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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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行動政府網頁設計準則影響資訊尋求之研究 / Effects of Design Criteria of Mobile Government Information Webpage on Information Seeking

孫賢潔, Sun, Hsien Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
因應行動政府的發展趨勢,美國、加拿大、印度、阿拉伯聯合大公國、我國政府都相繼提出發展行動政府網頁時的設計準則,然而各國政府所提出來之行動政府網頁設計規範相當混亂不統一。因此,本研究將各國政府單位所提供行動網頁設計準則統合整理成七大面向共46條的設計準則。另ㄧ方面,過去許多有關網站設計準則之相關研究,大多使用問卷了解使用者感受,皆無法判斷其準則對資訊尋求的真正影響。因此,本研究以臺北市政府觀光傳播局建置之「臺北旅遊網」為資訊尋求實驗網站,以程式記錄器記錄使用者在執行資訊尋求任務時,實際使用準則之行為歷程記錄為客觀資料,以及資訊尋求任務完成後所進行使用者認知行動政府網頁準則對於資訊尋求之重要性問卷調查為主觀資料,探討影響行動政府網頁資訊尋求速度與資訊尋求完成度之主要準則為何,以作為行動政府網頁設計之考量,以提升網站之資訊尋求效能。 本研究之研究結果顯示:(1)合計有七項使用者無法實際操作卻被認知重要之行動政府網頁設計準則;(2)合計有九項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則,可用操作次數預測資訊尋求達成度;(3)合計有十四項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則,可用操作次數預測資訊尋求速度;(4)合計有十項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則於資訊尋求時頻繁被使用,並且具有一定重要性;(5)合計有四項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則有助於提升同時提升使用者資訊尋求速度與達成度;(6)使用者資訊行為研究有必要以問卷及使用者行為記錄並行評估。 最後,本研究考量可實際操作之行動網頁設計準則之實際使用歷程操作狀況、資訊尋求時間、資訊尋求完成度及受測者認知準則重要度之行為特性,透過SOM分群方法歸納出七群影響資訊尋求速度與達成度之準則特性,並據此提出對於行動政府網頁設計者,使用準則時之參考依據,亦提出未來可供繼續探討之研究方向。 / To cope with the development trend of mobile government, the USA, Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, and domestic governments have proposed the design criteria for developing mobile government information webpage. Nevertheless, the design specifications of mobile government information webpage are chaotic and not uniform. For this reason, design criteria of mobile information webpage provided by various governments are integrated into 7 dimensions and 46 articles in this study. On the other hand, most past research on web site design criteria tried to understand user experience with questionnaire survey, which could not really judge the effect of the criteria on information seeking. As a result, “Travel Taipei”, established by Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government, is utilized as the experimental web site for information seeking in this study. Programmable recorders are used for recording user behavior course of the criteria for information seeking as the objective data; and, the questionnaire survey of users’ perceived importance of the criteria of mobile government information webpage to information seeking as the subjective data. It intends to discuss the major criteria for the information seeking speed and information seeking completion of mobile government information webpage for the design of mobile government information webpage to enhance the information seeking efficacy of web sites. The research results are concluded as following. (1) There are 7 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are not actually operated by users, but are considered important. (2) There are 9 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking completion with operation behavior. (3) There are total 14 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking speed with operation behavior. (4) There are 10 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are used by most users for information seeking and present certain importance. (5) There are 4 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which could simultaneously enhance information seeking time and completion. (6) It is necessary to study users’ information behavior with questionnaire survey and user behavior records for the evaluation. Finally, the behavior characteristics of information seeking completion, information seeking time, and participants’ perceived criteria importance in the actual use of course operation of mobile information webpage design criteria which could be actually operated are taken into account in this study. Seven criteria characteristics to influence information seeking speed and completion are organized through SOM clustering, and, based on which, reference for the use of criteria are provided for mobile government information webpage designers and future research directions.

