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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣電子零組件廠商品質策略的研究--以台達電為例 / The Case Study of Quality Assurance Strategy for Delta Electronics, INC. in Taiwan

鄭子建, Cheng, Tzi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
從設計、材料、製造到管理的品質是追求卓越品質的關鍵成功因素,而卓越的品質產品是能夠留住顧客的重要因素之一。 本研究借由對個案公司的深入訪談與分析,整理近5年來品質績效資料及訪談的結果,依重要性與急迫性四象限分類,確認問題的所在,再作深入的設計、材料、製造及管理品質的要因分析。在面對未來更為競爭及多變的環境下,經由波特的五力分析模式,探討零組件產業的競爭環境,同時運用優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅的相互交叉,分析個案公司所在的產業環境,找出面對的問題與挑戰,以調整品質保證策略的方向。因本研究採個案研究方式,主要結論如下: 一、電子零組件專業製造廠商的品質保證關鍵成功因素為: 穩健性產品設計的品質工程能力、專業的製程工程能力及快速的改善效能、良好的供應商、變異小(5~6 sigma range)的材料、專業的一流管理及工程人才、及健全的品質系統。 二、從個案公司的經營使命「環保、節能、愛地球」,因應國際品質保證標準及環保要求的分析來看,個案公司已經主動提昇系統品質的策略,將品質系統提昇到「對社會負責的企業」,並積極投入「綠色設計」的產品研發。 三、品質保證策略是整體性的,要達到品質產品的目的,個案公司運用同步工程同時從設計、製造、材料及管理去努力。 個案公司的品質保證策略,是以六標準差(6-Sigma)為主要改善工具,精進設計及製程的DFx並相互檢討,並導入在品質系統中,以達到零ppm 的境界。 四、良好的供應商、及品質穩定且變異性在合理的一定範圍裡的原材料,對個案公司的品質及供應商管理的成本有非常密切的影響,選擇具有良好競爭力的供應商、再有完善的供應商管理制度及真正落實執行供應商的獎懲,是確保供應商材料品質及個案公司的品質產品的最佳手法。 五、好的經營使命、好的政策理念、好的策略、及完善的管理制度及流程,一定要有一流的人才及有效能的組織去落實,因此,個案公司必須積極的規劃執行「人才培育」、外聘管理及工程的國際化「專業經理人」,同時對於品管組織應予以獨立,以便能徹底執行品質保證的要求。 卓越的設計、材料、製造及管理品質,可透過平衡計分卡的顧客滿意度來確認,而內部的績效,經由財務面的品質成本,作業流程面的直通率,以及學習面的六標準差及DFx成果來驗證品質保證策略的方向是否正確。 關鍵詞:品質保證、關鍵成功因素、綠色設計、平衡計分卡、六標準差

專案融資計劃之風險管理-延遲完工保險及乘客量保證保險之研究 / A study on the risk management in project finance – dealy in start-up and revenue/ridership guarantee insurance

