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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

上市公司信用評等與財務績效之研究-以食品、鋼鐵、電子資訊業為例 / The Study of Credit ratings and Financial performance of Taiwan Listed Companies

曾炎裕, Tseng, Yen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
信用評等對資本市場的貢獻,主妻分成兩大類,一是反應違約風險,直接影響殖利率高低與企業負債成本;二是輔助政府管理資本市場金融工具品質。本研究分析信用評等的性質與特色,並探討信用評等與財務績效的關聯程度。   信用分析包括評估主權風險、產業風險、公司風險、法律風險與關鍵性財務資料等,而財務資料以反應定期償付風險者為主,包括固定費用保障倍數、現金流量與總負債比率報酬率與槓桿比率等,評等分析過程繁複,因此國外皆由專家組成評等小組,經分析討論後,以符號代表信用風險高低;另一種評估方式則是由專家選定關鍵性衡量因素與指標權數,利用統計技術,衡量企業的信用風險。   在實證研究方面,本研究以國內食品、鋼鐵、電子資訊等三產業之上市公司為研究對象,蒐集相關的財務資料,利用因素分析與主成分分析,將研究樣本依主成分分數高低區分成四類,評估信用強度與財務績效的關聯程度並獲致下列結論:   一、利用綜合信用分數與主成分衡量企業信用強度,兩種衡量結果對企業相對信用強度並無顯著差異。   二、單一產業所獲致之信用評等結果與跨產業之信用評等結果呈現顯著差異,就本研究樣本而言,電子資訊業高於產業平均,食品業則低於產業平均。   三、企業的財務績效與企業信用強度,兩者間無顯著差異。   本研究亦以因素分析中因素負荷量最大的變數建立四等級的LOGIT評估模式,三產業的正確區別率分別為83.3%、73.7%與76.3%;而三個產業評估模式中有關信用水準的變數不同:食品業與鋼鐵業為資產週轉率、而電子資訊業則為存貨週轉率與股東權益週轉率。

信用卡信用風險預警範例學習系統之研究 / Predicting Credit Card Risks Using Learning From Examples

馬芳資, Ma, Fang-tsz Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,信用卡市場快速地成長,發卡銀行亦大量地發卡,然而目前國內 發卡銀行在整個信用卡信用風險管理上,大都採行人類專家經驗判斷的方 式進行。發卡銀行隨著持卡人數快速地增加,其信用資料亦呈等比例急速 上升,若仍採用人工處理方式,除了會大幅增加工作負荷外,其授信品質 也不易控制。因此,本研究擬引進資訊技術來解決大量信用卡信用資料之 信用管理問題。 首先,我們探討信用卡信用管理業務,並根據其作業 流程來建構一信用卡信用管理自動化的架構,此架構包括徵信驗證系統、 審核系統、預警系統、高風險客戶管理系統、及催收系統等五個系統,其 目的在於輔助授信管理之業務、減少授管人員的工作負荷、以有效控制授 信品質、及降低授信的風險。 其次,本研究針對上述信用卡信用管理 自動化中的預警系統,利用範例學習法來建立信用卡信用風險預警範例學 習系統,且實際以一家發卡銀行的信用資料來建立並驗證四個預警模式, 期能事先讓系統自動查核信用不良之客戶。此四類預警模式為: (一)提前 預警模式(二)群體決策預警模式(三)追蹤管理預警模式(四)例外管理預警 模式 最後,我們亦提出一些未來研究之課題,期能進一步發展本研究 之信用卡信用管理自動化系統及預警模式,以推廣應用至各發卡機構。


