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台灣半導體通路商技術支援服務之4C交換成本分析 / The Analysis of 4C Exchange Cost on the Technical Service by the Distributors in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry藍清廉, Lan,Chin-Lien Unknown Date (has links)
1. 上游供應商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求排序為:道德危機成本、資訊搜尋成本、專屬陷入成本、外顯單位效益成本。
2. 技術性協力廠商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求排序:道德危機成本、外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、專屬陷入成本。
3. 下游系統製造廠商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求為:外顯單位效益成本之功效,高於內隱交換成本之效能。
4. 規模經濟型之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,外顯單位效益成本的優勢,高於內隱交換成本。
5. 利基型之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,內隱交換成本優勢,高於外顯單位效益成本。
6. 經營低技術層次產品之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,外顯單位效益成本的優勢,高於內隱交換成本。 / After the eighth decade, the channel industry of Taiwan semiconductor moved toward serious competition. Many of high similarity company compete with each other in the agency of product line source and the buyer market of OEM customer; the survival opportunity of company is to provide the platform for the exchange between the supplier and customer. Hence, the most critical point is to increase the efficiency and to reduce the exchange cost between the cross-organization in the platform. Semiconductor channel industry is long historical with important position in Taiwan information industry; to investigate and study the semiconductor channel industry will contribute to the research for the upgrade of semiconductor channel industry in Taiwan.
The value chain activity of semiconductor channel can be break through into business flow, logistics, financial flow, information flow and technology flow; Among them, technical support ability has been approved to be one of the key competitiveness of the semiconductor channel by many researches. Most of the past researches stood on the views, such as competitive strategy, Enterprise Resource Planning and whole value chain activity, etc., but the point on the 4C exchanges cost co-opetition analysis in the technology flow has not been seen yet. Hence, it’s important for this research.
This research is expected to provide the result for the practice reference of the technical marketing strategy to the Taiwan semiconductor channel by focusing on them. This research is belong to the qualitative exploratory research from the data collection of the primary and the secondary information in the interview cases and questionnaires, then to analyze the cases comparatively by the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange cost the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, morals hazard and hold up asset specificity. Finally, the following important results have been pointed out:
1. The sort of the technical cooperation between the channel and the supplier to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: morals hazard, information searches, asset specificity and the external cost on utility.
2. The sort of the technical cooperation between the channel and the independent design house (IDH) to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: moral hazard, the external cost on utility, information searches and asset specificity.
3. The technical cooperation between the channel and the system manufacture customer to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: the effectiveness of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost.
4. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the semiconductor channel of the scale economic type is: the advantage of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost.
5. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the niche type semiconductor channel is: the advantage of the inner exchange cost is higher than that of the external cost on utility.
6. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the semiconductor channel with operating in the low technical level product is: the advantage of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost.
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中國大陸中央與地方財政關係之研究 / A Study on Fiscal Relationship Between Central And Local Government of China馮士容 Unknown Date (has links)
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Financial Holding Company and Corporate Governance from the Perspective of Ownership and Control: Case Study of SinoPac Holdings Co., LTD.Yeh,Jessie Unknown Date (has links)
In response to the changing financial environment both internally and externally, the government endeavored to pass the Financial Holding Company Act, which is intended to provide an environment conducive to financial integrations. According to the Principal-Agent theory, agency problems tend to take place when misalignment occurs between an ultimate owner’s cash flow rights and voting power. It is of interest whether the financial holding company structure actually increases or decreases such misalignment. The shareholdings of the Hong family of SinoPac Holdings is the subject of this research, and the essence of the research is to examine the Hong family’s shareholding and their actual control based on the one-share-one-vote principle before and after the holding company structure. The findings conclude that the misalignment between the Hong family’s ownership and control in fact increases under the holding company structure, which is generally viewed as a negative sign of corporate governance. Notwithstanding, the Hong family has adopted some measures to strengthen corporate governance despite the widening misalignment.