陳志雄, Chan, Chi Hong Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 此論文主旨在研究大型營造等工程計劃包括公私合併基建工程之計劃融資的架構,及其計劃融資方法的成長趨向。 計劃融資為一創新及有時效性的融資技術。有別於傳統基建工程的融資方法,因此愈來愈多在採用。此研究主要是集中於計劃融資的益處,風險管理及保險要求。 由於全球的私有化現象,政府的資助計劃,有移轉至私人融資計劃的趨向。本金現在往往以計劃的資產作為抵押,而以計劃的收入基礎以返還之。因此計劃的收益為大型投資計劃的主要融資因素。計劃的完工時程往往加之於計劃融資團體及業主的合約內,因此保障股東權益使延遲完工保險的需求大增。 延遲完工保險又名預期利潤損失險,為以保障業主的收益以償還債務及實現利益而設計。在開發市場中為減免利益風險,以收益保證保險方式以填補預期收益與實際收益間的差異。此論文亦以討論常用於大型計劃的計劃融資方式的兩種保險產品,延遲完工保險及收益保證保險及其核保的挑戰性,理賠處理的特性。 以瞭解延遲完工保險的理賠複雜性,以一個興建、營運及移轉(BOT)的鐵路工程項目的理賠個案作為例子討論。並以訪談保險業界的專家為主以討論相關論點。除延遲完工保險外,乘客量保證保險亦作介紹其保障預期及實際乘客量差異所引起的收益短缺的運作方式。 / This thesis aims to study the framework of project finance and the growing trend for project financing methods in today’s large construction projects involving public-private infrastructure partnerships. Project financing is an innovative and timely financing technique that is increasingly emerging as the preferred alternative to conventional methods of financing infrastructure and other large-scale projects worldwide. Research is conducted on the benefits, risk management and insurance requirements of project finance. Due to global privatization where government funding programs have shifted towards private financing, principals now often collateralize loans with project assets and repay them purely on the basis of projected earnings. Thus, the revenue generating capability of a project has become a critical financing factor in large investment projects. Rigorous conditions on delays in scheduled project completion added to project contracts between financiers and principals and the need to protect shareholders’ interests have created demand for DSU insurance. DSU insurance, also known as advance loss of profits (ALOP) insurance, is designed to secure the portion of revenue which the principal requires to service debt and realize anticipated profit. To mitigate revenue risk in emerging markets, public-private partnership provides a revenue guarantee to protect for the insured’s financial loss due to shortfall between actual and projected revenue. The ‘pledged’ revenues may include sales revenue, rental, interest income, and other sources of funds that are generally recurring. The thesis further discusses two types of insurance commonly applied in project financing of large projects – the delay in start-up (DSU) insurance and revenue guarantee insurance. The features, underwriting challenges and claim handling of these two types of insurance will be investigated. In order to understand the complexity in claims handling involving DSU cover, a build-operate-transfer (BOT) railway construction project claim case study is created. Interviews are conducted with three selected experts from the insurance industry on the various issues related to DSU claim. The findings gathered from these experts are reported in this thesis. In addition to the DSU insurance, a ridership guarantee is also introduced for protecting the revenue shortfall between the actual and forecast ridership when project is put into commercial operations.

