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人民幣國際化程度與前景的實證分析 / Empirical study on the degree and prospect of renminbi internationalization王國臣, Wang, Guo Chen Unknown Date (has links)
三是,根據SGMM的實證結果顯示,網路外部性、經濟規模、金融市場規模、貨幣穩定度,以及資本開放程度都是影響貨幣國際化程度的關鍵因素。在此基礎上,本研究利用發生機率(odds ratio),以計算不同資本開放情境下,人民幣成為前10大國際貨幣的可能性。結果顯示,如果人民幣的資本帳開放到73%左右,人民幣便可擠進前10大國際貨幣(發生機率為65.6%)。
二是,資本開放不僅直接對貨幣國際化程度產生影響,也會透過擴大金融市場規模與網路外部性等其他貨幣競爭力因素,間接對貨幣國際化程度造成影響。這間接效果,本研究也沒有考量到。因此,可以預期的是,只要人民幣資本帳能夠漸進開放,人民幣國際化的前景將比本研究所預估的高出許多。 / This paper discusses whether the Renminbi (RMB) will become an international currency, even challenging to the U.S. dollar. In order to examine above question, this paper take the following three steps:
1. By using principal component analyses (PCA), this paper constructs two indices: currency internationalization degree index (CIDI) and capital account liberalization degree index (CAOI);
2. By using dynamic panel data model-system generalized method of moment (SGMM), this paper analyzes factors affect the CIDI, including economic and trade size, financial system, network externalities, confidence in the currency’s value, and CAOI;
3. According to the PCA and SGMM results, this paper calculates the odds ratio of RMB becoming important international currency.
The reserch achieved the following results. First, the degree of internationalization of the RMB progress very fast, but the RMB CIDI is still very low, its CIDI far behinds the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and pounds.
Second, over the past 10 years, RMB CAOI is not increased but decreased. Its CAOI is at zero in 2009, this means that: the RMB is the most stringent controls in the world currency. In contrast, U.S. dollars, euros, yen, and pound CAOI are at least in more than 70%.
Third, according to the SGMM results, economic size, financial system, network externalities, confidence in the currency’s value, and CAOI are key factors affect the CIDI. Based on this output, this paper forecasted that if the RMB CAOI is open to about 73%, RMB could be squeezed into the top 10 of the international currency. (The odds ratio is 65.6%)
It is noteworthy that this is only the lowest estimates. This is because that this paper did not consider the interaction effects of each currency competitiveness factors and CAOI. Therefore, if RMB CAOI continues open, the prospect of RMB CIDI is much higher than estimated by this paper.
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政府支出之生產與最適公債比例 / Government expenditure in production and the optimal debt ratio莊仲霖, Chuang, Chung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
2011年,美國政府在經歷次級房貸和高軍事支出的雙重壓力下,爆發高度財政赤字的問題,造成歐巴馬政府面臨調高債務比例與債務上限的壓力。然而,在眾多的輿論聲中,美國民主黨與共和黨在八月底達成下列協議,減少政府支出、提高債務比例以及增加債務上限等;但是,是否這些方式將改善美國經濟?本篇文章在動態隨機一般均衡(DSGE)架構下,建立一個封閉經濟體系,並將政府支出加入私人廠商部門,透過公共投資,幫助私人廠商增加產出;並且在政府僅採行公債和徵稅融通下,找出一個最適的債務持有比例,使國內福利為最高。而本文發現政府進入生產部門時,將影響最適債務持有比例。即是,隨著政府支出生產彈性越大,最適債務持有比例也會上升,而在基準參數下,我們將會得到最適債務持有比例為百分之十的結論。 / In 2011, under the pressure of subprime mortgage and high military expenditure, the U.S. government accumulated high fiscal deficit, and the Obama government faced the pressure of raising debt ratio and raising debt ceiling. However, among the huge debates, the Republican Party and Democratic Party reached the deal in August which included cut-down government expenditure, raise debt ratio, raise debt ceiling, and so on. But, will these ways improve the U.S. economy? This paper follows the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework to construct a closed economy,
which the government helps private firm to production through public investment. Besides, given that government only undertakes debt financing and tax financing, we try to find an optimal debt ratio which makes the highest domestic welfare. In our finding, if the government enters private production sector, the optimal debt ratio will be influenced. That is, the optimal debt ratio will increase with the production elasticity of government expenditure. Under the benchmark parameter, the optimal debt ratio is 10 percent.
