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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉繼政, Liu, Chi Chang Unknown Date (has links)
環境資本中的水資源是自然生態必備要素,隨著經濟發展,水資源即漸成經濟財,早期重視農業的結果,如今與二、商及民生用水一起競用有限水資源,加上新的環境生態問題,均使水資源面臨短缺之危機;而台灣地處亞熱帶,雨量雖丰,但因其地形特殊(如南部地區),七八成地表逕流量迅速流入海中,因此河流枯水期長,流量小,如不經適當開發即面臨缺水的危機;水資源之管理有如多頭馬車,如中央有水利司、水資會、工業局、環保署,地方有水利局、水庫管理局等,導致每遇缺水時,即發生各單位協調困難,使問題無法有效解決。以上因素使未來水資源問題,不僅只為水源之開發,水源之維護與分配亦需獲得應有的重視,因此本文嘗試由效率面,就水源的管理及自來水供應予以探討,並提出較合理的方式以解決水資源問題。   對於民生用水方面,一般推估其用水量多是以每年人口成長數推算,本文則以實証方式找出除人口外之可能影響水的因素,以供未來決定國內民生用水需水量之參考。   本研究以水資源之功能分成水管理與自來水使用,水管理部份現行制度下己產生不少問題,本研究建議採水利區為一個管理單元,除可解決現今事權不統一主窘境外,尚可配合各河川水文特性,建立符合當地自然景觀之特色,於環境保育日漸興起之際,採集水區管理局經營實為當務之急。   自來水使用現今分成二個供水單位一台北自來水事業處及台灣省自來水公司,二者均為公用事業,過去政府從事各項水利建設,在眾多重大工程一起競用有限資金下,唯有採行之統一管理、分區經營才可解決,但此種經營方式形成水費需經民意機關監督,造成低水費政策,在原水成本不斷上升,己無法彌補公司之營運成本之際,本研究建議引入俱樂部財模型以配合水利區管理局分區成立民營水公司以解決目前難題。   實証部份,限於樣本不足,如能採月資料將更可使模型結果完滿,以本模型而言,所得仍為影響各縣市需水量最重要因素,且彈性皆小於一,足証水仍為民生必需品;其次為平均成本,只有四個縣市顯著:台中市及台南價格彈性小於一,表示必需品,高雄市及北縣基隆大於一,富有彈性,表示價格上升時,需求量減少很大;雨量部份計有臺北縣基隆市、高雄縣、澎湖、雲林四個區域顯著,且彈性為正表雨量上升,用量亦增加;溫度方面,只有台南顯著,一般而言應為正相關,有可能是溫度上升使水質差不願使用,此由歷年降雨量較其他縣市為少下,使水體無法有效溶解使水質變差可茲証明。需水量之估計不僅要考慮人口,尚應加上所得、價格、雨量、溫度甚或各用水設備(如馬桶個數)等,將可使實証結果更加完備。   本文主題一水屬環境資本之一支,它是否為再生系統,端視二種力量而定:一為水污染,嚴重的水污染將破壞水體,非但人類無法取用,水中生物及仰賴水而活之動植物亦無法悻免,如淡水河即是一例;二為新技術開發或原有技術改良以提高水的資本存量及生產力,如英國泰晤士河流域即是整治成功之最佳例証;如後者力量大於前者,水就是再生系統,反之其命運如礦產一般只有耗竭一途,而現今的水資源問題除應改供給導向之水資源政策為需求導向外,積極開發水源節水及循環用水、改進現行組織系統均為解決目前水資源難題之途。

高中職校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究 / Research on the influence of information use environments on principals’data-driven decision-making in senior high schools