不純正不作為犯之作為義務研究 / Research of obligation to act from derivative omission offences

魏國晉, Wei, Kuo-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
不純正不作為犯與作為其核心架構的「保證人地位」與刑法作為義務,長久以來是困擾德國與我國刑事法研究的深度議題,並是諸多學界重要見解發揮其精微論理的場域。然而,直至本文撰寫的今日而言,對於不純正不作為犯的研究雖已累積近百年的光陰,卻仍然難以跳脫循環論證、缺乏法理基礎的懷疑。 本文立基於我國與德國學說見解長久以來的偉大基礎,先行確認至今為止的所有議題討論都無法達到成功解決問題的高度後,嘗試以最直接的方式給予不純正不作為犯的刑法作為義務最為實際、具有共識的法理基礎,並借用於刑事法較少受到討論的「法律經濟分析」,將刑法作為義務作為一種社會制度的經濟特徵逐一抽出,並建構適合該種制度創造與存在的社會模型,最終就不純正不作為犯的刑法作為義務為何存在、如何存在得出基本假設,並就該種制度給予特定人民積極保護法益的義務,提出具有實際意義、成本合理分配的假設。 為檢驗本文透過個人與社會實際需求所進行之假設是否符合現代社會之實際需求,本文假設刑事法學界所承認之刑法作為義務與保證人地位,若多數吸納原屬於其他社會制度之人際關係,則多數刑法作為義務態樣之原型,應全部得透過本文回溯社會群體、個人需求的最初假設,而得出符合本文觀察之解釋。最後,於本文第四章之結論中,確實得出與本文理想圖像相契合之論證結論。申言之,當代諸多被刑法作為義務吸納之保證人地位,多數均存在本文所稱作為義務人得自履行救助義務直接得利之特徵,而使本文第三章所提之觀察與假設,有其實際論證基礎。至於無法透過本文假設所詮釋之保證人地位,如「危險前行為」、「自願承擔義務」,本文亦指出其法理基礎乃源自於第二章已提及不可論證之先驗性思考,而有斟酌其適當性之必要。 / Germany and Taiwan’s criminal law researching have long troubled derivative Omission Offences with its core “Criminal duty of care”. Until today, the study of derivative Omission Offences has been a hundred years, yet it is still difficult to solve the problem of circular argument and lacking of basis. Based on the great foundation of our country and the German doctrine, this paper has confirmed that the all the discussion so far has failed to achieve the goal of solving the problem successfully. This article tries to give the “Criminal duty of care” the most practical and consistent legal basis through the most direct way, by using “Economic Analysis of law” as Legal method. When we regard criminal law as an obligation as a social system, there are several economic features that can be used to answer our questions. Finally, we have the assumption that why Derivative Omission Offences exists and how it works, and this is a hypothesis that is of practical significance and takes into account cost allocation. In order to test whether our hypothesis is consistent with the current situation, this article one by one to dismantle the existing “state of protection”, and confirm that all “state of protection” are in line with our assumptions. In other words, all the obligors who choose through “Criminal duty of care” are to allocate the cost of fulfilling the obligation to protect. As for the “Criminal duty of care” does not meet the assumptions of this hypothesis, such as the creation of dangerous pre-behavior, voluntary commitment, this article also successfully demonstrated why they can not fit, and they are a lack of basic theory.