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語言與手勢之溝通動態性 / Communicative Dynamism in Language and Co-speech Gesture楊婉君, Yang, Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討溝通動態與手勢之關係。本研究相較於過去的研究提供了中文口語語料的量化結果,除了檢視語言上的溝通動態值與手勢出現、手勢類型的關係以外,並加入手勢特徵進而檢視。語言上的溝通動態值分別以「資訊狀態」與「主題連續性」來決定溝通動態值之高低,並且將手勢所伴隨的語詞依詞性分開分為名詞與動詞,檢視是否手勢上會依循語碼原則(the coding principle):當溝通動態值越高,所使用的代碼材料便越多;當溝通動態值越低,所使用的代碼材料越少。結果發現,以決定溝通動態值的標準來看,資訊狀態較主題連續性更能依語碼原則反應溝通動態值。原因是因為資訊狀態反應訊息的新舊差異性,而主題連續性反應的是舊訊息當中的不同的「舊」的程度差異,因此前者較能反應溝通動態與手勢之關係;而以手勢伴隨的語詞而言,動詞較名詞更能依語碼原則反應溝通動態值。因為動詞相較於名詞而言,在語言上無完整的語碼系統以反應溝通動態值之高低,因此倚賴手勢出現與手勢特徵來反應語言上的溝通動態值之高低。 / The study investigates the correlation between communicative dynamism (CD) and gesture. Different from the previous studies, the present study provides quantitative analysis based on Chinese conversational data. The study examines the correlation between CD in language and the occurence of gestures, gestural types and gestural features. The various degrees of CD are deteremined by two separate criteria, namely “information status” and “topic continuity”. Morover, the study also distinguishes between the nominal affiliates of gesture and the verbal counterparts. The study found that gestures occur at the two extremities of CD. Gestures tend to co-occur with linguistic elements bearing the highest or the lowest CD. In addition, based on the criterion of “information status”, stroke duration and handedness were found to reflect the various degrees of CD. On the other hand, based on the criterion of “topic continuity”, all gestural features including stroke duration, gestural space, handedness and stroke frequency have no correlation with CD.
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開放經濟體下納入信用市場之匯率動態 / Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Small Open Economy with Credit Market林育聖, Lin,Yu-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
In the literature, a considerable theoretical and empirical works have investigated the credit channel of monetary transmission mechanism. This dissertation extends the Bernanke and Blinder (1988) model to an open-economy setting with flexible exchange rate and perfect capital mobility. By means of the framework, we examine the exchange rate dynamics and the adjustment of real output. It turns out that, with a significant credit channel effect, the exchange rate puzzle may occur in the short run and in long run. Moreover, in contrast to Dornbusch (1976), this dissertation shows that, depending upon the strength of the credit channel effect, overshooting, undershooting and counter-shooting impact effect may occur when international capital mobility is perfect. / In the literature, a considerable theoretical and empirical works have investigated the credit channel of monetary transmission mechanism. This dissertation extends the Bernanke and Blinder (1988) model to an open-economy setting with flexible exchange rate and perfect capital mobility. By means of the framework, we examine the exchange rate dynamics and the adjustment of real output. It turns out that, with a significant credit channel effect, the exchange rate puzzle may occur in the short run and in long run. Moreover, in contrast to Dornbusch (1976), this dissertation shows that, depending upon the strength of the credit channel effect, overshooting, undershooting and counter-shooting impact effect may occur when international capital mobility is perfect.
