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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蓋浙生, Gai, Zhe-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論 第一節本文研究的旨趣與重要性 第二節本文研究的範圍與資料 第三節本文研究的方法 第二章臺灣人口問題的探討 第一節台灣人口增長的趨勢及其組成特徵 第二節台灣人口的增長與教育問題的探討 第三節台灣人口的增長興經濟問題的探討 第三章臺灣人力資源的組成概況 第一節人力資源的意義及其時代性 第二節台灣人力資源的供需情形 第四章臺灣教育發展的剖析 第一節台灣教育現況的分析及其對人力開發的效應


鄧梅英, Teng, Mei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文除將人口遷移及相關生活適應理論運用至大陸新娘狀況分析外,並採量化方式進行資料蒐整,以彌補現有文獻多為質化資料的不足。在研究期間,由於經費與時間的限制,僅以桃園以北地區大陸新娘為研究對象,探討以下問題: 1.分析大陸新娘生活適應上目前面臨的最主要困難為何?是否仍為居留問題? 2.了解現階段大陸新娘離鄉背景嫁赴台灣的主要動機為何?是否仍以脫貧為主? 3.分析兩岸政治情況是否對大陸新娘的婚姻狀況產生影響,亦或大陸新娘是否對台灣政治產生影響。


石桂榕 Unknown Date (has links)
自古以來,遊民(homeless )就一直存在人類社會。在過去,遊民主要是災民或乞丐,他們多半由於戰亂、天災、瘟疫、疾病、意外傷害等因素,而造成流離遷徙,甚至無家可歸的慘況,因此向為政府及地方善心人士布施的對象。現代的遊民,除了某些戰禍頻仍或經濟落後的地區,主要因為失業、貧窮、疾病、缺乏住宅,以及家庭破碎等而露宿街頭、公園、火車站等公共場所,或暫時棲身遊民收容所。他們的組成更廣泛地涵蓋社會的底層,包括失業工人、臨時短工、精神病患、單親婦女及失依兒童等,不僅人數暴增,並有日益複雜的趨勢,因此,此課題值得深入探討之需要。 本研究為瞭解臺北縣的遊民形成原因、遊民生活處境、遊民情感性、工具性社會支持及人生觀與未來展望,採深入訪談法,以12位遊民及4位從業人員為訪談對象。研究發現:受訪者對遊民印象充滿污名化與標籤化,加上現行社會救助法的資格審查機制背後所隱藏的工作倫理與家庭照顧責任,及社會福利發展趨勢邊緣化遊民福利,使遊民形同被社會拋棄的一群人。 最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議,包括:(一)全國統一界定遊民;(二)政府、民間與居民共同為遊民脫離遊民生活;(三)政府部門橫向聯繫,建立綿密整合性團隊工作模式;(四)預防高風險家庭生計者落入遊民;(五)預防走失人口淪為遊民;(六)重視人權,加強社區居民認知宣導;(七)加強政府與民間單位合作機制;(八)開設遊民職業媒合專門窗口,提供就業機會、急難救助與短期住宅;(九)建立遊民的自信心,推動社會重建協助重回職場;及(十)鼓勵大專院校社會工作相關科系學生實習或組成社團。 / From time immemorial, homeless has been existing in human being society. In the past, homeless were mainly of victims or beggars, who were suffered from wars, disasters, plague, diseases and accidents, forcing them scatter around, nowhere like home to stay, and became the target group aided by the government and local charities. In contrast, homeless people today, besides those who are in the war regions or low economy development areas, are caused by unemployment, poverty, disease, lack of shelters, and misfortune/unhealthy family as to live on the streets, parks, stations , either the other public places or stay in the homeless institutions temporarily. The whole group is widely contained of the bottom level of the society, including unemployed workers, temporary workers, mental sickness people, single-child parents (or mother) and orphans. The number of this group is increasing, and also growing more complicated. As the result, the problem requires deep research and discussion. The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons of being homeless, living conditions of homeless, emotional and instrumental supports from home and society, and the their perspectives of life and future. By taking deep interview, there are 12 homeless people and 4 homeless-relevant employees as the interviewees. The study found that interviewees have bad impressions and biases on homeless, moreover the inspecting mechanism of the qualification under the social rescue regulations has presumed the working ethic and family care responsibilities, while the benefit of homeless in the whole social welfare is lessening, homeless were like being abandoned by the society. Eventually, the research proposed several suggestions: (1) unified definition of homeless group; (2)aligning government、civil and residents to help homeless out of their homeless life; (3) horizontally connect governmental sub-division as to establish an integrated team work pattern; (4)prevent high-risk-family becoming homeless; (5) prevent stray becoming homeless; (6) emphasize on human rights, and strengthen the announcement in the community; (7) reinforce the corporation between government and civil authorities; (8) set up the service counter regarding to homeless as to provide job opportunities、emergent rescue and help, and temporary settlement; (9) rebuild the confidence among homeless and promote society reconstruction and aid to return working force; (10) encourage students who takes social work and other related subjects to practice intern or to organize clubs.

