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探討產業特徵、企業資源及高階經理人特質與企業績效的關係胡騰井 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 產業成長率、產業研發密集度和企業績效呈現高度正相關,符合本研究理論預期。
2. 企業科技資源、財務資源對於企業績效有顯著正向的影響。但在企業行銷資源上,實證結果不支持本研究假設,和企業績效呈現負向關係。
3. 高階管理團隊特質如TMT成員間教育程度的異質性,和企業績效呈現顯著正相關,即成員間的教育背景愈不同,異質性愈高,所帶來的衝突會影響最適決策的選擇,達到最完善的策略決策,對企業績效產生正向的影響。
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企業導入ERP系統的關鍵成功因素探討—以電線電纜業為例 / Enterprise ERP system to explore the critical success factors - to wire and cable industry as an example許文堂, Hsu, Wen Tang Unknown Date (has links)
因此電線電纜業者如何將企業內部的資源做最合理、最有效率的配置,進一步提升電線電纜業者本身的競爭力,是現階段電線電纜業者最為重要的課題,而企業資源規劃系統 (ERP),是一套可以讓電線電纜業者本身資源配置最佳化的資訊管理系統,也會是電線電纜業者用來優化企業內部資源整合的系統。多年來,國內外有很多學者、專家、研究人員對於ERP系統建構時的成功因素進行探討與研究,但對於電線電纜產業著墨較少,所以電線電纜業者了解ERP的功能,進一步探討電線電纜業者如何成功導入ERP系統就顯得非常重要。
本研究希望對ERP系統做探討,讓電線電纜業者能清楚地瞭解導入ERP實際帶來的影響,做為日後改進的方向,並提供管理者決策時所需的資訊。本研究的目的除了先彙整一般企業導入ERP系統的成功因素外,還要藉由本研究進一步找出電線電纜產業在導入ERP系統時的關鍵成功因素,最後再將本研究所得到的成果,提供其他電線電纜業者將來導入ERP系統之參考。 / Abstract
Taiwan's enterprises are facing competition from globalization, the ever-unpredictable business environment, competition and the challenges faced in the past more than the harsh, especially the traditional industries of wire and cable industry, the more difficult operational problems encountered. Response to environmental change is accelerating large-scale wire and cable industry, specialization, and even international diversification, the major plant will want the limited resources, breaking the traditional business model to identify, develop new industry landscape.
Therefore, how to wire and cable industry internal resources to do the most reasonable and efficient configuration, wire and cable industry to further enhance their competitiveness, wire and cable industry at this stage the most important issue, and enterprise resource planning system (ERP), is a set of wire and cable industry can make the allocation of resources to optimize their information management systems, wire and cable industry also is used to optimize the internal resource integration system. Over the years, many foreign scholars, experts, researchers constructed for ERP system success factors to explore when and research, but less for wire and cable industry, inking, so wire and cable industry to understand the ERP functions, to further explore how to wire and cable industry successful ERP system is very important.
In this study, a combination of wire and cable industry to solve some problems, resulting in a study of motivation. Moreover, a special wire and cable industry sector, product variety and complicated process, from copper procurement, site management of copper, copper hedge, sales, purchasing, manufacturing to delivery of the various stages of distribution and other operations, interlocking, must depended on a reliable and effective mechanism to assist the system. More and more willing to invest in wire and cable industry ERP, or plan to invest in the next few years, ERP, does not necessarily ensure that the project 100% successful, especially in wire and cable industry team did not import the ERP system and method, without the relevant literature for reference, for wire and cable industry, the choice is very limited and will face the risk of over-concentration difficulties.
This study is to explore the ERP system to do so of wire and cable industry can clearly understand the actual impact of the ERP, as future directions for improvement, and management decision-making required to provide information. The purpose of this study in addition to the first exchange to import the entire general business success factors of ERP systems, but also by this study to further identify the wire and cable industry in the ERP system when the critical success factors, and then the final results obtained in this study provide other wire and cable industry in the future ERP system of reference.
