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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中共「新安全觀」下的朝鮮半島外交政策:以「六方會談」為例 / China's "New Security Concept" and Foreign Policy in Korean Peninsula: The Case of Six-Party Talks

楊名豪, Yang, Ming Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在2002年朝核危機引發後,中共居中折衝尊俎,舉辦「三方會談」及數輪「六方會談」,使朝核危機相關諸國得以齊聚北京協商處理朝核問題,揭開朝鮮半島歷史之新頁。中共雖非當事國,然涉入與影響之程度均較前次危機為深,其政策及角色皆有研究之必要。「新安全觀」提出迄今已近十年,做為中共國際關係的「理論」,直接指導其外交政策,其意涵著重於與冷戰思維的差異,以「互信、互利、平等、協作」及對「非傳統安全」的關照為其理論核心,在實踐上則以多邊安全合作為最要,而近歲於朝鮮半島發展之多邊安全合作正為「六方會談」。是故,本論文冀望能從「新安全觀」意涵在「六方會談」的實踐與挑戰,探析中共朝鮮半島政策之走向。主要的研究目的包括:(一)詮釋中共「新安全觀」的動機與意涵;(二)具體呈現中共與各國在朝核問題的立場及互動作為;(三)評估「新安全觀」在「六方會談」中的實踐與挑戰,並分析其朝鮮半島政策取向。 / 「新安全觀」在「六方會談」中體現於以下幾項作為:(一)穿梭籌辦歷輪會談;(二)戮力於會談制度化;(三)保障參與各方權益。然而,「新安全觀」同時也面臨許多挑戰,最值得關切者有冷戰時期所遺留下來的軍事同盟、朝核危機當事兩國的立場分歧、「中國威脅論」的陰影等。大體上,中共對於朝核問題的政策立場有三:(一)朝鮮半島非核化;(二)區域的和平與穩定;(三)以外交談判解決。此外,還強調在解決朝核問題的同時,必須照顧到北韓的生存利益,而為因應諸多挑戰,中共的朝鮮半島政策可能將朝以下方向發展:(一)擴大多邊安全合作;(二)鞏固大國共同利益;(三)強化南韓合作關係;(四)引導北韓經濟改革。因此,就現階段政策取向而言,中共應會並用多邊與雙邊外交途徑,在朝鮮半島持續勸和促談,扮演多重建設性角色,而「新安全觀」若要被徹底落實,將取決於中共的國家利益能否持續與「新安全觀」所訴諸的理念相結合。 / This study anticipates exploring the trend of the Korean Peninsula Policy of China by understanding the implementation and challenge of New Security Concept (NSC) in the Six-Party Talks. The main research goal includes: to interpret the motivation and meaning of NSC, to present China’s position and behavior with other nations in terms of 2002 North Korea nuclear issue, and to evaluate the practice and challenge of NSC in Six-Party Talks. In the past rounds, NSC has been embodied in holding meetings, endeavoring to institutionalize, and ensuring the right and interest of all participants. Even so, NSC has been confronted some challenge in the meantime; embracing the military alliances remained from the cold war era, the gap between North Korea and United States, and so-called “China Threat.” / Briefly speaking, China has three positions in 2002 North Korea Nuclear Crisis: Denuclearization, peace and stability, and solutions through the negotiation in Korean Peninsula. China also emphasizes that every decision dealing with the crisis should be given consideration to North Korea’s interest. It is highly likely to blossom into what follows for the sake of replying these challenges: To extend multilateral corporation, to consolidate the common interest with other powers, to strengthen the relation with South Korea, and to guide North Korea to reform its economy. Therefore, China might use multilateral and bilateral approach simultaneously; continue to mediate and to play a multiple role in the constructive way. The further implementation of NSC depends on the extent of combining with China’s national interest and the ideal of NSC.