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經濟學中的創新: 代理人基計算建模 / Innovation in Economics: Agent-Based Computational Modelling池秉聰, Ping Tsung,Chih Unknown Date (has links)
創新一直是經濟學長久想要補捉的現象之一, 能夠成功地描述人類的創新, 就能解釋微觀的個體興衰以及巨觀的經濟成長。本研究嘗試建立一個以商品內涵為中心的經濟體系, 包裝在生產者和消費者所組成的商品市場。個體是以軟體代理人 (software agent) 來建模, 其被賦予獨立的學習機制。藉由個體的市場互動模擬, 我們可以更進一步的瞭解創新所帶來經濟成長背後的底層結構。有別於過去的研究對商品的描述。我們使用的方法可以同時兼具商品的質與量, 換言之, 商品的異質與同質大量生產目的是為了滿足各式各樣不同的消費族群。透過消費者對商品的篩選機制, 生產者的優勝劣敗於是產生。什麼樣的特徵具有較佳的存活機率, 什麼樣的組合結構會帶來較高的經濟成長 (即創新所帶來的福利效果), 便成為我們積極想要探索的問題。 / Innovation has always been viewed as one of the phenomena economists ardently attempt to explain. Once the process of innovation is successfully identified, it can be applied to describe not only individual progress but also the economic development as a whole. In this study, a commodity market
with producers and consumers is conducted. Each producer has been modeled as a software agent who can independently perform learning functions. The simulation of the market activities may foster our understanding of the base structure of economic development brought by innovation. Unlike past research, our approach takes into account both the quality and quantity of a manufactured good. In
other words, in respond to the need of diverse consumers, a producer may choose to adopt quantity-oriented or quality-oriented strategy. Success is defined in terms of the popularity of goods. This paper aims to discuss the characteristics and commodity combinations of successful producers. By doing this, the benefit of innovation can therefore be unveiled.
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內部人持股,投資人保護與公司價值 / Ownership, Protection, and Firm Value林惠珊, Lin, Huei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
La Porta 等人以提高內部人持股可使內、外部股東利益一致,進而降低代理問題的觀點出發,在2002 年發表的實證研究中指出,提高內部人持股有助於提升公司的價值,特別是在對外部投資人保護較差的國家;他們也發現,對投資人保護程度愈好的國家,該國企業的價值也較高。本研究則從提高內部人持股可能產生的代理問題著手,在利弊同時存在之下,以涵蓋範圍更廣、時間更長的樣本,探討在不同的投資人保護環境下,提高內部人持股對公司價值的影響,以及投資人保護程度對於內部人持股集中與分散的公司價值是否也有不同的影響。
本研究發現,在投資人保護較佳的國家,提高內部人持股會傷害公司價值,但在投資人保護較差的國家,提高內部人持股可增加公司價值。另外,公司價值與內部人持股率之間呈現曲線關係,當內部人持股率相對較低時,提高內部人持股對公司價值是弊多於利;當內部人持股水準相對較高時,提高內部人持股則是利多於弊。而投資人保護程度對於內部人持股較分散的公司而言,顯得較為重要。因此,法律層面對投資人的保護程度和內部人持股集中度對於公司價值的影響有顯著的替代效果。 / This paper uses a sample of companies from 34 countries around the world to shed light on the relationships among legal protection of shareholders, ownership structure, and firm value. La Porta et al. (2002) indicate a positive relationship between cash flow, ownership, and firm value, especially in countries with poor investor protection. Besides, they also find evidence of higher valuation of firms in countries with better protection of minority shareholders. However, they don’t consider the effect of higher ownership on the cost of stealing, which may cause the controlling shareholders to expropriate more from minority shareholders. Also, their study covers only large firms with a controlling shareholder by one year data. Their
results can be restricted to large firms and a particular year. Therefore, we use more comprehensive time series and cross section data to probe into the subject.
Using various specifications of the valuation regressions of Fama and French (1998), we find that higher ownership improves valuation in poor protection countries while higher ownership deteriorates valuation in good protection countries. In addition, stronger legal protection improves firm value, especially the firms with low ownership concentration. That is, there is a substitute effect of legal protection and ownership concentration on firm valuation. Finally, we also testify that dividends are valued more in poor protection countries and firms with low ownership concentration.
