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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國國會助理制度及其勞動權益之探討 / A study on congress assistant institution and their labor rights in Taiwan

林家騏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的有四: (一)整理目前我國國會助理工作之特性: 藉由研究來了解國會助理工作之內容及特性為何,進而歸納出國會助理所需之勞動條件。 (二)了解目前我國國會助理勞動之條件: 由於國內多數國會助理研究並未對國會助理各項勞動條件明確予以討論,本研究試圖收集國會助理各項勞動條件,藉以了解國會助理真實的勞動環境情況。 (三)歸納目前我國國會助理勞動之權益: 藉由收集到的資料,分析及討論目前國會助理各項勞動條件之情況,並適時了解國會助理於勞動環境中所面臨之問題。 (四)明白目前我國國會助理勞動權益與條件之間的落差: 在了解國會助理的各項勞動條件後,分析與討論其與現行法令之落差,並提出改善之建議,藉以提升國會助理之勞動條件。 關鍵字:國會助理、勞動權益

我國性工作者勞動權益保護之探討 / A study on labor rights protection of prostitution in Taiwan

邱祖賢 Unknown Date (has links)
性工作者的勞動權益是一個細緻化的工程,除罪化、合法化的難處、法制政策的價值辯證尚待確立,同時須遷就社會、政治及經濟的現實。 在性工作者的認知中,無論是以商品的方式看待交易行為或認其性交易是處境中求生存的選擇,其實與大眾對於職業選擇並無差異。需要被正視的是性工作者的性服務中,其勞動條件包括:待遇、福利、風險、休假、自主權、工作環境、工會組織、資本形式與股份制度、服務規範的缺乏、服務程序的監督等。再進一步地檢視社會價值觀對性工作者的污名化及社會文化,用歧視性工作的手段進行社會控制。 本研究旨在從性工作者的主體觀點訪談中,期望真實反應性工作者的工作處遇及態樣,對於訪談發現進行分析,輔以他國制度比對相較,藉以了解現我國現行實務上不完備的缺口與參照適用的可能。最後於結論部分,針對性工作者身處惡劣勞動環境、面對的勞動情緒與失去的勞動尊嚴提出看法,並對於相關規定政策及性工作者的自主勞動、社會福利提出建議作為未來相關議題研究者之參考。 / When it comes to labor rights of workers who provide direct sexual services, it is the meticulous and painstaking process. Due to difficulties of decriminalization of sex work and of legalizing as well as the value of legal policies is yet to be set up, we often take social-political and economic environments for the practical consideration. As those worker’s understanding, the services they serve are familiar with others, that is, they work like others do as they serve whom need it. However, they do not get the same rights and protection as others, such as labor welfares, labor insurances, labor protection, and rights to union, Furthermore, they are living under the control of stigmatization and discrimination. The main focus of the study is to explore and reveal commercial sex workers' working conditions and status through the interviews . According to the analysis and induction of the data from the interviews, we have compared the differences of sex work policies between Taiwan and other countries so as to find the gap between current practices and applicable policies. In conclusion, we suggest those sex workers who work in bad working condition and suffer misunderstanding, stigmatization and discrimination, the better way to get the decent work. Also we offer some suggestions for the further related study in the future.

