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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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組織慣性與管理變革探討:以ERP導入為例 / A Case Study on the Organizational Inertia and Transformation

鄭永洸 Unknown Date (has links)
組織慣性通常是組織對外在變化的適應與變革的阻礙。特別是在目前外在商業環境變化劇烈的時代,如何有效化解組織慣性以適應現況,變成一個重要的策略與管理課題;而企業資源規劃(ERP)的導入過程中,由於對組織的流程反思與再造,對企業會產生管理變革。本研究透過Godkin與Allcorn (2008) 以組織學習的觀點所發展的三構面組織慣性(思想、行動、心理)與化解方式模型,對於海峽兩岸的九個企業個案在導入ERP過程中所發生過管理變革的抗拒與化解的手法,辨識出其在管理模型中的組織慣性與化解的類型。在個案的研討之下發現,思想慣性是發生最普遍的一種組織慣性,心理慣性則發生在較為成立較久、地處偏僻或管理方式特殊的企業,行動慣性則較易發生在具科技背景的公司。而化解的手法中,思想慣性的反映實踐因為與ERP的導入方式相近因此較為常見,而雙回路學習則是要將管理變革的影響範圍擴大到高層。化解行動慣性的跨功能小組以及系統性問題解法與前提控制會同時採用,且需要高階主管的強勢領導。領導/組織容忍與過渡空間與時間是化解心理慣性的主要方式,也都有個案使用,但都需要考量組織所處的環境與成員特性來進行,以符合實際環境的狀況與需求。

企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system

宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。  供應鏈管理在近年來被視為提昇企業競爭力,與上、下游廠商建立信任關係的基礎之一,由於企業全球化的精密分工、接單後生產…等營運方式改變,使得企業亟需思考是否應該投入大量資源來改善供應鏈體系,對於是否、及如何導入「供應鏈管理系統」,其成與效益、導入時間點考量的基準等重要議題往往欠缺有效的評估準則云云,所以本研究乃探討製造業導入供應鏈的關鍵成功因素,期能提供業者經營、策略制定上進一步參考。  本研究將以國內外學者對供應鏈管理的相關文獻探討為研究基礎,對國內較早引進供應鏈管理、且其供應鏈體系相對較為成熟的資訊硬體產業及汽車產業,各擇一家較具代表性及配合意願較高的廠商進行實地調查的深度研究,以探索發掘供應鏈管理的關鍵要素所在,並歸納出研究結論和相關建議。  本論文之研究結論如下: 一、外部環境分析方面(驅動供應鏈管理的外部因素): (一)近年來由於資訊的科技進步,克服了資訊傳遞、處理、分析等技術問題,有利於供應鏈管理之推動  (二)行銷典範的移轉及消費觀念改變使供應鏈管理更受重視   (三)全球化趨勢催化國內產業引進供應鏈管理  (四)國際及國內企業間的激烈競爭使得供應鏈管理成為企業的競爭武器  (五)資訊分享與溝通的需要,使得供應鏈管理重要性更加提升  (六)政府輔助措施的推動,有利於產業供應鏈管理的建置與推動  二、企業內的供應鏈管理方面: (一)應以整體企業來考量供應鏈管理系統的導入及與既有系統的整合  (二)企業流程再造精神及作法的導入,是引進供應鏈管理成功與否的關鍵因素  三、企業間之供應鏈管理方面:企業內、外的整合、資源分享為關鍵功因素所在  四、企業導入供應鏈管理之應有程序:  (一)確認企業的策略目標及其在供應鏈的角色與目的  (二)塑造改革願景並對企業策略與可行性發展解決方案  (三)重新檢視與設計企業活動的流程與責任劃分  (四)成立供應鏈管理推動小組,由最高管理當局擔任召集人  (五)建立供應鏈成員的「信任」關係  (六)釐定上、下游(供應商與客戶)的整合解決方案  (七)注重「成果導向」  (八)加強訓練供應鏈管理參與廠商之人員  (九)將改革專案的精神深植於企業組織文化中  最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.  Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The  aforementioned conclusions include: 1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):  (1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.  (2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.  (3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.  (4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.  (5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.  (6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM. 2.Intra –business SCM:  (1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.  (2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM. 3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.  4.Procedures to introduce SCM:  (1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose  (2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.  (3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.  (4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.  (5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.  (6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).  (7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.  (8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.  (9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.

