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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李英璇 Unknown Date (has links)
南中國海內有零星島群,其中以南沙群島為最,乃是世上最多國家涉及主權爭端的海域,其背後有當年殖民主義所遺留下來的歷史因素、現代海洋法公約所造成的曖昧不清的劃界以及主權權利劃分的問題,以及海洋資源的爭奪與政治上戰略地位的考量。上述因素相互關連並交織成南沙群島的主權爭議,中華民國、中華人民共和國、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞與汶萊六方各執一詞,從法理、歷史甚至是國土安全等論點來宣示主權,不過各爭端國在論點上各有利弊,所以南沙群島的主權劃歸至今仍無解。但是即便各方在主權議題上互不相讓,然而就南沙群島主權爭議而言,這些理性的行為者在幾番考量下仍願意共同合作。就目前的情況來看,先行暫時擱置主權,再進行共同開發似乎是唯一可行的方法,特別是合作的目標物為海上石油與油氣資源,因為能源資源乃是具有高度價值的不可再生性資源,而據相關單位估計,目前全球已開發的石油資源即將面臨耗竭狀態,因此潛在的石油存量才更加吸引各國的目光。 / 依照各方的合作意願與態度,本論文將以新自由制度主義中理性選擇下的合作精神與建制概念分析南海共同開發的可適用性與限制性。先論述共同開發的意涵,再闡述新自由制度主義與共同開發的關連性。接者為了配合南海的共同開發,筆者先介紹學者針對南海合作的觀點,再針對一九九零年馬來西亞與泰國暹邏灣大陸架資源共同開發案、二零零二年中國與越南北部灣劃界與漁業協定、二零零五年中、菲、越三國南海聯合海洋地震工作協議與二零零八年中國與菲律賓所發表的有關共同捕魚區的合作建議等四項案例作分析,從實際合作中探討未來針對南沙群島水域的共同開發可行性,並從新自由制度主義探討合作的展望與限制。 / Of all the islands in the South China sea, the island groups of the Spratlys is one of the most keenly disputed territories in Southeast Asia, where overlapping claims for sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction are hotly debated. There are a lot of reasons giving rise to the debate. First some scholars view the problem over the Spratlys as part of the historical legacies left behind by the former Western colonial powers. Second, other scholars place greater emphasis on ambiguous legal aspects of territorial jurisdiction. Third still other scholars emphasize political and geo-strategic considerations to explain the complex situation. Lastly nowadays a lot of studies focus on the possibilities of the discovery of major gas and oil field. Those perspectives above can explain why there is no concrete agreement among the six parties including the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. Although the issue of sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction is too complicate to deal with now, those rational actors still may cooperate and jointly explore and exploit. At present the only possible way to joint development is to first put sovereignty aside and then collaborate. / In this thesis, the objective is to analyze the feasibility and limitation of joint development from Neo-liberal Institutionalism which is mainly about cooperation and regime. First I explain what joint development is and then analyze the linkage between Neo-liberal Institutionalism and joint development. And the next part focuses on the Spratly islands and I analyze four cases including the agreement between Malaysia and Thailand on the constitution and other matters relating to the establishment of the joint authority, the agreement between China and Vietnam on Beibu gulf, the joint authority agreement on joint seismic survey of the South China Sea among the oil companies of China, Vietnam and the Philippines, and the recommendation of common fishing zone. I analyze and predict whether the joint development is feasible in the future through the analysis of practical cooperation.

論美國南海政策(2010-2014) / US Policy Towards The South China Sea(2010-2014)