彭文彬, Peng, Wen Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中職校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策之影響,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項知覺高中職校長資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的差異情形,探討資訊使用環境對資料導向決策的關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國513 所高中職校長為研究對象,共寄發問卷327 份,回收有效問卷272 份,有效回收率為83.18%。本研究採用SPSS 18.0 for Windows 和LISREL 8.80 統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、高中職校長知覺資訊使用環境和資料導向決策為中高程度。 二、不同性別、年齡、校長年資、學校規模和學校歷史之高中職校長在知覺資訊使用環境及運用資料導向決策上,並無顯著差異。 三、不同學校類別之高中職校長運用資料導向決策上,沒有顯著差異。 四、不同教育程度之校長知覺資訊使用環境及運用資料導向決策上,具有顯著差異。 五、不同學校類別之校長知覺資訊使用環境上,具有顯著差異。 六、不同學校歸屬之校長知覺資訊使用環境及運用資料導向決策上,具有顯著差異。 七、本研究建構之模式經過結構方程模式檢定獲得支持,高中職校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策具有正向顯著的影響。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、高中職校長行政參考運用。 關鍵詞:資訊使用環境、資料導向決策 / This study aims to discuss the effects of the information use environment of high school principals on data-driven decision-making. This study analyzed variables with different backgrounds and school-related variables to perceive the different situations of the information use environment of high school principals and their data-driven decision-making, and discussed the relationship between information use environment and data-driven decision-making. Based on the results, suggestions are proposed for relevant departments as the references. To achieve the research purposes, the study adopted questionnaire survey, and treated 513 high school principals as the research subjects. A total of 327 questionnaires were distributed, and 272 effective samples were retrieved, with a valid return rate of 83.18%. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80. The results are as follows: 1. The perception level of the information use environment of the principals and their data-driven decision-making are medium-high. 2. The gender, age, seniority, school size or school history of the principals makes no significant difference of the perception of the information use environment of the principals and their application of data-driven decision-making. 3. Among the principals of different school types, there is no significant difference of the principals’ application of data-driven decision-making. 4. Among the principals with different educational levels, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals as well as their application of data-driven decision-making. 5. Among the principals of different school types, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals. 6. Among the principals from different schools, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals and their application of data-driven decision-making. 7. The study was verified by Structural Equation Modeling and the effects of the information use environment of the high school principals on data-driven decision-making appear to be positive and significant. Based on results, the study provides practical suggestions as the administrative references and application for educational and administrative departments, as well as high school principals. Keywords: information use environment, data-driven decision-making

新北市國民中學行政人員資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究 / Research on the influence of information use environment on administrators' data-driven decision-making in junior high schools in New Taipei City

林文婷, Lin, Wen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的現況,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項知覺資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的差異情形,探討資訊使用環境對資料導向決策的關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市95所國民中學之主任、組長為研究對象,共寄發問卷568份,回收有效問卷468份,有效回收率為82.39%。本研究採用SPSS 17.0 for Windows和LISREL 8.80統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、新北市國民中學行政人員知覺資訊使用環境、資料導向決策為中高 程度。 二、學校規模、學校歷史、學校屬性對行政人員在知覺資訊使用環境 與資料導向決策,沒有顯著差異。 三、男性行政人員知覺資訊使用環境高於女性行政人員,男性行政人員 知覺資料導向決策高於女性行政人員。 四、年齡對行政人員知覺資訊使用環境有顯著差異;對知覺資料導向決 策,則無顯著差異。 五、具有研究所教育程度之行政人員知覺資訊使用環境和資料導向決策 高於大學教育程度之行政人員。 六、服務年資越短之行政人員在知覺資訊使用環境高於服務年資越長之行 政人員;服務年資對知覺資料導向決策沒有差異。 七、任職不同處室行政人員知覺資訊使用環境整體及各層面均無顯著差 異,任職總務處行政人員知覺資料導向決策高於教務處、學務處、輔 導處。 八、資訊使用環境對資料導向決策具有正向且顯著的影響。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國中學校行政及未來研究參考運用。 關鍵詞:資訊使用環境、資料導向決策 / The purpos of this study are to explore the current situation of junior high schools’ information use environment and data-driven decision-making, analyze the different background variables and school variables on the different perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making, discuss the relationship between information use environment and data-driven decision-making, and propose recommendations to relevant institutions based on the research conclusions. To achieve these purposes, this study used the questionnaire survey method, and the directors and administrative heads from 95 junior high schools in New Taipei City were chosen as the subjects for this study. A total of 568 questionnaires were distributed, and resulted in 468 valid return questionnaires. The effective rate was 82.39%. Then, for this study, SPSS 17.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80 statistical software were used for analysis and the following conclusions were obtained: 1.The level of school administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making is ranked mid to high level. 2.The school size, school history and school classification have no significant affect on the administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making. 3.Male administrators have a higher level of perception of information use environment than female administrators. Male administrators also have a higher level of perception of data-driven decision-making than female administrators. 4.The age of the administrators significantly affects the level of their perception of information use environment, but does not significantly affect the level of their perception of data-driven decision-making. 5.Administrators with graduate school education levels have a higher level of perception on information use environment and data-driven decision-making than administrators with only college degree education levels. 6.Administrators with shorter terms of service have higher levels of perception on information use environment than administrators with longer terms of service. However, the terms of service had no significant effect on the administrators’ level of perception of data-driven decision-making. 7.There is no significant difference in different administration offices in the level of perception of information use environment, but the level of perception of data-driven decision-making in the administrators of the office of general affairs is higher than those of the office of academic affairs, student affairs and counselors’ office. 8.Information use environment has a significant and positive impact on data-driven decision-making. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, specific recommendations are proposed and submitted as references and applications for educational administration institutions, junior high school administration offices and future research. Keywords: information use environment, data-driven decision-making

