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審計機關與行政機關的決算互動:以邁向頂尖大學計畫為例 / The reacation beteween audit organization and administration organization: a case study of the aim for the top university project陳柏志, Chen, Po Chih Unknown Date (has links)
員共同進行討論,有利於雙方之瞭解。 / The administrative organizations renew infrastructures based on public and policy, but now all infrastructures can be anticipated to use. The audit plays the supervisor to the administrative organizations. Therefore, the reaction of financial statement will be a good way to surprise the administrative organizations. The documents seldom discuss this issue in the past. This research discusses how to attain the theory of good financial statement with three levels: the goal of financial statement, the way audit organizations to use and the ability of the auditors.
This research takes “The Aim for the Top University Project” for example to discuss the reactions of two organizations, and use In-depth interviews and researching secondary materials to explain the process, the importance and the
outcome after reactions.
First, broaden the rules: the expenditure should be more flexible. The project is just a method approach to the goal.
Second, the two organizations should explore new communication channel: use E-communication medium to decrease time.
Third, the two organizations should try to stay in peace for collaborating.
Fourth, respect the opinion form the teams of top universities. Let staffs of both sides discuss, which will make them understand each other.
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薪酬委員會組成及品質與代理問題之關聯性 / The association between the composition and quality of compensation committee and agency problem周盈萱, Chou, Ying Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
最近 2011 年才強制上市櫃及興櫃公司設置薪酬委員會,目的在於希望藉由薪
持股行為之上市櫃公司,其薪酬委員會品質愈差。 / The compensation committee plays an important role in enhancing cooperate governance. The purpose of the compensation committee is not only to administer and evaluate the company's compensation policies for the board of directors, but also to set appropriate and supportable pay programs for the CEO and other executive officers of the company. The existence of compensation committee is common in developed countries, but was just required in Taiwan since 2011. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the composition of compensation committee and its quality associated with agency problem. By using sample of 1,440 listed companies in Taiwan, the result shows that government-owned corporations tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members from academic background; companies ruled by managers tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members with business background; the higher the proportion of institutional investors in the company, the higher the proportion of the compensation committee members possess both academic and business experience. In addition, CEO’s shareholding and institutional investors’ shareholding are positively associated with the quality of the compensation committee. However, the cash flow right is negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee; a company with cross-shareholding characteristic is also negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee.
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團隊式任務發掘於多重代理人系統 / Team-Based Mission Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems林宜謙, LIN, I-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
過去多重代理人系統相關研究中,皆假設任務是預先知道而且確定的,這使得它們無法即時滿足使用者需求,因而在實務上受到限制。因此本研究期望能將多重代理人系統的工作向前延伸,引入人類社會中的價值觀,進而模擬出人類解決問題的思考模式,將能夠放寬任務給定的限制,幫助傳統多重代理人系統提昇彈性、適用於更為動態複雜的環境,即時地滿足使用者需求。任務發掘意指幫助多重代理人系統找出合適任務的過程,將任務發掘應用於多重代理人系統,最主要的挑戰在於-「什麼任務才能滿足需求」;換句話說,「找出需求」。價值(value)正是引起社會交換(social exchange)的元素,價值觀則是人類對於該價值之看法。重視該價值觀為希望於交換過程中獲得該價值,不重視該價值觀為願意於交換過程中犠牲該價值,然而重視有程度之分,即希望獲得/願意犠牲之優先順序。衝突即為依據該優先順序以重視之價值換取不重視之價值的交換行為;最低衝突則為以最不重視之價值換取最重視之價值的交換行為。若能以最低衝突進行交換即最能符合使用者價值觀;最符合使用者價值觀之決策則能滿足使用者之需求。透過本研究所發展之衝突解析演算法,將能夠找出與使用者價值觀最低衝突之代理人團隊,以使用者價值觀點出發,發掘出情境化任務,有效地滿足使用者需求。 / Most existing multi-agent systems (MAS) presume that the tasks to be resolved are given. However, this assumption sometimes renders the systems unrealistic. A sound mission discovery mechanism would exempt this assumption and offer flexibility and adaptation in resolving the user’s problem in dynamic complexity environments. The major challenge of mission discovery in MAS, in general, rests on how to associate missions to the user’s needs (i.e., the identification of the user’s needs). “Value” is anything that can give rise to exchange. For instance, if someone can help his friend no matter what the price he would pay for, then it means that the moral value surpasses the economics value for the case. Based on the theory of social exchange, this paper devises a Conflict Resolution Algorithm that aims to allocate an agent team of the members with the least value conflict so as to discover the contextualized missions that could fulfill the user’s needs.