國內企業導入ERP系統之模式探討-以IC製造業為例 / The Research on Developing a Model of Implementing ERP Systems for the IC Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan

朱麗芬, Chu, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化營運的趨勢,許多企業皆邁向跨國的經營模式,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合與控制企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解國內外企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,並整合上下游成為一個完整的供應鏈模式,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成;亦即良好的企業資源規劃為供應鏈有效運作之基礎。 因此國內企業也逐漸體認企業資源規劃系統的重要性,尤其面對全球化競爭、組織扁平化、產業知識快速擴散與新科技對企業的衝擊,國內各企業無不全力投入提升企業競爭力的行列,對於企業資源規劃系統的需求也就日益增加。但目前國內尚無適合台灣企業本土化的導入方法,可作為企業資源規劃系統導入實施的步驟依據,故而提出一套能適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的方法實為當務之急。 有鑑於此,本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整的方式,以瞭解成功導入企業資源規劃系統之方法;接著,利用模式推導方式,提出一適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的參考模式及建議;再者,本研究將以半導體產業之IC製造業為例,對事先選定的個案公司透過深入訪談、實際觀察、文件及檔案資料收集等方式,輔以非結構化問卷進行個案研究;最後,藉由個案研究所得之結論,針對之前所提之參考模式加以修正,以供國內半導體產業之IC製造業的借鏡,並作為未來導入企業資源規劃系統之參考。 / For the trend towards global operations, the business models of many enterprises become in international style, and the organizational hierarchies and sizes of these enterprises are also becoming expanded. Therefore it extraordinarily needs to integrate and to control the business resources, processes and information systems of an enterprise to overcome these changes. To reach this goal, an enterprise must draw up the right enterprise resource planning (ERP). And also, a right enterprise resource plan is the basis to integrate its upstream and downstream as to be an efficient and effective supply chain. To face the worldwide competition and new information technologies striking, many enterprises in Taiwan are growing to realize the importance of implementing ERP systems to enhance their competition capabilities. Although the demand of implementing ERP systems is becoming great, it lacks a model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Therefore, to provide a suitable model for the Taiwan’s enterprises is a task of the urgency at present. In this research, firstly we survey the existing models for the implementation of information technology applications and ERP systems. Secondly, we study the operating characteristics of the enterprises in Taiwan, and propose a preliminary model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Finally we analyze the properties of IC manufacturing industry and visit an IC manufacturing enterprise as to be our real study case to get its implementation experience, and use this information to revise our preliminary model. The model proposed in this thesis could be used as a reference model for the IC manufacturing enterprises to implement their ERP systems.

ERP系統開發與導入之策略研究-以某公司為例 / The ERP system developed and implement strategy research

