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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / “Data Entry Refugees Dreams”: A Socially Responsible and Humanitarian Business Process Outsourcing Partnership Business Plan

柯承恩, Gonzalez, Emmanuel Escoto Unknown Date (has links)
數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / Data Entry Refugees Dreams is to sign a long-term tripartite partnership agreement with Digital Divide Data (DDD) and the Thai-Burma Border Consortium (TBBC). Data Entry Refugees’ Dreams will offer data entry services to customers outside the borders of the refugee camp with no need for them to go outside of the camp thanks to the internet and communication technology. As its name states, Refugees Dreams will represent an opportunity to make the dreams of refugees come true. Its employees will be 100% refugees who are living in Mae La Refugee Camp in Mae Sot, Thailand. To be recruited, the potential employees of Data Entry Refugees Dreams will have to possess basic Computing and English skills and have already obtained a high school diploma, which are the basic academic requisites for this kind of job. Also, they will have to convince the Management Team that they deserve to work for this company and that they are striving to make their dreams come true. They will have to write and present their dreams to the recruiters. The selected candidates will be those that have a clear plan to achieve their dreams, and those whose dreams will benefit the refugee community in general. The market size of data entry services is worldwide; there are not borders or limits for this kind of industry. Customers come from all over the world. According to a 2010 report prepared by the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) and the accounting firm Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), only India's IT-BPO market, which accounts for 51% of the global market shares, could be valued at as much as US $285 billion in the year 2020. Global demand for outsourcing services has been in constant rise at an average of 4.9% per annum since 2008, and is expected to continue until 2020, if not more. There is gross potential for a productive skilled work force, especially those at very low cost. The partnership with Digital Divide Data (DDD), will not only give Refugees’ Dream access to technology, equipment, experience and training but will also give access to a huge range of customers that choose DDD among other outsourcing companies because they want to make a difference and have identified that job creation is a good contribution to the solution to poverty and lack of development in some countries. TBBC will have a supporting role, in the sense that they will manage the budget of Refugees Dreams, will give management and legal support, and will manage the grants that will be possible thanks to the revenues generated by Refugees Dreams. Refugees Dreams will offer to its partners not only the access to a qualified, low cost, and in need of humanitarian assistance workforce, but also the accomplishment of their common goal of helping and assisting disadvantaged people By doing this, DDD will expand its social impact to a humanitarian impact since unlike its employees in Cambodia and Laos, refugees have no freedom of movement or transit in Thailand, or legal documents to apply for jobs. They have to remain within the borders of the camp where the humanitarian conditions are harsh; there is not enough food, medicine, education and opportunities. They are 100% dependent on humanitarian aid. The revenue that will be generated by Refugees Dreams will also benefit the other member of the tripartite agreement, the TBBC, because it will also support the efforts of TBBC in developing the refugee community of Mae La, which is part of their main objectives. The TBBC will manage the revenues obtained by the partnership to be distributed in the form of grants to the refugees who at the same time will receive training about entrepreneurship and savings from TBBC, as already implemented by their Entrepreneurship and saving project. Giving jobs to the refugees would have not only a social, but also a humanitarian impact which is recognized worldwide. With jobs, they not only gain economic independence, they gain dignity and the psychological effect of being productive and having a purpose in their life. They will also have a hope of change in their situation, since by receiving grants they will strive to see their dreams come true. Refugees Dreams is seeking seed capital of 113,650 USD, mostly to guarantee enough cash to assume the investment of equipment and the training required to start operations. Running cost cash expenditures are not required because the company will generate enough cash from the first month of operations to assume those payments. Refugees Dream projects a gross surplus of 425,211 USD in year one, representing a net surplus of USD 175,135 and an accumulated net income of USD 900, 035 after year five, with a NPV of USD 409,852.54 a payback within one year and an IRR of 175.51%. By establishing Data Entry Refugees Dreams, not only the 100 employees that are planned to be hired will be benefited. Take into consideration the Entrepreneurship Development, Grant and Savings project implemented by the Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC) which grants USD 80.00 to each selected and trained refugee to start their own business. With the surplus of USD 175,135 Refugees Dreams would benefit 2,189 refugee families in the first year and as consequence motivate the development of their community. With the 179,063 USD of net income projected for year two, another 2238 refugee’ families would be benefited. By the end of year 5, the accumulated number of direct beneficiaries would amount to a total of 11, 350 families and a total of 22,700 indirect beneficiaries, summing 34,050 potential beneficiaries which represent more than 60% of the total refugee population of Mae La. Realizing the dreams of the refugees living in Mae La Camp is the main purpose of Refugees Dreams and that is how the success and impact will be measured. The number of dreams started will be the indicators, but the ones that will be achieved will represent the accomplishments and the fulfilment of Refugees Dreams’ Mission.