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我國公司經理人法律地位之研究 / A Study of the Legal Problems of Corporate Officers in Taiwan陸君卿, Lu, Chun-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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電子化政府主動服務經營模式探討 / A study for developing the model of E-government proactive service施明德, Shih, Ming Der Unknown Date (has links)
建構優質的電子化政府,首要條件是提供民眾整合型一站式服務的入口網站,達成一站式服務,除共用基礎設施服務外,應具備介接整合各機關資訊與線上服務的能力。過往政府推動電子化政府,雖然已獲得相當成就,但各機關資訊系統整合程度不足,多數服務尚無法提供跨機關主動服務,本研究是藉由文獻的蒐集與研究,並以創新的思維,提出政府主動服務的經營模式,並採個案研究方法,驗證所提出之模式的可行性,因此,在研究方法上,將著重現實現象的整理與未來環境、機制的設計,即採行從當前環境到期望環境藍圖(From AS-IS to TO-BE)策略分析的研究模式。
本研究結果發現:1.各國政府以實現「全政府」作為主要策略,顯示推動資訊系統整合仍為主要工作。2.藉由Web2.0 使用戶間強大連結力,企業可以快速產生新的商業模式,提升企業網站的知名度與使用度。3.本研究提出改變電子化政府服務型態的三要素,資訊代理人、以家戶為主體、為顧客提供Web2.0平台。4. 本研究將網站的服務分為九種型態,提供網站服務轉型參考。5.本研究提出以CRM建構前瞻性主動服務的理念,整合內部資訊與顧客喜好,主動提供顧客服務。
政府Myegov入口網與民眾e管家,本研究提出主動服務的改造建議有:1.Myegov入口網應提供元件共享、資訊透過RSS互通。2.提供跨機關主題式服務、提供民眾可自行訂製、設計自己符合自己需要的e政府管家。3.以「家」為主體的理念,引導政府透過政府共享式服務平台,主動整合後台資訊系統。4.運用資料倉儲系統,建立市民關係管理共享式資料庫,提供民眾前瞻性主動服務。 / In order to construct a high-quality e-government, an integrated one-stop-shop service portal must be provided to the general public. In addition to sharing the services of IT infrastructure, to achieve the integrated one-stop service is also necessary to provide interfaces for all departments so that their information and services can be integrated. In the past, the government has reached many achievements in transforming many of the governmental related processes electronically. However, the integrated information system between different levels and/or ministries is not enough to provide the general public certain interdepartmental services actively. It is the hope of this research to discover an efficient strategy to push for better proactive e-government service model and to provide such strategy to the government for further reference.
According to this research is hoping to use innovative thinking to come up the proactive e-government service model based on the collection and research of various documents and literature. This study will also use related e-government research cases for feasibility study on the model proposed. As such, this research stressed on current condition and future context, the design of mechanism, employing in “As-Is to To-Be” strategic analysis research model.
This result of study is found: 1.The governments of various countries promote the e-government's main strategy as the future service was still realizing on the information-intensive society of “the whole government”. It shows that various countries are pushing the work on information system integration. 2. Web2.0 is not only a new information technology, but the mechanism that enterprises are used for interacting with end user and offer the space to user by sharing information at the same time. According to leverage the linkage through powerful strength on Web2.0 service use, enterprises can produce the new business model timely and improving enterprise website’s popularity and utilized degree. 3. To create the innovative e-government service, this research proposed three key elements to change government's service type and performance measurement, including “the information agent”, “relies mainly on family one”, “offers Web2.0 service platform to customer”. 4. This research based on web information providing method and service attribute to defined the nine kinds of service model to transforming the portal service as proactive service type. 5. The research proposed and constructed the “customer first” proactive service theory and integrated the customer relevant information and favor internally to providing many of services proactively.
Moreover, based on Myegov portal and e-housekeeper, the research proposed active service transformation items are: 1. Myegov portal should provide Portlet-based shared components, RSS subscribing and exchanging service. 2. Offering the topic type’s Blog service by cross departments; offering general public to define, design their own custom e-housekeeper services through e-government. 3. According to “the family” theme’s concept, government should provide the integrated back-end IT system through the shared service platform actively. 4. Use the data warehouse system to gather the department and people relevant information, and build up the shared database on customer relationship management system to provide the “customer first” proactive service.