基於眼動與滑鼠追蹤之互動式資料視覺化評估 / Evaluation of interactive data visualization tools based on gaze and mouse tracking

彭久芳, Peng, Chiu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著互動式資料視覺化工具越來越多,設計者需要一個方法來衡量其作品是否好用、能否被理解、使用效率高低。互動式資料視覺化需要透過使用者的互動才能觀察到資料的不同面向,再進一步產生洞見,然而現有的評估方式多僅聚焦於靜態資料圖表,設計者無法從中得知使用者的操作困難之處,並據此進行加強與改善,因此本研究提出一個整合量化分析與質化記錄的系統性評估方式,應用於互動式資料視覺化的優使性(usability)分析。 本研究的方法為追蹤使用者的眼動和滑鼠操作過程,先將其記錄成量化數據,透過興趣區域的標定與將轉換使用者行為成序列後,進行序列運算和統計分析;同時,從使用者經驗研究方法得到實驗過程的質化記錄,用來輔助解釋量化分析的結果。 本論文藉由兩個互動式資料視覺化工具來驗證以眼動與滑鼠追蹤評估互動式資料視覺化是可行的,我們提出了具體的實驗流程、量化紀錄與分析方式,並建議以下評估指標:吸引力、易發現性、困難度、易識別性、易理解性、精準表達程度、細部困難度、使用效率。 / As more and more interactive data visualization tools emerge, designers need an organized evaluation method to provide timely feedback and understand user behavior. In contrast to traditional graphical presentations, interactive data visualization tools call for user manipulation to gain specific insights. It is therefore imperative to study the intermediate operation process, rather than the final outcome, to provide a critical understanding of the developed tool. Toward this objective, we propose a systematic approach combining quantitative analysis and qualitative assessment to gauge the usability of interactive data visualization tools in this research. Firstly, quantitative data including gaze and mouse movements are collected. By combining the definition of area of interest, these trajectories can be converted into user sequences, which are conveniently accessible for further statistical analysis as well as path comparison. Secondly, qualitative information obtained by observing user operation is gathered to offer additional insight and complement/support conclusions obtained from quantitative analysis. Two interactive data visualization tools are employed to examine the feasibility and universality of our experimental and analytical procedure. To conclude, we come up with several key indicators to evaluate interactive data visualization, including attraction, discoverability, difficulty, identifiability, comprehensibility, precision of expression, difficulty(detailed) and efficiency.

系統設計對於博物館展覽的虛擬實境中使用者體驗及行為的影響之研究以故宮博物館為例 / Examine the impact of design features and user experience on the performance of virtual reality museum exhibition – Taking National Palace Museum as an example.

胡惠宸 Unknown Date (has links)
歸功於虛擬實境(VR)技術的發展,使得虛擬實境可以逐漸應用在現 實生活當中。近幾年來,博物館一直嘗試應用虛擬實境的特性來增強參訪者的 體驗,目前也有許多研究工作著重在為博物館中的文物建模,但可惜的是與虛 擬實境可為博物館展覽帶來的效果之相關研究相對較少。因此,在本研究中, 我們用 S—O—R 的研究模型,並針對不同的文物類型:器物類、書畫類、書 法類,探討虛擬實境的系統設計特性對使用者體驗的影響。 本研究的研究方法是採用問卷形式,參訪者會實際體驗故宮博物院展覽 的虛擬實境。問卷分析後的結果顯示,虛擬實境的系統設計對使用者體驗及未 來的參訪意圖有很大的相關性。本研究比較也針對不同的文物類型做比較,結 果表示不同的文物類型適合的系統設計是不同的。最後也根據問卷結果對不同 的文物類型提供了未來系統設計的建議,可以作為未來設計相關博物館展覽虛 擬實境的參考。 / Virtual reality (VR) technology has already reached the level of maturity allowing it to be introduced into real-life applications. Recently, museums have been trying to apply it to enhance visitors’ experience and significant research efforts have also been made toward modeling relics in VR. However, there have been few studies on the real effects of VR exhibitions. In this study, we draw upon the stimulus–organism–response framework to theorize how system design feature stimuli affect the visitors’ experience of the VR exhibition at the National Palace Museum (NPM) and how the experience of VR impacts the visit intention. Furthermore, the study compares the VR effects across different kinds of relics (artifact, painting, and calligraphy). We create four empirical models: Model 0 does not consider the differences among relics, Model 1 focuses on artifacts, Model 2 focuses on paintings, and Model 3 focuses on calligraphies. A comparison of the different models shows that in Model 0, design features affect the VR experience, which in turn, impacts the visitors’ visit intention. The VR experiences were characterized by two dimensions: immersion and involvement. The former emphasized the visitors passively immersed in the VR and the latter referred to visitor initiative. Comparing Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3, all the design features have impact on the immersion level for all relic types. In case of calligraphy, the vividness impacts the involvement level and in case of artifacts, the interactivity impacts the involvement level. Based on the analysis, we also propose an improvement for the NPM’s present VR exhibition. The findings of this study can be referenced when designing new VR exhibitions for different relics.