論納稅人基本權-以稅捐處分、稅捐處罰與稅捐救濟為中心 / The fundamental rights of taxpayers-focus on tax assessment, tax penalty and tax relief

余景仁 Unknown Date (has links)

論公務人員的憲法權利─借鑑美國憲法之理論與實務 / The constitutional rights of public servant-learn the theory and practice of United States' constitution

徐崑明 Unknown Date (has links)

策略性全球人才管理 - 企業成功之關鍵 / Strategic global talent management-Synergy to business success

林惠媚, Lin, Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
探討以一個全球公司如何作最適切之人才管理, 促使人才管理為企業成功之最佳助力及關鍵

《劉子》的政治思想研究 / 無

張雅華 Unknown Date (has links)
《劉子》一書共五十五篇,所探討的內容涵蓋範圍非常廣泛,是北朝最優秀的子書。但《劉子》一書於底柱漂沒後便亡佚了。現今能再見到《劉子》,即因其在底柱漂沒前,即有人抄寫過此書,而後再幾經流傳,造成現在所見《劉子》的眾多版本,以及書名、卷數、作者的各種不同說法。本論文則根據史料及前人研究成果,分析出《劉子》為原書名,全書共五十五篇,作者為劉晝。接著分析劉晝的生平,並透過了解北齊的政治軍事狀況、《北齊律》的制定與律法的規定、北朝「四姓」門閥制度下的士人仕進之途、以及北朝的相關學術著作,來探討劉晝所處的時代背景。 而本論文所探討的政治思想主題,分為禮法、人才、以及軍事三個部分來討論。《劉子》談禮法,是在「愛民」的基礎上來使人民達到「寬宥刑罰,以全人命;省徹徭役,以休民力;輕約賦斂,不匱人財;不奪農時,以足民用」的基本生活富足的目標,並在百姓衣食足之後,以「禮樂」來教化人民,使民風淳樸;並以「法術」來約束人民,使人民能趨善離惡,其原則是「德主刑輔」、「先賞後罰」。而「愛民富民、禮樂化民、法治治民」,正是《劉子》法治思想的主要內容。 人才思想部分,探討考察人才的困難,以及薦賢的重要;對於人才的任用,希望能按人才的質性來區分工作,又按人才能力的大小,來決定授與官爵的高低,以及俸祿的多寡。而由於作者劉晝終身未仕,因此有關「人才際遇」的論述,受到王充「自然命定說」與「自然稟氣論」的影響,充滿宿命的思想,認為一個人的際遇完全由「命」來支配,與個人的賢愚並沒有關係。《劉子》的人才思想,在理想與現實之間充滿了矛盾。 至於軍事思想的部分,則從《劉子》的「戰爭無可免」的觀念中,探討《劉子》以「愛民」為出發點,以「愛國」為原則,站在百姓的立場,來思考軍事預備的方式;以及站在國家的立場,來思考以「仁愛」為本,以「修德」為上,「謀攻」為次,「武力」又次之的戰勝策略。透過這樣的論述,剖析《劉子》以「愛民」做為基調,強調「透過戰爭使國家達到安定,使百姓過安居樂業的生活」的思考理路。 談到「政治」,《劉子》心中的理想當然是積極入仕,因此透過禮法、人才,以及軍事這三方面的論述,分析《劉子》在政治上歸心於儒家的思想;至於道家的「清靜無為」的思想,則只是劉晝個人修養的一部分而已。劉晝心裡為自己所規畫的理想人生藍圖,絕不只是做好「清靜無為」的個人修養而已,而是希望能夠有機會為國家服務,以實現他的政治理想,在這樣的思想之下,其政治方面的理論,自然就呈現出儒家積極進取的一面。因此《劉子》在政治方的思想面,最終仍是歸心於儒家的。

山海經神人與鳥關係研究:以帝俊為主的討論 / A study of the relation between Deities and birds in The Classic of Mountains and Seas