黃齊堯 Unknown Date (has links)
應否強制規範公司揭露盈餘預測資訊一直是學術界常加以探討之問題。會計資訊之主要目的在於提供攸關決策之資訊。如揭露預測資訊,將有助於投資者預測公司的未來狀況,而具有「預測價值」;惟公司通常無法作出準確的預測,因而可能造成誤導使用者之情事。   我國自民國八十年六月以來,對於發行公司發行新股或轉換公司債等向不特定投資人募集資金時,均強制要求須揭露財務預測資訊。此外,則與美國一樣,由公司自願性提供財務預測資訊,但須遵行相關的法令及公報的規定。實施以來,常有被強制要求揭露的財務預測過於樂觀,以符合投資人對此等資訊之可靠性產生疑慮。為阻止此等現象的發生,並有效防止內部人利用內部消息來獲利,證管會原擬強制所有公開發行公司均發佈財務預測資訊,並釐清發行人編製財務預測之法律責任,但因各界反應不一,故採折衷方案,僅適度地擴大財務預測公開範圍。   本研究為了探討若強制所有上市公司均發佈財務預測資訊,市場可能的反應,而探討下列二項主題:   一、投資人對於公司盈餘預測揭露與盈餘揭露資訊,何者較為信賴呢?   二、投資人對於公司自願性盈餘預測揭露與證管會所強制要求揭露之盈餘預測資訊,何者較為信賴呢?   根據實證結果,顯示:(一)公司所揭露之盈餘預測(不論是否有進一步劃分成自願性與強制性揭露兩組),均沒有證據類示投資人對其之信賴度較實際之盈餘宣告資訊為差。(二)公司被證管會所強制要求揭露之盈餘預測,並沒有證據顯示投資人對其之信賴度較公司自願性揭露的盈餘預測為高。

考慮信用風險之可轉債評價:股價遵循CEV過程 / Pricing convertible bonds with credit risk under CEV process

羅紹玫 Unknown Date (has links)
In order to construct a model to price convertible bonds, a hybrid security with complicated provisions, this study concentrates on the way of depicting the equity and the default process. The Constant Elasticity of Variance model (CEV model) which modifies the assumption of constant volatility to capture the negative relationship between the stock price and the variance is applied. The default process integrates the information from both equity and debt market by setting the default intensity model to endogenize the default process into the pricing model. The tree structure is built by a manner of variable transformation. After considering all information and deciding whether the provisions to be executed on each node, then the value of convertible bond could be calculated in a backward-induction fashion. Two trading convertible bonds are chosen to examine the practicality of this model and the empirical result shows that this model fit the market value well. The sensitivity analysis suggests that the coefficient of leverage effect does affect the value of convertible bond in an inverse direction and other parameters are not significantly sensitive to the value of convertible bond.


秦蔚宇 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊電子業競爭激烈,無不希望能降低採購成本來增加利潤,加上價格變動迅速、產品生命週期短,一旦庫存擱置過久,就會造成成本上的大量損失,因此此產業的製造商,紛紛尋求資訊科技的協助,來完成採購等相關活動,而電子資料交換(EDI)就在這一波應用中扮演著不可或缺的角色。因EDI無法單獨使用,需交易伙伴的配合,故組織間的互動關係,可能對EDI的採用產生影響。   EDI的採用可分為三個層次:系統建置層次、內部整合層次、外部整合層次,而本研究探討在目前供應鍊管理的環境下,組織間互動關係中的權勢(power)與信任(trust),對EDI採用的影響。本研究針對國內資訊電子業中的製造業進行實證研究,研究結果顯示,權勢、信任與EDI採用的三個層次,均呈現正向的相關。若將權勢與信任放在一起分析,權勢因素在EDI採用的三個層次所產生的影響,比信任因素更顯著,而信任因素在EDI內外部整合層次所能解釋的程度,比在EDI系統建置層次來的高。