派駐大陸工作勞動權益之探討 / The labor right of expatriates in China

翁思敏, Weng, Szu Min Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,兩岸貿易限制漸漸減少並積極簽訂ECFA等經濟協議,赴大陸投資的企業逐年增加,相對地臺灣勞工至大陸工作者亦隨之與日俱增已呈常態。臺灣勞工欲前往大陸工作之人數節節攀高,相反地薪資給付額度卻漸漸下滑,相對地勞動權益是否會受派駐大陸而產生衝擊是本文欲探究的問題。我國在無任何調動法令下,企業間調動已陸續在勞資間發生問題與爭議,同時間勞工面臨企業間與國際間的調動,是以何種方式派駐,為勞雇間法律關係是否有產生什麼變化,而勞工既有的勞動權益在工資、退休金、職業災害與解僱保護方面將如何受到影響,是本文欲探究的研究核心。 本文研究內容如下: 本文先以具有關係企業或子公司於大陸的企業或集團企業為研究對象,藉由深度訪談了解多家企業派駐勞工至大陸工作的型態與方式,歸納出以下三種型態:調職派駐、離職派駐與長期出差,並逐一釐清我國各種派駐型態之法律關係。同時,由訪談內容歸納出我國企業派駐勞工至大陸時,因派駐讓勞工在工資、退休金、職業災害與解僱保護這幾方面可能遭遇之問題,並在後續以不同的派駐型態檢視對各種問題的影響。 對派駐大陸對勞動權益影響之探討分述如下:首先以工資之原理探討受派駐產生的派駐津貼等多樣給付是否可認定為工資,同時以上述三種型態檢視對工資認定帶來的影響,並輔以學說與判決加以分析;其次,檢視不同派駐形態對我國勞工保險老年給付、勞基法退休金與勞退條例等退休金各帶來什麼樣的影響;職業災害部分,先以三種型態在職業災害雇主責任該如何歸屬,同時探究於大陸派駐期間之災害是否皆能認定為職業災害,還是亦與臺灣相同須符合職業災害要件始能認定為職業災害;最後則是探討解雇保護制度,受派駐勞工欲提早回任者,企業可否以勞基法第11條予以解雇,及包二奶、婚外情等私人因素,可否作為解僱勞工的要件。 針對上述探討的議題整理出派駐型態之特色與新興現象,並對集團企業之雇主責任、我國人力統計等議題提出筆者的建議。

我國非正式部門就業者的勞動條件與權益之探討 / A Study on Labor Conditions and Rights of Informal Sector Workers in Taiwan

丁于真 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,就業者樣態趨向多元化,除了傳統受僱於私人企業及公部門的就業者,還有一群人選擇投入自營作業,成為自營作業者或無酬家屬工作者;他們是屬於「非正式部門」就業的類型。非正式部門是與傳統正式部門相對應的概念,在我國就業人口中佔有一定的比例;這些勞動者的工作特性與一般受僱者不同,他們的工作時間具有不確定性,難以區分工作報酬結構,更要承擔所有工作風險。因此與受僱者相比,其勞動條件與勞動權益有較為不足之可能。故本研究著重於我國非正式部門就業者勞動條件與勞動權益探討,藉由相關文獻回顧與整理,瞭解非正式部門的形成背景、定義、概念、所遭遇的問題;再透過我國現有法規與深度訪談,瞭解實務上勞動條件與權益之情況。勞動條件包括工作時間概況、賺取收入報酬之手段、工作安全衛生與職業災害補償等議題。勞動權益則從非正式部門就業者參與工會組織、相關就業保障及老年保障等面向著手。 經由文獻探討與訪談結果歸納,研究發現非正式部門就業者營業收入不穩定,易產生工作時間過長現象;整體缺乏職業災害預防觀念,且加入職業工會意願較低。勞動權益部分,就業不穩定的非正式部門就業者缺乏發聲管道,就業安全保障不足。故針對研究結論提出以下政策建議: 一、加強營業登記,建立良好就業環境。 二、鼓勵非正式部門就業者加入職業工會投保勞工保險,並輔導職業工會提供就 業安全、工作安全衛生等課程訓練。 三、將非正式部門就業者納入就業保險及擴大其他勞動政策適用範圍。 四、針對特定族群制訂政策,以滿足各年齡層就業者需求。

我國建教合作制度及建教合作生勞動權益保障之探討 / A study on cooperative education and labor rights protection of participating students in Taiwan