YouTuber對美妝消費者購買決策影響之研究 / The influence of YouTuber on consumers’ decision journey in the cosmetic products

蘇品伃, Su, Ping Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊時代來臨、社群媒體普及,現今的消費者有能力從網路尋找多元的資訊進行購買決策,消費者也能互相交換資訊。YouTube的時尚美妝影片數量多、內容豐富,消費者在尋找產品或使用教學的影片時,會將其作為搜尋來源之一,並相信這些內容不具商業利益,客觀且公正。 美妝YouTuber樂於創作影音內容,分享產品資訊、購物經驗、和生活事物等議題,進而培養出一群訂閱的觀眾,成為具社群影響力的網路名人;然而這些YouTuber如何影響消費者、為何能吸引特定族群的消費者,目前國內外相關的研究仍十分稀少。 本研究以美妝影音部落格和美妝消費者為研究對象,探討「美妝消費者的購買決策過程,及其如何受到YouTuber之影響」,採用質性的網路民族誌 (netnography) 作為研究方法,先搜集三個YouTube熱門美妝頻道的網路資料,參與留言區的討論,再訪談十六位千禧世代的美妝消費者。本研究發現:一、創作者和觀看者透過YouTube凝聚成美妝「社群」;二、美妝YouTuber具備「發起者」和「影響者」的角色;三、美妝消費者的行為和態度可能受到人氣YouTuber影響。 / Nowadays, consumers search information about products, prices and distribution on the Internet before their purchase decisions so that social media has radically changed the communication landscape. Consumers are able to share their purchase experiences online and interact with other users. More and more users are using YouTube as a search engine as well as looking for makeup tips, tutorials, and product recommendations because consumers would believe these user-generated contents are reliable and trustable. The aim of this research is to explore how YouTubers of beauty industry in Taiwan, have influenced their viewers and to what extent this influence on the purchase decision process. This study uses a qualitative approach ‘netnography’ as the main research methods to collect data. Three YouTube beauty channels were observed and participated; additionally, 16 in-depth interviews with millennial consumers were conducted. The research finds out that YouTube beauty channels can be seen as communities where relationships between YouTubers and viewers is formed. YouTubers are the initiator and influncer on the purchase decision journey. The study also found that the popularity of YouTuber may affect consumers’ behaviors and attitudes.


林青峰, Lin , Qing-Fung Unknown Date (has links)
客戶在從事消費時,往往會有許多不一樣的行為產生。對組織而言,研究客戶的消費行為能夠協助組織更了解客戶的資訊,進而支援其經營活動。以往與客戶行為相關的資料挖掘研究,較著重於客戶的消費資料。而對於客戶在商店中做了那些動作,及其動作會導致發生的事件並沒有較全盤及深入的討論。對實體業者而言,要實際的去記錄使用者在商店內的行為,是不太可行的;但相對的說,隨著網際網路與資料收集技術的發展,網站經營者應用log留存技術,將比傳統業者更容易且完整的收集到消費者行為記錄。本研究試圖在全球資訊網的環境中建立一個能夠同時分析使用者的瀏覽網頁路徑及其動作過程的演算法;並且配合該演算法建置一個雛形系統,以驗証其效能,最後並評估其日後實務操作的可行性。 / Different kind of customer purchases with different behavior. Studying the customer’s purchase behavior can help organizations understand their client intentions to support their business activities. In the past, customer behavior data mining emphasized on their purchase items, i.e., what they buy. There was few studies discussing what path they took and what actions they made in an e-store. It is impossible for a physical store to record its customers’ all actions and passing paths. However, a website store can easily collect such data in an Internet log. This study proposes a data mining algorithm that can analyze both customers’ browsing pages and their actions path. The algorithm’s efficiency and feasibility were examined in our prototype. This study may contribute to help the website mangers to restructure their website layouts or advertisement position to catch the customer’s eyes.