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大陸台商ERP系統推動成功關鍵之探討倪自強, Ni,John Unknown Date (has links)
任何企業不論大或小,不論任何產業,都希望成長與獲利,這是企業存在的根本目的,而基本企業的運作,大多是以縱向的功能部門導向設置,例如營業部門,生產部門,開發部門,管理部門,財會部門,但是企業的運作卻是橫向跨部門的協同運作,所以有句話說企業管理靠的是制度,制度靠的是流程,流程靠的表單,把企業的制度流程表單整合起來就是一個企業的運作,但是怎麼樣的把企業的橫向制度流程表單整合呢?需要一個資訊化的平臺,也需要一個跨部門的資訊系統,所以就開始有了所謂的ERP(EntERPrise Resource Planing企業資源規劃系統)
企業在做資訊化建設的時候,包含很多部分與面向,從辦公室軟體MS OFFICE到郵件系統MAIL SYSTEM,從WEB網站建設到電子商務應用,或是知識管理KM,電子化流程WORKFLOW,客戶關係管理CRM,高階決策支援EIS的商業智慧BI,上下游供應鏈的整合SCM,現場製造管理MES,產品設計管理PDM。而ERP是所有資訊化建設牽扯部門與耗用資源最多,但又是最直接必須的基礎建設。但凡企業要公開上市或公開發行,在九大循環與內稽內控當中也強調了企業稽核管理的制度重要性,或是跨國海外的企業經營,更需要能夠以集團總部的管理角度,整合資訊,做出有效的決策,這都是ERP所扮演的角色。而在導入系統或是實施輔導過程的階段,更是要步步為營,讓ERP真正發揮協助管理的資訊平臺工具。中國IT教父柳傳志有一句名言︰上ERP是找死,不上ERP是等死。道出了企業變革之路必須經過的資訊化建設改造,才能脫胎換骨,精益求精。隨著無疆界的企業海外經營,如何善用系統工具,發揮效益也是現代企業打造企業神經網路必須面臨的新課題。
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台灣紡織產業分析及客製化ERP系統導入之研究 / A Case Study on the Implementations of Customized ERP Systems in the Textile Industry of Taiwan曹曉虹, Tsao, Hsiao-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
由本研究的結果可知,選擇ERP系統首重企業目標,依循企業目標選擇適當與適性的ERP。客製化ERP可有效應付企業特殊需求,提升作業的彈性度。建置客製化ERP過程,亦推動企業的流程變革,改善工作效率,為企業轉型提供極大的助力。 / Textile industry is one of ancient industry around the world. It is deeply correlated with culture, lifestyle and economics. In the early of 20th century, two globalized wars made economic collapsed and countries reformed. Textile industry run massive production to fulfill global market. However, globalization and maturation of internet push new concepts, based on personalization, to every country. More and more customized orders instead. Management of textile industry faces to the new challenge from designing to manufacturing.
Information technologies are introduced into management that integrate the processing from designing to manufacturing. Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, was settle since 1992 and referred to integration and data-linking of sales and design, manufacturing and accounting. Various ERP systems have been bundled as commercial software for enterprises. It is very hard to be chosen an ERP software for fully fitting every industry, because of specific working process and demands. Somehow, authorizing of ERP is restricted to modify source code that function modules for some special working flows are coded as plugins, increasing of cost for setting and maintaining.
At presence, customization as the main stream in the textile industry need more flexibilities of manufacturer to coordinate whole departments to co-work. Weakness of commercial ERP software is unable to efficiently integrate working processing of textile industry. Hereby, the study analysis some cases that introduced ERP to treatment working processing. We compared the commercial and customized ERP from selection to introduction. Commercial ERP was easy to set up and maintain, but restricted authorizing made hard to code new modules for solution of some working flow. Users were forced to modify flowing for the ERP, creating additional steps to finish a function. Otherwise, procedures for introduction of customized ERP were totally different from commercial. All of working flow have to be reconsidered and verified; than the ERP team which is composed with employee, consultant, and software engineers kick go to plan the map of ERP. Therefore, customized ERP has more flexibilities for corporate transformation.