趙健宇, Chao, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的環境下,經濟與科技的瞬息萬變已對各產業產生革命性的衝擊。在此情況下,人才的培育成為各國在全球化趨勢下,得以維持競爭優勢至關重要之因素。而面對全球化經濟、資本自由流動,我國政府對於推動人才培育政策亦不遺餘力,其中我國經濟建設的大幅成長即與技職教育的日益發展息息相關。而在技職教育體系中,又以建教合作制度最具有發展經濟及安定社會之功能,過去此制度亦培育許多優秀且不可或缺的基層勞動力。 本研究透過深度訪談之方式,訪談5位目前正參與建教合作之學生、3間目前正參與此制度之學校及3間目前正參與此制度之企業。根據本研究發現,建教合作生參與此制度之動機主要係以經濟因素之考量為主,其餘則係依據個人興趣及喜好而投入。至有關建教生勞動權益保障部分,研究發現,即便我國102年施行之《高級中等學校建教合作實施及建教生權益保障法》對於建教生勞動權益之保護已明訂且規範十分詳盡,惟我國建教生對於勞動意識仍相當薄弱,且對於事業機構之違法行為亦賦予合理化之解釋,另對於勞動基本權(如:團結權、團體協商權、爭議權)亦一無所知,究其理由應與我國勞動教育的不普及密切關聯,建教生無法明確區分「學習」與「勞動」。因此,本研究根據結論,分別提出給政府、學校、企業、學生及後續研究者相關建議,希冀能改善我國建教合作制度所面臨之問題,以協助建教合作生在企業訓練期間之勞動權益受到保障,並使建教合作制度得永續發展,使學生得透過此制度獲致相關職業技能。 / Under the circumstances of globalization, the rapid substantial change of economy and technology has had a revolutionary impact on various industries. As a result, the cultivation of manpower becomes the key factor for countries to maintain competitive advantages under the trend of globalization. In the face of the free flow of capital and economy, our government has also spared no efforts to promote the manpower cultivation plan. The development of the substantial growth of Taiwan's economy is also closely related to the technical and vocational education. As one of the technical and vocational education system, the cooperative education has the function of developing economy and stabilizing the society. In the past, the cooperative education indeed cultivated many excellent and indispensable human capital in Taiwan. In this study, depth interviews were used for data collection. The participants include 5 students who are currently engaged in cooperative education, 3 schools currently participating in the system, and 3 enterprises currently participating in the system. According to this research, the motivations of students to participate in this system are mainly due to the consideration of economic factors, while the rest are based on personal interests. In regards to the protection of participating students’ labor rights, the study also found that even though the 2013 " The Act of the Cooperative Education Implementation in Senior High Schools and the Protection of Student Participants’ Right " was legislated to protect students’ labor rights, while the labor consciousness of the participating students are still weak. In addition, the participating students also rationalize the enterprise’s illegal acts, and know nothing about the basic labor rights (eg. right to organize, right to bargain collectively, right to dispute). The reasons should be owing to Taiwan's labor education is not so widespread, so participating students can’t clearly distinguish between "learning" and "labor." In conclusion, recommendations for policy makers, schools, enterprises, students as well as the further research, hoping to improve the problems faced by Taiwan's cooperative education as well as to improve the students’ labor rights during the training. Hope that the cooperative education can be more sustainable so that students can get skills through this system.

企業績效評估制度對勞動權益之衝擊研究 / The Impact of Employee's Performance Evaluation on Employment Relations

傅柏翔, Fu, Bo Shone Unknown Date (has links)
從企業之角度出發,於現代資本主義社會中,公司組織當以獲取最大合法利潤為主要目標,因此在其經營自由權限內,勢必以各類企管策略和人力資源措施來提升勞工工作效能和品質,並試圖準確衡量企業支出之薪資給付和勞工勞務表現間之對價關係是否平衡,而績效評估制度即屬最為廣泛使用之類型。相對的,從勞工之觀點出發,基於勞資雙方地位天生之不對等,以及人性尊嚴、社會正義維護之宗旨,勞動法針對勞工切身相關之重大權益,多以勞動法予以明文化,並產生強制保護之效力。 當企業之績效評估制度和勞動法令於工作場所交會時,此二追求目標不同、保障對象相異、著重方面有間的制度,在實際運用上是否會產生衝突或扞格?有無造成勞動法保障勞工權利之意旨減損或落空?若有,則是以何方式造成影響?有無可避免或降低損害之措施?即為本文之研究核心。 第一章,為本文之研究背景動機、研究目的、範圍架構和限制。 第二章部分,本文先分析績效評估制度之本質,理解其準確度和可能缺陷,再以企業深度訪談內容為核心,勾勒出現行企業對績效評估制度之運用方式和可能遭遇之問題,並發掘實務運作上,對現有勞動權益和制度可能造成之衝擊。為確實探究績效評估運用時,對於勞動保障架構之影響,本文試圖把企業績效評估制度之運用,逐一連結至工資、工時制度、解僱保護制度以及母性保護制度上,對勞動保護做一個徹底的檢視分析。 第三章部份,以工資之原理出發,核心爭議集中於績效獎金之定性問題,將論及績效獎金是否為勞基法工資之爭議和實務見解分析,並討論以績效為導向之新型態契約類型,是否會衝擊現行之基本工資規定和制度。 第四章部分,針對績效評估制度對於工時制度之影響,進行分析。首先區分「勞基法第八十四條之一責任制專業人員」和「雇主自行宣稱責任制工作」兩者之效力差異,並以訪談內容為依據,討論績效評估制度對「責任制工作」、「自願加班現象」之影響,再針對自願加班之合理性和合法性進行分析,最後討論現行工時基準是否有被變相放寬。 第五章部分,從解僱保護原理出發,檢視企業以績效評估結果不佳作為解僱事由、或者以績效不佳證明勞工屬勞基法第十一條第五款「勞工不能勝任工作」、以及以績效制度作為篩選裁員對象之合法性。最後試圖劃分企業人力資源措施和勞動法令強制介入之分界線,並提出研究之見解。 第六章部分,以母性保護理論之角度,分析訪談中出現之案例,並區分其可能之歧視類型,進一步討論績效評估制度之運用,有無造成性別工作平等法、勞基法…等等法令之保護規範出現落差,並針對其影響之程度多寡,提出補強、改善之建議。 第七章部分,則針對上述議題之討論,整理出研究發現,並於研究心得部分,討論績效評估制度之合理運用模式,最後於研究建議中針對如何合法、合理運用績效評估制度、促進勞資和諧,提出筆者之結論和建議。