模板屬性對瀏覽行為的影響-以線上遊戲為例 / The Impact of Template Attributes to User’s Behavior-Take Online Game as an Example

陳妍樺, Chen, Yen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
面對大量習慣用嘗試錯誤方式去學習使用複雜線上遊戲功能的使用者,如果沒有一個好的網頁佈局設計,會妨礙讓使用者易於上手。本研究試圖綜合以往在電腦學習認知方面的模板比對理論、CoLiDeS Model、及資訊氣味等相關研究,增強對線上遊戲介面設計的了解。本研究設計一個線上遊戲介面認知的實驗,用「仙劍Online」多人線上遊戲的介面為實驗工具,運用眼動儀去觀察受試者的瀏覽行為。「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)皆為介面設計的重要因素;這兩項因素可能會影響受試者對任務難易的知覺判斷與瀏覽行為的Pattern。這些差異會顯示在任務的「間隔多久時間看到正確區域位置」、「凝視次數」、「凝視正確區域佔全部的比例」、任務的「完成率」與任務的「使用時間」等資料上。經過本研究驗證可以明確的知道「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)何者為設計者首要考量之因素,在學術上能加強對CoLiDeS Model的了解,提出兩階段修正的認知模式;在實務上幫助介面設計師進行更有效的頁面設計和實用的建議。 / A large amount of users practice the trial and error approach to learn to use complicated online games. This leads to low user perception of "easy to use" when the game lacks good webpage layout design. This study attempts to integrate previous studies on cognitive learning through computer including Template Matching, Information Scent, and Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search Model ( CoLiDes Model), to enhance the understanding on online game interface design. A cognitive experiment of online game interface was designed utilizing the multiplayer simulation game "Chinese Paladin Online" in an attempt to observe and record user’s browsing behaviors through the eye tracker. "Location of functional group " and "Icon" are important factor of interface design and affect user’s browse behavior pattern . These differences will appear in "Time spent", "Accuracy", "Frequency of fixation ", “ and "Time spent before first fixation on the correct position" of the tasks. We expect the results extended the CoLiDeS Model, enhanced understanding of the interface layout user cognition, and provided fruitful suggestions in how to further design on effective WebPages.

博物館導覽系統之實驗性研究:行動應用程式對參觀者之效用 / An experimental study of museum navigation system: does mobile application matter to visitors?

陳貞羽, Chen, Chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從文獻回顧及實際調查中深入探討影響參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的七大影響因素,接著據此設計並實作出在智慧型手機平台上使用之一套博物館行動導覽系統,以期有效解決現有參觀者遇到的導覽問題。研究中使用設計科學之研究方法,提出解決方案,並且依據實際環境、背景以及文獻基礎,設計整體的系統架構。接著以故宮為例,建構出本研究之博物館行動導覽系統手機應用程式。系統開發完成後,以實驗法進行設計之驗證,評估結果顯示:本研究所提出之行動導覽系統相較於傳統之紙本導覽,可提升參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的意願、感知價值及滿意度。本研究之博物館行動導覽系統建置過程、以及系統成效的驗證,可作為手機應用程式(APP)廠商建置行動導覽系統或使用設計科學法開發其他類別的APP之指引;亦或作為博物館策劃展覽活動與導入行動導覽系統之依據;此外本研究亦指出使用者預期實際使用系統之感知與預期系統需求之落差,以供未來相關研究參考。 / In this research, according to literature review and field observations, we first identify and discuss seven design factors affecting visitors’ usability in museum mobile navigation systems. We then design and construct a museum mobile navigation system on the basis of the seven factors. The purpose is to meet the visitors’ needs and increase the visitors’ intention and satisfaction toward using the museum mobile navigation system. Design science research method is used in this research to propose solution plans. According to actual environment, context, and literature, the complete system architecture is designed. We then build a mobile navigation application on Android for the National Palace Museum and evaluate the design to ensure this system can effectively solve the problems that the visitors encountered during navigation process. In this research, the building process of the mobile museum navigation system and the evaluation of the system performance could provide guidance to APP vendors; or a basis for museums to plan an exhibition and to implement a mobile navigation system. Moreover, the gap between users’ perception of using the real system and their expected system requirements can be identified; this could serve as the reference point of future related research.

