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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鍾佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
金融危機是一個涵蓋性很廣的名詞,包含了通貨危機、銀行危機、外債危機與制度性金融危機。1990年代後金融危機與以往危機呈現不同的特徵。在三代金融危機模型中,第一、二代模型著重在通貨危機的探討,第三代模型則直接點出通貨危機與銀行危機的同時或先後產生。Goldfajn and Rodrigo(1997)將此種現象稱之為雙元危機(twin crises)。雙元危機的發生日漸頻繁,同時也比個別產生的通貨危機或銀行危機花費更龐大的社會成本。故本研究以雙元危機為研究標的,希望能建立有效預測雙元危機之模型。 在建立雙元危機的預警模型上,本文採用的方法有兩大類:訊號方法(Signal Extraction Approach)以及統計迴歸模型(Econometric Modeling)--Logit模型。本研究蒐集1970年至2000年間,共包含21個非工業化國家與7個工業化國家,挑選15個總體經濟指標為變數,建立雙元危機的兩套評估模型。其中在訊號方法上,本研究在指標變數的處理方式上採用累積效果的概念,得出與以往採用年變化率不同的結論。 本文希望透過建構良好的預警系統模型,對危機的發生加以預防並提供政府採行必要措施,以掌握整體經濟情勢的發展,防範於未然。


俞君翰 Unknown Date (has links)
系統設計階段的主要目的是將系統分析模型轉換成足以規範實作人員進行程式撰寫的設計模型,以提昇系統效能及再用效益。並且讓設計結果符合非功能需求、實作環境以及效能需求等限制。其重心應放在將系統的設計最佳化,並確保設計模型已涵蓋全部的需求。但對於物件導向程式設計經驗較為不足的開發人員而言,這樣的過程不但費時費力,而且往往浪費資源於解決已有標準解答的問題。若是能將設計樣式的概念融入元件式系統的設計過程中,將可導引系統設計人員快速的將前人所累積的物件導向程式設計經驗應用於開發中元件式系統的設計上,避免無謂的資源浪費。本研究將以Gamma等四位學者所提出的二十三個設計樣式為基礎,發展一套設計樣式導入流程。並以一雛型系統為例,說明系統設計者如何在進行元件式系統設計時,以本研究提供的設計樣式導入流程,將設計樣式逐步導入開發中系統,藉此縮短系統開發時程、提升系統功能擴充性和元件再用性、降低日後維護系統的困難度,並可在系統開發過程中,對所有曾採用的設計樣式進行記錄,做為專案管理以及日後開發類似系統的重要參考。 / The primary purpose of system design phase is to transform the analysis model into the design model which is definite enough to generate programming code. Besides, the result of design should satisfy the nonfunctional requirement, implementation environment and efficiency requirement. The focus should be on the optimization of design to ensure the design model satisfying all kinds of requirements. However, the inexperienced object-oriented system designers usually spend a lot of time and energy to solve problems which already have standard answers. The concept of design patterns can be used in the design phase to guide system designers to apply the accumulated object-oriented programming experience to avoid wasting resources. This research intends to establish a systematic approach for applying the design patterns to the component-based system development process. This approach is based on the most popular twenty-three design patterns provided by Gamma et al. A prototype is also established to demonstrate the step by step process in adopting the design patterns during the component-based system development process. The proposed approach should increase the software reusability and maintenance, as well as reduce the developing schedule and cost. Furthermore, the systematic approach of adopting the design patterns can be incorporated into the project management guidelines as the important reference for future system development.


張業強, Chang, Yeh-Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容主要為評價及分析兩個匯豐銀行(HSBC)所發行的結構型債券,一為以和記黃埔公司為信用連結標的的信用連動債券,一為配息會因前期配息而累計的雪球型結構債券。在配息日時,兩者的發行者皆具有贖回權利,且兩者的配息都是逆浮動的結構,即利率走低利息越多。由於這兩個商品其新穎的設計為目前台灣市場上所少見,故以此為案例進行評價及分析。 本論文採用Hull & White利率三元樹、David Li建構信用曲線的方法,及Hull & White路徑相依選擇權的評價法,並利用Matlab軟體撰寫評價的程式,進行模擬及相關的敏感性分析。在利用市場校準的參數,並考量到評價的準確性及效率性下,信用連動債券的價值為95.2123,雪球型債券的價值為96.8830。並拆解商品的配息結構,為發行者試想可能的避險策略。敏感性分析分別針對利率回復速度、利率波動度、殖利率平移幅度三個變數進行分析,研究參數的變動對債券價值的影響,並分析風險的來源。