諾基亞及小額信貸對印度之影響 / Nokia and microfinance in India

那狄楷, Nath, Debendra Unknown Date (has links)
This paper begins with an introduction to the concept of microfinance, lending models in India and key strengths of Indian MFIs. The term microfinance refers to small-scale financial services both credit and savings- that are extended to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas. The poor need microfinance to undertake economic activity, smoothen consumption, mitigate vulnerability to income shocks (in times of illness and natural disasters), increase saving and support self-empowerment. This paper discuss about Nokia initiative to further increase mobile penetration in India via microfinance root. Nokia found most of the people living in village and they don’t have money to buy mobile phone by cash. Nokia had tied up with microfinance institutions SKS microfinance to sell mobile phone which will help poor peoples. Microfinance sector has been growing at upwards of 50 % per annum – even higher than the mobile phone industry. The trend towards marketing in small, relatively poor communities on the part of multinational corporations (MNCs) is picking up as microfinance increases purchasing power amongst rural consumers. This paper will discuss particularly Nokia’s success in microfinance and how it helps Nokia to consider as number one (#1) most trusted brand in India. This paper also analyzes the conceptual framework of micro financing in India and impact of microfinance on rural poor. The role of Self Help Group (SGH) , lending institutions , central bank and Government. The success and controversy faced by microfinance institutions. Many finance experts are discussing and commenting microfinance is India’s subprime. The paper offers some suggestions on what it would take to reform these institutions with an eye to improving access for the poor and entrepreneur skill.

B2C電子商務信任之研究:以齊氏影響力模式闡述網路購物流程 / A study of B2C E-Commerce trust: applying cialdini’s influence model to internet shopping process

吳翊齊, Wu, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的成長,促使電子商務快速發展。然而,回顧電子商務的市場現況,即使網路購物規模不斷成長,但是卻仍有54.9%的網路商店未能達到損益平衡,主要原因在於激烈的市場競爭環境導致商品毛利率降低,獲利速度減緩。因此,資策會認為網路商店若想在競爭市場中脫穎而出,網站的技術安全必須值得消費者信任。   消費者不願意在網路上購買商品或服務,是因為缺乏對網路購物相關安全性的信任與缺乏對網路上企業可靠性的信任。因此,如何建立消費者對網路商店的「信任」,是企業獲得顧客的關鍵因素。   過去文獻指出,信任信念能藉由改善網站的結構性確保來提升,且消費者對網站的信任信念會影響到其信任網站的態度。因此,本研究根據文獻探討的方式找出Cialdini影響力模式及其所會影響的消費者信任信念的各個構面,並利用此模式作為結構性確保的實驗變數來設計網站,從中操弄各項實驗變數以探討各種不同影響力原則影響消費者信任信念之效果。接著,再進一步分析各個信任信念分別如何影響消費者的信任態度,以全盤了解消費者初次瀏覽網路商店網站時,利用Cialdini影響力模式所歸納的網站結構性確保所影響之效果。   本研究透過實驗室實驗法模擬網路商店的購物情境,並操控不同Cialdini影響力原則所設計的結構性確保,研究結果發現: 1. 除了「好感」原則的結構性確保外,網站中其餘的結構性確保在消費者瀏覽網路商店時,皆會正向影響到消費者的信任信念。 2. 消費者的「認知診斷」、「認知保證」、「認知信心」、「認知能力」、「認知可靠」、「認知嚮往」等信任信念的各個構面,會正向影響消費者的「信任態度」。 / The e-commerce environment has developed rapidly with the fast growth of Internet. However, by reviewing the market status of e-commerce, there were still 54.9% of Internet shops which couldn’t make the profit and loss balance even the internet shopping was growing constantly. The environment was so competitive that the profit margin of product reduced and the rate of making profits slowed down. Therefore, the Institute for Information Industry advised internet shops to enhance their internet security of websites if they wanted to stand out from the competitive environment.  Consumers are not willing to purchase the products or services due to the lack of trust in the security of the website and credibility of the internet shops. For this reason, the key to gain the consumers is how to make them trust the internet shops.  Past researches indicated that the consumer’s trusting beliefs can be enhanced by improving the structural assurance of the website. In addition, these trusting beliefs were positively related to the trusting attitude toward the website. Therefore, we identified the constructs of the trusting beliefs which could be affected by Cialdini’s Influence Model from literature review. We used this model to design the structural assurances of the website as experimental variables to probe the differences of consumer’s trusting beliefs under the model’s principles. Furthermore, we understand the effect of structural assurance by analyzing how the constructs of trusting beliefs affected consumers’ trusting attitude when consumers visit the Internet shop at the first time.  This research manipulated the principles of Cialdini’s Influence Model to design the structural assurance of website and simulated the situation of internet shopping via laboratory experimentation. The research result was shown as below: 1. The structural assurances designed by Cialdini’s Influence Model were positively related to the trusting beliefs of consumers except the “Liking” principle. 2. The constructs of consumer’s trusting beliefs were related to the trusting attitude toward the website positively and respectively.