國民中學校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究:結構方程模式之應用 / Research on the influence of information use environments on principals' data-driven decision-making in junior high schools: an application of structural equation modeling

何奇南, Ho, Chi Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策之影響,並了解校長個人背景是否分別對其資訊使用環境及資料導向決策之實踐造成差異,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,針對臺灣地區北部與中部九縣市(宜蘭縣、基隆市、臺北市、新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、臺中市)公立國民中學校長為研究對象,採普查方式進行。共寄發問卷357份,回收有效問卷292份,有效回收率為 81.8%。本研究採用 SPSS 17.0 for Windows和AMOS 7.0統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、臺灣地區北部與中部九縣市公立國民中學校長資訊使用環境的運作情形與資料導向決策的運用頻率,均為中高程度。 二、不同性別、主任經歷、教育程度、學校規模、學校歷史、學校地區之校長在資訊使用環境的運作情形上,沒有顯著差異。 三、不同主任經歷、年齡、校長年資、學校歷史、學校地區之校長在資料導向決策的運用頻率上,沒有顯著差異。 四、不同性別、教育程度之校長在合作夥伴關係與區域政治領導此一構面的知覺上有差異。 五、不同年齡、教育程度、校長年資、學校規模之校長在資料分析技巧此一構面的知覺上有差異。 六、不同學校規模之校長在學校願景領導、學校教學領導此二構面的知覺上有差異。 七、本研究建構之模式經過結構方程模式檢定獲得支持,校長資訊環境對資料導向決策具有正向顯著的影響。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學學校行政參考運用。 / This study aimed to explore the current situation of the junior high schools’ principals’ influence of information use environments on data-driven decision-making, to analyze the perception of information use environments and data-driven decision-making, to analyze different background variables and school variables’ on the different perception of information use environments on data-driven decision-making, and to discuss the effect of information use environments on data-driven decision-making. Based on the research conclusions, the specific recommendations were proposed for the relevant institutions for references. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. The principals of public junior high schools in the middle and the northern Taiwan, including Ilan County, Keelung County, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyung County, Hsinchu County , Hsinchu City, Maoli County,and Taichung City, as the study objects. A total of 357 questionnaires were distributed, with 292 valid questionnaires. The effective rate was 81.8%. In this study, SPSS 17.0 for Windows and AMOS 7.0 statistical software were used for analysis and obtained the following conclusions: 1. The rate of the operation of information use environments and data-driven decision-making is high. 2. There is no significant difference in different gender, the directors’ experience, education level, school size, school history and school location in principals’ information use environments. 3. There is no significant difference in different ages, directors’ experience, principal serving years, school history and school location in principals’ data-driven decision-making. 4. There are significant differences in different gender and education level in the perception of principals’ leadership in collaborative partnerships and larger-context politics. 5. There are significant differences in different age, education level, principal severing year and school size in data analysis skills. 6. There are significant differences in different school size in principal’s leadership in school vision and leadership in school instruction. 7. The model constructed in this study was supported through structural equation modeling test. Information use environments of principals have a significant positive impact on data-driven decision- making. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, specific recommendations were proposed as references and applications for educational administration and junior high school administration.