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以演化方式模擬人群運動行為 / Simulating Crowd Motion with Evolutionary Computation王智賢, Wang, Chih-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在電腦動畫的應用中,虛擬人群模擬的需求越來越多;但人群運動的模擬對於動畫設計師而言,仍是一件十分繁瑣耗時的工作。過去有許多研究曾以虛擬力場模擬簡單的生物群聚行為,但所模擬出的動畫品質與虛擬力場的參數及虛擬環境息息相關,因此經常需要以人工的方式耗時地調整出適當的虛擬力場參數。因此,我們提議以此問題定義成一個基因演算法的問題,針對不同的移動行為,定義適切的適應函數,再由系統根據不同環境自動演化出適當的虛擬力權重組合,以供產生不同人群移動行為之動畫時參考。在本篇論文中,我們已完成基因演算法的設計及人群動畫模擬系統,並設計了不同的典型環境進行電腦模擬實驗,以驗證此方法的可行性。 / The demands for virtual crowd simulation have been increasing in recent years but creating realistic crowd motions remains a complex and time-consuming task for a computer animator. In the literature、much work has been proposed to use virtual forces to simulate the motion of a group of virtual creatures such as birds and fishes. However、the quality of the simulations largely depends on the weights of the component virtual forces as well as the scene where the agents are situated. Usually it requires the animator to tune these parameters for a specific scene in order to obtain the desired result. In this thesis、we propose to use genetic algorithm to generate an optimal set of weighting parameters for composing virtual forces according to the given environment and desired movement behavior. We have implemented the proposed genetic algorithm as well as the crowd simulation system. Extensive experiments have also been conducted to study the effects of typical scenes and behaviors on the parameter sets and verify the feasibility of the approach.
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論醫療代理人制度─以同志伴侶之需求為核心 / A Study on Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care—Focusing on the Needs of Same-Sex Couples林芳伃, Lin, Fang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著醫學科技的進步,越來越多病患無法自主進行醫療決定的情況發生。西方國家受病人自主權的概念啟發,發展出預立醫囑(living will)及醫療代理人制度(durable power of attorney for health care)。醫療代理人制度提供個人預先指定醫療代理人,當事人無法自主做出醫療決定時,可由醫療代理人代替當事人作出醫療決定,以補足無預立醫囑或預立醫囑的不足。
本文試圖從醫療代理人制度的角度,期能另闢蹊徑,除強化並保障病人自主權外,提供同志伴侶在與生死攸關的醫療議題上更可能且直接的保障,也為不論是同志或其他愛的關係尋求更多可能,提供在婚姻以外的選擇能有更多彈性。本文除了介紹西方的醫療代理人制度並借鏡美國同志伴侶使用醫療代理人制度的經驗外,也探討醫療代理人制度對於我國家庭觀念、傳統醫療上家屬父權主義以及家庭中心式的醫療決策文化的影響與衝擊。同時更深入討論,同志伴侶必須面臨來自醫療院所、醫護人員對於同志是否友善;以及來自病患原生家庭對於醫療代理人及同志身分的壓力。 / With the advances in medical technology, the situation that patients couldn't determine their medical decisions increasingly occurs in our society. Inspired by the concept of patient autonomy, Western countries developed living will and durable power of attorney for health care, which is as known as health care proxy. Individuals can appoint a trustworthy person as their health care proxy. When the patient is incompetent, the health care proxy can make medical decisions for the patient to complete the inadequacy of living will.
Same-sex couples can’t make medical decisions for their same-sex partners because same-sex marriage is currently illegal in Taiwan. Moreover, family members play an important role in the process of medical decision in Taiwan. Therefore, this article introduces the development of durable power of attorney for health care in Western countries, tries to address the medical issue of Taiwanese same-sex couples, and discusses the impact of durable power attorney for health care on Chinese traditional family values and family-centered medical decision making. While as a health care proxy, same-sex partner has to face the medical staff’s attitude toward homosexual, also has to confront the pressure from the patient’s family-of-origin.