外資、投信和散戶風險胃納在台股市場的衡量與實證 / RAIs of foreign investors, retail investors and investment trust in Taiwan equity market

許佑舟 Unknown Date (has links)
到目前為止,國內還未有一個嚴謹的方法來衡量台股市場的風險胃納。在本研究中,我們嘗試研究股票市場和風險胃納指標的關係。我們利用Kumar和Persaud 在2002年所提出的方法建立台股市場的外資、散戶和投信的風險胃納指標,並檢視它們和台股加權指數的報酬率之間的連動關係。 實證結果發現,外資、散戶和投信每日的風險胃納相關程度相當高並且對於台股市場的報酬率有顯著的解釋能力。同時,散戶的風險胃納在解釋每日的台股市場報酬率的係數是最高的。但在每月和每季中,我們發現唯有外資每月的風險胃納對台股市場報酬率有顯著的影響。歸納原因,我們認為在較長的期間外資在台股市場擁有較大的影響力有關。 / At present, there is no rigorous method of measuring risk appetite in Taiwan stock market. In this paper, we want to discuss the relationship between equity market and risk appetite index (RAI). Moreover, we create the RAI for foreign investors, retail investors and domestic investors. We use Kumar and Persaud’s method’s concept in 2002 and adjust them to measure the risk appetite in Taiwan equity market and try to examine that does the risk appetite have any explaining powers on Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) return. From our empirical result, we could find that the RAIs of them have very high correlation and the ranges of them also are very close in a day. In addition, the parameters of explanatory variables are very significant in explaining the daily return of TAIEX and the coefficient of retail investors’ RAI is the largest. However, in month and quarter, we find only foreign investors’ monthly risk appetite has impact on monthly TAIEX return. We think that daily outcomes maybe reveal retail investors’ investment ratio in Taiwan stock market was higher in the last ten years. However, the monthly and quarterly results probably reveal that the foreign investment institutions may have a greater effect on Taiwan stock market in the longer period.

電信事業建立聯合徵信中心之可行性研析 / A feasibility study on the joint credit information center of telecom operators