知識經濟下的大學學術生產體制與研究生的學術勞動:政治經濟學批判 / The academic production regime and the laboring of graduates in the knowledge economy: political economy perspective

曾翔, Zeng, Siang Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以政治經濟學的取徑,研究當代高等教育的轉型與資本主義的連結。 本文以Marx對資本主義的批判為基礎,並結合Polanyi對虛構商品的考察,以及Jessop對知識的虛構商品化的論證,本文以為,在知識經濟的時代當中,知識被「虛構」為商品與資本,將知識勞動者收編至剝削的生產關係之中;在此,知識不僅只是經濟長波的關鍵,也是資本的競爭力-佔有超額利潤的能力,的關鍵所在。也因而,生產知識的場域,尤其是大學,就被捲入了資本主義之中,成為學術生產體制。 而被捲入資本主義的大學知識勞動者不僅只有教授或研究、教學人員,當中,又以研究生最為特殊,他們是「被生產的勞動力商品,同時又是生產知識商品的勞動力」。本文提出了勞動學習的概念,並以「是否直接生產剩餘價值」和「是否承受市場壓力」檢視研究生的勞動學習。本文以臺灣大學工會的案例,探討在勞動與學習混合為一的「勞動學習過程」、「學術外包」以及「名為助學的薪資與工作內容」的作用底下,研究生承受市場壓力,並被排除在勞動法制的保障之外的情形。 但是依照「有勞動事實就必須有勞動保護」的原則,本文以適用勞動法的各種要件主張研究生應適用勞動法令並享有各種勞動權,並得組成工會進行團體協商、維護自身權益。 最後,本文認為,我們必須正視資本主義式的學術生產體制對於研究生的剝削與壓迫,承認師、校、生之間的矛盾,進而團結抵抗資本主義的不斷擴張。 / This dissertation tried to examine the interconnection between the transformation of higher education and capitalism from political economy perspective. Based on the critique on capitalism by Marx, the inspection on fictitious commodity by Polanyi and the account of commoditization of knowledge of Jessop, this dissertation argues that, in the so-called knowledge economy, knowledge presents as the form of commodity and capital, and subsequently subsumes the knowledge worker into the exploited relation of production under capitalism. Besides, knowledge is also the key to create “long wave”, and more importantly, the competency of capital, which allows capital to gain surplus profits in the competition. With the development of knowledge economy, university has been transformed as “Academic Production Regime”. The graduates are also been subsumed into the Academic Production Regime. They are unique in this regime because they are “produced commodity of labor power, and also the labor power to produce commodity”. I bring up the concept of “learning by laboring” to examine, “Do the graduates produce surplus value?” and “Do the graduates endure the press from market?” With the case of Taiwan University Union, I asserted that the mixture of laboring and learning, academic subcontracting, and grant of student aid obscured the exploitation to graduates. Graduates now endure the press from market and be ignored by the protection of labor laws. I investigated the controversy of applying graduates employees to labor law, and argue that every labor should be protected by labor law. Finally, I contended that we shall confront the conflict between graduates, faculty and the university, and uniting to against the spread of capitalism

我國部分時間工作勞工保障法制建構的探討 / A study on the part-time worker protection law and institution in Taiwan