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明星產業中弱勢地區廠商之全球競爭策略─ 以台灣醫療器材產業為例林文貴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究對象,包含了Omron Healthcare、百略醫學科技與合世生醫;因為
我國的現階段明星產業包含了生技產業(『兩兆雙星』中的一星),而在家用醫療偵測產品的產業區隔中,這三家都佔有非常重要的地位,而且都是全球策略的執行者。(Omron Healthcare雖為日本廠商,卻是產業龍頭,具有全球策略參考價值。)
2.由於使用者信心問題,我國的較適進入產業區隔,初期為 『量產為主之家用電子醫療器材』與『以機電、機械加工為主之福祉相關產品』,研究顯示,目前我國的較高產值區隔,也是如此。
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稅制改革之可計算一般均衡分析-Ramsey與Overlapping Generation model 之比較 / The Effect of Tax Reform in a Computable General Equilibrium Framework - Ramsey vs. Overlapping Generation Model廖如敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用台灣2001年資料以Ramsey與OLG假設分別建立區分四部門別與八部門別之動態可計算一般均衡模型,進行「提高間接稅(消費稅、環境稅)、降低直接稅(資本、勞動所得稅)」之稅制改革模擬分析。結果發現若以單一時點比較靜態方式分析可能迥異於動態長期分析結果;其次以Ramsey分析所欠缺的代際分配影響結果在OLG分析中可以察見,特別是進行以消費稅或環境稅替代資本所得稅模擬時;再者OLG因代際傳遞效果可能較Ramsey假設下反應緩慢,故也可觀察到Ramsey模型面對衝擊後若干變數增減幅度會較OLG模型陡峭。最後特別在環境稅替代所得稅模擬中經由替代稅率變化發現,活在初期世代雖可享受所得稅下降好處但卻也面臨排放稅課徵,因此福利水準增減變化不大,惟屆至排放稅課徵瀕至臨界點需使用原所得稅來平衡稅收時,此為另一波必須為減量政策付出代價的時點與世代。 / Based on a thorough comparison of the basic assumptions and economic underpinning of the Ramsey and Overlapping generation (OLG) model, this study builds both static and dynamic computable general equilibrium tax policy models to analyze the effect of tax reform on Taiwan’s economy. The new tax structure considers mainly a replacement of some parts of direct tax - labor and capital income taxes by indirect tax- consumption tax or environment tax. The benchmark year of the model is 2001, and the economy is divided into four and eight sectors. The modeling framework is implemented on top of MPSGE, which is a special module within the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS).Our simulation results show differential outcomes for static and dynamic models. The slower speed of transition inherent in OLG model has caused variables such as welfare, capital stock, and replacement consumption tax rate change less than that in the Ramsey model when the tax reform policy is imposed. And the intergeneration effects of different tax burden between young and old generations can be found in the OLG model but not in the Ramsey model. Finally, we find as the income tax rate coming lower and the environment tax going up when simulation of tax replacement, causing the welfare does not change much at the beginning of shock, and generations especially born in the near future when environment tax does not grow and revenue neutrality needs to be meet are another cost payers of abatement policy.
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以模擬最佳化評量銀行的資產配置鄭嘉峰 Unknown Date (has links)
過去的文獻中,資產配置的方法不外乎效率前緣、動態資產配置等方式,但是,單獨針對銀行探討的文章並不多見,所以本文的貢獻在於單獨針對銀行的資產配置行為進行研究,希望能利用『演化策略演算法』,進行『模擬最佳化』來解決銀行資產配置的問題。基本上這個方法是由兩個動作結合而成,先是模擬,再來尋求最佳解。所以,資產面我們選擇了現金、債券、股票、不動產四項標的,而負債面則模擬了定存、活存與借入款這三項業務,然後透過重複執行模型的方式來求出最適解。並與單期資產配置方法下的結果作一比較,發現運用演化策略演算法有較佳的結果,此外,在不同的亂數下,仍具有良好的穩健性,可作為一般銀行經理人參考之用。 / We focus on the bank’s asset allocation problem in this thesis. We use simulation optimization to solve the problem by evolution strategy, which is relatively new in the financial field. Simulation optimization consists of two steps: simulate numerous situations and search for the optimal asset portfolios. In the simulation, we set up four assets, including cash, bond, stock, and real estate and three business lines, including demand deposits, time deposits, and borrowings. Then we search for the optimal solution by running the ES algorithm. The results show that simulation optimization generates better results than one-period asset allocation. Furthermore, the evolution strategy method generates similar results using different random numbers.