陳玠源, Chen, Chieh Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
美國「南海」政策旨在為其「再平衡」戰略服務,並透過此一政策,能夠作 為深入亞洲地區的切入點。華府希冀南海爭端各方遵守國際規範、透過多邊機制 的談判與整合,來促使南海主權爭端議題和平解決,以及南海海域的航行自由等 均視為美國的國家利益。不過,美國實際舉措某種程度上而言仍存在著圍堵中共 之意味,尤其從「再平衡」政策推廣以來,無論是透過與亞洲地區傳統盟邦的軍 事同盟關係更新,拓展新型夥伴關係,不斷增強與東協國家互動密度,並在亞太 區域各處執行聯合軍事演習,種種作為都宣告著美國致力於亞太事務及其區域霸 權維護之決心。而美國「南海」政策挾其既有優勢以遏制中共的崛起與擴張,也 正逢此一適切時機,為美國爭取更大更多的戰略空間以及時間,來形塑美國所預 期的有利態勢與結果,包括符合美國利益的《南海行為準則》,更長遠的目標則 是透過這樣一個區域戰略創造出最佳的地緣戰略,奠定其未來放眼全球戰略上, 增加更多正面的選項,延長並維繫美國之超強霸權。 / The United States has enacted South China Sea policy. The main purpose of the policy is to support its rebalance strategy in the Asia Pacific. Moreover, it can be as the entry point which is driven deeper into the Asia Pacific. Washington intend to multi-national parties who involved in territorial sovereignty in South China Sea resolve the disputed issue peacefully by abiding international norms and multilateral mechanisms’ negotiation and integration. Also, the U.S. desires to maintain the freedom of navigation in South China Sea. From the viewpoint above, it seems like the solutions are beneficial to the multi-national parties, however, the U.S. would have more benefits on it. On the other hand, to certain extent, the intention of the U.S. is to contain the Mainland China. The progress of rebalance strategy mainly demonstrates (1) The U.S. is ramping up the relationship with allies in Southeast Asia, (2) They hold joint military drills in Asia Pacific frequently. From the rebalancing policy, it can be clearly seen that the United States determine to maintain and strengthen its power in the region. To sum up, the U.S.’ South China Sea policy may not only curb the Mainland China rising and expansion but also provide opportunities for the U.S. gaining greater strategic space. Whether the 12 July 2016 arbitral award will be incorporated into the South China Sea Code of Conduct is indeed a problem which in conflict with the national interest between the United States and Mainland China. Additionally, a long-term goal of the U.S. can be built such as creating a regional strategy based on geostrategic policy in order to ensure that they may extend and maintain their hegemony.


黃淑芳, Shu-fang Huang Unknown Date (has links)
殺人越貨肆無忌憚的海盜,並未隨著航運科技的突飛猛進而消聲匿跡,反而在九○年代大舉活動,對國際航運安全構成嚴重威脅。根據國際商會國際海事局 ( ICC International Maritime Bureau ) 統計,1991-1998年全球平均每年發生158起海盜案件,估計每年蒙受的財物損失超過2億美元。近年海盜攻擊手法日趨暴戾,船員傷亡人數逐年升高;更值得注意的是,海盜暴力行為可能間接提高船舶碰撞機率,造成無可挽回的海洋環境污染與生態浩劫。以地域而言,當前的海盜活動主要集中在東南亞、中南美洲、西非等地帶,尤以南海地區最為嚴重,幾占全球海盜案件總數之半。南海地區的海盜案件多發生在一國領海以內,經常疑涉一國軍警人員行為,其中又以中共海軍與公安船艦在東海、南海恣意攔檢商船的行為最讓國際社會苦惱。 鑑於海盜行為為害至巨且不易緝拿的特性,習慣國際法早將其交付世界各國普遍管轄,並經1958年公海公約與1982年聯合國海洋法公約確認。本論文除說明相關習慣法法典化過程,析述聯合國海洋法公約相關條款規定及其所引發的爭議外,進一步評估該公約是否足以因應當代海盜問題。由於海洋法公約僅規範狹義的海盜行為,九○年代盛行的海盜活動多半發生在一國領海以內,經常疑涉一國軍警人員行為,嚴格而言並非公約規範對象,然而其對海上航運安全的危害不容置疑,國際社會勢須設法因應。以南海地區為例,飽受海盜騷擾的沿海國家除各自掃蕩海盜外,也透過雙邊協定或東南亞國協等多邊機制,在強化海上執法、協調聯合巡邏、交換海上犯罪活動相關情報等方面進行合作。國際組織亦致力阻止情勢惡化,例如聯合國及其專屬機構──國際海事組織 ( IMO ),以及隸屬非政府間組織的國際海事局 ( IMB ) 均在彙整報案紀錄、提供警訊、發布預防及因應策略等面向上有長足貢獻。 第一章 緒論 第二章 海盜行為與國際社會的制約 第一節 「海盜」概念的沿革 第二節 關於海盜行為的國際規範演進 第三節 國際法上的海盜行為與國內法的海盜行為 第三章 1982年聯合國海洋法公約對海盜行為的規定 第一節 定義與構成要件 第二節 各國管轄權與共同制止海盜行為的義務 第三節 與公海以外海域的關連 第四節 國際法學者對公約規定的評論 第四章 當前南海海盜問題 第一節 地理環境與海盜現況簡述 第二節 領海內的海盜行為 第三節 疑似國家行為的「海盜」 第四節 區域內的執法與對策 第五章 國際社會遏阻海盜行為的努力 第一節 國際法的限制 第二節 國際組織的貢獻 第三節 期許與展望 第六章 結論 附錄1 1958年公海公約第14-21條 附錄2 1982年聯合國海洋法公約第100-107條 附錄3 1991-1997年海盜案件地理分區表