The result is presented that the most important criterial to selection of ERP is the vision of the enterprise. Customized ERP flexibly solute special requirements of industry and improve working efficiency.
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中華郵政邁向電子商務平台之歷程探討 / A Case Study on the Transformations of the E-commerce Platforms of Chunghwa Post company劉明瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
也因此本研究希望去探究,為何中華郵政在擁有這麼多有形與無形資產下,包含:完整物流、金流能力、品牌能力等,但將原有業務轉型平台後,竟然面臨了第一次的銷售虧損。單就企業資源來看,中華郵政應該要發展得比許多電子商務平台更好,但現今的龍頭電子商務廠商,卻並非中華郵政。故此研究,希望深入了解,中華郵政建立電子商務平台之歷程,試圖在分析之中,找到目前中華郵政所遇到的瓶頸,並提出相關建議。 / With the development of technology and change of consumer behavior, the current e-commerce develops rapidly in the global market, the Asia-Pacific region alone B2C market turnover of up to 525.2 billion US dollars in 2014.By contrast, alouthough Taiwan's e-commerce development is not the world's top 10 e-commerce market, but according to the Institute for Information Industry survey in 2014,Taiwan B2C market value of up to 16.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 13.2% of total retail sales in Taiwan and sustained and stable growth. From the above data, we can understand that the future of e-commerce will become one of Taiwan's major emerging industries.
Chunghwa Post is one of Taiwan's well-known financial institutions. Chunghwa Post has begun to accept the sale of goods by private commission agents since 2000. The consignment business contributes up to 150 millions of post offices turnover each year. Chunghwa Post aims to expand the scope of business with e-commerce development trend, so they transfered all of offline goods to online.
We originally thought that the full online will be positive to performance growth, but the income does not increase, but income decreese by 35% up to three million loss compared to 2014, and this is the first loss of consignment business.
Therefore the study wishes to explore the resone why Chunghwa Post which face first time Sales loss after transformation of original platform. While they they have first time so many tangible and intangible assets, including: complete logistics, financial capacity and brand capacity.
On the basis of enterprise resources, Chunghwa Post should develop better than other e-commerce platform, But today's leading e-commerce vendor, but is not Chunghwa Post.
As the result, I hope to understand how Chunghwa Post set up e-commerce platform, and analyze. Find the reason current China Post why encountered bottlenecks and make recommendations.
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大陸地區中小型台商企業流程再造工程(BPR)應用研究 / BPR 企業E化林振明, Lin ,Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
一、 經由實際輔導中小型台商經驗及觀察其內外在經營環境之演化,並藉由SWOT分析, 流程再造工程(BPR),將有助於提升其總體競爭力.
二、 歐美企業與台商企業民族性不同,因此在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異.
三、 中大型企業與中小型企業組織規模不同,在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異.
四、 不同型態的中小型台商企業受限於企業文化及組織氛圍,企業主的經營理念及管理風格,管理團隊之管理素質與溝通及執行能力,甚至行業特性等,都將對於在應用流程再造工程(BPR)方法論上,存在高度差異.
流程再造工程(BPR)之應用,對於中小型台商企業間,存在高度差異性,本研究亦試圖從過去協助多家企業,規劃與導入流程再造工程之實務中,歸納及整理出一套,對於不同型態中小型台商企業在導入流程再造工程時,可以參考之實用性架構,已上種種僅希望對於中小型台商企業之未來競爭力有所助益. / For over the past ten more years, Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) had been struggling with immature business environment in China, whatever on the aspects of macro economy, sociality or politics. However, the significant achievement that Taiwan’s SMEs had established in China is undoubtedly hard to be ignored.