張育玲, Chang, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
部分工時工作在先進國家實施許久,且各國部分工時人口多佔一定比例並具有明顯的性別特性,即部分工時勞動型態女性化之現象,特別是女性勞工為了調和工作與家庭生活而選擇了部分工時工作。現階段我國尚未就部分時間工作制定專法,因此部分工時者相關法律仍需回歸現有傳統全時工作者之勞動法令。惟就法令面而言,國內部分工時者與全時工作者勞動條件全然相同,卻仍然產生邊緣化發展趨勢,即便雇主及勞工有縮短工時需求,但運用部分時間工作的比例仍然偏低,顯示現行規定不但無法充分落實保障部分工時工作者勞動權益,與促進利用目標也是背道而馳。對雇主來說缺乏進用誘因,對大多數未就業的婦女而言也無意願藉由部分工時工作來調和工作與家庭之間的衝突。爰上,本研究主要目的係探討我國部分時間工作勞工法制建構可行性,從中發現現行法規在適用部分工時勞動型態產生的窒礙難行之處,立法時兼顧部分工時之勞動條件及促進利用之可能。 本研究藉由相關文獻回顧與整理,瞭解部分時工作現況、定義、適用及所遭遇之問題;再透過與勞工團體、資方團體、政府機關、學者專家及勞工個案代表進行深度訪談,蒐集勞資政學各方代表對於部分工時法制建構之意見,以尋求發現我國部分工時法制建構之方向。經文獻及訪談結果發現,在面臨婚育或家庭照顧而選擇退出職場,再度返回職場二度就業之婦女並從事部分時間工作者,其最大特性是多數仍有家庭照顧責任,僅是責任減輕、非家庭中主要負擔家計者,基於補貼家用考量,而選擇部分時間工作,認為部分工時具有工時短及工時彈性,可以兼顧家庭照顧,對部分工時工作的滿意度高,故部分工時勞工保護之立法仍應兼顧促進利用規劃,以吸引潛在婦女勞動力投入職場。 本研究經由文獻探討及訪談結果歸納以下建議: 一、制定部分工時勞動專法,明文規範部分工時勞動權益。 二、避免部分工時全職(時)化發展,創造友善的部分工時工作機會。 三、明文規範部分工時均等待遇原則。 四、以部分時間工作提供全時工作以外之就業選項,避免已婚婦女因婚育而離開職場。 五、部分工時勞工之教育訓練,應同時兼顧技能再生安全。 / Part-time employment in advanced countries has been implemented for a long time, It has provided female could chose part-time work to reconcile work and family life therefore, it got very high female population accounts for a certain percentage in the part time work. It caused the trendies to feminize of the phenomenon with significant gender characteristics. However, Taiwan has not yet institutionalized in Part-Time Worker Protection Law, thus the legal status of part-time workers still needs to be governed by the traditional full-time workers' labour laws. Although the part-time worker and full-time work be treated with the same law and the same working condition in Taiwan but why employees and employers using this kinds of working pattern still low percentage in the whole labour population accounts and the part-time workers and forward to marginalized development. It shows that the existing regulation not only could not fully implement the protection of part of the labor rights of workers. consequently, the goal of the promote to use the part-time worker is also run counter to the partial hours workers of the labor rights and also short of incentives for employers to use the part-time worker. For most unemployed potential women, there is no intention to reconcile work and family conflicts by working hours. This study is reviewed and collected by relevant literature to understand the current situation, definition, application and problems encountered in the part-time work. According to depth interviews with labour groups, employers' groups, government agencies, academics and labour case representatives to collect the opinions of the representatives of the parties and seeking to find the direction of the construction of Part-Time Worker Protection Law of our legal system. From the literature and interviews found out, women abandon the job when they get marriage or give birth to their own breed and to devote for the family. Those women get employed once again to choose to be a part time worker the most of reasons is that women have family care responsibilities although they are not main economic supporter consequently they reduce the part of the cost of living and subsidize home when they chose part time work. Most of them admit the part-time work has working hour’s elasticity and short hours and flexibility. Because of those reasons, they are satisfied this type of work pattern of the part-time work. Part-Time Worker Protection Law of the labour protection legislation should still take into account the promotion of the use of planning and to attract potential women's labour force into the labour market. Based on the findings, this summarizes the following suggestions : 1) To establish the Part-Time Worker Protection Law in Taiwan, specific regulations the part-time worker rights and definition clarity. 2) It should create a friendly part-time employment environment and prevent part-time work become full-time work. 3) To establish of equal treatment between full-time and part-time. 4) Create another choice of employment for marriaged women, to avoid the most women quit their job as they got marriage and bore their breeds. 5) The part-time labors' education and training should also improve their skills reproduction security.

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