台灣地區高齡人口死亡率之預測 / The Projection of Elderly Mortality in Taiwan Area

張正鵬, Chang, Cheng-Peng Unknown Date (has links)
對於預測未來人口的死亡率,國外已有學者提出一些配適死亡率曲線的方法,但可以合適地配適台灣地區死亡率的方法則尚未有學者提出。且在所有的年齡層中,嬰幼兒及高齡人口死亡率的變化較不穩定,但高齡人口死亡率的變化對整個人口結構的影響較大,所以在本文中將只針對高齡人口的死亡率來做預測。 本篇文章利用:(1)SOA模型;(2)Lee-Carter模型;(3)Heligman-Pollard模型等三個國外常用的配適方法以及我們提出的一個新方法-「比值法」並利用迴歸分析及時間序列分析等統計方法來預測台灣地區的死亡率,再互相比較各個模型的預測誤差,以找出適合預測台灣地區高齡人口死亡率的模型。 / A few mathematical models used to fit mortality curve to project future mortality levels are proposed by demographer and statistician in recent years.However, the methods that can be used to appropriately fit the mortality curve in Taiwan have not been brought up yet. Among all other age groups, infants and elderly(60+) mortality change more dramatically than the other age group, as a result the latter has greater impact on the population structure for Taiwan. Hence, our projection focuses on the mortality of elderly population. This research utilizes the following three fitting methods to project future mortality levels in Taiwan: SOA model; Lee-Carter model; Heligman-Pollard model and the one we proposed namely the "ratio method", along with the regression and time series analyses in order to project the mortality in Taiwan area. Finally, a better projection model is found by comparing the predicted errors between these models.

中國大陸人口流動問題之研究(1979-1992) / Study on Population Mobility in the Mainland China (1979-1992)

曾櫻美, Zeng, Ying Mei Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自一九七八年「十一屆三中全會」實行改革開放政策後,其 流動人口就呈現持續增長的狀況,而隨著大陸改革的深化和商品經濟的進 一步發展,人口流動的現象已日益明顯和突出,為一不可遏止的浪潮,並 成為大陸社會經濟發展過程中,必須加以重視的研究課題。 本文共分 為五章十五節及結論部份,以下為本論文的主要大綱:第一章:緒論。旨 在闡明本論文之研究動機、目的、名詞界定,及研範圍、限制與方法。第 二章:「改革開放」與人口流動。主要在論述西方有關人口流動的理論, 並分析中共流動人口的現狀、其結構、流向…等,以突顯出流動人口的特 徵。第三章:流動人口增長的因素。造成流動人口增長的因素很多,如城 鄉發展的差距、農業發展困難、農村商品意識的侵入、中共的人口政策等 等。本章擬從農村的推力、城市的拉力及中共政策因素三面向探討之。第 四章:流動人口增長的利弊效應。本章旨在探討流動人口對中國大陸社會 、經濟所造成的影響與衝擊。第五章:流動人口增長的因應對策。本章先 說明流動人口可能的發展趨勢,並提出中共如何因應流動人口增長的趨勢 。結 論:旨在歸納前述各章節,並嘗試解釋快速增長的流動人口在大陸 社會經濟發展中的意義。