東北亞地區多邊對話機制之研究 / A Study on Northeast Asia Multilateral Dialogue Mechanism

王韋婷, Wang, Wei-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在歐洲、北美、東南亞等地區皆有定期、頻繁的區域對話,對話內容廣泛,不再是過去國家安全、區域安全傳統定義下的「安全對話」。然而區域對話風氣的盛行,在東北亞地區卻嗅不到一絲絲這樣的氣息。東北亞地區由於本身的歷史特殊性與地緣政治的特性,在國際關係上始終是各國利益的錯綜複雜的區域。 東北亞地區國際政治衝突點主要為:領土糾紛、北韓核武危機、中日關係、日人綁架事件。北韓核武危機背後的動機主要是冷戰為結束之前,美國在南韓部署戰術核武瞄準北韓,北韓基於安全考量,於是發展核武計畫,另一原因則是針對日本,北韓視日本為安全威脅,基於歷史因素,北韓將其核武計畫背後目標對準日本。 冷戰結束後的新安全環境,應該要以區域安全考量為核心,東北亞地區主要的安全形勢是美國仍是東北亞地區重要的安全主導者,同時美日聯盟是區域內重要的安全安排,隨者中國的經濟持續發展,中國將在東北亞地區扮演重要角色。多邊協商與合作是解決東北亞地區安全問題最有效的辦法,定期舉多邊對話更可增加行為者之間的了解與互信,多邊主義可以解決區域內危機。東北亞地區多邊合作經驗豐富,雖然多半是非正式的二軌多邊對話經驗,不過非正式的對話多邊機制剛好符合亞太地區的特色,差異性大的亞太國家,或者是在冷戰痕跡深刻的東北亞地區,都以應養成對話習慣,針對區域內的危機熱點例如北韓問題、中日歷史爭議、中美關係、中日東海油源紛爭、日俄領土爭議等問題,都可以藉著多邊對話機制建立信心措施。 目前正在進行中的六邊會談正好替東北亞國家提供一個良好的基礎,雖然目前六邊會談是以解決北韓核武危機為主要,不過在六邊會談裡參與成員對等,並且六邊會談也沒有抹煞美國雙邊同盟的功能,日後東北亞國家應可以以六邊會談為基礎,討論更多區域內安全議題,促進東北亞地區的對話。東北亞地區多邊對話機制的發展可以融入冷戰結束後的新興安全觀念。如此一來反而有利既存的六邊會談進一步發展。 / There is EU as a multilateral forum in Europe. There is ASEAN in Southeast Asia for Asia countries to understand policies of each country and get better transparency. The international relations between Northeast Asia countries have always been complicated and uncertain. However, there is no multilateral dialogue in Northeast Asia. To study the multilateral dialogue mechanism, we must pay attention to Multilateralism. And because of the unique security situation in Northeast Asia after Cold War, we have also to take the cooperative security, common security and comprehensive security into consideration. Thus, we can discuss the possibility of developing a multilateral dialogue mechanism in Northeast Asia. A multilateral dialogue mechanism is a dialoguing forum that three or more countries cooperate with each other under some principles, with habits of practicing, without agenda limits, no participation limit, in order to solve security problems and reduce confrontations. The second North Korea nuclear crisis happened in 2002. The first Six-Party Talks began in 2003 and has hold for four times until now. Six-Party Talks can be viewed as a foundation of multilateral mechanism in Northeast Asia, despite there are still some shortcomings. As long as Six-Party Talks keeps meeting, it is an achievement of dialogue for Northeast Asia countries. Six-Party Talks makes it possible that solving the crisis in a peaceful way and taking the diplomatic way to engage with DPRK. The Japan-US Alliance is the key factor to influence the international politics in Northeast Asia. Basically, the bilateral relations between US and Asia Pacific countries have become a “wheel”. The hub of USA is a key factor of developing a multilateral mechanism or not. To develop a multilateral mechanism in Northeast Asia must cooperate with US and not against its interests in Pacific Asia. Also, Northeast Asia countries have to build their mutual confidence and interests dependence.

中國大陸建構與美國「新型大國關係」的努力:以北韓核武議題為例 / On China’s Attempt to Build "New Type of Great Power Relations" with the United States : North Korean Nuclear Issue As An Example