中年族群成為網際網路使用者及消費者之潛力 / Internet Commerce Potential of the Middle Aged Population in Taiwan

侯雅茹, Helen Hou, Ya-Zoe Unknown Date (has links)
The merging of business operations with computers and the Internet has largely transformed our way of life. In less than a decade, the Internet evolved from a primarily academic network into a highly sophisticated commercial marketing medium. It encompasses a variety of business and personal utilities and is accessible to a wide range of organizations and individuals. Statistics indicate phenomenal growth in the number of Internet users and consumers. In Taiwan, the government has embarked on a National Information Infrastructure project, in which the initial effort centered on the promotion of Internet use. Despite the recent explosion in Internet growth, little has been done to target the middle-aged group on the Web. In an effort to discover potential Internet users, Internet consumers, and new uses of the Net, this research focuses on middle-aged people in Taiwan and studies the results of different attitudes toward and behaviors on the Internet. This research profiles the population into three groups: non-Internet users, Internet users and Internet consumers and determines factors that enable or deter each group from either using or purchasing on the Internet. The study also projects potential and popular products and features that may boost electronic sales.

使用者導向研究:從工作脈絡與客戶痛點中 設計雲端安全的創新 -以趨勢科技使用者洞見計畫為例 / Protecting the cloud: Use the work practice and pain points to find customer insight

劉宛婷, Liu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
電腦病毒的演化瞬息萬變,特別是近年來,駭客在有利可圖的動機驅使下,逐漸形成了專業分工的產銷供應鏈,讓病毒的演化速度和變種數量以指數型成長。攻擊事件數量不斷竄升,資訊安全市場理應增加不少機會,但多數防毒廠商經常對這樣的市場機會望洋興嘆,每年花費數億金額,動員研發團隊提出新產品、新版本、新服務,使用者卻始終興趣缺缺。供需兩方認知差異讓防毒軟體廠商面臨龐大開發費用的損失,也讓企業持續存在於不定時資安風險的恐懼之中。 資安軟體公司在產品研發前,做足使用者需求蒐集流程工作,依照使用者描述所進行開發的產品,為什麼卻不是客戶需要的?本研究以質性研究法觀察國內一家電腦防毒廠商的新產品開發過程,更以為期一年的行動研究方式參與該公司使用者洞見計畫(Customer insight program),結合跨部門團隊的智慧和力量,以雲端運算的資安機會為主題進行客戶觀察和新產品構思。 經過一年的行動研究蒐證,本研究指出使用者導向設計的迷思,並強調瞭解工作脈絡對於系統性產品創新的重要性。由於系統性產品複雜程度較高,使用處於分工較細的系統運作流程之下,往往不自覺工作特殊之處,也難以確切表達總體需求。本研究的分析方式則透過使用者工作脈絡,即以客戶的商業模式和雲端運用的特殊情境,其次定義使用者於脈絡中獨特的痛點,進而找到創新機會。 使用者雖然是創新的來源,但是本研究發現,使用者不一定能知道自己的需求,唯有瞭解他們的工作實務,瞭解使用者在特定工作情境的痛點,才能化痛點為創新的亮點。研究貢獻上,補強現行使用者研究的三大方向,分別是使用者假設的不同、產品面設計的不同與創新來源不同。實務貢獻上,本研究提供複雜度較高的系統產品廠商在使用者導向設計流程之建議,以及企業中各部門如何透過使用者創新設計思維發揮價值所在。 / The rate of rapid evolution in computer virus results in an increase of computer crime and business attack incidents. Opportunities in the information security market began to grow and expected to exceed $125 billion USD by 2015, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts. In this situation, anti-virus company tried everything they can to launch high-technology, fancy, and more powerful product every year. But they found customer is always lack of interest in their new products. This not only makes the loss on large investment in software development for anti-virus company, and also makes enterprise customers continuously at the risk of data stolen and computer virus attacks. By asking users what they want and trying really hard to listen to them before the development, however the product still hasn』t meet the customer needs? This research is based on qualitative method and action research project to investigate an anti-virus company』s product development process and customer insight programs. The one year project was cooperated with company internal cross-functional team and focused on 『Protecting the cloud』 topic. There are three cases was selected in the final. In order to know the user』s working context in the high-complexity information security product system. The analysis structure in three cases used four steps to find out. First of all, identify the enterprise user』s business model. Secondly, observe their local knowledge in cloud computing usage. Thirdly, clarify the organization's unique pain points. The last but not the least, find the potential security opportunities for innovation. While user becomes a significant source of innovation, the study shows that users don』t necessarily know their own needs. Only to understand customer』s work practices, pain points under specific working situations, and use design thinking to make the pain points to transform into fit customer needs. The research emphasized the importance of local context in innovation theory and reinforced the inadequacy part of the lead user theory. Key words: User-centric innovation, Product innovation, Service innovation, Cloud computing, Anti-virus software, Qualitative research, Action research