曾志強, Tseng, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內因大環境的變遷及電信自由化的推行,電信服務已成為國人日常生活中不可或缺之工具,尚因法規環境未置完善,致使電信人頭電話亦成為電信詐欺的犯罪的工具,電信詐欺不僅造成電信呆帳,並破壞電信事業的電信秩序及健全發展的環境外,同時嚴重影響社會治安、增加社會成本及損害公共利益,更使國家整體之競爭力受到負面的牽引。上述因產業政策不明確及法律制度的不健全,並未與時俱進,使電信犯罪之源頭電信人頭帳戶,無法建立有效的預防機制,故使電信市場成為電信詐欺份子得以犯罪的快樂天堂,並以「有騙無類」的作風行騙老少及國內外,電信詐欺目前已成為我國民怨排行第二名,致使得國內訂立電信聯合徵信制度的需求,成為產業界、輿論界、政界與法學界關心的焦點。 本研究係蒐集分析電信詐欺之特性及其對電信事業及社會成本增加所造成的損傷及影響,並以國外如英、美、日本及新加坡等國電信聯合徵信制度之損失統計及相關的法例及作法,藉由實務上之運作與現行法令的落差,檢視目前國內法律不足之處。同時由憲法位階對人權之秘密通訊之保障,對我國未來電信事業建立聯合徵信中心可行性提出研析與建議。 / Since the liberalization of telecom, telecommunication services become more and more an integral part of everyday life. Unfortunately, as well as telecom fraud through fraudulent accounts has become a serious problem in Taiwan. Due to telecom regulations are not regularly updated, the false account numbers were abused easily by the telecom fraud group, and not only caused telecom operators bad debt and profit lose, but also increased social cost obviously, such as the social security, public benefit and the country competitiveness. There is no effective preventive measure to address telecom fraud. Therefore, this country becomes a paradise for this type of activity. Telecom fraud targets all people, the youth, the elderly and even foreign immigrants, and ranks in the top two in social grievances. The telecom joint credit information system was paid attention by the Public, Industry and Government, which is to build up a effective preventive mechanism by regulation for telecom fraud is a important issue to be solved. Due to the uncertainty industrial policy and the legal system do not harmony with social needs, and not kept pace with the times, so that the source of the fake telecom numbers for telecom fraud criminal are unable to manage and block. In this study, I will analyze the characteristics of telecom fraud and its social cost and impact on the telecom industry and then to discuss the Telecom joint credit regulatory and practices used in other countries such as Britain, the United States, Japan and Singapore. This analysis will compare it with the current domestic legal deficiencies and proposes feasible recommendations.

兩岸建構「軍事互信機制」之 SWOT 分析

劉兆瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
一、審度當前國家安全情勢,自2010年兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA) 正式生效之後,兩岸的經貿關係朝向制度化與正常化邁進,雙方 的互動交流正式跨入新的里程碑。依我國政府「先易後難」、「先 經後政」的階段協商步驟,就臺海兩岸的軍事對峙情況而言,「軍 事互信機制」(信心建立措施)可藉由提升各方行為之可預測性, 減少彼此焦慮與猜疑,而達成降低衝突、避免戰爭之目的,在兩 岸的交往互動中確有實質上的需要。 二、臺灣在地緣戰略上位於西太平洋第一島鏈的中點,恰處在亞太的 樞紐地位,扼控中共進出太平洋的門戶,是美、「中」雙方利益 之所在,美國和中共在面對「臺灣問題」上各有其戰略考量,而 我國的國防戰略,是透過推動區域安全交流與合作等手段,全力 達成預防戰爭、防範衝突及區域穩定等戰略目標,因此我國必須 在日趨和緩的兩岸關係中善用美國因素,以獲取最大的國家利 益,臺海的安全攸關亞太的區域和平與穩定,建立兩岸「軍事互 信機制」,不僅符合兩岸三方的利益,也有助於區域和平穩定。 三、SWOT策略分析是一種決策模式,在科學的分析基礎上用以分析戰 略環境,藉由外在機會與威脅以及內部優勢與弱點等面向的評 估,進行戰略分析組合以形成最佳策略。主要的思想就是強化內 部優勢,克服內部弱點,抓住外部機會,減低外部威脅;而經過 SWOT策略分析所得發現,就廣義的層面上,兩岸對於軍事互信均 抱持正面的態度,雖說在實質內容與建構認知上仍有不同意見, 惟大體而言兩岸之間對建立「軍事互信機制」的善意展現以及外 在環境等方面,時機已然成熟。 四、我國應設法就兩岸政治歧異尚未化解的過渡階段,在不涉及兩岸 政治敏感議題的共識下探討軍事(安全)互信機制的協商平臺, 政府並應建置對中國大陸談判「軍事互信機制」之跨部會專責機 構,整合政府政策與資源,運用現階段建立軍事互信機制的最佳 策略,先求建立穩定的臺海安全環境,降低兩岸之間軍事對峙的 敵意,為雙方未來的政治協商營造良好的基礎,期能達成兩岸最 終的和平協議。

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