呂蓮芬, Lu Lien Fen Unknown Date (has links)
現今企業的競爭已轉變成供應鏈對供應鏈之間的競爭,整條供應鏈強調的是更緊密的合作夥伴關係。電子採購的出現,無疑為廠商的競爭力注入了一股強心劑。  本研究旨在探討影響供應商與中心廠配合導入電子採購之因素,並對經濟部技術處所推動的供應鏈電子化B計劃做一概括性之整理。目的為了解此一計劃推動至今的現況如何;而在影響供應商配合中心廠導入電子採購方面,則以是否配合及連線類型二部份做為探究問題。  本研究彙整過去關於創新採用新科技的文獻,以「產業環境特性」、「企業經營特性」、「通路關係」、及「系統特性」四構面做為本研究架構。  針對所選定的一家中心廠所有的供應商發出406份問卷,回收有效問卷共51份,有效回收率約為12.52%。研究發現,合計約六成供應商已與該中心廠配合導入電子採購,連線類型大多以Browser為主。而尚未配合導入之廠商則大多持無此需要或與書面訂單差異不大的理由。   透過二元羅吉斯迴歸分析,針對「是否配合」此一反應變項進行分析,發現在影響因素上共有「競爭情形」、「競爭者壓力」、「公司規模」、「產品特性」、「資訊化程度」、「未來重要性」、「系統效益」等七變數顯著。   在三種代表不同整合程度的連線模式上,則以Pearson相關係數衡量十四個變數與其之間正負影響關係。研究發現在影響因素上「公司規模」、「未來重要性」、「中心廠採購金額」、「中心廠採購頻率」等四變數會對整合程度造成正向影響;「不相容性」、「認知風險」等二變數會對整合程度造成負向影響。   最後本研究並根據研究結果,對供應商及中心廠分別提出建議。 / The competition among enterprises has now lies in the issue of supply chain, which emphasize on tighter cooperation relationship of overall supply-chain process. The emergence of E-Procurement system is undoubtedly a critical component to strengthen competitive advantage of both suppliers and their customers. Two main purposes of this research are: first, the research attempts to find the factors that will affect suppliers to introduce E-Procurement in compliance with customers; second, to find the factors that will affect suppliers who already introduce E-Procurement to adopt different integrated model. Based on the past research papers about innovation adoption and diffusion, fourteen factors were selected to constitute the four dimensions of our study: characteristic of business environment、enterprises、E-Procurement system、and channel relationship. 406 questionnaires were mailed out to the all suppliers of the selected buyer. The receivers were the heads of sale divisions. In the end of May 2002, 51 questionnaires were reply; the response rate was 12.56%. After conducting the descriptive statistics, the study finds there are more than 60% suppliers have collaborated with their customers to introduce E-Procurement, most of them adopt the Browser model. The reasons of the suppliers who haven’t compliance with customers are they consider there is no need to introduce or the difference between paper-based order and e-order is too small. By using the binomial logistic regression method to analyze the suppliers’ decision to introduce E-Procurement in compliance with customers, the results show that there are 7 factors will affect this dependent variable: competitive、the pressure of competitor’s using、business size、characteristic of product、the degree of information、importance to future development、system benefit. The Pearson Correlation tested the hypotheses relating to the model of E-Procurement adoption. The main results show that 6 factors will affect suppliers’ adoption model: business size、importance to future development、channel relationship、complexity of the system、recognize of failure rate. Finally, the study will provide suggestions to the suppliers and their customers based on the research results.


吳香瑩, Hsiang-Yin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
2003年7月,證期會核准14家國內券商可發行新台幣結構性債券(Structure Notes),預估每年千億元以上的投資額,使得結構性債券成為各券商紛紛搶攻的商機;結構性債券利用財務工程及金融創新,將保本和高獲利相結合,依景氣及投資人的需要設計,不但可擴大券商的業務範圍及增添獲利空間,又可使投資人或企業得到多樣化的投資及避險管道;在聯結標的方面,利率連結的結構性債券將成為主流;逆浮動利率債券所付的債息,顧名思義,當市場利率愈低,逆浮動利率債券的息票利率會愈高,其付息方式是發行者支付固定利率與貨幣市場指標利率的差額,譬如每年投資人可收到以8%的「固定利率扣掉指標利率」的利息,指標利率常見的有一年期的定存利率、LIBOR、或是商業本票利率等等。由於指標利率會受經濟環境因素而變動,當指標利率愈低時,投資者所能獲得的利息也就愈高,反之則愈低,因此單就其付息條件來說,不難看出為何在低利率的大環境下,逆浮動利率債券會如此受到投資者的青睞。 本文運用了以Libor利率修正後的Hull & White利率模型,評價逆浮動的結構性債券,對其封閉解及解析解評價出合理價格;並以兩個市場上已發行的兩個實例做應用,針對各條款計算出價格,最後提出避險工具及探討,以理論及實務的角色建議主管機關未來開放的方向。