林威沂 Unknown Date (has links)
一國要發展期貨市場,首先便是要推出期貨商品,而一國期貨市場的成敗,期貨契約之設計也佔有關鍵性的角色。從市場管理的角度來看,美國商品期貨交易委員會﹙CFTC﹚審核一期貨契約是否得以上市之標準包括審核現貨市場的情況、契約本身的條款及條件、經濟目的之檢測、不違反公共利益等四項構面,由此可以看出,契約本身規格設計之良窳,便繫於關鍵之地位。本文便以期貨契約設計與市場管理之間的關係來做探討,期望從市場管理的角度下,分析期貨契約設計時所應考量或探討之因素。 本文的撰寫方式,係從既有的相關文獻與資料開始,首先敘述期貨市場基本概念,以做為本文探討期貨市場管理與期貨契約設計之基本背景。之後根據文獻分析的結果,加以實地訪談,以了解在現實面期貨主管機關與期貨交易所對於期貨市場管理與期貨契約設計上之立場與意見。最後,以期貨市場管理的角度為出發點,從政策面論述期貨契約中若干引起討論之條款或條件,分析該等條款或條件在設計上所應考慮之因素與爭議點等等。 撰寫本文之目的,係提供契約設計者與市場管理者在推出與核准契約上市之前政策運作上之建議,本文以政策討論為導向,便是提供若干不同的切入角度及構面以供其參考,俾使其在未來推出其他新的期貨契約時對於契約規格之設計能有所助益。 對於契約標的物,本文首先討論選擇契約標的物時應考慮那些因素,其須具有交易規模大、流動性高之現貨市場,且標的物現貨市場之價格波動幅度必須具有相當的不確定性。此外,本文也針對本國未來欲推出本土化之商品期貨與金融期貨,做出簡要的評論。另,針對國內專業期貨商與由他業兼營期貨業務者之間的競爭問題,做出淺顯之探討,因此等問題勢必成為主管機關與交易所未來會面對之主要難題。 對於保證金之考量,本文有以下看法:第一,根據市場交易人所提出之真實證明文件,對於真正避險者、價差交易投機者以及當日沖銷交易者可收取較低之保證金水準;第二,嚴格規定結算會員之資信要求以及要求經紀商要確實掌握客戶之信用狀況,並要求隨時回報不合理之交易情況;第三,交易所與主管機關應確實依期貨交易法與市場監視準則之規定,當期貨價格發生劇烈變動或有發生劇烈變動之虞者,在權限範圍內得視情況增加或減少保證金之金額。 本文建議未來在設定漲跌幅限制時應該要考慮到兩點,第一,以我國首先推出之發行量加權指數台指期約的交易經驗來看,期貨交易對於現貨市場有沒有出現不合理助漲助跌之效應,藉此評估期貨契約之推出對於現貨市場之影響,將此影響程度納入考量,而非單純只以標的現貨市場之漲跌幅限制做為期貨交易之漲跌幅限制之依據。第二,將現貨市場交易者之結構納入考量,當市場參與者具備獨立判斷的能力、理性的投資決策行為時,漲跌幅並沒有嚴設之必要,讓價格回歸市場機能去決定較為妥當;反之,便有嚴設漲跌幅限制之必要。 本文以為,部位限制應以「防範人為操縱」的角度來看,而非從「違約風險」的角度來衡量,因為違約風險係起源於交易人不履行契約義務,但期貨交易人持有部位之多寡,卻隱含著其人為操縱之可能性。大量持有部位之交易人,藉由控制現貨部位與期貨部位之數量來達到價格操縱之目的,即使是採取現金交割之期貨商品,仍有人為操縱之可能。因此,對於期貨契約部位之持有是否要設以數量限制,應視標的現貨之價格是否易受到人為影響而定。本文建議,未來在推出期貨契約之前,契約之設計者與主管機關在部位限制上應考量主要參與交易期約者為何人?為防止人為操縱價格之情事發生,除了在立法上可嚴格禁止並處以相當之罰則外,限制法人或自然人持有期貨契約之數量在消極面亦可降低其操縱價格之誘因。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 ………………………1 第二節 研究方法與內容 …….……………….3 第三節 本文架構 ……………………………..4 第二章 期貨市場基本概念 第一節 期貨市場之起源 ..……………………7 第二節 期貨交易之特性 ……………………11 第三節 期貨市場之架構 ……………………15 第四節 期貨市場之風險 ……………………31 第五節 期貨市場之經濟功能 ………………..36 第六節 期貨價格與現貨價格之關係 ………..41 第三章 期貨市場管理之探討 第一節 期貨市場應具備之市場效率 ………..47 第二節 期貨市場管理之理論依據 ……………51 第三節 主管機關規範期貨市場之實際考量 ..62 第四節 期貨市場管理效益與成本之分析 …….68 第五節 期貨市場管理體系之探討 …………..76 第四章 期貨契約設計之探討 第一節 期貨契約之定義 …………………..97 第二節 成功期貨契約之特性 …………….104 第三節 期貨契約規格設計之探討 ……..113 第四節 期貨契約指定之要件 …………….132 第五章 期貨契約設計與市場管理之關係 第一節 契約標的物之選擇與考量 ……..137 第二節 保證金之決定與考量 …………….142 第三節 漲跌幅限制之決定與考量 ……..148 第四節 部位限制之決定與考量 …………155 第六章 結論 ………………………….……….163 參考文獻 .……………………..…….…………171

融資比率與融券保證金成數調整對臺灣股市影響之研究 / Market responses to the SEC changes in the margin requirement