臺北市國民中學行政人員資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究 / Research on the Influence of Information Use Environment on Administrators’ Data-driven Decision-making in Junior High Schools in Taipei City

林仕崇, Lin, Shih Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學行政人員資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的現況,分析在不同個人背景變項與學校環境變項下行政人員知覺資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的差異情形,並探討資訊使用環境對資料導向決策的關係,根據研究結果,提出建議供有關單位參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市37所公立國民中學之行政人員(主任、組長)為研究對象,共寄發問卷471份,回收有效問卷420份,有效回收率為89.1%。本研究採用SPSS 17.0 for Windows和LISREL 8.80統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國民中學行政人員知覺資訊使用環境與資料導向決策為中高程度。 二、男性行政人員知覺資訊使用環境與資料導向決策均高於女性行政人員。 三、不同年齡、服務年資、行政年資之行政人員在知覺資訊使用環境與資料導 向決策上沒有顯著差異。 四、教育程度碩士(含四十學分班)及以上之學歷的行政人員,在資訊使用環 境與資料導向決策上均高於學士學歷之行政人員。 五、任職不同處室之行政人員知覺資訊使用環境上沒有顯著差異,任職教務處 行政人員知覺資料導向決策高於總務處。 六、學校規模為大型(49班以上)之行政人員知覺資訊使用環境高於25~48班 規模之學校,不同學校規模之行政人員知覺資料導向決策則無顯著差異。 七、學校歷史30年以下行政人員知覺資訊使用環境高於學校歷史31年~60年, 亦高於學校歷史61~90年;在知覺資料導向決策上,學校歷史30年以下與 學校歷史31~60年高於學校歷史61~90年。 八、資訊使用環境對資料導向決策具有正向且顯著的影響。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國中現職行政人員參考運用。 關鍵詞:資訊使用環境、資料導向決策 / This study aimed to explore the current situation of Taipei City junior high schools’ information use evironment and data-driven decision-making, analyze the different background variables and school variables on the different perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making, and propose recommendations to relevant institutions based on the research conclusions. To achieve these purposes, this study used the questionnaire survey method, and the directors and administrative heads from 37 junior high schools in Taipei City were chosen as the subjects for the study. A total of 471 questionnaires were distributed, and resulted in 420 valid return questionnaires. The effective rate was 89.1%. Then, for this study, SPSS 17.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80 statistical software used for analysis and the following conclusions were obtained: 1.The level of Taipei City junior high school administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making is ranked mid to high level. 2.Male administrators have a higher ability of perception of information use environment than female administrators. Male administrators also have a higher ability of perception of data-driven decision-making than female administrators. 3.There is no significant difference in different ages, teacher’s year, recent working years in administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making. 4.Administrators with graduate school education levels have a higher level on perception of information use environment and data-dirven decision-making than administrators with only college degree education levels. 5.There is no significant different in different administration offices in the ability of perception of information use environment, but the ability of perception of the administrators in the academic affair office for data-driven decision-making is better than those in general affair office. 6.Administrators who serve in schools with more than 49 classes show a higher level of involvement in information use environment than administrators from institutions that have 25 classes to 48 classes. The ability of perception of the administrators in the school size for data-driven decision-making has no significant different. 7.Administrators at the school history of less than 30 years, their perception on information use environment is performed better than schools with a history 31 years to 60 years and schools with a history 61 years to 90 years. Administrators at the school history of less than 30 years and school with a history 31 years to 60 years, their perception of data-driven decision-making is perfomed better than schools with a history 61 years to 90 years. 8.Information use environment has a significant and positive impact on data-driven decision-making. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, the specific recommendations were proposed as references and applications for educational administration and junion high school administration. Keywords: information use environment, data-driven decision- making

自助人生-旅遊網站「背包客棧」使用動機之研究。 / The study of users' motivations on using Backpackers Taiwan Forum

