 / Profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread、volume and technical indicators in Taiwan

莊文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台股期貨與現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略進行獲利分析,以台股期貨與現貨的價差為主體,融合傳統技術指標和量價關係作為進場買賣台股期貨的訊號與指標,採用資料為2001年至2016年加權指數與台指期貨一分鐘資料,經過實證研究後發現,正價差放空與逆價差做多其績效表現優於正價差做多與逆價差放空,這與坊間的使用方法大為不同,另外經過實證結果,我們可以得知,若要以量價關係作為交易策略與指標,長期下來成交量增加做多與成交量減少放空績效較佳,若要以均線作為交易策略與指標,長期下來指數在均線之上做多與指數在均線之下放空績效較佳,也經由實證結果得知,價差策略可以藉由價差濾網與考量除權息因素進行調整,使價差策略績效表現更為突出,另一方面,也實證出價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,績效表現優於價差策略融合均線形成的策略,本研究最後將價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,考慮了價差濾網與除權息因素進行改良,並且與大盤績效進行比較,實證結果得知價差策略融合成交量作為的交易策略,績效表現可以擊敗大盤,我們最後將資料區分為兩個時間區間,將價差策略融合成交量的策略進行穩健性檢定,發現在兩個不同時間區間下,策略的績效無明顯差異,因此我們可以說此策略長期下來具有穩定性,這有利於未來進行交易。 / This study focus on profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread, quantity and technical indicators in Taiwan. With the price spread between the stock index and the futures as main topic, we fusion traditional technical analysis indicators and the relationship of trading volume and price as our signal and indicator to setup a futures trading strategy. Our research data use one-minute data frequency of Taiwan weighted stock index and Taiwan index futures from 2001 to 2016 as analysis period. The empirical result shows that to short sale if bull spread is occurred and to going long if bear spread shows up have better performance than its opposite activity, which is different from the method people use in general. This study also finds that if we attempt to utilize the relationship of trading volume and price as trading strategy and indicator, going long if trading volume increase and to short sale if trading volume decrease will work better in long run period. If we are going to use the moving average as trading strategy and indicators, that we go long for price above the moving average of the stock index and short sale for price below the moving average of the stock will more proper in long run period. Empirical results also demostrate that through spread filter and ex-dividend factor consideration spread strategy can be adjusted accordingly so that spread strategy performance can be more prominent. On the other hand, this study also proves that the performance of new strategy, formed through integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy, is better than the integration of spread strategy and moving average strategy. Finally, this study integrates the spread strategy and trading volume strategy to formed new strategy, taking into account the improvement of the spread filter and the ex-dividend factor, then compares it with the market performance. The results show that the spread strategy integration with trading volume as a trading strategy and performance indicators can beat the market. We first divide the data into two cycles, then we perfom robustness test to the integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy. We find out that under both cycles the strategy shows similar result. Thus, we can conclude that this strategy is stabile in long run and would be beneficial in future trading.

外匯市場之國家風險分析 / Country risk analysis in currency market

林毓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對1985/1至2016/10期間,37種貨幣的超額報酬與國家風險進行實證分析,以The PRS Group發佈的ICRG綜合風險評級做為國家風險的衡量指標。各國貨幣分別進行時間序列分析的結果顯示,單一國家的國家風險與該國貨幣的匯率走勢及超額報酬並不存在顯著的關聯。 投資組合分析的結果,對高國家風險貨幣與低國家風險貨幣分別執行利差交易,結果顯示兩者的超額報酬並沒有顯著差異。而動能策略在高國家風險貨幣則可以獲得顯著較高的超額報酬。 Fama-Macbeth二步驟迴歸分析結果顯示,高國家風險的投資組合確實擁有較高的因子負載量,然而國家風險因子的市場價格,也就是承受一單位 β_CRISK獲得的國家風險溢酬太低不顯著,因此國家風險無法幫助解釋貨幣報酬。 / We empirically investigate the relation between currency excess returns and country risk, as measured by the ICRG comprehensive risk rating issued by The PRS Group, of 37 currencies during 1985/1 to 2016/10. The result of the single currency time series analysis shows that there is no significant correlation between the country risk and the exchange rate movement, also the currency excess return. As a result of the portfolio analysis, there is no significant difference in excess returns when we execute carry trade respectively on high country risk currencies and low country risk currencies. While the momentum strategy in the high country risk currencies can generate significantly higher excess return. The results of the Fama-Macbeth two-step regression show that the high-risk portfolios do have a higher factor loading, whereas the country risk factor's market price, that is, the country risk premium received by a unit of β_CRISK, is too low. Therefore, country risk cannot help explain currency excess return.

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