林漢維, Lin, Han Wei Unknown Date (has links)
證券信用交易在我國雖行之有年,然而,自民國69年復華證券開辦股票融 資融券以來,信用交易之範圍仍僅侷限於有價證券之融資融券,直到近幾 年有關融資融券的各項規定才逐漸放寬,融資融券的工具也日漸增加。在 此同時,有關信用交易的融資成數與融券保證金比率調整之規定也有重大 變革,由以往主管當局視市場狀況調整,改變為依財政部於民國77年 11月10日頒布的「證券融資比率及融券保證金成數調整參考指標」,而本 研究之目的有三,即:一、探討調整融資比率與融券保證金成數對台灣股 市長期與短期結構之影響:二、釐清制定「證券融資比率及融券保證金成 數調整參考指標」是否具有實務上之意義,符合政策之需求?以供決策當 局參考;三、融資融券比率參考指標之調整,反應在不同類股、不同產業 類股之分類上,對股價指數與成交量是否有不同程度之影響?本研究所涵 蓋之研究期間,係自民國76年1月1日起至81年12月31日止,共計六年。本 研究採用之研究方法包括統計分析與實地訪談,經過實證分析結果,得到 以下兩點結論:一、在長期的觀察方面,制定「證券融資比率及融券保證 金成數調整參考指標」對臺灣股市的長期結構(包括總市場加權股價指數 、成交總股數、不同類別指數、成交總股數、產業別股價指數、融資金額 及融券股數等)雖有影響,但在研究限制下,未能有效加以衡量出來。二 、在短期的觀察方面,制定「證券融資比率及融券保證金成數調整參考指 標」對臺灣股市的短期結構(包括總市場加權股價指數、成交總股數、不 同類別指數、成交總股數及產業別股價指數等)雖有影響,但影響的效果 卻隨著政策公告實施、第一次修訂、第二次修訂而效果日減。

評價連結隨機保證報酬率之保證價值 / Pricing guarantees linked to stochastic guaranteed rates of return

謝宗佑 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用LIBOR市場利率模型評價確定提撥制退休金計畫所附之收益率保證,此保證收益率連結至隨機LIBOR市場利率,在相關的文獻上(特別在隨機利率方面),尚未有相關的研究。本文同時考慮兩種保證型態:到期日保證與多期保證,運用平賭過程理論,在延伸之LIBOR市場利率模型(ELMM)下推導此兩種保證的理論公式解。相較於其他利率模型或HJM模型,採用ELMM所推得之評價公式更適合於實務運用。為供實務運用,文中並探討如何進行參數校準,亦進行蒙地卡羅模擬以驗證模型理論解的準確性。 / We derive the pricing formulas for the guarantees embedded in defined contribution (DC) pension plans with the guaranteed minimum rate of return set relative to a LIBOR interest rate. The guaranteed rate associated with a stochastic LIBOR interest rate has not yet been studied in the relevant literature, particularly in the presence of stochastic interest rates. An extended LIBOR market model (LMM) is employed to price the interest rate guarantees embedded in DC pension plans under maturity and multi-period guarantees. The pricing formulas derived under the extended LMM are more tractable and feasible for practice than those derived under the instantaneous short rate models or the HJM model. Calibration procedures are also discussed for practical implementation. Monte Carlo simulation is provided to evaluate the accuracy of the theoretical results.

廣義財務模型於保險公司資產配置與破產成本之研究 / Asset allocation and bankruptcy problems of insurance company in general financial models