陳威翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究預測匯率危機的方法主要是用二元分量迴歸(Binary Regression Quantiles),此理論基礎與預測方式是使用美國學者Kords (2004)的方法,將分量迴歸運用在應變數為二元的屬質變數上之計量方法。在匯率危機計量模型中,最常使用的模型是Logit模型和Probit模型所做的分析,因此本÷究除了使用二元分量模型外,將在套入Logit模型和Probit模型,並將這三種模型加以比較,且探討匯率危機發生的原因並建立預警變數。而研究資料為十七個發展中的國家,研究時間為1981~2004年。 本研究發現由Logit模型和Probit模型中,兩模型的所預測匯率危機指標大都一致,包括有進口比例、GDP成長率、銀行外債/GDP。而且發現由二元分量回歸模型中,匯率危機預警指標有出口/GDP、貿易條件、海外直接投資/GDP、國際熱錢流入/GDP、銀行存款、GDP成長率、貪污指數,短期外債/全部外債。

台灣雇主人口性別組成及其變遷趨勢之分析:1978-2005 / Patterns and Changes of Sex Composition of the Employers in Taiwan, 1978-2005

余彥良, Yu,En Liang Unknown Date (has links)
依據行政院主計處歷年「人力資源」調查所顯示,雇主在台灣就業人口中所佔比例呈現明顯逐年成長的趨勢。的確,在台灣,我們隨處皆可見到大大小小、不同的「老闆」們,對於台灣勞力市場與經濟發展影響重大,但我們對這群人的面貌卻仍然所知有限。此外,隨著女性勞動參與率的成長與教育程度的大幅提升,使女性不再僅侷限於基層勞動力,管理職位、甚至企業領導人都開始看見女性的身影。有鑑於雇主人口的重要性及女性在勞力市場中的角色位置逐漸在改變,本研究主要目的即在探討台灣雇主人口性別組成及其變遷趨勢。 主要資料來源為行政院主計處1978至2005年每年五月之「人力資源」調查,透過近30年時間序列資料的分析,本研究首先企圖勾勒出台灣整體雇主人口性別組成及其變遷面貌,進而在台灣經濟結構轉型的歷史脈絡中,分析不同產業部門中雇主的性別組成,以探討經濟結構變化與雇主人口性別組成之間的關係。此外,由於組織規模之於雇主,代表其經濟資源多寡,對於雇主的經濟成就(economic success)影響深遠,本研究亦進一步分析不同組織規模雇主之性別組成及其變遷趨勢。同時,在性別組成的「數量」變化基礎上,本研究也進一步分析不同性別雇主在年齡、教育組成、產業及組織規模分佈等「性質」上的變化,藉以更深入分析台灣男女兩性雇主變遷的面貌。 研究結果發現台灣雇主人口的性別結構依然是男高女低,男性比例遠高於女性,然而女性雇主的比重有逐漸增加的趨勢。在產業部門的部分,以個人服務業及社會服務業中女性所佔比例較高,此結果顯示服務業部門提供了女性進入成為雇主的產業利基(industrial niche)。在組織規模的部分,一如預期,規模為2至9人的小雇主中女性所佔比例最高。進一步分析不同性別雇主在基本人口組成、產業部門及組織規模的分佈,本研究發現,男女兩性雇主在年齡與教育組成及其變遷趨勢上差異並不大,然而產業組成及組織規模分佈便呈現出明顯的差異。男性雇主主要還是集中在以製造業、營造業為主的轉換性產業,組織規模整體而言也較女性大,而女性雇主則是高度集中於低利潤的個人服務業,組織規模也普遍小於男性。 透過實證資料的分析,本研究發現台灣雇主人口性別組成變遷的背後儼然呈現雙元結構的特質。儘管女性雇主比重的增加顯示女性在勞力市場中的角色位置確實在改變,性別分工的界線開始鬆動。然而,不論由不同產業、組織規模雇主的性別結構變遷,或是不同性別雇主在產業部門與組織規模分佈上的變化,本研究皆發現女性雇主相對於男性雇主,呈現出明顯的「邊陲」、「次要的特質」,換言之,即使在雇主人口中,我們依然可以觀察到明顯的性別階層化現象。因此,即使女性雇主人口的成長是一個不爭的事實,其實質經濟地位的提升卻仍然相當有限,由此觀之,台灣勞力市場的性別平等仍有很長一段路要走。 / There has been an increasing number of employers in Taiwan for the past 30 years, who are influential to the labor market and the economy. However, our understanding of this particular group of people is still of scarcity. Moreover, with the growths of female labor force participation and educational attainment, women has no longer been confined to lower level positions and started to become managers, or even business owners. Due to the importance of employers and the fact that women’s positions in the labor market have been changing, this thesis attempts to analyze the patterns and changes of the employer’s sex composition in Taiwan. Using the “Human Resource Survey” from 1978 to 2005, this thesis intends to depict the picture of the patterns and changes of the employer’s sex composition in Taiwan, and further analyze the employer’s sex composition in different industrial sectors in the context of Taiwan’s economic transformation. Furthermore, due to the importance of firm size to the employer’s economic success, this thesis also analyzes sex composition of different firm size. Meanwhile, on the basis of the quantitative change of the employer’s sex composition, this thesis also analyzes the qualitative change of the male and female employers respectively in terms of age, educational and industrial compositions and the distribution of firm size. The research result shows that the proportion of male employers is still much higher than that of women, but the percentage of female employers has consistently been increasing. As to sectoral differences, the personal service sector and social service sector has higher proportions of female employers, which indicates that these sectors provide more industrial niches to woman entrepreneurs. The sex composition among employers of different firm size, as has been expected, shows significant differences. Employers of firm size 2 to 9 people has the highest percentage of women. Further analyses of the age, educational and industrial compositions and the distribution of firm size show that while there are only slight differences between male and female employers’ age and educational composition, the industrial and firm-size distributions show significant dissimilarities. The male employers center around the transformative sector while the female ones concentrate in low-profit, personal service sector with smaller firm size. Through the empirical analyses, the author concludes that a dual structure exists behind the sex composition of the employers in Taiwan. Despite the fact that the proportion of female employers has been increasing, which indicates that the roles and positions of women in the labor market has indeed undergone certain changes, the female employers still come in a “peripheral” and “secondary” position. In other words, we can still observe obvious gender stratification among the employers in Taiwan. Therefore, the gender equality in Taiwan’s labor market still has a long way to go.