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個別農舍與集村農舍制度的比較分析-以新竹縣為例 / A Comparative Study for Institution of Individual and Cluster Farmhouses-Hsinchu county for example張耀文, Chang,Yao-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞: 個別農舍、集村農舍、交易成本、雙重代理、制度變遷、自我執行
、第三者執行 / The implementation of farmhouse institution has been 6 years since year 2000. From the official statistics, the individual farmhouse is still the main choice for farmers. This reveals that the cluster farmhouse which adopts and promotes by government authority has some shortcomings. In addition, the owners who own cluster farmhouse are nothing to do with agricultural operation. These may result from the rules and enforcement of cluster farmhouse. Therefore, this study conducts a comparative analysis of formal and informal rules of individual and cluster farmhouse so as to understand the reasons why farmers do not choose the cluster farmhouse with incentives provided by central government. The main conclusion and policy suggestions for farmhouse are as follows:
1. The transaction costs including searching cost, policing cost and enforcement costs for individual farmhouse is much low than that for cluster farmhouse. In addition, the incentive provided from government for cluster farmhouse is not enough. The above two reasons lead to the result that individual farmhouse is the main choice for farmers.
2. The advantage of individual farmhouse is the freedom of varied style choice and low transaction cost while its shortcoming is safety problem and lack of public facilities. The advantage and shortcoming of cluster farmhouse are opposite from individual farmhouse.
3. The implementation of farmhouse is influence by the lack of adaptation of local government, professional comprehensive and election pressure so that the implantation is different from the original basic concept of farmhouse.
4. Policy recommendation:
(1) To review the original basic concept of farmhouse and to encourage the cluster farmhouse together with country district rather the scatter development.
(2) To review the definition of farmhouse so that all the farmhouse can be use for agricultural function instead of accommodation.
(3) To cancel the tax exemption for farmhouse that is not use for agriculture so as to prevent the opportunity behaviors.
(4) To unify the responsible authority in central government so as to prevent the agency problems of implementation.
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區段徵收委外機制之探討吳思穎 Unknown Date (has links)
區段徵收為目前政府大規模進行土地整體開發,促進都市發展,以及無償取得公共設施用地的重要舉措之一,為一種具有高度自償性之土地開發事業。由於區段徵收需要投入大量的資金與人力,在政府財政困窘及國內不動產市場自民國81 年以來,長期處於不景氣之故,其非但無法達成原先設定之有效減低公共支出之目的,反而需要額外編列預算以支應財務缺口。爰此,造成縣市政府往往視區段徵收為畏途,但礙於相關政策規範及都市發展須盡速取得必要之公共設施用地,而不得不予執行,從而導致惡性循環,因此,如何解決區段徵收財務問題,乃成為政府必須面對的最大困境與挑戰。
(四)根據現有兩案例開發結果,審慎評估策訂推廣實施計畫。 / Zone expropriation is presently the large-scale integrated land development carried out by the government to promote urban development. Acquiring land for public facilities without compensation is also an important measure to have high self-liquidation of land development enterprise. Because zone expropriation needs to invest in a great deal of funds and manpower, the government finance and the domestic real estate market were in a long-term depression from 1981 until 1992. Not only unable to reach the targeted profit margin to reduce the public expenses, additional budget is needed to deal with financial gap. Therefore, it makes the county and city government often look at zone expropriation as a dangerous choice to take. But hindrance related to policy standardization and urban development must acquire the necessary land for public facilities as soon as possible because there's no choice but to implement it. As a result, it leads to a vicious circle. Therefore, the government needs to face the greatest dilemma and challenge on how to settle the zone expropriation financial problems.
The financial status of the government is worsening day by day. Within a short time the government was unable to raise funds for the huge financial requirement of the zone expropriation. In addition, professional manpower is also a dilemma, causing the handling pattern of zone expropriation to evolve to some extent. Partially the local county and city government gradually brings in non-government resources and vitality (private participation-BT mode). Non-government organizations voluntarily raise funds and professionals in private sectors manage the plans and implementation, while the government provides necessary administrative assistance. In addition, the development necessary for the total costs is paid first by the non-government organization, and the government excess land will be liquidated, thereby creating modes in effect of settling the zone expropriation's fund raising and developed land key problems.