潘丁央, Pan, Ting Yang Unknown Date (has links)
自從習近平在「莊園會晤」時向歐巴馬提出,中美共同建立新型大國關係,中共在亞太地區已經是掩蓋不住大國崛起的態勢。此時的平壤早已察覺到大國的壓力,面對中美關係日趨緊密,北韓為維持政權延續以及從中獲取利益,盡其所能提高在中美大國競爭時的籌碼,尤其是在東北亞各國政權更替時,施展戰略邊緣政策。 美國藉由北韓核試爆議題,成功部署軍事規劃、高舉國際輿論的大旗,迫使中共不得不對北韓施以必要措施。對於北韓不斷的舉行核試爆與導彈試射,中共在維護其重要國家利益與面對美國再平衡戰略的考量下,轉而借力使力,運用北韓核議題的持續發酵,得以延長應對美國及國際壓力。 因此,整個東北亞的關係結構,就是有關各國在中共與美國之間,取得對自己最大利益的位置。 / Xi Jinping proposed to Obama in the "Ennenberg Estate” summit in California during June 2013, Beijing has aftermath tried every effort to establish a “New Type of Great Power Relations” with Washington. China rise has been an obvious trend in the Asia-Pacific region. In this critical moment, Pyongyang has been aware of the pressure of big powers, in the face of China and the United States increasingly conciliatory relationship. In order to stabilize the North Korean regime and continue to take advantage of power politics in this area, North Korea tries to facilitate its bargaining gravity within the Sino-American interaction when they seek to use Pyongyang to counterbalance against each other. Particularly North Korea tends to exert its caliber of brinkmanship policy while it notices that the East Asian area is in the process of regime reshuffles. . Against the backdrop of North Korea's threat of continuing nuclear tests, Washington successfully accomplished military deployment and dominate direction of world public opinion in forcing China to impose the necessary measures on North Korea. For North Korea's ongoing nuclear test and missile test, China intends to manipulate its advantage based on its national interest. In the meantime, China implements this policy to counterweight the US “Rebalancing” strategy. Beijing goes to use the issue of North Korean nuclear development to further exert its strategy in responding to the pressures from both the United States and international community. Therefore, the international structure in the Northeast Asia, therefore, is that the concerning countries are seeking for their maximize advantage in the Sino-U.S. strategic engagement.


陳子平 Unknown Date (has links)
911恐怖攻擊事件,對世人造成無與倫比的震憾與驚駭,對世局形成絕無僅有的影響與衝擊。台灣身為國際社會的一份子,作為一個關心國家前途的公民,整個國際局勢的發展自不能置身事外,須儘早掌握身為小國的生存安全自處之道,以開拓國家未來發展的願景。 基於上述思維,作者以新現實主義華爾茲的國際政治體系理論的觀點切入,藉由文獻回顧,觀察911後台灣安全環境時,各家學者分別從國際安全、亞太區域、台海安全環境層面切入,發現每個環節對台灣安全都造成一定程度的衝擊,但相關因素卻又相互牽連,交叉影響,唯有將三個介面相連結,方可一窺台灣安全環境的全貌。 在新世紀的國際環境,國際體系結構下美中戰略互動,才是影響台灣安全的重要結構性因素。如果美中聯合反恐愈是成功,台灣付出的代價也愈是昂貴,台灣絕對不可輕忽911事件提供中美在反恐上絕無僅有的合作契機,反恐戰爭越久,中共扮演的角色愈形重要,美國就可能傾向中共的一邊,應切忌使台灣問題成為美中關係反恐的籌碼。 世界格局的重心正向亞太地區轉移,美中日三國的互動關係更決定了東北亞與東南亞地區的戰略安全環境。對東北亞情勢而言,911後美國支持日本承擔更多區域安全責任,是比較有利於台灣對抗中共的戰略威脅,如何強化台日關係具有重大實質意義。北韓核武飛彈危機,台灣應當注意美日同盟對北韓問題處理的動向;美國是否以台灣利益作為交換與中共合作的籌碼;又萬一在朝鮮半島擦槍走火,台灣尤須對中共藉機武力犯台預作防範。對東南亞情勢而言,政經整合趨勢已是強權角逐的利益所在,台灣卻無對話空間,對於台灣整體安全影響深遠。 911後台灣安全環境,美國與中共的互動存在於台灣戰略布局首要考量的決定性因素。相對於身處亞太形勢中的台灣而言,美中台三邊關係對台灣安全具有決定性地位。美中台三邊無法構成等邊三角形的對等關係,美中關係與美國因素對台灣安全更具有關鍵性影響。911後美國兩岸政策已向中共修正,兩岸關係政冷經熱,政府間僵持對立,而非傳統性安全威脅對台灣已形成潛在隱憂。整體而言,911後的台海安全環境已出現對台灣不利的走勢,而保持現狀不僅符合國際反恐訴求,也是台灣最佳的戰略選擇,關鍵轉捩點在2004年的台灣總統大選。 關鍵字: 九一一 反恐 台灣 生存安全 國際體系 美國全球戰略 中共新安全觀 美日同盟 北韓核武危機 東協 美中台關係 武力犯台 非傳統性安全威脅