中共對南海政策:外交與軍事手段之運用 / PRC'S Policy Toward the South China Sea: Diplomacy and Force Instrument in Operation

張執中, Chang, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)


鄭秋明, Cheng,Chiu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
二次世界大戰結束後,以美國為首的民主國家採取長期的對蘇聯的社會主義國家圍堵不接觸的「冷戰」作為,此種兩極體系發展產生一種軍備競賽方式取代戰爭模式,1991年蘇聯共產體制瓦解,原已經於一九八九年宣告結束的東西「冷戰」正式結束,冷戰結束後,世界軍事格局脫離了兩極對峙,1978年鄧小平掌權後,判斷世界新形勢,修正社會主義路線,經濟上遂行改革開放政策,帶動了中共國力崛起。 崛起的中共在軍事上不斷現代化,威脅著南海爭議相關國家,同時也代表美國在亞洲的利益受到挑戰,中共近期將南海島礁主權列為國家重大利益,軍力部署轉向海洋及東南方,也使中國威脅論升高,導致東協部份國家紛紛加強軍備,增加亞太地區的不穩定性,促使東協國家引進美國力量介入。 美國持續在東亞地區透過雙邊同盟或軍事關係,維持美國的國家利益,美國第44任總統歐巴馬也以重返亞洲為國務外交重大政策,因此美國與中共兩國在亞洲地區的合作或競爭作為,未來將左右南海爭議走向,這也是南海問題複雜的原因。 南海領土主權爭議是二戰結束後,亞洲國家戰後紛紛掙脫殖民國控制,先後完成各種制度的國家獨立開始,另外1952年國際海洋法公佈領海及鄰接區公約,也喚起世界各海洋國家的重視,然而國際法著重現實主義立場,使得南海周邊各國莫不以島礁「先佔」(Occupation)的行為爭取國家利益。 本文以南海地區的情勢發展為基礎,探究中共與美國對南海的國家戰略,首先從國際海洋法論南海主權問題,接續再由政治外交、經濟貿易、軍事等戰略面向分析,最後比較兩個大國的戰略互動行為,以求更進一步認識南海問題。 / Since the end of WWII, the democratic countries which led by U.S. have been adopting a policy with isolating and encircling measures to against former USSR and its follower communist countries for more than 3 decades which known “Cold War”, instead of traditional warfare, the pattern of these two poles of the political bodies gradually developed another situation of armament competition, in 1991, the communist body of the Soviet has collapsed, it was also a formal declaration of the end of West-East confrontation which we called Cold War. Ever since the Cold War, the pattern of the military strategy has been changed, in 1978, under Deng, Xiao-Ping’ ruling, he re-aligned its original socialist route by judging reality of world environment and adopted open policies on the aspect of economy, this movement has caused China’s power rising. China’s rising continuously keeping PLA modernized militarily, that also caused significant threats to countries who involve the dispute of South China Sea issues, mean while, it represent that the U.S. interests in Asia have been challenged as well, China has claimed the sovereignty of isled of South China Sea as critical interests of PRC recently, the deployment of forces has been moved to south east of China and its coastal areas, this move has elevated the possibility which known as “theory of China’s threat” and relatively increased Pac-Asia regions unstable and caused armaments enforcement themselves, it also welcome US power involve by ASEAN. The US continuously intent to maintain it’ interests in South Asia through bi-lateral allies and military relations cooperation, the President Obama has announced that return to South Asia will be a significant policy for US, thus the competition between US and China in the area will affects the dispute among the countries and makes it more complex. The dispute of South China Sea sovereignty had started after WWII and countries which out of colonial controlled and had all their policies established, on the other hand, in 1952, the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS) issued has reminds and abstracts oceanic countries attention, however, international laws tend to reality, so that there is no country around the South China Sea without struggling for its own interests which by measure of pre-occupying isled on that. The context is base on the development of South China Sea as fundamentals so as to explore the strategies both US and PRC whom involved South China Sea disputes, first will start to discuss the problems of sovereignty base on international ocean laws, and then to discuss on analysis of various aspects such as political diplomacy, economic trade and military and will be wrapped up by the comparison of US-PRC on strategic interaction so as to make readers gain more understanding on the issues of South China Sea.