楊靜怡 Unknown Date (has links)
「神人」與「鳥」歷經中國文化蘊涵與積累,多被賦予自由穿梭、翩然越界的象徵,然而,若追溯《山海經》神話,「神人與鳥」則以更豐富的面向折射出初民的生命態度。以氏族先祖與神祇化身所衍生的神人帝俊,在〈大荒經〉中以「使四鳥」以及「使四鳥:虎、豹、熊、羆」的行文方式成為神話敘事套語。若連綴《山海經》、《楚帛書》對於帝俊的記載以及原始信仰中以鳳為風的古老觀念,可推知帝俊使四鳥神話應是受殷商文化影響所孕育而生。殷商先祖帝俊驅使四鳥,象徵了至上神驅使鳥形日神與鳥形風神巡遊四方,頗有創制四方空間的意味。這類神話呈現出人們尋求重現創制空間所帶來的秩序與安穩,尋求生活於神聖中心的渴望。 同為神人驅使靈鳥的關係,西王母與三青鳥則表達出人們對永恆生命的追尋與探索。西王母兼具了生命與死亡的雙重神聖意義,展現大母神神性特徵,但若從神話空間意識所蘊含的意義分析,與西方空間密切相關的西王母,即然代表了凋零與死亡,卻也同時意味著生命得以新生,醞釀另一種生命形式。這種象徵意涵在西王母結合昆侖山樂園意象後更為彰顯,在絕地通天後,昆侖山成為人們登昇天界的唯一途徑。西王母神話也因其與昆侖山的緊密連結,由原始神話所隱含的「再生」特質,逐漸發展成引領人們通往天界的特殊神職。 此外,本文亦探討《山海經》中以人鳥同體的異形形貌體現神異的鳥形神人。具有神祇性質的鳥形神人,其神狀均為人面鳥身並且能珥蛇、踐蛇或乘龍;至於經文類屬為人的殊方異人,皆為以人為主體,輔以鳥類特徵。者神狀的微妙差異,應隱藏某種特殊意涵。 本文即嘗試系統性地總結《山海經》神人與鳥所建立的對應關係及合體意象,探討其與原始意涵的關連,以期發現神人與鳥的敘事話語如何在神話脈絡中建構人與宇宙間的永恆秩序,從而對於人的存在價值,能夠有更客觀的認識。


林嘉麗 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

1140 コメディカル人体解剖実習教育全国調査

与那嶺, 司, 内野, 滋雄, 高田, 治実, 中屋, 久長, 高橋, 輝雄, 河上, 敬介, 山元, 総勝, 奥村, チカ子, 溝田, 康司, 富永, 淳, 奥村, 好誠, 田中, 利昭, 加藤, 宗規, 江口, 英範, 黒澤, 辰也 20 April 2005 (has links)


藤田, 幸久, 仲瀬, 明彦, 中山, 康子, 鳥海, 不二夫, 石井, 健一郎 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.


黃惠華 Unknown Date (has links)
《三言》、《二拍》故事題材來源多元而豐富,其描寫的觸角深入民間:優妓女子、工商業者、三姑六婆、尼姑道士等市井小民,在文學的舞台各展姿態。尤其是文本所描繪的時代,商品經濟逐漸走向繁榮發展,商人階層的興起與壯大,對於社會文化造成一定程度的影響。馮夢龍、凌濛初關注到此現象,並反映在他們的文學作品中,不管是婚戀、友誼、遇仙、發跡變泰等各種題材,均可發現商人的身影。看文學如何表現商人?不僅是文學上的課題,往往也有社會學的義涵牽涉其中,因此《三言》、《二拍》中商人形象的探究,更顯得具有開發的意義與價值。 / 本論文共分六章,各章章旨要義如下: 第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、前人的研究成果,以及本論文的研究範圍與方法。 第二章論《三言》、《二拍》的商業經營。本章將《三言》、《二拍》中所提及的商人及其商業相關的經營分為行商、海商、串街走巷的生意人、兼營手工業的商人、地主,牙行、當鋪、茶坊酒肆等幾大類別,就歷史上的考察,探討該行業在當時社會上的經營運作概況,試圖進一步了解文本中商業描寫的時代背景;另一方面更藉由評析文本中有關商業經營以及商業空間的描寫,進而探究其在文本敘事結構中的意涵和作用。 第三章論《三言》、《二拍》中商人的精神世界。本章將研究的觸角由外延伸至內,以探討文本中商人的價值體系為主軸,試著挖掘《三言》、《二拍》中商人較為深層的內心世界,以及當中可能呈顯的社會意涵;並從商人在經商與出仕、道德與財利的兩端間,如何權衡取捨、安身立命的課題切入。 第四章論《三言》、《二拍》商人在愛情與婚姻中的形象。愛情與婚姻一直是文學永恆的主題,唐傳奇中才子佳人的婚戀模式,因著明代以來商人勢力的興起而起了變化。在《三言》、《二拍》的某些篇章中,商人越位為婚戀題材的主角,其中有以浪漫筆觸寫追求、結合的過程,也有以寫實的筆法關懷商人特殊生活型態下所遭遇的諸如外遇、嫖妓等婚姻問題。因此,本章乃就上述所言,探討商人的愛情與婚姻,並試圖探析商業元素在愛情故事當中是否發生了某些作用。 第五章論《三言》、《二拍》商人形象的藝術手法。不同於早期口頭說書藝人的話本,《三言》、《二拍》是由文人潤飾編纂和獨立創作的結果,其敘事的藝術方法與效果與宋元舊作必定大異其趣。因此,本章將焦點置於文本中商人形象的命名、形貌、行動、言語、心理……等藝術描寫手法,試圖由文字敘述上掌握商人的形象樣貌。 第六章為結論,歸納本論文的研究成果,簡要說明《三言》、《二拍》商人形象研究的意義,以及本論文有待發揮之處。

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