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外部技術成為A銀行核心能耐之專案研究陳勝宜 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀的世界裡,大量利用知識經濟的創新加上資訊網路的日新月異,使市場加快建立更具效率化的商業模式、平台和電子交易。金融業也不例外的在各相關領域裡依賴科技技術的創新,增加金融服務業的效率及競爭力。尤其,繼民國九十年七月通過的「金融控股公司法」的法令開放後,結合國內金融相關產業的金融控股公司紛紛掛牌上市,每家金控都積極努力在找尋新的藍海策略與建立不同的商業模式與提供跨國金融服務平台,以期在這一場激烈的合併戰役中勝出。在複雜的融資交易或是投資服務活動後面,金融業面對的是如何客制化和建立屬於自己企業專屬的金融服務平台,不僅僅是在金融專業形象建立或是產品服務的多樣化,更用以滿足各層次的客戶需求、加快交易服務和在市場上擁有獨樹一格的企業核心能耐。筆者深信,在未來新金融商品發行的速度上每家金控大都不至於有太大的落差,但唯獨在資訊平台的競爭距離上卻是可以拉大的。這裡面的原因不外乎是因為:1. 資訊平台的建置需要投入大量的人力及財務資源、知識的投入整合並且需要花費較長的時間,2. 金融商品的know-how可藉由資訊整合後更加系統化並在使用上更具效率性,3.建置兩岸三地或全球性的平台服務將是必須,因為在產業競爭全球化趨勢之下,客戶更需要的是跨疆界的金融服務。
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智慧資本與動態能耐對研發團隊創新績效的影響 / The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Dynamic Capabilities on R&D Teams’ Innovative Performance林良陽, Lin,Liang-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,為了解釋為何某些企業在快速變動與無法預期的市場中依然可以保有其競爭優勢,某些學者擴張資源基礎觀點到動態市場中,並提出「動態能耐」觀點(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997)。本研究主張,研發團隊的動態能耐除了直接影響創新績效之外,也是其「運用」智慧資本的關鍵因素。動態能耐對組織績效與創新績效的關連,雖有學者著墨;但,其實證研究並不多見,有待相關學者提出更多的貢獻。再則,動態能耐是一複雜的概念,若要對其進行衡量,應該要進一步釐清該構念,甚至建構適合的衡量指標,提出較為完整的、且符合信度與效度的衡量量表,方能正確地衡量動態能耐。
研究發現,動態能耐是一個多面向多層次構念,可以以三構面八因子共19題項的問卷來衡量,三構面是指結合能耐、吸收能耐與彈性。在假說檢定部分,本研究共提出9項假說,結果有7項假說受到支持,另有2項假說未獲得支持。結果驗證本研究的主要論點,亦即智慧資本對研發團隊創新績效的影響並不顯著;而研發團隊如何運用智慧資本的能耐(亦即動態能耐),顯著地影響其創新績效。此外本研究發現,結合能耐是中介變項,它完全中介了吸收能耐對創新績效的影響;吸收能耐也是中介變項,它完全中介了人力資本以及關係資本對結合能耐的影響;而彈性則是交互變項,它會正向地強化各項智慧資本對吸收能耐的影響。最後,本研究也得到兩項特別的觀察,一是,具有動態能耐的研發團隊在研發能量提升上的兩種向度,二是,它是一種「彈性球體」的組織型態,方得以快速地回應外在環境的改變。 / The scholars who studied the field of intellectual capital (IC) argued that IC was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the IC a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate innovative performance. However, the relationship between IC and innovative performance needs to be explored further, because of being inconsistent with some practical cases. This research proposed that the view of IC could not explain appropriately why organizations could generate better innovative performance in the dynamic environment. Besides, the scholars who studied IC seldom distinguished “static IC” from “dynamic ability for utilizing IC”. Whereas, this research proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing IC on innovative performance.
On the other hand, in order to explain why some enterprises could keep their competitive advantages in the rapidly changing environment, some scholars proposed the viewpoints of dynamic capabilities (DCs). This research argues that it has a directly significant effect of DCs on innovative performance, and DCs are the critical factors for utilizing IC. This research proposes that DCs are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity, if we would like to measure them.
This research adopted qualitative and quantitative researches simultaneously to demonstrate these arguments. After clarifying the definition of DCs and extracting the components of DCs from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework. This research selected the research team of N University for developing wireless nano-bio systems as a case, and thoroughly explored two of its radically innovative projects, including Anti-SARS R&D project and sensor chip for wireless nano-biotach R&D project. Through observing their response to the rapidly changing external environment, this research illustrated the impact of IC and DCs of R&D team on its innovative performance. By the two-stage observation, analysis and induction of this case, we could understand the preliminary power in explaining this research model, and amend the hypotheses.