楊明澤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以使用動機、知覺風險、服務品質為出發點,探討自助旅遊網站的滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究。歸納出自助旅遊網站四個主要的使用動機,分別為:尊嚴成就動機、娛樂動機、經濟動機、資訊動機。就知覺風險方面:網站使用者對自助旅遊的「財務風險」越高,網站使用滿意度越高;就服務品質方面:「網站有效易用」為最主要的因素。 網站忠誠度可分為「愛用推廣忠誠度」與「參與忠誠度」兩個因素,「社交風險」和「網站信用可靠」為共同建立使用者忠誠度的因素;使用動機中的「資訊動機」驅動「愛用推薦忠誠度」;而使用動機中的「尊嚴成就動機」可以有效的驅動「參與忠誠度」。


東, 会娟 31 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

台湾人日本語学習者の「でも」の会話使用に関する縦断研究 ―使用位置及び共起表現を中心に―

陳, 相州 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


葛百鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之所以選擇協商過程中被告陳述之效力為研究對象,乃因協商程序起源於美國法,而為當事人進行主義下之產物,其中我國刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定,立法理由指出基於鼓勵被告認罪協商,故參照美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第十一條(e)(6)及聯邦證據規則第四百十條規定而制訂,然美國法上開規定內容及適用範圍為何?國內文獻幾無人予以介紹,故引起本文研究之興趣,想進一步瞭解美國實務上檢察官要求被告拋棄上述權利,其方式及適用範圍為何?有無值得我國將來修法參考之處? 因刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定乃係參考美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第十一條(e)(6)及聯邦證據規則第四百十條規定而立法,因此有必要先瞭解美國協商程序之規定。故本文第二章先就美國認罪協商制度,作一簡單介紹,並對其運作有一基本之認識。次再於第三章針對美國法上被告如與檢察官未達成認罪協議時,於認罪協商過程中被告陳述之效力及美國實務上所發展出之棄權制度為介紹。 再者,協商程序立法迄今已二年有餘,協商程序依現行法規定如何解釋適用?有無缺失或立法不足之處,本文均將於第四章中予以討論,並嘗試提出本文之見解。 此外,本文特別將現行刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定,法院未為協商判決者被告或其代理人、辯護人於協商過程中之之陳述,不得於本案或其他案件作為認定被告或其他共犯不利之證據,單獨列為第五章加以討論。嘗試從解釋論觀點,探討刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定於我國法解釋適用上有何疑義? 第六章部分,則因我國刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定,立法理由指出乃係參考美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第十一條(e)(6)及聯邦證據規則第四百十條規定,再者,美國實務上尚發展出檢察官得於進行認罪協商前要求被告拋棄美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第十一條(e)(6)及聯邦證據規則第四百十條規定之權利,上開美國法上之規定與我國法制上有何不同?有無值得參考之處,本文將於第六章中從比較法之觀點加以討論。 第七章部分嘗試對我國法第四百五十五條之七規定提出若干修法建議。第八章則為本文之結論,希望藉此研究結果能帶給將來立法者或司法實務工作者於修法或解決刑事訴訟法第四百五十五條之七規定個案糾紛上有所啟發或幫助。


袁鴻祥, Yuan,Hung-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近五十年來,我國公共圖書館事業伴隨經濟成長,已然建立完善的圖書館系統。然而一般民眾對於公共圖書館所提供服務之認識與利用,尚未普遍,顯示從服務利用的角度來看,現階段公共圖書館之成效仍未臻理想。因此,如何針對不同地區之讀者群需求,研擬服務策略,以吸引民眾利用公共圖書館之各項服務,並提升現有讀者之服務利用層次與深度;同時掌握不同地區之讀者所重視之服務項目,據以改善不同地區之公共圖書館的服務品質,遂成為公共圖書館亟待研究的重要課題。 本研究以臺北縣十市、四鎮及十五鄉之公共圖書館之讀者為研究對象,以問卷調查到館讀者對於公共圖書館服務之要求與讀者利用公共圖書館之行為,並且將讀者利用行為分成城市地區與鄉鎮地區二部分作為比較,找出造成公共圖書館讀者使用之城鄉差異現象之因素。本研究之具體結論可以歸納為四方面,並提出改善公共圖書館城鄉差異現象的九點建議。

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