廖龍波, Liao, Long Bo Unknown Date (has links)
城市化是中國未來經濟發展的新引擎,是中國轉變經濟增長模式的潛在動力。但自1953年有計劃地推進經濟建設以來,中國大陸的城市化水平嚴重落後於經濟發展水平。然而,在同一歷史時期,台灣地區的城市化水平卻迅速提高,基本與工業化保持同步發展。那麼,在此期間的經濟發展過程中,是什麽因素導致大陸地區城市化滯後於工業化?又是什麽因素使得台灣地區的工業化與城市化同步發展? 首先,本研究把政府納入Lewis模型(Lewis Model),再結合Todaro模型(Todaro Model),建構解釋工業化與城市化之間關係的理論框架,並以此理論框架來分析導致兩岸城市化水準差異的原因。 其次,比較兩岸工業政策,在此基礎上,我們發現,工業政策是導致兩岸城市化發展水準差異的主要原因。大陸地區優先發展資本密集型重工業的經建政策雖然快速提高了工業化程度,但是城市工業部門的就業機會卻未能隨工業的發展而大幅增加,這使得工業部門對農村剩餘勞動力的吸納能力有限,進而阻滯了城市化的發展。台灣地區則透過優先發展勞力密集型輕工業的經建政策使其工業規模與工業就業機會一併成長,於是城市工業部門吸納了大量農業勞動力遷移到城市,進而呈現出工業化與城市化同步發展的局面。 最後,本研究認為,大陸地區在即將到來的大規模城市化過程中,可從如下方面借鑒台灣地區的城鎮化發展經驗:第一,政府應把提升城市的就業吸納能力作為制定與推行城鎮化政策的出發點和落腳點。第二,應根據東部地區、中部地區和西部地區的剩餘勞動力情況,制定與執行差異化的產業政策與城市化政策。第三,政府應考慮經濟政策與城市化目標的相容性。政府在制定產業政策時,應充分考慮所推行的產業政策對城市化目標的影響,避免再次出現產業政策延緩甚至阻滯城市化發展的情況。

由健保資料庫探討台灣 常住人口與醫療利用 / An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s De Jure Population and Medical Usage based on National Health Insurance Database

李昇龍, Lee, Sheng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
國家施政應以人民結構及其居住等特性為依據,但臺灣的政府統計多以戶籍記錄為主,每十年一次的戶口普查雖能提供常住人口資訊,但其時效性及調查項目有頗多限制。有鑑於此,本文以全民健康保險資料庫探究臺灣常住人口的現況,因全民健保實施已逾20年,納保率接近99%,且因大多數醫療院所均加入全民健保系統,方便民眾就醫,使得感冒等小病(或是上呼吸道感染)往往選擇經常活動地區的醫療院所就醫,預期全民健保就醫資料更能反映各地的常住人口。 除了常住人口之外,本文也分析民眾就醫記錄,嘗試透過全民健保資料庫探討醫療可近性等議題,以重大傷病等就醫資料評估醫療資源的城鄉差距。本研究先以全民健保資料庫中的2005年承保抽樣歸人檔LHID2005(或稱2005年百萬人抽樣檔)估計各地區常住人口,發現抽樣檔在2010年的人口結構與2010年戶口普查結果相近,其中常住人口與戶籍紀錄差異較多的區域,交通多半也較為便利;而民眾就醫習性確實存在城鄉差距,或許與區域級以上醫療院所的分布有關。另外,進一步分析重大傷病患者的就醫記錄,發現選擇就醫的頻率、地區與醫學中心的分布存有關聯。例如:外島地區及部分偏鄉地區(苗栗、雲林等),重大傷病病患的平均就醫距離明顯較長,凸顯偏遠地區的就醫不便,需有合適的對應政策已降低醫療資源的分配不公。