吳仁弘 Unknown Date (has links)
在信用風險的分析上,應變數就是發生與不發生,通常以1、0 來表示。若透過一般的最小平方法來處理,所求得的估計量雖滿足不偏性(Unbiased),但存在幾個缺點,應變數並不滿足迴歸分析中常態分配的假設、殘差項存在變異數異質的問題。在模型的解釋能力方面,更存在著以下困擾 1.忽略了不同規模與分配下應變數的邊際變化。 2.極端值的情形下,參數的係數將會受到很大的影響。 本研究引進了分量迴歸(Quantiles Regression)的工具,最早由Koenker and Bassett(1978)所提出,能解決在使用最小平方法來處理時所出現的問題,以架構公司信用風險模型的評估,提出客觀的評估標準,並檢驗其用以風險控管的能力。 實證結果整理,各分量Binary Regression Quantiles的預測解釋能力和傳統的Logit模型仍存在一定的差距。

無線網狀網路多元速率下的多跳接路徑容納量與延遲之研究與分析 / A Study on Multi-rate Multi-hop Path Capacity and Delay in Wireless Mesh Networks

蔡承璋, Tsai, Cheng-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來興起一個前瞻性無線技術,稱之為無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks;WMNs) 以所費低廉方式提供無線網路最後一哩存取Internet,同時具備ad hoc網路全部優點。例如自我組織(self-organization)、自我組態(self-configuration)等。而802.11協議已經納入802.11s草案。雖然802.11的實體層支持多元速率,大多數研究為了簡化多假設在單一速率的情況下。但事實上,802.11可以支援的Automatic Rate Fallback (ARF)多元速率演算法;換句話說,由於信號雜訊比和資料錯誤率的不同,資料傳輸速率將自動調整。在這裡,我們假定在WMNs上使用 802.11協定,並且考慮路徑容量,延遲,流量公平及多元速率多跳接的環境。為了設法指出和改善這方面的議題,我們提出了經由改進802.11競爭視窗和加權公平調度機制的跨階層設計。透過一系列的模擬指出問題並找出合適的解決方案。結果顯示,如果增加低速率連結的優先權和考慮流量公平問題,容量及延遲將得到改善。 / A new promising wireless technology has emerged recently, called wireless mesh networks (WMNs). WMNs are an inexpensive way to provide wireless last-mile broadband Internet access and have all the advantages of ad hoc networks, such as self-organization, self-configuration. IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol has been adopted in 802.11s draft. Although IEEE 802.11 physical layer supports multiple rates, most researches assume single rate environment for simplicity. However, in reality, 802.11 adopts automatic rate fallback (ARF) multi-rate algorithm. In other words, the data rate will be automatically adjusted due to its signal-to-noise ratio, or error rate. Here, we assume the fitness of IEEE 802.11 over WMNs, and considering path capacity, delay, flow fairness, in multi-hop multi-rate environments. They all are affected by data rates on the links along the path. In order to address and improve the above issues, we propose a cross layer scheme which is modified by the contention window of IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC and weighted fairness scheduling mechanism. We point out the problem and find out the suitable solution via a series of scenarios simulations. The results show that if increasing the priority of the low data link and taking care about flow fairness problem, the capacity and delay will be improved.


潘振偉 Unknown Date (has links)

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