習近平主政後中美南海政策之研究 / A Study of Sino - American Policy Towards the South China Sea after Xi Jinping 's Reign

陳忠溪, Chen, Chung Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
2013年3月14日,習近平成為中共的最高領導人,不同於前幾代中國大陸領導人,習近平提出了「中國夢」的願景,不僅為主導與型塑著習近平時代中共的對外政策、戰略規劃與全球佈局,且其的內涵伴隨著情勢發展和現實需要不斷的擴充,不僅積極應處周邊關係,穩定亞太地區、妥善處理海權爭議、牽制美國亞太「再平衡」戰略,並向西推進「一帶一路」戰略。 而在亞太地區被公認為世界經濟發動的火車頭之際,「重返亞洲」則成美國最重要的外交目標。歐巴馬政府重新調整外交政策,強調透過盟友、國際制度、謹慎的外交及道德理想的力量來爭取他人認同美國的目標,藉此促進本身的利益;同時,藉由增加在該地區的政治、經濟和軍事投入,逐漸提升其他國家對於美國的信任,藉此鞏固美國的領導地位。 美中雙方為何這麼在意在南海區域的發展及權利伸張,美國在仲裁案後特別強調南海是美國「最高國家利益」,而中方也早早就說過南海是中國的「核心利益」,如此是否註定中美兩方必在南海地區發生權力爭奪戲碼,不禁令人要問美、中雙方到底誰才是破壞南海和平或南海秩序的國家? 南海究竟具備什麼樣的地理特性或其他重要的條件,讓世界的霸權及崛起的強權交集的南海地區,而使這個地區被學者示警南海恐成第3次世界大戰舞臺。 / On March 14, 2013, Xi Jinping became the supreme leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Unlike the leaders of the previous generation of mainland China, Xi Jinping put forward the vision of "Chinese Dream", not only for the foreign policy and strategic planning And the global layout, and its connotation along with the development of the situation and the reality needs to continue to expand, not only actively should be peripheral relations, stability in the Asia-Pacific region, properly handle the sea dispute, contain the US Asia-Pacific "rebalancing" strategy, and westward " Along the way "strategy. In the Asia-Pacific region is recognized as the world economy launched the locomotive, the "return to Asia" has become the United States the most important diplomatic goals. The Obama administration has reoriented its foreign policy by emphasizing the goal of the United States through its allies, international regimes, prudent diplomatic and moral ideals, to promote its own interests; by increasing the political, Economic and military investment, and gradually enhance the confidence of other countries for the United States, to consolidate the US leadership. Why the United States and China are concerned about the development of the South China Sea region and the right to extend the United States in the arbitration case, especially stressed that the South China Sea is the United States "the highest national interest", and the Chinese side has long said that the South China Sea is China's "core interests", so destined China and the United States will be in the South China Sea area of power to compete for drama, can not help but to ask the United States, the two sides in the end who is the destruction of the South China Sea peace or the South China Sea order of the country? The South China Sea has what kind of geographical features or other important conditions, so that the world's hegemony and the rise of the power of the intersection of the South China Sea region, leaving the region by the students to warn the South China Sea fear of the third World War stage.

論《南海各方行為宣言》對和平解決陸菲南海爭端之適用分析 / The Assessment of the Application of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC)to Peacefully Resolve the Philippines-Mainland China Dispute in the South China Sea