As for quantitative research, first, according to the scale developing steps, suggested by Hinkin (1998), this research developed the measurement tool of DCs with five stages and three samples to measure the concept of DCs precisely. Secondly, after developing the measurement scale of DCs, which surpassed the acceptable level for reliability, content validity, goodness of fit, convergent validity and discriminate validity, this research utilized the third sample testing the hypotheses to confirm the relationships among IC, DCs, and innovative performance of the R&D teams.
The results showed that the concept of DCs is a multi-level and multi-dimension construct, which is composed of combinative capabilities, absorptive capacity and flexibility. In addition, it can be measured by three-dimension and eight-factor scale with nineteen items. As for the hypothesis testing, there were nine hypotheses in this research. Seven of them were supported, however, two of them were not supported. The results confirmed the main arguments of this research. That is, it doesn’t have a significant effect of IC on R&D team’s innovative performance. However, it does have a significant effect of DCs on R&D team’s innovative performance. In addition, the results showed that combinative capabilities and absorptive capacity are mediators. The combinative capabilities fully mediated the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance. The absorptive capacity also fully mediated the effects of human capital and relationship capital on the combinative capabilities. Meanwhile, the results showed that flexibility is a moderator, which enhanced the effects of different ICs on absorptive capacity. Finally, this research got two special observations. First, there are two dimensions of R&D energy promotion for R&D teams with DCs. Secondly, it is a type of “flexible sphere organization” for the R&D teams with DCs, so that they can respond to the rapidly changing external environment.
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公司治理與動態資本結構關係之研究 / Two Essays of the Effects of Corporate Governance on Capital Structure Dynamics張雅凱, Chang, Ya Kai Unknown Date (has links)
第二篇文章主要探討產品市場競爭在公司治理品質與動態資本結構關係中所扮演的角色。文獻中已有許多研究探討市場競爭對經理人的怠惰行為的影響。然而,到目前為止,仍然沒有文獻研究產品市場競爭程度的高低如何影響公司治理與資本結構調整速度之間的關係。我們的文章因此補足目前研究文獻不足之處。實證結果顯示,公司在競爭的狀態下,更願意以追求股東財富極大化為其目標,此舉也因此提升公司資本結構朝向最適目標值調整的速度。除此之外,我們的實證結果亦發現在一個高度市場競爭的環境下,弱治理與強治理公司之間調整速度的差距會縮小。 / This study contains two essays on the relationship between corporate governance on capital structure dynamics, and how production market competition affects this relation.
Essay 1: Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Structure: New Evidences
The effects of corporate governance on optimal capital structure choices have been well documented, though without offering empirical evidence about the impact of corporate governance quality on the adjustment speed toward an optimal capital structure. This study simultaneously considers two effects of debt originating from agency theory—the takeover defense and the disciplinary effects of debt—on the speed of adjustment to the optimal capital structure. Corporate governance has a distinct effect on the speed of capital structure adjustment: weak governance firms that are underlevered tend to adjust slowly to the optimal capital structure, because the costs of the disciplinary role of debt outweigh the benefits of using debt as a takeover defense tool. Although, overlevered weak governance firms also adjust slowly, they do so because they are reluctant to decrease their leverage toward the target level to deter potential raiders, especially if they face a serious takeover threat. Therefore, this study finds that both overlevered and underlevered firms with weak governance adjust slowly toward their target debt levels, though with different motivations.
Essay 2: Corporate Governance, Product Market Competition, and Dynamic Capital Structure
The importance of product market competition for analyzing managerial slack or the impact of corporate governance on capital structure decision has been widely discussed. However, prior studies pay little attention to center on the impact of market competition on the relationship between corporate governance quality and capital structure dynamics. This paper thus fills this gap in the literature. Our study finds that competition makes firms with weak governance have stronger incentive to maximize shareholders’ wealth and thus increase their adjustment speed toward their target leverage. Moreover, the difference in the adjustment speeds between weak and strong governance firms become smaller when firms operate in highly competitive industries.
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