PostHere: 使用者產製情境內容之手機社群平台設計 / PostHere: Prototype Design of a Mobile Social Networking Platform for Context Aware Content

黃素琳, Ng, Su Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本內容為手機社群平台介面設計創作論述。PostHere 是一個讓使用者在智慧型手機上分享和接收情境內容的社群平台。使用者根據所在的情境,產製出一則則多媒體數位故事,並利用全球定位系統(GPS) 與數位羅盤技術,將內容留在空間中,共同建立地點資料庫。其他使用者便可從不同地點的資料庫中讀取內容,並利用擴增實境、數位地圖或街景重新建構的情境觀看內容,有如在真實空間中覆蓋一層數位故事空間。平台使用了社群機制進行內容排序和篩選,並刺激使用者更踴躍分享內容。 本論述探討了關於情境內容、社群服務和使用者介面與經驗設計的文獻,並進行個案分析,作為介面設計之基礎。設計的過程中也咨詢了介面設計領域專業人員的意見。 PostHere的主要目標族群為21至35歲的社青,有四個主要功能。使用者可創作情境故事留在特定地理位置上、閱讀其他使用者在目前位置上留下的故事、搜尋其他地點的故事、以及與有興趣的使用者聯結。本社群平台將先鼓勵使用者分享微旅遊紀錄,作為內容範例。 / This paper presents the prototype design of PostHere, a mobile social networking platform that will enable users to share and receive context aware content through an application on the smartphone. Digital stories in multimedia forms created by the mass users in relation to their spatial and temporal context are “planted” and left on a location using Global Positional System (GPS) and compass technology. These stories are stored in a location database for other users to retrieve and view in recreated context through augmented reality, world map or street view, like over layering a digital space on top of the physical space. Social mechanisms are used to sort out and filter content, while motivating users to share content actively. Literature review on context aware content, social networking and user experience design, together with case study on current mobile social networking app act as the basis of the development. Professionals from the app development field were consulted throughout the course of the user interface and user experience design. The final prototype has four main functions, targeted at urban young adult ranging from the age of 21 to 35. User may create and leave stories on a geographical spot, explore stories at their current location, search for interesting stories shared by others and connect with users they are interested in. Micro- travel log is chosen as the main content to help build up content paradigm. The prototype received positive feedback from test participants in Taiwan and will be ready for development into an actual product.

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