However in the implementation of the BT mode process, the decrees, policymaking and implementation methodology related to disputes are still kept. Because of the incapability to take effect the large number of widespread implementation, this writing discuss about the laws, research about decrees, document records, analysis of present case studies, and interviews of professional scholars and arrangements related to the problems. Zone expropriation business is illustrated in moving towards the government's entrusting of non-government organizations.
The introduction of non-government resources to handle the zone expropriation BT development method is necessary for facing with the management of principal-agent relationship. By means of principal-agent theory, probing into the implementation dimension, feasible resolutions (including incentive and monitoring mechanism), and recommending the steady advancement of zone expropriation to review and amend about the formation of a complete set of measures, these are all for making good use of non-government resources and vitality, as well as to have a break through in the land development outsourcing mechanism to make them more perfect, and may make a follow-up for the land integrated development academic study of important references.
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation:
1. Conclusions:
(1)Gradual improvements can be made on the zone expropriation mechanism based on policy, public opinion and system feasibility.
(2)The legal system regarding the current zone expropriation mechanism is still incomplete. The external committee handling zone expropriation should simultaneously form a complete construction monitoring system.
(3)The external committee handling zone expropriation should utilize a financial incentive mechanism to avoid any problems.
(4)A zone expropriation based on the BT model should go further in strengthening academic research and application
2. Recommendations:
(1)Establish a deadline for reviewing the legal work for zone expropriation in the BT development model.
(2)Allow the national and local relevant groups to fully assist the winning bidder for the BT project.
(3)Strengthen guidance for the BT development model; construct a good communication mechanism.
(4)Based on the development results of the above case studies, carefully appraise the presented implementation plan .
Keywords: Zone Expropriation、Private Participation(BT Mode)、Principal-Agent Theory、Incentive Mechanism
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保薦制度與政治關聯對新上市公司經營績效變化之影響:來自中國A股市場的證據游曜如 Unknown Date (has links)
中國新上市公司(Initial Public Offerings,以下簡稱IPO)上市後經營績效大幅衰退之現象時有所聞,IPO績效變化不僅影響投資者的利益,也攸關轉型經濟過程中,中國證券市場能否有效引導社會資源的配置。本研究調查2001年至2005年間,在中國深圳以及上海交易所A股市場IPO公司經營績效變化以及可能原因,延伸討論保薦制度及政治關聯對前述現象的影響。首先測試樣本公司上市前後經營績效之差異,並調整同業平均數。實證結果指出,上市後兩年ROA及ROE(無論是否調整產業因素)皆不如上市前兩年,杜邦分析發現獲利能力衰退是造成財務績效衰退的主因。
進一步分析績效衰退原因,本研究比較各期間IPO公司各項應計數變化。實證結果顯示。整體而言上市後總應計、流動應計數、營業相關應計數以IPO當年呈倒V型,有上市後反轉的現象,並與經營活動現金流量變動呈反向變動,推論與盈餘操縱有關;保薦制度的在應計數反轉現象沒有顯著抑止效果,而政治關聯度低的IPO公司亦沒有顯著操縱應計數的現象以極大化上市前經營績效。最後,代理問題探討中結果顯示,董監持股變動以及大股東持股變動與績效衰退顯著相關,符合利益一致假說。 / The article investigates whether there is a significant change in financial performance of firms after they went to public for the period between 2001 and 2005 in China A –share market. First, we use ROA and ROE as main performance index. The results indicate a significant decline in ROA and ROE. Following Du Pont framework, return on sales is the most important reason about the decline. Second, we find under new Sponsor’s System, IPO firms had better perfomanace before they went public and they suffered less declined after IPO. We also find the low political connection firms maximize financial performance before they went public to win the IPO opportunity, and they hardly maintain operating performance. At last, we examine the reason for financial performance decline. We compared the change between accruals and operating cashflow the period of IPO for inspecting wether earnings management existed. The empirical results indicate IPO firms maximize accruls when IPO.This study also indicates a significant correlation between post-IPO performance and agency problem.
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