劉逸麗, Liu, Paty Unknown Date (has links)
現今的時代,面對全球化的競爭態勢、新興市場崛起、能源危機與金融風暴等因素,台灣的企業在大環境不斷變化之下,掌握市場發展動態,即時回應客戶需求,不斷創新產品與服務,是企業維持競爭優勢不二法門。 ERP隨著軟體技術突破和產業生態蛻變的歷程,其系統面貌也隨之轉換,因此ERP不再只是企業功能的資訊化與經營化,更是科技創新的礎石。許多企業將ERP系統當作企業電子化的基礎,更進一步整合其他的資訊系統,如電子商務(EC)、供應鏈管理(SCM)系統、客戶關係管理(CRM)系統、知識管理系統(KMS)、商業智慧(BI)等。 在現今2010年的後金融海嘯時代,當金融海嘯衝擊以後, 各項國內外經濟評估報告均指出經濟已開始復甦,此刻正是企業重整旗鼓逆勢成長的最佳時刻。對於企業來說,企業資源整合管理的落實不僅是其永續經營的成功關鍵,甚至是其生存的命脈。這也是為什麼在經濟不景氣的環境下,仍有許多企業決心導入ERP系統,以及許多國內外調查報告預測ERP系統的需求與產值仍然會持續成長的主要原因。 本研究的動機之一,即是希望企業在經歷產業變化、策略變動與業務規模的改變之下,如果重新評估ERP系統的適用性,不論是ERP系統需做重新建置或階段性轉換,皆可從不同角度重新探討ERP系統開發與導入過 程的重要策略,而能建置一套對企業真正有效益的ERP系統。 許多企業在發展ERP系統的過程中,都以工程與技術的角度去規劃ERP系統的導入,常會遇到預想不到的結果。對於ERP所涉及的企業流程,利害關係人,導入方法,及對業務流程與關係人的影響,企業導入ERP的策略等,需要做仔細的思考及規劃。 本研究發現在個案公司開發及導入ERP系統的過程中,遇到許多的瓶頸,也面臨了很多問題,導入過程中對企業組織產生了很多影響,改變了原有的作業流程,導入實施後增加許多效益,但某些部份仍需持續改進,ERP系統應確保做到系統整合,需重視細部流程整合方面的分析與資料整合方面的分析。找出ERP系統資料與流程之Gap,並應做到變革管理。 / Nowadays, Facing the globalized competition situation, the emerging markets rise, the energy crisis and the financial storm, Taiwan's enterprises is now under the changing and unceasing environment, the only way to hold on the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s enterprises continuously is to find out the market development tendency, and to response to customer demand immediately, and to innovate product and service unceasingly. The ERP system’s appearance had transformed along with the software technology breakthrough and industrial ecology change. Therefore ERP system is no longer only the enterprise computerize and management tools, ERP is even more the basis of the scientific technology innovation. Many company treat the ERP system as the basis of enterprise’s computerize, furthermore to integrate the ERP system with EC, SCM, CRM, KMS, BI……. In the Late-2010s financial crisis time, after the financial crisis, each domestic and foreign economic appraisal report pointed out that the economy started to recover, It’s the best time to restart and grow up at this moment. The realization of the Enterprise resources integration is not only the key successful factor but also the survival life artery. This is why so many enterprises were still determined to implement the ERP System under the economical depression time, and as well as many domestic and foreign invested report forecast that ERP system's demand and the output value will still continue to grow up. One of this research's motivation, is hopes to re-estimate the important strategy of the ERP implementation from the different point of view, hopes to establish the beneficial ERP system. To review the suitability of the ERP System when the enterprises under the industry change, strategy change and business scale changes, no matter to build a new ERP System or ERP system phase transforming, Many enterprises plan the ERP project by the engineering and technical view, It will always occur the unexpected result. It needs to make the careful considering and plans to all the ERP involves, include the business flows, the stake holders, the implemented methodology, the influence, and the implemented strategy…. This research discovery that while the case company developed and implemented ERP system has meets many bottlenecks, and also has faced many problems. It has had many influences to the enterprise organize while implement the ERP system, It has changed the original business flow, and increases many benefits, But still need to continued improved, The ERP system should assured to realize the system integrated, to pay more attention to the analysis of micro process integration and data integration, find out the gap and do the changing management well.

營運績效導向之企業資源規劃系統供應商選擇與導入研究-以某金控業為例 / The study of business performance-oriented ERP selection and implementation - a financial holding example

林智 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸政策的開放,金融業面臨著瞬息萬變、倍速成長、地域競爭的經營環境,如何能迅速回應環境與組織的變遷以及提升全球化競爭的能力,儼然已成為金融業者經營方針的重要議題。企業追求獲利、永續經營的理念建構於良好的企業營運績效管理,而企業資源規劃(ERP)具有整合平臺、彈性的作業流程、即時資訊彙總的功能,能夠提供企業做為營運管理、決策分析與提升競爭優勢管理工具,因此已成為眾多企業導入的選擇。 個案公司導入ERP系統的效益希望能提升營運績效整合與資訊分析的能力,因此,本研究對個案公司導入ERP系統時著重於各項關鍵研究議題:願意「改變」的決心、員工的配合心態、現行作業流程的差異程度、具體化功能規格的敘述、資訊分析維度的細度決定、外圍系統資訊流介接能力等構面,本研究希望能將ERP系統導入決策過程、供應商遴選與導入期間各項關鍵問題的發現暨解決方案等研究結果,逐一實踐在個案公司的導入專案。


蘇昱行 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著市場競爭環境大大改變後,從以往的規模經濟生產型態轉為降低成本、提升品質、縮短時間、增加彈性的大量客製化(Mass Customization)的生產型態,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成。 ERP系統的導入對於企業而言是一種新的風險,企業應分階段導入。在導入的過程中,影響成功的關鍵因素又有許多項,在各階段所要注意的因素是哪些,影響企業在分配資源時的策略規劃。本研究將導入ERP 系統的過程整理為五個階段,以及十六項導入ERP 系統的關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factors) 。希望探討在各階段所需重視的關鍵成功因素,能協助企業更清楚地掌握這些因素,使得導入的過程較為順利。 因此,本研究的研究主題有下列三點: (1) 探索企業在導入ERP 系統的過程中,各階段所重視的關鍵成功因素為何? (2) 上述的關鍵成功因素的在各個階段的實務作法為何? (3) 導入ERP 系統的過程,以流程分析的方法建立模型,並了解在各階段中關鍵成功因素所影響的導入活動為何?透過文獻探討本研究將初步整理出各階段之關鍵成功因素,並採用個案研究方法進行資料蒐集及分析。


鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用網絡理論與資源基礎的觀點,探討影響不同集團子公司間多點合作的因素,期望對於網絡與多點合作的理論有所貢獻。經文獻探討與個案研究歸納整理出涵蓋多元層面,包括公司、二元與集團層面,以及關於資源、夥伴關係和網絡等重要特質的理論架構。 本研究以問卷調查的方式,針對台灣金融集團蒐集資料,隨後共由36家金融保險公司獲得125筆有效樣本資料,分析結果發現公司的企業資源、集團的系統資源及其互補性,地位相似、信任與合作項目影響多點合作。此外,網絡結構之核心地位亦扮演影響多點合作之重要因素。 最後,本文提供若干理論與實務意涵、研究限制和後續研究建議。 / This thesis combines network theory with resource-based view to explore the factors that drive multi-point cooperation between two specific firms in different business groups. Accordingly, this study intends to make a contribution to the implication on network theory and multi-point cooperation. After literature reviewing and case study, the thesis develops a multilevel model, including the firm, dyad and group levels, and relating key properties of resources, partnership and networks to multi-point cooperation. Utilizing survey research, and using 125 data from 36 firms on financial groups in Taiwan, the finding indicates that the likelihood of financial and insurance companies’ multi-point cooperation is related to the business resources, system resources of the business group and its complementarity, status similarity, trust as well as their collaborative items. Network centrality arising form firms’ structural position also plays a very important role in the formation of multi-point cooperation. In addition to theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and future research questions based on the findings and suggestions for future research are also provided.

企業策略規劃、IT架構與ERP實施成功之分析-以生產模組為例 / The Analysis of the Relationship among Enterprise Strategic Planning, IT architecture and ERP's Successful Implementation --- Take an Example of Production Module

陳信榮, Chen, Hsin-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
ERP系統是目前相當熱門的資訊科技,應用的層面很廣,不僅各大企業已經相繼實施,就連中小企業也可以選擇較為精簡的版本導入。而企業實施ERP系統,不可能一次就全部導入實施所有的模組,這樣做不管在費用上或者是在時程上的安排都是不可行的,因此企業常常會先實施某些跟企業核心競爭力有關的模組,而生產模組就常常是企業首次導入的模組之一,因此本研究的重心就是生產模組。 本研究針對企業的實際需求來找出現行ERP系統在生產模組的不足之處以及國內企業實施ERP系統時,在生產策略規劃這方面有那些地方是需要注意的。很多企業都實施了不錯的模組,為何成效卻不好?到底是出現了何種問題?本研究將從策略規劃、IT架構與ERP運作這三個構面來尋找企業實施ERP的關鍵成功因素,希望企業能夠在實施ERP系統時能掌握到這些因素,發揮ERP系統的效能,提昇企業的競爭力。 本研究將關鍵成功因素分成三大構面,是以生產模組為例。研究架構分成策略規劃(這邊所提到的策略規劃偏重於生產策略規劃)、IT架構與ERP運作這三個研究構面,三個構面雖是分開羅列,但是彼此之間卻是密切相關,互相影響。每個構面又有數個關鍵成功因素,這些關鍵成功因素就是本研究所要探討的研究變數。 本研究採用個案研究法,研究對象是一家製帽公司。本研究除了深入訪談個案公司的人員之外,也訪問了協助個案公司建置ERP系統的資訊公司人員。在深入訪談之外,本研究閱讀了ERP實施過程的相關資料文件,並且實地觀察ERP系統生產模組的運作過程,藉以能夠更深入了解個案公司。在個案公司研究完畢之後,對個案公司提出幾點建議,這些建議分成四個部分來說明,並發現幾個可供思考的問題與方向。 本研究經過個案研究之後,初步篩選出九個關鍵因素,經過探討之後將九個因素整合成六個因素,使其更具普遍性,適合更多的製造業公司。另外本研究從企業策略、ERP建置以及IT架構這三個層面來說明企業實施ERP系統需要注意、掌握的幾個重點。企業要設法去掌握關鍵成功因素,去除會導致失敗的原因,如此才能達到成功的目標。最後本研究針對企業實施ERP系統(本研究的重心是在生產模組)的過程提出幾點建議,並且列出幾個後續研究方向。

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