Thanks to early contribution of Taiwan’s SMEs and some Hong Kong’s companies, China has progressed step by step in all respects. Therefore, China attracts further capital injection from large-scale multinational companies and Taiwan big companies for the purpose of investment, factory expansion or business vertical consolidation. In addition, because of the full support of China government and the know-how transfer from Taiwan and Hong Kong’s enterprises, China’s companies have also grown to begin capturing most of the market and human resources originally owned by Taiwan’s SMEs. Thus, Taiwan’s SMEs have begun to face the survival challenges due to the severe market competition and easy to be copied technology resources that they have.
In reflection of aforementioned uncertainty and squeezed profit in the current business environment, Taiwan’s SMEs in China are suffering the threat again, which is similar to the same situation when they were forced to move their business into China ten more years ago, or even worse. Fortunately, Taiwan’s SMEs in China have accumulated a certain capital and resources,which are solid enough to help them overcome the difficulties gradually. However, Taiwan SMEs still need to think and defend against a looming problem, i.e. how to enhance their overall competitiveness in order to face current and future more stringent business environment.
This dissertation is issued based upon 1) my personal practical and consulting experiences at Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 2) continuous observation about the internal and external business environment faced by Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 3) the learning methodology and results of EMBA course, 4) deliberation upon the implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory at medium to large scale international and local companies.
And according to my practical experience and many years of observation in China, I have summarized my research results from four dimensions as follows:
1. By way of SWOT analysis, it is found that the implementation of BPR theory is indeed able to help enhance overall competitiveness of Taiwan’s SMEs in China.
2. Due to cultural and national difference, there is high difference existing between western multinational and Taiwan’s companies in the implementation of BPR theory.
3. Due to economic scale difference, there is high difference existing between large and small to medium companies in the implementation of BPR theory.
4. Even for the SMEs as a whole, there is still high difference existing in implementing the BPR theory among different small to medium sized companies, which are due to the difference in the quality and style of management, communication and execution effectiveness of the organization, and corporate culture and industry characteristics of the company itself, etc.
Through different case study analysis, the paper is intended to modify the current BPR theory applied at large scale western and Taiwan companies, and help to establish a concrete proposal to benefit different Taiwan’s SMEs in China. Finally, I sincerely hope that the paper could give Taiwan’s SMEs in China a practical reference guide and help them enhance their overall competitiveness in the future.
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企業網路資源規劃模型之建立 / Building the Enterprise Network Resource Planning Model郭佳育, Guo, Jia-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣中小企業經營策略-經營環境、企業資源、業主能力之互動 / The business strategy of small business in Taiwan溫慕垚, Wen, Raymond Unknown Date (has links)
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軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例黃繼弘 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
若不同之企業資源規劃系統套裝軟體中的各個模組,可以依照需求而方便的進行某個程度的水平整合,則軟體元件供應鏈的藍圖已然勾勒出來,也勢必將帶給軟體業者一個勢力重分配的機會。本研究除了希望能解決模組問水平整合相關的技術瓶頸外,軟體產業未來的元件分工模式,也是本研究所要探討的主題。 / Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
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教科書產業有效導入ERP的成功因素及成效探討--以K公司為例蔡其修 Unknown Date (has links)
K公司因營運範疇急速擴增,事業版圖擴及大陸,卻面臨原來所使用的AS400系統,已無法快速且精確的揭露財務報表,及面臨嚴峻之經營挑戰。為解決此一問題,該公司透過經營管理委員會之投資審議機制,形成導入企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)之決策。ERP系統係將企業內部各事業體、各部門,以資訊科技,企業內部大小系統,整合在一起,將所有的資訊能在線上即時揭露,由於資訊的透明化、即時化,使K公司能達成立即反應規劃的目標,並將所有的營運資訊納為決策資訊。
為了與使用單位主管溝通,專案經理及關鍵使用者(Key User),對主管簡報與分享經驗,讓主管能感受到系統的預期效益。
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