王淑櫻, Wang, Shu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
1945年《聯合國憲章》賦予國家有義務針對彼此爭端協議和平解決爭端之方法,並且有權自由選擇和平方法解決爭端。1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》進一步確認《聯合國憲章》的和平解決爭端規範,並在尊重國家主權原則的前提下,特別載明一套關鍵維持世界海洋法制穩定存續的強制爭端解決規定。 中國大陸與東協各國於2002年針對日益激化的南海爭端簽訂《南海各方行為宣言》,其中明文重申《聯合國憲章》以及《海洋法公約》等國際法規範下的和平解決爭端原則。爾後,南海爭端隨著大國政治的發展與抗衡而顯得更加動盪,菲律賓進一步在2013年初將與中國大陸的南海爭端提交到《海洋法公約》強制仲裁程序來解決。因此,本文探討既存的《南海行為宣言》是否構成強制仲裁庭的管轄權障礙,來保障國家有自主選擇爭端解決方式的權利?又《南海行為宣言》在陸菲南海爭端中扮演何種和平解決爭端的角色,並且其意義與不足之處為何? 在此問題意識下,首先就爭端標的進行分析,採取以國際關係及仲裁庭的角度來檢視陸菲南海爭端的性質。以國際關係的角度來檢視能發揮以下三個作用:一、理解爭端國在國際政治中的實力評估;二、檢視小國採取司法利用,以及與大國結盟以增加抗衡大國之談判籌碼及獲取法律正當性的策略;三、同時考量所涉爭端的政治與法律性質。另一方面,以仲裁庭的角度來檢視則能瞭知法院如何以國際公法原則來判斷爭端性質。 其次整理《海洋法公約》爭端解決機制以及《南海行為宣言》的內容,分析《海洋法公約》強制爭端解決機制設計的立意與《南海行為宣言》的制訂脈絡,得出《南海行為宣言》在《海洋法公約》的規範下僅為一載有「斡旋」精神的協議,爭端解決的責任仍舊交由簽署國解決。 此外,進一步再藉由仲裁庭的裁判,來分析《南海行為宣言》的法律性質。最後本文發現,中國大陸與東協各國所制訂的《南海行為宣言》僅為一重申既存和平解決規範精神的不具法律拘束力之文件,且未替簽署國創設必須由談判來解決爭端的義務。 最後,對於《南海行為宣言》作出整體評價,其彰顯具有國際法所承認之斡旋精神,展現其類似軟法性質的衝突預防之功能,然而《南海行為宣言》不具有法律實質拘束力,因而無法排除基於《海洋法公約》所提起的強制司法管轄。縱然如此,在「跨國法制歷程」概念中,《南海行為宣言》並非毫無建樹,其為透過各國「互動」而產生一行為模式之規範,然而《南海行為宣言》制訂後至仲裁庭啟動期間,並未使得相關國家對該規範進行有力「內化」的工程,使得該項規範的原則無法發揮效用。然此部分之推論尚待進一步詳細論證分析。 綜上所述,本文透過對於《南海行為宣言》之相關分析,認為我方在擬定未來南海政策時應在尊重各國主權原則的前提下,提升自身國家綜合實力以增加對外談判之籌碼,同時應增進國際法中關於和平解決爭端之研究,有效在各種方面落實國際法爭端解決規範的內化進程。


陳希傑 Unknown Date (has links)

從中美兩國在南海戰略探討既有霸權與新興霸權之衝突 / Conflicts between US and China toward South China Sea Strategies

劉育珊, Liu, Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
美國在2008年經歷金融風暴,面臨嚴重衰退,似乎打破了西方資本主義的神話,反觀中國自改革開放以來,經濟大幅成長,隨著國力的提升,中國政府在國際外交的態度與立場漸趨強硬,中國對於核心利益的重視程度可謂與日俱增。與此同時,美國在結束中東戰事後,開始將其注意力轉向亞洲,冀能強化其在亞洲政治、經濟、軍事上的存在,因而美國總統歐巴馬在2009年提出重返亞洲「再平衡」戰略。南海由於位居航運要道,居豐富天然資源,戰略地位十分重要。近年來南海由於主權領土問題,各方爭議不斷,中美雙方亦在此議題上多次交手。 本研究擬採用米氏對於霸權與國際體系的論述,以觀察中美關係與兩國在南海的戰略走向。根據攻勢現實主義的觀點,本研究預期美國身為既有霸權,為保有其主導優勢地位,將會以離岸平衡者的姿態,採取推諉卸責以及制衡政策,避免亞太地區新興區域霸權的生成,因而在面對潛在霸權(中國)崛起時,美國身為區域霸主,符合米氏設定將採取「維持其全球主導地位的現狀」之戰略,而中國身為崛起中的大國,則將把握機會,提升自身權力,並渴望「改變現狀」,以求取代美國在亞洲地區的主導地位,成為亞太的區域霸主。 整體而論,中美兩國雖然在東亞體系處於競逐關係,但短期內仍會維持鬥而不破的往來模式。美國以離岸平衡姿態觀望,期望不與中國產生直接衝突;中國則把握戰略機遇期,提升實力,避免其崛起之路受到阻礙,兩國在經貿交流方面則最有可能因為共同利益攜手合作。