楊尚穎, Yang, Shang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文研究跨國投資與監理寬容下保險公司之破產問題,同時論文的相關內容簡述於論文第一章中。第二章研究考慮匯率可預測下對跨國投資人資產配置的影響,結果顯示匯率可預測性能有效的提升投資人期末財富。第三章考慮監理寬容下保險公司的破產問題,在美國破產保護法第11章的架構下,保險人與被保險人之權利義務關係,可利用巴黎式選擇權描述,同時建構保證給付指標來衡量不同監理干預準則,數值結果顯示過於寬鬆的監理準則將導致被保險人的財務損失。第四章探討監理寬容下保險安定基金保險費率問題,依照美國破產保護法第11章的架構,安定基金保費可簡化成2個巴黎式選擇權,結果顯示,當前台灣保險單定基金費率有偏低的情形,建議主管機關訂定安定基金費率時需更加謹慎小心。 / This thesis focuses on the international portfolio selection and the bankruptcy cost of the insurance company under regulatory forbearance. The main theme of this thesis is outlined in chapter 1, which also serves as an introduction to the three papers (appearing here as Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) collected in this thesis. In the theme of the international portfolio selection, Chapter 2 investigates the investment behaviors when learning effect is considered. According to the exchange rate predictability, the investor updates his information and adjusts his portfolio allocation. Finally, the numerical results show that the learning mechanism significantly improves the terminal wealth. In the theme of the regulatory forbearance, Chapter 3 provides an illustration of the impact on the ruin cost due to regulatory forbearance. The concept of the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code is employed to determine regulatory forbearance. Throughout the framework of Parisian option, a quantitative index of regulatory forbearance called Guarantee Benefit Index (GBI) is developed. The GBI is used to evaluate the different supervisory intervention criteria i.e., relative and absolute intervention criteria. Finally, numerical analysis is performed to illustrate the influence of different financial factors and the intervention criteria. Another important issue in bankruptcy problem is discussed in Chapter 4, i.e., the cost of insurance guaranty fund. It is important to determine the cost of bankruptcy when the insolvent insurance company is took over by the government. Under the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code, the cost of guaranty fund can be determined through Parisian options. Results show that the current premium rates of Taiwan insurance guarantee fund are far from risk sensitive. Hence the results suggest the government should more prudent to face the bankruptcy problem in insurance industry.

投資型人壽保險於脫退模型下之風險價差 / Risk bearing spreads of unit liked life insurance incorporating lapse rate modeling

吳湘媛 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對附保證年金型投資商品進行評價,其中被保險人脫退因素除受到死亡解約因素之外,對經濟環境影響因素產生解約問題,如利率攀升、經濟成長率、失業率等亦須考慮。附保證年金型投資商品公帄價值為保險公司販賣投資型年金商品須對負債面進行評價,以確保被保險人之權益,保險商品價值除因投資市場環境變動造成投資商品價值累積變動之外,對於被保險人因應市場環境轉變造成脫退問題亦影響保險公司對於投資型商品準備金價值評估,本篇依照Kolkiewicz & Tan(2006)之研究,假設附保證年金型投資商品評價方式,除投資標的受到市場變動影響外,對於經濟環境變動造成被保險人解約狀況亦考慮於核保模型中,因脫退因素考慮層面過廣,故本篇主要以死亡、經濟環境變動劇烈與利率上升導致解約因素為主要考慮狀態。 本研究推導之模型主要得出下列結果:(1)附保證年金型商品的公帄價格以保險年期的影響最大,其次為風險性資本市場長期帄均波動,而死亡率影響附保證投資年金型商品主要由風險性資本市場價值決定。(2)契約初始為主要解約期間,當解約力持續增加至一定值,契約後期解約率將趨於帄坦,本研究推估契約前期經濟市場波動易造成被保險人解約狀況,故解約程度增加。(3)主要投資型商品風險價差問題影響因素為長期市場波動程度,因風險價差之衡量主要考慮風險因子變動因素導致與公帄價值或期初保費差距,依照模型假設變動因子以風險性資產價值波動程度影響最巨,其次為保險期間,因此歸納出風險價差因子主要變動來源為風險性資產價值。 / In this paper, the goal is to evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. In addition to death factors, the insured terminate by other reasons, such as interest rates raising, economic growth rate, and unemployment rate. Accordance with the liabilities side, the reserve of guaranteed annuity-type investment products must match it’s fair value. There is a question how to accurately evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. The price of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is affected by two parts. One is cumulative index price change in value of investment goods, the other one is withdrawal rates. Kolkiewicz & Tan’s research assume guaranteed annuity-type investment products evaluation methods which is affected by market environment and termination status of the insured. The results show that (1) The major impact on fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from the period of the insurance contracts. The secondary effect is long-term average risk capital market volatility. (2) The main terminate time is the beginning of the contracts. When the lapse rates continued to increase to a certain value, lapse rate tends to smooth.(3) The major impact on risk spread of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from long-term market volatility. To sum up, the major changes in sources of risk spreads factor are from asset value.