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我國公司法臨時管理人之實務觀察及法制研究 / An Observation of Judicial Practice and Legal Study on Temporary Manager of Company Act in Taiwan謝珮汝 Unknown Date (has links)
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正式契約與關係治理的替代與互補--長期照顧居家服務委託關係之研究 / Relationship between Contracting Out and Public Private Partnerships as substitutes or complements in contracting management:an empirical examination of Long-Term Care Service System in Taiwan王千文, Wang, Chian Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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以溝通模型模擬具有社會行為的虛擬人群 / Simulating social behaviors of virtual crowd with a communication model趙偉銘, Chao, Wei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
無論在電腦動畫、電玩或電影產業,利用電腦自動產生虛擬人群已逐漸成為不可或缺的要素之一。這些虛擬人群,往往是系統先賦與每個虛擬代理人(agent)基礎智能,然後藉由個體之間的互動法則所自動產生。然而,過去因為普遍未考量真實群體情境中的傳播與互動模式,使得虛擬人群所表現的群體行為與現實情況仍有些差距。因此,我們引用社會心理學文獻,建立一個具有溝通機制的人群模擬平台(IMCrowd),以期自動產生與現實群眾動態更相似的模擬人群。IMCrowd是多代理人(Multi-agent)基礎的系統,其中每個虛擬代理人都具有區域的感知範圍與自主能力,因此他們能夠自動地與環境中的其它物件互動與反應。由於我們為IMCrowd所建立的溝通模型考量了社會心理學的理論,因此虛擬人群能浮現真實群體動態中的社會互動模式,如情緒傳染與從眾效應。本研究以IMCrowd執行了多種情境下群眾暴動與群眾控制的模擬,藉此展現本系統的應用將不僅可提升群體模擬的真實度,亦可做為社會心理學家研究群體行為的工具。 / Using computer to automatically generate simulated crowd has become a trend in animation, computer game, and film productions. Many of these works were produced by modeling the intelligence of the agents in a crowd and their interactions with other nearby agents and the environment. However, the perceived facts or elicited emotions usually do not propagate in the crowd as they should in the real life. In this work we attempt to build up a communication model to simulate a large variety of crowd behaviors including the course of crowd formation. The proposed crowd simulation system, IMCrowd, has been implemented with a multi-agent system in which each agent has a local perception and autonomous abilities to improvise their actions. The algorithms used in our communication model in IMCrowd are based heavily on sociology research. Therefore, the collective behaviors will emerge out of the social process such as emotion contagion and conformity effect among individual agents. Several elaborate riot simulations and riot control simulations are demonstrated and reported in this thesis as the application examples of IMCrowd. Thus, we claim that IMCrowd may not only benefit on enhancing realism of crowd animation but also be useful in studying crowd behaviors such as panic, gathering, and riots.
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公司現增與發行新債影響營運績效之分析 / Operating performances and corporate issuances黃佳莉 Unknown Date (has links)
公司籌措資金時會選擇發行股票或是發行債劵來籌資,本文去比較發行股票與發行債劵來籌資的公司在發行後的長期營運表現會有何異同。此外去探討因子如何影響發行後營運表現,也建立邏輯斯迴歸去探討因子如何影響公司發行決策。關於資本結構有兩個理論,一為融資序位理論,另一為代理成本理論,本文透過上述結果去驗證此兩理論。 / Industrial corporations typically raise external capital by selling common stock or issuing bonds. In this paper, we investigate the long run operating performance of issuers of straight debt and issuers of seasoned equity. Besides, we measure the effects of some factors that have been shown to be associated with changes in performance following the issues. We also examine why firms issue securities even though managers know that stock prices will react negatively to the issue announcement. We construct a logistic model for firms issuing equity and debt to investigate the determinants of firms’ issuing decisions. In existing literature, two eminent theories of capital structure are the pecking order theory and agency cost theory. We try to find evidence to these two theories from the above results.
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我國上市公司股權集中度、薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan吳政穎 Unknown Date (has links)
5.公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關。 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms' top executive with firms'stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses.
Pooling regressions using four years' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows:
1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with.
2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors.
3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis.
4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme.
5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive's cash compensation.
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