後冷戰時期菲律賓對中共外交政策之研究 / The research of Philippines' China policy of post cold war era

陳漢祥, Chen, Han Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
自二十世紀四○年代末期以來,菲律賓對中共的外交政策與菲中關係經歷了戲劇性的變化,大致可以分為4個時期:從二十世紀四○年代末到六○年代末和七○年代初的近20年,親美主義與反共的意識形態形成了這一時期菲律賓的對外政策,意識形態與國家安全則是菲國對中共政策的主要考量,菲律賓奉行對中共完全「隔離」的冷戰政策;從七○年代初到九○年代初的近20年中,隨著冷戰體系的逐漸坍塌,菲律賓對外政策從重意識形態和政治轉向為發展外交,從而決定與中共建交,而國家安全在菲中關係中的作用則下降;從九○年代初到二十一世紀初,菲中關係由於後冷戰時期東亞地區格局的變動,以及菲中在南海的爭端,菲國再次評估中共對其國家安全的影響,從而又一次調整與美國的關係,希望借助美國的力量來制衡中共;而自2001年亞羅育總統上台以來,開啟了菲中關係的新時代,雙方建立了戰略合作伙伴關係,步入了雙邊關係的「黃金時期」,並延續至現任總統艾奎若三世。 在菲中關係的4個歷史時期,意識形態、美國因素、共產黨活動、歷史遺產、華僑華人、領海爭端、臺灣問題、政治結構、經濟關係等一系列因素從國內與國際的層面相互關聯和作用,此消彼長,共同影響了菲律賓的對中共外交政策。 就菲中關係發展的未來趨勢而言,菲中關係將主要受菲國國內政治的影響,傳統的美國因素仍不容忽視,同時,雙方在南海上的爭端儘管暫時擱置,但仍充滿不確定性,這些因素都限制了菲中關係的發展,但中共仍然可以在很大程度上利用菲律賓國內的政治、經濟需求來主導未來菲中關係的發展。 / Philippines’ China Policy and Philippines-Sino relations have undergone dramatic changes since the World WarII., and can be divided into four phrases. During the first period, from the late 1940s to the late 1960s and early 70s, the Pro-U.S. principal and anti-communist ideology, two factors formed the Philippines’ foreign policy. Ideology and national security were Philippines’ prime considerations, Philippines pursued a fully isolation Policy towards China. During the second phrase, from the early 1970s and the early 1990s, with the gradual collapse of the Cold War system, Philippines’ foreign policy has shifted from ideology-centric to politics-centric, the development of diplomacy has become the leading foreign policy thought, the above policy based on national security and ideology was declined, in this context, Philippines finally opened its door to People Republic of China. The third phrase started from the early 1990s and ended at the beginning of the21st century, during which Philippines’ idea on national security was reshaped the new structure of East Asia in the post-Cold War times, and the dispute between Philippines and PRC, Philippines re-evaluated PRC’s influence to her national security. Philippines hoped to introduce USA’s power to balance China in this region. A new time for Philippines-Sino was activated since President Arroyo came into power in 2001, in this period, both sides agreed to establish strategic partner relations in 2004. The Philippine-Sino relation has reached the “Golden Era” and continued up to now the president Aquino III. In the four stages of Philippines-Sino relations, ideology, the United States, the Communist Party of the Philippines and its rebellion, historical heritage, and overseas Chinese, territorial dispute, Taiwan issue, Philippines’ political structure, economic relations and other factors, interact and intersect from the international level and national level, and finally decide Philippines’ China Policy. As far as the future of bilateral relations between Philippines and PRC is concerned, though mostly decided by domestic politics, Philippines-Sino relations cannot yet break away from historic factors like America. And even though the two sides have put away the South China Sea dispute, it still remained so many uncertainties. All these factors have limited the developments of Philippines-Sino relations. Anyway, China still can, to great extend, lead the to-be relations through its strong economic and political power.

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