第二次北韓核武危機中共扮演角色之研究 / A Study on the role of China during the 2nd North Korea nuclear crisis

宋玉蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
北韓自1950年代起逐步建立其核武實力,形成對國際社會的嚴重威脅,基於其政權生存與經濟的需要,動輒以核武要脅國際社會換取能源、糧食援助及安全保障。1994年第一次北韓核武危機結束後,由於美國與北韓後續未確實履行核框架協議,從2002年10月北韓承認恢復其核計畫、美國開始停止對北韓供應重油起,北韓動作頻頻,除自2003年1月10日起宣佈退出禁止核子武器擴散條約外,更積極發展核武抗衡美國與國際社會,對相關國家的安全造成莫大影響,並期望藉此獲得所需的政治利益與經濟援助。北韓的行為引起國際關注,視之為第二次北韓核武危機。中共、南韓、日本、俄羅斯及美國對此均投以高度關注,努力謀求解決之道,而中共更是此次核武危機演變與發展的關鍵斡旋角色。 第二次北韓核武危機發生以來,中共對核武問題的解決發生了建設性的作用,各輪會談能夠持續運作,中共以穿梭外交遊走於各國功不可沒,其角色重要而多樣,儼然成為斡旋者、調停者、領導者、防衛者、緩衝器、利益攸關者、平衡者、機制建議者,若依北韓核武危機往良性發展的端倪來看,未來中共更可能兼具經濟支援者、安全保障者和制度監督者的角色。此次的核武危機為中共大國外交提供難得的歷史機運,藉由複雜的危機解決過程,緩和了危機的緊張態勢,更藉由與各國間的互動與合作,獲得實質外交進展,提高了中共的國際影響力,同時這樣的作為也是符合各方利益的最佳選擇。 本文主要包含兩大方向:首先探討第二次北韓核武危機的背景與判斷北韓發展核武的動機,繼之簡述兩次核武危機始末;接著統整自三邊會談、六方會談召開以來之情勢發展及與會各國互動形成的共識共決,分析中共居中的角色與其國家利益之間的關聯性,並研判該議題未來走向。 / Since 1950s North Korea has gradually built up its nuclear weapon capabilities, forming a serious threat to international community. Based on the need of regime survival and economy, North Korea frequently uses nuclear weapons in threatening international community for exchanges of energy, food aid and security assurances. After the end of the First North Korea Nuclear Crisis in 1994, US and North Korea did not actually carry out the Agreed Framework, North Korea confessed to restart its nuclear program in October 2002 while US suspended supplying heavy fuel oil to North Korea. In addition to its withdrawal from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, North Korea also actively develops nuclear weapons to contend with the US and international community, bringing about huge impacts on the security of relative countries, hoping to exchange for more political benefit and economic assistance. The behavior of North Korea has raised international attention, regarding it as the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis. China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the US all pay high attention and work hard to seek for solutions to the crisis. China has played a key role in the evolution and development of the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis. Since the inception of the 2nd North Korea Nuclear Crisis, China has turned out to be constructively pivotal in solving nuclear weapon problems. The fact that six rounds of talks can take place continuously go to China’s credit, which pursues shuttle diplomacy to coordinate the activities of the other six-party talks participators, playing roles that are important yet various, apparently becoming a mediator, good officer, host, defender, buffer, stakeholder, balancer, mechanism keeper, and, in viewing from the point that North Korea Nuclear Crisis has been developed toward a more positive direction, China will more than likely take key role as economic supporter, security guarantor and mechanism supervisor. This nuclear crisis provides China a rare historical opportunity of big-power diplomacy. Through complex crisis solving process to détente intense situation and the interaction and cooperation among Northeast Asian nations to obtain actual diplomatic progress, the influence of China has soared while such action is the best choice in complying with relative nation’s interests. The study mainly include two directions: At first the background of the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis be reviewed and the motive of North Korea in developing nuclear weapon be determined. Then how the two nuclear crises began and ended are briefly stated, followed by integration of situation development since the Three-party talks, Six-party talks and the common agreement formed among participating nations. The role of China and relations to its interest is analyzed and thus the future direction of the issues is also carefully studied.

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