各國主權債務之比較分析 / A Comparative Study of Sovereign Debt

何菁華, HO, Chin Hua Unknown Date (has links)

我國各縣市政府施政績效與人口移動之研究 / The Impact of County and City Governments’ Policy Implementation on Population Mobility

蕭偉祥, Hsiao,Wei Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,主要是探討臺灣地區各縣市政府之整體施政績效是否會影響縣市間之人口移動。本研究將利用臺灣23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),涵蓋期間為2005年至2010年。採固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)評估縣市政府整體施政績效與人口遷移存在之關聯性。將回顧國內外文獻中,關於政府施政績效之衡量、人口遷移理論及影響人口遷移之相關文獻。此外,本研究也整理近年來各縣市政府與人口遷移有關之施政政策,以及臺灣各縣市人口分佈現況。最後,為了進一步探討政府整體施政績效,對於性別及年齡層的不同是否存在差異,本研究將建立五種實證模型,藉此更全面分析臺灣各縣市政府之整體施政績效,對於縣市間之人口遷移之影響為何。本研究主要發現為,縣市政府之社會福利與環境保護績效會響影縣市間人口之遷移,且為正向影響。對於性別及年齡層方面則沒有太大差異。 / The purpose of this paper seeks to examine whether the overall policy implementation of each Taiwanese county and city governments will impact the population mobility within the specific areas. This research paper employed the panel data of the 23 counties and cities of Taiwan, spanning the duration between 2005 and 2010. In the same light, we made use of the fixed-effect model to evaluate the correlation between the policy implementation of the governments and the population mobility. Furthermore, we reviewed the literature relating to governmental policy implementation evaluation methods, theories, and causes for population mobility. In addition, this research organized documents pertaining to the policy implementation strategies of each county and city government, as well as data on the current population distribution. Finally, this paper constructed five empirical models, in order to further analyze if the overall governmental policy implementation had an impact on the gender and age groups, notwithstanding to more comprehensively analyze the correlation between the policy implementation and population mobility within counties and cities. The primary finding of this paper was that the social welfare and environmental protection policies of the county and city governments had a positive impact on the population distribution of corresponding counties and cities. On the other hand, gender and age group factors showed no significant difference.

甘比亞消費者中人口統計因素對廣告效果之影響 / The Impact of Demographic Factors on Advertising among Gambian Consumers

沙帝保, Sadibou Jammeh Unknown Date (has links)
甘比亞消費者中人口統計因素對廣告效果之影響 / A study on the impact of demographic factors on adverting among Gambian consumers is very crucial in the development of the overall advertising industry in The Gambia. Although no previous studies have been dedicated to this area, this research reveals the importance of significant differences in gender, age and education among Gambian consumers. The focus of this study was therefore to conduct an empirical research on differences in demographic factors among Gambian consumers in their response to different advertising appeals and choice of media. The findings of this study will serve as a reference for companies and advertising agencies to design better advertising campaigns for their target audience by providing adequate knowledge on the behaviour of the Gambian consumer. According to the differences in response to different advertising appeals and media choices, Gambian consumers should not just be bundled, rather conscious effort must be made to reach out to consumers on different media, programmes, and at different times who should also be targeted based on difference in gender, age and level of education. This research will also serve policy makers as well as the nation’s only TV station to set quality standards for the advertising industry in The Gambia. The absence of a comprehensive policy on advertising gives much weight to this study in understanding what constitutes an effective, desirable and ethically accepted advertising in a conservative society like The Gambia

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