控制多期下檔風險之委外投資組合管理 / Controlling the Multi-Period Downside Risks in Delegated Portfolio Management

蔡漢璁, Cai, Han Cong Unknown Date (has links)
已開發國家中,無論個人或是法人所擁有之財富大多透過金融中介機構管理,因此,財富委由他人管理衍生出現代資本市場中重要的委託關係。委託人與基金管理人產生委任契約時,也必然產生代理問題,即雙方利益不一致所額外增加的成本。為降低代理成本,於委任合約加入對管理人下檔投資風險的要求成為降低代理成本的重要機制。本研究因此探討當基金管理人面對契約存在最低報酬要求時,如何進行最適資產配置決策,並同時分析下檔風險限制改變時對管理人投資行為的影響。研究結果顯示,委任合約增加經理人最低保證收益時,基金管理人傾向增加持股,而經理人風險趨避程度增加時,將減少風險性股票資產,進而持有債券;如果投資目標收益於受委託期間皆不改變,將造成經理人持有債券組合以規避下檔風險,同時卻喪失追求資本利得。 / In most developed countries, financial wealth is not managed directly by the investors, but through a financial intermediary. Hence, the delegated portfolio management is one of the most important principal-agency relationships in the current economy. In addition to that, the principal-agency relationships between the investor and portfolio manager must produce agency cost. In order to reduce these costs, the mandates in the contract become an important factor in reducing the principal-agent problem in a delegated portfolio management framework. In this research, we study how fund managers do asset allocation when they face some guaranteed returns and the relationships between the choices of mandates and the behavior of fund managers. We suppose that the objective of the delegated fund managers is to maximize the expected utility of wealth of the long-term fund at the end of each period and fund managers also have to fulfill some constrains given at the beginning. Finally, we explain how fund managers do optimal asset allocation by our model and some numerical analysis.

第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例 / The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan

吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,支付工具越來越多元化,第三方支付在中美已發展成熟。面對第三方支付平台的崛起,並由主管機關主導開放非銀行業辦理代收代付及儲值業務。本研究以文獻分析法及制度比較法,從台灣金融業者的角度比較第三方支付中信託及履約保證機制所產生的影響,發現信託較履約保證機制為佳;而就制度而言,我國對第三方支付平台儲值款項在消費者權益保障最為嚴謹。銀行在承擔第三方支付業者倒閉風險的同時,亦可選擇自行發展第三方支付業務。 由於國內線上交易市場競爭激烈,為活絡網購市場,網購業者以引進中國網友至台灣網路特約商店消費為目標。本研究分析我國發展跨境代收轉付金流服務之方向,並以玉山銀行為案例,認為在國際第三方支付市場上,以合作取代競爭是值得採行的策略。同時結合台灣優質廠商,應是台灣未來金融業者與第三方支付業者可搶進的利基。 再者,第三方支付產業市場競爭激烈,與金融業產生競爭關係,尤其第三方支付平台所提供理財與放款服務十分具有市場競爭力。但是基於法規要求及各項互補產生的附加價值,產生合作關係,金融業者應審慎選擇與第三方支付業者競爭或合作。根據本研究調查目前我國銀行與第三方支付業者競爭或合作概況,同樣發現為競合關係。 最後,為提升金融業之競爭力,建議應強化電子商務技術能力,善用目前據點優勢,重視客戶反饋及增加創新服務,並積極爭取具有綜效之異業結盟,以爭取賽局有利條件。另建議主管機關為進一步保障消費者,短期宜修改《電子支付機構管理條例》相關子法,中長期宜研擬修改《信託法》。為解決跨境交易監理及課稅問題,則可利用跨境支付管理業務。 / As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan's financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services. Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan's financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit. In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship. To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.

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